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Sienna Miller's confident early days: 'In my own mind I was like Meryl Streep'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Sienna Miller's confident early days: 'In my own mind I was like Meryl Streep'
As I said a few weeks ago, I?m not really feeling The Whitewashing of Sienna Miller. It feels like she?s really pushing that narrative: now that she?s 35 years old and a single mother, people should take her more seriously. While I like that she?s ?grown up? enough where she?s not falling out of nightclubs and having torrid affairs with married men, it seems like we?re setting the bar too low? Sienna is still Sienna. She still loves drama. She?s still fundamentally a narcissist. I was reminded of that again as I read Sienna?s recent profile in The Guardian. She?s promoting The Lost City of Z and basically shilling for more work now that she?s a Serious Actress and no longer an It Girl. Some highlights:

She likes taking small parts in classy films: ?Well, it?s suited me since I had Marlowe to do these parts with these great film-makers, because this took a month, American Sniper was three, Foxcatcher was three weeks. I can, kind of, pop up in these classy things. I do feel frustrated sometimes by the fact that I want to get those roles. I watch films and I know how I?d do it and I want the opportunity. But at the same time you have to strategise in ways that, I don?t know, that I just haven?t done.? What would that involve? ?Oh, shmoozing and doing something to get foreign value. Foreign value. Numbers. You know, someone like Jennifer Lawrence has foreign value. She can get anything financed, she has foreign value for sure.?

How would she get foreign value? ?I would probably be the lead in a Marvel film. I?m not averse to doing something like that. I?m not saying that at all. But in order to get to be the star of a film of that sort, for people to bank on you in that way, you need numbers. I can?t get a film financed in the way that you would need to. It?s all about numbers. Which is absolute bollocks, because you can have two movie stars in something and if the film?s crap it can make nothing. The whole way that the industry is set up is numbers, and it doesn?t add up, they?re terrible at the numbers. But I?m not frustrated. I feel quite content.?

Her early days: ?I think, from a really young age, I had a real confidence. I had no doubt in my mind that?s what I would do. I wanted to be, like, in my own mind I was like Meryl Streep. I hadn?t given it much thought, like most things, but it?s like, that was my job, that?s what I wanted to do, and there was never any doubt in my mind. It?s actually a really interesting lesson in how much your own confidence and belief can influence things. You see it with Donald Trump. Not that I was like him. I mean, obviously, that?s a really sinister example. But you can absolutely manipulate the situation if you do not allow for doubt within it. I went into every audition believing that I could get this, and there was something about that confidence ? people were like: ?Oh!? ? that I think was disarming.?

Now her confidence has been whittled away: ?I don?t know, I think life just sort of happened in quite a full-on way, and I just learned through experience to just become ? you know, I just lost some of that innocence and positivity, which is growing up, which is getting older, which happens? I?m just more realistic now. It used to be that everyone was lovely and everything was great and I was so positive and I just couldn?t wait to live and experience. Now I?m a bit older, and a bit more tired all the time.?

Whether she ?internalizes the shame? of being called a homewrecker: ?Of course, yes. Yes, totally because it was everywhere or I felt like it was. It was very personal, and then you sort of think, well, is that who I am? Then you get older and you?re like, oh, f–k that.?

Giving evidence to the Leveson inquiry: ?I feel more powerful, definitely. It changed the terms. But then I also feel like if anyone wrote anything now it would not bother me. I don?t feel like I could get the shame. I have enough of a sense of my own self and my own life and who I actually am. I don?t think I really did back then, because I don?t think you do when you?re that age, and so I just ? it was just an assault, I just felt like I was being blasted with personalities that just perpetuated the behaviour that they wanted to perpetuate. It was a strange experience. But nowadays I feel relatively immune to that kind of bitchy criticism. I don?t feel like I am interesting enough now to be focused on in the way that I was. I don?t want to go out to a pub every night and get pissed. I don?t want that drama.?

She wants more kids but is incapable of planning ahead: ?I?d like an army of them? ? but laughs that she has always been hopeless at making plans. ?You can?t change who you are. I?ll always be the same person. I just grew up a little bit, got pregnant and had a kid.?

[From The Guardian]

?I just grew up a little bit, got pregnant and had a kid? is probably the most honest thing in this interview. That?s sort of why I?m not buying her whitewashing – because it seems like she just got a little bit older and had a kid and now we?re supposed to believe that she?s so different. At first I was ready to roll my eyes at the Meryl Streep line, but I understood what she was saying in context – she had the confidence, perhaps the arrogance, to believe that she was incapable of failing and that confidence helped her a lot in her early days.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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Kate Winslet was bullied at school: 'They called me blubber'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Kate Winslet was bullied at school: 'They called me blubber'
Kate Winslet spoke at the WE Day U.K. event on Wednesday about being bullied in school, a subject she has touched on before. At the event, Kate went into further detail about how she was often picked on for her weight and for her pursuit of an acting career. Bringing the two together, her tormenters would tell her to be prepared to be happy with ?fat girl parts.? Although all the ostracizing chipped away at her self-esteem, it was her love of acting that ultimately brought her happiness and confidence. Now that she can flaunt a successful career that includes several awards, Kate wants to share what she overcame to get there to help others possibly suffering form the same negative influences.

Getting the last laugh.Kate Winsletgot candid about being bullied as a child during a talk at the fourth annual WE Day U.K. event Wednesday, March 22, telling the audience that she was called names and made fun of for her weight from an early age.

?I was always comparing myself to others,? she told the audience of approximately 12,000, including numerous youngsters. ?They called me ?Blubber?; they teased me for wanting to act. Locked me in the cupboard and would laugh at me. I wasn?t the prettiest, and I was even told that I?d be lucky in my acting if I was happy to settle for the fat girl parts. I?d never let go of that, and they?d say, ?You?re just not what we?re looking for, Kate.? This unkindness made me feel truly horrendous.?

Winslet, 41, added that she always felt like she ?wasn?t enough? and that she ?didn?t look right.? But ultimately, she chose to ignore the negativity and worked hard to become the celebrated actress that she is today ? though it was by no means an easy task.

?I was always auditioning for the school plays,? she said. ?I didn?t really get very good parts, mind you, but I didn?t mind. I didn?t care. I would often get cast as the crocodile, or the scarecrow, or the dark fairy. I was even a dancing frog once. But it didn?t matter. I still loved it. I loved acting. It didn?t matter how big or small the parts were. I wanted to be great, and I was determined to keep learning.? ?

[From US]

Hand to God ? I am having both my children read Blubber presently ? one read it and handed it off to the other who is halfway through. My son and I spent over two hours discussing it the night he finished. Even though we talked about the characters and events in the story, we both knew we weren?t discussing the book. It?s shocking how relevant it is today. I know I have said this before but I highly recommend it to anyone as an excellent resource to discuss bullying.

But I didn?t write this just to plug books from my childhood (although I could write an entire post discussing books from my childhood) but to applaud Kate for reaching out to the younger generation and letting them know that no one is immune to the cruelness of others. And it’s always crueler when kids are involved. I mean, I know Kate has a lovely life and an Oscar to punctuate her impressive acting career and even knowing that, her comments about being locked in the cupboard made my heart hurt. I find it so interesting that although her acting was used against her, her love of it saw her through. She didn?t act for the recognition, primarily because it doesn?t sound like she got any, but just for the enjoyment she got from doing it. And ultimately, it was her salvation. That?s a lovely story. Almost a Hollywood ending, if you will.

However, since I possess a cold, dead heart, I don?t want to end with warm hugs. I?d rather end on Kate?s thoughts on the Today show last year when she spoke about this subject. After listing how good her current life is, she said to her bullies, ?Look at me now, girls.? Ha!

Speaking of the best revenge – macking on Idris would be right up there

Photo credit WENN and Fame/Flynet Photos

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Emma Thompson says Bigly Boy Trump asked her out after her divorce
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Thompson says Bigly Boy Trump asked her out after her divorce
President Bigly Boy has long been fascinated by Hollywood and even more specifically, he?s also been fascinated with glamorous movie-star women. Salma Hayek has previously discussed Bigly Boy?s go-to move, which basically sounds like being negged by the most bigly a–hole in the universe. Bigly Boy wanted to date Salma but she refused, then he got the National Enquirer to run a story about how he refused to date her, then he called her up and told her that she should go on a date with him to ?prove? the story false. I believe Salma?s version of events. Just as believe Emma Thompson when she shared a similar story.

British actress Emma Thompson says she once turned down an offer by Donald Trump to stay at the Trump Towers, years before he became the U.S. president. Speaking on a Scandinavian TV show, Thompson said that while filming the 1998 film ?Primary Colors,? the phone in her trailer rang and the voice on the other end said, ?Hi, it?s Donald Trump here.?

Thompson said it was ?like a moose has just entered my trailer,? as that phone had never rung before.

She said Trump called to offer her ?some accommodation in one of my Trump Towers. They?re really comfortable.? She said he added: ?I think we would get on very well. Maybe we could have dinner sometime.? Thompson said she did not accept the offer.

[From Page Six]

She goes on to say that she regrets not taking him up on his offer for dinner because then she would have had so many stories. The only part of this that makes me go ?hm? is the whole idea that Trump would be attracted to such an intelligent woman. I mean, Emma is the whole package and I would marry her. But she?s not, like, a beauty pageant contestant. She doesn?t have that glossy look that he seems to like. Then I remember – it was enough for him that she was A) blonde and B) a movie star. He probably also liked that she had an accent. He seems to have a thing for women with accents.

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Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty.

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Jay Mohr and Nikki Cox's divorce is messy and he claims she's a drug addict
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jay Mohr and Nikki Cox's divorce is messy and he claims she's a drug addict
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The last time we talked about Jay Mohr, a TV and character actor whom I most remember from Jerry MaGuire, he was fat shaming Alyssa Milano right after she’d had a baby. That was way back in 2014 so we don’t get the occasion to talk about him much. Anyway he’s still married to another TV and character actor, Nikki Cox, they’ve been married for about ten years and things went sour some time ago. Jay first filed for divorce in July of last year and they reconciled for a while, but he filed again in December. Nikki and Jay have a five year-old son named Meredith. That was the thing I focused on the most when I read this story about his divorce filing, that they have a son and they named him Meredith. (Apparently it’s a Welsh name and it’s normal to name boys Meredith in Wales, but I bet I am not the only person confused about that.) Anyway Jay has filed for sole physical custody of Meredith, with monitored visits for Nikki. He claims in his court filing that Nikki is a drug addict who only recently took an interest in their son. Jay’s explanation of Nikki’s daily habits make her sound like a very unfit mom.

In the documents filed March 10, Mohr, 46, is requesting sole physical custody of their five-year-old son, Meredith Daniel Cox Mohr, and joint legal custody, with Cox receiving ?reasonable visitation with Meredith, which shall be professionally monitored.?

Since filing divorce docs in December, Mohr claims that he and Cox ?have continued to reside in the same residence? with their son, but alleges that their ?living situation has become extremely confusing and untenable; and, our son is suffering.?

?Based upon the the increasing hostility in our home, Nikki?s ongoing refusal to attend her mental health issues ? her abuse of drugs, and her failure to respect boundaries, I had no choice but to obtain alternate housing for me and our son,? the documents read.

Mohr, who has been married to Cox for almost 10 years, claims that ?Nikki?s mental health issues continue to go untreated. ? she continues to demonstrate that she is incapable of caring for Meredith,? the docs read. He also alleges that she left ovens on while she and their son were at home asleep; backdoors were left open at night for their dogs to go in and out; and administered a double dose of their son?s medication, which caused him to vomit in the middle of the night.

The actor initially filed for divorce from Cox in July 2016, but called off the divorce just six days after filing the documents.

?I initially filed a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage on July 19, 2016 and sought ex parte custody orders based upon my concerns regarding Meredith?s safety and Nikki?s mental health. My concerns included, but were not limited to, the following facts: Nikki abused drugs, she rarely left her locked bedroom (there were times when Nikki would go 2 full days without seeing Meredith even though we were all in the same house); She was an insomniac who would stay awake for days at a time; she threatened to take her own life on at least two (2) occasions; and she is unable to drive (she never obtained her driver?s license),? the documents read.

According to Mohr, the court denied his ex parte requests and he and his wife ?attempted to address the concerns set forth? in the July 19, 2016 declaration.

?Prior to this dissolution proceeding, Nikki was absent from Meredith?s life. To this day, she has never spent twenty-four hours alone with Meredith and has relegated most of Meredith?s care to me and Meredith?s nanny,? the docs read. ?To her credit, since July 2016, Nicki has been less absent from Meredith?s life. However, as set forth in further detail below, Nikki?s sudden presence in Meredith?s life has caused confusion, resulting in Meredith exhibiting signs of regression, both at home and in school (he is starting to have bathroom accidents throughout the day) ? His behavior is deteriorating both at school and with his therapists.?

[From People]

It goes on to stay that Jay has seen Nikki staying up until 2:00 am with Meredith eating candy and watching cartoons. She also told him that she was pregnant again, which he says is impossible if he’s supposed to be the father because he is “azoospermic.” (I guess that means he’s had a vasectomy.) Plus he says that Nikki is suicidal and has told him twice during their marriage that she planned to commit suicide. He writes that he still loves Nikki but that “we can no longer be married to each other, and I cannot continue to raise our son in a toxic environment.” If all that is true, it just sounds so hard to be married to someone who is addicted and using like that. I hope that this will be a catalyst for Nikki to get help, again if it’s the case and this isn’t exaggerated for court purposes, and that their son is ok.

All these photos are from 2009. They look super happy together in all the photos I could find.

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Megan Mullally waited four months to sleep with Nick Offerman while dating
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Megan Mullally waited four months to sleep with Nick Offerman while dating
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Hollywood couldn?t cast a more perfect couple. Will and Grace star Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman from Parks and Recreation are such a good match. Interestingly, Megan revealed in a new interview that she held off the sex portion of their relationship for four months (unless they only had three dates in that four months, that?s pretty impressive). During a talk on Alec Baldwin?s radio show, Here?s the Thing, Megan said it was a ?well-orchestrated? plan and, for those of you who might want to try this in your relationship, detailed how she went about doing it:

I wouldn?t even let him come over…Then, finally, he could come over…but he couldn?t come in. Or we could stand outside in the yard. Then he could come in, but only the living room. Then he could sleep on the couch. Then he could sleep in the bed. Then, finally, sex.

[From Page Six]

First comes sex, then comes marriage – the couple wed in 2003 – then comes the tour where they discuss their marriage and sex life, accompanied by raunchy songs, to a roomful of strangers. Nick, 46, and Megan, 58, have been touring since 2014 with their show, Summer of 69: No Apostrophe. Of the show, the couple told Deadline, ?We love to make sweet love to each other in general, so to be paid millions of dollars to do it in front of an audience is just that much sweeter.? I saw it and they were a scream. If you missed it, fear not, as a filmed performance of the show premieres on Epix on May 19.

I guess it?s good that they like to work together as they are about to co-produce a movie. Yesterday, Deadline reported that the couple acquired the movie rights to the New York Times Best Seller Lincoln In The Bardo by George Saunders. The book offers a fictionalized account of the death of Abraham Lincoln?s son, Willie. The action takes place in a graveyard where Willie and other spirits exist in a ?bardo,? which is the Buddhist equivalent of purgatory. Sounds interesting. Hopefully Megan has time to work on the film in between working on the Will and Grace revival and touring with her band, Nancy and Beth. That?s one busy lady.

I am a big fan of both of these actors and of true love, so I am beyond happy for them. They do seem to be one of the happiest of Hollywood couples and I just wish some of their relationship magic could rub off on me.

Photos: Getty Images,, Fame Flynet

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