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| Russians fearful of Madonna's upcoming concert | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Surprisingly, the Russians aren?t really enthused about Madonna coming to their country to perform a loud ? and one could assume raunchy ? concert. Madge is scheduled to perform in St. Petersburg in August ? right in front of the Hermitage Museum. And the museum?s director is going all-out old school in his attacks, practically bitching about kids and sex and rock and roll in his hissy fit over Madonna?s concert.
Madonna is planning a concert in the main square of St. Petersburg, Russia, home of the Hermitage Museum, in August. Local authorities — the ones who haven’t yet been bribed — are up in arms, branding the event a “natural disaster,” and the museum’s director Dr. Mikhail Piotrovski said, “We want guarantees that there will be no blasphemy.” Maybe Madge should think twice about wearing those ugly horns she sported Monday night at the Met. Piotrosvki will also demand Madonna sign an agreement limiting volume levels.
[From Page Six]
I?m thinking there might have been a little translation issue with the whole ?natural disaster? comment. Though the NY Post seems to be having a good time poking fun at it. Perhaps Piotrovski meant ?natural? disaster? Or was simply trying to convey that ? to him ? this is a huge, huge debacle in the making.
I?m wondering what kind of guarantees he wants about the blasphemy. Blasphemy is one of those terms that I wouldn?t trust to Madonna?s definition. He might want to get that n writing. And really? what right does a museum director have to tell Madonna what to do? It?s in front of his museum, not inside it. I?m sure the Russian government will be all over her with rules, but why does this guy think he gets to dictate her show?
Regardless, I wouldn?t really trust Madonna to stick to the rules. Even at half a century old, she?s still a rebellious teenager. You tell her not to do something? she?s going to do it, and twice as big as she would have otherwise.
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| Kylie Minogue To Tour North America For The First Time | Added 15 years ago | Source: MTV |
 Singer recently won her battle with cancer.By Adam Murphy
Kylie Minogue
Photo: Miguel Villagran/ Getty Images
To the delight of her Stateside fans, Kylie Minogue will embark upon her first North American tour this this fall. The singer — who is a superstar overseas but last registered a U.S. smash with "Can't Get You Out of My Head" in 2002 — will make five stops in the U.S. and one in Canada. If the production values of her previous European tours are any indication, the show will be elaborate.
"I've wanted to tour America and Canada for years and know that fans have been waiting a long time for this," said Minogue. "I'm thrilled that the opportunity has finally arrived."
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| Minka Kelly Pictures are Nice | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Minka Kelly is not a hottie that we get to show that often. The actress is actually quite easy on the eyes as seen in these candid photos. Minka shows off a tight little body with some nice cleavage to boot. I wouldn't mind grabbing that nice ass at a club. That way she couldn't slap me. Minka Kelly seems like one of those fiesty lovelies that would do that.
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| Brooke Hogan turned 21 | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 To celebrate, Brooke gave her dad a three-way kiss with his Brooke look-a-like girlfriend. Then she gave the most disturbing BJ face sending crowds of people scurrying away. Then she turned to the camera revealing her 5 o’clock shadow and asked everyone whether her brow ridge was too cro-magnumy. What a sexy birthday party that turned out to be.
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| Diora Baird is in FHM | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Diora Baird has a nice body and big tits (not just big, mind you, humongous) so it makes sense that people from FHM would want to photograph her for their latest issue. They hid behind the fact that this is relevant because she’s in the new Star Trek movie which by early reports sounds amazing. Although, there was some rumor that she was removed in the final cut, but whatever. I doubt that’s true. That’s like taking the smile off the Mona Lisa or making a statue of Zeus only 2 inches tall.
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| Yeah, This Isn't Creepy At All | Added 15 years ago | Source: dListed |
 If I was kissing my dad on the check and opened up my eyes to see a carbon copy of me looking back at me, I'd immediately run my ass to the bathroom and recreate the scene from The Legend of Billie Jean where she chops all her hair off in the mirror all emotional-like. Then I'd dip my head in a bowl of black RIT dye and take the next catamaran to a faraway land where no Hogans exist. I'm for serious. Look at Brooke Hogan and her daddy's girlfriend! Yes, one has 50% more non-biodegradable materials in her tittay area, but they could still be twinsies. It's not right and it's not okay.
And you know Hulk isn't the only thing looking up and thanking the lord for this magical moment. Yesh, his one-eyed wang said a "thank you prayer" before it barfed into Hulk's panties. WHY?! Keep this shit under lock and key.
Here's the "always good for the creeps" Hogans at Brooke's 10th annual 21st birthday party at Pure in Las Vegas last night.
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| In Touch: Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston reunite, whine | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 In Touch?s cover story this week is a big one - Brad Pitt storms out on Angelina, and runs straight into the arms of Jennifer Aniston. In Touch is reporting that Brad and Jennifer got together on April 23rd, and they even have a location and Brad?s ?confession? that he and Angelina aren?t working, and he doesn?t know what to do. Which I suppose is an allusion to Brad getting back with Jennifer?
What is the proof of all of this? Brad and Jennifer are apparently wearing ?the same? necklace. In Touch claims that Jennifer gave him the ?antique pendant? for his 45th birthday this past December, but they also include a picture of Jennifer wearing the same necklace. Way to re-gift, Aniston. Does this mean that Jennifer gave Brad her necklace, and he?s wearing it, or vice versa? Or does this mean that the necklace was mass-produced, and Brad and Jennifer have the same taste in jewelry? Or does it mean Brad + Jennifer = true love forever!
As Brad Pitt copes with tension at home, he has been getting support from an unlikely ally ? his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston.
Friends say that in recent weeks, Brad and Jen, 40, have been talking frequently on the phone and texting each other, their conversations becoming longer and more personal as he confides in her about his current situation.
In fact, In Touch can exclusively reveal that on April 23, after Brad visited Angelina, 33, on the NYC set of Salt, he drove across town to where Jen?s film The Baster was in production ? and the pair quietly met face-to-face.
?He pulled up in his black SUV,? reveals a mutual friend of the former couple, although Jen?s rep denies the story.
?He arrived on the opposite end of the set from where Jen?s trailer was, and Jen snuck into his car. They drove around New York City together, talking,? according to a friend of the former couple. ?Brad confessed his feelings to Jen,? the friend says.
?He told her that he is trying to make his relationship with Angelina work, but it is failing.?
After about an hour, Brad dropped Jen off at The Greenwich Hotel and drove away. The meeting had been something they?d been organizing for weeks.
?They had to plan it meticulously so no one would find out,? the friend says. After so much time has gone by, Brad and Jen seem to have grown to value their friendship more. And he?s proving it by wearing a necklace she gave him for his 45th birthday on December 18.
?It?s an antique pendant,? a confidante shares, adding that she left it for him at the offices of his production company, Plan B. ?She found it, and knew Brad would love it.?
[From In Touch Weekly]
Ugh, what is there even to say about this stuff? Maybe Brad and Jennifer did meet. They both claim to still keep in touch, but they?re never very specific about how often, or if they actually have face-to-face meetings. Is it just me, or is this report rather sad on several different levels? On face value, it?s sad that Brad is so out of sorts because Angelina is working on her first film after taking more than a year off to have and raise his children. It?s sad to think that Brad is so ambivalent about Angelina and their six children. Is Brad really so wishy-washy? Is he really so perturbed by Angelina working that he has to run to Aniston to complain and whine? On another level, the bullsh*t level, why are the tabloids so hellbent on trying to convince us that Aniston and Pitt had or have something that Brad and Angelina don?t?
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| Madonna's bunny-eared Met Costume Gala outfit cost $8805 | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 We spend a lot of time mocking Madonna, but one thing we should always remember is that Madonna is very, very good at keeping herself in the news. Whether Madge is trotting around with boy-toy Jesus Luz, trying to adopt a Malawian girl, or just showing up to an event looking ridiculous, Madonna stays in the news. It?s as if headlines are the only things that sustain her, that good or bad press is no matter, it?s only about the attention.
Her outfit at the Metropolitan Costume Gala on Monday night is what’s sustaining her currently. While everyone seemed to look at Madonna and think ?What is on that poor cracked-out grandmother?s head??, Madonna knew she had a winning outfit. People are still talking about the puffy, ugly Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton dress she wore, as well as her accessories. Like the thigh-high leather platform boots, and the horrible teal headpiece/hat/bunny ears/whatever. Page Six compiled the prices of each piece, and the total price tag for Madonna?s outfit is a stunning $8805. The ?bunny ears? alone cost $350!
For $8,805, you, too, can look like a cross between a medieval dominatrix and Bugs Bunny.
Wearing thigh-high boots, a blue minidress topped off with matching blue little girl’s rabbit ears, Madonna (left & right) stunned a crowd — including fashion industry honchos, Hollywood celebs and business leaders who could still afford a $7,500 ticket — at Monday night’s Costume Institute gala at the Met.
These wacky photos show Madge looking feisty and fierce in her $2,696 frock, $3,784 leather footwear and $350 velvet ears. Completing the rabbit motif were $770 lambskin gloves studded with baubles of unknown carats.
She carried a Monogram Paillettes pocketbook that sells for a mere $1,205.
Taking credit, or responsibility, for her outfit was Marc Jacobs who designed it for French luxury label Louis Vuitton.
Madonna’s fashion choice fascinated the media. New York magazine’s Web site said she showed up “looking like a cleaning lady moonlighting as a stripper who washed her Xanax down with one too many margaritas before she changed outfits.”
But it called her appearance “a genius, if not very attractive, fashion moment for her . . . Because on a night dedicated to the world’s most beautiful women, no one — especially a nonmodel — could win by trying to look the most beautiful.”
The Los Angeles Times Web site said Madonna looked “ready for Neverland” and asked, “does she look like the love child of Tinkerbell and Captain Hook?”
Madonna had some competition for worst dressed: Kate Moss in her gold lam turban, toga and face paint, looked like Norma Desmond if she were still alive and well and clinging to the ’60s in Miami Beach.
[From Page Six]
She definitely loves the attention. She is probably listening to all of the criticism, and thinking to herself ?those peasants don?t understand high fashion like I do?. If you have to ?explain? your outfit, perhaps you should be wearing something else, though. However, I doubt Madonna actually paid the $8805 for the outfit, it was probably entirely borrowed or given to her. Would you wear that, even if it was free?
Images thanks to WENN.com .
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| Lemon Face is taking a break from Hollywood | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Renee Zellweger always looks like she’s sucking on a lemon in a lot of her pictures. Maybe that’s just a side effect of trying to be skinny, but it’s unsettling. Other times she looks retarded. Like a Frankenstein wondering why people are snapping photos of her.
Anyway, she’s taking a break from acting. Renee told Glamour: “I want to learn more. I want to know more. That’s what taking this time is about. I’m curious about so many things, but haven’t had occasion to be exposed to them enough to really appreciate them.”
No, Renee! Please don’t leave and so on and so on. Sorry, I just couldn’t muster up the energy to beg her to stay. I mean, I could have. It’s just. Do we really need to see a third Bridget Jones or another western where Renee makes it blatantly obvious that cowboys aren’t too choosy about their women?
[Glamour via Popeater]
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| Mercy's father doesn't like Madonna's getup | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 The father of Mercy James, James Kambewa, who has never met his daughter says the outfit Madonna wore at the Costume Institute Gala is proof enough that she isn’t fit to adopt his daughter. Once again, the daughter he’s never seen. James snapped his fingers and said:
?I cannot imagine how this woman can want to be the mother of my Mercy.
?This can?t be a woman of 50. A teenage woman would feel ashamed in that gear.
?A woman is supposed to be a role model for her daughters.
?What morals can a woman of 50 have, who has no qualms in showing her delicate parts and displaying herself like that in front of her children?
?I don?t want my daughter anywhere near such a moral-less person.?
By delicate parts, I think he’s referring to her thigh. And in some strange way, I agree with him. Madonna shouldn’t be revealing any of her gnarled body parts. It’s disturbing and an affront to humanity.
Still, James isn’t one to talk. Later on he was asked to pick his daughter from a line-up. He chose an ox. Told that this was not his daughter, James, licking his lips, asked, “I still get to keep her, right?”
More Photos Here
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| Star: teenage Angelina Jolie seduced her mother's boyfriend | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Yesterday, we reported on Princess Diana-biographer Andrew Morton?s desire to write a tell-all expose of Angelina Jolie for his next book. Morton has already written about Madonna, Tom Cruise and David and Victoria Beckham. Now Star Magazine is reporting in their cover story the ?inside story? on the two books that could be written about Angelina. In addition to Morton?s book, there?s still Angelina?s ex-bodyguard Mickey Brett?s book to contend with, although there?s some debate as to whether Brad and Angelina will successfully block it.
So what kind of revelations can we expect? Star has some theories about the kinds of rumors/stories Andrew Morton and Mickey Brett will expose. One of the biggest, and one I?ve never heard, is that a ?teenage? Angelina somehow seduced her mother?s boyfriend. Here?s the thing - Angelina famously moved out of her mother?s home when she was sixteen, so if she slept with her mother?s boyfriend before she moved out, that?s statutory rape, not seduction. That guy should be in jail… so… way to potentially turn a rape victim into a villain, Star Magazine.
Angelina Jolie is a jealous, cunning liar who schemed to lure Brad Pitt away from Jennifer Aniston cheated on him with a woman rock star, ? and even slept with her own mother’s boyfriend! These are just some of the explosive revelations that could be served up about Hollywood’s most famous mom in two shocking new tell-all books.
In the May 18 issue of Star ? on sale today ? we have the inside stories about the books about Brad’s baby mama ? one to be written by renowned investigative reporter Andrew Morton, the other by Angie’s former bodyguard Mickey Brett ? and the revelations they could include paint an unflattering picture of the wild child-turned humanitarian.
One of the shocking claims ? detailed in our cover story ? that could find its way into one of the books is that a teenage Angelina hooked up with her mother Marcheline’s boyfriend.
“March and her guy had a huge fight, and Angie saw her chance to seduce him,” an insider tells Star. “Angie cried and begged March to forgive her. Of course, March did.”
Morton and his team of researchers are now in LA starting work on his blockbuster. And if he misses any juicy scandals, the ex-bodyguard has his own stories, including her hush-hush liaison with one of the biggest names in rock.
“Mickey the bodyguard knew all about this relationship,” an insider tells Star. “And the details are pretty hot!”
[From Star Magazine]
Yeah, we?ve heard before many of the alleged secrets that Mickey Brett has to offer - he?s probably leaked those details to every tabloid at this point, so who will buy his book if and when it does come out? Here are some other nuggets that Mickey is allegedly trying to put in his book: Angelina had an affair with a female pop star, Angelina and Brad started their affair in the spring of 2004, Angelina has cheated on Brad multiple times, and that Angelina eventually took Brad?s side over Mickey?s, and that?s why Mickey?s pissed. Lord, I just hope Angelina and Brad have some really good lawyers.
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| Katie Holmes is preparing to do a musical | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Katie Holmes may be trying to break free again ? even if only temporarily. The actress was widely reported to love New York and want to move there permanently after starring in ?All My Sons? on Broadway. However husband Tom Cruise was supposedly against it, and when her run in the play ended she returned to Los Angeles. Now Star is reporting that Katie has been spending a great deal of time working on her dance moves in the hopes of getting the lead in the Broadway version of the movie ?Finding Neverland.?
Katie Holmes is staying on her toes, hoping to snag a starring role in a big Broadway musical! Mrs. Tom Cruise, 30, has spent a lot of time lately at the International Dance Academy in Hollywood. “She’s determined to do a musical,” says a source, “and really wants the female lead in ‘Finding Neverland,’” the play based on the life of Peter Pan author J.M. Barrie. Katie has already proved herself on stage - she had a successful run last year in the drama ‘All My Sons’ and showed off her singing and hoofing skills on the canceled ABC series ‘Eli Stone.’
[From Star, May 11 2009, print ed.]
?Finding Neverland? was the movie that made me like Johnny Depp. I have no idea what was wrong with me, but I couldn?t have cared for him less up until that point. It really was a phenomenal movie and it?ll be interesting to see how it translates onto the stage. That said I cannot imagine how they?ll turn it into a musical. But most people said that about ?The Color Purple? and they did a great job with it.
Katie always seems so quiet and demure; I?d love to see her in a musical, hopefully in a more outgoing role. The more independence she gets from Tom, the better, and she seemed to really enjoy her time in New York. I swear, I can almost see her making a break for it any day?
Here?s Katie attending an instructed lesson at the ‘ International Dance Academy’ in Hollywood on April 15th. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .
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| Gisele Bundchen & Tom Brady are gross, make-out constantly in public | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Gisele Bundchen might be jealous of the attention husband Tom Brady gets from the ladies. Allegedly, while Tom and Gisele were hanging out at a party in New York, Gisele was clinging to Tom and practically hissing at women trying to get near the Patriot. Is it weird that I buy this story? Gisele seems like a pretty confident woman, but I can still imagine her feeling a little insecure about her relationship/marriage with Tom. Gisele also seems like the kind of woman who needs to be the center of attention, and I could totally see her having a temper tantrum if Tom was distracted for two seconds. Or is that just me? Isn?t that how Gisele comes across?
Gisele Bundchen recently tied-the-knot (twice) with Patriot Tom Brady, but could the blue-eyed beauty still be suffering a little case of the green-eyed monster?
The newlyweds hit up SVEDKA Vodka?s Spring Fling Event on the Rooftop of the Gramercy Park Hotel in New York City on Saturday evening, and according to insiders Bundchen was acting particularly possessive of her Brady. At one point a female fan asked if she could have photo taken with the NFL star, but the world?s highest-paid supermodel hastily interjected and said “Tom doesn?t really like to take pictures.”
“She wouldn?t let him out-of-her-sight,” said an eyewitness. “She was protective; she clung to him for the entire party.”
Well, it sounds as though she did more then just cling to him as the normally uber-professional pair surprised partygoers with their steamy PDA.
“They couldn’t keep their hands off of each-other, full-on making out for much of the party only coming up for air to hit the dance floor. It got a bit uncomfortable,” added our insider. “The only other guy Gisele would dance with was celebrity hair stylist Harry Josh who was hosting the party.”
[From Fox News]
They were making out in front of everyone for the entire party? Gross. I like when I see the occasional public display of affection from a couple, but Tom and Gisele are so that gross couple at the restaurant who feed each other in between shoving their tongues down each other?s throats.
One of my favorite PDAs (just as a witness) is video-store PDA. I love to watch couples pick out their date-night videos, because you can always tell how close they actually are, and who?s still in love, and who?s phoning it in. The ?phoning it in? couple splits up, the guy looking at Die Hard 2 in the Action section while the woman looks weepy at the new releases. Fun, happy couples hold hands as they walk the aisles together making funny comments about which crappy movies they?ve seen together. Plus, when you get to the point in the relationship where you?re at Blockbuster on a Friday, you?re really not trying to impress people with how hot a couple you are. Gisele and Tom, take note.
Photos of Gisele and Tom at the Costume Institute Gala from Fame Pictures and WENN.com
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| Renee Zellweger is taking a break from acting | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Oscar-winning actress Renee Zellweger told Glamour magazine that she is taking a self-imposed hiatus from making movies for a while. The 40-year-old star of “Jerry Maguire” and “Cold Mountain” didn’t give specifics on when this break will start, or how long it will last, but she says that she wants to take time out to read, relax, and “see where” her “brain goes,” whatever that means.
Now, for the first time in a decade, the Texas-born actress, 40, is exploring a new side of her multifaceted life: She?s taking a break from moviemaking. At home in New York, she is gobbling up books, sifting through scripts and indulging in one of her favorite pastimes: napping. ?I?m working on getting bored,? she says. ?And it?s really hard! But I need to sit still long enough to see where my brain goes.? Given all that has happened to her in the past five years?eight films, two Oscar nominations (and one win), a breakup with White Stripes front man Jack White, an ill-fated four-month marriage to country singer Kenny Chesney, wild media speculation about a current romance with NBC News chief legal correspondent Dan Abrams?it?s no wonder boredom looks so attractive to Zellweger.
GLAMOUR: You didn?t grow up with a whole lot, did you?
RZ: No. I have immigrant parents who came to this country with nothing, and my dad worked his ass off to support our family. He made so many sacrifices, but we always had enough. I?ve never been the sort of person who takes things for granted, and I?m not an acquisitions girl. So I didn?t feel entitled to a car when I was 16. Of course, I was bummed I didn?t get one, because I was an American Texas teenager! But I understood it. I?ve never gotten my self-esteem from having the newest, most spectacular thing.
GLAMOUR: So where does your self-esteem come from? In the photos for this story, you look so confident and sexy?. Were you doing your job, or are you feeling particularly sexy these days?
RZ: I let my guard down?I must have been tired! [Laughs.] Actually, I?m having a really good time right now.
GLAMOUR: So, is there a shift happening?
RZ: Yes. I?m taking time to figure out where I want to go and what I want to do next. In this line of work, you become so [defined by your job].
GLAMOUR:So?you won?t talk about who you?re dating?
RZ: No. I won?t. Because it?s dumb. It leads to nowhere good. I let everybody else in the media do that for me. [Laughs.] It takes the responsibility off my shoulders!
GLAMOUR: Why do you think the media assumes that if a woman is young, gorgeous, successful?but single?she isn?t happy? You seem like a very happy, together person.
RZ: I don?t know. Because it?s a deviation from social expectations? She?s successful in all these respects, so why doesn?t a man find her attractive? But when you think about it, [when you?re single] you are not deprived in any way?if anything, it?s a pretty self-indulgent lifestyle. It?s selfish: You can make your own decisions and indulge yourself on an impulse.
GLAMOUR: And the media doesn?t have the same attitude about single men.
RZ: It?s ?Good for you, buddy?you?re a confirmed bachelor!?
GLAMOUR: If the right guy came along, would you be willing to give up the single life?
RZ: Oh, sure. But if I?m going to give it up, it better be good?because I?m having fun! [Laughs.]
GLAMOUR: Getting back to the shift we were talking about?does this mean you?re going to stay put for a while?
RZ: Yes. I?m working on different projects, but I?m not going anywhere any time soon. I?m not putting on other people?s clothes or living out of my luggage. I?m actually going into the bathroom to use my bathroom stuff?rather than to the suitcase where I usually keep it. I?m learning how to use a chest of drawers! I am determined to sit still long enough to get past the existential crap of the moment.
GLAMOUR: What?s the most important thing you hope to get out of this?
RZ: I want to learn more. I want to know more. That?s what taking this time is about. I?m curious about so many things, but haven?t had occasion to be exposed to them enough to really appreciate them.
[From Glamour]
We’ve heard plenty of other celebs say they are leaving Hollywood -but somehow they never quite manage to do it. Fame and movie-making are addicting, for sure. But Renee Zellweger has always seemed a bit removed from the fame machine. I doubt we’d ever catch her courting the paparazzi or Twittering her every move. The only actress I can think of who said she was taking a break and actually followed through on that was Julia Roberts. At the time she took her break, she was one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, and can pretty much work whenever she feels like it. Renee is well respected, to be sure, but not quite at the same level. Still, I think she probably could take a couple of years off and come back if the right role was there. What do you think?
Renee Zellweger is shown at the Costume Institute Gala on 5/4/09. Credit: RAM/Fame Pictures
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| Gisele Bundchen in Numero Magazine | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Gisele Bundchen looks pretty nice in the Japanese edition of Numero magazine. The model shows off some high fashion outfits including what appears to be a very small tube top. I'll never understand the point of high fashion clothes. I mean, half the time they look outlandish and goofy. And other than Gisele in these pictures, who the hell is actually going to ever wear these? Gisele Bundchen makes uses her sexiness to make these clothes look amazing, but what exactly is the point besides making me wish I could have Gisele?
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| Brooke Shields denies Sutherland's tale | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Reps for Brooke Shields’ tell TMZ that Jack McCollough did nothing to justify the headbutt he received from Kiefer Sutherland. The original story said Jack knocked Brooke to the ground causing Jack to come defend her honor.
Reps say that nothing like that happened. They added, “Jack did nothing inappropriate. It’s not clear what caused Kiefer to do what he did.” Witnesses say otherwise, but Shields’ rep insists that Jack, who designs clothes for Brooke, “did absolutely nothing to her.”
Oddly enough, when asked whether Jack touched her or not, her reps admit that they don’t know.
However after an interview, cops say Brooke Shields is “definitely involved” and her story corroborates Kiefer’s.
Exciting! I love a mystery. But, I think it’s pretty clear what happened given all the evidence. It was Jack in the library with a candlestick. There! I solved the great mystery of the Costume Institute Gala afterparty. I’m like a regular Hardy boy.
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| Kiefer Sutherland Headbutts for Brooke Shields' Honor | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 You’d think after seven seasons of “24? everyone would know by now that you just don’t fuck with Jack Bauer. Period. But a prissy little Proenza Schouler designer chose his own fate when he refused to apologize to Brooke Shields after knocking her to the ground in front of JackBauer Kiefer Sutherland Monday night. According to TMZ
It happened at an after-party for the Met costume gala last night. Witnesses say the alleged victim — Proenza Schouler designer Jack McCollough — allegedly knocked Brooke Shields over and Kiefer saw it happen. The witnesses say Kiefer went over to the man and told him to apologize to her. At that point they say McCollough pushed Kiefer and the actor responded with a headbutt.
In a world rife with politically correct metrosexuals, it’s absolutely panty-moistening to see a man’s man step up in defense of a woman’s honor. And they say chivalry is dead! Apparently they’ve never heard of Jack Bauer.
With his girlfriend pre-headbutt at the Costume Gala:
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| Paula Abdul Admits She Was Addicted to Painkillers | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Are you sitting down? Because you might want to. This news could literally knock you off your feet. Ready? Okay, here goes: Paula Abdul was addicted to painkillers for the last five years. There, I said it. I can give you a moment if you need to collect yourself if you need to. Us Weekly says
In a shocking new interview, Paula Abdul reveals that her reliance on painkillers got so bad she could have died.
Abdul, 46, was diagnosed with “reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome” in [2005], a chronic neurological disorder that causes severe pain. Abdul wore a patch that delivered a pain medication about 80 times more potent than morphine and took a nerve medication to relieve her symptoms. Sometimes, she adds, she also took a muscle relaxer.
But the pain got so bad it that it often left her sleepless and caused her to “get weird.” A combination of these factors prompted many fans to believe that the American Idol judge was high on the air.
Determined to overcome her habit, she checked into the La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, Calif., last Thanksgiving. “I could have killed myself,” Abdul tells the magazine.
In other shocking news, the sun rises in the east and old people smell funny. Further bulletins as events warrant!
High as a fucking kite and dressed like a drag queen at the American Idol Experience party:
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| Lindsay Lohan Addicted to Adderall | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 In even more pill-popping news, it’s being reported that Lindsay Lohan’s drastic weight loss comes courtesy of a prescription for the ADHD drug Adderall. According to Us Weekly
Lohan takes Adderall, a prescription drug usually given to people for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, to lose weight.
“She takes Adderall all the time,” one source told Us. “She gets jittery because of the way the pills affect her. It’s a major reason why she’s losing weight.”
And that’s not the only drug in her repertoire — sources say she’s still hooked on the white stuff. You know — the “throat candy.” “Man butter.” “Jizz.” Unfortunately, with semen’s current legal standing in the United States, it’s going to be damn near impossible to wean her off the stuff. Now we just wait for the inevitable moment when she asphyxiates taking two cocks at once and her addiction will finally cum come full circle.
At the teen.com premiere of Haute and Bothered with sister Ali:
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| Kiefer Sutherland headbutts designer | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Keifer Sutherland got into a fight at an after party for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s star-studded Costume Institute Gala. The 42 year-old star of “24? headbutted a designer, breaking the guy’s nose and sending him to the hospital. According to different accounts, designer Jack McCollough either knocked over or bumped into Brooke Shields and Sutherland rushed to her defense, telling McCollough to apologize. McCollough refused and pushed Sutherland instead, which prompted Sutherland to headbutt him in the face. Shields rep says that there was no incident with his client which would have made Sutherland come to her defense:
Women’s wear designer Jack McCollough found that out the hard way when he cut between Jack’s alter-ego, Kiefer Sutherland, and Brooke Shields as they were schmoozing at a SoHo nightspot and got a whopping head-butt from the “24? star, police said.
Some witnesses said McCollough, co-founder of the white-hot Proenza Schouler label, suffered a broken nose in the bell-ringing Tuesday morning at SubMercer, but he told cops all he got was a small cut on his schnoz.
Investigators from the 1st Precinct have the misdemeanor case now and are reaching out to Sutherland to get his side of the story.
Some witnesses said Sutherland went into action hero mode after McCollough bumped into Shields as she and Sutherland talked at the bar about 2 a.m.
Sutherland took offense and demanded the designer apologize to Shields.
But the two men got into a heated argument that ended with Sutherland head-butting McCollough, a police source said.
Shields, who may be talking to cops today, apparently is taking McCollough’s side.
Her reps say the designer did nothing to deserve the head-butt and although Shields did get jostled, possibly off her feet, “nothing happened to her.”
McCollough told investigators Sutherland “was drunk and obnoxious and wouldn’t back down or be logical.”
He said Sutherland “pulled this stupid wrestling move like a teenager,” then slammed McCollough in the face.
A police source quoted McCollough as saying the dustup “wasn’t even over anything . . . he was just roiling drunk and looking for something to smack. It didn’t matter what.”
[From The Ny Daily News]
Sutherland spent the 2007-2008 holiday season in Glendale City Jail, where he served a full 49 day sentence for a September, 2007 DUI, his second in under three years. With his second DUI he violated probation for his previous DUI from 2004. The judge presiding over his case was Judge Michael Sauer, who put Paris Hilton in jail for a full 45 days for just driving on a suspended license.
With this latest fight, Sutherland has violated probation for his last DUI, although it’s unknown if he’ll have to face charges back in California. The guy went to jail for over a month and a half and was also assigned six months of weekly therapy, five years probation, and an 18-month alcohol education program. Considering that he only got out of jail in January, 2008, he’s probably still in alcohol education classes. He’s been seen getting wasted all over NY and this latest incident just makes the fact that he’s fallen off the wagon all the more public.
Sutherland is one of the highest paid stars on television and according to AOL Television makes $13 million a year.
Kiefer Sutherland is shown outside the Late Show on 4/27/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Brooke Hogan on mom's new BF: 'If he was 5 years old & a good influence?' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Brooke Hogan has a new interview with OK! Magazine promoting her latest album and ongoing reality show. She’s inevitably asked about all the drama in her dysfunctional family and she makes some shockingly stupid statements. Brooke, 21, hints that her 49 year-old mother is doing drugs with her 19 year-old boyfriend, Charlie, although she doesn’t directly say that, just that whatever they’re doing could damage her mother’s health. She also denounces her mom’s boyfriend as a bad influence, but says that it’s not about his age because “If he were 5 years old and a good influence on her then that would better.” Let’s give this fool the benefit of the doubt and assume she meant to say “if he were 5 years younger and a good influence.” That would make Charlie 14, which would make her mom’s relationship with him a felony. It’s just mind boggling that this woman would claim that she would rather her mother date a five year old. Even if she misspoke, the alternative is also an idiotic thing to say.
Brooke also talks about her healthy diet and is proud to say she doesn’t have cellulite:
OK!: There was some tension between you and your mom for a while. Is everything resolved now?
I had a talk with her and I said, ?I think everyone in America knows why I won?t accept Charlie.? But what people don?t know is that he?s a bad influence on her. She?s not staying as healthy as she should be. He?s 19, he can party his ass off. She?s 48. I said, ?Mom, if you want to have a relationship with me you have to dump Charlie.? It?s not because of his age. If he were 5 years old and a good influence on her then that would better. But I?m just not happy with the situation because of their poor judgment ? with what they do.
OK!: What kinds of things do they do?
I know there are things that could damage her health and make her get old really quick. I don?t want to see that happen. I?m trying to stick to the tough love thing. I?m just staying away until she wakes up. In order for me to keep my sanity, I have to love her from afar. We are totally different women. I?m straightlaced, don?t do drugs, stick to my regimen. It?s different there.
OK!: What can we expect this season on Brooke Knows Best?
It?s crazier. I went on a date with a girl. The girl was really awesome and we had a blast. Then it got to the point where she was wanting to kiss me. Everyone knows I do not go there.
OK!: Can you see how someone like Lindsay Lohan was straight and then switched?
Oh, totally. You can fall in love with anyone. I naturally migrate toward men first; some people may be more open about it. Personally, it?s not me.
OK!: What are some of the best lessons you?ve learned from your dad?
The best advice he ever gave me is that you?re the only person in charge of your happiness. You can?t depend on other people to make you happy.
OK!: How do you feel about your current weight?
I feel great at this weight, but I?ve started sticking to a diet again. I?m trying hard to get down even more. You need to keep to the old-school body builder diet of eggs, fish, chicken, meat and broccoli. I want to always look healthy, not anorexic.
OK!: Do you feel comfortable in a bikini?
I do. I love my body. Thick or not, I?m firm. I don?t have cellulite. I?m happy with how I am. People should know, I?m only doing the diet for the entertainment business. It?s not really what you?re supposed to look like in real life.
[From OK! Magazine]
At least Brooke has a sensible body image and isn’t afraid to say that she’s happy to be a regular size. I think Brooke looks great and she can maybe serve as a better role model than Kim Kardashian, who admits she has cellulite but gets offended when she’s associated with larger sizes. As long as you don’t pay attention to anything else Brooke says at all, she’s a decent role model for a healthy body image and doesn’t do drugs. Reading this idiotic article makes me wonder why don’t we hear more from normal successful celebrities like Natalie Portman. Some days the gossip is full of these crap stories from reality show starlets who say the stupidest things.
Photos are from Brooke Hogan’s 21st birthday party last night at Caesars Palace and feature her brother Nick and Dad, Hulk, with his girlfriend Jennifer McDaniel. Credit: Judy Eddy / WENN.com
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| Source: Lindsay Lohan takes Adderall 'all the time' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Shocking no one, US Weekly now has an unnamed source who claims that Lindsay Lohan takes Adderall ?all the time?, and that the drug makes her jittery and increase her weight loss. Lindsay allegedly started taking the drug as a treatment for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. I?ve never heard that Lindsay has AD/HD, but that diagnosis makes a lot of sense, especially reflecting back on when she went off the rails. AD/HD isn?t a cure-all explanation for her activities, but it does explain why should be more susceptible to certain bad habits. If my research is correct, Adderall isn?t the kind of drug you?re supposed to take ?all the time? - there is a recommended, doctor-approved dosage level, and at this point, Lindsay seems to be taking it for the side effects.
This report comes as Lindsay is starting to defend herself from a new wave of criticism that she?s much too thin. She told E! Online that she?s eating enough, but is Lindsay even a trustworthy source about herself at this point?
After debuting a startlingly skinny figure in Hawaii last week, Lindsay Lohan defends herself against critics who feel she’s recently gotten too thin.
“I’ve been eating enough,” Lohan tells E! Online.
The star — who went through a very public breakup with DJ Samantha Ronson, 31, in April — also says that she used her time in Hawaii to relax with her family and get healthy after what was “a hard month.”
“We’re a tight family,” she says. “We’ve been through a lot so we take care of each other… We went hiking and everything in Maui, so it was really good.”
Still, a source told Us Weekly that the 5?5? actress showcased a skin-and-bones physique while on the island, adding that “I’ve never seen hipbones that stick out so much.”
In fact, Us Weekly confirms in the current issue that Lohan takes Adderall, a prescription drug usually given to people for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, to lose weight.
“She takes Adderall all the time,” one source told Us. “She gets jittery because of the way the pills affect her. It’s a major reason why she’s losing weight.”
Instead of focusing on her frame, however, the actress reveals that she is close to signing on the a new film. Although she says she wants to keep the details of the movie deal confidential, she acknowledges that “it has a really good cast.”
Besides movies, she’s trying to relaunch her music career.
“Pharell, please call me back,” she shouts out to the music producer, who she’s hoping will agree to go back in the recording studio with her.
Any words for her ex, Ronson?
“We’re friends,” Lohan says, adding that the two are still “in touch.”
[From US Weekly]
So she thinks she?s about to sign on to a new movie, and she?s begging music producers to call her to re-launch her music career. Sounds… delusional. The only movie she might be signing on for soon would be something pornographic. That?s not a punch line, either, I really think that?s the path Lindsay?s heading for.
Lindsay Lohan is shown passed out in the passenger seat in her car on 5/5/09. Credit: David Tonnessen, PacificCoastNews.com. She is also shown out on 5/4/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Blake Lively Shows Off Her Cleavage | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Once again Blake Lively comes out and shows another example of why I like her. The actress has a very ample bosom that I wouldn't mind getting my turn with. It goes along with that pretty tight body. I know a few people that really adore Blake Lively and her beauty. I see their point, and I'm becoming a fan! Now the question is: real or fake?
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| Celebrity Quote Of The Day: Michelle Rodriguez | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 “I don’t see the point of marriage. But when I need my love, I get my love.” - Michelle Rodriguez
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| Megan Fox Does 'Esquire' Magazine | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Megan Fox is the the cover girl for the June 2009 issue of Esquire, on stands May 10.
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| Bar Refaeli Models Her Little Black Bikini | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Leonardo DiCaprio’s supermodel girlfriend Bar Refaeli has created a sexy new black bikini for fashion line Hurley. Refaeli has bared her bikini body in ads for Hurley and now she has created her own for the company.She says, “I am obsessed with finding the perfect little black bikini and I’m always searching for a timeless, sexy suit with the best fit. I have never been able to find the perfect bikini, until now.” A portion of proceeds from the sales of the $120 (82.70) bikini will go to charity Boarding For Breast Cancer.
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| Jennifer Aniston's New Smartwater Ad | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Jennifer Aniston posed for a new ad for the Glaceau water brand, which will be placed in national magazines and even on a giant billboard over the 405 expressway in L.A. (Last year, Aniston was featured on a seven-stories tall billboard for Smartwater on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood.)“We?re not ones to sip and tell, but Jen?s pretty into us (and our vapor distilled purity),” the ad copy reads.The Baster star isn’t the only one to promote the water bottle. Last week, NFL star Tom Brady was working out in his Smartwater ads.
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| Megan Fox: ' Robert Pattinson, Zac Efron Are 'Too Pretty?' | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 It’s no secret that Megan Fox likes to date older guys. Just look at her boyfriend, “Beverly Hills, 90210? and “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” star Brian Austin Green, who is 12 years her senior. But it’s not that the 23-year-old thinks guys like Robert Pattinson and Zac Efron aren’t good-looking; it’s just that she finds them inexperienced.“[Robert] and Zac ? they’re just too pretty, with the big hair and the suits. And Rob is, what, 22? Zac is 21? That’s a joke,” Fox told Elle magazine, according to “Access Hollywood.”“Boys in their 20s are a waste of time,” she added. “They have nothing to offer conversationally. They’re immature. I feel like I have a better shot with someone in his 30s.”Fox also addressed the rumors that she briefly dated Pattinson. “I just randomly asked someone for a light, and it was him. That was the extent of our ‘relationship,’ ” she said. “But I’m sure there’s going to be a different guy every week now.”Fox, who is starring in the sequel to “Transformers” as well as Diablo Cody’s new flick, “Jennifer’s Body,” said that Green’s life experience is one of the main things that attracted her to him.“He’s a man. He has an ego. He went through this already, and he doesn’t want it back ? it was horrible,” Fox said of her boyfriend’s roller-coaster ride through Hollywood. “So he has sympathy. He’s the one person that I know that if I’m struggling and everything’s getting crazy, I can call.”
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 Ashley Tisdale was spotted heading over to H.Wood night club last night.Usually happy to pose for the paparazzi, this time The ?High School Musical? hottie kept hidden in a camouflage cap and long khaki coat.
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| Megan Fox hates 'pretty boys' like Robert Pattinson & Zac Efron | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Megan Fox?s publicity tour for the Transformers sequel is gearing up, and that includes a rather funny interview with Elle Magazine (story via Radar Online). Megan, who is still with Brian Austin Green, claims she isn?t interested in guys her own age, like, at all. Megan is 22 years old (she turns 23 next week), and she finds her male contemporaries untrustworthy and boring.
She singles out Robert Pattinson and Zac Effron specifically, saying ?they’re just too pretty, with the big hair and the suits.? I?m totally with her on the Zac Efron thing, but Robert Pattinson and his Teen Beat appeal has started to grow on me a little bit. He?s no teen-heartthrob like Eddie Vedder (swoon), but R-Pattz is a pretty solid first celebrity crush for the tween girls. As far as the ?too pretty? thing, the same thing has gone through my mind, I?ll admit, but I?m older than Megan. Could it be that she?s just one of those girls who is only attracted to older men? I can actually relate to that.
Megan Fox sounds off on pretty boys in the June issue of Elle. The Transformers star tells the magazine she goes for older guys?because the ones her age are ?immature? and ?have nothing to offer conversationally.?
?I?ve lived the life of a 35-year-old since I was 18,? the screen siren says. ?I?m so suspicious of boys-slash-men. I just don?t like them or trust them.?
Fox, who is currently on-again with 90210 actor Brian Austin Green, 35, singled out Robert Pattinson and Zac Efron for scrutiny. “[Robert] and Zac ? they’re just too pretty, with the big hair and the suits. And Rob is, what, 22? Zac is 21? That’s a joke,? she said.
The actress also responded to rumors that she and Pattinson shared a brief fling earlier this year. “I just randomly asked someone for a light, and it was him. That was the extent of our ‘relationship,” she explains. “But I’m sure there’s going to be a different guy every week now.”
As far as her relationship with Green, it sounds like it?s still going strong. “He’s the one person,? she said, ?that I know that if I’m struggling and everything’s getting crazy, I can call.”
[From Radar Online]
There are those girls who seem more worldly than their years, but does it strike anyone else that Megan might actually be lying about her age? It?s no secret that the girl?s had some work done, and she could pass for anywhere between twenty to thirty years old. Yes, at times she seems a little immature, and like a teenager with low self-esteem, but at other times she seems older and wiser. For example, she?s smart enough to know she?s no Cate Blanchett. Yet she?s not smart enough to leave Brian Austin Green for ?greener? pastures. Get it? Rimshot! Anyway, is it possible she?s shaved a few years off of her official Hollywood age?
Megan Fox is shown on the set of her upcoming film “Jonah” in New Orleans on 4/26/09. She plays a prostitute that Josh Brolin rescues from a brothel. Credit: D Mayer/ Fame Pictures
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| I love Eva Longoria's dress! | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Eva Longoria wore one of my favorite dresses in a long while. The actress has a pretty hot body to make it work as well. I would definitely like to see someone with bigger breasts really work the dress, but Eva very easily keeps my attention. This is what I was talking about with Eva Longoria needing to do something hotter and/or sexier. This is definitely both!
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| Jack Bauer is crazy | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Kiefer does a really great impression of stains the cupcake dog
Last night at an afterparty for the MET Ball at SubMercer, Keifer Sutherland got into it with fashion designer Jack McCollough over, wait for it, Brooke Shields? Huh?
Guest of a Guest says guests including Mary-Kate Olsen and Kirsten Dunst looked on in shock as Keifer head-butted McCollough so hard that he broke his nose. No word on how Brooke Shields fits into this, but McCollough may be the real winner as Kiefer is still in the hospital recovering.
I suspect Kiefer was in a drunken stupor and became so enraged when McCollough dared to correct him on the type of seam used on Brooke Shield’s dress. Nobody fucks with Jack Bauer’s knowledge of stitching.
Quick update: TMZ clarifies:
We’re told witnesses say the alleged victim — Proenza Schouler designer Jack McCollough — allegedly knocked Brooke Shields over and Kiefer saw it happen. The witnesses say Kiefer went over to the man and told him to apologize to her. At that point they say McCollough pushed Kiefer and the actor responded with a headbutt.
That Brooke Shields. Always starting trouble.
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| Kelly Ripa scares me | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 This latest photo of Kelly Ripa in a bikini pretty much ruined every cougar fantasy I had of her. She looks like a roided out Gollum with T-Rex arms and a tail for a bellybutton. It’s like she just surfaced from 20,000 leagues under the sea to terrorize man. Click through for a larger version.
[Image: Splash News]
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