| | | | Gwyneth Paltrow News & Gossip
| Gwyneth Paltrow: 'I do think I have a bit of a sixth sense about where culture is going' | Added 43 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
Gwyneth Paltrow recently chatted with the Times of London to promote her latest gig she?s teamed up with the meditation app Moments of Space. She?s being phased in as the eventual ?voice? of the app. Like? I think Gwyneth is genuinely an underrated actress, but I?ve never thought her voice is particularly soothing or meditative. She actually has a really nasal voice. Anyway, the woman interviewing Gwyneth practically crawled up her ass and tried to make it sound like Gwyneth has been ?proven right? about every half-baked pseudoscientific endeavor Goop ever shilled. It made for a nauseating read, but there are still some good quotes here. Some highlights:
On meditation: ?I?d tried before but I did not get it. I first learnt T M [Transcendental Meditation, during which you repeat a precious phrase you have been given ? a mantra ? over and over for 20 minutes] I wanna say ten years ago? I had a great teacher and it was really appealing to me, but I just couldn?t quite ? I think I was at a more difficult stage in my life. I had a lot running through my head and my body and my nervous system couldn?t get the consistency. Then my husband, Brad [Falchuk, the TV writer, director and producer of American Horror Story], during Covid he said, ?I?d really love to learn how to do that.? So we went back to my original meditation teacher and he taught Brad, and then Brad and I started doing it together every morning.?
She has a sixth sense: ?I wouldn?t call myself exceptional, but I do think I have a bit of a sixth sense about where culture is going. I tend to be able to identify things a little bit ahead of the curve.?
Empty nester: ?In the fall Brad and I have boys that will be going off to university.? Moses, Paltrow?s youngest child with her ex-husband, Chris Martin, will be leaving home for college this autumn, as will Brody Falchuk, Brad?s youngest child. ?It?ll be interesting to see how the morning routine changes with no kids in the house.? How do you feel about them going? ?On the one hand incredible sadness. A deep sense of impending grief. On the other hand this is exactly what should be happening. Your kids are supposed to be, you know, young adults who can achieve and cope and make connections and be resilient. That?s exactly what you want. And that means they leave the house.?
Defined by motherhood: ?Yeah. I?ve been so defined and so fulfilled by motherhood. It?s been kind of the central ? it?s been like the central kind of ? I don?t know even how to articulate it! It?s like the guiding force. It?s what I return to. I observe a lot of my friends who?ve had kids who?ve gone off to college. Your kid ? it changes. And, you know, they come home a lot and all that stuff, but it?s not quite the same as living under the same roof all the days of the year. So I?m just trying to be open to what that means.?
Before her father was diagnosed with cancer: ?I was more like a Camel Lights and Diet Coke kind of girl. It worked for me, for a long time!?
Her father passed away at 58, and she?s 51 now: ?I have a very good friend whose mum died of breast cancer when she was little. Actually, I have a number of friends that ? There?s just an incredible fear around getting to their mother?s age [when she died], or past their mother?s age. I think in my father?s case, I mean, his illness changed my life and the way I treat my body to such an extreme degree. I?m so conscious of trying to keep a healthy body. I make sure I do scans and blood tests and screenings, so I don?t want to, like, live in the [fear], but, you know, you?re right. It?s weird, right? There is a little bit of, wow, I?m outliving this!?
She?s been right about everything: ?I think it sort of has led to people not being so mean any more.? Are people less mean? ?For sure. When I was, early on, talking about this stuff, it was fun for people, but now ? I?ve been pretty right about everything we?ve talked about. I think even sceptics are like, ?Oh, yeah, well, you know, my aunt can?t eat gluten.? In the early, early days, it upset me. My intentions were so good. I was really trying to bring another point of view and so I was like, ouch, why are people being so? why are people so upset about this??
How she feels now: ?I don?t give a f***. I don?t care. I?ve turned 50, I don?t give a f*** what anybody thinks. I think if your intentions are good and you?re 50 years old, you really don?t care what anybody has to say.?
Her guilty-pleasure TV show: ?Oh my God! Love Is Blind, which is like so f***ing terrible and I can?t stop watching it. There are these dating shows on Netflix, like, Love on the Spectrum. That?s another thing Covid did. I had never seen a reality TV show until Covid. I had just never done it. Now it?s a slippery slope.?
[From The Times]
Editor?s note: Gwyneth Paltrow was not, in fact, right about everything. Gwyneth spent years preaching disordered eating, radically unhealthy elimination diets and starvation dressed up as ?fasting.? Gwyneth amplified some silly, crazy and profoundly bad ?treatments? to some medical conditions. I would not even say that Gwyneth was right even half the time. If anything, Goop (the platform) mostly served as an exposure of Gwyneth?s true nature, and her love of quacks and healers and all manner of sycophants-to-the-rich-and-stupid. Now, she did have a ?sixth sense? about the wellness industry, but it?s much more complicated than that.
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Top 8 most obnoxious things Gwyneth Paltrow has said!
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| Puck: Goop is having a 'midlife crisis' & the beauty line has stagnating sales | Added 213 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
Gwyneth Paltrow?s Goop has had a beauty line for years, making their own branded skincare and beauty products, sometimes in collaboration with existing beauty brands. Last year, Goop Beauty launched Good Clean Goop, a supposedly ?affordable? beauty line with all of the core tenets of Goop: ?clean? branding and eye-rolling at broke peasants. Gwyneth repeatedly looked down on consumers who cannot spend hundreds of dollars a month on skincare. She repeatedly made a point of saying that Good Clean Goop was basically a watered-down version of what she wanted because they couldn?t put expensive ingredients into the products because then the peasants wouldn?t be able to afford them. Is it a huge surprise that Good Clean Goop isn?t doing well? Perhaps not. But what surprised me is that, according to Puck, Goop Beauty is doing poorly across the board.
Goop?s overall sales, which include Goop Beauty, have been more or less flat since 2021, I?m told. Paltrow?s wholesale beauty businesses aren?t doing great, either. Despite WWD recently citing ?Amazon overall and the wholesale business as key strengths for Goop Beauty,? I?ve heard that U.S. retail sales for the brand were only in the six figures at Amazon and Sephora for the month of May. (Summer Fridays did millions in sales at Sephora during the same period.) A spokesperson for Goop said that Goop Beauty?s sales overall are up 17 percent year-to-date.
Good.clean.goop, a more affordable and wholesale-only skincare brand that launched simultaneously at Target and on Amazon last October, also underperformed. I?ve heard the line is in the ?bottom 15? at Target, which de-escalated some partnerships following the blowback to its LGBTQ+ Pride campaign last year. A source with firsthand knowledge of Target?s beauty business told me that the retailer had ?reputational concerns? regarding Paltrow being a polarizing figure and decided to ?take a step back? in terms of marketing and in-store placement of the brand.
?They got so conservative because of what was happening with Pride that everything was put on hold. Gwyneth ended up opening up the brand to Amazon, and it was not an exclusive launch. The brand lost momentum??it was put on a back endcap in the store, and it never really got traction,? this person said. (A spokesperson for Target declined to comment.)
There was also confusion around the market, pricing, and buyer for good.clean.goop. The line didn?t necessarily appeal to Paltrow?s wealthier core demographic, but it was still too expensive for the not-yet-Goop?d customer who doesn?t want to spend $30 to $40 on skincare, especially in the absence of serious marketing and prime placement in Target?s stores. ?At the end of the day, it may not be priced correctly for what it is,? an executive at the retailer said.
Then the parody went mainstream. Goop Beauty lost its first-mover advantage when clean, nontoxic, and ?free of? beauty marketing became inescapable. With every skincare brand chasing ?clean? status??which, for the record, is purely a marketer?s gimmick since most ingredients on the ?dirty? lists would never make it into beauty products in the first place??there was little setting Goop apart.
[From Puck]
I fundamentally believe that Gwyneth is a bandwagoner who merely takes credit for inventing/pioneering most things, but Puck correctly points out that Goop really missed so many opportunities to stake out their claim in the beauty/skincare market earlier on. Now the gap left by Goop has been filled by Fenty Beauty, Rare Beauty, Kylie Cosmetics, etc. Puck goes on to suggest that Goop?s ?midlife crisis? is the result of Gwyneth failing to ?install proper executive leadership, or even a seasoned C.E.O. with the operating chops to streamline the company?s various product lines.? I absolutely agree with that. Gwyneth has always expressed a desire for Goop to be a stand-alone entity eventually, and not be synonymous with Gwyneth?s name. But Gwyneth has still centered herself within the company, and for good reason because she IS Goop. But that also means that she?s sort of half-assed it when it comes to building the company and ensuring the company?s independence.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
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| Gwyneth Paltrow was 'so upset' when Kourtney K's Poosh was called a Goop ripoff | Added 324 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
Five years ago, in March 2019, Kourtney Kardashian Barker finally found her ?thing? when she launched her lifestyle website, Poosh. Given that it was a lifestyle website started by a rich lady from a famous family and had a funny name with double Os, Poosh was immediately compared to Gwyneth Paltrow?s website and brand, Goop. It was labeled a ?ripoff? or referred to as ?Goop-lite.? The websites have similar layouts too.
For her part, Gwyneth surprisingly seemed to take it in stride, and in 2022, she and Kourt teamed up to do a little merch crossover. The result was a $75 candle called ?This Smells Like My Pooshy,? a play on Goop?s famous This Smells Like My Vagina candle. Really, the name of that crossover candle is so brilliant and hilarious. It?s not $75 brilliant, but I truly appreciate the pun. The Goopster (I will not even attempt to give Kourtney a similar nickname lol) is now busy promoting her new app, Moments of Space. In an interview with People, she brought up how sh?ty she thought it was when people labeled Poosh as a Goop ripoff.
As Kourtney Kardashian Barkers Poosh launched in 2019, it immediately drew comparisons to the Oscar winners own lifestyle brand, which launched nearly 11 years prior. But that criticism didnt sit right with Paltrow.
I was so upset when Poosh was launched and people were like, This is a ripoff of Goop,' the businesswoman, 51, tells PEOPLE exclusively while discussing the Moments of Space app. I was like, this is so awful, and trying to pit us against one another, which is so crazy.
Paltrow says the criticism Kardashian Barkers Poosh received made her so excited to do the candle collaboration, dubbed This Smells Like My Pooshy.
I thought it was hilarious, she says.
For Paltrow, its of the utmost importance that women in business come together rather than see each other as competition.
The world is better and stronger when women are in cahoots with one another, she adds. I feel like the patriarchy does this thing to us where they make us feel scarcity and that theres not enough for all of us to do our thing. And its so detrimental.
Goop has become a part of the pop culture zeitgeist. From its viral launches to its often-criticized wellness advice, the brand has remained a part of the conversation while climbing to new heights of success.
In the 15 years since I founded the company, and I think unfortunately youve seen a lot of companies who started either at the same time or after us, havent found that longevity or havent found that fit in the market, she says. I feel like we just stay really true to ourselves and then we just keep going and keep growing somehow.
Among its very exciting new launches is its more affordable Good.Clean.Goop. line at Target. We really over-delivered on that product and its at such a great price point. Im very proud of that, she shares.
[From People]
Silly plebs. Don?t you know that Goop and Poosh aren?t in competition with each other? One was founded to rip off bored rich white ladies while the other is geared towards regular women with expendable cash! Duh. Poosh?s logo is in all caps while Goop goes hipster with an all lowercase serif font. They?re clearly very different websites that happen to cover similar topics and sell similar types of products. Obviously. But jokes aside, it isn?t cool to pit women against each other. Poke fun at the ridiculous things they promote or sell, but you don?t have to put them in competition with each other. I am surprised that it took Goop this long to jump on the Target bandwagon, though. Expanding to the Tar-jay crowd seemed like a no-brainer.
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A post shared by Kourtney Kardashian Barker (@kourtneykardash)
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| Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big Bird-esque? | Added 420 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
In recent years, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia has tried to diversify their business portfolio beyond ?oil.? The United Arab Emirates figured that out long ago as well, with Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar successfully sportswashing their oil-rich portfolios and creating a huge Middle East tourism boom out of nowhere. So Saudi Arabia is trying to follow that path, attempting to invest in the PGA tour and the international tennis tours, and trying like hell to sign Leo Messi. But it?s not all sportswashing the Saudis now host the Red Sea Film Festival, where American and international celebrities are invited to travel to Jeddah to promote their films, participate in Q&A sessions about their careers and more. I would imagine a nice appearance fee comes with the invitation.
All of which to say, I?ve been surprised to see just how many celebrities went to Jeddah this year for the film festival. Halle Berry, Gwyneth Paltrow, Henry Golding, Andrew Garfield, Sharon Stone and many more came out this year. The photos in this post are from the closing ceremony. How much did these people get paid? I wouldn?t imagine that Gwyneth would fly to Saudi Arabia for anything less than seven figures. Fashion notes: Gwyneth?s gown is Carolina Herrera?s Resort 2024; Halle wore Elie Saab; I assume Georgina Chapman is wearing Marchesa; Freida Pinto?s red gown is so unflattering!
During her Q&A session, Gwyneth confessed: ?I?ve never seen Endgame. I?ve never seen any of these. I can?t keep track. I probably should at some point.? It?s rude but it?s also really funny how little she gives a sh-t about the massive franchise she was part of.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
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| Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomato chic? | Added 423 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
Much like Anne Hathaway, Gwyneth Paltrow also got to choose a vintage Valentino look from the Valentino archives for last night?s British Fashion Awards. I have no idea if the house of Valentino actually selected the looks or Anne and Gwyneth got to choose their own, but I suspect that Gwyneth probably would have chosen differently. Did no one tell her that she was going to ?match? the Fashion Awards background? It?s also hilarious because Anne got the far superior vintage look. Goop looks like a fuzzy tomato.
Pamela Anderson in Stella McCartney actually one of my favorite looks of the night? She?s been going no-makeup to events this year and she looks amazing.
Jodie Comer in Victoria Beckham. She looks underdressed, but it?s fine.
Taylor Russell in Loewe. Loewe is so funky! This looks really cool on Taylor though, and she?s become a budding fashionista.
Hello, Andrew Garfield in a tux!
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
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| Gwyneth Paltrow's ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next month | Added 442 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
Back in March, the trial of the year went down in a Park City, Utah courtroom. The defendant was a rich, misunderstood, vagina-egg lovin? nepo baby and the plaintiff was a retired optometrist who sadly lost his ability to enjoy wine tastings. The media loved it. The people on social media loved it. A new set of memes and an appreciation for white turtlenecks and aviators was born.
I am, of course, referencing Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski accident trial. A quick recap: Gwyneth and her family were skiing in Park City back in 2016 when she collided with another skier, Terry Sanderson. Sanderson sued Paltrow for $3 million (later reduced to $300,000) in damages, claiming he?d suffered broken bones and lasting brain damage. The Goopster countersued for $1 in damages and the cost of legal fees. She won and told Sanderson, ?I wish you well,? on the way out. That this is a thing that happened still blows my mind. But, you know what this whole scenario really needed? A musical about it.
Audiences eager to revisit the peaks and valleys of Gwyneth Paltrow?s legal battle over a skiing accident should consider a trip to England, where a stage musical based on the much-publicized trial will premiere next month.
Set to open Dec. 13 at London?s Pleasance Theatre, ?Gwyneth Goes Skiing? is billed by theater company Awkward Productions as ?a story of love, betrayal, skiing, and (somehow) Christmas.?
Actor Linus Karp stars as Paltrow, while longtime collaborator Joseph Martin portrays Terry Sanderson, the retired optometrist who accused the Oscar winner and Goop founder of crashing into him on the slopes of Utah?s Deer Valley Resort in 2016.
Although the March trial ended in Paltrow?s favor, attendees will serve as the jury and ultimately decide the outcome in its theatrical counterpart.
?She?s the Goop-founding, Door-Sliding, Shakespeare-In-Loving, consciously-uncoupling Hollywood superstar,? a logline on Pleasance Theatre?s website reads. ?He?s a retired Optometrist from Utah. In 2016, they went skiing. On the slopes of Deer Valley, their worlds collided, and so did they ? literally. Ouch. Seven years later in 2023, they went to court. Double ouch.?
Though other specifics of the production are scarce, the show will feature music by singer-songwriter Leland, who has previously collaborated with Cher and Troye Sivan, among other pop artists.
On Wednesday, Leland teased his involvement with the show with a tongue-in-cheek post on X, the social platform formerly known as Twitter.
?Wait till you hear the 11 o?clock number,? he wrote.
Just how ?Gwyneth Goes Skiing? will fare with critics and theatergoers remains to be seen. However, it?s safe to say that the real-life case on which the musical is based became a televised, meme-ified spectacle that seems ripe for dramatic treatment.
Media coverage of the two-week trial was breathless. The New Yorker deemed it Paltrow?s ?best role in years,? noting that the actor had ?unabashedly leaned into every stereotype that has ever been used to label her, in a performance that rises to the level of Ryan Murphy-esque high camp.?
[From HuffPost]
Okay, I know we don?t *need* a musical about The Great Ski and Run Trial of 2023, but I don?t care. I didn?t need that king-sized Kit Kat I just stole from my son?s Halloween basket but I enjoyed the hell out of it anyway. I don?t need to tell y?all that it?s been a rough almost-decade. I chose to find glee (see what I did there?) in something as absurd as this. I wonder if the 11 o?clock number is called ?I Wish You Well,? and if it will be a self-affirming solo or a duet between Goopy and Terry a la ?For Good? from Wicked. I also keep singing ?Roxie? from Chicago in my head. The name on everybody?s lips is gonna be?Gwyneth!
London-based peeps, you have to go to Gwyneth Goes Skiing and report back. My sister lives in London and no joke, I?m about to text her to go get tickets. I expect it to be just as campy, outrageous, and magical as the description makes it sound. Oh, I do hope that it becomes a cult classic and gets the Rocky Horror Picture Show treatment with people dressing up and calling things out with prompts. Man, what a time to be alive. In the words of the great Roxie Hart, ?And that?s showbiz, kids.?
maybe this is too niche but this is my fan casting for a The Crown-style show about Gwyneth Paltrow?s skiing incident pic.twitter.com/6ca0Gv5tnH
e (@crocfanpage) March 27, 2023
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| Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term 'free birds' to the 'sad & lonely empty-nesters' | Added 444 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
Gwyneth Paltrow covers this week?s issue of People Magazine. She?s promoting multiple things, mainly the 15th anniversary of Goop and Goop?s new Target/Amazon beauty line, Good Clean Goop. This is like the third thing I?ve read or watched from Gwyneth as she looks down her nose at the peasants who want affordable beauty and skincare products. Every single time, she mentions the fact that she would have loved to put more ingredients better ingredients into the product line but they had to keep the costs down, so you?ll take what you can get and you?re welcome, peasants. That?s what she talks about in the People Mag cover story video, but in the print edition, she?s talking a lot about her 50s and being on the verge of having an empty nest.
Her 50s: ?I had the erroneous idea that I would be able to downshift a little bit. But life is very full-on. Its been very intense.?
The good.clean.goop product line: We felt passionate about creating clean, efficacious products at a more accessible price for a broader audience. They call it masstige in the industry. I love that word, between ?mass? and ?prestige.? So we set out to create this, and it?s been so much fun.?
Her marriage to Brad Falchuk: Shes cherishing the quieter moments at the Faltrow? residence, as she calls it. Nights are filled with cooking family dinners while listening to French pop music (her current favorite genre) and watching European murder-mystery shows. But Paltrow admits blending a family, especially one with four teenagers, is no easy task. ?It?s hard, and it?s not intuitive, and nobody tells you how to do it. You just stick with it. Now it?s one of the things that brings me the most happiness in my life.?
Moses is in his senior year of high school & Apple is already in college: Gwyneth says she prefers the term ?free birds? to empty-nesters. ?I?m trying to reframe it so that I can at least try to convince myself there?s some kind of a silver lining. Empty nest sounds so sad and lonely.?
New chapters: ?I believe that life, especially for women, comes in chapters. This is really going to be a new chapter for me.?
[From People]
Back in the ?90s, if you told me that Gwyneth would practically give up acting in her 30s to focus on wellness, beauty lines and clothing lines, I would not have believed you. We would have called her a sellout too, but it?s interesting to think back on how ?selling out? was a mortal sin back then, and now everyone?s like, yay, sell out and make that money. As for ?free birds? rather than empty nesters? say what you will about Gwyneth (she?s an elitist ahole pushing pseudoscience on gullible rich women) but her kids turned out okay. I keep getting the impression that Gwyneth?s stepkids kind of hate her though. LOL.
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| The 'Friends' cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry's passing | Added 459 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
Matthew Perry passed away at his home on Saturday. TMZ reportedly paid off a police source to break the news before Perry?s family was informed of his passing. Hellish. Perry?s family came to the scene quickly and the family made some heartbreaking statements. It felt like everyone was waiting for Perry?s Friends costars to speak out, and they waited until they all agreed on a joint statement. They kept it simple. I?m sure they?re all devastated.
The Friends cast is mourning one of their own. Two days after Matthew Perrys sudden death, his fellow castmates from the hit television series ? Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Leblanc and David Schwimmer ? spoke out in a joint statement, exclusively obtained by PEOPLE.
We are all so utterly devastated by the loss of Matthew. We were more than just cast mates. We are a family, their statement reads. There is so much to say, but right now we?re going to take a moment to grieve and process this unfathomable loss.
In time we will say more, as and when we are able, the statement continues. For now, our thoughts and our love are with Matty?s family, his friends, and everyone who loved him around the world.
The message is then signed by Aniston, Cox, Kudrow, LeBlanc and Schwimmer.
Series co-creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane were joined by executive producer Kevin Bright in issuing a joint statement on Sunday.
?We are shocked and deeply, deeply saddened by our beloved friend Matthew?s passing,? they wrote. ?It still seems impossible. All we can say is that we feel blessed to have had him as part of our lives. He was a brilliant talent.? Reflecting on Perry?s breakout performance, they noted, ?It?s a cliche to say that an actor makes a role their own, but in Matthew?s case, there are no truer words. From the day we first heard him embody the role of Chandler Bing, there was no one else for us.?
Kaufman, Crane and Brights statement continued, ?We will always cherish the joy, the light, the blinding intelligence he brought to every moment ? not just to his work, but in life as well. He was always the funniest person in the room. More than that, he was the sweetest, with a giving and selfless heart. We send all of our love to his family and friends. This truly is The One Where Our Hearts Are Broken.?
[From People]
Calling him ?Matty? broke my heart a little bit that was his nickname with the Friends cast. I hope they?re all talking and supporting each other at this time. While I knew Perry was well-liked within Hollywood, I?ve been surprised by just how many celebrities have been mourning him as a longtime friend. Salma Hayek also posted a statement (they worked together on Fools Rush In) and Gwyneth Paltrow revealed in her statement that they hooked up in their 20s.
Gwyneth Paltrow saying a truly sweet and poignant goodbye to Matthew Perry and slipping in the fact that they hooked up is EXACTLY how I want to be remembered pic.twitter.com/Udif0dQ1EA
Lizzie Logan (@lizzzzzielogan) October 30, 2023
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| Gwyneth Paltrow on the 'nepo baby' term: 'I think it's kind of an ugly moniker' | Added 470 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
Gwyneth Paltrow is launching ?Good Clean Goop,? a mass-market extension of Goop Beauty and her Goop wellness supplements. Good Clean Goop will be available at Target and Amazon and she?s seemingly put some effort into making products at an affordable price point for peasants. We?ll see! To promote this new thing, Gwyneth gave a lengthy interview to Bustle. She talked about the products, of course, but in typical Gwyneth fashion, she also touched on the ?nepo baby? issue and the fact that she didn?t watch Prince Harry and Meghan?s Oprah interview. Some highlights from Bustle:
The Sussexes? Oprah interview: ?Do you know I?m the only person in America that did not see that interview? Well, I didn?t watch it at the time, and now I can?t I don?t know where to find it. I?m so out of it culturally. It?s really embarrassing. Oh, my God, you have no idea. I was sitting with a friend yesterday, and she was like, ?Did you see something, something? about?? I was like, ?What?? She goes, ?What is wrong with you?? It was like three big things in a row, and I was like, ?I have no idea what you?re talking about.?
Launching Good Clean Goop at Target & Amazon: ?We actually started the conversations with Target years and years ago. I really like Target. I think it?s a great brand. I?ve been spending a lot of more time in Target lately, just looking at the breadth of what?s available. They have cool spins on things, and they seem to care about aesthetics. Then Amazon, the consumer is there, and so you want to make it easy.
Her life is messy: ?I?m in a phase where I feel like things are just extra, extra messy because I have so much to do. My son and stepson are both seniors in high school, and sometimes I feel like the college process is a full-time job in and of itself. So I?m trying to keep the domestic stuff on track, and we have a lot going on at the company So I?m just f*cking up. I?ve burned three things in the oven this weekend, just stuff like that, where you?re like, ?What the f*ck?? I should say I?m trying to learn to be more tolerant with myself when I make messes, because I really don?t like it. It?s just one of those seasons. It?s like this fulcrum of life. I thought in my 50s I could downshift for some reason. I don?t really know why I thought that would happen. I was talking to my friend who?s in her 60s, and she?s like, ?Oh, no. No way. You got 15 more years.? I was like, ?Oh, my God.?
Turning 50: ?Fifty was great. I was concerned I was going to feel a lot of grief or fear because I remember when I turned 40, the anticipation? I really flipped out. I didn?t have that at all at 50. I was like, ?I love my friends. I love my husband. I love my kids. Yeah, my job is hard. But this is good.? To your point, it?s like: I don?t give a f*ck what anyone says about me, thinks about me, this is who I am. I felt like 50 was a deepening into myself. And, apparently, that just keeps getting better.
Having a 19-year-old daughter: ?It?s so fun to have a daughter that age, especially because she?s into clothes and skin and all that kind of stuff. She?s more girly than I am. She?s really good at doing makeup and loves to do it. I just don?t wear makeup that requires skill. I can wear lip balm, I can wear cheek color and mascara, and that?s as far as I go. It?s great because she?s plugged in to the cool stuff, and not the rubbish-y, depressing part of our culture. We were FaceTiming yesterday, and she was telling me how she uses all the Goop products. I never pushed anything, but over time she?s just migrated over to it, and so I was beaming from ear to ear. She?s such an eminently nice person, and her values are in the right place.
The nepo baby conversation as it might pertain to Apple: ?Now there?s this whole nepo baby culture, and judgment that exists around kids of famous people. She?s really just a student, and she?s been very She just wants to be a kid and be at school and learn. But there?s nothing wrong with doing or wanting to do what your parents do. Nobody rips on a kid who?s like ?I want to be a doctor like my dad and granddad.? The truth is if you grow up in a house with a lot of artists and people making art and music, that?s what you know, the same way that if you grow up in a house with law, the discussions around the table are about the nuances of whatever particular law the parents practice. I think it?s kind of an ugly moniker. I just hope that my children always feel free to pursue exactly what they want to do, irrespective of what anybody?s going to think or say.
[From Bustle]
The nepo baby conversation and Gwyneth?s disdain for the ?ugly moniker? is so funny, given that Gwyneth was the biggest nepo baby of the 1990s. That was her whole deal, she was ?Blythe Danner and Bruce Paltrow?s daughter? and Gwyneth milked her ?Hollywood royalty? status. Now, I also think Apple seems harmless and she?s barely doing nepo-baby things. She?s a college student who went to one Chanel show and gave one interview to People. Maybe Apple will nepo-baby out in the future, but for now, she?s fine.
As for not watching the Sussexes? Oprah interview? it does come across as out-of-touch. It comes across like Gwyneth lives inside her ass and doesn?t realize that there are other big cultural moments outside of Goop-ville.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
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| Is Gwyneth Paltrow 'courting' the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend collection' | Added 610 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
In mid-May, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were spotted at Sushi Bar in Montecito. Sushi Bar is part of the Montecito Inn, and it?s apparently something of a lowkey hotspot for celebrities with second homes in Montecito or Santa Barbara. Celebrities like? Gwyneth Paltrow, who showed off her Montecito home to Architectural Digest last year. Gwyneth loves royalty and there were rumors, back in the day, that she was really trying to marry someone with a title. She?s also hung out with King Charles and Prince Philip and various other European royals. Well, reportedly, Gwyneth and her husband Brad Falchuk were at that dinner with the Sussexes.
Gwyneth Paltrow joined Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for a surprise outing last week. The 50-year-old actress and her husband Brad Falchuk, 52, stepped out for a dinner date with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as well as Cameron Diaz and her husband Benji Madden in Montecito, California, according to reports.
Meghan, Prince Harry, Gwyneth Paltrow, Brad Falchuk, Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden all enjoyed dinner at Sushi by Scratch Restaurants: Montecito on Friday, May 12, a source told Entertainment Tonight.
Page Six reported that Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd and her husband Michael Herd also attended the A-List gathering at the Michelin-starred restaurant.
The couples are all residents of the exclusive coastal enclave in Santa Barbara County. Paltrow and Falchuk moved to Montecito in 2016, while Markle, 41, and Harry, 38, relocated to the area in 2020 after officially stepping down from their roles as working members of the royal family. Diaz and Madden purchased a $12.67 Montecito mansion in May 2022.
[From Fox News]
So, Fox News? headline was ?Harry and Meghan courted by Gwyneth Paltrow? and then Fox News exhaustively listed all of Gwyneth?s royal connections, but offered no further proof of Gwyneth?s attempts to ?court? the Sussexes. Don?t get me wrong, I actually think Meghan and Gwyneth would be natural allies, and they have similar interests. I do believe Gwyneth has probably cultivated this relationship, if there is one. We?ll probably find out soon enough both women have podcasts, and I could absolutely see a pod crossover. The Archetypes episode would be ?The Gravitas of Goop? or?oh, sh-t, ?The It Girl Myth with Gwyneth.? I could absolutely see something ?Meghan-approved? appearing for sale on Goop. Just remember, even though we find Gwyneth to be impossibly smug and annoying, she really does have a lot of famous friends who adore her.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.
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