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| Brad Pitt compares the end-of-era Manson murders to the Weinstein situation | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 If you?ve seen Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, nothing in this post will be a spoiler. If you haven?t seen the film, I?ll be as cryptic as possible: Quentin Tarantino purposefully leaves the audience unsure about whether Brad Pitt?s character?s relationships with women. The ambiguity is probably Tarantino?s way of showing the ?not every predator is all-bad, and not every good guy does the right thing? argument. Which is interesting given? well, Brad Pitt?s own life these days, and why Angelina Jolie ghosted him and filed for divorce and all that. It?s also interesting given the additional context of Tarantino?s long-time creative partnership with Harvey Weinstein, a serial predator, abuser, rapist and sexual harasser. But sure, let?s have Brad Pitt make a Harvey Weinstein reference in a discussion about ?end of an era? Hollywood.
There are always events in history which mark the end of an era. During an interview with The Sunday Times, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood costars Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio opened up about the massive impact the Manson family murders, which are depicted in the new film, had on Hollywood ? and the parallels that can be seen today.
?When my parents described it, it was as the end of this idealized revolution,? DiCaprio, 44, explained. ?My parents are still hippies, but it was the loss of this dream. As Quentin [Tarantino] describes, you sort of portray this utopia, but there is a mildew around the canvas that brought the darkness of humanity into play and ended a lot of my parents? hopes for how they could infuse that ?love and peace? ideology into the rest of the world. It all sort of crashed, and ended so much that some talk of it as a conspiracy. It was the total end of an era ? immediately.?
Pitt, who was 5 years old at the time of Tates death, also weighed in: People started locking doors again. We were coming off a tumultuous decade of assassinations and the free-love and civil rights movements, and, as I understand it, there was still hope. But when this hit? And even rich white celebrities were in danger? No one was safe. Even people living the dream.
When asked if anything has rattled Hollywood in a similar way, Pitt was quick to respond. Harvey Weinstein, he replied, later asking: Can I say that? After Pitt questioned whether his response was in bad taste, he was asked if he was referring to, as the writer put it, a similar loss of innocence in a world that was cocooned and thought of in a glorified way. Its more that I think were getting recalibrated, Pitt clarified. But in a good way.
In addition to speaking about Weinstein, the two stars talked about masculinity and how the idea around it has changed.
When I started, I loved Mickey Rourke and Sean Penn, Pitt told the newspaper. I loved them because there was a toughness to them, which was how the male Id grown up being taught about was meant to be. But they were also vulnerable, raw and open, and I always appreciated that. What I see now is a new masculinity, especially with people who have gone through Hollywood and its recalibration, a new male who is more vulnerable. Im not talking mushiness ? I mean a man who owns his own flaws and is aware of them and open about it. And vulnerable, with real feelings, rather than being this macho, trying-to-be-tough guy. But that might just be me in my old age, on my own trip, projecting onto everyone else.
[From People & E! News]
Sean Penn and Mickey Rourke were both accused of assaulting girlfriends too, but when they were young, those were the two guys most young actors wanted to be. I?m not sure what that means.
What do you think of Brad?s comparison to the Weinstein situation being an ?end of an era? in Hollywood similar to the Manson murders? I don?t know. It?s difficult to judge whether the Weinstein situation really changed anything, because we?re not even two years past the initial revelations. Weirdly, I sort of see Brad?s point the revelation with the Weinstein situation was that Weinstein was preying on every type of woman, even massively famous women, women who everyone assumed were ?protected? by money and fame and access. That was what made the #MeToo movement so powerful and so tragic the realization that so many men are abusive scum and that so many women, from all backgrounds and socio-economic statuses, were all victims and survivors. But did Hollywood change after that? To be continued?
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.
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| Liv Tyler shares 25-step 1k plus skincare routine, calls it her 'secret obsession' | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Liv Tyler has a new skincare video for Vogue that my girl Kaiser/Chandra alerted me to. She knows I love Liv Tyler and skincare and this video far exceeded my expectations! I know its long, but just watch a few minutes of it, I posted it above, and youll see what I mean. Liv is sharing her very pricey skincare routine and while its unattainable to most of us plebes it was a delightful look into her self-indulgent rituals. I always remember the interview Liv did where she said she took two HOUR baths nightly while pregnant with her last baby. She would watch entire movies in the bath. That sounds ridiculous, right? Once you see how much Liv loves taking care of her skin it seems so like her. In the video, Liv starts prepping by sticking a fancy scrunchie in her hair made from an Hermes fabric (I love scrunchies!). She then uses an oil cleanser to remove her eye makeup, moves on to a special foaming Japanese cleanser made from silk, then applies two different face masks starting with a special blue flame mask which costs $40, according to Allure. Thats not bad and she does moisturize and applies makeup after. If you add up all the skincare products she shows it totals over $1,000. Liv explained that her grandmother got her into skincare from a young age and her dad, Steven Tyler, loves it too. At the end of the video she ends up looking so glowy, natural and gorgeous. Heres Allures report on Livs products.
In a new video for Vogue, the 42-year-old actor shares her skin-care routine which, after her hair is tied back with the chicest scrunchie in the world, starts with not one but two cleansers. Thats not the only step she doubles up on, though.
After using the gooey and oily Sarah Chapman Skinesis Lash Boosting Eye Cleanse ($62) on her entire face, Tyler likes to foam up with Chidoriya Hydrating Facial Soap ($17). Its made from pure silk and rice bran, and its just this really beautiful, this is the little bar of soap, she says of the Japanese cleanser. You add water to it and you make this kind of lather.
The next step Tyler does twice is masking, so she can get two different benefits. First up is the Astara Blue Flame Purification Mask ($40). Its really good to sort of draw out any impurities in your skin, and it also gives it a good glow, Tyler says. After removing it, she then applies the first of three Dr. Barbara Sturm products in her routine, the Face Mask ($160). Its really good to also do a hydrating mask of any kind, she says, explaining that she uses this one in particular because it feels kind of cool and hydrating and moisturizing.
Another Dr. Barbara Sturm product, Hyaluronic Serum ($300), comes next, and its the most expensive one of the bunch. You dont actually need much. You can just put one dropper-full or just a couple of drops. Tyler says, explaining that she also applies it to her neck and hands. It really is very deeply, deeply hydrating. It goes way in and penetrates.
Before applying any other topical products, Tyler shows off her weird Sarah Chapman Skinesis Facialift ($38), a textured rolling tool. It feels really good if youre stressed and you clench your jaw and stuff, but its supposed to kind of help contour this part of your neck, she says. Then, she applies Talika Eye Therapy Patches ($49), which she keeps in the fridge.
In addition to double cleansing and double masking, Tyler also double moisturizes ? first, with Rodin Olio Lusso face oil ($119). After that, she break out a French favorite, Avne Extremely Rich Compensating Cream. I use this a lot on set, she says, explaining that its great under makeup. She then gives it a little boost with Sisley Paris Floral Spray Mist ($100), and a big boost with her third and final Dr. Barbara Sturm product, Glow Drops ($145).
[From Allure]
I think I can afford that cream Liv uses, although its a splurge at $35. (It has 4.3 stars, 194 reviews and an A from Fakespot!) If youre interested in all the makeup Liv uses, Vogue has those details. Her other tips include drinking plenty of water and green juice. She also takes CBD oil for anxiety, which I do too. I get mine from CBDistillery (not an ad, but they can send me free stuff if they want) and it doesnt get me stoned exactly. However I cant take it before work or before we record the podcast as it does make my thinking slow. Liv has such a soothing voice that I could watch this video on repeat all day. Liv is a treasure. I hope Im half as excited about gossip as Liv is about skincare. I dont think I could ever sound that sexy when describing it though. Damn.
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| Page Six: Celine Dion's gay BFF Pepe Munoz is hyper-controlling, maybe' | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are some photos of Celine Dion with her gentleman friend Pepe Munoz during the most recent Paris Fashion Week. I wondered, weeks ago, if Pepe would be there and look, there he was. Pepe has been on Celine?s arm more and more lately, and she tried to explain their relationship several months ago. No one knows if they?re lovers or BFFs. Well, Page Six has some answers. Sort of. According to Page Six?s sources, Pepe is definitely gay, but he and Celine have a weird sort of relationship where he?s super-controlling? It?s like Will & Grace, but DARK.
Cline Dion?s inner circle fears that her ?best pal,? backup dancer Pepe Muoz, has too much influence over the singer since her husband, Ren Anglil, passed away in 2016.
?Pepe is like her boy toy who is really trying to take over. He?s isolating her and people are feeling it. She?s in love with this guy and listens to everything he?s saying. People go to him when they have questions. He?s fully taken over. The only people around her now [are] Pepe, the hairdresser and the stylist,? one source told Page Six.
Multiple sources told us Pepe ? who?s also Dion?s creative director ? helped orchestrate the exit of some of Dion?s senior team, including former stylist Law Roach. Another source, who is close to the star, says it?s the ?farthest from the truth.?
?He?s an amazing inspiration for her. He?s inspiring her to take risks. It?s not a bad thing. He?s not managing her. People change their teams. She?s smart and at the helm of her career. She?s calling the shots now,? the insider said.
?It?s crazy. She knows he?s gay and is accepting of it. She needs someone close to her and she fell in love. He?s turned into a Ren type,? the first source said Another insider added, ?People are freaked out by it. He has this clique that he keeps very small. It?s Cline, himself, a hair person and the stylist. That?s the group ? even management goes to him when they need something.?
[From Page Six]
?She knows he?s gay and is accepting of it? and ?She?s in love with this guy and listens to everything he?s saying.? I mean? what?s really happening, emotionally? Is she IN love with Pepe or does she love him as a best friend? And which is the more dangerous option? I feel like Celine was basically just lonely and she wanted to feel alive and free after Rene?s passing, so that?s why Pepe came into her life. But old habits die hard Celine probably feels most comfortable when she?s in a familiar pattern of being ?managed? by a man. I don?t know, that?s just my armchair diagnosis for what?s happening. And at this point, what?s so important in her life that she needs anyone else besides Pepe, the hairdresser and the stylist??
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Julianne Hough refuses to take her husband Brooks Laich's name after two years | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
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A post shared by Julianne Hough (@juleshough) on Jul 8, 2019 at 9:09am PDT
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| Ciara's diet: eating five small meals & drinking more than a gallon of water every day | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I remember when Ciara first came on the scene and how much people talked about her body back then. To my eyes, little has really changed. Yes, she?s gone through two pregnancies and worked to ?get her body back? both times, but the muscle memory is real with Ciara. She?s always been so athletic-looking, which basically the kind of curves-to-muscle ratio that most women want for themselves. But to hear Ciara tell it, she was 20 pounds heavier in her early days as a singer and she had to learn, over time, how to take better care of her body. Some highlights from this People Magazine interview:
Her early days: ?When I first started in my career, I weighed 20 lbs. more than I weigh now. That was the first time I got introduced to eating five small meals a day to impact my workout.?
Eating small meals: The ?Level Up? singer, who brought her personal trainer, Decker Davis, to the Propel Co:Labs Fitness Festival in Santa Monica on July 20, says that eating small meals still works for her today, nearly 15 years later. ?When you?re eating small meals, your body starts to function like a well-oiled machine. You?re using the restroom regularly so your body is really on clock.?
Her secret is drinking a lot of water: ?I literally drink a gallon and a half a day. It?s amazing how you can work out hard all day, but if you don?t eat right you won?t see the results you want to see and if you don?t drink that water you won?t get the results as fast as you want to get them.?
Her current workout: ?It?s a combination of plyometrics (jump training), cardiovascular work, and also weight lifting all in one kind of thing. It?s a full on circuit that allows me to hit every target area.? She admits that her workouts get more ?intense? when husband Wilson joins in: ?It?s ? what I like to call ?good love competition.? We motivate each other and it?s really fun.?
[From People]
I think of all the diets celebrities talk about, I could probably get down with ?five small meals a day.? I?m not great at food-withholding and I?m terrible at food elimination or any kind of strict diet. But eating smaller portions five times a day? I could probably do that. For a time. I do prefer to just eat light throughout the day and then have ?one big meal? (usually an early dinner) though. What else? Ciara is right about water. People always say ?blah blah you should drink a lot of water? but you really do notice a difference with your skin, your body and your workouts when you?re properly hydrated.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Christina Milian is pregnant, ex-husband The Dream makes it about him | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Singer/actress Christina Milian is pregnant with her second child. She and ex-husband, producer The Dream, are parents to nine-year-old Violet. On Sunday, Christina posted her happy news to Instagram with boyfriend Matt Pokora and a sonogram of their collaboration:
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New release 2020! What a blessing! Let?s do this babe @mattpokora ??!
A post shared by Christina Milian (@christinamilian) on Jul 28, 2019 at 8:19am PDT
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| Ashley Tisdale: 'It's ok to not want to start a family right away' | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I?ve been wondering how Ashley Tisdale, 34, and her husband, Chris, have been doing since they lost their beloved dog, Maui, at the end of June. Ashley last posted about Maui on Instagram a bit over a week ago. She?s keeping busy, though, and is working on a campaign that supports women in their reproductive health choices:
Ashley Tisdale says she?s not ready to start a family ? and she encourages other women to take charge of their reproductive health and carve their own individual journey to parenthood.
?Whether you?re traveling or you have work or education or you?re married and not ready to have a kid yet, there are options out there,? the actress, who married musician Christopher French in 2014, tells PEOPLE. ?For me, it?s like, it?s okay to not want to start a family right away. People are always asking me about that, but it?s just not the right time. And I have options out there.?
The High School Musical star has partnered with Allergan, the maker of birth control pill Lo Loestrin Fe, to join the ?Women Who Know? campaign, encouraging women to seek accurate information about their reproductive health, including researching birth control options.
?We are trying to inspire women to take an active role in decisions about their reproductive health and contraceptive options,? says Tisdale, 34. ?For me, it?s just about starting the discussion, having those conversations with your doctor and health care provider and knowing that there are options out there.?
People explained that ?[Ashley] appears in educational video content alongside OB/GYN Dr. Lakeisha Richardson, in which she encourages other women to ask questions and engage experts?:
?Everyone is different . . . . You might be like, ?Oh, that works for that person,? but we?re all so different. So really what I?m trying to do is just support women and encourage them to have the conversation, to feel more comfortable and be able to ask those questions and find out what the best option for you is.?
[From People]
The message that women should take control of their reproductive health and ask questions seems obvious, but it?s so important for people to hear, especially now. It?s crucial for women to find medical professionals who listen to us, take us seriously, and answer questions to help make choices for our reproductive health, whether that involves trying to have children or not. I?m glad that Ashley is working for a cause that is important to her. Of course its a paid endorsement, but it also sounds like its something she has a personal connection to. It?s hard when you?re grieving to focus on other things. The article also mentioned that Ashley is going to be starring in a new show, Carol?s Second Act, as Patricia Heaton?s daughter. I hope it does well.
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A post shared by Ashley Tisdale (@ashleytisdale) on Jul 29, 2019 at 5:10pm PDT
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| Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' was copyright infringement, according to an LA jury | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 A few weeks ago, Katy Perry was in court in Los Angeles because she had to testify about an alleged copyright infringement. As it turns out, Katy was being sued by Christian rapper Marcus Gray (aka Flame), who claimed Katy copied parts of his song ?Joyful Noise? with her Dr. Luke-produced song ?Dark Horse.? I remember when ?Dark Horse? came out and it sounded different than most of Katy?s songs at the time, but it never occurred to me that she had lifted the beat from Flame. Well, the trial lasted a week and? Katy Perry is guilty of copyright infringement, according to a jury.
After a weeklong trial, a California jury has concluded that Katy Perrys Dark Horse is a copyright infringement. The lawsuit was brought by Christian rapper Marcus Gray, professionally known as Flame, who asserted that Perrys 2013 hit tread on his own work titled Joyful Noise. In particular, the plaintiff alleged that the Dr. Luke-produced song took his underlying beat.
At trial, both Perry and Luke insisted they had never heard of Joyful Noise, while Gray pointed to his songs success in a niche market. He offered the theory that the defendants may have heard it at the Grammy Awards or seen it on YouTube or MySpace, where the song was played millions of times. The defendants also attempted to knock the plaintiffs ownership of infringing material by pointing to how the beat was allegedly preexisting material. Finally, Perry and Luke called experts to the witness stand in an effort to show a lack of any substantial similarity of protected expression. The trial had colorful moments, from Perry offering to perform her hit live amid difficulties with the courtroom sound system, to a shooting that took place just outside the courthouse on the day Dr. Luke testified.
Most copyright cases either settle or are dismissed before ever getting to trial, but Dark Horse joined Blurred Lines and Stairway to Heaven as songcraft thats been put to a jury this decade. Jurors began deliberating after closing arguments Thursday, and returned their decision Monday afternoon. The verdict means the case will proceed to a damages phase, which will begin Tuesday. Still pending is a motion from Perrys lawyers on Thursday asking U.S. District Judge Christina Snyder to rule that no reasonable jury could find copyright infringement based on the evidence presented at trial.
[From The Hollywood Reporter]
I?m including the separate songs below, plus a YouTube-user-made video comparing the songs side-by-side. To me, it feels like the ?Blurred Lines? infringement was a lot clearer. I also remember another case where Tom Petty?s people (when Petty was still alive) went to Sam Smith privately and told Smith that they thought ?Stay With Me? sounded a lot like ?Won?t Back Down.? Smith and Petty worked out everything out of court, and I believe Petty even has some kind of songwriting credit for ?Stay With Me? now. My point is that I wonder if Flame went to Katy?s people and tried to work this stuff out privately, or whether he filed the lawsuit first.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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