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 Whew, I was about to jump off the Megan Fox bandwagon yesterday when she left the salon, but now I’m back driving it. Last night, she headed to Chateau Marmon looking gorgeous and grabbing her crotch. I’m not sure what that was all about or why she left with a woman wearing a table cloth, but I would hit that so hard and at so many angles you’d need to see into the fourth dimension just to see what I was doing. The jaws of life couldn’t even get me off of her.
More Photos Here
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| Bruce Willis' ski lodge burns down | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The Soldier Mountain Ski Resort in Fairfield, Idaho that Bruce Willis co-owns has burned to the ground. The lodge had closed for the season two days before, and though it employs up to 50 people during the season, luckily none were injured. The fire marshal says that they believe the blaze started in a fireplace after an employee party. It destroyed the lodge as well as a nearby rental cabin.
According to Camas County Chief Deputy Brian Miller, the blaze started at 7:30 a.m. and destroyed the lodge and a ski rental building nearby. The resort employs 50 people during the ski season. Fairfield Mayor David Hanks called the fire a real blow to the community. He stated that area businesses count on the ski resort to help bring customers into the area during the winter months.
The last ski day was Saturday and a season ending employee party was held on Sunday night. The fire is believed to have started near a fireplace on the north end of the lodge. The fire marshal is continuing to investigate.
Willis and the Valley Entertainment Group had been working on a new master development plan with officials of the Sawtooth National Forest to build a new lodge and a new lift for the resort.
[From Bitten and Bound]
Bruce just got married to model Emma Hemming, and they should be enjoying their honeymoon period, but instead they will have to deal with this mess. At least no one was injured and the fire was put out relatively quickly before it did any damage to the surrounding area. Bruce and his team were designing a new lift and a new building, so this is a real blow to their plans. There’s little chance that an entire lodge and lift could be completed by next season, and the results will cut into the economy in the area.
If you click this link, you can see pictures of the aftermath - and it’s not pretty. It looks like nearly everything is destroyed.
Here?s Bruce and Emma Herring in Los Angeles on December 12th. Images thanks to WENN .
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| Angie Harmon claims she was passed up for jobs because she's Republican | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 For some reason Fox has done a two-part interview with actress Angie Harmon on her Republican views. And her frustration with the Democrats - and how she thinks people label her a racist when she speaks out against President Obama. In the second part of the interview (because everyone?s so fascinated with Angie Harmon that Fox deems it necessary to break up the excitement so we can contain ourselves), she complains about how hard it is to be a Republican in Hollywood, and admits she?s probably lost some jobs due to her politics.
Harmon also admitted that she?s probably (unknowingly) lost jobs over her political views, and is pretty disillusioned over why so many Americans are not open to freedom of opinion.
“It’s not like anyone has come up to my face and been like ?I’m not hiring you because you’re a Republican!? But the media is so liberal and I get it, but I?m just confused on where we lost the respect for our fellow Americans. Not all of us are supposed to believe the same things and think the same way,” she added. “I think the difference between the parties is, with the Democrats you can sit down with them and have a 15 minute conversation and if you?re not believing everything they say and buying into what they?re selling you, it is like you?re some dumb hick who doesn’t deserve to live here anymore. But with the Republicans, it is like okay I want to know what you know, you want to know what I know, okay great lets go have a beer after work, we’re still friends. I?m just confused as to where we lost that in America because it is everyone?s God-given right to think the way they think and that’s fine. That’s why our ancestors came here to America, to believe what they want, pray how they want and follow a religion with whoever they want.”
And in the Democratic-driven heat of Hollywood, Ms. Harmon has definitely taken a risk in voicing her views.
“Look we haven?t been shot yet! We’re still alive! We’ve said the word “Republican” like four times and we’re still alive! Can you believe it?” Harmon joked.
[From Fox News? Pop Tarts]
Most people think their side is willing to hear the other out, but believes the other side is not willing to hear them out. Angie feels Republicans will hear Democrats out but they won?t return the favor because that?s the side she?s on. I feel Democrats will hear Republicans out but they won?t do the same because that?s the side I?m on. We feel that way because the other side doesn?t agree with us. And it?s an issue both conservatives and liberals deal with; it?s not like Republicans are inherently tolerant and open-minded towards differing points of view while Democrats are not.
Angie?s probably been passed up for jobs because she’s a has been and has to bring up politics to get attention. That?s the only way the press pays attention to her anymore ? when was the last time you heard a thing about her being in a movie or on television? The last show she was in was “Women’s Murder Club,? in 2007 and that was cancelled after 13 episodes. Prior to that, she had bit parts here and there but nothing significant since she left ?Law & Order? in 2001. This strikes me as nothing more than an attempt to whine and get attention. Of course, I?m willing to grab a beer with Angie after work and hear her out if that’s what she wants.
Here?s Angie Harmon at the launch of ‘Latisse’ in Los Angeles on Sunday. Images thanks to WENN .
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| Miley Cyrus: 'Jennifer Aniston is so classy' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Even though Miley Cyrus very publicly adored Angelina Jolie at the Oscars this year, even going so far to wish that Angelina would adopt her, Miley wants people to know that she she?s not really Team Jolie or Team Aniston. Miley tells next month?s Glamour Magazine that she thinks Jennifer Aniston is classy. She thinks both Jennifer and Angelina have great style and that she admires both women. How diplomatic. US Magazine has more:
End the debate: Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are both great. So says Miley Cyrus.
Asked in May’s Glamour Magazine to name her Hollywood role models, the 16-year-old star says, “This is actually funny. I’m a huge Jennifer Aniston fan and a huge Angelina Jolie fan.”
They both have great style, for one.
“Jennifer Aniston can put on a plain black dress, with plain makeup and hair, and look so stunning,” Cyrus says. “Angelina always looks so comfortable in her own skin: At a premiere she was wearing a pantsuit ? what woman throws that on and looks smoking hot?”
Jolie, 33, “also changed every couple of years, going from wild child to being a mom and having a normal life.”
Aniston, 40, also underwent change: She “bounced back after her divorce. She could have gone crazy with so many different guys, but she didn’t,” Cyrus says. “If anything like that ever happens to me, I’m like, Pull a Jennifer, Miley! She is so classy.”
From US Magazine
?Pull a Jennifer? could mean so many things. But I suppose Miley is just talking about Aniston?s ?bounce? post-divorce? I have no idea what goes on in Miley?s head, so I won?t speculate.
After Miley talked about Angelina so much during and after the Oscars, Miley then gave a statement that she did not, in fact, have a ?girl crush? on Angelina. I thought at the time that perhaps someone at Disney didn?t like their young star so closely related to someone like Angelina (re: bisexuality), and perhaps someone told Miley to tone it down. Now I wonder if Miley felt a backlash from the Team Aniston chicas, though.
Photos of Miley Cyrus’ Glamour photo shoot from Glamour.com
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| Now that's a bad economy: Nicolas Cage sells German castle | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 You know it?s a bad economy when movie stars start selling their castles. Nicolas Cage bought his German one, Schloss Neidstein, in 2006, and has spent millions of dollars to renovate the 11th century property. The castle has 28 rooms and is surrounded by nearly 400 acres of meadows, forests and fields. Sounds nice.
People always make fun of Nicholas Cage, and I?m not sure why. Once upon a time, he was one of the best actors out there, although he?s spent the last dozen years making the same brainless action movie over and over again. But he makes the studios a lot of money, and he?ll always get work. And he?s amassed quite the savings account in the process too. The German castle was only one part of his vast real estate portfolio:
Oscar winner Nicolas Cage is selling his 11th century estate called Schloss Neidstein in Etzelwang, Germany, after he bought it in 2006 and set about restoring the castle to its former glory.
The actor, whose mother Joy Vogelsang is from Germany, purchased the estate for some 1.6 million, but is understood to have spent that twice over since in renovating the castle.
Schloss Neidstein sits on a hill with a stunning view of 395 acres of forest, meadows and fields. The 9,688-square-foot castle has 28 rooms, including 10 bedrooms and five bathrooms.
But he was only seen visiting the estate once, in 2008. “He didn’t have his heart in it,” said Roman Berr, the local mayor. And now the “Leaving Las Vegas” star has sold the property to a lawyer, according to Mr Berr.
But the nephew of legendary Hollywood director Francis Ford Coppola still has a considerable property portfolio, including homes in Los Angeles, Louisiana and another castle, the 18th century Midford Castle on the outskirts of Bath.
In a recent interview with British radio station Heart, the actor spoke of his love for his English retreat, saying, “The castle is in a process of restoration and hasn’t been finished yet. It’s a long process. It’s from the 1700s and it needs quite a bit of love.?
“It’s more like a castle of the imagination. It’s more of a Lewis Carroll-type castle actually; quite fantastical and all that.”
[From The Telegraph]
That?s nice. He has a new castle to renovate. I was worried for a second. I already knew he had a big house in New Orleans and lots of property in Hollywood, but The Telegraph doesn?t mention that Cage also owns at least one private island in the Caribbean. Who needs a German castle when you?re got your own tropical island?
Here?s Nicolas Cage on the set of ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ in New York City on Monday. Images thanks to WENN .
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| Eva Longoria Rallies for Kids With Cancer | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Eva Longoria went to a rally for Kids with Cancer, and Eva looked mighty good doing it. I always dig celebrities that actually do things like this. The actress and wife took part in the rally and gave us some cleavage to hold our attention through all the talking. Eva gets my commendation for not only looking beautiful but for helping out a very good cause! Kids with cancer is not a joking matter, and neither is Eva Longoria and her amazing beauty!
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| Just a normal day for Pamela Anderson | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Pamela Anderson hit up Malibu beach where she managed not to slip a nipple and, instead, sat sewing her kid’s clothes while her friend flipped off the camera. These photos are probably the only ones in existence where Pamela looks motherly. She should hang one of these above the fireplace to replace the one she has of her stumbling home drunk at 5 AM carrying a bag of Goodwill clothes that she had no memory of getting and passing out in her own sick.
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| Katie Price is a good mother | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Katie Price, the big breasted English reality tv sensation (is sensation the right word?), went back to the UK to visit friends in her hometown. This included spending Mother’s Day eve in a drunken stupor and ending the night passed out over a table in an all-night cafe in Brighton. Just in time for actual Mother’s Day!
The model, who now writes her own children’s books, spent the Saturday night partying with three friends at the Oceana nightclub where they downed champagne and cocktails.
At one point she climbed into the DJ booth and began slurring down the microphone, ‘Hello Brighton! I love you all, this is my hometown and I love it here!’
At 4am, the group left looking bleary-eyed and headed to 24-hour seafront cafe, Buddies, to continue the festivities.
Customers looked on in shock as she reportedly began throwing food at her friends.
An onlooker said: ‘She looked totally out of it. She could barely stand up when she was in the cafe. By the very end, she had stopped drinking and asked the waiter to bring her a hot chocolate.
‘She left some money for a tip but it was literally about 10p, despite being a millionaire. She would have had a huge hangover on Mother’s Day and I imagine spent a lot of time recovering in bed.’
Did I read that correctly? Katie Price writes children’s books? What life lessons can she possibly teach kids? Beer before liquor makes the panties come off quicker? That the fastest way to get what you want is to get double D’s and pose topless? Reading her book is like giving a 10 year old birth control. Yea, the message is there, but it’s six years too soon.
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 Back in February of last year, Madonna managed to raise an estimated $3.7 million for her Raising Malawi charity. An impressive amount which could help the impoverished country. Now, 14 months later, the money is still unaccounted for despite many attempts to ascertain where it went.
The fundraiser had some problems, however. Even though Raising Malawi had been in business for two years, it was still not approved as a sanctioned non-profit at the time. Instead, Gucci formed its own Foundation ? known as a 501 c3 ? to collect the money. They brought UNICEF on board to give the event a feeling of legitimacy. But in the end, the efforts expended were for Raising Malawi, an organization founded by the Kabbalah Center of Los Angeles. Raising Malawi teaches the Kabbalah curriculum, called Spirituality for Kids, to Malawi orphans.
Now, fourteen months after the fundraiser, there?s no accounting for the money that came in. At the time, Gucci claimed that they?d underwritten the entire event, that $3.7 million had been raised and that it had been split between Raising Malawi and UNICEF.
But since then, the Gucci Foundation has still not filed a Form 990 tax statement, and neither has Raising Malawi. Calls to Gucci haven?t provided any information, and calls and emails to Raising Malawi haven?t been returned.
Clearly the $3.7 million has already gone to help poor Malawians. Malawians by the name of David who live in Madonna’s house. David, once living in poverty, now has a gigantic diamond ring sized for Madonna’s finger and a bunch of designer purses which he can use in high school if he so chooses. That David sure is lucky.
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| Matthew McConaughey says babies are like rubber, doesn't miss being single | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Matthew McConaughey may not have yet married Camila Alves, the lovely mother of his infant son, but that doesn’t mean that he’s pining for his single past. McConaughey has a new interview in this week’s In Touch in which he waxes poetic about how he views his relationship and the things he’s gone through to get to his life as a father and partner. I love the way he phrases things and how open and real McConaughey seems. Ever since he described his son’s birth so viscerally, I’ve been a fan:
Five years ago, when I thought about having a child and a family, I didn’t want to do it and live in Hollywood, or do it and be doing what I’m doing - acting. But I’ve completely turned that around.
Now that you’re committed to Camila, do you have any regrets about your dating past?
You bring up an interesting point because once people get to where they want to go, they want to white out the past. I never understood that.
Why is that?
You wouldn’t be where you are if you didn’t go through all the other things. It’s an honor to be at an ex-girlfriend’s wedding or to have them over for dinner. There’s nothing goofy about it.
Weren’t you the man of honor at Sandra Bullock’s wedding?
I don’t want to give details, but I still have good relationships with people I was with in the past. They’re great. I’m not saying everyone has to do that, but I’ve been very fortunate.
Have any of your exes ever tried to change you?
I’ve seen women who have changed men and then it didn’t work out because he wasn’t the guy they fell in love with. I want to grow, but if somebody tried to tinker too much with me, we’d probably high-five and say good luck.
Were you a player when you were younger?
I don’t subscribe to any of that. My dad taught me to respect women and be a gentlemen.
What else did your parents instill in you?
Dad gave us good birds-and-bees tips early on. And my mom always said to respect yourself, your time and your body. That was pretty cool advice.
How’s your son, Levi, doing?
He’s in his eighth month, which is great. Carrots are his favorite toy.
Are you on diaper duty?
It’s a privilege. It’s really not a hard task. I can do it in less than five minutes.
Have you learned anything surprising about babies?
They’re like rubber. You don’t have to be dainty with them. And they’re usually happy once their diaper is clean.
Is it hard to go to work now that you have family at home?
No. A film crew becomes a tribe. It’s like the circus has come to town and now I get to bring my family along. For me, I’m really interested - it’s going to make me a better actor.
[From In Touch, print edition, April 6, 2009]
Unlike Hello! Magazine and some other stources, In Touch is pretty honest about their interviews and doesn’t run other people’s interviews or cobble together old stuff and make it seem new. They bill this as a new interview and I’m pretty certain it is one.
McConaughey is incredibly refreshing and his interviews are fun to watch and read. I love the unique way he phrases things and the kind of spunk and honesty that comes through when he explains things. He’s a real character and a stand up guy. He’s not the best actor, but he’s certainly got a good attitude about life.
Matthew McConaughey is shown on the beach with his dog on 3/31/09. Credit: Fame Pictures
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| Carmen Electra in a Sexy Swimsuit | Added 16 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 I have never been one for the one piece swimsuit. It's usually worn by fat people, and not people as hot as Carmen Electra. People like Carmen should be required to wear bikinis! The often nude model shows us a couple of sexy photos that tease me! Carmen is definitely showing off her ample cleavage, and for some reason, I care not that they are fake. Carmen Electra is a hottie that I could definitely spend some time with...even if it's just in pictures!
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| Hayden Panettiere is interviewing | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Before Hayden Panettiere went on The Sunrise Morning Show in Australia, she had a get mic’d up. Reaching into her shirt to attach a mic is pretty much the most interesting thing Hayden’s done all year. Phew, I’m breathless from excitement.
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| OK! cover: Brad tells Angelina to put a ring on it | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Yesterday, I shared my theory about the angle the tabloids have when reporting on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. My theory is that the stories get worse when Angelina is working, as a way to ?punish? a working mother. Some disagreed, some thought there was some validity. The tabloid covers this week only seem to validate it, though.
Brangelina isn?t the top cover story on Star Magazine this week, but they?re the sidebar story - talking about how The Brange has already split. OK! Magazine?s cover takes a more pragmatic approach. Their cover is called ?Brad?s marriage ultimatum?. The basic gist is that Brad is, at this point, a ?single parent? and that if Angelina wants more babies, Brad wants Angie to put a ring on it.
Superstar parents Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are the world?s most glamorous couple ? but one thing has been missing from their seemingly perfect lives: A marriage certificate.
Now a friend of the pair tells OK! that Brad, 45, has issued Angie, 33, an ultimatum: ?Brad?s told her, ?Marry me, or it?s over.? ?
What?s more, another source says, Brad told Angie ? who hopes to add to their six children ? ?he definitely wants to get married before they have any more babies.?
Why is Brad putting his foot down? While his Oscar-winning baby-mama frantically pursues film and humanitarian work, he?s essentially been a single dad ? and he?s ?stressed out,? a friend of Brad tells OK!.
Both Brad and Angie ? now holed up at NYC?s posh Waldorf Astoria hotel while she films the spy thriller Salt ? are even too fried for sex. ?Their relationship is so out of kilter, he believes marriage is the only thing that will bring it back around.?
From OK! Magazine
Because marriage has helped so many people?s sex lives? Right. I?ll buy that Brad is stressed out, but I really think the two of them worked out this marriage issue a long time ago. Although while Angie was promoting Changeling, she did mention that at some point, they might get married. It was probably just lip service, though.
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| Bridget Moynahan furious with Gisele Bundchen over mommy claims | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 On Monday, Vanity Fair released an interview with model Gisele Bundchen that was fairly explosive. Bundchen didn’t seem capable of censoring herself or using the slightest bit of tact or discretion. In it, she said her baby stepson (the child of her husband Tom Brady and his ex-girlfriend, actress Bridget Moynahan) is 100 percent her own, amongst other shockingly insensitive claims.
In Vanity Fair, Bundchen not only said John was “100 percent her child,” she added: “It’s not like because somebody else delivered him, that’s not my child. I love him the same way as if he were mine. I already feel like he’s my son, from the first day . . . He’s my little angel — the sweetest, most cuddly, loving baby. I feel blessed to have him in my life. I understand that he has a mom, and I respect that. But to me, it’s not like because somebody else delivered him, that’s not my child — I feel it is, 100 percent.”
[From Page Six]
Bridget hasn?t dignified Giselle?s statements with a response, but her friends say she?s furious at the model?s audacious presumptuousness.
Bridget Moynahan is furious with Gisele Bundchen after Bundchen boldly bragged to Vanity Fair about being mommy to Moynahan and Tom Brady’s son, John. But while Moynahan is taking the high road and keeping quiet, her friends are not.
One close pal told Page Six, “If Gisele loved Bridget’s child like he was ‘100 percent her own,’ then she would not talk about him in the press. Discretion and respect are not either of Gisele or Tom’s virtues, as was evidenced even when the child was still unborn and they publicly flaunted their relationship without any discretion whatsoever.”
Brady and Moynahan broke up before the “Lord of War” star learned she was pregnant and he began dating Bundchen. Moynahan gave birth to John on Aug. 22, 2007.
Moynahan’s friend continued: “Don’t you think Jack will grow up and read her comments and find them disrespectful to him and his mother? If Tom is such a great father as everyone likes to say, then you would think that he’d respect the privacy of his young child and would ask his wife not to use his son as a publicity prop and a subject of public discussion. Is she is so desperate for attention that she can’t find anything more productive to talk about other than Bridget’s child?”
Moynahan’s friend also quipped, “Hey Gisele — real mothers don’t call their kids ‘it.’” Moynahan’s rep declined to comment.
[From Page Six]
A lot of people responded to the original story by saying Gisele was just trying to show how much she loves John and that she doesn?t consider him less important to her for being a stepson instead of her biological child. I think her language is too strong and emphatic for that.
The 100 percent her child thing is just way over the line, mostly because it?s absolutely untrue. John is 100 percent Bridget and Tom?s child. And frankly, that must be a little painful for a newlywed. There is this beautiful, happy baby boy in her life, and he belongs to her husband and his ex-girlfriend. Perhaps Gisele copes with it by trying to maximize her own relationship with John. But in so doing, she also dramatically minimized Bridget.
Here?s Bridget Moynahan taking John Edward for a walk in Pacific Palisades last Thursday. Images thanks to Pacific Coast News.
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| Star: Tori Spelling is anorexic because her mom stresses her out | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 A few days ago we reported on Candy Spelling?s promotional tour for her book, Stories from Candyland, and her claims that she?s never met her granddaughter, she doesn?t know where Tori lives, and that she doesn?t really get along with Tori?s husband Dean.
This week?s Star Magazine cover claims that Tori Spelling is so stressed out over her mother that she’s dropped to ?a frail 98 lbs.? There are fears that Tori might be anorexic, but the picture on the cover looks photo-shopped to me. Still, even if the picture is computer-generated, Tori has gotten very slim lately. Star claims there is a ?blood feud? between the two women, but that Tori is afraid of the family secrets Candy might reveal in the book.
Tori Spelling has dropped to a frail 98 lbs. — and Star has learned that her mother is to blame!
In our April 13 issue — on sale today — we report that Candy Spelling, who the actress has been estranged from since December 2007, has ramped up the blood feud between mother and daughter by spilling many of Tori’s intimate secrets in a new tell-all, and the Beverly Hills, 90210 alum is so upset by it, she can’t even bring herself to eat.
“It’s not good,” warns an insider. “Tori’s so stressed over her mom’s new book, she has no appetite but is still exercising every day. Her friends are all worried that she may be anorexic. She’s now down to a size zero.”
Candy’s book, Stories from Candyland is revenge for Tori’s own 2008 memoir, sTori Telling, in which she ripped into her mother for a little of everything. In Candyland, Candy rebuts a lot of Tori’s claims and paints her as spoiled and ungrateful.
From Star Magazine
I find a lot of this really sleazy, and I find myself more and more being on Team Tori. If her mother is really vindictive enough to attack her daughter so publicly, Tori really must have had a difficult childhood. I don?t mean ?difficult? in an abusive way, just that Candy sounds like a real piece of work.
Here are photos of Tori out on 3/19/09, which is when the picture for the Star cover was taken. Credit: WENN.com. Thanks to CoverAwards for the Star Cover.
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| Brooke Hogan Cleavage | Added 16 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Brooke Hogan once again gives us a look at her only saving grace -- her boobs. Call me crazy, but I think "singer" Brooke Hogan has a very nice chest. One that I wouldn't mind putting my face in. I know the rest of her is pretty "meh," but give me those breasts any day, and I could probably make something happen. I wonder if Brooke Hogan knows what everybody says about her. I could see that giving a girl a complex. Don't worry though, I'll give her some sympathy...as long as I get to see Brooke's chest!
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| Jennifer Aniston is sort of a bitch | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 More surprising news today. Jennifer Aniston is acting the diva on the set of her new movie The Baster.
?Jen kept mostly to herself,” one on-set source reveals. “She didn?t talk to anyone during the breaks.?
In the morning, the cast and crew had to wait to start filming without Jen because she asked for extra time to finishing blow-drying her hair,” reveals one source.
And when the lunch bell rang, not only did Jen not deign to eat her Cobb salad in the company of her new co-workers, she actually had herself driven to her trailer so she could eat alone!
“Jen refused to walk even a step outside the restaurant during the break for lunch,” says an insider. “She had her car pull up right next to the restaurant so she could be driven less than a block to her trailer to avoid photographers.”
Jennifer’s head gets a little bigger each day. God forbid she find mega success and win an Oscar. You’ll never hear the end of it. She’d never get off the toilet until someone lifted her up and wiped her ass. The only way you’d get to talk to her is if you too won an Oscar, otherwise, she’ll just roll right past you in her physical bubble/modified hamster ball.
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| Friends of Moynahan don't appreciate Gisele's baby claims | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 In a Vanity Fair interview, supermodel Gisele Bundchen, speaking about Tom Brady’s child he had with his ex, proclaimed: “I understand that he has a mom, and I respect that, but to me it?s not like because somebody else delivered him, that?s not my child. I feel it is, 100 percent.” Turns out women don’t like it when you claim their baby is 100% yours. While Bridget Moynahan, the real mother, is staying quiet, a friend says:
“Don’t you think Jack will grow up and read her comments and find them disrespectful to him and his mother? If Tom is such a great father as everyone likes to say, then you would think that he’d respect the privacy of his young child and would ask his wife not to use his son as a publicity prop and a subject of public discussion. Is she is so desperate for attention that she can’t find anything more productive to talk about other than Bridget’s child?”
Her friend also added: “Hey Gisele — real mothers don’t call their kids ‘it.’ ”
Whatever. I think Jack will be happy having a fake supermodel mom. It’ll be great being revered as a god at school. The only awkward part about it is if Gisele catches him masturbating to an old photoshoot of hers. He won’t really be able to explain that one away. The best he’d be able to come up with is, “Uh, wrong page.”
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 Pacific Coast News
Violet Affleck loves her ice cream almost as much as we love seeing her eat it! How adorable is chocolate ice cream covered face?
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| Celebrity Quote Of The Day: Kate Walsh | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 “Remember when you could mildly stalk a guy? Not anymore, man.” - Kate Walsh
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| Mariah Carey Shows Off Her Birthday Body in Barbados | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Mariah Carey frolicked in this leopard-print number with her 28-year-old husband, Nick Cannon, on a Barbados beach on March 27, her 39th birthday.The couple, who will celebrate their one-year anniversary on April 30, spent a romantic three-day weekend at a secluded beachside villa.
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| Miley Cyrus and Justin Gaston Go Bike Riding | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Miley Cyrus and her boyfriend Justin Gaston hit up local Yogurt Tree in Toluca Lake.
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| A Beach Day For Pamela Anderson | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Always up for a little fun in the sun, Pamela Anderson spent the day at a Malibu beach with a gal pal on Wednesday afternoon. Fixated on mending what looked like a pair of board shorts, the buxom blonde basked up the rays while her companion flipped the bird at nearby paparazzi.
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| Lady GaGa Performs With Her Whore Ass | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Continuing along on her tour throughout the States, Lady GaGa put on a sizzling show at the House of Blues in Boston on Monday night.Proudly shaking her rear-end for the packed house, GaGa seems to be fully embracing her quick rise to the top of the music world.
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| Miley Cyrus says she's a role model, not an idol | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Disney star Miley Cyrus says she has no problems being called a role model, but she’s definitely not an idol and never wants to be. The 16 year-old with a 20 year-old underwear model boyfriend says that she doesn’t want people to strive to be like her, but it’s ok if they look up to her or something. She also knows that she makes mistakes and says that’s part of what makes her human.
“If you look at me as a role model I agree with it, but if you look at me as an idol, I don?t. An idol for me is someone you want to replicate, you want to be them and I don?t wish that on anyone to lose what they have personally,” Cyrus said on Monday while promoting the upcoming Hannah Montana movie. “What I think people like about me is that I don?t try to change, I haven?t let what I do for a living become my life and completely affect me. What I do in my personal life isn?t necessarily meant to be reported but that doesn?t mean it?s not going to be.”
So despite a string of photo scandals including racy snaps, an “inappropriate” shoot for Vanity Fair magazine and supposedly racist candids of Cyrus making “slanty eyes,” the starlet (who has a wildly witty sense of humor and doesn?t take herself too seriously) has no regrets.
“I?m going to make mistakes and I wouldn?t trade that for anything because I always say the minute you stop making mistakes is the minute you stop learning,” she explained. “I never want to disappoint people and my decisions sometimes not only disappoint other people, but disappoint myself as well. If I don?t then, all of a sudden I am not real and then you really can?t look up to me.”
[From FoxNews.com]
It sounds like Miley doesn’t really get what a role model is, because by definition a role model is modeling behavior that people emulate. An idol is someone or something that is adored, not necessarily for good reason, which sounds more like Miley. Even though she’s confusing her semantics, Miley’s point is that she doesn’t want kids trying to behave like her and to follow their own paths.
Do you think she’s sleeping with her boyfriend and kind of regrets it in a way? She’s all “look up to me, but don’t behave like me.” Maybe I shouldn’t jump to conclusions or put words in her mouth, but Gaston is often photographed out with her family and there are plenty of reports that he stays over their house constantly. Something is likely to be going on there, the boy is 20 or 21 for goodness sake. There are enough provocative photos of Miley available online to suggest that she’s not as morally-minded as her purity ring seems to claim. Maybe she’s just chaste friends with Justin, though, and wants her fans to stay away from older underwear models.
Miley Cyrus is shown out to dinner at Koi with Justin Gaston last night. Credit: Fame Pictures
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| Demi Moore calls paparazzi photos 'stealing' | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Demi Moore and her adolescent-minded husband Ashton Kutcher are near the top of the “annoying self-obsessed celebrity Twitterers” pyramid, which also counts John Mayer among its members. (There’s a separate category for “celebrities who are fun to watch on Twitter,” and The Real Shaq and Will Wheaton are there.)
Moore tweeted (or twatted, pick your verb) yesterday that she was being accosted by a photographer who she tried to retaliate against by snapping her own photo. She likened the fact that someone was taking pictures of her and one of her daughters in public to “stealing,” clarifying that “If someone takes something without consent for profit it is theft!”
The photog stealing pics of me shopping sightseeing w/Scout squealed and ran like a little girl when I turned my camera & confronted hiim!!
about 15 hours ago from Tweetie
If it is so okay to stalk and chase then why did he run after hiding in a dressing room made of curtains all so I couldn’t take his photo?
about 15 hours ago from Tweetie
My iphone wasn’t moving as fast as I was unfortunately so only I got was blurry his time!! RT @Jomichael: Did you get a shot of him?
about 13 hours ago from TweetDeck
If someone takes something without consent for profit it is theft! RT @turbonancee: Don’t h8, but is it “stealing pics” when U’re in public?
about 13 hours ago from web
[From Demi Moore's Twitter via Gossip Rocks]
I guess we know now why Demi Moore is always covering her face when she’s confronted with photographers. She has a point that she shouldn’t have her photo taken if she doesn’t consent to it, but on the other hand if she’s so into her privacy why is she broadcasting her day to day activities and intimate text exchanges with her husband online? She’s using three different programs to tweet/twat, because she wants us to have a minute by minute account of her activities and thoughts.
Twitter is fun and can be a nice way for celebrities to connect with fans, but some of these people are taking it too far and they don’t even realize how they’re compromising their own privacy. These celebrities may be choosing to put this information out there, but if they ever regret it they can’t take any of it back. Once a tweet is made it can never be removed either. A while ago I made a stupid tweet criticizing a company I was working with. I deleted it within 10 minutes, but it got indexed by a Twitter search engine and the company found it over a week later. You can never delete a tweet/twat and that’s why I’m not really using it much at this point.
Kutcher bragged on Twitter last week that he enjoys controlling the television remotely from his computer and switching the channel to pr0n while his wife is watching it. He also posted a photo of Demi’s ass as she bent over in a bikini and made it seem like he did it without her knowledge. She doesn’t like her face photographed by strangers but she apparently has no problem with her husband putting her upturned butt online or bragging that they have adult channels on their home TV that he likes to make her watch.
If these people want privacy and they don’t want the additional attention from paparazzi they need to shut up already and stop broadcasting the minutia of their lives online.
Here are Demi Moore and Scout out in Nice, France yesterday, probably on the day in question. Credit: ELIOT PRESS/bauergriffinonline.com
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| Miley Cyrus says she's a role model, not an idol, doesn't want people to emulate her | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Disney star Miley Cyrus says she has no problems being called a role model, but she’s definitely not an idol and never wants to be. The 16 year-old with a 20 year-old underwear model boyfriend says that she doesn’t want people to strive to be like her, but it’s ok if they look up to her or something. She also knows that she makes mistakes and says that’s part of what makes her human.
“If you look at me as a role model I agree with it, but if you look at me as an idol, I don?t. An idol for me is someone you want to replicate, you want to be them and I don?t wish that on anyone to lose what they have personally,” Cyrus said on Monday while promoting the upcoming Hannah Montana movie. “What I think people like about me is that I don?t try to change, I haven?t let what I do for a living become my life and completely affect me. What I do in my personal life isn?t necessarily meant to be reported but that doesn?t mean it?s not going to be.”
So despite a string of photo scandals including racy snaps, an “inappropriate” shoot for Vanity Fair magazine and supposedly racist candids of Cyrus making “slanty eyes,” the starlet (who has a wildly witty sense of humor and doesn?t take herself too seriously) has no regrets.
“I?m going to make mistakes and I wouldn?t trade that for anything because I always say the minute you stop making mistakes is the minute you stop learning,” she explained. “I never want to disappoint people and my decisions sometimes not only disappoint other people, but disappoint myself as well. If I don?t then, all of a sudden I am not real and then you really can?t look up to me.”
[From FoxNews.com]
It sounds like Miley doesn’t really get what a role model is, because by definition a role model is modeling behavior that people emulate. An idol is someone or something that is adored, not necessarily for good reason, which sounds more like Miley. Even though she’s confusing her semantics, Miley’s point is that she doesn’t want kids trying to behave like her and to follow their own paths.
Do you think she’s sleeping with her boyfriend and kind of regrets it in a way? She’s all “look up to me, but don’t behave like me.” Maybe I shouldn’t jump to conclusions or put words in her mouth, but Gaston is often photographed out with her family and there are plenty of reports that he stays over their house constantly. Something is likely to be going on there, the boy is 20 or 21 for goodness sake. There are enough provocative photos of Miley available online to suggest that she’s not as morally-minded as her purity ring seems to claim. Maybe she’s just chaste friends with Justin, though, and wants her fans to stay away from older underwear models.
Miley Cyrus is shown out to dinner at Koi with Justin Gaston last night. Credit: Fame Pictures
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| S.S. Heidi Klum is Naked. Again. | Added 16 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 These Heidi Klum pictures aren’t new, but unless you’d rather look at Bai Ling or some WWE “ladies”, you’ll take these and you’ll like ‘em because they are by far the sexiest thing I can find today. They’re from a Russell James photoshoot for some book or other, I think. I don’t really remember, because I wasn’t paying much attention when I read the tags. I assumed you wouldn’t care. Because it’s Heidi Klum. And she’s naked. What else do you need to know?
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| Alyson Hannigan gave birth to Satan | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Alyson Hannigan birthed out a baby girl on March 24 in Los Angeles. They named her Satyana which I presume is the long version of Satan. During an appearance on Ellen, Hannigan said:
“I have pregnancy brain, which I never realized was a thing but it is,” she said on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. “I sort of feel like a Koala bear where I’m slightly stoned all the time and say the wrong word.”
Fact: Koalas are stoned all the time. Have you seen them do anything other than sit around giggling and eating eucalyptus leaves? Not I and I watch koalas all the time. On the Discovery channel. When there’s a commercial for 24. So I should know.
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