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| Ashley Tisdale & Christopher French welcome their second child, daughter Emerson | Added 197 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Congratulations are in order for Ashley Tisdale and her husband, Christopher French! On Saturday, September 7, they welcomed their second daughter, Emerson Clover. Emerson joins big sister Jupiter Iris, who is three years old. Ashley announced the news on Saturday via an Instagram post that mirrored the announcement for her older daughter?s arrival. It was a black and white picture of Ashley, Christopher, and Iris holding Emerson?s hand. Awww!
On Saturday, Sept. 7, the High School Musical alum, 39, shared the happy news on Instagram that she has welcomed her second baby ? a girl ? with husband Christopher French. Sharing a close-up black-and-white photo of herself, French and their 3-year-old daughter, Jupiter, holding the newborns hand, Tisdale revealed her daughters name and announced that she was born on Friday, Sept. 6.
Emerson Clover French, all three of us are obsessed with you, the actress wrote in the posts caption. She landed 9.6.24 .
In March, Tisdale announced that she and French, 42, were expecting their second baby together.
We can?t wait to meet you , she wrote in her Instagram caption at the time, as she shared snaps of the couple and her baby bump. Their daughter Jupiter also appeared in the carousel, while French wrote in the comments, Here we goooo! I love you. We can do this lol.?
Tisdale and French have been married since 2014 and they welcomed Jupiter in March 2021. Although she said she couldnt wait to meet the new addition to their family, Tisdale got candid about some of her fears ahead of welcoming another baby in a March TikTok video.
I suffered with postpartum depression the first time and so that definitely scared me, thinking about, oh having another one, like, just going through that again, the actress and singer said in part in the video, posted on the same day she announced her pregnancy.
But my doctor said that it?s interesting that on the second, your hormones just adjust so much faster. It wasn?t so much that I was depressed, I just had a lot of anxiety, she added.
As for her daughter, ?I?m excited and Jupiter?s excited, Tisdale said in the video. She keeps telling everybody the big news, that she?s going to be a big sister.
Just last month, Tisdale joked that she couldnt wait to get that baby out in a post shared on her Instagram Stories about the past few weeks of her pregnancy with Emerson, explaining that shed been sick for three weeks and felt exhausted.
Im exhausted. Im ready to have this baby but not ready, the actress said. I still need to wallpaper the room, get everything organized, so dont come yet! BUT Ive been sick for three weeks with adenovirus that turned into a sinus infection. My whole body hurts and I literally cant wait to get that baby out. I think they make the last month this hard so your willing to throw yourself into something that would normally be so scary but you do it anyway.
[From People]
Congrats again to the Tisdale/French family. Ashley was so miserable during the last few months of her pregnancy. I hope it was an easy delivery with Emerson and that she?s feeling much better now! Those last few weeks and months can be so difficult. Hopefully, Ashley doesn?t have any issues with postpartum depression this time around. What her doctor said about having less of a chance of getting PPD after your second baby because your hormones adjust quicker is really interesting, actually. I had no idea that was a thing. I adjusted a lot quicker mentally and emotionally after my younger son was born, but I?ve always just chalked that up to feeling good about actually knowing what I was doing the second time around.
I really like the name Emerson, too. Jupiter and Emerson, I dig it. As for Clover as the middle name, my former mentor (who I?m still friendly with via social media) has a daughter with the middle name Clover, and was given that middle name because it had a special meaning behind it. I wonder if there is any special meaning behind Emerson Clover?s name. We chose our boys? names very carefully, so I always love hearing about that kind of stuff.
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| Ashley Tisdale: 'I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at the same time' | Added 3 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
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| Ashley Tisdale: 'The journey of motherhood can be hard' | Added 3 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
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| Ashley Tisdale: 'I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding really was' | Added 3 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ashley Tisdale gave birth to baby Jupiter Iris last March. Ashleys been sharing both the ups and downs of becoming a mom, from making the choice to wait to start a family to being uncomfortable with pregnancy weight gain. In her latest essay for her blog frenshe, Ashely discusses breastfeeding and why she decided to switch to formula. It started when Jupiter didn?t take to breastfeeding as easily as Ashley has anticipated. However, like a lot of new moms, Ashley had no idea breastfeeding could be a difficult and painful journey for some.
I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding really was. You see your friends who are new moms feeding their babies make it look so easy. But no one tells you how hard it really is. I think there?s this pressure around the subject of breastfeeding, and that those who do it are the best moms, but that?s not true. Our journey started on day one in the hospital when Jupiter was having trouble latching.
I probably should?ve taken that as a hint, but instead I kept on trying, even though I could tell Jupiter was frustrated. This made me upset because I just wanted to have a good experience with feeding her for the first time. Now, let?s cut to day four of me pumping milk. At this point, I was so over trying to figure out the latch and was giving her breast milk by the bottle. Thankfully, she LOVED the bottle. That was the moment I realized that maybe breastfeeding isn?t meant for us. I pumped all day, and never looked forward to pumping. I would look at the pump like it held me back from really being in the moment with Juju and enjoying my first weeks of motherhood. At that point, I turned to my husband and said ? I feel like we?re striving and not thriving with this breast milk situation.? I was determined to make it work, but all I truly cared about was Jupiter having a good experience with feeding and getting the best nutrition.
[From frenshe via Buzzfeed]
We?ve discussed how difficult breastfeeding can be. A few of you know my story. I?m an advocate for Fed is Best. I was able to breastfeed, but it was not a great experience for me. I have friends that couldn?t breastfeed, and it really affected them. I have other friends who were able to and loved every moment of it. Like every aspect of raising a child, it?s a completely unique experience for each person. I am always very happy for moms that breastfeed and love it because it is a beautiful moment between mother and child. I?m not jealous, just happy for them. But it?s important to discuss that not everyone has a good experience with it.
Ashley said no one told her how hard it can be, and I believe her, its rarely discussed. I had friends who struggled with it while I was pregnant, which was the first time I?d heard about it. It?s hard to bring up the negative stuff with expecting moms because you don?t want to scare them. At the same time, it helps just in case. When high profile folks like Ashley discuss these topics it helps the discussion filter down.. It sounds like Ashley figured out quickly that a bottle was her best option, but many overtired moms keep trying because the messaging says they should. Nobody wins if the baby is not getting the nutrition they need. I?m glad Ashley has found a happy feeding balance and sees that the time with her baby is just as beautiful with a bottle.
Also, Ashley did a really cute Fathers Day post for her husband Christopher French with lots of pics of him and Juju. You can see that here.
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| Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: 'We can't compare our bodies to each other' | Added 3 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ashley Tisdale has a lifestyle blog called frenshe. To be totally honest, I didnt know frenshe was Ashley?s until today. I thought they?d scored this awesome exclusive with her because they kept getting great photos of the nursery and her daughter Jupiter. It?s a good blog, well put together and the topics are varied enough that I didn?t realize it was celebrity run. One of Ashley?s latest posts was about body after baby. Like most of Ashley?s revelations, it wasn?t the usual celebrity fodder of ohmygosh! Everything is perfect! Ashley is being honest about struggling with her new shape after giving birth to Juju in March. She says that she?s worked hard and lost some of the weight, but she?s not where she thought she?d be and she?s not where she thinks other new moms are. But she?s trying hard not to compare herself, especially to other women online.
I feel like this post is for everyone who looks in the mirror and thinks they should look better, especially after just having a baby. Instagram can really fuck with your head?like really fuck with your head. There are so many models and influencers that I?ve compared my own personal journey in ?bouncing back? to. And then, I?m like wait they just had a baby and they look like that??
I was recently at a friend?s place and two moms who just had babies were there saying how great I looked and that they wished they could fit into jeans. Here they were thinking that I looked great and yet I?m at home looking in the mirror thinking I could look better. That?s when I realized we can?t compare our bodies to each other.
The bottom line: be kind to yourself and fill yourself up with love. It?s okay to set a goal and be inspired by others, but we should all truly love ourselves and our bodies in every season. It?s easier said than done and I know there have been stages in my pregnancy where I have felt uncomfortable. I?m still dealing with plantar fasciitis, but even I?m working on not comparing myself to others and their post-baby journeys. Love yourself first!
[From frenshe via People]
Ashley said that she?s ?worked (her) butt off? and although she?s able to get into some jeans again, shes not the size she used to be. She echoed the adage, ?it takes time growing the baby and it takes time losing the baby weight.? I know that sounds simplistic, but it is true. Ashley?s right, whether its new moms or anyone else, people need to stop comparing their bodies against those around them, especially what they see online. Ashley said that ?everyone is going to have a different journey? and that?s also true. We shouldn?t ask ourselves why don?t I look like her? We should ask ourselves what our journey is and how far weve come. Now, I say that, but I wish I knew how to put it into practice because the truth is, I beat myself up all the time.
I want to speak to the jeans thing, though. I found a pair of maternity jeans that I adored. They had two side stretch panels rather that a top band and they looked great at every stage of pregnancy. I loved them so much, I was almost sorry when I couldn?t wear them anymore. So find your jeans, moms. Seriously, I didn?t ever worry about fitting into other jeans as a result. Because I had a pair that made me so happy, I really did wake up one day (many, many months post birth) only to realize I fit back in regular jeans again.
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| Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an 'amazing labor experience' | Added 3 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
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| Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: 'it literally hurts to walk' | Added 4 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ashley Tisdale is currently expecting her first child with her husband of seven years, Christopher French. They made the announcement in September and judging by Ashley?s recent photos she?s due any day now. She?s also in a lot of pain. Ashley recently wrote an Instagram story about the fact that she?s suffering from plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the foot. She wrote that she?s short and that the added weight from her pregnancy is putting a strain on her feet. I didnt see this when she posted it so here is Peoples writeup about it.
Ashley Tisdale said she is experiencing plantar fasciitis brought on by her pregnancy. The condition is caused by inflammation of the tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and often causes stabbing pains for those who suffer from it, according to the Mayo Clinic.
The worst part so far during this pregnancy is my plantar fasciitis, Tisdale, 35, wrote on her Instagram Story Friday. It literally hurts just to walk on my feet. Ive never felt pain like this and Im hoping once the baby is here it lets up.
I know there could be worse things but for someone who is constantly on their feet it can be pretty unbearable, she added.
After followers began reacting to the post, Tisdale opened up further about the foot pain shes been experiencing while pregnant with her baby girl on the way.
Its horrible, she began in a video on her Story. Its very painful ? hurts just to walk, anywhere every single day. Its like your arches start to collapse because of how much weight is on my body.
Tisdale continued, I think shes seven pounds right now and Ive never carried that around before and Im very short, Im 53, so yeah its definitely been painful. Im really hoping it goes away eventually or when shes outside of me.
I got plantar fasciitis for the first time two weeks ago. It came on after I took a three mile hike in flat sneakers. Thankfully I was able to fix it over the course of a few very uncomfortable days. I rolled a frozen water bottle under my foot, took it easy, and got these shoe inserts my mom recommended. I bought three of them and put a pair in those flat sneakers, my slippers and a new pair of hiking boots. My feet are almost back to normal, but it was so painful and I couldn?t exercise for a while.
Ashley is feeling better too after getting advice from fans and friends. She posted this Instagram story, below, explaining that she?s been using a frozen water bottle and that she got a massager on Amazon along with insoles for her slippers. I posted this to Twitter so I would be able to embed the videos in this post. So many people responded that you suffer from this too. One friend said she had to crawl to help her son because her feet were so painful. I?m so sorry to all of you who have suffered from this! I also hope Ashley has lasting relief from plantar fasciitis and that she has an easy birth and healthy baby girl.
Part two! pic.twitter.com/eoWdBUCi7G
celebitchy (@celebitchy) March 14, 2021
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| Ashley Tisdale: 'It's ok to not want to start a family right away' | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I?ve been wondering how Ashley Tisdale, 34, and her husband, Chris, have been doing since they lost their beloved dog, Maui, at the end of June. Ashley last posted about Maui on Instagram a bit over a week ago. She?s keeping busy, though, and is working on a campaign that supports women in their reproductive health choices:
Ashley Tisdale says she?s not ready to start a family ? and she encourages other women to take charge of their reproductive health and carve their own individual journey to parenthood.
?Whether you?re traveling or you have work or education or you?re married and not ready to have a kid yet, there are options out there,? the actress, who married musician Christopher French in 2014, tells PEOPLE. ?For me, it?s like, it?s okay to not want to start a family right away. People are always asking me about that, but it?s just not the right time. And I have options out there.?
The High School Musical star has partnered with Allergan, the maker of birth control pill Lo Loestrin Fe, to join the ?Women Who Know? campaign, encouraging women to seek accurate information about their reproductive health, including researching birth control options.
?We are trying to inspire women to take an active role in decisions about their reproductive health and contraceptive options,? says Tisdale, 34. ?For me, it?s just about starting the discussion, having those conversations with your doctor and health care provider and knowing that there are options out there.?
People explained that ?[Ashley] appears in educational video content alongside OB/GYN Dr. Lakeisha Richardson, in which she encourages other women to ask questions and engage experts?:
?Everyone is different . . . . You might be like, ?Oh, that works for that person,? but we?re all so different. So really what I?m trying to do is just support women and encourage them to have the conversation, to feel more comfortable and be able to ask those questions and find out what the best option for you is.?
[From People]
The message that women should take control of their reproductive health and ask questions seems obvious, but it?s so important for people to hear, especially now. It?s crucial for women to find medical professionals who listen to us, take us seriously, and answer questions to help make choices for our reproductive health, whether that involves trying to have children or not. I?m glad that Ashley is working for a cause that is important to her. Of course its a paid endorsement, but it also sounds like its something she has a personal connection to. It?s hard when you?re grieving to focus on other things. The article also mentioned that Ashley is going to be starring in a new show, Carol?s Second Act, as Patricia Heaton?s daughter. I hope it does well.
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| Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
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I don?t even know how to say this. This pain is the worst pain I?ve ever felt. Maui was my soulmate, the connection was unlike any other. She didn?t care who I was and what I did, she just loved me unconditionally. @cmfrench and I knew with Maui she wasn?t just a dog she was something special. She had the purest soul. I know dogs don?t live as long as we do but why not? I wanted more time with her. I wasn?t ready for this and now I?m broken. I will miss you every single day of my life Maui, I will never forget how much joy and love you brought to me and @cmfrench. I can?t stop crying but hopefully in time that will heal but know you are always a part of me and one day we will be together again. My angel. My heart #Maui
A post shared by Ashley Tisdale (@ashleytisdale) on Jun 21, 2019 at 8:11am PDT
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| Ashley Tisdale's Booty On Instagram | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 Forgetting tipping the paparazzi off about your beach vacation oryoga class, Instagram is quickly becoming the best new way for irrelevant hotties to become relevant again. Andhere’s the latest celeb to post their booty online and remind me and the rest of the Internet that they still exist. So enjoy this Ashley Tisdale booty shot […]
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