| | |  | Heidi Montag News & Gossip
| Heidi Montag wants a Christian music career and it's her son's fault | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Heidi Montag is set to launch herself as a Christian singer. Heidi had a singing career about 10 years ago that resulted in a few singles and an album, aptly titled Superficial. But that was the old, sequined bikini Heidi. Ever since she and husband Spencer were baptized by Stephen Baldwin in the River of Reality Show Redemption, they?ve been leaning into their new Christian veneer. So that?s what her new music will be positive-vibey, Christian, pop, techno fun. And apparently, we have her son, Gunner, to blame for it because it was leaving him at home that reminded her of her thirst for attention. Thanks, Gunner.
Heidi Montag wants to relaunch her music career.
After last releasing her last EP in 2012, Heidi has now said she wants to create new music with a more Christian vibe she said during Mondays episode of The Hills: New Beginnings.
Speaking to Justin Bobby Brescia on Mondays episode, she said: Before, I did pop music and that was really fun. I feel like now, where Im at, is more of a heartfelt, Christian vibe.
[It's] pop music, but theres a Christian message. Its just one song, but I want to do something good and send out a positive message to the world.
And in a confessional, she then added: I really want to put out a great, faith-based, positive song.
Heidis renewed passion for music comes after her husband Spencer Pratt recently admitted Heidi found it impossible to do anything without their son Gunner, now 21 months, for the first year of his life.
Spencer, 35, said: When we started filming ['The Hills: New Beginnings'], Heidi was a very, very intense-attachment parent. Im sure some would say extreme, but to me it was just being a super mom.
Filming on the Hills reboot allowed Heidi to begin to separate herself from her tot, so she now feels ready to try her hand at music again.
[From The Daily Mail]
I have little to say about Heidi?s singing. I didn?t download her earlier work and I doubt this promised offering will be in my rotation either. I?m encouraged to note that is just talk at this stage. It sounds like yet another Montag-Pratt whim and not anything we actually have to worry about for a while. If anything comes of this, I suspect her videos will have a different vibe as well, unless Christian pole dancing is a thing, which it totally should be, by the way. And Im sure her music will be played non-stop on their podcast.
As for Heidi finally separating herself from Gunner, I?m actually glad she broke that chain. If she truly was not without her child on her hip for 21 months, that would be incredibly isolating. I don?t know if she never left him because she couldn?t bear to be without him, thought (or was told) she was a bad mom if she went out for a bit or was scared to leave him alone but it doesn?t really matter. Eventually something wouldve separated them ?school, another baby, Spencer ran out of hair gel and won?t come out from under the couch ? so it?s good she?s doing it now. However, this news is such a Speidi transformation: ?I cannot leave my baby for one second or I will just die!? (spends five minute with the spotlight pointed on her) ?OMG I?m seen! I must relaunch my *solo* music career! But Christian this time. Positive, feel-good, message stuff, because Christian!? And if the Christian thing doesn?t work out, Heidi can always go into death metal since, according to Stephanie Pratt, Heidi is the Devil.
The Hills: New Beginning airs Mondays on MTV.
Photo credit: Instagram and WENN PHotos
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| Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt: 'We?re not super famous anymore, but we want a relaunch' | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Screamin' out gang gang gang gang gang
A post shared by Pratt Daddy (@spencerpratt) on Dec 18, 2017 at 1:02pm PST
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| Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt think the New World Order torpedoed their careers | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt and Alex Jones ran into each other while on vacation in Hawaii. Their proximity to one another created a common sense vacuum but the vacuum, like most rational things, couldn?t stomach this trio and spit them back out. So they decided to film an “interview” instead. Normally I would roll my eyes at these three doing anything but this interview is so whackadoodle that I was drawn to it like a train wreck. So the construct is that Heidi, Spencer and Alex happened upon each other at the pool one day while vacationing in the same location. Slight tangent: I’m against any kind of Travel Ban but if we have to have one, can it focus on not letting this much crazy travel to the same location? I just feel like, “Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt and Alex Jones came together…” will be the start of the announcement for the apocalypse. Anyway, they ran into each on the pool deck and ended up doing an impromptu interview on the beach the next day. Good thing Alex vacations with a microphone, camera and crew or this wouldn?t have been possible. The Pratts spent as much time asking Alex questions as he asked them so it?s hard to determine who interviewed who. The big reveal, though, is that the Pratts claim they were brought down by none other than the New World Order. Everyone put on your tinfoil hats and buckle up.
Heidi MontagandSpencer Prattare ready to make a comeback despite their issues with the ?New World Order.?
?We were chanting ?death to the New World Order? about 10 years ago after watching all your documentaries, and then about a week later, we were no longer on television and haven?t had a consistent TV gig since then,? Pratt, 33, recalled toAlex Joneson ?InfoWars? last week, adding that he?s willing to put his beliefs aside.
The New World Order supposedly is a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda that?s conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government that will replace sovereign nation-states. Those who believe in the New World Order see the group as a culmination of history?s progress.
?So if the New World Order is watching, you know, we still will not accept chips, but we will take a gig in the established media because we have a baby and we have some bills to pay so, you know, New World Order, we?re available.?
?It?s a hard balance because you want to be able to say how you feel and what?s going on in the world or to have a voice or just be a person within it,? Montag added. ?But in reality TV you?re so disposable that we were just disposed of pretty quickly after that happened.?
She also took ?some responsibility? for adding to their careers? demise because of her plastic surgery and other ?certain things that happened.?
?It just got really crazy really fast and to such a height that it felt out of our control in a lot of senses,? Montag continued, admitting they fell into a ?dark deep pit after that? because, she claimed, everything that they?d be given had beentaken away from them.
?I am thankful for everything that?s happened,? she said. ?I?m ready to reemerge better than before and stronger in a way more prepared way.?
[From Page Six]
If you have 30 minutes and extra brain cells you needed to kill, you can watch the whole interview here. The biggest pull, as I said, is the Pratt?s blaming their careers’ failure on the machinations of the New World Order. Which, I mean ? seriously? Like the Illuminati would have The Pratts anywhere on their agenda. Their secret handshake would last longer than the Pratts’ relevance. But bless them for never changing their spots ? they openly attack ?them? while their palms are up looking for a job handout.
The interview, though, doesn’t stop there. They drop so many little nuggets. Other things I learned from this brain trust: Spencer started the Crystal craze. I assume the New World Order were the ones who doctored up the Ancient Sumerian history in which they reference using crystals? Of course, now everyone is using crystals but according to Spencer, that?s his doing. The Power of Spencer. I’m far more interested in what?s going on in China, though. Alex slipped into the conversation that in China they?ve created chimeras through advanced genetic alterations. And Human Cows… or cows that produce human milk. Are they taking requests? Can I get a Sloth Phoenix ? like, what are they capable of? Alex also told his viewers that, ?There are also a lot of fake secret societies.? Ooooh, like who? My kids’ school? Or are are we talking the nice delivery guy who brings me pizza on Thursday nights ? what does he know??? But Spencer said that although fake societies exist, ?black helicopters are real,? because they would fly over The Hills set. Dude, you live LA adjacent, everyone has black helicopters flying over them because the cops can?t get down the freeways to catch the bad guys. If the New World Order wanted to send them a subliminal message, it would be, ?Get over yourselves.”
Oh, and their baby is due November 19th so make sure your bunkers are stocked by then.
Photo credit: WENN Photos
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| Heidi Montag on her plastic surgery: 'It was the hardest time of my life' | Added 8 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Embed from Getty Images
When Heidi Montag first went public with her extensive plastic surgery back in 2010, everyone was kind of shocked. She looked perfectly fine before and while her first stage of surgeries (nose job, boob job) were normal and arguably an improvement (although she certainly didn’t need them), she came out with a whole new face after the second round and a giant, painful looking rack. Her changes included a second nose and revised boob job, a chin reduction, lipo to her thighs and something she called back scooping or back reshaping, which I’ve just found out is lipo to the lower back. It was definitely a big difference, although the collective shock at her surgeries seems almost quaint now. It’s like we’ve become so used to seeing bizarre faces and giant lips that she’s just another reality star who had too much done too young.
Heidi was an unfortunate trendsetter at the time, and she knows this now. In a new joint interview with her husband, Spencer Pratt, Heidi talked about her plastic surgeries and said she didn’t know what she was thinking. This isn’t the first time she’s expressed regret at all the work she had done. These two are being interviewed due to the tenth anniversary of The Hills, as if that’s a pop culture phenomenon that needs to be celebrated. They have previously said that they’re broke, having squandered $10 million on things like personal security, Heidi’s failed music career, a gun arsenal and luxury goods.
[Heidi Montag] admits watching the show?s later episodes, when her plastic surgeries became one of the central storylines, isn?t something she looks forward to — for obvious reasons.
?I don?t want to watch it,? Montag, now 29, tells ET?s Ashley Crossan. ?I think that it was hard enough going through it at that time and I was just in way over my head. I had no idea what I was getting into.?
According to her husband and co-star, Spencer Pratt, his naivete and lack of awareness with the entire process played a part in their spiral.
?It wasn?t something like, ?Oh, how is this going to affect our lives?? It was like, ?Oh cool, you did it, right??? Pratt, 32, tells ET. ?I was thinking about where the next party was.?
?I would definitely say [to] women and men who think there?s such a thing as a minor surgical procedure, the second someone is hacking your body it no longer becomes minor surgery,? he adds.
While their friends and co-stars were out enjoying being twentysomethings in L.A. on The Hills, Montag and Pratt were dealing with far more serious matters.
?Everyone else in the show is in the clubs and dealing with this and that, and we were dealing with life-threatening, severe things,? Montag says. ?We were just emotionally empty and spent at that point, and we just really needed support and set up a team, and not to be cut down by everyone…
?It was the hardest time of my life and I feel like I?ve become a lot stronger from it. And [it] made me look at myself and reflect, ?Why did I do that??? Montag says, with a hint of regret. ?Maybe I needed to have more confidence and be more secure in who I was and not thinking so much about my eyebrows or my this or that…
?I think that I just became so consumed by this character that I was playing that I became that girl and lost track of this small-town Colorado girl,? she says. ?I just love the simple life. I like nature, I like different things and I kind of became consumed in a different world.?
While Montag wouldn?t go so far as to say she regrets the operations she?s had, she wouldn?t go under the knife again.
?Regret?s a hard word because I?m trying not to regret things in my life because that can be a dark path to go down,? Montag says. ?But I certainly wouldn?t do it again and I certainly wouldn?t recommend it and I have learned a lot from it and I just want to move forward in a positive way.?
It seems Montag and Pratt, who have been married since 2009, are stronger than ever.
?I loved [her] pre-surgery. I loved her so much,? Pratt says. ?And I loved Heidi post-surgery. I fell in love with Heidi?s dancing, so the [surgeries] did not affect her dance moves.?
[From ET Online]
I do feel sorry for Heidi, however the “life-threatening severe things” she was dealing with were serious complications from surgeries she had which were elective and which she capitalized on. I’ve watched Heidi and Spencer for years and they pulled a lot of stunts, many of which unfortunately backfired on them. They’re entertaining though and they definitely were pioneers in the early reality show days. They could only ride that wave for so long though. Also, I’m happy Heidi and Spencer are still together. As cheesy as they are, they’re sweet and kind of perfect for each other.
Embed from Getty Images
Heidi and Spencer in 2007:
Heidi in 2007:
In 2011 after Heidi’s plastic surgery:
Photos credit: WENN and Getty
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| Heidi Montag Will Put You To Sleep | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 Just when I thought Heidi Montag was finally turning things around and extending her 15 minutes of fame 30-45 seconds at a time, here she is out in LA and I don’t know about you guys, but I’m drooling on my keyboard. And not in a good way either. She’s looking so boring, I’m practically […]
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| Heidi Montag's Cleavage Show Returns | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 According to my sources, here’s Heidi Montag at the 3rd annual Reality TV Awards, which is something I didn’t realize existed until 30 seconds ago. But I’m glad it does, because otherwise, we wouldn’t have had a chance to see that even though Heidi’s 15 minutes of fame may belong over, her cleavage is still […]
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| Heidi Montag's Hotness TV Comeback | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 I wasn’t entirelysure what Heidi Montag was up to these days, now that she’s not famous anymore (or even reality show “famous”), and not all that hot anymore either. But according to my sources, her and that loser husbandof hers are filming another TVshow here, but unless it’s called Heidi Goes to Pilates Class, I […]
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| WTF Happened To Heidi Montag's Hotness' | Added 10 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 So much for that triumphant hotness comebackofHeidi Montag‘s that I predicted a while back… It looks like that lasted even shorter than Heidi’s15 minutes of fame. Because after seeing her at WE tv’sThe Evolution of Relationship Reality Shows red carpet, I’m not sure what’s sadder — what’s happened to one of my former favorite hot […]
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| Heidi Montag Makes A Hotness Comeback | Added 10 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 It’s been a long time since I’ve had Heidi Montag on the site, but it looks like my former favorite busty nobody’s 15 minutes aren’t up yet. Because here she is heading into a taping of The Today Show and as far as I know, it wasn’t as an audience member.Anyway, I’m not sure what […]
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| Heidi Montag Had a Breast Reduction | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Dead-faced talentless sub-D-lister Heidi Montag underwent a breast reduction having her ridiculously sized F’s brought down to more manageable C’s.
Heidi, if you’ll remember, went under the knife for a series of surgeries in an effort to make her look as plastic as possible. She was the original Courtney Stodden but instead of marrying a 50-something actor always referenced as “that guy fromthat 1999 movieGreen Mile” she married a douchebag named Spencer Pratt famous for being a douchebag.
After suffering from severe back and neck pain along with numbness in her arms, Heidi scrounged around her couch cushions for three years to be able to come up with enough loose change to affordDr. Jay Orringer, Angelina Jolie’s surgeon.
‘Over the past few years my implants have handicapped me, I have not been able to do a lot of things,’ she said.
‘Over the past nine months I have not been able to do laundry, or look after my dogs or clean my house and I have had to stop working out because my injuries are so severe I cannot even do simple things like rowing or running.
‘I have been limited in my everyday life and the last few months especially have been so uncomfortable and in pain that it has really been taking a toll on my life and my mood.’
Strange considering the only thing I thought handicapped her was her brain. But apparently it was her breasts too!
The post Heidi Montag Had a Breast Reduction appeared first on The Blemish.
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