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| Demi Moore Twitters photo with missing tooth | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Demi Moore is a lot ballsier than I realized. Thanks to her Twitter we now have photos of Moore missing one of her front teeth. And due to the brevity of Twitter, we have no idea why. Yesterday morning Moore posted a re-Tweet (a link to a post someone else made) of a photo of an ad for sedation dentistry. So far her Twitters have referenced the tooth a little ? noting that she didn?t get an implant ? but haven?t explained what happened or what she did have done.
Haha @charwils65 I personally thought this look went out after you were 8 didn’t know I would be rocking it again!
Thanks @sugarhigh77 was happy to share and always appreciate the opportunity to find humilty!!! Or at least be able to laugh at myself!
Haha @questionoflife are you a dentist? No implant but thank god for modern dentistry!
That means alot coming from you thx for the love HS! RT @hotstewart Gurrrrrl!!! Own that gap in your teeth! OWN IT GURRRRL!! HOT!
lol RT @panina: @mrskutcher i bet that u’ll be the guest star in the new sequel of “LOST ” (MY TOOTH) ;)))
[From Demi Moore?s Twitter]
Moore?s comment on the tooth photo was ?Keeping it real.? She also mentioned that husband Ashton Kutcher wouldn?t re-Tweet the pictures. Apparently he doesn?t find it as funny as Demi does. And considering it?s her smile, it?s great that she can find the humor in the situation. I?m really curious about what happened, and find it a little strange that Demi?s willing to post photos but not at least a vague explanation of how she ended up without a front tooth. Presumably it wasn?t a sudden accident since she posted the dental advertisement photo yesterday morning. Though I suppose something could have happened to her and she just laid low for 24 hours. It?s seriously bugging me though. I want an explanation. And x-rays. I think if she?s willing to post photos, she should go all access.
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| There's not enough Lysol in the world | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Paris Hilton and her boyfriend Doug Reinhardt hit up a club in Cannes last night and pretty much humped each other around the place. God damn, this isn’t a porno set.
You want to know why Paris and Doug were the only ones sitting? Because no one else wanted anywhere near those snail trails Paris left on the seats. Even pouring hand sanitizer over the area didn’t work. Paris’ vagina juice just sort of repelled the antibacterial liquid like oil does to water.
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| Miranda Kerr is doing the yacht thing too | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Yachts! They’re not just for dumping bodies into the ocean anymore. They’re all the rage now in Cannes. Because that’s all there is to do. Watch movies and sunbathe on big boats. The latest adopters of the fad are Orlando Bloom and Victoria’s Secret model Miranda Kerr. Here they are confirming suspicions that my life totally sucks.
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| Clay Aiken Bashes Adam Lambert | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Stop me if you’ve heard this one — what did one doughy fairy say to the other doughy fairy after they both lost the same contest? If you guessed something like “meow” or “hiss,” you’re getting warmer. American Idol runner up Clay Aiken has gotten his claws out so he can bat them menacingly in fellow American Idol runner up Adam Lambert’s direction. Clay wrote on his official website:
Now that it’s all over, and for the record?. I couldn’t be happier about the way AI ended this year. I happened to turn it during the minute that Adam Lambert was singing “Ring of Fire” and, at that moment, thought my ears would bleed. Contrived, awful, and slightly frightening! I wasn’t really a fan and found myself surprised whenever folks told me that they liked him. Just not my cup of tea at all. But Idol is not always a matter of musical taste only. It’s about the person you like. From what little I saw, Kris seemed likable. When Ruben and I were standing next to each other every night you had two equally talented, equally unlikely, equally unpolished contestants. However, this year, there was an obvious bias.
In my opinion, it all often comes down to that last night of voting. Until the finale, folks are voting for the contestant that they want to see continue. But, I believe that on that last night, the dynamic changes. No longer forced to choose one person that they want to see win, the audience can effectively vote AGAINST the person that they don’t want to see win. There may have been some folks who voted for myself or Ruben because they didn’t like the other of us. I was the nerdy little girly boy who some didn’t want to see win, so they may have voted for Ruben. But again, I feel that Ruben and I were fairly matched. The show was different then, and folks made it in seasons 1-3 because they were “real” people who happened to sing/entertain well.
I think many were turned off by the blatant favoritism shown towards one contestant. Therefore, on that last night, they used their votes against a contestant that they were tired of hearing about and for the contestant who had been written off… they voted AGAINST an American Idol that has, for four years now, been more about the slick productions and polished contestants than it has been about finding the raw talent that it did in its first three seasons. They were votes that said “we’re tired of seeing contestants who already seem to know it all. Enough with the pretention. More Rubens, more Clays, more Fantasias and Tamyras and Kellys please.” My faith has always been in the voters. It’s now up to American Idol to decide if it will finally REALLY listen to the folks that keep it on the air.
That was waaaay too fucking long to actually read, so with the help my trusty Bitchy Bitter Queen-ese dictionary, I managed to condense it all down to one line. It seems what Clay was trying to say was, “I’d only let that guy bareback me if I’d already had seven appletinis and he brought the meth.” Those gays sure have a way with words!
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| Fergie's Glasses Are Stupid | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 I don’t know what it is with celebrities and their stupid-ass sunglasses. Fergie’s shades probably cost nine hundred dollars, but it looks like someone shoved one of those plastic eye shields they give you after you get your eyes dilated into a pair of old frames with the lenses popped out. If she’s going to go with the whole chola look, she should have gone with a pair stolen from the mall with the price tag still attached. Those just look stupid with that outfit.
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| Will Zac Efron dump Vanessa Hudgens if she doesn't get naked' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The tabloids are contradicting themselves this week over Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens? relationship. Both The National Enquirer and Star have the same basic premise: Zac is eager to shed his vanilla Disney image, and he?s seeking various remedies to try to - how do the kids say it? - ?sack up?. The Enquirer has Zac?s remedy as trying to talk Vanessa into shedding her vanilla image (amongst other things) with Zac, so they can go on to movie stardom together. Zac wants Vanessa to do some nudity in films and magazines so she won?t seem so goody-goody. The Enquirer has Zac sounding kind of like a pimp (and not in a good way, but in an icky ?ho better recognize? way):
Zac Efron is encouraging girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens to take it ALL off!
[Zac] supports Vanessa?s effort to shed her goody-goody image - and her clothes - in a ?tasteful? spread for a men?s magazine or a more mature film role, say sources.
[Friends] says she is seriously considering baring it all.
?Zac is making the leap to A-list actor, and he wants Vanessa to go along with him,? said the friend.
?[Zac] told a pal, if she has to bare more of her body in the process [of doing an edgy film], then she shouldn?t be afraid of doing that.?
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 1 2009]
Is Vanessa really that dumb? That she could talked into doing nudity just because Zac ?Not Sacked Up Yet? Efron tells her to? Perhaps a better question would be - just how bad is Zac?s advice? In the grand scheme of things, it?s probably not that bad. The thing is, Vanessa has already partially shed her good girl image, and substantially raised her profile, with nude photos that were “leaked.” She could probably do it again to some extent with an “artsy” photo spread in a magazine.
And now for Star?s take. They have Zac on the cusp of dumping Vanessa because he thinks it will be better for his image and his career. There?s no changing Vanessa, in this version, so Zac is just taking his stuff and leaving:
[After] three years together, Zac Efron is thinking seriously of moving on from girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens - because he thinks that being tied down to his Disney costar at just 21 is holding back his career!
?Zac?s been told that to go from a teen idol to a major movie star, he has to distance himself from his HSM image,? a source tells Star. ?One big thing that means is no more Vanessa. When people see them together, they think of their characters.?
It?s not surprising for Zac - who said he?ll never marry - would choose his career over his romance with Vanessa, 20, since he?s tried to put the breaks on their juggernaut of a relationship before.
?Last year when they were both house-hunting, Vanessa insisted that they share a home, but he refused,? says the source. ?It also isn?t good for Vanessa that Zac?s mom, Starla, thinks he?s too young to get so serious with her.?
?He?s reconsidering his public image. No more musicals is another step - that?s why he dropped out of the Footloose remake,? says the source.
This summer, ?they?ll be spending even more time apart,? says the source. In July, Zac begins shooting the drama The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud, which will likely film in New England. And he feels that?s the right time to make a clean break - though it won?t be easy, the source adds. ?Zac does still love Vanessa. He?s agonizing about this!?
[From Star magazine, print edition, June 1 2009]
I sort of believe both reports. Zac and Vanessa have the sexual chemistry of wet noodles, so it doesn?t seem like they would stay together for any other reason other than ?Disney told us to?. And I totally believe Zac is hellbent on becoming the next great movie star or whatever. The kid probably wants to be the next Tom Cruise. Will Vanessa really hamper his chances? Not if she becomes the next big starlet, and poses shirtless and pantless on Maxim. Then, all of a sudden, Vanessa will be Zac?s biggest asset, right?
Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron are shown outside Beso restaurant on 3/28/09 and at the premiere of Watchmen on 3/2/09. Credit: Juan Rico/Fame Pictures
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| Clay Aiken is bitter | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 A little over a week ago, it was rumored that Clay Aiken was intent on doing a duet with the American Idol star that stole his gay thunder, Adam Lambert. He even showed up unannounced backstage. That did not go over so well because AI despises Clay Aiken. He was the first contestant to dump 19 Entertainment, Idol’s management company that handles everything, and it’s assumed that he talked Kelly Clarkson into dumping them as well. Suffice to say, he was shuffled off the set as fast as you would that uncle you hate and any hopes of a duet with Lambert were dashed.
Now Aiken is bitter. On his site that he charges people $29.95 a year to read, a fan asked “what did you think about the show?” Clay’s bitchy response after the jump (via Gawker).
Now that it’s all over, and for the record…. I couldn’t be happier about the way AI ended this year. I only turn the show on once a season, and only to see what the set looks like each year. This year, I happened to turn it during the minute that Adam Lambert was singing “Ring of Fire” and, at that moment, thought my ears would bleed. Contrived, awful, and slightly frightening! I wasn’t really a fan and found myself surprised whenever folks told me that they liked him. Granted, I never saw another performance (and many folks who I trust said that he was great) but I can’t imagine I would have enjoyed it. Just not my cup of tea at all. To each his own. I never saw Kris sing on the show, but whether he was good or not is really relative. It’s usually a matter of taste, right? But Idol is not always a matter of musical taste only. It’s about the person you like. From what little I saw, Kris seemed likable. (That’s not to say that Adam isn’t just as likable as anyone.. maybe more so… I don’t know) When Ruben and I were standing next to each other every night (many years ago) you had two equally talented, equally unlikely, equally unpolished contestants…. so it really was a matter of taste as to who was voted for. While some may argue that one of us was hyped more than the other, I don’t feel that was the case. However, this year, there was an obvious bias. Not even having watched the show, I can tell you that I was WELL aware of the bias from the judges as to who should win. In my opinion, that is awfully unattractive. I don’t think I am alone
In my opinion, it all often comes down to that last night of voting. Until the finale, folks are voting for the contestant that they want to see continue. But, I believe that on that last night, the dynamic changes. No longer forced to choose one person that they want to see win, the audience can effectively vote AGAINST the person that they don’t want to see win. In the case of season two this might have happened. There may have been some folks who voted for myself or Ruben because they didn’t like the other of us. I was the nerdy little girly boy who some didn’t want to see win, so they may have voted for Ruben. I don’t know. .. But again, I feel that Ruben and I were fairly matched. We both had our detractors and negatives, but I feel we were both very worthy of being on that stage in that moment, and either of us would have been worthy of winning. The show was different then, and folks made it in seasons 1-3 because they were “real” people who happened to sing/entertain well. But, somewhere along the way, AI stopped being about real people.
It didn’t stop there. Clay also gave his thoughts on why Kris Allen won.
In a battle between David and Goliath, my money is on David!
I think many voters got sick of being “told who to vote for”. I think many were turned off by the blatant favoritism shown towards one contestant. Therefore, on that last night, they used their votes against a contestant that they were tired of hearing about and for the contestant who had been written off. And, at the same time, I think they voted AGAINST an American Idol that has, for four years now, been more about the slick productions and polished contestants than it has been about finding the raw talent that it did in its first three seasons.
Those votes for Kris were also votes to return the show to its roots of finding “real” contestants with undiscovered talent and giving them the chance to grow and shine. They were votes that said “we’re tired of seeing contestants who already seem to know it all”.
Will American Idol choose to listen to the resounding and clarion call that those voters gave them?…. “Enough with the pretention. More Rubens, more Clays, more Fantasias and Tamyras and Kellys please.” My faith has always been in the voters. I think they have gotten it right every year (mine included). It’s now up to American Idol to decide if it will finally REALLY listen to the folks that keep it on the air.
Jesus. You could hear him stomping around his room, tearing his Adam Lambert posters off the wall and wiping off his Adam Lambert mascara during that rant.
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| Britney Spears still in that bikini | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Holy crap. Are those abs? Those things haven’t been heard from since 1999. They’re probably wincing in pain because they haven’t seen sunlight in 10 years.
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| Iron Man 2: Paltrow's distant marriage; Robert Downey Jr's doughnuts | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Iron Man 2 has become quite a drama-filled set. Recently, it was reported that Gwyneth Paltrow got her panties in a bunch about co-star Scarlett Johansson. Something about Goopy not getting any attention from the crew, because they were all so busy paying attention to Scarlett in her Black Widow costume. Now word comes from Star magazine that Gwyneth is going to spend the summer on the set rather than spend any time with her husband, Chris Martin. Apparently, Gwyneth is ?fine? with being apart from Chris, and she looks forward to having some time to herself, and their marriage is basically just about the kids at this point:
Talk of trouble in their five-and-a-half-year union has long swirled around Gwyneth Paltrow and her rocker hubby, Chris Martin.
And the parents of two are setting tongues wagging again, since they?ll be apart for months this summer as Gwyneth, 36, shoots Iron Man 2 in LA, while Chris, 32, embarks on a 16-week tour with his megaband, Coldplay.
Tellingly, Gwyneth is happy with the odd arrangement, says an insider, though she played the part of the supportive wife by showing up at the opening night of Coldplay?s North American tour in West Palm Beach, Fla. on May 15.
?It lets her do her own thing. She like her freedom and has her mom, Blythe Danner, to help with the kids, Apple and Moses,? says the insider.
?They?ll try to visit Chris when she has breaks in her schedule, but Gwyneth?s fine with being apart for so long.?
Why stay in the marriage at all?
?At this point,? adds the insider, ?they?re really just in it for the children?s sake.?
[From Star Magazine, print edition, June 1 2009]
I totally buy this story. I think Gwyneth and Chris have some sort of weird marriage where they really don?t care about each other?s activities or lives. It doesn?t even seem like Chris spends that much time with the kids (or Gwyneth, for that matter) anyway. Of all the couples we talk about who could be splitting, I?d put my money on Gwyneth and Chris ending in the next year or so. She did show up at his Coldplay concert in Miami, though, and there have been a couple of sightings of the two of them together, but no photos.
In happier (or funnier) news from the Iron Man 2 set, I came across this little story that Robert Downey Jr. Robert is quite famous now for taking care of himself (after years of drug abuse) and he?s got the great body to prove it, as we recently saw from his awesome shirtless Sherlock Holmes trailer. But Robert is having issues with the demands of Iron Man 2 - specifically, the doughnut-eating demands:
Robert Downey Jr. just learned that calories count when you?re wearing the ?Iron Man? suit - because if you pork up, the waistline can?t be let out even a smidgin without a blowtorch!
After scenes that required him to keep eating donuts over a three-day shoot, Downey wasn?t kidding when he griped to wardrobe: ?I?ve gotten so fat I can?t breathe in this thing!?
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 1 2009]
I?ve read that most star in that situation have a food/barf bucket close at hand for their eating scenes. Very rarely are actors actually eating and processing the food in films, they usually just chew and spit. It looks like Robert hasn?t been doing that, though! Can Iron Man have a gut? Of course he can! It?s just more to love.
Gwyneth Paltrow is shown out with her daughter Apple, 5, and Moses, 3, on 3/29/09. Robert Downey, Jr. is shown out with his wife, Susan, and son, Falconer, 16, on 5/17/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Paris Hilton loses her phone, Cannes parties won't pay her $100,000 fee | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Paris Hilton has been busy in Cannes going to movie premieres, sticking her tongue down her boyfriend Doug Reinhardt’s throat, and losing her phone. While out partying, Paris misplaced her Blackberry, leading a Daily Mail staffer to point out that her purse was unzipped, and it could have easily been stolen or fallen out. It also led the Daily Mail to quote her in an article saying things like: “Oh, yes, oh, dear I have to keep looking!” I”m guessing the real quote goes something like: “Oh F*CK! I have nothing to pretend to talk into when I get bored and want to look cool! Oh look, something Pink and sparkly!”
Paris Hilton went into meltdown just after midnight when she lost her phone.
She told the Daily Mail that she had mislaid her BlackBerry phone, which contained details of her hundreds of celebrity friends.
Looking distraught, she told the Mail: ‘I don’t know where or when it went missing but I know I’ve got to find it’.
She ran into the Eden Roc at the Hotel Du Cap and moved quickly down a flight of stairs to the terrace to see if she had left it on the bar.
After ten minutes she emerged saying: ‘It’s the worst thing that could have happened. It has all my contacts in it and the last thing I want is for it to fall into the wrong hands’.
The Daily Mail then pointed to her clutch purse which was unzipped and it was clear that the phone could have either fallen out of the purse or it was taken.
‘Oh, yes, oh, dear I have to keep looking’ she responded, thanking the Daily Mail for assisting her.
[from Daily Mail]
Whether lost or stolen, I’m sure that whoever finds it will figure out it’s Paris’ and cause havoc. Her phone was hacked in 2005 causing many other celebrities to have to change their phone numbers. This shouldn’t be too much of a hassle for Paris, though. She loses and buys a new phone every two weeks, so she’s used to it.
She is not used to anyone saying “no” however. But that’s exactly what Cannes Film Festival organizers are saying to her. She has been demanding a $100,000 appearance fee to show up to events and be photographed, but they’ve turned down her low, low price. The only place that cares is a club called VIP.
The economic crunch has hit professional party girl Paris Hilton. According to The NY Post?s Page Six, Paris wanted $100,000 from party organizers in Cannes to show up at their events, but P.H.? who is in France for the premiere of her documentary Paris, Not France ? was in for a rude awakening when not a single organizer would plop down cash to party with the star.
?No one bit. They aren?t about to pay her. It?s not 2002,? one event producer said. ?We think she got some money from the club VIP, but everyone else is running for the hills.?
[from PopCrunch]
Maybe - just maybe - this is the beginning of the end for Paris, and the beginning of a Paris-free world for the rest of us. Here’s my prediction: Paris and Doug get hitched in a huge, over-the-top Pink and lace ceremony (with receptions in LA, NY, and London), maybe even adopt a kid (do you really think Paris would want to sacrifice her body for another living being?), and in two years tops, they go through a nasty, bitter divorce that ends in a tell-all by Doug and a teary Paris on Oprah. Then we never see her again. One can only hope.
Paris and Doug are shown in Cannes on 5/18, 5/20 and 5/21/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| New theory: Lance Armstrong dumped Sheryl Crow due to bad mojo | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 There have been many rumors about why exactly Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow really split in 2006. Sheryl herself gave an interview last year, comparing the end of her relationship with Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt?s, saying that she and Aniston had done the dumping: ?For both of us, the perceived idea is that, in our big relationships, we both got dumped. Believe me, this is not true. Neither one of us has ever gotten dumped. No one ever knows what goes on in relationships.? Sheryl?s statement contradicts several new reports coming out of Lance?s camp, though. Earlier this month, part of Lance Armstrong?s new book came out, and Lance seems to be saying he dumped Sheryl over her biological clock. Something about her being baby crazy, and he?d had enough.
Now this latest report from The National Enquirer, who seems to be quoting from another book about to be published about Lance. They claim that the real problems in the relationship began when Lance realized Sheryl had bad mojo for his cycling events. Lance?s manager even spoke to Lance about Sheryl being a distraction:
When singer Sheryl Crow became too distracting for cycling superstar Lance Armstrong, he dumped her like a bag of bricks!
[Lance] put the brakes on their 2 1/2 year romance after his coach confronted him about the relationship, according to the blockbuster tell-all: ?Lance: The Making of the World?s Greatest Champion?.
?Training for his final Tour in 2005, Lance wanted Sheryl with him,? revealed a publishing source familiar with the upcoming book.
?But in a rare confrontation, Lance?s coach Chris Carmichael told him that he discerned something disturbing in the raltionship that was distracting and could impact his performance.?
?He suggested Lance not bring Sheryl to training camp in the Alps and the Pyrenees. He expected a negative reaction, but Lance said he was thinking ?the same damn thing.? Without Sheryl with him, his performance improved and he went on to win his last Tour.?
On the heels of victory, Lance asked then 44-year-old Sheryl to marry him. But they split six months later and he publicly blamed her ticking biological clock for their breakup.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 1 2009]
Personally, I don?t really give a crap. This is a relationship that ended three years ago, and both Sheryl and Lance look petty and immature by continuing to talk about it and write about it. But if I am pretending to care, I?d say all breakup theories have some merit. Sheyl was/is smart enough to see when her relationship was going off the rails, and I could see her pulling the plug. On the other hand, I could totally buy that Lance is an emotional douchebag who promises the world to his girlfriends and never delivers, dumping them when stuff gets too serious.
Lance Armstrong and Sheryle Crow are shown together in 2004 and 2005. Credit: PRPhotos
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| Guess who's bisexual now too' | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 With everyone claiming that they’re bisexual just to generate a quick buzz, it’s no surprise other people are jumping on the bandwagon. Lady Gaga is the latest celebrity to claim that she’s dated both men and women. Except, unlike Megan Fox, this isn’t sexy at all.
In an interview with Pop Tarts, Gaga admits that she likes boys who look like girls. “All my boyfriends look like Nikki Sixx, amazing.” Ignoring pleas to stop talking, she divulged to Tarts that “Poker Face” was written about her many boyfriends. And girlfriends. Maybe. She plays coy about it when asked.
“I?ve dated a lot of guys that are really into sex and booze and gambling so I wanted to write a record that my boyfriends would like,” Gaga added. “But something I don?t really talk about is if you listen to the chorus I say ?he?s got me like nobody? then ?she?s got me like nobody.? It?s got an undertone of confusion about love and sex ?”
If Megan Fox’s story was like the hot cheerleaders you watched experiment with lesbianism through a hole in their locker room wall, Gaga’s story is like a junkie found dead of an overdose down by the river that you poke with a stick.
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| Sarah Jessica Parker has adultery problems (SATC sequel spoilers) | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sarah Jessica Parker is having adultery problems. And no, it?s not totally about those rumors from several months ago about Matthew Broderick and that random 25-year-old redhead. It seems that the Sex and the City writers are working feverishly on plotlines for the SATC sequel (of which Chris ?Mr. Big? Noth is returning) and one of the ideas pitched was Mr. Big cheating on Carrie. Beyond the simple fact that an Big-adultery plotline would be banal, SJP has issues with the writers? idea. Because of all of the rumors about her husband Matthew, SJP doesn?t her art to imitate life. According to a source close to the production, ?That subplot hit way too close to home for Sarah…[SJP] never discusses the situation with Matthew, and she certainly doesn?t want to revisit it in her acting career.? Hello, if that?s the case, SJP has bigger problems than a wonky plotline.
Sarah Jessica Parker has flexed her creative muscles on the film sequel to the ?Sex and the City? movie - by nixing an adultery story line!
After husband Matthew Broderick was reportedly snared in a cheating scandal last summer, the Emmy-winning beauty decided art would not imitate life on the big screen, sources say.
?Sarah quickly eighty-sixed a story line that had her on-screen husband Big cheating,? an insider told the Enquirer. ?When she recently read one proposed plot outline, she vetoed it.?
The hotly anticipated sequel to the 2008 film based on the HBO series begins filming in the fall and will hit theaters in May 2010. But writers and producers are already huddling to hash out plot points, supervised by Sarah.
?The first movie ended with Carrie and Big - Sarah and Chris Noth?s characters - happily married but producers wanted to add tension and conflict to the sequel,? the source said.
?Their challenge is to give audiences something juicy to draw them in, and one of the first ideas that surfaced was Carrie in crisis over cheating Big.? But Sarah, 44, definitely had other ideas.
Her 12-year marriage to Broderick, 47, hit the headlines when it was reported that he carried on a secret affair with a 25-year-old redhead. The couple stuck together and they?re now expecting twin daughters, via a surrogate.
?I think that subplot hit way too close to home for Sarah,? the source added.
?And since she?s not only the film?s major star and one of its producers, she immediately dismissed the idea.
?She never discusses the situation with Matthew, and she certainly doesn?t want to revisit it in her acting career.?
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 1 2009]
Meh to all of that. I?m going to give SJP the benefit of the doubt and say that she nixed the adultery plotline because it?s really stupid, not because Matthew was looking for a little strange. Not to spoil the first SATC movie (2008 SPOILERS), but the Miranda-Steve adultery plotline nearly killed me. That, and Carrie?s consistent narcissism and immaturity ruined the film for me, and if another adultery plot is all the writers can come up with, I won?t be seeing the second film.
As far as SJP and the state of her marriage… well, she and Matthew are expecting twin girls via surrogate, so let?s hope they?re more solid than they look. Here?s hoping!
Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick are shown on 4/26/09 and 4/27/09. Sarah is also shown with their son, James, on 5/1/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Katie Holmes performs in Memorial Day concert; does she want more 'alone time?' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 his weekend, PBS will broadcast the traditional Memorial Day concert from the White House to commemorate the sacrifice of U.S. veterans. Actress Katie Holmes is scheduled to appear in a dramatic piece based on the true story of an Iraq War vet who suffered a brain injury in combat. Katie will play the sister of the veteran. It’s not clear whether she’ll be singing or just acting.
She just took in the American Idol finale, and this weekend, Katie Holmes will be on hand for an equally all-American event.
Holmes is among a clutch of stars performing in Sunday’s 20th anniversary National Memorial Day Concert broadcast from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol on PBS (8 p.m. ET, check local listings). She plays the sister of an Iraq war veteran, Jose Pequeno, who suffered a traumatic brain injury in combat. Pequeno, his sister, Elizabeth, and his mother, Nellie Bagley, will be in the audience. Gary Sinise and Joe Mantegna co-host.
“It’s important to tell these stories and honor the sacrifice and service of these men and women and their families,” says Holmes, who has never worked with the armed forces community before. “It’s a real gift to be able to portray an American of such strength. I’m excited. I want to do justice to her story.”
She’ll get help re-enacting a veteran’s family from an acting veteran, Dianne Wiest, who tapped her to participate in the concert and with whom she co-starred in the Broadway production of All My Sons. Though they have spoken, the two haven’t seen each other since the show closed in January.
“She’s amazing,” Holmes says. “She’s an extraordinary actress and an extraordinary woman ? so kind and generous. I love her.”
The feeling is mutual. “There is something courageous and deeply giving about Katie, and there is a modesty and grace to her generosity,” says Wiest, who portrays Bagley. “The remarkable woman she plays in (the concert) will be well-served.”
Though Holmes has never performed in front of the hundreds of thousands estimated to watch the concert, she’ll have a guaranteed cheering section: her husband, Tom Cruise, and daughter, Suri. “They’re very excited,” she says.
This summer, the trio travel much farther than Washington, D.C. ? to Melbourne, Australia. The family is relocating there for three months while Holmes shoots Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, her first film lead since getting married.
“I’m really looking forward to it,” says Holmes, who plays half of a designing couple who are restoring their old New England house. It will be director Troy Nixey’s first full-length feature. Guillermo del Toro is producer and co-screenwriter.
[From USA Today]
The participation in this concert is the latest signal that Katie is looking to revamp her acting career, which has been on the back burner since marrying Tom Cruise and giving birth to daughter Suri. In Touch is reporting that even though the trio of Tom, Katie and Suri will be relocating to Australia for Katie’s new movie shoot, the actress is hoping to have some “me time” while filming.
“The idea of leaving the country and being able to focus solely on her work is appealing to Katie,” explains one of the couple’s longtime pals. “She thinks that spending some time apart will do her and Tom some good, too, because they’ll have so much to catch up on when they do see each other.”
Yet it doesn’t appear that Tom shares those feelings. And although the pal says that he’s thrilled that Katie landed the role, “he hates the idea of the family being separated for any amount of time.”
[From In Touch print version, June 1, 2009]
I’m not sure I buy this story. First of all, wasn’t the family separated for quite a lengthy amount of time while Katie was rehearsing and performing on Broadway and Tom was promoting “Valkyrie”? They seem to have weathered that separation okay. Plus, if Tom and Suri are traveling to Australia to be with Katie, chances are, she isn’t going to get a whole lot of alone time. I find it hard to believe that Katie would want to leave Suri anyway. The two are virtually inseparable.
Katie Holmes is shown on 5/20/09 outside a dance studio in LA. Credit: WENN.com
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| I want Blake Lively! | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 I don't know why either. Blake Lively is just someone I stare at because usually she is showing cleavage. I never watch her show, but I'm captivated by just wanting to see her naked. What is it about Blake? There are a couple of celebrities that I would say yes to if they asked me to get down and dirty, and Blake Lively is on that list. I just don't know what it is about her exactly. What do you think is best about Blake?
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| Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom Are Engaged | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Nothing’s official yet, but it looks as though Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr are planning to get married. The Daily Mail says
23-year old [Kerr], who first started dating Orlando Bloom in late 2007, is now rumored to be engaged to the Lord of the Rings star. The couple looked extremely loved-up during a visit to Cannes earlier this week… and Miranda has been spotted wearing what looks like an engagement ring on her left finger.
Orlando Bloom might have starred in two of the most successful movie trilogies of all time and just laid claim to gorgeous lingerie model, but I’m not worried. Not at all. My day’s coming. Why, just last week my mom told me I was destined for a lifetime of fame and success. Only she used the expression “even a blind pig finds an acorn every now and then,” and instead of giving me a reassuring hug, she dumped my suitcase on the ground and peeled off in a cloud of dust and gin, but I know that’s what she meant. Sometimes you have to look past “words” and “actions” to discover the true meaning.
(Unretouched!) lingerie shoot and (retouched) VS swimsuit catalog pics:
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 Splash News Online
Kate Hudson has dyed her golden locks brown for her new movie The Killer Inside Me and I guess in her case blondes really do have more fun. Is it just me or does it seem that she doesn't look as happy as a brunette? Personally I don't think the darker hue suits hers, it made her from glam to glum.
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| Jennifer Aniston's dog Norman is a diva on set | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 This story warms my heart. People will use it as another opportunity to bash Aniston, but I think it just shows how much she loves her dog. Jennifer Aniston is said to be so particular about how her 13 year-old pooch, Norman, is treated on set that it’s driving crew members crazy trying to cater to him. Norman has to eat organic “people” food, cannot be chained up, has a chair next to the director and even has his own masseuse:
“Norman is important in Jen’s life. But the crew is fed up with having to dote on him,” an insider told The Enquirer.
Jennifer adopted the corg/terrier mix in the mid-’90s, and Norman has proved to be her most loyal companion…
“But Norman is a nuisance on set,” the insider added. “Jen needs him around all the time but she won’t stand for him being chained up. So the dog has his own chair near the director, and Jennifer also has a doggy masseuse tend to Norman every day.http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8840/onetouchmay2120094.jpg
“She even insists that Norman eat with the crew, and that he’s fed organic, human-grade food. So Jen’s assistant has special plates made up by the caterer with free-range white meat chicken and organic rice…
Jennifer requires crew members to walk the coddled canine no less than three times a day - and they’re responsible for cleaning up after him.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 1, 2009]
I’m not a real dog person, but I have friends who are and they will love this story. My mom and aunt both cook special chicken for their dogs, there’s nothing unusual about that. Jennifer Aniston is a rich and famous movie star. If she wants her dog to be treated like a little king then he should be! I’d rather hear stories about celebrities making sure their pets are comfortable than asking that their rooms be draped entirely in white linen. That said, maybe Aniston can make more friends on set by hiring a full time carer for the dog instead of relying on the crew to watch out for Norman. He needs a dog nanny to tend to him while he’s getting massages, sitting next to the director, and eating gourmet people food.
Photo of Norman is from 3/25/09 credit: INFphoto.com. Jennifer Aniston is shown on set on 5/13/09. Credit: FPZ/Fame Pictures
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| Melissa Gilbert accuses Shannen Doherty of cheating with her first husband | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last week Star Magazine ran a story about Shannen Doherty’s history of dating taken men and breaking up their marriage. Doherty’s latest boyfriend, a photographer she met during a photoshoot last summer, was married when he hooked up with her. The guy’s mother-in-law told Star “Shannen broke up a marriage and that’s all I’m going to say!”
Shannen also broke up “Nip/Tuck” hottie and her “Charmed” co-star Julian McMahon’s marriage to Brooke Burns with a much-talked about affair in 2001. McMahon and Burns had a one year-old daughter at the time.
Now there are allegations that Doherty helped hasten the end of her former “Little House on The Prairie” co-star Melissa Gilbert’s first marriage to Bo Brinkman. Gilbert has a new memoir coming out called
Prairie Tale, and Star Magazine has advance details that Gilbert dishes on Brinkman’s one night stand with Shannen. The sad part that Star fails to mention is that Shannen was a teenager when she slept with Brinkman and may not have even been of legal age. It’s hard to tell with the vague timeline they’re giving, but she wasn’t 20 yet. Gilbert claims that Doherty seduced her husband because she looked up to her and wanted to be like her:
Shannen was just 11 when she was cast as Melissa’s niece Jenny for Little House’s final season. She immediately glommed onto Melissa, the show’s biggest star, according to the insider.
“Melissa tells of how Shannen was in awe of her. She’d follow her all around the set and even gushed how she wanted to be like her when she grew up.”
Five years after the show ended, Melissa married Bo - Dennis Quaid’s cousin - following a whirlwind eight-week romance…
But the marriage was soon in trouble and it was during a counseling session that Bo admitted he’d slept with Shannen, says the publishing insider.
“Melissa implies in the book that it was Shannen who sought Bo out, purely because she wanted to be like Melissa,” the insider says.
Just as the marriage was falling apart, Melissa bumped into Shannen - who was then only 20 - at an awards ceremony and told her she knew of the secret night of passion with her husband.
“Melissa writes that Shannen just looked her straight in the eye, smirked and made a snide comment.”
[From Star Magazine, print edition, June 1, 2009]
Melissa was married to Bo Brinkman from 1988 to 1992. Shannen was 17 in 1988, so she wasn’t of legal age until the next year. Even if she sought out Gilbert’s husband he has no excuse for taking the bait, especially from a barely-legal teenage girl! This sadly became a pattern for Doherty, though, and now she’s taken up with yet another married man.
Gilbert has sort-of admitted that she makes this claim in her book. She just found out yesterday that the news was out about the big bombshell in her book. Here’s the timeline from her official twitter account.
From user HBTracey: @melissaEgilbert Star spoils your book. Did SD really sleep with Bo? How old was she?
From melissaEgilbert: @HBTracey Star spoils your book- Star magazine?!?
From melissaEgilbert: @HBTracey Star Mag. Chelsea Handler revealed on last night’s show.- Crap
[From Melissa Gilbert's twitter]
No word from Melissa on how old Doherty was when she slept with her first husband. I guess we’ll have to wait for the book for that.
Melissa Gilbert is shown on 3/25/09. Shannen Doherty is shown on 1/10/09 and 3/8/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Kim Kardashian Opens Another Store | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Kim Kardashian was of course on hand to help open the "Dash Miami" store. I don't know what they sell there, but I bet it's got some outfits to accommodate Kim and her big assets. Even if they don't, I like looking at them. Hope they don't sell things like this. Is this why Kim Kardashian is famous? Cause that would be lame!
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| Katy Perry is Hot at a Birthday Extravaganza | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 I can look past the goofy make up Katy Perry has on because she is a hottie. For some reason I can't keep my eyes off the singer, but that's definitely not a bad thing. Katy was at a birthday extravaganza and was looking pretty good. She usually keeps the more interesting outfits for her concerts so I was surprised she wore this one. Oh well, it's Katy Perry, I can look past the outfit too. She should just go places naked!
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| Sarah Michelle Gellar not hiding her baby bump | Added 15 years ago | Source: Seriously OMG WTF |
 Daily Mail
Even though Sarah Michelle Gellar hasn't confirmed her pregnancy, I think we can safely say she is expecting a little Buffy. Wonder if now that baby bump, I mean secret, is out, she will make an announcement about Freddie Prinze Jr and her big news.
More Photos Here
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| Kristin Cavallari's 'Laguna Beach' Prom Wasn't Her First | Added 15 years ago | Source: MTV |
 'I actually went to five proms, which was a lot,' the future 'Hills' star recalls.By Jocelyn Vena
Kristin Cavallari
Photo: MTV News
It's May — you know what that means. It's getting warm, the flowers are blooming and the time-honored tradition of prom is back again. So get your corsages, turn up the cheesy music and fuel the limos, because this week we're catching up with your favorite stars and helping them relive their prom memories.
Many people capture their prom in photos that they later share with their friends and family on Facebook, but some people had a whole crew documenting every second of the dance — like Kristin Cavallari did when she was on "Laguna Beach."
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| Why is Mariah Carey's stomach so flat' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 One of my least favorite things in the world is when doctors chime in via the tabloids about what?s happening with a random celebrity that they?re not treating. This goes for psychiatrists, medical doctors, plastic surgeons, whoever. It?s cheap and I?m pretty sure most doctors could (and should) loose their license. But that?s not stopping them!
This latest case of a doctor getting all up on a celebrity?s grill is about Mariah Carey?s recent weight gain. We?ve been through Mariah?s weight drama before - she gains and looses weight more than Elizabeth Taylor in her hey-day. But this doctor, Dr. Harry Haramis (seriously), who does not treat Mariah, is pretty sure Mariah had liposuction on her abdomen. His proof? Mariah seems to have gained weight in her thighs and arms, but not her stomach:
While soaking up the sun in Cannes, France, in mid-May, Mariah Carey, 40, revealed a fuller figure. However, her arms and hips appeared to carry the brunt of the weight gain while her abs remained relatively flat.
Mariah hasn?t kept her battle of the bulge a secret. ?I?m really bad with the weight thing. I go up and down quickly,? she has said.
Although the star denies having surgery to lose weight, an insider believes that about six years ago, Mariah ?may have had lipo done to her midsection.?
Whie her rep denies that she?s had the procedure, Dr. Harry Haramis, medical director of Sleek MedSpa in New York, says it could explain why someone would appear larger in some places, but not others.
?If a person gains considerable weight after liposuction, the treated areas will not change appreciably,? says Dr. Haramis. ?The fat would go to remaining fat cells, with untreated areas getting the majority.?
[From In Touch, print edition, June 1 2009]
I have a theory about this, actually. In most paparazzi pictures of Mariah, you can totally see that she knows the camera is there. I think she sees the camera and sucks in her gut, like any respectable woman would do. The problem is that in nearly all of Mariah?s ?candid? photos, we?ve now gotten used to seeing Mariah compulsively sucking in her gut. It?s warped us. I?d bet her abdomen has just as much proportional weight gain as her arms and thighs, but she looks disproportional because she has that small, petty gut-check vanity of most women. So, did she have surgery… or is she just sucking it in all of the time?
Note by Celebitchy: Last year some bikini candids of Mariah came out and her stomach was rippled in a way that would suggest she had lipo, so I would say it’s a definite possibility.
Mariah Carey is shown out in Cannes on 5/15, 5/16, and 5/17/09. Credit: WENN.com and Fame Pictures
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| Fergie Channeled 'Jessica Rabbit' With Her Prom Dress | Added 15 years ago | Source: MTV |
 Black Eyed Peas singer was working a very different look on 'American Idol.'By Jocelyn Vena
Photo: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images
It's May — you know what that means. It's getting warm, the flowers are blooming and the time-honored tradition of prom is back again. So get your corsages, turn up the cheesy music and fuel the limos, because this week we're catching up with your favorite stars and helping them relive their prom memories.
This week, we've heard about all kinds of crazy prom fashion memories. Whether it was Whitney Port's gold dress, Stephanie Pratt's daring fashion choices that got her into trouble or Lo Bosworth's Laguna Beach-style couture, the prom is definitely known for its fashion.
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