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Britney Spears Swings Back Into the Studio
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Britney Spears Swings Back Into the Studio
After a relaxing weekend with her children, Britney Spears was spotted getting back to work in Hollywood, CA on Monday (November 15).

With her trusty Starbucks in hand, the "Gimme More" singer donned a casual red top with jeans as she headed into Conway Studios to record a little more new music.

The outing comes just as it has been reported that Britney's previously divorced parents have worked through their issues to get back together.

Said to have patched things up over the summer after splitting in 2002, Jamie and Lynne were spotted looking pretty cozy while hanging out at Boudoir club in Los Angeles this past weekend to confirm speculation of a rekindled relationship.

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1-Mar-2025 :Millie Bobby Brown wants people to stop talking about how ?old? she looks...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
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18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
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Britney Spears news

Was Christian Bale a total jagoff in his Esquire profile?
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Was Christian Bale a total jagoff in his Esquire profile?
I was fully prepared to ream Christina Bale for his Esquire Magazine cover interview after I had only read the first two pages - the first two pages is where he?s trying to come across like he?s this hardcore artiste too special and amazing and butch and tough to talk about ?process?. He and the interviewer get into a pissing contest (metaphorically) and the Esquire dude basically tells him to stop being such a f-cking jagoff. After that, the interview gets a lot better. But first, the douchey parts, where Bale comes across as a total bastard, and like he?s incredibly stuck up his own ass, which alone is? expected. It?s just that at first he refuses to talk about nearly anything which caused me to think, ?Just sit at home and be a misanthropic jackass and scream obscenities at your dog and don?t ever talk to the press.?

Anyway, it took about ten lines for Bale?s Esquire cover profile to get good and bitchy (full Esquire piece here). The Esquire interviewer (John H. Richardson) and Bale get into a fight about access what topics they can discuss, and what format the piece will be in, and although Bale does have a point (he really does), that point is drowned out by his narcissism and bullsh-t. The fight starts when Richardson is trying to ask Bale about process and how he works and finds a character, and Bale is only interested in talking about how much he hates talking about process. Like this: ?I find that with particular projects, I kinda know in the back of my head why I’m doing it and what I find interesting, but I never wanna bring it to the front and verbalize it. Because the minute I do that, I’m done. I’ve stuck a fork in that one! I’m bored! So you have to treat yourself like a mushroom to some degree, in order to keep on discovering things? It should just happen. It should just happen. If something’s true and sincere, it happens regardless of marketing. The more I talk about it, the more I’m telling people how they should react. And that is an asshole.? And that?s when the fight starts:

ESQUIRE: Not to argue, but that’s not really true.

BALE: Are you calling me a liar? Am I lying?

ESQUIRE: Sometimes the ground needs to be prepared. And you’ve laid down these onerous rules on me ? all I can do is a Q&A.

Actually, these are forbidden words that you are reading right now. Bale is in the habit of requesting that his media interviews be printed in a Q&A format. He also prefers to conduct them at the same five-star luxury hotel in Los Angeles, and makes it known that he dislikes personal questions.

BALE: You don’t like that?

ESQUIRE: No! I don’t like being told what to do.

BALE: I’ll tell you why. Basically, it’s somebody who got stuck having to interview me who really wants to be a novelist, so they’re writing these novellas and I was like, “It’s not true, that didn’t happen, they just made all that up! Why don’t they just go ahead and be a novelist instead of bothering with interviewing me?”

ESQUIRE: So you want to be perceived accurately, but you also don’t want to give any details. You realize that those two things contradict each other.

BALE: No, it’s simpler than that. I want to be able to just act and never do any interview, but I don’t have the balls to stand up to the studio and say, “I’m never doing another interview in my life!” So I tip my hat and go, “Okay mister! All right mister! I’ll go do the salesman job!”

ESQUIRE: And you don’t want to talk about your personal life or family background either.

BALE: Look, I’ve got incredible pride for my family. I’ve absolutely fallen into that clich of a dad who could just happily talk about my daughter endlessly. But it’s not what I’m about in terms of being an actor. I don’t want people to know about that.

ESQUIRE: Why not?

BALE: I don’t want people to know me.

ESQUIRE: Why not?

BALE: Because that buggers up my job.

ESQUIRE: How does it do that?

BALE: Because if you know something about somebody, it gets in the way of just watching the guy as the character.

ESQUIRE: But that’s not really true. If you really disappeared into your role, people wouldn’t realize it was the same guy from movie to movie.

BALE: No! It’s like painting behind the radiator ? I’d know about it even if nobody else does.

ESQUIRE: But for the audience, that’s part of the pleasure. “Wow! He’s a great actor! He’s so different than he was in Julius Caesar.”

BALE: Well, it’s also just I’m bored shitless with myself.


ESQUIRE: You don’t want to be a vain movie star, I totally get it, I respect it. But there’s nothing that’s more of a dick movie-star move than to say, “It has to be printed as a Q&A.” That’s movie star. You and Tom Cruise back in the day are the only people who do that shit.

BALE: That’s not true! [laughing] We’re not the only ones. And it was like I said yesterday, it came from a couple of interviews where they just made up a whole bunch of crap in their effort to practice writing their novel.

ESQUIRE: That’s very patronizing and insulting, you realize that?

BALE: What, that?


BALE: But these guys lied.

ESQUIRE: Has anybody in the movie business ever lied to you?

BALE: Oh man, listen, that’s not restricted to any one line of work, is it?

ESQUIRE: But you’re still in the movie business, right?

BALE: You really wanna be freed up from just doing the Q&A, don’t ya?

ESQUIRE: I went back to my hotel last night thinking, This guy’s very cool and he doesn’t wanna act like a poncy movie star, he wants to be a regular bloke, but he’s got instructions on what format the fucking story should take. He’s delusional!

Bale is laughing…

ESQUIRE: Poor guy! He actually thinks he’s normal!

BALE: I do love people ripping the shit out of me. I don’t know what that’s about, but I love it. The more crap you give me, the happier I get.

[From Esquire]

Yeah, and he?s also boring me sh-tless. For all of those people preparing to defend him, just pay attention to the mechanics of this: he agreed to do an interview with Esquire Magazine, and he somehow managed to get them to agree to his ?Q&A? terms, including no discussion of his family or anything personal. When he was asked a series of questions about his process, he has a meltdown and says that he doesn?t want to talk about process or the work. Anyway, after that, the piece gets a lot better - here are some other highlights:

Bale on promoting his work: ?Everybody talks about the process too much. The interesting thing about a movie is the movie. I don’t get it when you get so much openness about the way movies are made, and the special effects and the behind-the-scenes stuff and all of that. I can’t help but feel like this reduces it a little bit. It’s something that shouldn’t just be handed out as an extra on a DVD. It should be sought out by serious potential filmmakers who wanna learn how to do it.?

Bale on the word ?should?: ?Somebody tells me I “should read Dickens,” I’ll be fucked if I’m ever gonna pick up Dickens. That word should just kills it. I’ll never feel a personal connection to it.?

On cringing at his child actor past: ?I spent many years trying to pretend I wasn’t?. Because it’s embarrassing. Well, it’s embarrassing to be a star. Most people look at you like, “That’s not a fucking job, is it?” And then on top of that, you learn very quickly that you’re just a tool ? other people are manipulating everything you do, you’re at the mercy of editors, and there’s nothing you can do. But I learned that there’s a certain character that can be built from embarrassing yourself endlessly. If you can sit happy with embarrassment, there’s not much else that can really get to ya.

On his character in The Fighter: ?He’s a sweet crackhead, isn’t he? I’m so fond of Dickie. I was just talking with him today. He just loves people so much, and then he messes up.?

On losing 63 pounds for a role: ?That was just a kind of an asshole seeing if he could have the discipline to mentally control himself for an amount of time.?

On having a ?sissy job?: ?I have a very sissy job, where I go to work and get my hair done, and people do my makeup, and I go and say lines and people spoil me rotten. And everyone has that kind of curiosity of how far can you go, how far can you take it. I think it’s always good testing yourself. With various things that could be incredibly unimpressive to other people, but there’s some meaning to it within yourself ? and also stupid, which many people called me during that time [laughs].?

On whether he?s dark in real life: ?I’m still singing and dancing and happy. I just don’t like musicals, that’s all. [Or romantic comedies.] I just don’t find them very romantic or funny much of the time.?

On his favorite films: ?And Chris Farley was just phenomenal. Beverly Hills Ninja will always remain one of my tops. I have watched that movie. One time I sat down and watched it two nights in a row, and cried with laughter both times. The guy just was a phenomenon, and is missed dearly in my household.?

Bale on embarrassment, and yes, process: ?I primarily felt embarrassment through most of my performances. I’m not sure. I never put my finger on it. But there was a love for it at the same time ? and I don’t think it’s amazing to have those contradictions. None of us are sound bites, you know? Believe me, I have things I revel in without any hesitation. This is just not something to be quite as proud of as many people would have you believe? Art is something to be proud of. Art is no compromise. As an actor, you’re giving it up, you’re at the mercy of so many other people. So are you truly reaching the lofty goals? No, of course you’re not. And there are some movies where that was never the aim anyway? You know, I’ve been doing this quite a long time. It doesn’t make me feel special. But I actually love it more for the reality of how it is done, the sinew and the bone of how it’s really put together. One word: immersion. It doesn’t matter whether I would be acting or doing anything else. It’s about taking things a little too far. It’s about you don’t know the edge until you’ve gone over it. That fascinates me. I’m not on a couch having therapy. And it’s very limiting if I have to be able to relate every damn thing in somebody else’s life to something that’s happened in mine. At the end of the day, I’m faking it. Pure imagination, and it’s only phony if you don’t go far enough with it. You can become obsessive and it can get to the point where you’re almost losing yourself. You’ve become a vessel. And holy shit, things start happening. And I’m hating the way I’m sounding right now, because I sound like a tosser, but that’s my secret ambition.?

What would Bale do if he wasn?t acting? ?I think I probably would have tried to experience my own stories in the way my father did ? the sort of travel, the randomness of life, educating himself through experiences. [Bale's father was a swashbuckling figure who flew planes, sold jeans and skateboards, worked as an animal-rights activist, and married three women ? including, late in life, Gloria Steinem.] I think I get that partially through acting, but you have to make an effort to be in an unprotected environment because everyone thinks you’re a completely incapable idiot who couldn’t possibly brush his teeth without an assistant. You have to make an effort in order to be able to actually experience the country that you’re in.?

On his 5=year-old daughter: ?I spent most of the morning being the audience for my daughter’s singing and dancing today?. she just does her own thing. She just makes up her own stuff and performs for us. Yeah, it’s a whole different party circuit that you find yourself in. I love the bouncy-castle party circuit right now. The last few years of my life have been spent just watching animation ? for my daughter ? and getting a kick out of that. I love anything that she likes. If she’s getting a kick out of it, I love it. I find myself tearing up at the most ridiculous things now, sitting next to my daughter while she’s watching a movie. Me and my wife look across at each other like, “Oh my God! Are we really doing this? Yes we are! [An example]?Up.?

[From Esquire]

So, at the end of it, I kind of liked him after wanting to shoot him in the face for two pages. Bale: he?ll get you worked up.

Photos courtesy of Esquire.

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Katy Perry Is Much Better With Cleavage
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Katy Perry Is Much Better With Cleavage
Earlier today I said that pictures of Katy Perry just weren’t the same without her hipster cleavage hanging out all over the place, I mean who really wants to focus on her face? So these pictures of her performing at BBC Radio 1?s Teen Awards 2010 the other night are more like it. I could

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Christian Bale: "I'm No Idiot"
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Christian Bale:
He?s no doubt one of the most talented males in Hollywood, but Christian Bale says people stereotype him as an ?idiot? actor.

The ?Dark Knight? stud told Esquire Magazine, ?Well, it?s embarrassing to be a star. Most people look at you like, ?That?s not a f***ing job, is it?? And then on top of that, you learn very quickly that you?re just a tool ? other people are manipulating everything you do and there?s nothing you can do.?

Of the misconceptions people have about him, Bale continued, ?I think I get that partially through acting, but you have to make an effort to be in an unprotected environment because everyone thinks you?re a completely incapable idiot who couldn?t possibly brush his teeth without an assistant. You have to make an effort in order to be able to actually experience the country that you?re in.?

How does Christian stay sane? ?If you can sit happy with embarrassment, there?s not much else that can really get to you.?

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10-Jan-2018 :Christian Bale seems to think that romantic comedies are beneath him
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Christian Bale news

Emma Watson: Big Apple Beautiful
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Emma Watson: Big Apple Beautiful
She?s been working overtime on promoting her new movie ?Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1? and Emma Watson was spotted out for a visit to ?The Late Show with David Letterman? earlier today (November 15).

The cropped-coifed actress looked lovely as she ventured over to the Ed Sullivan Theatre for her interview to promote her latest flick - which hits theaters on Friday, November 19th.

In a recent interview, Emma shared that while her kissing scene in ?Deathly Hallows? may look passionate, she had a hard time pulling it off with costar Daniel Radcliffe.

"I'm proud of it, and considering how bloody awkward it was, I'm really impressed that we managed to make it look anything other than awkward. Because Dan and I are like brother and sister, so it was tough making it look passionate, believe me."

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Christina Aguilera Gets Her Hollywood Star
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Christina Aguilera Gets Her Hollywood Star
Joining the ranks of thousands of celebrities, Christina Aguilera was spotted receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, CA on Monday (November 15).

The ?Ain?t No Other Man? songstress was all smiles in a white dress as she proudly accepted her notable award.

As Christina deals with a divorce from husband Jordan Bratman, she revealed that her ?Burlesque? co-star Cher has helped her get through it.

She told, ?She gave me so much advice, both personally and professionally. She didn't even have to open her mouth. She is just such an incredible presence and person. Been there and done everything before any of us came along. I admire and respect that truly.?

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Jennifer Aniston Turns Up in Tribeca
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston Turns Up in Tribeca
Stepping out into the streets of the Big Apple, Jennifer Aniston was spotted running errands in New York City's Tribeca neighborhood on Monday (November 15).

The ?Bounty Hunter? babe looked stylish as usual in black jeans, boots and leather jacket as she walked along and shared a quick smile with the on-hand paparazzi.

In other news, it is being reported that Jennifer and good friend Courtney Cox are closer than ever, especially now that Cox is going through a separation from David Arquette.

According to a source the ?Friends? co-stars have ?decided to buy a holiday home of their own ? a bit like a girls-only retreat. They?ve already shortlisted a few properties. It needs to be a spacious, gated property with on-site security and close to the One & Only resort, where they usually stay, so that they can visit the spa, restaurants and bars.?

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Alessandra Ambrosio In Sexy Tight Leather Pants
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Alessandra Ambrosio In Sexy Tight Leather Pants
It seems that tight leather pants are all the rage lately with some of the world’s hottest women wearing them. First Hilary Duff rocked the leather pants and now supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio makes me glad that some cow lost it’s life for this awesomeness. I know that sounds weird, but I’m sure there’s some skinless

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Britney Spears' Parents: Back Together
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Britney Spears' Parents: Back Together
They got divorced back in 2002, but these days Britney Spears' parents Jamie and Lynne look like they?ve rekindled their old flame.

According to a source, the ?Toxic? songstress? mom and dad have been an item since reconciling this past summer.

And over the weekend, Jamie and Lynne were spotted looking pretty cozy while hanging out at Boudoir club in Los Angeles.

Hopefully this time around, they?ll be able to work on their issues without being distracted by their daughter?s troubles.

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Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy: NYC Getaway
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy: NYC Getaway
Making a mad dash from her New York City apartment, Kate Hudson was spotted heading to out an awaiting vehicle on Monday (November 15).

Joined by boyfriend Matt Bellamy, the ?Fool?s Gold? babe hurriedly hopped into the car before the two of them sped off to the airport.

The couple, who has been dating since June, seem to be getting quite serious as they have been spotted spending more and more time together.

For the past six months, Hudson and Bellamy have enjoyed both east and west coast living and Matt?s relationship with Kate?s son, Ryder, is growing rapidly as well.

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Mila Kunis Can't Help But Look Sexy
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Mila Kunis Can't Help But Look Sexy
Here’s Mila Kunis looking sexy as hell in what looks to me like basically a pillowcase with some arm and neck holes cut out of it. Awesome. I’ve always said that this chick could look good in pretty much anything and now here she is proving me right. I love it. Is she still doing

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Hilary Duff In Sexy Tight Leather Pants
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Hilary Duff In Sexy Tight Leather Pants
I don’t have to tell you that Hilary Duff is one of the hottest pieces of ass in Hollywood, so gently squeeze her into a tight pair of leather pants and we’ve got ourselves one hell of a set of pictures. I feel bad for her sister, she’s in the background wearing a see through

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Red-Haired Rihanna Wigs Out in the Big Apple
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Red-Haired Rihanna Wigs Out in the Big Apple
Ready for her new album Loud to drop tomorrow, Rihanna was spotted stepping out of her New York City hotel on Monday morning (November 15).

Wearing a long red wig and her new "F*** You" necklace, the Barbadian beauty toted an Yves Saint Laurent bag as she headed off for the day's promotional efforts.

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Christina Aguilera: InStyle UK Behind-the-Scenes Look
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Christina Aguilera: InStyle UK Behind-the-Scenes Look
She?s no stranger to magazine covers, and Christina Aguilera looks fabulous on the front on InStyle UK's December issue.

The ?Ain?t No Other Man? songstress appears in a sexy photo spread and behind the scenes video, and in the accompanying interview, she chats about her new film ?Burlesque.?

?I was jealous of all the boys on Burlesque because they always had combat boots, but they?d never come in my size . . . Not everything has to be pushed up and out . . . I like to keep my options going. I get bored with the same old thing.?

As for her sexual personal, ?That?s where the bondage and latex came in for Not Myself Tonight, because sexuality is such a freedom. Sexuality is where I feel a lot of times I get to express my voice. Throughout the ages, women are always shamed for it or labeled for it and so it makes me feel empowered to give it a voice and to stand up for it and to be strong about it.?

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Emma Roberts: Coffee Shop Cutie
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Emma Roberts: Coffee Shop Cutie
Looking for an afternoon pick-me-up, Emma Roberts was spotted at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in Los Angeles on Sunday (November 14).

The ?Hotel for Dogs? babe looked to be in good spirits as she carried her caffeinated treat, sporting a black tank top, blue skirt, and black stockings.

Coming up next year, Emma will be joining Courteney Cox, Hayden Panettiere, and Neve Campbell in ?Scream 4.?

The edge-of-your-seat thriller is scheduled to hit theaters on April 15th, 2011 with a killer update to the classic plot.

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Nicole Scherzinger: HIMYM Dazzler
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Nicole Scherzinger: HIMYM Dazzler
She?s always looking for new challenges, and Nicole Scherzinger has scored a guest spot on CBS? ?How I Met Your Mother.?

In the hit sitcom, the Pussycat Dolls babe plays Jessica Glitter, a former teen star from the 1980s who co-hosted ?Space Teens? with Robin Sparkles.

Cobie Smulders told press, "I enjoy doing it so much and I think the writers enjoy writing it. It is so obscene and so out of the box. It is one of those things where they can really get away with a lot and write bizarre things."

Nicole added, "It's kind of being inspired by Debbie Gibson, Tiffany, 'Kids Incorporated' and 'The Breakfast Club.'"

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Gwyneth Paltrow: Chris Martin was too busy to help me learn the guitar
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwyneth Paltrow: Chris Martin was too busy to help me learn the guitar
Do you ever have a moment when you feel bad for Goopy Paltrow? I do, every once in a while. Mostly I just laugh at her for being so smug and snotty, but on occasion, there?s a crack in the armor and you get just a passing glimpse of the real Gwyneth, the one who is married to a man she barely sees or knows, the one who probably spends his free time boning Kate Bosworth amongst other icy, snotty blondes, the one who seems supremely annoyed with all things Goop. I?m annoyed by Goop too, and I don?t want to spend any time with her - but I didn?t marry her and have babies with her, so Chris Martin should perhaps grow a set and spend more than a few days a year with his wife. Anyway, my pity party for Goop starts with Gwyneth telling a story about how she had to learn how to play the guitar for her role in Country Strong - and how Chris Martin didn?t even deign to give her any lessons:

Gwyneth Paltrow has revealed she was reduced to tears from the pain of trying to learn to play the guitar for her role as a country and western singer. The actress said her hands were ‘bleeding and cramped’ from hours of instruction before she could begin filming Country Strong.

A session musician - rather than her rock star husband Chris Martin from Coldplay - was her teacher.

‘I played all the time, and my hands were bleeding and cramping,’ she said. ‘It sucked. I cried five times at various points over the four months. It’s really f***ing hard. It’s much harder than it looks.’

Paltrow revealed just how well she has mastered playing the instrument during her sensational appearance at last week’s Country Music Awards in Tennessee. She sang the title song from the film Country Strong and said she had prepared for her Nashville debut by downing a pint of Guinness.

Paltrow, 38, began guitar lessons at her London home four months before starting filming. British session musician Mark Jaimes, who has played with Simply Red, was her tutor. He told a US magazine that despite being married to a musician she did ‘not even know how to hold the guitar’.

Paltrow said she had 20 lessons and joked that her husband was too busy to help but was ‘encouraging’.

‘Like he has time to be my guitar teacher,’ said Paltrow. ‘I think he’s doing okay with his day job. I’m not sure he is going to take up guitar teaching. But he was encouraging.’

Paltrow had to learn the guitar for the final scene in the film which also stars real life country music star Tim McGraw. She said she was determined not to ‘fake’ the scene.

‘I was going into such another world, and I wanted it to be as authentic as possible.’

Despite her new found skill Paltrow said she has no ambitions to form a group.

‘I’m not going to make a guitar-band album or anything like that,’ she said. ‘But it’s useful for kids’ birthdays.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I mean? she?s trying to be smug about her busy, rock-star husband, but instead she reveals that he couldn?t be bothered to involve himself in anything to do with her. I really wonder if Chris gives a sh-t at all. I really doubt it.

I?m sure it was hard for Goop to learn a new skill like that - although I kind of wonder how much she really learned about actually playing, or if she just learned how to ?fake it.? Because when I saw her perform at the CMAs, I noticed that it didn?t really look like she was doing much with her prop guitar other than fake-strumming it occasionally. You couldn?t even hear it.

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Scarlett Johansson is GQ's Babe of the Year
Added 14 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Scarlett Johansson is GQ's Babe of the Year
GQ attempts to keep up its facade as a heterosexual man’s magazine by naming Scarlett Johansson “Babe of the Year” in their December issue. But then of course they fag it up by saying:

“At 26, she remains fresh-faced, curious, trying on new moods and outlets of expression as easily as she changes her hair color. This is what we love about Scarlett: that she’s game, that she’s good, that she can try on all these guises without seeming to try too hard. And all the while still seem genuinely like the observant, inquisitive (and very cute) girl in transition we fell for in Lost in Translation.”

They blew it all with that last statement. I’m sorry — what heterosexual male went and saw “Lost in Translation?” Since when does exploring cultural dislocation and emotional estrangement equal boners? The only falling a straight man would do in that movie is asleep. Next time just say something about her boobs and then shut the hell up already.

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24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
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19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
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22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
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Scarlett Johansson news

Lindsay Lohan Kicks Off Another Rehab Week
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Lindsay Lohan Kicks Off Another Rehab Week
Looking refreshed and fresh-faced, Lindsay Lohan was spotted heading into the Betty Ford Clinic on Monday morning (November 15).

Rocking a red plaid shirt, the ?Mean Girls? babe paid little attention to the photogs who took pictures from outside of her sober living house as she proceeded on to the recovery center.

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Olivia Wilde talks about being a princess in Playboy: 'I never call myself a princess'
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Olivia Wilde talks about being a princess in Playboy: 'I   never call myself a princess'
Olivia Wilde is gearing up to start promotion on Tron, where she is the female lead. I don?t really know how to describe her role - and I don?t really care, either. Whatever. Anyway, Olivia scored herself a Playboy interview, and Blast Magazine has some excerpts. Hey, did you know that OLIVIA IS A PRINCESS?!?!? She only talks about it in every single interview she?s ever done. Sorry, I mean Olivia talks about how BEING A PRINCESS isn?t that big of a deal and she doesn?t know why people bring it up so much and did she mention that SHE?S A PRINCESS?? Yeah. Otherwise, the interview is slightly boring.

?The great thing about doing movies with lots of stunts is that it feels as if I?m having the athletic experience I never had in high school,? says Olivia Wilde when asked about filming action scenes for her upcoming film ?TRON: Legacy? in Playboy?s December 20Q. The brunette beauty goes on to explain, ?I was a theater nerd, and I always envied my friends on the field hockey and soccer teams. They had a relationship with their coach that was so supportive?working with these movie stunt teams, I?m finally able to experience that. You can show up weak and scrawny for a movie, with 80 percent body fat, and they?ll say, ?You can do these stunts!? For actors who weren?t athletes in high school that?s an amazing feeling.?

Wilde, oft deemed one of the sexiest women in Hollywood, sat down with Playboy Contributor Eric Spitznagel to discuss her upcoming movies ? ?TRON: Legacy,? which opens on December 17, and ?Cowboys & Aliens,? which comes out in July 2011; being married to an Italian prince; her opinion of blondes; Jeff Bridges; Hillary Clinton; and Megan Fox. Following are selected quotes from the interview:

On the skintight suit she wears in TRON: Legacy: ?My costume is actually the toughest, most bada*s thing I?ve ever seen?It would be difficult to be a stripper in that suit because it?s almost impossible to get it off. It would be a three-hour striptease and you?d need at least five assistants onstage with you.?

On her TRON: Legacy co-star Jeff Bridges: ?The thing about Jeff is, in a lot of ways he really is the Dude [from The Big Lebowski]. He has an inner peace I tried to learn from and this easy-going, come-what-may, go-with-the-flow attitude that?s such a joy to be around. Nothing really fazes him. With Jeff it?s all going to be okay.?

On Megan Fox?s declaration that Olivia is so sexy it makes her ?want to strangle a mountain ox?: ?I thought it was a witty, clever choice of words. There are a lot more boring ways to compliment someone, and it?s rare when actors in this business compliment each other?Shortly after Megan said that, a writer on House who?s also one of my best friends drew a mountain ox on my dressing room mirror and underneath it wrote SAVE ME, OLIVIA! PLEASE MAKE OUT WITH MEGAN!?

On how she?s made her onscreen lesbian kisses believable: ?Acting is acting. It?s not as if I play myself most of the time and kissing a woman is one time I depart from that. It?s fun to play things that are different from you.?

On her wedding, which took place on a school bus: ?The bus was the only place we could be completely alone. The wedding was a secret, and we wanted to do it someplace where we could hide with our best friends. It was all about the intimacy of the promise we were making. When I go to weddings it?s usually all about the party and the place settings and the dress and the flower arrangements. Our wedding wasn?t about any of that. I mean, come on, we got engaged at Burning Man. We were hippies. We lived on that bus for months.?

On being an Italian princess through marriage: ?I never call myself [a princess]. I occasionally get mail that says ?Principessa.? It?s all part of being this lucky person who has been welcomed into an interesting family with a long history?How many people get to say ?This castle has been in our family since the 1400s???

On her parents, both of whom are journalists who travel to war-torn countries: ?They still travel to some amazing places. In fact, my mom?s getting ready to go to Yemen for 60 Minutes. It?s actually kind of adorable; they try to pretend my job is more interesting than theirs. We?ll have conversations and they?ll act as though fighting fake aliens in a movie is more exciting than my mom going to Yemen.?

On changing her last name from Cockburn to Wilde when she was a teenager: ?I always thought having a pen name was so romantic. I honestly didn?t foresee that people would look at it as a sexy name, like ?She?s wiiiild!? Anytime a story is written about me, the title is usually some pun on my last name ? ?Born to Be Wilde? or ?Take a Walk on the Wilde Side.? (laughs) I don?t mind it; it?s just not something I ever considered when I picked the name.?

On whether or not blondes have more fun: ?No, that?s bullsh*t. It?s not true at all. But I have to give credit to blondes. Having been raised by one and being one, it?s great to surprise people when they have low expectations. Often stupid people expect nothing from a blonde, and then the blonde can shock them by being Hillary Clinton. I?m pretty sure she has fun. I mean, she gets to travel everywhere, eat amazing food in all these different countries ? you know she?s having a great time. And she probably enjoys being underestimated just so she can blow people away.?

On winning a pancake-eating contest in Australia by eating 33 pancakes: ?I entered the contest only because they said a woman could never win, and that?s a surefire way to get me to do something. I?ve always had a huge appetite and don?t get full easily, so I guess I was meant to be a competitive eater, the way some people are born to be long-distance runners. But I?d never do it again.?

On her dream car: ?I think I own it ? a 1958 Chevy Biscayne. It?s cool because I grew up wanting the 1954 Bel Air, but that car is almost too perfect. There?s something about the Biscayne that?s a little funkier?The great thing about driving one of these cars is that it makes other drivers happy. People smile at you and let you cut in. It?s as if they?re grateful you?re still driving it. But the cars are not exactly discreet. My life has changed so that I try to blend in more?Now the last thing I want to do is drive down the street and call attention to myself. That?s what driving my Biscayne does.?

[From Playboy via Blast Magazine]

Olivia has those same qualities that annoy me about people like Jessica Biel, Megan Fox and Jessica Alba, and even Katherine Heigl. Basically, I get the impression that Olivia thinks she?s God?s gift, and while having a healthy ego is fine and dandy, it helps if you?ve proven yourself and your talents in some substantial way. Olivia hasn?t, in my opinion (neither have Alba, Biel, Fox or Heigl, although Heigl has more ?wins? than anyone else). Olivia comes across as mostly hype, and like she believes her own hype. It?s not enough to make he dislike her, but she does annoy me significantly. Is she pretty? Sure. But is she more than just a chick on House, famous for making out with chicks?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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Scarlett Johansson is GQ's 'Babe of the Year?: did she deserve it'
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Scarlett Johansson is GQ's 'Babe of the Year?: did she deserve it'
Scarlett Johansson has been named GQ?s ?Babe of the Year? - it?s like GQ?s version of saying that she?s the woman of the year, which is a lot better than their old system of recognizing the odd woman as ?Woman of the Year? or ?Obsession of the Year? on their traditionally ?Man of the Year? November or December issue. I remember Jennifer Aniston getting the WOTY title, and there being some confusion because it seemed like GQ was naming her ?Man of the Year?. So, in that frame of reference, referring to a girl as ?Babe? seems nicer, I suppose, as opposed to a ?Seriously, is this chick a hermaphrodite?? way. Eh. The full slideshow is here, at GQ. Here?s GQ?s summary of why they love her so much:

At 26, she remains fresh-faced, curious, trying on new moods and outlets of expression as easily as she changes her hair color. This is what we love about Scarlett: that she’s game, that she’s good, that she can try on all these guises without seeming to try too hard. And all the while still seem genuinely like the observant, inquisitive (and very cute) girl in transition we fell for in Lost in Translation.

[From GQ]

I guess ScarJo is getting recognized because of Iron Man 2, in which her part was overly hyped and really boring, and because she won a Tony for appealing on Broadway, maybe. And because she?s got big boobs and blonde hair.

By the way, I don?t mean to be nasty to GQ, who were so nice to send us these pretty hi-res images of ScarJo?s photo shoot, but the Photoshopping on ScarJo?s face is tragic. She?s a pretty girl, albeit a crappy model who only seems to know how to open her mouth and stare vacantly. But she?s pretty - there?s no reason to ?Shop her face until she looks like? who is it? A fem-bot Brigitte Bardot?

Photos courtesy of GQ.

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2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
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Jessica Simpson is Engaged to Eric Johnson
Added 14 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Jessica Simpson is Engaged to Eric Johnson
A little over a week after her ex-husband announced his engagement to Vanessa Minnillo, Jessica Simpson announced that she’s getting married, too. So nanny-nanny boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo, Nick Lachey! Star Magazine says:

A rep confirmed the engagement on Sunday, just ten days after Jessica’s ex-husband Nick Lachey announced his engagement.

Jessica and Eric couple began dating in May and on Saturday, the singer was spotted flashing a [three-stone engagement ring that features a central ruby flanked by two diamonds] during an appearance at Dillard’s at Oak Park Mall in Kansas City.

Boy, there’s nothing like getting engaged out of spite, right? Unless it’s having a baby out of spite. I know it’s the only reason I have any kids. The child tax credits are just the icing on my bitterness cake.

Peddling her wares in person at a mall department store last month:

PHOTO SOURCE: Fame Pictures

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Rihanna in Colourful Outfit Out in New York Night Candids
Added 14 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Rihanna in Colourful Outfit Out in New York Night Candids
Rihanna stepped out for an evening on the town in New York City on Saturday night (November 13).

Wearing a black sweater, colorful skirt and blue shoes along with a “F*ck You” necklace, the Barbadian beauty sashayed past paparazzi while en route to grab dinner at a local eatery.

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Cheryl Cole's Minnie Mouse Hairdo
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Cheryl Cole's Minnie Mouse Hairdo
She?s always been willing to take a chance with her fashion decisions, and last night (November 14) Cheryl Cole gave the ?Minnie Mouse? hairdo a go.

The former Girls Aloud singer wore her long red hair tied up in a bow on top of her head, resembling the iconic Disney character during the ?X Factor? results show.

And after the show, Cheryl and Louis Walsh were spotted having a heated argument outside the studios.

An onlooker told press, ?They were talking for several minutes and it looked quite heated. After a while Cheryl was driven off, sat in the back of her car, and she didn't look very happy at all.?

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Taylor Swift Heads Out of Heathrow
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Taylor Swift Heads Out of Heathrow
Embarking on yet another adventure, Taylor Swift was spotted catching a flight at Heathrow International Airport in London, England today (November 15).

The ?You Belong with Me? songstress looked lovely in a black coat with dark wash jeans and black boots as she strolled past photographers and boarded her plane.

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Jenna Jameson says she quit porn for her twin boys
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jenna Jameson says she quit porn for her twin boys
W Magazine has a brief interview with Jenna Jameson, widely considered the most successful porn star in the world. Jameson hasn’t done any adult films for about six years, and she explained to W that she stopped doing porn when she decided to have children. Jenna, 36, (according to Wikipedia. The W article has her age at 37) has twin 20 month-old boys with her partner, ultimate fighter Tito Ortiz. Here’s what she told W:

?I really don?t think I need to say, ?Mommy was a porn star,?? Jenna Jameson says of explaining her former profession to Jesse and Journey, her twin boys with Ultimate Fighting Championship star Tito Ortiz. ?I feel like they?re going to know me and think, Mommy loved us so much that she quit everything and made us her job. And that?s what I did. The moment I decided to have children, I quit. I won?t even do a Maxim cover,? says the 37-year-old, who was surprised to find herself a natural at breast-feeding, despite four implant operations?the last to have them removed. (?I thought: I?m getting rid of these things. I don?t need them anymore.?) Raised in Las Vegas, the daughter of a showgirl and a cop, Jameson sold her $30 million porn empire to Playboy in 2006 and now lives with Ortiz in Huntington Beach, California. ?It?s a really beautiful family community. And here I?m not ?Jenna Jameson?; I?m just one of the moms who walk a double stroller every day,? she says, noting that, after a career spent standing out, she wants nothing more than to blend in. ?I?m a normal girl with all the same worries and insecurities. I just happen to have done porn.?

[From W Magazine]

Jenna was on Oprah last year, and she made a lot of pronouncements about how she mostly made porn films with her then-husband, Jay Grdina, and how it was a misconception that she had “thousands or partners” and was “a slut” (her words). It just seemed like she was in denial about her past, which makes sense if she’s going to have to explain to her boys someday. She should come up with a good way to tell them about it so that they’re prepared when it comes up. They don’t need to know all the details but it shouldn’t come as a total shock to them either. All this stuff about how she gave it up and became a stay at home mom is wonderful and she is a rare success story, for what that means.

Jenna and Tito had a domestic dispute earlier this year, but seem to have since patched things up.

Header image from W Magazine. Jenna is shown at the Jackass 3D premiere below on 10/13/10. She’s wearing tights as pants here. I don’t see why she’s not doing Maxim. Credit: Juan Rico/Fame Pictures

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Lindsay Lohan spends entire day out of rehab at home, does photoshoot next day
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Lindsay Lohan spends entire day out of rehab at home,   does photoshoot next day
Lindsay Lohan is supposed to be in court ordered rehab as an alternative to additional jail time. She did go to the Betty Ford center, but is now in a nearby “sober house” instead of rehab proper. That sounds acceptable and like she’s working the program, only Lohan has been seen out and about several times in the last few days. She was photographed on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week, and it turns out that she spend Saturday at her condo with her assistant and without any kind of sober minder from rehab. This must have been part of the “work pass” she was clamoring for. How is it a “work pass” if she spends the entire day at home getting “supplies”? What’s more is that Lohan shot a photoshoot for an ad campaign the next day.

Lindsay Lohan was back at her West Hollywood condo Saturday, but no worries?her rehab days aren’t over just yet.

The 24-year-old Mean Girls star received a day pass from the Betty Ford Center for good behavior, which allowed her spend a day away from the rehabbing compound.

Lohan was whisked away from her Betty Ford-supervised home in Rancho Mirage Saturday morning around 8:20 a.m. by her dedicated assistant known only by the name of Eleanor. Lohan, wearing black leggings, a blue flanel top and black boots, arrived at her condo around 10 a.m.

While Lohan wasn’t accompanied by a Betty Ford counselor or sober partner, her father, Michael, later arrived at her building. A source close to the family said Lindsay had asked Michael to bring her dinner, which he did.

Lindsay collected some necessities from her place and returned to her treatment facility around 11 p.m. But her weekend getaway isn’t over just yet. On Sunday she is reportedly planning to do a photo shoot for a clothing line at a site near Rancho Mirage. - E! Online

Lindsay Lohan returned to the Betty Ford Center at about midnight Saturday night, has confirmed, but Sunday is no day of rest for the rehabbing starlet.

Linds is shooting an ad campaign for the Russian fashion line Kira Plastinina at a location near Betty Ford in Rancho Mirage, CA.

As reported, Lindsay and her assistant Eleonore arrived at her West Hollywood apartment at midday Saturday after having been given a “day pass” from Betty Ford to attend to some business needs.

Lindsay is, we’ve been told, strictly following all the rules the court and her counselors at Betty Ford have imposed on her.

She’s said to be taking her counseling “seriously,” although sources tell us her attorneys may try to convince the court to allow her to end her rehab earlier then her currently-scheduled January 3 discharge. - Radar Online

[Sources linked in text]

So this girl had the choice of going to jail or rehab and she went to rehab for a while and is now predictably working the system to get as many privileges as possible. I hope that the judge sees what’s going on and either puts a stop to it or puts her scrawny ass in jail. This is how she got jail time in the first place - she couldn’t bother to show up to alcohol education classes. How many chances can she piss away before there aren’t any options left? Is she even getting drug tests now?

Lindsay is shown in the header and below on 11/12/10. Credit: Fame Pictures. Her dad is shown outside her place talking to passersby on 11/13/10. Credit:

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Jessica Simpson's Dad Joe: Thrilled About Engagement
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Simpson's Dad Joe: Thrilled About Engagement
Her marriage to Nick Lachey ended in disaster, but that?s not stopping Jessica Simpson from saying ?I Do? again.

The ?Come On Over? accepted a proposal from her boyfriend of five months Eric Johnson, and her father Joe Simpson has given his blessing.

The former Baptist preacher/music manager tweeted, ?So very happy for Jess and Eric. May they have a lifetime of joy and happiness.?

Johnson asked for Jessica?s hand in marriage and gave her a ruby-and-diamond engagement ring over the weekend.

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Vanessa Hudgens: LAX Hottie
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Vanessa Hudgens: LAX Hottie
She?s always on the go, and yesterday (November 14) Vanessa Hudgens was spotted at LAX International Airport.

The ?Sucker Punch? babe looked a bit camera-shy as she was escorted through the terminal, keeping her head down to avoid the shutterbugs.

Miss Hudgens is thought to have been in town to help her sister Stella celebrate her 15th birthday on Saturday.

Vanessa has been spending most of her time as of late filming ?The Journey 2: The Mysterious Island? in Hawaii.

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Britney Spears credits her sons for keeping her slim
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Britney Spears credits her sons for keeping her slim
These are photos of Britney Spears and Sean Preston getting some yogurt in LA over the weekend. Whenever I see photos of Britney with her kids, I always go back to something mean my mom said about Brit as a mom: ?She doesn?t deserve those beautiful babies.? I mean? now you know where I get it, right? But still, Britney is trying, and this yogurt outing was rather cute. I think Sean must have just done a face-plant in the yogurt, because he?s got chocolate ALL over his face. I want to was his face, and while I?ve got the soap and water handy, I think I might take a wack at Brit?s busted weave.

In other Britney news, she recently gave an interview in which she credited her boys for keeping her in shape.

Britney Spears credits being a mom to her two little boys for helping her retain a slim figure. The Break The Ice star - who is working on a big new song with producers Dr Luke and Max Martin - says running around and looking after 5-year-old Sean Preston and Jayden James (4), keeps her in shape.

“How do I keep slim?,” Spears said when quizzed about exercising. “Having two boys definitely helps, and I love to dance. It’s the best way to stay in shape.”

Brit also enjoys rewarding herself, “I love treating myself to a spa day. Massages are my favorite,” she explained.

And discussing her make-up, Spears shared: “Sometimes I keep it simple and don’t wear much make-up - just a little mascara and lipgloss. Other times, I’ll play around and do heavier make-up or some fun lipstick.”

[From OMG Music]

Is anyone ever going to ask her about the Pink wig? You know that?s what she wants to talk about it.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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Anna Kournikova Is Just Too Damn Hot
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Anna Kournikova Is Just Too Damn Hot
Here’s the always amazing Anna Kournikova out over the weekend in a nice pair of camouflage tights and an even nicer tank top or t-shirt or whatever you want to call it. I’m sorry, I seem to be having a tough time concentrating this morning. I just can’t stop staring at those beautiful fleshy tennis

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Jennifer Love Hewitt Hotness Comeback
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jennifer Love Hewitt Hotness Comeback
It looks as though Jennifer Love Hewitt has bounced back pretty nicely after the terrible incident she went through involving her having to have sex with Jaime Kennedy. Here she is at some event over the weekend showing off her nice little body that some new douche, who probably doesn’t have a popular celebrity blog,

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Britney Spears' Hot Lady Profile
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Britney Spears' Hot Lady Profile
I don’t talk about how hot Britney Spears looks very often anymore, that whole shaving her head and attacking a car with an umbrella phase was a real turn off, but here she is kind of winning me back. I like a woman who can look hot in a nice pair of jeans and some

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Katy Perry's Not The Same Without Cleavage
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Katy Perry's Not The Same Without Cleavage
I wish I could tell you that Katy Perry was looking hot in these pictures, but I can’t lie to you guys, we’re friends. It might just be me, but unless she’s got her big hipster boobs featuring prominently in her ensemble I’m not all that interested in her. Here she is promoting some crappy

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Kristin Cavallari Does Her Best
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Kristin Cavallari Does Her Best
If you were looking for bright crappy pictures of a lame reality TV star, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some blurry shots of Kristin Cavallari getting into her car. These are almost too exciting, I can hardly take it. Anyhow, she’s still hot and I like that she’s trying her best in

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Rihanna: SoHo Stylish
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Rihanna: SoHo Stylish
Drawing a close to the weekend, Rihanna stepped out for a bite to eat in SoHo, New York on Sunday afternoon (November 14).

Looking fashionably fabulous in a beret, black and white sweater and mini skirt, the "What's My Name?" singer made the most of her downtime as she readies for a busy week of promotions with her new album "Loud" due out on Tuesday, November 16th.

Continuing to be one of the most popular musical acts around, the Barbadian beauty was able to hold onto the top spot in the just-released UK charts.

RiRi sat atop the rankings with her upbeat single "Only Girl (In the World)," beating out Take That for her second straight week in the number one position.

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Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi Premiere "Tangled"
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi Premiere
Hitting the red carpet to promote her latest work, Mandy Moore was the center of attention at Walt Disney Pictures' Premiere of "Tangled" in Los Angeles on Sunday evening (November 14).

Held at the El Capitan Theatre, the 26-year-old actress was joined by co-star Zachary Levi as the pair ready for their animated flick's November 24th theatrical release.

Making for a family-friendly movie-going experience, "Tangled" is about "a young girl's journey to self-discovery, a handsome egocentric thief, a misguided but noble horse, a treacherous 'mother' and other engaging characters."

Portraying Princess Rapunzel in the Nathan Greno and Byron Howard directed feature, Mandy previously said of her character: "Everything she's always been told about the outside world is that it's big and scary and it's filled with people who are waiting to kidnap her and cut her hair off... and in spite of that, it doesn't dissuade her from her ultimate journey."

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Nicole Scherzinger Cheers On Lewis Hamilton in Abu Dhabi
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Nicole Scherzinger Cheers On Lewis Hamilton in Abu Dhabi
Spending the weekend supporting her man, Nicole Scherzinger was alongside Lewis Hamilton at the Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on Sunday (November 14).

The former Pussycat Dolls singer joined her racer beau on the grid as he prepared to hit the track for the season finale, the Abu Dhabi Formula One Grand Prix.

Joined over the weekend by Hamilton's mother, Carmen Lockhart, Nicole whole-heartedly cheered on Lewis as he wound up placing second - a result that left him in fourth in the overall standings total.

With Germany's Sebastian Vettel being crowned world champion, Lewis told press after the event, "I'm looking forward to next year. I'm hoping our car will be even better and that we can really fight with these guys from the first race onwards. It has not been the most spectacular season for us, but it was a great end of season result. This year, me and Jenson pushed hard. Next year will be a better year."

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Britney Spears: Frozen Yogurt Fun with Jayden James!
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Britney Spears: Frozen Yogurt Fun with Jayden James!
Making the most of what was a warm day in Southern California, Britney Spears was spotted out at Menchies in Calabasas on Sunday (November 14).

After treating Sean Preston to an icy snack the previous day, the "Gimme More" singer took her turn with youngest son Jayden James to close out the weekend at the popular frozen yogurt shop.

The mother/son time comes after Miss Spears spent Friday recording new music at Conway Studios with new album producers Dr. Luke and Max Martin.

Meanwhile, Britney recently credited her young sons with helping her keep a slim figure, as she told press, "How do I keep slim? Having two boys definitely helps, and I love to dance. It's the best way to stay in shape."

Also chatting about her penchant for pampering, the 28-year-old dished, "I love treating myself to a spa day. Massages are my favorite."

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Miley Cyrus: All-American Girl
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Miley Cyrus: All-American Girl
Back home on the west coast, Miley Cyrus was spotted out with a few friends and brother Braison in West Hollywood, CA on Saturday evening (November 13).

Having flown back to Californa after a visit to New York City, the "Hannah Montana" singer/actress was dressed casually as she browsed through a selection of tops at local boutique American Apparel.

Meanwhile, reports recently surfaced linking Miss Cyrus to Kings of Leon rocker Jared Followill after the two spent time together in Madrid during the MTV EMAs.

Seeming to be a bit of a reach, insiders tell that the pair were merely being friendly with one another - with nothing romantic in the works.

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Kim Kardashian: Fur Coat Fabulous in NYC
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Kim Kardashian: Fur Coat Fabulous in NYC
Closing out the weekend with a full day of filming, Kim Kardashian was spotted leaving her hotel in New York City on Sunday afternoon (November 14).

The E! reality star looked elegant in a fancy fur coat as she proceeded on load into a Rolls Royce to join crew members to shoot more scenes for "Kim and Kourtney Take New York".

Tweeting to her millions of followers at the beginning of the day, Kim wrote, "Up so early! Gonna be a long day filming. What are you all up to?"

Meanwhile, as previously reported by GossipCenter, Kim is currently gearing up to host People Magazine?s ?Sexist Man Alive? special - which airs on Wednesday night (November 17) at 10/9c on ABC.

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