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| Lady Gaga Tour Photos | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 While I'll openly admit that I don't know much about Lady Gaga or her music, these photos from her House of Gaga tour prove that she likes to entertain. By entertain I mean she's showing me her nice ass! Lady Gaga has a nice body that I would actually pay money to see, but only from the front few rows or perhaps in her dressing room. This is something I want to see with my own eyes! Lady Gaga also shows us a bit of cleavage, and while not the biggest ever, it just adds more sex appeal to the package. I would definitely bring ear plugs in case the music is terrible, but at least Lady Gaga would show me a good time with her body!
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| Mariah Carey wants $125 million mansion & an all-pink nursery | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Another day, another Mariah Carey pregnancy rumor. Although this time, the rumor comes with a $125 million price tag. Mariah and her new husband/man-candy are rumored to be interested in buying David Saperstein?s $125 million Los Angeles estate. The mansion is described as a ?minipalace with Italian marble walls, French limestone floors, gold-embossed leather wall coverings, a nine-car garage, ballroom, private running track and movie screening room.? Sounds nice, if you like that kind of thing. But for that money there better be a solid-gold bidet that shoots out chocolate liquor. Ew, I grossed myself out on that one.
Why would Mariah and Nick need that kind of crib? “Crib” being the operative word, of course. Even though the rumor was denied before the New York Daily News published it, they?re still claiming that Mariah has already hired a designer and ?has requested an all-pink nursery.? Whatever.
Mariah Carey is ready to expand her family - and she wants a baby girl.
The pop superstar has prematurely dropped $200K on furniture, including a Pink crib and highchair, from a children’s store in San Francisco for the new Hollywood home she intends to buy with hubby Nick Cannon.
A source close to the diva reveals she has made an offer on the David Saperstein estate in the exclusive western L.A. neighborhood of Holmby Hills. Her neighbors would be the Beckham brood and Hugh Hefner. The French Chateau-style mansion, which has been on the market for months at the asking price of $125 million, is a minipalace with Italian marble walls, French limestone floors, gold-embossed leather wall coverings, a nine-car garage, ballroom, private running track and movie screening room.
“It’s 45,000 square feet and looks like a European castle,” says the insider. “It’s so big, it can’t even be called a mansion - it’s similar to Buckingham Palace!”
But the opulent surroundings aren’t quite enough for Mariah. She’s planning on putting in a few touches of her own, most notably the nursery. Says our source, “She has asked [interior decorator] Kenneth Bordewick to advise on her new home and has requested an all-pink nursery. It’s going to be over the top!”
Despite plans for the baby room, there is no indication that the singer is pregnant. But an insider tells us, “Mariah has tossed around the idea of adopting.”
Her husband, meanwhile, seems to have a different time line when it comes to having a brood. Nick, who at age 28 is 10 years Mariah’s junior, recently joked that he was planning on kids “soon. Like a couple [of] years soon!”
Contacted for comment, a rep for Carey would only say of the story, “not true.”
[From The New York Daily News]
Mariah should adopt, if that?s what she wants. I?ve always liked her because she?s not one of those women who constantly plays the is-she-or-isn?t pregnant games in the press (cough, cough, Eva Longoria). Mariah seems to know just how big of a diva she is, and she probably feels pretty strongly that the spotlight should always be on her. That?s one thing about babies - they always steal the show from needy divas. Still, Mariah has been in this game for a long time, and I could see her seriously considering motherhood now. Let?s hope that in addition to the all-pink nursery, she considers that gold bidet.
Here?s Mariah and Nick leaving Mr. Chow?s on February 20th. Images thanks to WENN .
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| Coming soon: Goopwear by Gwyneth Paltrow | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Of all of Gwyneth ?The Goop? Paltrow?s bad ideas, this one?s not so bad. It?s actually something she should have done a long time ago - she?s going to collaborate with Parisian clothing brand ZOEtee to make… tee shirts, I suppose. Probably more than just tee shirts, because Goopy wouldn?t just do peasantwear. I wonder if the shirts would say anything. You know, some sort of profound Goopisms, like ?Goop Is Life? or ?Happiness is a warm cup of Goop.? Why the hell didn?t we think of this before?
Poor Gwyneth Paltrow. We can scarcely imagine how trying it must be to accept that ever since she won an Oscar ten years ago, the world has been increasingly remiss in validating her admirably high self-esteem.
Her website, Goop.com, whose sole aim was “to put good things into the world,” was widely misconstrued as the out-of-touch ramblings of a narcissist, and then with the release of one of the few films she’s deigned to make recently, Two Lovers, all people could talk about was her co-star Joaquin Phoenix going nuts instead of her bravura performance. So how to rehabilitate the unjustly devalued Paltrow brand? Duh, a clothing line, of course!
It’s a collaboration with Parisian brand ZOEtee and even better, the proceeds are going to a children’s charity. No one could possibly find anything to criticize about that, could they?
[From City File]
Back in Goop?s heyday - and I mean the website - Gwyneth really wanted to make like she was the next Martha Stewart. There was even a rumor of Goop sheets and Goop kitchen stuff, which might have been sort of cool. Cooler than the dumb website, in any case. I approve of Goopy tees!
I have more Goop tee shirt slogans, by the way. Here are some more: ?Goop is for lovers.? Or how about ?Follow Your Goop? or ?Don?t Worry, Be Goopy?? And ?My mother signed up for Goop newsletters, and all I got was this dumb f-cking shirt.?
Here?s The Goop with Valentino Garavani at the New York premiere of ‘Valentino: The Last Emperor’ held at The Museum of Modern Art on March 17th. Images thanks to WENN .
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| Audrina Patridge and I Love Tight Jeans | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |

Celebrity Audrina Patridge is back, and you know what that means?That's right,more skin-tight clothes and twohealthy servingsof herginormously fake breasts. I know,I know, these are the exact reasons whywe love this girl. IfAudrina were in something other than a bikinior these ultra-tight jeans, thenI'd skip over the photos for some come-back Britney Spears or something, but today we are in luck! Not onlyhas Audrina Patridge slipped her sexybutt into some tight jeans for these ad photos, but she'salso got a little topless action going for Divine Rights of Denim. We can argue all day about whether you like Audrina's fake breast or not, but I think we can all agree that she has ascrumptious ass!
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| Lindsay is going straight to cable | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 That movie which was supposed to propel Lindsay Lohan back into the spotlight is going straight to cable. The production company for Labor Pains, Nu Image/Millenium Films, confirms the movie will premiere on ABC Family sometime in July this year. It will make its way to DVD a month later.
In 2004, Lohan was a rising star. Each year after that she managed to do more stupid stuff. Now her movies are going straight to cable. If you graphed her rise and fall, the line would have broken through the x-axis today to get to the negative y-axis. It’s like someone tied a rock to her career and threw it into the ocean.
Here’s Lohan in Miami earlier this month not drinking or doing drugs.
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| Is Angelina Jolie on a liquid detox diet? | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 UK?s Sun isn?t known for its brilliant reporting, so I’m skeptical about their latest story. They claimed a few days ago that Angelina Jolie was doing a crash diet - a ?liquid detox? - to lose 21 pounds in 21 days. The Sun claims that people on the production of Salt were concerned that Angelina might bust something doing a stunt, because she?s been left so weakened by the detox:
Angelina Jolie is causing concern on the set of her new film Salt with a crazy diet called liquid detox.
She aims to shed 21lb in just 21 days for her role as a CIA officer unmasked as a Russian spy. But Ange is raising eyebrows as everyone thinks she has a fantastic figure.
The diet ? living on a mixture of lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup ? is leaving her weak.
A source said: ?She does all her own stunts but we worry she could injure herself due to the weight loss.?
How any mum can survive without at least four Mars Bars a day is beyond me.
[From The Sun]
I was going to ignore this, because just a cursory look at pictures from the set of Salt shows Angelina pretty much looking like she did last month, two months ago, et cetera. But the story?s being picked up all over the place, because everyone loves a good ?Angelina is too thin, and a homewrecker? story.
If forced, I?d say that she?s probably lost a few pounds, but nothing major. And I just don?t buy that Angelina really cares what weight she is, and I really don?t think she’s likely to do some weird cayenne pepper and maple syrup diet. And The Sun forgot to do a little basic research: this sounds like it’s the (in)famous Master Cleanse diet. Isn’t it like the cabbage soup diet, only spicier?
Here?s Angelina at work on the set of Salt in NY on 3/13/09. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .
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| Ashlee Simpson's marriage is in trouble | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Ashlee Simpson is not happy in her role as stay-at-home mom. Her jealousy of Pete Wentz going out every night and partying is beginning to manifest itself. An insider says:
“Ashlee and Pete are on the rocks. He is going out all the time and she’s stuck at home. It’s just not working.”
I’d be concerned too if I were Ashlee. The longer Pete is out there making out with guys on “dares”, the sooner he’s going to discover he loves dick and the faster he’ll divorce Ashlee to shack up with a male groupie in skinny jeans. Won’t anybody think of the children? Or child?
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| Jamie Kennedy likes his chunky girlfriend | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Jamie Kennedy loves his plump Jennifer Love Hewitt. He doesn’t even mind she has delusions of being a size 2. He also loves the fact that a romantic evening involves eating a homemade dinner or going to Taco Bell. Mmm, edible enemas.
“She’s had weight issues too for years and was self-conscious to the point that it affected her relationships with men,” an insider tells Star. “Jamie prefers women who have a bit of meat on their bones. He makes her feel comfortable in her skin.”
“The only thing Jennifer has to worry about with Jamie,” adds the insider, “is getting too skinny!”
Whatever. You know this guy is mixing laxatives and Ipecac with Jennifer’s food. The only reason Jamie is happy is because she’s out of his league. It’s like one day he showed up to a fancy rooftop party in a janitor’s uniform and Jennifer fell in love because she thought he was being witty and ironic when really all he was there to do was unclog the toilet.
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| Lindsay Lohan's last film goes straight to cable, then DVD | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Everyone seems to be piling on Lindsay Lohan. For good reason, perhaps, because the girl continues to be oblivious to her own train-wreck behavior. Earlier this week, there was the whining interview she gave to E! where she lied about her drug and alcohol usage.
Before that there was the interview where she told Nylon Magazine she would be happy just focusing on modeling, which led to male model Tyson Beckford basically saying that Lindsay lacks the discipline to be a model. He has a point - Lindsay lacks the discipline to be anything other than a coked-up party girl.
The latest blow is a new career low point for Lindsay. The film that she did last year, Labor Pains, is going straight to cable, then DVD. No theatrical release for La Lohan. Lindsay?s missed out on several roles (good roles) over the past few years, and Labor Pains was supposed to be one part of her career comeback.
Lindsay Lohan?s film career has been dealt another blow - her latest movie will not be released to cinemas.
Labor Pains will premiere on cable TV in America in July (09) before going straight to DVD in August (09).
In the film, Lohan plays a woman who fakes pregnancy in a bid to keep her job.
The actress has completed just one movie since her 2007 flop I Know Who Killed Me, and recently lost out on the lead role in director Tim Burton?s forthcoming remake of Alice In Wonderland. She also pulled out of Dylan Thomas biopic The Edge of Love, and was replaced by Sienna Miller.
In a recent interview, the actress revealed she?s working on a new movie with Oscar winner Sean Penn.
[From PR-Inside]
I keep waiting for Lindsay to come to her senses, but it never happens. Something tells me this claim that she?ll be working with Sean Penn will go nowhere. If anything, Penn probably just made Lindsay a skeevy promise of ?sure, we?ll work together? as a way of getting into her pants.
Here?s Lindsay on Monday. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .
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| Blake Lively on David Letterman | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Blake Lively looks pretty lovely greeting her fans for her appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman. Blake wore a simple number, and she was simply beautiful. It's amazing when you don't overdo anything how it still can be pretty hot. We've seen Blake even sexier than this, but I'm liking her here. What do you think of Blake Lively?
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| Jamie Kennedy loves Jennifer Love Hewitt's Taco Bell curves | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Jennifer Love Hewitt has finally found the man of her dreams in Jamie Kennedy. He loves her ?size two and then some? body, and he encourages to eat more. Which is sweet, I?m not making fun. Star reports that after all of the criticism of Jennifer?s body last year, she understandably had weight issues. but now that she?s with Jamie, it?s all good. He makes her ?feel comfortable in her skin.? The two are regulars at Taco Bell. Insert ?cheap date? joke here:
Jennifer Love Hewitt is a lucky woman: Her new boyfriend Jamie Kennedy, adores plumping her up with yummy, calorie-packed eats!
Jennifer, who split from fiance Ross McCallin December, has previously blasted criticism of her supposedly too-curvy-for-Hollywood bod.
“She’s had weight issues too for years and was self-conscious to the point that it affected her relationships with men,” an insider tells Star. “Jamie prefers women who have a bit of meat on their bones. He makes her feel comfortable in her skin.”
On March 13, days after Star broke the news that the Ghost Whisperer costars were dating, Jamie confirmed the love affair on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show and raved, “It’s like ‘Wow, you are so hot…and wow, you can cook pasta fagioli too!’”
For a typical date night, says the insider, “they love to have homemade dinners or go out to fast-food places like Taco Bell,” where they were seen on March 15. “The only thing Jennifer has to worry about with Jamie,” adds the insider, “is getting too skinny!”
[From Star Magazine]
Jennifer was never overweight, she just wasn?t a size two like she claimed. The fact that she kept on saying she was a size two was what cracked me up - if she didn?t put so much weight (excuse the pun) on the number, it wouldn?t be so obvious that she herself had ?weight issues?. Anyway, it?s good that Jennifer?s found a guy who likes her for who she is and how she naturally looks . It?s always a plus when you?re dating a guy who encourages you to eat.
Here?s Jennifer Love Hewitt in Mexico on Tuesday, and with Jamie Kennedy arriving at Los Angeles International airport yesterday after vacationing in Mexico. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.
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| Rihanna gets a tiny gun tattoo | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Pop singer Rihanna has been heading out solo, sparking hope that she’s kicked abusive boyfriend Chris Brown to the curb or is at least ashamed to be seen out with him, which is a start. In the past two weeks she’s been photographed out at clubs in NY and LA and was even seen getting cozy with Wilmer Valderrama at a club.
Rihanna has a charm type necklace that includes two gun pendants, which she wore out in NY last week. Now it’s come out that Rihanna had a small gun tattooed on her lower right rib. A tattoo artist she flew out to LA to do the job posted the photos of his work on his MySpace, including a picture of where he first wanted to tattoo the guns on either side of Rihanna’s chest, an idea she rejected due to her contract with Covergirl:
Rihanna, who has been laying low since her Grammy-weekend blowup with, and alleged assault by, Chris Brown, has a new gun tattooed on her body.
Rihanna, who also has “Shhh” tattooed on a finger, a Maori design on her right hand and stars behind her ear (that match stars behind Brown’s ear) brought tattoo artist Bang Bang out to LA for her latest ink.
He posted some photos and commentary on his MySpace page, where he wrote that she flew him to LA for one day and put him up at the Roosevelt so he could add to her body art.
Under the first photo, with the guns drawn on each shoulder as seen below, Bang Bang writes, “i really wanted to put it here… she loved em.. .but, cover girl wouldnt have liked it much… and they pay the bills!”
But she ended up getting them on the side of her ribs, under her arms, “ended up doing it on her ribbs… ” as seen here:
[From The Huffington Post]
Is Rihanna etching some strength onto her body? I hope it’s true that she’s finally cut ties with Brown and is ready to put that abuse and craziness behind her. It takes a lot of courage and nerve to realize that you can no longer see that person you love and that you need to cut ties for your own safety and well being. Maybe Rihanna is marking a new chapter in her life. She should do it with inner strength and not weapons, but maybe the gun symbolism is what works for her. Whatever helps her stay safe and move forward in her life. She has plenty of life left to live and if she choses the right path Brown will soon be a distant memory.
Rihanna is shown with the gun necklace below out in NY on 3/14/09. Credit: Hector Vallenilla, PacificCoastNews.com
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| Ashlee Simpson stuck at home while Pete Wentz parties | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 New parents Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz are having trouble in their marriage ? at least if Page Six is to be believed. The couple used to be a permanent fixture on the party scene, but since little Bronx Mowgli came into the world they?ve had to tone it down. Well, half of them has. Ashlee?s been stuck at home while Pete is still partying as much as ever. And not surprisingly, that?s created some resentment and friction within the marriage.
PARTY animals-turned-parents Ashlee Simpson (above) and Pete Wentz are having trouble with their new domestic lifestyle. An insider told Page Six, “Ashlee and Pete are on the rocks. He is going out all the time and she’s stuck at home. It’s just not working.”
A rep for Simpson, who’s currently spending some alone time with her hubby in Australia without baby Bronx Mowgli, said, “This is not true. Everything is fine in their world.”
[From Page Six]
Thank goodness celebs employ high-priced reps who do nothing but deny, deny, deny. That?s money well spent. At this point, I feel most of them could fire their PR flacks and the rest of us can just assume their response to anything less than the most flatting story is either ?No comment,? or some variation of ?We?re as happy as can be.? Oh wait, unless they?re breaking up, in which case it?s, ?We plan to remain the best of friends.?
Since Bronx was born I hardly ever see pictures of Ashlee out and about compared to Pete. How could that not create some ill will? She?s only 24, and Pete has admitted Bronx was a ?happy accident.? Ashlee clearly wasn?t planning on being a mother at this point in her life, and she?s still fairly young. I?m guessing she?d like to go out and party once in a while too. Pete?s 29. He should be better able to prioritize. What really ought to happen is they should both stay home most of the time. Their child needs to be number one in their lives. But at the very least, Pete should offer to stay home and let Ashlee have a break as often as he does.
Here?s Ashlee, Pete, and Bronx Mowgli the last time they were photographed out together, on March 3rd. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.
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| Scarlett Johansson Pays Tribute to Cinema | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Scarlett Johansson attended the Tribute to Cinema in London looking absolutely wonderful. Scarlett hardly ever looks less than stellar so that was a given anyway! I bet it's hard to look that gorgeous all the time. I mean, when you're someone like Scarlett, you gotta have other people do your hair and make-up and pick you your clothes. I can see where it just wouldn't be worth it anymore! Well, many thanks to Scarlett Johansson for keeping that hard work up to look simply amazing!
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| Doug Reinhardt says he wants to have babies with Paris Hilton | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 For me, the one saving grace in this often messed up world is that Paris Hilton hasn?t reproduced. Sure there?s war and famine and all sorts of horrendous, tragic things. But I cling to that little bit of consolation that comes with the knowledge that Hilton isn?t currently messing up an innocent child?s life. This means something to me. And stupid Doug Reinhardt is about to take it all away. Over the course of the last two years, Paris has done little more than party, strut around L.A., and talk about how much she wants a baby. And Doug seems to be the first man willing to give her one.
Nicole?s longtime BFF, Paris Hilton, 28, may be joining the mom club now that she?s serious with The Hills? Doug Reinhardt. ?Paris would make a great mom ? she?s my Angel Princess. I?d love to have some mini Parises one day,? Doug told In Touch at LA?s MyHouse on March 20. ?I?d love to have children, that?s what completes your life,? added Paris. Doug, 23, is also a better fit than her ex Benji Madden. ?She thought she could look past his tattoos and piercings, but Paris wants her children to have a clean-cut father,? says an insider. ?And they?re crazy about each other.?
[From In Touch]
Can you imagine anything more upsetting than a bunch of mini Parises? I feel physically ill. And not in that funny ?oh she?s just exaggerating to prove a point? sort of way. But like I might actually spend the day retching. None of Paris? exes ever told the press they wanted to have babies with her. Presumably because they all wanted at least a semi-fit mother for their children. And not someone who collects living things and discards them when she?s bored.
If nothing else, Paris and Doug are a good match. They?re both sorta-pretty if you don?t think about it too hard. They want the same things. And they?re equally dumb. True, it gives their kids no shot at having an I.Q. above 91. But at least they?ll be pleasant to look at and know how to walk in high heels. And isn?t that what matters?
Here?s Paris (with her latest new puppy) meeting up with Kathy Griffin (and 1,234 paparazzi) to shop at Kitson yesterday. Images thanks to WENN .
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| The Kardashian Sisters | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Kim Kardashian went to the TV Guide Sexiest Stars party with her sister Kourtney Kardashian. Now I don't even have to wear my high powered glasses to tell you that it's obvious that Kim is definitely the hotter sister! Though trust me when I say I wouldn't mind having both of these Kardashian sisters in my room together! Man, with breasts like Kim's, I would hate to ignore Kourtney and her bountiful chest. I know, they'd all cry and stick together, so maybe it's best if Kim Kardashian just comes over alone.
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| David Letterman Marries His Longtime Girlfriend | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 After congratulating Bruce Willis on his nuptials, on “The Late Show,” David Letterman slipped in a litte fact about his private life. He and his longtime girlfriend, Regina Lasko, the mother of their son Harry, have gotten married.“On Thursday, at 3 p.m., March 19, 2009, at the Teton County Courthouse in Choteau, Montana, I was married to Regina Lasko,” Letterman said about 20 minutes into the show, reading from a card. “Regina and I began dating in February of 1986, and I said, ‘Well, things are going pretty good, let’s just see what happens in about 10 years.’”Why did it take so long? “We wanted to make sure we got the prenup just right,” Letterman joked.
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| Hayden Panettiere Wears Sexy Midget Sized Dress | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Hayden Panettiere headed to Beso, and as soon as she got out of her car, the Heroes honey made a mad dash for the door. I know she’s probably a little annoyed with all the photographers, but she’s looking pretty good here - you’d think she’d want to show off this sexy legs!
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| Kourtney Kardashian Goes Sexy For TV Guide's Sexiest Stars Party | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 It was a star-studded affair as Hollywood A-listers flocked to TV Guide?s Sexiest Stars soiree. And Kim and Kourtney Kardashian were in the house showing off their sexy selves.The ?Disaster Movie? babe and her ?Keeping Up with the Kardashians? costar/sister arrived at Sunset Tower Hotel both looking sexy in strapless dresses.
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| Jennifer Love Hewitt Sexy Relaxing With Boyfriend in Mexico | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Jennifer Love Hewitt hot poolside candids with her new boyfriend Jamie Kennedy at her hotel while vacationing in Mexico.
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| Katy Perry Wants Giant Tattoo of Freddie Mercury's Face | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Katy Perry has revealed that she would like to get a giant tattoo of late Freddie Mercury?s face.Perry, 24, was doing a video interview with Florence Welch of Florence And The Machine for MySpace when she made the revelation.?I nearly got a huge tattoo of Freddie Mercury?s face on my back a few years ago,? the Sun quoted her as saying.?It?s probably for the best that I didn?t get it done, but I still want to do it,? she added.The ?I Kissed A Girl? singer also revealed that she suffered from a very unladylike problem.?I fart a lot. I?m hopping around and I?m a little gassy. I?ve had so many embarrassing moments but I don?t care,? she said.
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| Jennifer Aniston Wants To Be Single Mother | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Jennifer Aniston is preparing to become a single mother.Jennifer is so desperate to have children she is considering adopting or using donated sperm.A source said: “In a perfect world, she’d get pregnant naturally. But if ‘Mr. Right’ doesn’t show up, she’s willing to adopt or try in vitro fertilisation using donated sperm. She is working out how she wants to proceed. But one thing is definite - she wants a baby, and she wants one soon. She is willing to become a single mother.”
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| Marg Helgenberger files for divorce | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Marg Helgenberger has officially filed for divorce. She was married for nineteen years to actor/producer Alan Rosenberg. The divorce filing comes on the heels of a separation, which People claims happened in October of 2008, but papers were officially filed in December of 2008. Last October, Marg?s representative told People Magazine, ?Marg and Alan have decided to take some time apart.? Looks like they decided to make the ?time apart? permanent.
Marg is asking for spousal support, but is asking the court to deny any payments to her estranged husband. Sounds like there?s dirt there, doesn?t it?
Four months after separating from her husband of nearly two decades, CSI actress Marg Helgenberger has filed for divorce, documents filed Tuesday in Los Angeles court show.
Helgenberger cited irreconcilable differences as the reason behind her split from actor Alan Rosenberg, and is seeking spousal support while asking the court to deny him any.
“After 19 years of marriage, Marg and Alan have decided to take some time apart,” the actress’s rep told People last October. “They love and respect each other and remain committed to their family.”
Helgenberger, 50, and Rosenberg, 58, have an adult son together.
From People
Marg is a talented actress most well-known for her roles on CSI and before that China Beach. A lot of the youngsters don?t remember China Beach, but it was a great television series back int he day, and Marg acted her ass off in it. In addition to that, I?ll always remember her in Erin Brockovich, as one of the townspeople being slowly poisoned by toxic water. She was wonderful in that small role.
Marg is also a tireless advocate for breast cancer awareness, and she and her estranged husband have an eighteen-year-old son, Hugh. Let?s hope everybody behaves with class and grace during this divorce.
Marg Helgenberger and Alan Rosenberg are shown on 9/17/08 at the premiere of Apaloosa. Credit: WENN.com
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| Hunter Tylo will marry her abusive boyfriend | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Soap star Hunter Tylo’s real life is far more dramatic than anything you’d see on daytime TV. The actress is getting ready to marry boyfriend Corey Cofield, even though she once took out a restraining order against him for violence against her and two of her children. Sources say the “Bold and the Beautiful” actress has “forgiven” Cofield and believes him when he says it won’t happen again.
Although she accused the 39-year-old bass guitarist of terrorizing her children and forcing her to have sex, she’s now forgiven him, say friends, and the couple plans to marry.
The ENQUIRER has learned that The Bold and the Beautiful star isn’t the first woman to seek protection from Corey - his former live-in lover, Georgia Ginsberg, also accused him of domestic abuse. Georgia, who has a child with Corey, filed for a restraining order against him in January, while he was living with Hunter.
After years of heartache, Hunter, 46, was said to be overjoyed when she first hooked up with Corey.
But according to the restraining order she took out against him, he “snuck in the house in order to trap me upstairs” after she told him to leave on April 16, 2008. “When I tried to go past him, he violently grabbed my wrist, and as I tried to get free, he grabbed my neck tightly and said, ‘I’m not going to go away that easy.’”
She said that earlier that same month he “locked the bedroom door after I caught him in a lie about another woman and forced me to have sex saying, ‘Tell me you love me. Say it like you mean it.’” Court records describe how her daughters - Izabella, 12, and Katya, 11 - were left “visibly shaking” after he “disciplined” them while she was at work.
Corey denied all the allegations, but the judge granted the restraining order. In October, Hunter had the order lifted, saying that he’d been taking parenting classes and attending family and couple’s therapy.
“He has demonstrated a commitment to keeping peace in the family,” she said at the time.
While Hunter and Corey haven’t yet set a wedding date, sources close to the couple say the big day could come soon.
“Hunter has shocked everyone by going back to Corey,” added the source.
[From The National Enquirer]
This, to me, is even more alarming than the Chris Brown/Rihanna reconciliation, because there are children involved. I really have to wonder what the hell this woman is thinking. This guy sounds totally creepy and I don’t see how a few parenting classes and family therapy is going to change that. You would think that protecting her daughters would be priority one for Hunter, who lost her son in a drowning accident in 2007.
Corey Cofield, Hunter Tyler and her two daughters are shown at an event on 11/29/07. Credit: WENN.com
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| Jamie Lynn Spears cancels her wedding | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Jamie Lynn Spears and her babydaddy/fiance Casey Aldridge are still together, despite reports to the contrary, and traveling with Britney’s Circus tour. OK! reports that they are the picture of loving devoted parents - but don’t expect them to get married anytime soon. Jamie Lynn has canceled the wedding, as she feels ‘no need for a ring and a piece of paper’.
While Casey tenderly held their 9-month-old daughter, Maddie Briann, Jamie Lynn loaded her diaper bags, toys and Pink stroller into the minivan. Then the family took off on the four-hour drive back to their Mississippi home.
The young unmarried couple looked as connected as could be on their trip to cheer on Britney at her first show. But now Jamie Lynn ? who was 16 when she shocked the world by telling OK! in December 2007 that she was expecting a child with her 18-year-old boyfriend ? has decided not to walk down the aisle with him.
?The wedding?s off,? a source reveals to OK!. ?They are still in love, living together and very happy, but they have no plans to get married. Jamie Lynn has everything she wants and feels no need for a ring and piece of paper.?
Adds another insider, ?She and Casey have weathered a lot in their young relationship already and don?t need the pressure of making wedding plans.?
OK! Magazine
It was reported in January by In Touch that Jamie Lynn was rushing forward with her nuptials, picking out a dress, invitations and cake (although not a date). Maybe motherhood has shown Jamie Lynn that she and Casey are bonded together for life and don’t need to make it official.
Jamie Lynn is supposedly planning a country music album, and while she doesn’t have an album deal yet, perhaps she’s using her wedding as a business decision, planning on getting married close to when she releases her album. Or maybe she and Casey just aren’t getting along and she realizes it wouldn’t be a good idea to get married at this point.
Jamie Lynn Spears is shown out in Kentwood, LA on 11/8/09. Credit: INFphoto.com
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 (photo from WireImage)
CSI actress Marg Helgenberger who is married to SAG President Alan Rosenberg…or should I say who was married to…because she filed for divorce today according to OK! Magazine. When news broke that Marg had left her husband in December it was about the same time that SAG Strike talks started heating up. Now that she is officially divorcing him, I wonder if that means those talks will once again be heating up as a distraction for him?
The two met when he guest starred on Ryan's Hope, but did not star dating until she met him again at a bank when she moved to LA. The two had been married for almost 20 years and their only child moved out to go to school last year.
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