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 Slowly but surely getting used to her new living locale, Katie Price was spotted taking her son Harvey to the Junior Blind of America school in Los Angeles on Friday (February 6).
The British beauty was dressed in a casual all-black ensemble, helping her 6-year-old out of the car and leading him inside for the day’s classes.
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| Jennifer Aniston Keeps Lining Up New Roles | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She’s got a sure-to-be hit movie “He’s Just Not That Into You” opening up in theaters today, and Jennifer Aniston just keeps on lining up new projects.
The former “Friends” star, who appeared on the “Tonight Show with Jay Leno” last night, has announced that she’ll be starring in a new movie called “The Baster”.
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| Shocking Paris Hilton accusations: she craves attention | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Paris Hilton?s crappy reality show ? an embarrassing attempt at finding a new best friend for a girl that no women like ? has a new contestant, and she?s spilling the beans about Paris. And they?re not very flattering beans. Actress Laura Meakin replaced another contestant ? a pole dancer ? who had a burst appendix. Laura ? who is described as very level headed ? doesn?t seem all that interested in winning the contest to be Paris? new best friend. If she is, she?s got an unusual way of going about it. She described Paris? life, and it?s exactly as superficial and empty as you?d expect. And ? surprise ? Paris is really vain!
?Paris doesn?t walk, she floats. When she breezes into a room you can?t help but stop and stare at her. She never looks anything less than immaculate because she as a team of people constantly preening her to perfection. She is always worried that she looks too shiny or whether the cameras are getting her best side. Before Paris leaves a nightclub, her lip gloss is freshly applied by a flunkie, her hair is styled and she insists on looking flawless. She has a check in the mirror for lipstick on her teeth and then strides out.
The paps are jostling about and flashbulbs are going off all over the place and its quite scary. But she loves it. Paris totally adores the attention and the cameras. At the time she was still dating Benji Madden. He was ever so sweet and would be waiting away from the cameras with a glass of water and cigarette for her. She?d say: My feet are f***ing killing me! and be straight on her jewel-encrusted BlackBerry. She was hardly ever off that thing and was always texting and emailing. She actually had two BlackBerrys.
I was never fooled into thinking I would become Paris Hiltons best friend in the world. It?s purely an entertainment show and I saw it as a job. I must admit, I was also curious to meet Paris and find out what she was really like. She?s actually genuinely lovely. When I first met her I was wearing my designer shoes. She came up to me and said: Oh my God! Your Gucci shoes are so hot! That is honestly how she talks. Everything has to be hot. There is something very childlike about her.
I never saw her in the same outfit twice. If I saw her in the morning, by lunchtime she was in a completely different outfit. She must change about three times a day.
[From the Mirror]
Laura does say some very kind things about Paris, and points out that she?s actually very nice, even though she lives in a vapid bubble. A better way to put it is that Paris can be nice, when she wants to. She can also be a total snot, as witnessed by her comment about the recently married Fergie.
Paris Hilton chatted up Fergie (below) during the Vanity Fair & Krug dinner party at L.A.?s Chateau Marmont, grilling the singer for details of her recent wedding and honeymoon. But as soon as Fergie Ferg walked away, the celebutard sniped to sister Nicky, ?Ha ? my engagement ring was bigger!? Yeah, Paris, but which one of you is actually married?
[From the New York Daily News]
I?ll also note that Paris? engagement ring was so big that she had to get another one for general day-to-day activities, because the actual ring hurt her hand after a while. It was a 24-carat ring. That?s just disgusting. And not ?disgusting? like I?m jealous, ?disgusting? like it?s ostentatious and tacky. Okay maybe I?m jealous. But that?s the only thing about Paris I?ve ever been jealous of. Well, that and her canoe feet.
Here?s Paris Hilton heading home after a night out in Hollywood on Wednesday. Images thanks to Fame.
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| Christian Bale apologizes for tirade | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Christian Bale went on KROQ’s Kevin & Bean show this morning (audio below) to apologize for the outburst on the Terminator: Salvation set and to assure everyone that he and Shane Hurlbut squared it away that day. They even spent the next month working together in perfect harmony.
“The thing that I really want to stress is I have no confusion whatsoever. I was out of order beyond belief. I was way out of order. I acted like a punk. I regret that.
“There is nobody that has heard that tape that is hit harder by it than me. I make no excuses for it. It is inexcusable. I hope that that is absolutely clear.”
Christian even welcomed people to mock and remix his rant to their hearts content. So suck it Harry Knowles, you ass kisser. Even Christian Bale is sorry and has a sense of humor about it.
“Feel free to make fun of me at my expense; I deserve it completely.”
As far as apologies go, this was far better than the one I gave my date. Probably because I didn’t mean it. Look, is it my fault that the safe word was “cake”? You try and remember that.
[See post to listen to audio]
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| Jessica Simpson almost has a nervous breakdown at concert | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Jessica Simpson performed in Grand Rapids, Michigan last night and nearly suffered a meltdown. Concert-goers were alarmed when Simpson forgot her lyrics, mumbled and almost cried during her 38 minute set. Jessica also kept adjusting her earpiece and complaining that she couldn’t hear herself.
In the middle of “Come on Over,” she forgot the lyrics. During “Pray Out Loud,” she told her band to start over. Simpson then admitted to the audience that there are times she felt like walking off stage, “like tonight.”
Publicists claimed Jessica was just having an off night while her record label said she blew out her voice in the middle of the show and that’s why she was crying.
Could this be a sign that Tony Romo finally ended it with Jessica Simpson and now she fears she’s going to be a spinster for the rest of her life like that awful Jennifer Aniston? His absence at the concert could be due to a lot of things. One of them, for example, is that he was busy banging some chick in Jessica’s bed. Hopefully, she’ll understand and realize it’s nothing to have a mental breakdown over.
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| Kate Winslet Premieres The Reader, Talks Love Scenes | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Gracing the red carpet for her highly praised film “The Reader,” Kate Winslet was beautiful in black at the Berlin Film Festival in Berlin, Germany on Friday (February 6).
Following a morning press conference, the Oscar-nominated actress joined co-stars Ralph Fiennes, David Dross, and director Stephen Daldry for the glitzy premiere of her new movie held at the Festival Palac.
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| Sarah Jessica Parker: Bundled Up in the Big Apple | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Braving the cold winter weather, Sarah Jessica Parker was spotted out in New York City earlier today (February 6).
Dressed for the chilliness, the actress bundled up to stay warm in a knitted hat, navy blue parka, jeans, and some cozy UGG boots as she exited her Big Apple abode.
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| Christian Bale earnestly apologizes for rant | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Christian Bale’s on-set rant against a technician working on Terminator: Salvation has only been out a week and is already the stuff of legend. It’s been parodied unmercifully in the media, and an amusing remix (link leads to video) has received over 1.6 million views on YouTube.
People are divided over whether it should have been leaked or not, and if Bale was clearly in the wrong or if he had an understandable fit of anger during the most intense scene in the film in which a lighting technician with whom he’d had the same issue with in the past was interfering. His own mother publicly commented on the rant, saying that she understood why he was upset but implying that he shouldn’t have carried on so long with it.
Christian Bale himself has decided to talk about the controversy. He called in to an LA radio station this morning and said that he’s had “a miserable week,” that the issue over the tape has affected him deeply, and that he knows he was in the wrong and has no excuse for it.
One thing that E! didn’t include in their coverage of this below is that Bale said “I’m not comfortable with this notion of being a movie star. I’m an actor… I don’t quite know how to handle the movie star thing. The thing that disturbs me is that I’ve a lot of people saying that I seem to think I’m better than anybody else. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am a lucky SOB. I never forget that, and that is why I put so much into what I do, and why I care so much about it and sometimes that enthusiasm just goes awry. If anyone ever sees me thinking that I’m better than anybody else… stick a fork in me, turn me over, I’m done.”
The radio station that Bale called into has been mocking him on the air this week, and he said it was fine and that he deserved it:
After a week of unrelenting press coverage in the wake of his leaked onset rant, Bale unexpectedly chose to break his silence over the incident on KROQ radio’s popular morning show, taking full responsibility for his Terminator: Salvation explosion.
“It’s been a miserable week for me,” Bale told hosts Kevin Ryder and Gene “Bean” Baxter. “Listen, I know I have a potty mouth; everybody knows this now.
“The thing that I really want to stress is I have no confusion whatsoever. I was out of order beyond belief. I was way out of order. I acted like a punk. I regret that.
“There is nobody that has heard that tape that’s been hit harder by it than me. I make no excuses for it. It is unexcusable. I hope that that is absolutely clear.”
As for what brought on the much-played rant, Bale said the day’s shooting was particularly intense: “I put so much into what I do and care so much about it and sometimes the enthusiasm just goes awry.
“I’m embarrassed by it. I ask everybody to sit down and ask themselves, have they ever had a bad day and have they ever lost their temper and really regretted it immensely.”
Not that he doesn’t understand the public’s insatiable desire to hear?and mock and remix?the audio.
“Feel free to make fun of me at my expense; I deserve it completely.”
Bale, who could easily have chosen any worldwide media to deliver his mea culpa, said he selected KROQ because had been listening to the morning show’s mockery and incessant playing of his rant all week.
“I spoke with you guys a few years back; you seem like good guys and I wanted to talk with you about it,” he said, before adding that the DJs’ take on his rant made him laugh. “Believe me, this is no punk…”
(For those doubting the validity of the scoop, Bale’s rep Jennifer Allen has confirmed that it was the actor, and not the station’s dead-on Bale impersonator, Ralph Garman.)
As for any residual hard feelings between Bale and D.P. Shane Hurlbut, the object of his on-set rant, the actor said it ceased being an issue shortly after the outburst.
“We have resolved this completely…I have no intention of getting anyone fired. There is no problem whatsoever.”
[From E! Online]
He also explained the rant very well, and said that he was filming a rough scene “mixed up fact and fiction” and was “half John Connor,” when he flipped out. Bale was incredibly genuine and upfront in the interview and I got the impression that he would have felt bad about the rant even if the footage hadn’t been released. He said he worked out the issue with that guy he was yelling at that very day, worked with him for hours more that day, and for a month afterwards. He pleaded to the audience not to let his rant interfere with their impression of the movie, and said it’s a great film that everyone should go see.
Bale also had a message he wanted to give to Michael Phelps before he got off the phone, he said “Please, Michael Phelps, swim in the next Olympics… sure he smoked a bit of weed, plenty of our Presidents have, do not waste that God-like talent, swim in the next Olympic games.”
It’s also to Bale’s credit that he called into a radio station to give his first post rant interview and didn’t go the talkshow route. I would encourage everyone to listen to the tape of Christian Bale’s apology, it’s not on YouTube yet, but you can hear it on KROQ’s website (left side) and on E! Online.
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| Sandra Bullock is now a full-time stepmother | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 As we reported in December, Jesse James’ ex-wife, pornstar Janine Lindemulder, has been sentenced to six months in prison for tax evasion. She has to report for incarceration on March 10, and on that date Sandra Bullock will become a full-time mom to Jesse’s daughter, Sunny.
Already close to Sunny ? the two are often seen at the playground ? Sandra takes on this new responsibility under difficult circumstances: On March 10, Sunny?s mother, former adult film star Janine Lindemulder, 40, will head for federal prison to serve a six-month sentence for income tax evasion. While Janine is behind bars, an Orange County, Calif., court awarded temporary full custody of Sunny to Jesse.
?Sandra will be fantastic as a full-time mom,? says actor Denis O?Hare, her co-star in her upcoming film The Proposal. ?Jesse?s daughter is lucky to have Sandra in her life.?
The role of stepmom is not new to Sandra: She?s also close to Jesse?s two older children, daughter Chandler, 13, and son Jesse Jr., 10, from his marriage to Karla James.
?If the court gave Jesse James custody of Sunny, well… that?s her daddy. He should take care of her,? Janine?s aunt, Marjorie Lindemulder, tells OK!. ?I just hope and pray for everyone involved.?
As for Sandra, the challenge appears to be a blessing. ?I don?t see the difference in having blood-related kids or children who come with your husband,? she said last spring. ?I am very blessed.?
[from OK!]
Janine has also been accused by Jesse of abusing their daughter Sunny, and she will have to spend another six months in a federal-run facility after she is released from prison. It will be interesting to see if she regains full custody of her daughter Sunny after she comes back, or if there will be a custody battle.
It’s very sweet that Sandra is quoted in the article as saying that it doesn’t matter whether her kids are biological or not. Children are children, and they need to be taken care of in a good home. Although there were rumors that Jesse left Janine for Sandra, Jesse and Sandra’s marriage always seemed stable and in photographs they always seem so happy. Hopefully that will translate to a loving full-time home for Sunny.
Sandra, Sunny and Jesse James are shown at LAX on 7/27/08. Credit: Bauergriffin
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| Paris Hilton and Her Green Dress | Added 16 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Paris Hilton was out with her sister recently in this shimmery green number. To me it kind of looks like Paris was trying to wear a green toga. While we don’t get to see the pokies that she has shown us a lot of recently, Paris does give us an okay view of some cleavage. In the end it is good to see Paris playing along and giving us some sexy looks. Sometimes Paris Hilton can be quite decent looking, especially in this green dress. Too bad she’s a CDC hot zone.
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| Salma Hayek is very giving | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 On a recent UNICEF fact-finding trip to Sierra Leone, Salma Hayek nursed a starving baby back to health with her own breast milk. God damn. Sierra Leone always gets the good stuff.
Appearing on Thursday’s (05Feb09) Today show in America, Hayek simply nodded as host Kathie Lee Gifford asked, “You found a child that was starving to death, the mother had no milk - and you nursed that baby?” And then said, “It’s about women sticking together and we really need to help the children in any way we can.”
When asked for comment, the mother said, “That wasn’t a baby. That was a hairless Sierra Leone sewer rat!” And so began “Scary Stories 5: Celebrity Edition”.
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| Hayden Panettiere is cheating on Milo Vegemite | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 I wasn’t sure how to spell his last name, so there you go. Anyway, previous reports indicated that Heroes stars Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia (yes! got it.) were dating. There is no empirical evidence, but if they are, they’re probably not anymore. Radar Online reports that Hayden was “ALL OVER” (yikes, caps, must mean it’s really shocking) 21-year-old Jesse McCartney. RO writes:
And when we say ALL OVER [ed. note: again with the caps. what are you, 12?], that’s exactly what we mean. She was holding him tighter than Michael Phelps gripping that bong. The Heroes star was sitting on Jesse’s lap while he kissed her neck. Then she got up and did some crazy sexy dance in his lap.
Neck kissing? Sexy dances? Egads. Sounds like the devil was in Jesse’s pants. I hope they used protection. My mom says lap sitting leads to babies and babies are how God punishes the sinners.
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| Christian Bale Apologizes for 'Potty Mouth' | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Trying to smooth things over following the release of his now-notorious on-set blowup, Christian Bale has offered up an apology.
The “Dark Knight” actor phoned into KROQ’s Kevin & Bean show earlier today, explaining all of the expletives thrown about while filming “Terminator Salvation.”
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 Following an overnight flight out of Los Angeles, Shia Labeouf touched down at Heathrow airport in London on Friday (February 6).
Still showing off his injured hand sustained from a car accident last year, the “Transformers 2” star quickly made his way to the terminal exit - lighting up a cigarette immediately upon hitting the doors.
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| Anne Hathaway pays for everything with new boyfriend | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Does anyone envy Anne Hthaway?s dating history? She spent four tumultuous years with con man Raffaello Follieri, her first real boyfriend, and now she?s dating a struggling-but-cute actor named Adam Shulman. Star is reporting that Shulman is really, really struggling, and that Anne has to pay his way.
I have to nitpick with Star, a tabloid that seems to think if they repeat the lie enough times it is somehow true. They report that Hathaway was paying for her extravagent lifestyle with Raffaello back when they were together, yet part of Raffaello?s ?con? was stealing money to pay for his own private lifestyle. Not that Anne didn’t lose money in the relationship - it?s well-documented that she donated money to Follieri?s ?charity?, but not that she paid for their apartment and lifestyle.
Anne Hathaway must be feeling a bit of dj vu when it comes to her new beau, Adam Shulman!
The Bride Wars star spent big bucks on her con man ex, Raffaello Follieri, even shelling out $37,000 a month for his apartment in NYC’s Olympic Tower before finally dumping him in June. And though she’s been head over heels for struggling actor Adam since the two hooked up in the fall, Anne once again has to pay up for her man!
“Adam is not a swindler like Raffaello, but the truth is the truth: Adam is far from Mr. Moneybags, so Anne has to buy everything,” an insider tells Star. “She leads an extravagant lifestyle ? she has to fly all over the globe and show up at black-tie events. The only way for Adam to fit into her life is if she foots the bill.”
Still, adds the source, “He feels bad that Anne has to pay, so he does little things for her, like buy her books, give her love notes and cook her meals ? little things to make her feel special.”
From Star Magazine
Anne is probably a naturally generous person, and I?m sure this Shulman guy is nowhere near the epic douche Follieri was, but Anne might want to stop dating and regroup a little bit. It?s perfectly possible that Star is making a mountain out of a molehill - after all, Anne?s ?dates? for most of her red carpet appearances the past few months have been her family members, her management people or she?s walked the carpet solo. It?s not as if she?s got a ?kept man? in Shulman. Plus, I don?t see Hathaway staying with some guy who can?t keep up with her for very long - she seems very, very high-maintenance to me.
Anne Hathaway is shown at the SAG Awards on 1/25/09. Credit: WENN
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| Jessica Simpson appears to have a meltdown during concert | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Things seem to be getting worse instead of better for Jessica Simpson. Over the last few weeks she?s been embroiled in a weight gain scandal. As in, she had the nerve not to be skeletal. While she seemed to be doing her best to stay positive in the beginning, it appears that the stress is taking a toll on her. According to Radar, Jess had a bit of a meltdown during her concert last night. She was opening up for Rascal Flatts in Grand Rapids, and was struggling, upset, and a bit unprofessional through most of her set.
Jessica Simpson, who’s been getting flak for gaining weight, really does appear to have the weight of the world on her shoulders. Simpson had a near meltdown Thursday as she opened for Rascal Flatts in Grand Rapids Michigan. The singer fought back tears, forgot the words to lyrics and mumbled her way through a bizarre 38-minute set of songs.
Almost from the opening song of “These Boots are Made for Walking,” Simpson fought with her ear monitors, constantly trying to keep them in place, suggesting she was having difficulty hearing herself. At one point, she had her seven-piece band stop, then start over, during the up-tempo “Pray Out Loud.” After that, she forgot the lyrics to her single “Come on Over,” causing her to apologize to the audience.
Things got so bad that, while introducing her closing song, “Do You Know,” the singer said there have been times when she felt like walking off the stage — “like tonight.” At the end of the song, she thanked her band for “having her back.” And it looked as if she was wiping away tears as she walked off the stage.
So what caused Jessica’s meltdown? It probably didn’t help that boyfriend Tony Romo missed his flight to Grand Rapids.
[From Radar]
Jessica?s record label said that she wasn?t feeling well and blew her voice out and that?s why she was upset during the show. A Grand Rapids radio station was having people who were in the audience call in and talk about the concert. One caller said she thought Simpson was drunk. Several noted that she kept drinking from a water bottle throughout the night. It could have been alcohol, but it could have just as easily been water - which would be explained by vocal troubles. But lots of the callers seemed to think Jessica was being judged too harshly.
Everyone can have an off night, but the flip side of that argument is that people pay a lot of money to go to concerts ? and in tough economic times, that?s a big deal. I?d guess that a luxury like that is probably a rare occasion for most of the audience, so it makes sense people would be annoyed. Overall, it was unprofessional at worst, but understandable.
Here?s Jessica Simpson performing in Charleston, West Virginia on February 1st. Images thanks to Splash.
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| Sex and the City sequel a go | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It has just been announced that there will in fact be a new Sex and the City movie. There have been rumors flying about a sequel for a while now, but none of the actresses had officially confirmed or denied it. Now the writer, Michael Patrick King, has confirmed that he and all of the ladies have signed on for another movie.
SATC writer-director Michael Patrick King confirms the scoop! In an exclusive statement, King says, “I’m very excited to work with these amazing actresses again and would love to give everyone more information about the sequel…but I’m busy with my ‘Sex’ life.”
“Everything was finalized yesterday afternoon,” a source reports.
Until now, everyone had agreed to do a sequel, but there were no contracts signed with New Line, the studio behind the megahit.
As it is, King has yet to write a script, but shooting will reportedly begin this summer with a release date sometime in summer 2010.
Reps for the stars and the studio did not immediately comment.
In its first weekend alone, Sex and the City opened with almost $58 million in ticket sales, reportedly making it the biggest R-rated comedy opener ever. Budget to make the movie? A cool $65 million.
Quick recap in case you were one of the few who missed it: When we last left Carrie, she had married Mr. Big even after he left her at the altar. Samantha and her young beau (Jason Lewis) split, while Miranda and Steve (David Eigenberg) patched things up after he cheated on her. Charlotte and Harry (Evan Handler) not only adopted a baby girl, but Charlotte gave birth to a second daughter.
[from E Online]
For a month after the first Sex and the City movie came out, there were lines out the door at the movie theaters near my house, full of teenagers and twenty-somethings in cocktail dresses. Some of them were drunk from too many Cosmos. With the last movie having done so well, you can only assume that the studio was ready to do another as soon as the credits rolled - they just needed to wait a little until the hype from the first one died down. Now they can start building up the tension again with “unofficial” photos from on-set and “leaked” scripts. I’ll guarantee that in spite of, or perhaps because of, the recession, audiences are more than willing to spend $10 to watch wealthy New Yorkers running around in their new Jimmy Choos.
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| Jennifer Connelly: motherhood changed my career for the better | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It?s sort of startling to read about an actress who is so utterly well-adjusted and down-to-earth as Jennifer Connelly. I would say that she?s boring, but even when she?s downplaying her great marriage, motherhood and life, she?s still really interesting.
Connelly sat down for an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald to promote He?s Just Not That Into You. In the film, Connelly plays a married woman absorbed with her career and her own idea of the perfect life - so wrapped up that she doesn?t notice that her husband (played by Bradley Cooper) is falling for Scarlett Johansson?s character. This is just my opinion, but I?ve always that Connelly is immensely talented, and this film is totally beneath her.
Connelly talks about how much her first son, Kai, changed her life. She also talks about her husband, British actor Paul Bettany a little, but I want more! She and Paul have another son together, a five-year-old named Stellan. Paul and Jennifer will be working with each other again on the Charles Darwin biopic, Creation. Jennifer will be playing Darwin?s wife. Sydney Morning Herald has more:
Academy Award winner Jennifer Connelly has made a successful habit of playing generally unhappy or tormented women in movies. From her junkie role in Requiem For A Dream and her Oscar-winning performance as the struggling wife of John Nash (Russell Crowe) in A Beautiful Mind to her subsequent turn as a thrill-seeking journalist in Blood Diamond, she has avoided the lightweight roles that defined her early career.
“I was drawn to playing in something that was a little lighter,” Connelly says. “It’s a feel-good movie, it’s a popcorn movie. I like popcorn movies too. You can sit down with your friends when you don’t really want to watch anything heavy and have some fun with it.”
Perhaps it’s no surprise that Connelly plays one of the film’s less extravagant characters, the highly strung Janine, a professional who has taken the plunge and married. Her mistake is that she gets so caught up in creating a perfect life that she doesn’t notice her lawyer husband (Bradley Cooper) succumbing to Johansson’s charms.
“Although there are great guys in it too, I was really drawn to the idea of working with a bunch of women,” Connelly says. “A lot of my scenes are with Ginnifer, who plays my closest friend, and that was interesting to me because I haven’t really done that in a film. Usually I’m a wife or mother and often I’m with lots of men.”
Displaying a refreshing candour, Connelly, a self-confessed perfectionist, admits the joys of motherhood and her marriage to the outgoing British actor Paul Bettany, whom she met on A Beautiful Mind, have helped her to relax. However, she says it was the birth of her son, Kai (now 11), from her previous relationship with photographer David Dougan, that set her on the road to success.
“I don’t think I would have been able to do the quality work that followed if it hadn’t been for my son,” she says. “He changed me. He helped me to understand myself and find my place in the world.”
Connelly’s return to acting came after she had studied English at Yale and Stanford. She graduated to more adult fare in Mulholland Falls, Inventing The Abbotts, Dark City and Pollock, though admits “it took a while to change people’s perceptions of me”.
Her career blossomed with her appearances in the Oscar-nominated films House Of Sand And Fog and Little Children. She had a starring turn as a desperate mum in the horror film Dark Water and she was Eric Bana’s ex and co-worker in The Hulk.
“I wish there were more strong, dramatic roles. I love working and I don’t often find things that I feel [I] really love. I often make choices because it’s a decent choice.”
Connelly is a low-key kind of movie star. Based in New York, she and Bettany try to manage their movie commitments around their family, which now includes their five-year-old son, Stellan.
“Paul and I started out trying to work at different times but it’s a bit unrealistic with the timing of projects,” Connelly says. “That said, it’s worked out really well. We do a lot of flying around to different places to make sure the family is together. I think the longest we have ever been apart is two weeks ? so it’s a lot of aeroplanes. It’s very bad for the environment, I know, but it’s been really good for our family.”
Currently she is again playing a wife, this time in the Charles Darwin biopic, Creation, which chronicles the naturalist’s early years as he struggles to cope with the loss of a child. Still, she’s not complaining as she finally reunites with Bettany on screen.
“We’d been circling around things, trying to find something to do together for some time,” she says, “and now I feel so lucky to be able to come to work with him every day. It’s really great. Not many people get to be so fortunate.”
From The Sydney Morning Herald
I didn?t know that Jennifer and Paul had their home base in New York - I really thought they lived in London. I?ve seen interview with Paul, and to say that he adores his family is an understatement - that man worships his wife, his son and his step-son. Jennifer Connelly might be one of the luckiest women in the world, but
she will forever underplay it.
Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany are shown at the NY premiere of Inkheart on 1/15/09. Credit: WENN
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| Hayden Panettiere caught making out with Jesse McCartney | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The relationship between Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia must be on the fritz. Either that or they?ve quietly broken up, because Hayden was spotted making out with singer/actor Jesse McCartney in a big way.
We’re seven hours late for work today because we partied at Crown Bar until we passed out - no, not from drinking, from shock. It happened right after we saw 19-year-old Hayden Panettierre ALL OVER Jesse McCartney.
And when we say ALL OVER, that’s exactly what we mean. She was holding him tighter than Michael Phelps gripping that bong. The Heroes star was sitting on Jesse’s lap while he kissed her neck. Then she got up and did some crazy sexy dance in his lap.
So, it looks like goodbye Milo!
It must be over between Hayden and her long-time squeeze Milo Ventimigla, 31, because after her inside PDA with Jesse, 21, they went outside to smoke and he wrapped his arms around her from behind and was kissing her neck again. (It started to look like an episode of True Blood; dude has some sort of next fixation for sure.)
In the middle of this, a girl approached Hayden to ask for her autograph on the back of a store receipt. Hayden was nice enough to oblige.
Girl, don’t even try to talk your way out of this with Milo. That is, of course, if he’s still in the picture. We saw it with our own bloodshot eyes.
[From Radar]
While I like Milo Ventimiglia, he?s 31, and Hayden?s only 19. Jesse McCartney is 21, so he?s definitely more age-appropriate for her. There?s also been a lot of talk that Milo wanted to get engaged to Hayden. Which makes perfect sense for someone his age, but not for someone who?s 19.
I really hope they had already broken up, otherwise hearing that your girlfriend is exchanging saliva with some C-list singer has got to be an extra big jolt. Even though their age difference is fairly significant ? at least for this point in their lives ? Hayden and Milo always struck me as cute together, and they didn?t exploit their relationship for publicity. Maybe this one just a one-night mistake.
Here?s Hayden at the Declare Yourself ‘A New Birth of Citizenship’ Inauguration kick-off event in Washington DC on January 18th. Images thanks to WENN.
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| Spencer and Heidi planning a fake divorce | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Following a fake marriage in Mexico, Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are planning a fake divorce.
“Spencer is masterminding the whole thing right now,” says a source. “He’ll make sure people see him going in and out of a lawyer’s office. Then he’ll stage fake fights with Heidi for the cameras and talk on the show about getting married too young and pretend he’s really conflicted.”
“Spencer will push this as far as he can, but it will all be 100 percent fake. He loves Heidi and will never let her go,” says the source, who adds, “They’re just always looking for a way to out-drama Lauren Conrad. It’s their No. 1 goal in life!”
That’s the spirit! Set those goals low and you’ll never be disappointed. Sort of like how Heidi dreamed of becoming an unpopular reality tv star who gets a new nose and $5 implants and dates a douchebag. Mission accomplished.
If Spencer is wondering what other “fake” drama they can create to stretch out those 15 minutes, here are a few suggestions.
A fake pregnancy: Spencer impregnates Heidi. Later, it will be revealed that the baby aborted itself three weeks into the pregnancy.
A fake job: Spencer pretends to be a celebrity. The wheels are already in motion on this one.
A fake sex tape: Spencer and Heidi circulate a rumor that a sex tape they made is being shopped around for almost five figures. The tape in question is actually video of Spencer running to the bathtub and crying after sex.
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| Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens: Greetings from Brazil | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Enjoying a restful South American vacation, Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens were spotted hanging out with a few fans and posing for pictures at the Galeo Airport earlier this week.
The “High School Musical” hotties looked to be having a marvelous time as they thanked their loyal admirers by taking a few moments out of their holiday to stop and chat.
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 After a business-related lunch outing at Bubby’s Pie Co., Jessica Alba treated herself to a pampered up afternoon at Spa Belles in New York City on Thursday (February 5).
Getting a relaxing neck massage, the “Fantastic Four” starlet received a manicure and pedicure while she laughed and texted on her cell phone.
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| Amanda Bynes Going to the Gym | Added 16 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 It seems every time I turn around there’s a new set of photos showing off Amanda Bynes and her sexy legs. This is definitely could become an almost daily thing. Amanda is wearing very short Pink shorts on her way to the Equinox Gym to work out, and her legs still look great! These pics of Amanda make me think of two things. One, I need a job where I just follow around hot chicks all day staring and taking pictures. And two, I need to go to a gym where hot chicks like Amanda Bynes work out. I’m not going to work out, I just need be there!
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| Salma Hayek is a Wet Nurse | Added 16 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Actress Salma Hayek gave not only of her time and her money on a recent mission trip to Afrcia — she also gave of her breasts. Yep, you read that right. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. According to USA Today
“[There was this] baby [that] was perfectly healthy, but the mother didn’t have milk. He was very hungry. I was weaning Valentina, but I still had a lot of milk that I was pumping, so I breast-fed the baby. You should have seen his eyes. When he felt the nourishment, he immediately stopped crying.”
That little trick doesn’t just work with babies, you know. It works with men, too. Whenever they start whinin’ and bitchin’ about something ridiculous, just pop a titty1 out and shove it in their stupid face until they stop making noise. It usually takes about two or three minutes, depending on their lung capacity, and it helps to have already taped his hands to the couch. And you also have to make sure your areola is covering both the nostrils and the mouth hole, or it won’t work. You know you’re golden when the feet stop twitching. Presto! Now the bastard will never bother you again. We could all learn a lesson in kindness from Salma Hayek.
1Those of you with anything less than a C cup might wanna stick with an iron skillet and a bag of arsenic.
At the National Board of Review last month:
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| Jessica Alba Reveals Weight Loss Secret | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 “The Fantastic Four” star was eager to lose the extra weight she had gained while pregnant with her daughter, Honor, who was born last June.To drop the pounds quickly, Jessica Alba spent grueling hours in the gym and even wore a girdle to help slim her tummy.The 27-year-old tells Elle magazine, “(The workouts) were horrible. I cried. And I haven’t worked out since.”Eight weeks after my girlfriend had her baby, you could see her six-pack. She told me to put an elastic band about my waist — any kind of band or girdle works, but I didn’t recover as fast as she did.”Jessica Alba - for Elle March 2009
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| Kylie Minogue Meets Lover's Family | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Kylie Minogue reportedly met the family of her new partner Andres Velencoso Segura while the couple holidayed in Spain.The meeting took place in the small town of Tossa de Mar on the Costa Brava, where the model’s dad owns a restaurant.A source told the Daily Mail: “Andres took her to meet his family, and they all got to know each other over dinner at his father’s restaurant.”It was a very romantic break - they were able to go for long walks along the beach together and Andres showed her many places from his childhood. This is his first serious relationship, and his family appreciate how much effort he is making with Kylie and were very welcoming.”However, Segura was said to be sad that Minogue could not meet his late mother, who he described as the most important person in his life.
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| Amanda Bynes Sued Over 2007 Car Crash | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 “She’s the Man” star Amanda Bynes has been sued over a multi-car pile up in 2007 that involved four cars.Shari Landon is suing the 22-year-old actress and the two other drivers involved in the crash for hospital bills and damages. No injuries were reported at that time.Bynes’ lawyer, David Feldman, told TMZ that it was just a minor accident where cars were traveling 3 to 5 mph. He added that Landon, who did not notify the actress that she suffered any injuries, filed the lawsuit one day before she would have been barred from suing.It was not the only road collision she had encountered in the past two years. Last August, Bynes smashed into another car at a Los Angeles street intersection when she made a left turn. The other car’s driver sustained minor injuries, but no charges were filed.Amanda Bynes at La Scala in Beverly Hills
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 Rihanna will not only be in a position to add at least one more Grammy to her mantelpiece, but she is also set to perform Sunday night at the awards ceremony slated for the Staples Centre in Los Angeles, United States.Rihanna’s hit single Disturbia is up for Best Dance Recording, while her collaboration with Maroon 5, If I Never See Your Face Again, got a nod for Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals. She was also nominated in the Best Long Form Music Video category for Good Girl Gone Bad Live.
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| Hayden Panettiere Is Not Leaving 'Heroes' | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Despite reports that the actress is leaving the series, Hayden Panettiere told Access Hollywood at NBC Universal?s pre-Super Bowl party in Orlando on Sunday that these reports are not true.?I know nothing about that, so you got me,? Panettiere said of the reports that she was asked to leave the show. ?They are rumors.?The actress said the new episodes have a lot of thrills in store for fans.?It?s really good,? Panettiere said. ?We?re not yet done with this season, so the second half will be coming on soon. The beginning of the new story so it?s real exciting.? Hayden Panettiere Heroes Promos: Trust & Blood
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 Continuing along with their day of fun, Rachel Bilson took her little sister out for a wondrous shopping spree at Toys R Us in Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon (February 5).
The beautiful brunettes made their way through the children’s paradise - loading up on stuffed animals and toys along the way.
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 She definitely enjoys the finer things in life, and last night Christina Aguilera was spotted with jeweler Stephen Webster at a party hosted in honor of his new collection for the Stephen Webster and Garrard brand.
The “Ain’t No Other Man” songstress looked to be having a marvelous time as she meandered around the Beverly Hills party in a cropped black cardigan, black top, grey skirt, and black leggings.
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 She really seems to be fully embracing her new role as Lara Croft, and earlier today Alison Carroll was spotted doing some promotion on Oxford Street in London.
The brunette British babe was all decked out in her Tomb Raider gear as she posed for pics at a photo call for Sony Ericsson’s W910 Gaming Edition at the Carphone Warehouse.
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 In the spirit of awards show season, the 22nd Annual Kids’ Choice Awards nominations have been announced, and Miley Cyrus is up for a total of three trophies.
The “Hannah Montana” hottie will be competing in the areas of Favorite Female Singer, Favorite TV Actress, and Favorite Voice in an Animated Movie. In addition, her Disney Channel show is up for Favorite TV Show.
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| Gisele Bundchen in Elle | Added 16 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Gisele Bundchen is featured in the newest issue of Elle magazine. Normally Gisele is one hot lady that does photoshoots I could stare at for hours, but I’m not really feeling these pictures. I don’t think it’s Gisele’s fault. She could show up dressed as a cow, and I’d probably love it. But until that happens, I’ll have to enjoy these pictures of the absolutely hot Gisele Bundchen.
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 She’s no stranger to high-profile Hollywood hotspots, and last night Kim Kardashian was spotted getting her swerve on at the Belvedere Vodka party held at My House.
The “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” cutie donned a cropped black jacket, black skirt, white tank top, and white and red heels as she arrived along with her sister Khloe.
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| Jennifer Aniston hasn't read 'Not That Into You,' disagrees with parts | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Jennifer Aniston was on the Tonight Show last night and she was both relaxed and funny. It reminded me of her last Oprah appearance in that she seemed comfortable and in her element, unlike on The Late Show with Letterman six weeks ago when she had a weird rapport with Dave and there were awkward moments. She did have on too many layered gold necklaces that she kind of touched throughout the show, but she didn’t look nervous, as OK! suggests.
Aniston didn’t reveal anything incredibly quotable. She confirmed that she saved a lost dog she found wandering in the street as the tabloids reported last week, and said that the story that she turned down an offer to pose in Playboy wasn’t true. She also said she hasn’t read the self-help dating book her new film is based on He’s Just Not That Into You. When Leno read a list of rules from the book, Aniston disagreed with several of them.
Aniston: I did not read the book…
Leno: These are the titles of some of the chapters. Number one “He’s just not that into you if he’s not asking you out. True or false?”
Aniston: I don’t agree with that. I mean if he never does, but aren’t men shy sometimes?
Leno: Number two, “He’s just not that into you if he’s not calling you.”
Aniston: Again, for how long? I don’t know. I’m going to say I disagree with that one too.
Leno: This one, “He’s just not that into you if he’s not dating you,” that seems obvious.
Aniston: That’s pretty clear cut. If he’s dating somebody else, I’d say that’s clear…
Leno: In the movie, so much of it takes place in a bar. That’s like the worst place to meet people.
Aniston: They’re loud.
Leno: Supermarkets.
Aniston: My mom used to always say “don’t leave the house without putting your eyes on.” I was ten.
Leno: If she’s in the snack food aisle, you’re going to have trouble later. [audience groans]. Ok, if the guy is in the liquor tobacco aisle, you’re in trouble.
[Transcribed from Jennifer Aniston's appearance on The Late Show, aired 2/5/09]
Leno can be kind of a sexist jerk sometimes and his comment about the snack food reminds when he asked Ryan Phillippe to make his “gayest look.”
JayBird swears by the book “He’s Just Not That Into You” and says she’s recommended it to some of her friends. I’ve never read it as it came out after I was already engaged, but I used to read a lot of self help relationship books for women and they’re usually similar. They recommend that we get busy with our own lives, friends, and hobbies and not see men as somehow justifying our existence or making our lives worthwhile. There’s also the issue of qualifying guys and picking ones that are “into you” and good people. Aniston would do well to read that book, and several more, considering her dating history after her divorce. It’s not like the rules are all fast and true, but they can help you make informed, smart decisions when you’re dating, and think logically about the men you’re choosing instead of leading with your emotions. It’s surprising that she hasn’t read the book considering that she was in the movie and she’s pretty open about self actualization and getting therapy.
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| Hilary Duff Candids With Cleavage | Added 16 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Hilary Duff was out at Toluca Lake letting the beauties get some air. Fortunately for us we get to see the evidence of this endeavor. Just like her Caribbean bikini photos, Hilary shows us some pretty nice cleavage. I like the way Hilary is going with this. At this rate, we’re gonna get to see some nude Hilary Duff photos a lot sooner than I have imagined!
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 Looking happy to be home in Australia, Miranda Kerr was spotted milling around the David Jones store earlier today (February 6).
The awesome Aussie model looked fabulous as she meandered around the floor (she’s a Fashion Ambassador for the company) in a black and tan printed belted dress with strappy black heels while biting the top of her Fiji water bottle.
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 Enjoying an afternoon of retail therapy, Hilary Duff was spotted out shopping in Beverly Hills yesterday (February 5), braving the rainy weather as she stopped by Maxfield.
The “War, Inc.” hottie looked super-chic in a black tank top with black stretch pants, black leather knee-high boots, and a beige pashmina.
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| Nick Carter talks about addiction and marriage | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Nick Carter (the Backstreet Boy who dated Paris Hilton briefly) has given People magazine an exclusive insight into his addictions and rehab. Nick was involved in a bar brawl and DUI, but wasn’t concerned about his health until he felt weak and had chest pains last spring during a tour. He saw a doctor to investigate and discovered he had cardiomyopathy from years of drug abuse.
But the night before his results were due back, Carter, 29, fell into a familiar routine: “I went out and just went nuts,” Carter tells PEOPLE in its new issue. “I drank so much and I did a bunch of blow. I felt like I was trying to kill myself ? because I didn’t want to get the results.”
The years of abusing his body led to a shocking diagnosis: cardiomyopathy, a weakening of the heart muscle that, in extreme cases, can require a transplant or lead to sudden death. (It’s the same condition that led to the death of singer Andy Gibb at 30 and killed actor Chris Penn at 40.)
Faced with the realization that his life depended on getting sober, Carter made a decision: “I don’t want to die,” he says. “I don’t want to be that person people read about and think, ‘That’s sad that he couldn’t stop it and killed himself.’”
After a few slips early on ? and some blunt talk from his cardiologist ? Carter sobered up and got healthy. At 167 lbs., he’s now in the best shape of his life.
I really appreciate that Nick got back on the wagon, and then spoke about it honestly. Instead of stumbling back and forth into rehab, using each visit as a publicity stunt, he just got his act together. And he looks really, really good. I now remember exactly what I found so appealing about the Backstreet Boys in high school? it certainly wasn?t their music!
Nick adds that following his parents divorce, he?s swearing off romance. His parents divorced in 2003, and he says it was a contributing factor in his addiction.
He recalls, “There was a ton of fighting. The kids would be thrown into the middle, to choose sides.”
Carter’s relationship with his parents is still strained; he hasn’t spoken to his father for many years - and he admits the struggle has affected his opinions on marriage.
The 29 year old is currently dating a salesgirl he met late last year, but insists “I don’t believe in marriage”.
But that doesn’t mean he’s not keen to settle down and have kids one day.
Carter, who once romanced Paris Hilton, tells People magazine he’d like to have a family of his own “someday, a little ways down the line.”
Contact Music
Maybe dating Paris Hilton also contributed to his lack of faith in relationships.
Nick Carter is shown on 10/28/08 outside MTV’s TRL with A. J. McLean and Howie Dorough of the Backstreet Boys. Credit: WENN
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| Is Sarah Jessica Parker avoiding divorce due to the cost? | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sarah Jessica Parker, who plays a character famous for her fashion excesses, is known for her frugality. She dresses her 6-year-old son in hand me down clothing, she designed a clothing range all priced at $20 or less. According to tabloids reports, she now scared of divorcing her husband of 11 years ? because of how much it will cost her.
Sarah Jessica Parker - whose 11-year marriage to actor Matthew Broderick is reportedly on the rocks following allegations he cheated on her with a 25-year-old beauty - is giving her relationship another go because she doesn’t want to lose the multi-million pound fortune she has accumulated.
A source told Look magazine: “Sarah’s family were poor when she was a child.
“She had seven brothers and sisters and she’s often talked about missing out on birthday presents when she was young.
“It seems she’s freaking out over the thought that Matthew could walk away with an enormous sum of money.”
It was recently reported the couple - who have a six-year-old son James Wilkie together - are leading separate lives.
They put a united front on over the festive period for the sake of James, but their Christmas truce is said to have caused further cracks in their relationship.
Another source added: “They spent the holidays pretending to be happy for James.”
New Zealand Herald
If Parker divorces Matthew Broderick now, with the Sex and the City sequel suggested to be earning her $50million, she’s not going to be short of cash. It’s possible that she’s still afraid of surrendering a large portion of her fortune in a divorce, or that this story is made up.
SJP confessed in a recent interview that given the financial situation the world is in, she isn?t going shopping.
What would happen to Carrie Bradshaw if the recession kept her from purchasing those famous $600 Manolo Blahniks?
“She would probably end up in a hospital,” jokes Sarah Jessica Parker in the March issue of Harper’s Bazaar, which hits stands Feb. 17.
“Perhaps she would go back to her ’80s stuff and start bringing it back out,” she adds.
Parker herself finds the downturn “very scary.
“I can’t imagine going shopping,” she continues.
She doesn’t hit the stores as often as Bradshaw, though.
“Friends are readily disappointed by the size of my closet. And I thought it was big!” she says.
Parker explains that she doesn’t have the “Carrie Bradshaw passion and devotion” to fashion, “but I would much prefer that life would allow for a beautiful shoe all day long.”
Us Weekly
Is SJP avoiding the shops because she doesn?t feel it?s moral or attractive to be seen shopping right now? Or Because everyone, no matter how wealthy, is concerned about their finances? Even Donald Trump has given his tips for dealing with the credit crunch. My big tip - avoid the term recessionista at all costs.
Sarah Jessica Parker is shown out with her son on 1/23/09 and at the opening night of the play ‘The American Plan’ with Matthew Broderick on 1/22/09. Credit: WENN
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| Hugh Jackman hopes the Oscars are like a big, drunken, naked party | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Hosting the Oscars seems like a great honor that no one would really want, since every host since Billy Crystal has been almost universally panned. Jon Stewart hosted in 2006 and 2008, and the episodes of The Daily Show where the correspondents made fun of his performance were always more funny than Stewart during the ceremony itself. Let?s just not even mention poor David Letterman.
The new Oscars producers threw us for a loop when they bypassed the traditional TV host/stand-up comedians and hired the “Sexiest Man Alive” Hugh Jackman as host.
For those who only recognize Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, he?s not a novice. He hosted the Tony awards from 2003 to 2005, and won an Emmy in 2004. He is quick-witted with improv and knows how to work a room, as he did as Peter Allen in The Boy from Oz.
Plus, he?s really hot. He told Entertainment Weekly he?s not afraid to use his sex appeal if it helps turn the Oscars into a party.
I?m Australian. I think it goes with the citizenship, doesn?t it? When I have a party, the first thing I do is give the guests a shot glass with a little vodka or something. Now, I can?t do that for all 6,000 people at the Kodak Theatre, but I?ll be trying to do it in spirit. It?s going to be a celebration of movies. We?re in the world of showbiz, and the Oscars have to be more show than business.
?Nudity. I?m planning on getting nude for a lot of it?.No words, nothing, just me having a shower. That?s also a very Australian thing to do at a party.
[From Entertainment Weekly, print edition, February 6 issue]
With Oscar ratings in decline since Titanic had its banner year, new producers Bill Condon and Laurence Mark appear to be going for a more ?That?s Entertainment!? vibe.
Listen, it?s too early to give details, but it?s fair to say there?s going to be singing and dancing. The fact that they?ve hired me is a sign they?re taking a different route. I?m not a stand-up comedian, and that?s generally the way things have gone. But I?ve done some hosting, and I really enjoy it?.I do love things going off script. I hope there?ll be some spontaneity. If people know what to expect, then your party?s dead.
[From Entertainment Weekly, print edition, February 6 issue]
Hugh admits the Oscars are too long and promises they?ll be shorter, although he doesn?t say how, considering they?re still handing out 24 awards, including those that few people outside of show business care about, like Art Direction and Sound Mixing.
Hugh confesses that he dreamed of someday hosting the Academy Awards after his Tony gig, but he figured it would be at least another decade before it might happen.
I couldn?t get back to sleep, I was so excited?.I told my wife and she was jumping up and down on the bed. The thought of a kid from the northern suburbs of Sydney hosting it, that took a while to sink in.
[From Entertainment Weekly, print edition, February 6 issue]
Hugh is a great talent, Viva Laughlin notwithstanding, so I hope he does well as host. If he flops, then I hope he at least hosts some of the show from the shower.
The Oscars with Hugh Jackman as host will air February 22.
Hugh Jackman is shown out in NY with his son Oscar, 3, daughter Ava, 3 and a half, and his wife of 12 years Deborra-Lee Furness. Credit: Splash News.
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| Katie Price takes her kid out | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 It’s just as well Katie Price’s son can’t see. He would have been blind after looking at his mom in this get-up anyway. Judging by these pictures, you’d think she was the autistic one. If she put on any more pink, flamingos would try to rape her. Even Mickey Rourke would snap his fingers in the air and say, “Uh uh, honey.”
Okay, maybe not.
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| Renee Zellweger: Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Getting into the moment, Renee Zellweger looked to be having a marvelous time during the Woman of the Year parade through the streets of Cambridge, Massachusetts on Thursday (February 5).
The “Bee Movie” babe was this year’s recipient of the Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year Award from the Harvard University theatricals department, taking over for last year’s winner Charlize Theron.
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 Out for a business meet-up, Jessica Alba was spotted having lunch at Bubby’s Pie Co. in New York City on Thursday (February 5).
After finishing up her meal, the “Love Guru” actress headed outside and offered up a smile for paparazzi before hailing a cab and disappearing into the Big Apple traffic.
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