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| Michelle Hunziker's Booty In A Bikini | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 Good news: my favorite Swiss model/MILF Michelle Hunziker is back at the beach and her booty’s looking better than ever. (Trust me, I spent a few hours double-checking.) Anyway,sorry for the little brat ruining some of these shots… That’s the problem with these MILFs, they’ve always got their kids with them, for some weird reason.I […]
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| Laura Vandervoort Does Comic-Con Good | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 According to my sources, the nerds are having their annualmeetingin San Diego for Comic-Con right now. But in case you weren’t able to make it out of your parents’ basement this weekend, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with everything you missed. No, not the newStar Wars trailer or any superhero movie crap. I mean, […]
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| Jennifer Lawrence's Cleavage Show | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 I know the rest of the world is totally in love with Jennifer Lawrence, and call me crazy, but I never really understood why. At least until her last “project” leaked all over the Internet. And you know, between that andseeing the cute cleavage Jenniferwas dropping on her way out of Comic-Con over the weekend, […]
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| Bella Thorne Is Trouble At The Airport | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 I know Bella Thorne‘s still trouble for another few months, so I’m going to be careful what I writeabout these pictures of her at the airport. All I’ll say is, I have a feeling there were a couple people who got added to a government watch list after this, and I’m betting it had nothing […]
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 He?s scored a slew of top-selling albums and subsequent concert tours, but 50 cent says he?s actually in pretty bad financial shape.
Last week, a judge ordered the ?In Da Club? rapper (real name Curtis Jackson) to pay Rick Ross? babymama Lavonia Leviston a whopping $5 million for distributing her sex tape and a few days later Fiddy filed for bankruptcy.
As it turns out, 50 is worth between $10 million and $50 million, but he says his assets just barely cover his liabilities, including a $17.2 million copyright lawsuit he lost regarding a headphone design. Furthermore, his SMS Promotions boxing company recently filed for bankruptcy.
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| George Clooney plans to sell his Cabo property to 'spend more time with Amal' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 A few weeks ago, Page Six claimed that George Clooney is currently considering selling off his Como, Italy mansion for an enormous profit. Clooney bought the property in 2002 for $10 million (a steal back then). He currently fields offers of $100 million for the mansion, probably more. Considering George has always loved his Como estate, it seemed like a weird rumor. Like, is George having money problems? Does he ?need? to sell the Como property? And now comes this piece of news, also from Page Six: their sources claim that George is definitely going to sell his home in Cabo, Mexico. Hmm?.
George Clooney is selling his vacation home in Cabo, Mexico, sources confirmed to Page Six.
We?re told Clooney plans to spend more time with wife Amal at their homes in England and Los Angeles, but the couple will still vacation in Cabo ? they?ll stay with neighbors and best friends Rande Gerber and Cindy Crawford.
Both Clooney and Gerber?s homes were designed by famed architect Ricardo Legorreta and are the last two homes he designed before he passed away.
[From Page Six]
There?s so much extrapolation to be done with just a few meager sentences. For one, it seems that Amal has never really enjoyed Cabo. They?ve been there together a few times in the past year and their trips were always with Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber. Which brings me to my other question: is this Amal?s way of editing George?s close friendship with Cindy and Rande? It feels like it. It feels like George always expects his ladies to be couple-friends with Cindy and Rande and Amal is all ?Nope, I?d rather spend time with the cultured people of New York and London.? It does feel that way, right? Like, Cabo is where you go if you want to spend time with Rande, Cindy, Jennifer Aniston and Joe Francis. Amal doesn?t want to be there.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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 Here’s Miley Cyrus out in LA and sure, whenever we’ve seen her lately, she’s usually beenwearing a whole lot less than this, but hey, I’m still digging these shots. So eitherI’m just in a good mood today (unlikely), or maybe this is that “love” thing I always hear people talking about. Hmm, canyou feel love […]
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| Jaime King: 'Pregnancy is the ultimate symbol of womanhood & beauty' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I guess I?m out of the baby loop, because I had no idea there was a magazine devoted to American babies called, obviously enough, American Baby. Somali baby? Not interested. Sri Lankan baby? Nope. Dutch baby? Go away! American babies only. So, the cover of the newest issue of American Baby is pregnant American model/actress/professional-friend-of-Taylor-Swift Jaime King. King is very pregnant with her second child and she?s been giving a lot of interviews during this pregnancy, talking about body-shaming pregnant women and new mothers and how she ?cried for five hours? after people criticized Kim Kardashian?s pregnant body. This interview is more of the same. Some highlights:
Body image while pregnant: “Pregnancy is the ultimate symbol of womanhood, beauty and sensuality, so make it a celebration of creating life. You don’t have to hide anything or try to suck in your belly. Why not put on things that are tighter, flashier, or more fun? Wearing formfitting clothes totally counteracts that voice inside of us that says, ‘Ugh, I just want to lie down all day and sleep. I feel it’s really important to feel good about yourself, and fashion is part of that.”
She knows what it?s like to be body-shamed: “I know what it feels like to be body-shamed. People have made comments about how I’m too thin and need to eat a sandwich. I’ve seen it happen with other pregnant women in this business too?we’re either too thin or put on too much weight. But every woman’s body is different. All that matters is that you’re taking care of the nutrition for yourself and your child. Don’t let other people get you down, and don’t put other women down, either.”
Asking ladies like Jessica Alba & Taylor Swift to be her children?s godmothers: “I asked myself, ‘God forbid anything happened to me, would she take care of my child as if he were her own? What kind of morals would she instill? Will she be backup support if for any reason my child doesn’t want to come to me for something?’ I looked for giving people whom I admire, and those two give more than anyone I’ve ever met.”
She loves everything about pregnancy: ?Probably because of how long it took me to get pregnant?seven years?and all that I went through with endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome.?
Her son James: “He does not hold on to hurt feelings, so he’ s given me a get-over-yourself attitude. Now when something bothers me, I think, ‘I should be like James Knight and get over it in two seconds.. Parents can really learn from kids about letting go. Every time I look at my son, he makes me want to be a better person.”
[From E! News]
I have no interest in body-shaming any pregnant woman, although I do think Jaime sort of ignores the fact that some (not all) pregnant celebrities invite the general public into every part of their baby-making, pregnancy and childrearing and then freak out as soon as they get one piece of criticism. My general rule is to give pregnant ladies more of a pass for everything so even though I think it?s sort of weird that Jaime King is, like, pregnant as a profession now, so be it. I do have a problem with this: “Pregnancy is the ultimate symbol of womanhood, beauty and sensuality…” If you feel beautiful and sensual during your pregnancy, God bless and good for you. But some women do manage to be womanly, beautiful and sensual without ever being pregnant. It seems like Jaime is “shaming” non-mothers and women who can’t have children a little bit.
Can I shame her about those bangs though? Because she?s a lovely woman but those bangs are atrocious.
Photos courtesy of American Baby.
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| Mila Kunis: 'I will say this: We have a gun at the house' I respect the gun' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Mila Kunis has a very interesting new interview with The Telegraph Magazine. I think it?s supposed to be shilling for Gemfields, an ?ethical mining? gemstone company, but Mila spends most of the interview chatting about her personal life, her marriage, motherhood, money and more. It?s one of the better interviews I?ve read with Mila. I?ve been worried ? justifiably so ? that Ashton Kutcher?s douche would rub off on Mila, and there were some moments (like this interview last year) where I thought she was lost. But she?s utterly charming and cool in this piece. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:
She loves bathroom humor: ?I like fart jokes, for sure.?
How Jupiter Ascending bombed: ?I don?t live to work; I work to live. I never took my career too seriously before. After becoming a mum, I definitely don?t.?
She loves Hillary Clinton: ?I would love her to have a woman [in the White House], to think, ‘If there?s a woman president, what is there that I can?t do?’?
Her political views: ?I?m a Democrat. My husband is a Democrat. I?m not one of those who voted for Obama and then said, ‘He didn?t do me right so now I?m off the Obama ship’. I stand by him to this day. He?s implemented health care. It?s not perfect, but it?s beginning the process.?
Gun laws, ownership: ?I will say this: we have a gun at the house. But would I give it to my daughter as a gift at 15? No. I can take a gun apart and put it back together blindfolded? My child shouldn?t be as well trained as us, nor should she know there is a weapon in the house ? ever. But I respect the gun. My husband grew up in Iowa, and is from a hunting family. He?s worked with rifles his whole life?.I probably wouldn?t have the gun if I didn?t have stalkers or people constantly trying to break into my house.?
She doesn?t really identify with the Ukrainian people: ?But do I feel that that country is in need of dire help? Yes. Putin is a very strong-willed human being who is gathering more power, and that?s scary.?
Being bullied when she came to America: ?I?m a Russian Jew! There?s so much material. But was I bullied any more than an average kid? No. Nothing that my parents weren?t, ‘Suck it and go back to school’ about. Back then, it was just, ‘You?re ugly.’ ‘No! You?re ugly.’ And you?d go home. Now kids go home and they are still interacting with their peers online. It?s a constant barrage.?
Her parents were not stage parents: ?My parents never took a penny from me. So whatever I earned just stayed locked up in a bank account until I was 18. It didn?t matter how much money I was making, they were poor, thus I was poor. When I finally looked at my bank account I screamed, ‘What?’?
She was never a mess because of That ?70s Show: ?I was [there from age] 14 to 22. I could?ve gone in either direction. But nobody did drugs or was an alcoholic. [My older co-stars] said, ‘Drugs are stupid.’ And I?d be like, ‘Oh yeah, drugs are really dumb.’ I think when you are a young actor couple you are screwed. It got to a stage where I couldn?t leave the house. I love what I do, but the reality is that my privacy is gone. I?m not complaining, I just don?t like the idea that my child can?t go to the park with her mother. And if she does, then I have to trail a sh-tload of paparazzi with me.?
Mila says Ashton is a diaper-changing hero: ?My husband is an incredibly hands-on dad. When my child was born, I was breast-feeding and he said, ?That?s your connection, I want to change every diaper.? When we?re in public, if it?s a pee-pee diaper you can change her at the table, but if it?s a poo-poo diaper you don?t want to affect the people eating. So he?s like, ?Err, I guess I?m going to the ladies? room to do it.?
[From The Telegraph]
I don?t have a problem with what she says about gun ownership ? I think we should remember that she?s being interviewed by a British outlet and they (like much of the first world) are horrified by what they see as America?s lax gun laws. It felt like The Telegraph was trying to get Mila to do some anti- or pro-gun screed and what they got was a simple admission that she and Ashton are gun-owners and they treat gun ownership responsibly. I also like what she says about being a Democrat and not a fair-weather Obama supporter ? at least she didn?t play coy or go on some intense political screed. She?s a Dem, she loves Obama and Hillary Clinton. End of story.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Kristen Stewart covers Marie Claire: 'I lit my universe on fire & I watched it burn' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Kristen Stewart covers the August issue of Marie Claire. The editorial is? okay. I usually think Kristen can pull off nearly any kind of heavy, dark styling but I feel like we?ve seen this kind of look from her many times before in editorials. That?s not on Kristen ? it feels like Marie Claire sort of phoned it in. This is Kristen?s second major magazine cover interview this year ? months ago, we covered her Harper?s Bazaar UK cover here. This is her first American cover in months. Kristen is still pushing the ?I?m a completely different person now? narrative, having said goodbye to Twilight. Sparkly Vampires and Bella for good. Some highlights from the interview:
She?s been punished for not being? “I believe the operative words are, accessible, easy, and uncomplicated,” she says with an exaggerated roll of her eyes.
Her image change: “I lit my universe on fire and I watched it burn. Speaking very candidly, it was a really traumatic period in my early 20s that kick-started something in me that was a bit more?feral.”
On her appearance and cutting her hair: “My hair was such a crutch. I looked quote unquote ‘sexy’ no matter what. I could hide behind it. As soon as I didn’t have all that hair, I had to let my face hang out. I felt more confident than I had in a really long time. And it felt really good. Maybe to most people long hair is prettier. But then what? Is your main goal in life to be desired? That is boring as f-ck.”
On reaching peace with her public image: ?I?m really proud that I am able to move forward and not fall into every mental crater. That?s a new thing for me. Age has made me smarter and calmer. And it is f–king awesome.?
On her success at a young age: ?Between ages 15 and 20, it was really intense. I was constantly anxious. I was kind of a control freak. If I didn?t know how something was going to turn out, I would make myself ill, or just be locked up or inhibited in a way that was really debilitating.?
On apologizing: ?Lately, I?ve been doing less of the ?I?m sooooo sorry.? And more of the ?No. F–k. Jesus.?”
[From Marie Claire]
Eloquent she is not. But she?s right about some things, and yes, I?m sort of giving her a break. She was ?punished? for not being a cookie-cutter starlet, for not fitting into an easily accessible box, for not being ?girly? and frilly. That being said, she was also enormously self-destructive. Not like Ben Affleck type of self-destructive (Affleck is next-level self-destructive), but she was definitely looking to destroy whatever goodwill she had and rise like a phoenix from the ashes. The fact that she was able to do just that? well, we should give her some credit for that.
Photos courtesy of TESH/Marie Claire.
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 Wedding bells were ringing on Saturday (July 11) as Jennie Garth tied the knot with David Abrams at an afternoon wedding at Garth?s home in Santa Ynez, California.
Following their April engagement, the ?Beverly Hills: 90210? star and her handsome beau made vows in front of family and friends including Jennie?s three daughters Luca, Lola and Fiona.
Ms. Garth was previously married to Daniel Clark back in the 1990s, followed by an 18-year relationship (12 of which they were married) to ?Twilight Saga: New Moon? hunk Peter Facinelli. Interestingly enough, Facinelli is also getting married after proposing to Jaimie Alexander at the top of the Empire State Building back in March.
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| Jennifer Lawrence is no longer bodyshamed by directors as a 'main movie star' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These photos of Jennifer Lawrence departing from San Diego Comic-Con are killing me. Not only does her body look fantastic (there’s no denying it), but her style has improved so much lately. It’s hard to notice the cute dresses when she’s fooling around and drawing on her face, but JLaw must have found a new stylist. I’m usually not one for hair extensions either, but Jennifer’s weave looks really natural. This looks like her hair from a few years ago, before she dyed and bleached it several times for movies.
On Friday, I talked about how JLaw gushed about eating all the food at Comic-Con. Some more quotes from the weekend have since come out. JLaw hasn’t talked about body image in quite some time, but she broached the subject again:
Today, with Lawrence raking in $20 million paychecks, she says Hollywood can’t and doesn’t bother to body shame her anymore.
This revelation came at the The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 press conference at Comic-Con in San Diego on Thursday, when the 24-year-old was asked if she thought there would be better roles for women in the future.
“I would hope so,” she said, pausing to think about the rest of her answer. “That’s risky, Jennifer,” she mumbled to herself, before she issued a disclaimer of sorts. “This could blow people’s hair back in a good way, or it could be my last time at Comic-Con.”
Thankfully, Lawrence took the risk to explain why she no longer gets notes from producers telling her she needs to drop a couple pounds.
“I had a conversation with somebody about the struggles with weight in the industry – I know that’s something I talk nonstop about,” Lawrence said. “And they were saying, ‘All of the main movie stars aren’t very underweight.’ I said, ‘Yeah, because once you get to a certain place [in your career], people will hire you. They just want you to be in the movie, so they don’t care.’ It’s more about the struggle for the actors and actresses who haven’t made it to a certain place.”
[From Huffington Post]
Some people could interpret Jennifer’s words as bragging, but she’s not wrong about being a major movie star. She nabbed a $20 million salary and will receive top billing over Chris Pratt for Passengers. She also just signed onto The Rosie Project. With the upcoming Mockingjay 2, X-Men: Apocalypse, and Oscar-baity Joy on the way, directors aren’t about to mess with her. JLaw knows this, and she’s simply pointing out how directors will always push around less established actresses.
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News & Fame/Flynet
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