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| Miley Cyrus Says She And Nick Jonas Have 'Reconnected' | Added 15 years ago | Source: MTV |
 Miley calls the young Jonas Brother her best friend, but doesn't say whether they are dating.By Jocelyn Vena
Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas
Photo: David Aguilera/ FilmMagic
Almost immediately after news broke that Miley Cyrus had split from boyfriend Justin Gaston, speculation arose that she and her ex, Nick Jonas, have rekindled their romance. And the teens haven't done too much to discourage the rumors: On Thursday, photos of Miley and Nick jet-skiing in Georgia emerged, and next Tuesday, their duet, "Before the Storm," will be available for public consumption on the JoBros' new album, Lines, Vines and Trying Times.
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| Star says Lauren Conrad might be engaged (update: denied) | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 After Lauren Conrad’s announcement that she was leaving The Hills, the start of shooting for the new season sans Lauren, and the craziness that is Heidi and Spencer on Get Me Out of Here… I’m a Celebrity, comes the rumor that Lauren is engaged to her boyfriend of one year, Kyle Howard from My Boys. While she has kept relatively mum about their relationship, not even mentioning him on her show, she gushed about him in a recent issue of Cosmopolitan. She gave the typical “I feel sexiest with him when I’m in sweatpants and no makeup,” line, but interestingly the article also said that she is “in no hurry to tie the knot.”
The engagement occurred, according to Star, in Malibu late last month.
Saying bye-bye to The Hills after three years has brought big changes to Lauren Conrad’s life. At the top of the list: her beau, My Boys’ Kyle Howard, 31, is now ready to take their relationship to the next level. He proposed, and Lauren, 23, accepted! “Kyle’s always been wary of the cameras that constantly followed her around and never wanted to be on the show,” a source close to the pair tells Star. She’s finally free of all that - and Kyle couldn’t wait to pop the question.” He found the perfect moment on the beach in Malibu in late May. “He said that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her,” says the source. “Lauren barely let him get out the words out before she said yes!” Both Kyle and Laruen, who’ve been dating for about a year, wanted to keep their happy news quiet until the hoopla surrounding her exit from the show died down, adds the source. “She doesn’t want her wedding plans to be overshadowed by anything - especially residual drama with her Hills castmates!”
[from Star, print ed, June 22, 2009]
Of course, it’s Star, so there’s always the chance that this is completely made up, but the detail that the engagement occurred last month makes me think it might be legitimate. Lauren keeps saying how quiet and private she wants her life to be, so not announcing her engagement would be keeping true to that wish. One thing is definite, though. If they ever do make it down the aisle, there won’t be any TV special about it. In Cosmo, she was quoted that the only camera that will be at her wedding is her parents’ camcorder.
Update Hollyscoop reports that it’s not true that Conrad is engaged and that her rep has denied this story.
Here are Lauren and Kyle at the first game of the NBA National Championship Tournament between the L.A. Lakers and Orlando Magic in Los Angeles on June 6th. Images thanks to WENN.com .
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| Paris Hilton skanks it up with Cristiano Ronaldo after dumping Doug Reinhardt | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 There are few things Paris Hilton naturally does well, apart from standing, wagging her one wonky eye at us, and exhaling in disgust. But one of the very few things Paris naturally does well is bring the drama. Professional soap opera writers do not know how to bring the drama like Paris. And to top that off, no one knows how to make sure an event never gets too classy like Paris. Or anyone who chooses to bring Paris to an event. Given all that, it?s surprising many guys would be willing to deal with her for long. Sure her body is okay but you?ve still got to deal with the face ? and that?s in addition to all of her lovely personality ?quirks.?
Everyone?s been wondering what went down between Paris and ex-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt that lead to their breakup the other night. Naturally we assumed Paris and her wandering herpes felt the irrepressible urge to move onwards. But apparently it was a bit more dramatic ? surprise! ? than that. And naturally involved fruit and ice thrown at a former beauty queen. As most rational breakups do.
Paris Hilton and Doug Reinhardt broke up Tuesday night after the heir-head made a huge scene at the Darkroom club in Los Angeles by hurling fruit and ice cubes at a younger, hotter blonde. According to a spokesperson for Texas beauty queen Kendhal Beal, Paris went into “a tirade” because Beal was partying with Reinhardt, Hilton’s beau of six months. The rep told us, “Kendhal and a friend of hers ended up at Darkroom, where Doug and Brody Jenner were hanging out.” Beal and Jenner have been reported to be dating on and off since last year.
“Kendhal knows Brody and Doug, and so they were talking and catching up. They all took a shot and were watching the Lakers game,” said the rep. “But Paris got word that Doug was at the bar, and she showed up and started going at it.” Beal’s rep told Page Six, “Paris was picking up ice and fruit and throwing it at Kendhal — she was the victim. Kendhal did nothing offensive or aggressive. Paris was throwing accusations, calling her names. It was the same thing you always hear about Paris and her tirades.”
[From Page Six]
I?d want to throw fruit at a girl named Kendall if she spelled her name Kendhal to. Try saying that without coming off all breathy, haughty, and sorta ?I?m going to blow my stank breath all over you.? Yep, can?t be done. Never thought I?d agree with Paris on anything until now.
According to Page Six and just about every other gossip site on the face of the planet, Paris - never one to stay in for a night moping over a guy when she could go out and get under another guy ? hooked up with Madrid Real soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, and everyone is all atwitter about it.
CHAMPAGNE-swilling RONALDO celebrates his 80million transfer by sharing a raunchy night with Paris Hilton? The winking winger, 24, kissed and cuddled the 28- year-old socialite in a Hollywood club before they headed to her sister’s home.. A clubber who witnessed their frolicking said: “They were sucking each other’s faces off like their plane was going down.
“At one point Ronaldo had a bottle between his legs and Paris was stroking it. It was very racy.” The pair were united in Hollywood’s posh My House nightspot as news broke that Man Utd had accepted the mega-offer for Ronaldo from Spanish giants Real Madrid? After sharing steamy cuddles and expensive champagne for two hours, Paris headed to sister NICKY’s home in the Hollywood Hills at 2.05am.
Ronaldo, 24, joined her there an hour later after a brief stopover at his hotel. He left at 5am with a broad grin plastered across his face. Paris, 28, last night confirmed she and the Portuguese wonder winger - now the world’s most expensive player - were an item. She told a pal: “He’s hot, a real athlete - and the chemistry between us was electric.” But in a withering put-down last night, Paris told a friend: “Cristiano’s much better than my ex. He was nothing but a low-paid minor league baseball player.”
Ronaldo is on holiday in California after Manchester United’s season ended in Premier League glory and Champions League defeat. Paris tried to pull him at the same time a year ago, thrusting herself at him in LA club Villa.
On that occasion the player knocked her back. But he never fell off her radar. And a pal said: “She was determined to get her man this time. And what Paris wants, Paris gets? She has been telling anyone who will listen that Ronaldo is the hottest thing she has ever seen? She thinks he is sexy and exotic, and loves his body. And she loves men with accents. She says it’s like an aphrodisiac.”
[From the Sun]
There are more disgustingly specific details but I just can?t stomach them anymore. Look Ronaldo, I don?t follow the sports as well as I should. They all blend into one dull game of balls and nets to me. But I know this much: rampant syphilis can knock any man off his game. I don?t care what you?ve got going for you ? money, fame, chicks, whatever. If you?re carrying around an entire Planned Parenthood?s worth of Paris Hilton-strain STDs, stuff?s going to start turning badly for you. Quickly. Even a year ago, you had the sense to tell that ho to take a hike. Now you get $80 and this is the time you settle? Really? Clearly money can?t buy taste. And according to these pictures on TMZ, Ronaldo doesn’t look like he’s all that into Paris’ business anyway.
This is such a clich, but I really was eating my lunch when I started reading these stories. Let me tell you: two things will do wonders for your diet. Watching any kind of surgery on TLC and/or reading about Paris Hilton?s love life. I really think her tongue has been taken over by that bursting-alien-baby thing from ?Alien.? It seems to be leading first and she?s just following.
Men of? well the whole world, to play it safe ? Men of the world! Be on alert! There is a disgusting, germ-filled trollip on the loose! She wants your wallet and your crotch! If you?ve had enough to drink, it might not seem like the worst idea ever. But in two months when she?s flatly telling David Letterman about how much you want to marry her, you WILL regret it. No man is safe. The entire human race should feel uneasy until Paris Hilton is either locked up or gets married.
Here are Paris and Nicky leaving My House nightclub while holding hands on Wednesday. Images thanks to WENN.com . Ronaldo is shown leaving after the Hiltons. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.
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| Sienna Miller on Balthazar Getty: 'I was really naive and trusting?' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sienna Miller is a Vogue cover girl again. It feels like she?s been on the cover like a dozen times - including the infamous September 2007 rooster-tail issue in which Anna Wintour claimed Sienna was too toothy. But really, I think this is her fourth cover. What exactly has Sienna done to warrant such slavish Vogue coverage? She?s promoting her part in the G.I. Joe film and her first Broadway role in Miss Julie this fall. You?d think part of the deal for another cover would be that someone would make Sienna sit down and really talk about all of the Balthazar Getty stuff, but alas, Sienna just talks around it.
Regarding either Balthazar in particular or her public relationships in general, Sienna says stuff like ?I think I was really naive and trusting and thinking that if you are true to yourself, that’s enough, that’s the best way to be. But actually, it’s important to become more conscious. Being the center of a lot of judgment and controversy while not feeling like a hurtful or controversial person in my essence, I’m trying to understand what it is that makes me that way and what it is that makes people feel that way about me.? Good Lord. Take responsibility. You were ?dating? a married man for more than a year. It was ridiculous. At least give us a ?my bad.?
The piece also has some interesting quotes from people like her G.I. Joe costar Channing Tatum, who says ?She just kind of intoxicates the room.? Jeez, Sienna, how drunk do you have to be to intoxicate the whole room? Here?s more from the interview:
[She] has long been battling the perception that she is, variously, a superficial party girl, a quirky fashion plate, an almost famous indie regular with no box-office clout, Jude Law’s ex-girlfriend, or all of the above.
“We have to be honest about it,” says Miller of her reputation. “It’s pretty bad. On the whole, you know, I’ve made some bad choices and done some stupid things.” In other words: It is high time for a bold move. Or two.
[G.I. Joe] has an odd ensemble cast: Jonathan Pryce, Dennis Quaid, Marlon Wayans, and Channing Tatum. But it is Tatum and Miller who have the most scenes together. “She is nut bags,” says Tatum, underwear model turned actor, paying Miller a big compliment. “I love her like I can’t even explain. She’s one of those people who you can’t help but be in a good mood when she’s around. She just kind of intoxicates the room.”
It’s well known that Miller has, since Jude Law, been entangled in a series of somewhat baffling, ill-fated, and extremely well-documented relationships, all of which seem to have burned very brightly and then crashed to the ground. From Calvin Klein model turned indie-rock heartthrob Jamie Burke to oddball 40-ish Welsh actor Rhys Ifans, there is no discernible pattern, no type. Most notoriously, she took up with Balthazar Getty last summer, while he was still married to his wife, Rosetta, with whom he has four children. The paparazzi shot of Sienna and Balthazar on the balcony of a hotel room in Italy?Miller topless with a sailor’s hat perched on her head at a tipsy angle?came close to self-sabotage. When I saw it I thought, Oh, dear.
Today, she is officially single and seems a bit repentant. When I ask about her love life and use the word dating she says, “I’ve actually never been taken on a date in my whole life. I have never had a one-night stand. I’m a real relationship person?contrary to public perception. I’m either in one or I’m not. I get kind of emotionally involved very quickly, and I’m not going to spend time with someone unless I love them. But it’s not hard for me to fall in love.”
[Dating Jude] ?was a very pivotal time in my life, and I’m happy saying that,” she continues. “It’s a private moment when you get your heart broken for the first time, and that was the absolute antithesis of private.” She starts to laugh. “It couldn’t have been more public! I had people on the street being like, ‘ ‘Ang in there, loov!’ and all you want to do is crawl into a cave and weep for a week.” She pauses for a moment and then finds the bright side. “I think I discovered a whole new emotional depth that I didn’t have access to before. When you have your heart broken for the first time, you gain depth, and that’s why actors tend to get better with age, I think.”
?I think I was really naive and trusting and thinking that if you are true to yourself, that’s enough, that’s the best way to be. But actually, it’s important to become more conscious.”
She goes on: “Being the center of a lot of judgment and controversy while not feeling like a hurtful or controversial person in my essence, I’m trying to understand what it is that makes me that way and what it is that makes people feel that way about me.”
[From Vogue]
There?s a ton of information about Miss Julie, which starts in the fall, and if you?re interested, check out the full interview. For the play, guess who was just cast as Sienna?s leading man? One of my favorites, Jonny Lee Miller. He?s totally married, and his wife just gave birth to a baby boy named Buster. I have my fingers crossed that Sienna doesn?t screw up Jonny?s marriage.
Oh, and by the way - within the interview, Sienna tells the Vogue guy (Jonathan Van Meter) that she wants to try to stop talking about Jude Law, but she still talks about Jude when asked, and even brings Jude up during several different points. At some point, she really should just refuse to say his name. That?s enough, Sienna.
Here are Sienna and Balthazar out to lunch at Taverna Tony in Malibu this past August 10th. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .
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| Paris is back with Doug | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Paris’ epic whore saga continues. A day after sucking face with Cristiano Ronaldo and mere hours after her ex, Doug Reinhardt released this statement: “Doug refuses to take part of this ridiculous media circus. He wishes Paris and all of her future boyfriends the best of luck,” Paris went back to Doug’s house to reconcile. TMZ explains:
But our spies say last night Paris begged Doug to take her back. She told him she loved him and had made a mistake by breaking up with him.
We’re told she was texting him all night and then showed up at his house at 4 AM this morning, banging on his door. Apparently Doug succumbed to her charm … which means he scored.
Dear lord, can Paris go one day without sticking a penis inside her? Her vagina must be exhausted. It probably looks like Kristie Alley after a marathon: Dry heaving, clutching its chest and asking to be put out of its misery .
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| Fergie Says Early Criticism From Black Eyed Peas Fans Made Her 'Hungrier' | Added 15 years ago | Source: MTV |
 'A lot of people said it was my fault that they were taken out of the underground,' she recalls of joining the group.By Jocelyn Vena
Photo: Kevin Mazur/WireImage
Being the lone girl in the Black Eyed Peas wasn't the biggest obstacle Fergie had to overcome when she joined the band back in 2003; it was convincing the fans that she belonged there that really posed a problem for the singer.
"When I first joined, there were a lot of people who didn't know what to make of me, and they'd been a fan of Black Eyed Peas being an underground hip-hop band," she said in the Women in Music issue of Elle. "Then I come in, and the first song we released when I was in the band was 'Where Is the Love?' with Justin Timberlake. So when that hit all the crossover markets, a lot of people said it was my fault that they were taken out of the underground."
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| Ryan Phillippe wants Abbie Cornish to be his kids' step-mom | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ryan Phillippe may be planning to propose to Abbie Cornish, according to In Touch Weekly, which also had the story about Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhall?s impending nuptials. It seemed like some In Touch editor was like, ?Hey, let?s have a story about how Reese?s ex is getting married too!? If they really wanted to make it hilarious, In Touch should have had Reese and Ryan Phillippe having a double wedding - to other people! Shocking.
So In Touch is claiming that Ryan ?plans to propose soon? and that ?they basically are already married since they live together.? Which I think means I?m married to my dog, since we also live together. My dog and I even sleep in the same room! Oh my God, we are married! Anyhoodle, these engagement stories come out every once in a while, and I don’t put much stock in them. Especially since the last gossip about Ryan and Abbie was about Ryan?s wandering eye in Cannes.
Ryan Phillippe has called his divorce from Reese Witherspoon ?the worst time of my life,? but these days, the 34-year-old seems to be in a much happier place. According to an insider, the actor and his longtime girlfriend Abbie Cornish, 26, are already to take the next step.
?Ryan has said several times that he wants to marry Abbie,? the insider tells In Touch. ?He plans to propose soon!?
The insider adds that it won?t be much of a change because ?they basically are already married since they live together.?
They also won?t be planning a splashy affair.
?Abbie wants a low-key wedding, nothing too huge, and so does Ryan,? says the insider. The couple has even talked about having children of their own.
?Ryan thinks Abbie will be a great step mom to Ava and Deacon, and they want to have a baby together one day.?
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, June 22 2009]
The step-mom thing ? will people get worked up over that? I hope not. Whether or not you think that Ryan?s a cheater, I feel pretty good saying that he?s a great dad, and he wouldn?t bring the wrong woman into his kids? lives. And people don?t get worked up about Jake Gyllenhaal being in the kids? lives - or maybe that?s because we think Jake?s so dreamy? I don?t think Ryan?s a bad guy, but I still think Reese deserved an upgrade. So does Abbie, for that matter.
Here are Abbie and Ryan with Ava watching Deacon?s baseball game on June 6th. Images thanks to WENN.com .
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| Update: Lauren Conrad is engaged? | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 I don’t know if this is news anymore since Lauren Conrad no longer has a tv show, but she’s supposedly engaged to Kyle Howard, the dude that looks like a monkey.
Now that Lauren Conrad is off ?The Hills,? Star reports, her boyfriend, Kyle Howard, has proposed, and ?Lauren barely let him get the words out before she said yes.? Not least because she wanted to get engaged at the very moment that Heidi Montag was vomiting in the Costa Rican jungle.
Aw, man. That sucks. For Kyle. I bet he was going to say, “Will you pass the salt?,” before LC stopped him at “will you” and said “Yes! A million times yes!” They were probably at some fancy restaurant and Kyle didn’t want to make a scene. Sheesh. You can’t take that girl anywhere.
Update: Star’s report is wrong and they’re not engaged.
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| Miley Cyrus is rebelling | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Miley Cyrus updated her Twitter yesterday with a picture of her and her mother at dinner in Savannah. Looks like Miley is finally hitting the awkward teen years because she pierced her nose (click the header for the enlarged version). There’s some debate as to whether it’s fake or real. I’m not sure either way because I haven’t seen a nose piercing like that since the 90’s. It’s pretty cliche as far as rebellious teenage statements go. It follows that she’ll probably be dating black guys next.
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| Jen Aniston, Courteney Cox Sheryl Crow party for Congolese women | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox Arquette and Sheryl Crow attended a party last night in Los Angeles to support a charity event called ?Stamp Out Violence Against Women and girls of the Congo?. Congolese human rights has become a larger cause celeb as of late, with Ben Affleck making multiple trips in-country and writing essays of support on behalf of Congolese refugees. Last night?s party was sponsored by OmniPeace and Art of Humanity, and it was all for the launching of one $78 t-shirt. Twenty-five percent of the profits (the profits, not the proceeds) will go towards OmniPeace?s Congolese community centers for women.
Three great friends stepped out Thursday night for a good cause. Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox Arquette and Sheryl Crow lent their support to pal and OmniPeace founder Mary Fanaro and her night to “Stamp Out Violence Against Women and Girls of the Congo.”
“I am extremely lucky,” Aniston tells PEOPLE. “But these women and girls need help ? it makes you think.”
Continues Cox Arquette, “We can do something about this. I want to bring awareness to this.”
“I know I have a responsibility,” adds Crow of son Wyatt. “As a mom, the biggest thrill for me, but most humbling role is raising my kid as a humanitarian. I want him to grow up feeling he can do something for people less fortunate.”
The trio of hosts ? sporting T-shirts created for the Art of Humanity Foundation and OmniPeace and debuted at the event ? mingled and laughed throughout the intimate dinner party, held at STK in L.A. and sponsored by Kitson.
“I couldn’t imagine a better group of three musketeers to help me tonight,” gushed Fanaro of her good pals.
A pregnant Nicole Richie, Marisa Tomei, Demi Moore, James Marsden, David Arquette and Kelly Lynch all showed their support at the event as well.
“I’m all about making people aware and showing them what the problem is. It’s impossible to turn your back on something like this,” says Richie. “It’s really hard to complain about anything when you hear the stories of these women and children and their torture.”
OmniPeace will donate 25 percent of the profits from the sale of the T-shirts to UNICEF & V-Day Foundation to build the City of Joy, a rehabilitation center and safe community for Congolese women girls. Tees are available on www.shopkitson.com for $78.
[From People]
I did a little research on the organizations sponsoring the event, and found that Art of Humanity is a charity that works almost exclusively with Central and South American poverty issues, like housing and education for Honduran families, and aiding recent immigrants to the United States. There is no mention of any Congolese issues on Art of Humanity?s site, but what might have happened is that one of the charity?s supporting artists simply designed the shirt being sold on behalf of OmniPeace, and their Congolese community support centers.
Courtney and Jen are shown outside a Fleetwood Mac concert on 5/28/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Star says Lauren Conrad might be engaged | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 After Lauren Conrad’s announcement that she was leaving The Hills, the start of shooting for the new season sans Lauren, and the craziness that is Heidi and Spencer on Get Me Out of Here… I’m a Celebrity, comes the announcement that Lauren is engaged to her boyfriend of one year, Kyle Howard from My Boys. While she has kept relatively mum about their relationship, not even mentioning him on her show, she gushed about him in a recent issue of Cosmopolitan. She gave the typical “I feel sexiest with him when I’m in sweatpants and no makeup,” line, but interestingly the article also said that she is “in no hurry to tie the knot.”
The engagement occurred, according to Star, in Malibu late last month.
Saying bye-bye to The Hills after three years has brought big changes to Lauren Conrad’s life. At the top of the list: her beau, My Boys’ Kyle Howard, 31, is now ready to take their relationship to the next level. He proposed, and Lauren, 23, accepted! “Kyle’s always been wary of the cameras that constantly followed her around and never wanted to be on the show,” a source close to the pair tells Star. She’s finally free of all that - and Kyle couldn’t wait to pop the question.” He found the perfect moment on the beach in Malibu in late May. “He said that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her,” says the source. “Lauren barely let him get out the words out before she said yes!” Both Kyle and Laruen, who’ve been dating for about a year, wanted to keep their happy news quiet until the hoopla surrounding her exit from the show died down, adds the source. “She doesn’t want her wedding plans to be overshadowed by anything - especially residual drama with her Hills castmates!”
[from Star, print ed, June 22, 2009]
Of course, it’s Star, so there’s always the chance that this is completely made up, but the detail that the engagement occurred last month makes me think it might be legitimate. Lauren keeps saying how quiet and private she wants her life to be, so not announcing her engagement would be keeping true to that wish. One thing is definite, though. If they ever do make it down the aisle, there won’t be any TV special about it. In Cosmo, she was quoted that the only camera that will be at her wedding is her parents’ camcorder.
Here are Lauren and Kyle at the first game of the NBA National Championship Tournament between the L.A. Lakers and Orlando Magic in Los Angeles on June 6th. Images thanks to WENN.com .
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| BREAKING NEWS: Megan Fox Says Stuff That's Not Completely Retarded | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Brace yourselves, y’all. Megan Fox is in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, and she gave an interview and said some stuff — are you sitting down? — that doesn’t make her seem dumber than a bucket of dead hamsters. Oh I know, I’m as shocked as you are. Some excerpts:
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Transformers turned you into an overnight star. Looking back, how do you feel about the movie?
Megan Fox: I’m terrible in it. It’s my first real movie and it’s not honest and not realistic. The movie wasn’t bad, I just wasn’t proud about what I did.
You don’t sound convinced that [Transformers 2] is the greatest movie on earth.
It’s not trying to be the greatest movie on earth. It’s going to be the best action movie of the summer. Hands down, it will win that. But it’s not trying to be a Golden Globe-nominated film. It’s a badass popcorn summer movie.
You up for a third Transformers?
Sure. I mean, I can’t s— on this movie because it did give me a career and open all these doors for me. But I don’t want to blow smoke up people’s ass. People are well aware that this is not a movie about acting. And once you realize that, it becomes almost fun because you can be in the moment and go, ”All right, I know that when he calls Action! I’m either going to be running or screaming, or both.”
There have been a lot of comparisons between you and Angelina Jolie.
I think it’s a lack of creativity on the media’s part. Because I have tattoos and dark hair and I was in an action movie? That’s as far as the similarities extend. I’m not the next anyone.
You’ve said you’re afraid of her.
I was joking! She always seems otherworldly in her power and her confidence. I’m sure she has no idea who I am. But if I were her, I’d be like, ”Who the f— is this little bulls— brat who was in Transformers that’s going to be the next me?” I don’t want to meet her; I’d be embarrassed.
[Brian Austin Green] is older than you. And you’ve said younger guys are a waste of time.
I don’t understand why people don’t have a f—ing sense of humor. Always assume that I’m being sarcastic. Like when I said those things about High School Musical. I didn’t really mean that it’s about pedophilia. But if you get high and you watch it, that is what that f—ing movie is about!
Did you watch that high?
Yes, and it blew my mind.
Looking ahead, where would you like to see your career in five years? What’s the best-case scenario?
If I’m still making Transformers five years from now, I might not be so berexcited. But there’s nothing specific that I need to accomplish. I just want to still be working.
What’s the worst-case scenario?
Umm…that I’d be on The Hills?
Some of that was actually — gasp — somewhat amusing. Almost charming, even. If Megan Fox keeps this up, I might have to re-evaluate my stance on her being functionally retarded. Geez, and it was so much fun mocking her explosive diarrhea of the mouth. Maybe this was just a fluke and next week she’ll go right back to nonstop chittering about her faux-bisexual proclivities and we can return to thinking she’s a vortex of idiocy.
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| Heidi Montag Poses For Playboy | Added 15 years ago | Source: MTV |
 'Hills' star will appear nude in September issue of magazine.By Jocelyn Vena
Heidi Montag
Photo: M. Tran/ FilmMagic
A few months ago, it had been rumored that "Hills" star Heidi Montag had posed for Playboy. And now comes official word that the former "I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here!" contestant will appear in the September issue of Playboy, according to People.
"There is nudity," a source told People. "It's tasteful — she had a lot of fun with it." When contacted by MTV News, a rep for Montag didn't have a statement regarding the news at press time.
Perhaps a Playboy spread will improve Heidi's ranking on Maxim's Hot 100 List, which had dropped from #36 in 2008 to #81 this year. "I'm gonna go to this Maxim party and have a serious conversation," Spencer Pratt told MTV News after learning of his wife's ranking. "I'm still horrified she's not even at #2."
Montag is the latest MTV star to find herself in the pages of Playboy. Earlier this year, "Making the Band" star and former Danity Kane member Aubrey O'Day posed for the magazine, saying that if felt empowering for her to do it.
"We constantly feel the need to not say this or not wear this or do that, and taking it all off and being nude is the most natural state that you can be in," O'Day told MTV News about the pictorial. "Being able to feel comfortable with that and show that sex can be a beautiful, comfortable — your sexuality can be a beautiful, comfortable thing — is going to be empowering for people.
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| Megan Fox must remind Shia LaBeouf of his sexy mom | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Megan and Shia on 9/16/08 credit: PRPhotos
Either someone on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen?s publicity team is really, really good, or Megan Fox and Shia Labeouf really are getting busy. This latest report from In Touch Weekly has a lot of the same information as the stories we covered last week - about how Shia?s ?persistence? was winning over Megan Fox. In Touch is now claiming that Megan and Brian Austin Green (cough David Silver) are totally dunzo, ?toast.? Now Megan seems all over Shia, of course, but it might just be a rebound fling. According to one of In Touch?s sources, however, Shia ?has always loved Megan.? Perhaps Megan reminds Shia of his beloved, sexy, ?ethereal angel? mother?
?Shia and Megan are hooking up,? confirms a friend of both actors. ?They liked each other a lot, and she finally gave in to him.?
According to her pal, Megan?s relationship with actor Brian Austin Green is now ?toast, history,? and she?s moved on to Shia, 23, whom she grew closer to on the set of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
?They flirted on the set,? their costar Erin Naas tells In Touch. ?The chemistry was undeniable.?
?We?re attracted to each other, and I think you can see that in our scenes together,? Shia told Playboy. ?It?s very real and tangible. You can tell something exists.?
The pair has been spending more and more time together - and for Megan, the fling couldn?t come at a better time. She?s been trying to make her relationship with Brian work, but it was an uphill battle, with Megan calling off their engagement.
[When] Megan is with Shia, her problems disappear? And Shia, who has said in the past that a relationship wasn?t ?an option? for Megan and himself ?for a variety of reasons,? is now very happy about how things have changed between them.
?Shia has always loved Megan,? explains his friend. ?He?s just been waiting for his chance.?
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, June 22 2009]
Of course, I don?t Megan is anywhere near good enough for Shia. She seems like an extremely insecure, ignorant, vapid young woman with her comments about ?butch bull dykes? and destroying Middle America. I?m not saying Shia is some well-adjusted, totally wonderful kid. But I do think he?s cute, and I think he?s trying to be a good guy, a decent man. I just think that if Shia really does like Megan (or if he really loves her), he should be prepared for just how ridiculous she is.
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| Madonna got her baby | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 If you couldn’t tell by the wild cackling coming from Madonna’s home, the Malawian Supreme Court has officially ruled in favor of Madonna’s application for adopting Mercy James. Travel arrangements still need to be made, but Madonna should be getting her baby in three to five days. Rush delivery costs extra.
In the near future, rich people will be able to do all this online. They’ll have a list of babies you can choose from with videos and you can just check off the ones you want and then pay with PayPal. It’d be less of a hassle. Why should famous people have to fly to some third world country just to buy a kid. We’re in a recession.
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| Madonna's Adoption Appeal Has Been Approved | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Madonna’s appeal of her rejected adoption bid was approved this morning by the Malawi High Court. From Us Weekly:
On Friday, Malawi’s highest court ruled that Madonna can adopt a second child — 3-year-old Chifundo “Mercy” James — from the African country.
A lower court had denied Madonna’s bid to adopt in April, claiming she had not spent enough time in the country.
But in Friday’s one-hour ruling, Chief Justice Lovemore Munlo praised Madonna’s commitment to helping disadvantaged children and slammed “old laws” that prevented first adoption attempts.
“The matter of residence should be determined at the time of application of the adoption,” Chief Justice Lovemore Munlo said. “In this case, Madonna was in Malawi not by chance but by intention. She is looking after several orphans whose welfare depends on her. She can therefore not be described as a sojourner.”
He later added: “Every child has the right to love.”
Uh huh. Loved. Suuuuuuuure. Because Madonna is such a loving mother. This poor little girl is doomed. DOOMED, I say! If she grows up to be even remotely attractive, Madonna might snap and seal her behind a brick wall or something. But probably not before harvesting her organs in an effort to capture eternal youth, so I guess there’s always that to look forward to.
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| 50 Cent Is Releasing A Fragrance | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 50 cent is teaming up with Lighthouse Beauty - which is made up of celebrity managers at Brand Asset Management, the stars they represent and developers of perfumes - to release the men?s cologne, which will be called Power by 50 cent.Chief executive officer of Brand Asset Group Chris Lighty confirmed: “The typical musician or actor might not know much about developing a fragrance or a skin care line, but he definitely wants to capitalise on his brand potential.”The fragrance will launch in US department store Macy?s later this year.
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| Lindsay Lohan doesn't want to guest star on Sam Ronson's reality show | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 This story comes from The National Enquirer - not only that, it comes from Mike Walker?s gossip column, and that guy seems to have a real thing about Lindsay Lohan and Samantha being, in his words, ?lezzies?. But still, this might be some kind of hot scoop - and the story seems plausible enough. Apparently, Samantha Ronson has been offered a reality show, to be called ?Sam?s Life?. The show will focus on her drama-filled life as an international deejay. Here?s the catch - reality show producers want to make sure that Lindsay Lohan appears on some of the episodes. When Sam approached her on-again stalker/girlfriend about appearing on ?Sam?s Life?, Lohan threw a major hissy. Something about Lindsay needing to get her own career on track (good luck with that, Lindsay ?I feel so, like, caged? Lohan), and not wanting to appear on some ?dumb reality show?:
Lindsay Lohan exploded when lesbian love mate Smantha Ronson showed she?s really gotta lotta balls and told Mean Grrl: ?I?ve been asked to star in my own TV reality show called ?Sam?s Life? - will you be my co-star??
Shrieked Lindsay: ?Your life? I?m trying to get my career back on track and you want me to appear on your dumb reality show??
Samantha freaked because reality producers told her that although the show would focus on her crazy life as a DJ, Lindsay absolutely must agree to co-star on several episodes to let viewers voyeur her ?tumultuous life with Sam.?
LiLo?s last word to Disc O?Diva: STUFF your stupid show! Now Sam?s seething, accusing her on-again-off-again of ruining her chance at solo stardom.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 22 2009]
Is it weird that I would totally watch ?Sam?s Life?. I find Ronson intriguing, and it would be interesting to see what she was really like. It would also be interesting (strictly as a sleazy voyeur) to see the behind-the-scenes train wreck relationship of Sam and Lindsay. That being said, it?s very obvious who the diva, the star, the biggest personality is between the two of them. Lindsay isn?t some ?guest star? - she is The Star. Of her own destruction, but still, she?s the star.
Here’s Lindsay out shopping and getting her hair done yesterday. Samantha is also shown out yesterday, not with Lindsay. Credit: Fame Pictures.
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| Justin Gaston gave Miley Cyrus a Bible pre-split; Miley hangs with Nick Jonas | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Nick and Miley out on 4/11/09. Credit: Fame Pictures
Before Miley Cyrus and Justin Gaston broke up, Justin gave Miley the gift that keeps on giving - the Lord. Specifically, a very small, ?exquisite vintage Bible? that is so portable, Miley can carry it in her purse. Justin knew the Bible would be just Miley?s style - after all, Miley credited Justin with bringing her ?closer to the Lord? in an interview several months ago. Too bad she dumped Justin very quickly after he gave her such a nice gift.
[Miley Cyrus?s] sweet little heart melted when hunky singer/boyfriend reached out and touched her deeply with the perfect gift for the superstar gal who?s got everything - a small, exquisite vintage Bible!
Hallelujah! (Way to score bud.)
?Miley thought is was the best present in the world,? gushed a source. ?She loves it so much, and it?s just small enough that she can take it in her purse everywhere she goes.?
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 22 2009]
Immediately after word came down that Miley and Justin had broken up, Star Magazine started pushing the rumor that Miley wanted to get back with her ex, Nick Jonas. I didn?t think there was much to it - after all, why would any young woman really want to date a Jonas brother? But it looks like I was wrong! Miley and Nick were seen hanging out outside of Savannah, where Miley is filming The Last Song. Nick apparently came to Georgia specifically to see Miley. Ruh-roh. Somebody?s going to get seduced!
Now that Miley Cyrus and Justin Gaston have split, the Disney star is making a big splash with her ex-boyfriend Nick Jonas.
In Savannah to film The Last Song, Miley made time for fun yesterday ? jet skiing off the shores of Tybee Island with none other than Nick!
The youngest of the Jonas Bros trio flew to Georgia just to see Miley, whom he has been making nice with since they recorded a duet on his group’s upcoming album Lines, Vines and Trying Times.
This week Miley posted on Twitter than she’s “in love with Savannah.”
As Star reported on Monday, Miley has been making it clear to Nick that she?s available now that things with Justin fizzled. In fact, hours before she left for Georgia, she performed a song she wrote about her breakup with Nick, changing the scathing lyrics to a message of love.
[From Star Magazine]
Savannah is a gorgeous city. In my mind, it represents the best of the South - beautiful architecture, thriving artistic community, great food. I hope Miley enjoys her time there - and not just with Nick Jonas. Seriously, Miley. You could do better, girl. Check out your hot Australian co-star Liam Hemsworth. Total upgrade from a Jonas Brother.
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| Yes, AnnaLynne McCord Has Cleavage | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Yes, I know you are as amazed as I am about AnnaLynne McCord having this much cleavage. Usually when I see the actress, she has nothing much to show us. These pictures, however, paint AnnaLynne in a different light. I can actually see breasts and cleavage! It's a miracle! AnnaLynne almost gives me something to get excited about. Then I noticed the almost beaver teeth and thought about what those would do to my tree. It's not a snack in that case. Well, it's a good helping for whoever gets a chance to be a lucky lady, and AnnaLynne McCord is inching that way with that body of hers! Damn, she has a pretty tight body!
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| Heidi Montag is doing Playboy | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Heidi Montag went with God on this one and decided to pose for Playboy in their September issue. PEOPLE says the nudity is “tasteful” and that she had a lot of fun with it. Meaning, they gave her a ball of yarn to play with while they shot her naked.
Playboy should Photoshop a halo above her head and angel wings on her back while she pushes her chest forward to show everyone her fake tits. You know, sort of a final “fuck you” to Heidi’s God.
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| AnnaLynne McCord is lady-like | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Getting out of a car in a short dress is an art form only mastered with years of practice. It takes perfect execution to swing both legs out at the same time. That’s why young celebrities such as AnnaLynne McCord are always being photographed with their legs spread apart like it they were on the casting couch. You have a lot to learn, young lady.
More Photos Here
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| Heidi Montag is Doing Playboy | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Back in April, there were reports that Heidi Montag was in negotiations to pose nude for Playboy. It appears that for once in her worthless life, one of the publicity-mongering rumours she started was actually true. From People:
Heidi Montag has gotten a lot of exposure lately ? but the newlywed is about to get even
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| Tony Romo on relationship with Jessica Simpson: We hang out and watch football | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Jessica Simpson has said plenty to the press about her relationship with Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo. She’s really toned down the oversharing lately though, especially since she revealed last September that she farts in bed, likes to cuddle, prays with Tony over the phone, and spends too much money, not necessarily in that order.
Tony lent his support to Jessica with some kind statements in her Vanity Fair cover issue last month, saying that “She has a very small-town side to her. We?re very similar in that we both appreciate the hometown feel to a lot of things, and live our life like that.”
Now Tony has revealed a little more about his relationship with Jessica, which has lasted over year past their last breakup and reconciliation. He says that they hang out, eat and watch football together and that’s cool with him:
Tony Romo is super charming on and off the field, and now the busy Dallas Cowboys quarterback is talking to ET about life with girlfriend Jessica Simpson, from the perfect date night to pregnancy rumors!
So first off, any breaking news to share about a baby bump? “None that I can think of,” laughs Tony, adding, “but I’m sure you guys’ll tell me something new soon enough.”
As for the perfect date night with Jessica, Tony says, “Probably get a little bite to eat and probably watch a football game; that’s our perfect evening. ? It’s exciting for both of us because I found someone I get to hang with ? and she really embraces the game and really wants to see our team do well, and it’s great to have someone like that.”
[From ETOnline.com]
I’m pretty sure I remember an episode of Newlyweds when Nick was hanging out watching a football game and Jessica was interrupting him and making fun of him the whole time. Doesn’t she seem like the type of woman who will try to do anything to please a guy she’s really into - along with forcing herself to have an interest in something that she previously couldn’t be bothered with?
Jessica told Cosmo right before Tony broke up with her temporarily that she adjusts to the person she’s dating “You change with the guys you date. [I thought] I had to be more intellectual. Come on?just be yourself! Tony taught me that because he loves me [as me]. He made me feel comfortable [being myself] again.” It looks like a previously unknown interest in sports was part of that, but if she’s happy and doesn’t mind changing more power to them. Tony seems like a decent guy who is sticking with her. We’ll see if they make it official any time soon. You can tell that a marriage proposal would make Jessica ecstatic.
Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo are shown on 6/4/09 outside a Laker’s game. Credit: WENN.com
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| Kim Kardashian Plays Dress Up | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 I think this is the nicest outfit I've seen Kim Kardashian wear in a long, long time. She usually wears bikinis and random sweat suit pieces. I'm not going to complain because Kim is still showing off those breasts that I think make her famous. Well, I'm sure the sex tape has something to do with it too. These pictures are taken from a photo session at the L'Hermitage Hotel in Monte Carlo. Hopefully they are for some new show/video in which hot celebrities that I want to see naked actually do get naked. Instead of this crap we get to watch now. We could vote on the winners. Kim Kardashian has a good chance of getting my vote...but I need more nakedness from her before I can decide!
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| Lady Gaga Ditched NYU To Study The Art Of Fame | Added 15 years ago | Source: MTV |
 'I really felt New York was my teacher and that I needed to bite the bullet and go it alone,' she tells Elle.By Jocelyn Vena
Lady Gaga
Photo: MTV News
Lady Gaga has managed to go from underground dance-music sensation to full on pop superstar, thanks to a slew of catchy hit singles, a renegade spirit and a fashion sense that has left everyone equally perplexed and interested.
And before she made the transition to the pants-hating Gaga we all know and love, she was just a girl going to college trying to figure out the best strategy to get famous.
So what was her first move toward fame? Dropping out of school.
"I loved NYU, but I thought I could teach myself about art better than the school could. I really felt New York was my teacher and that I needed to bite the bullet and go it alone," she said in the Women in Music issue of Elle magazine. "I wasn't interested in going to frat parties. ... I was really interested in the music scene and waitressing and cleaning toilets, or whatever the f--- it was I was doing."
The other things she was interested in included "sex, pornography, art, fame, obsession, drugs and alcohol," all of which she used as inspiration for her album The Fame.
"Why would anyone care to listen to me if I wasn't an expert in what I write about? And the album itself is the story of me and my friends and, again, our lives in New York — and you either want to know about it and be a part of it, or you don't," she said. "I am completely, 100 percent honest in what I do and who I am, and I've got nothing to hide."
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| Statement by reporter who checked Brooke Shields' mom out of nursing home | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The National Enquirer has a new article explaining the circumstances behing the much talked-about incident in which a freelance reporter checked Brooke Shields’ mom out of a nursing home.
Brooke was outraged that her mom Teri, who suffers from dementia, was allowed to leave her assisted living facility with the reporter, and issued a statement about it to People Magazine. When she learned that her mother was out with a reporter that day she called the cops, who found Teri having lunch with the man at a nearby restaurant. The National Enquirer explained at the time that Teri had been friends with the reporter for over 10 years and that the visit was a planned one that was approved by the facility. They said that Teri and the guy ran some errands and had something to eat and that she was never in any danger.
The Enquirer now has a personal statement from the freelance reporter, Bob Hartlein, who was with Teri that day. He explains that he is good friends with Teri Shields and used to hang out and watch TV with her at her house in New Jersey. He had no idea that Teri had dementia and says he first heard about it from Brooke and her lawyer. He admits that he did run stories on Brooke Shields using things Teri told him, but says that he was genuinely fond of her and knows her well. They even include a picture with the story that was taken in May, 2008 and shows Hartlein kissing Teri Shields affectionately on the head as she smiles. She is dressed up well in the photo and looks coherent and aware.
When Brooke Shields and her lawyer first revealed the details of her mother’s “dementia,” I was shocked and upset at that tragic news. In the 10 years I’ve known Teri Shields, I’ve found her to be more in control of her faculties - and certainly more outspoken - than most young people I know.
When I first interviewed Teri in 1999, I didn’t expect to become her friend. She was 65 at the time, and she’d agreed to talk to me about her ongoing battle with alcoholism.
“I knew I needed help last year (1998) after I passed out in a New York City department store,” Teri confessed to me. “I was so sick, I couldn’t remember.”
Her brutal honesty and heartfelt attitude endeared me to this lovely woman. She was not the tough divorcee often described in press reports.
After our first meetings, I spent many afternoons with Teri in her comfortable Haworth, NJ, home, which is near my own. We watched TV (”Dr. Phil” was a favorite) and chatted endlessly about her love of movies.
It was an unconventional relationship over the years between the mother of a world-famous movie star and a freelance tabloid reporter, but I always treated Teri with the same warmth, kindness and respect that I do my own mother, who is 82.
Most of our wonderful afternoons together never resulted in a story, but one thing remained consistent. Teri was always clear to me about how much she loved Brooke…
Maybe not everyone was pleased with my relationship with Teri over the years, but I wish only the best health for my friend. She is truly a special woman.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 22, 2009, by Bob Hartlein]
Brooke and the National Enquirer settled their disagreement over the incident. The Enquirer issued an apology and made an undisclosed, said to be “generous” donation to The American Academy of Neurology Foundation. Their statement reads, in part, “It was never the intention of the reporter, the photographer or anyone at the National Enquirer to cause harm to anyone,” and they also state that the “police investigation revealed no wrongdoing by the National Enquirer” but add that they “apologize for alarming Brooke Shields.”
This story is not as cut and dried as it originally seemed. Brooke and Teri have had a contentious relationship over the years, with Teri admitting that she’s an alcoholic while trash talking Brooke and her current husband to the Enquirer. You can see how she would befriend a reporter and confide in him if she has another agenda. She also probably genuinely appreciated the company. Brooke is doing her best for her mom under their difficult circumstances and it’s understandable that she would get outraged that Teri was allowed to leave her nursing home with a reporter. She may not believe her mom is capable of making her own decisions now, while her mom doesn’t seem willing to give up her independence. Hopefully they will be able to bury old grudges for the sake of their family and put this whole thing behind them.
Here is Brooke out with her mother, Teri, and daughter Grier, three, in NY on 5/10/09.Credit: Daniel/INFphoto.com
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| In new custody agreement, Britney gets over 50% of time with kids | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Britney and K-Fed’s lawyers have gone back to the books and worked out a new custody agreement between the couple. The agreement is only temporary, but for June, July, and August, Britney will get to take care of their children more than 50% of the time. Part of the agreement also outlined exactly what days each parent will take the kids. Once her tour is over, the agreement will go back to being 50/50.
We’ve learned Britney Spears and K-Fed have reached a new agreement on custody — and now Brit has the kids more than 50% of the time — at least during her concert tour.
Lawyers for Brit and Kevin Federline have filed docs with the family law Commissioner Scott Gordon, stating they have reached a new temporary custody arrangement. During June, July and August, Britney will have physical custody of Jayden James and Sean Preston more than 50% of the time. The lawyers submitted a calendar outlining who gets the kids on which day.
Contrary to some reports, we know that before the change Britney had the kids 50% of the time.
The 50/50 split will go back into effect once Britney’s tour is over.
[from TMZ]
There’s no word on why exactly they decided to change the agreement for such a short time - or why they changed the agreement at all. I have two theories. It may be that since her tour has been expanded, and she’ll definitely be around her handlers for the next few months, they’re testing out a new agreement that they may enact more permanently in the future. This way she’ll be around and protected by her father and crew so that nothing can go wrong. K-Fed always struck me as a tool, but not an unkind or unreasonable guy, and an agreement like this makes sense as a trial period.
My other theory is that Jamie has put down the law with K-Fed - Britney is doing better, so why can’t she have the kids more often? K-Fed can’t say no because, after all, it’s Jamie Spears we’re talking about. The man is kind of scary.
This is all speculation, of course. We’ll see what the official statement is later.
Britney, her boys and her boyfriend, Jason Trawick, are shown on 3/1/09. Credit: Fame Pictures. Britney is also shown below out in London on 6/6/09. Credit: Ringo, PacificCoastNews.com
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| Reese Witherspoon daughter to wear matching dresses for wedding? | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Rumors about the engagement/impending marriage of Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal are a dime a dozen. Every couple of months, a new round begins, sometimes even with a new twist on the old story. Personally, I really like Reese and Jake, and I think they love each other and know what they?re doing. If they get married, great. If not, I understand. My reading of the situation has always been that Reese is gun-shy after her devastating divorce to Ryan Phillippe.
So, onto the latest rumor! This comes from In Touch Weekly, and I just found it very cute. Reese and Jake haven?t even formally gotten engaged, but Reese already has her dress picked out! What made it really funny for me is that Reese picked out a dress, making sure that her daughter Ava could wear an identical, miniature version. Considering Ava is already the Mini-Me version of Reese, the matching dresses could be overkill:
She may not be officially engaged yet, but Reese Witherspoon has already decided on the dress.
?Reese has picked out the gown she?s going to wear when she and Jake [Gyllenhaal] finally get married,? says a pal of the actress?. ?It?s an unconventional color just like Gwen Stefani?s, and her daughter, Ava, will wear an identical dress.?
Ava, 9, loves matching her mom and already has about 50 identical outfits, says the friend, so she?s very excited to walk down the aisle as the flower girl, wearing a miniature version of Reese?s gown.
Jake and Reese have been together since 2007, and as previously reported by In Touch, he is so smitten by Reese that he has proposed numerous times, as recently as their last trip to Italy, but Reese was hesitant to say yes after her failed marriage to Ryan Phillippe.
But it seems that she is finally ready to make things official. In addition to the gown, Reese is already planning an intimate ceremony at her Ojai, California home.
She?s also content that Ava and son Deacon, 5, adore Jake.
?He not only wants to be her husband, he wants to take responsibility for her children,? says his pal. ?they?re in a good place.?
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, June 22 2009]
I always end up rooting for Reese. If Jake makes her happy, so be it. I think Jake is probably really close to both Ava and Deacon, and the four of them seem to spend a lot of time together. So, will Jake and Reese ever really tie the knot? Reese strikes me a traditional girl, and yet there are those nagging worries about fidelity, right? Go for it, Reese! Jake will make you happy!
Reese and Jake are shown out in NY on 6/6/09. Thanks to ANT GRIFFITH/bauergriffinonline.com. Reese and Ava are shown out on 12/10/08. Credit: Fame Pictures
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| Is Tricia Helfer Hot? | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 It must be hard being a celebrity. Tricia Helfer is in Monte Carlo to attend a festival and do photocalls for "Battlestar Galactica" and stuff. I mean, that's a hard life. Go to exotic places and get your picture taken. But that's not what this is about. I have decided that Tricia is actually pretty hot. I've been on the fence for the past couple of hours trying to decide (mostly her face), but I think she's worthy of being called hot. The Playboy pictures really helped me out. I mean really, people think Fergie is hot, and half the time I can't stand to think about lookin' at her. The more I think about Tricia, the hotter she gets! What do you think about Tricia Helfer? Hot or no?
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I don't know what Megan Fox is doing to Shia Labeouf in that picture, but it has caption me written all over it so go ahead and do it!!!
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| Who was a cut above the other one…Heather Graham or Kristin Cavallari? | Added 15 years ago | Source: Seriously OMG WTF |
 Splash News Online
Right about now Heather Graham and Kristin Cavallari want to do the designer of that dress what that designer did to it. You know because both of them walked the red carpet in the same exact dress within days of each other. So now that you have seen them both in the talk of the carpet little black dress, who do you think wore it better? I am going with Heather Graham because look at her confidence in it as compared Kristin who seems a little shy about it.
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| Sarah Michelle Gellar's pregnancy hiding outfit | Added 15 years ago | Source: Seriously OMG WTF |
Sarah Michelle Gellar has yet to confirm her pregnancy and now she has found the perfect outfit that hides her baby bump. From afar you can't tell she that she is expecting a little baby, but up close and from the side you can totally tell.
BTW maternity wear or not, I totally love what she is wearing and want that outfit for myself.
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 Ghost Whisperer ended its season with Melinda pregnant with a child that will have her power but better. So will the new season start off with her giving birth? Nope. According to EW's Michael Ausiello we won't even see her change a diaper or go through the terrible twos, by the time we see her son, Aiden he will be starting school. I don't know how I feel about the 5 year fast forward, but then again I wasn't sure how I would like the Jim is dead, then in another body storyline and I got used to it pretty quickly.
Ausiello says this isn't the only show skipping time. One Tree Hill is also considering skipping a year. Which means it will be easier to get rid of Peyton and Lucas and bring on Robert Buckley!!! What do you guys think of the shows moving time ahead?
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