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| Katie Holmes' Springtime Stroll in New York City | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Taking advantage of the sunshine, Katie Holmes stepped out in New York City on Friday (April 11).
The "Dawson's Creek" star looked adorable in a red cardigan with jeans and brown boots as she and a gal pal enjoyed a stroll around the city.
It seems that Katie can?t get enough of the warmer temperatures. Earlier this week, Miss Holmes took to her Twitter account with a snapshot of some flowers already blooming.
?Tulip fever :) spring in nyc,? Katie tweeted.
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| Miley Cyrus Covered Her Boobs on Instagram | Added 10 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Considering we’ve seen Miley Cyrus’ nipples for the past 3 months, is this really that exciting? Miley posted this photo on Instagram yesterday of her sitting around in a towel with her arms over her boobs. Oh, so now you’re demure?
The post Miley Cyrus Covered Her Boobs on Instagram appeared first on The Blemish.
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| Alessandra Ambrosio Whips Out Her Headdress For Coachella | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Coachella Valley Music and Art Festival is here, and Alessandra Ambrosio shared possible ensemble accessories for the famous event on Instagram Thursday (April 10).
The Victoria's Secret Angel took to her social media account with a selfie snapshot wearing a Native American headpiece.
Miss Ambrosio captioned the photo, "Becoming more inspired for @coachella with this amazing Native American headpiece @jacquieaiche #feathers #festival #coachella #foreveronvacation #inspiration #cocar."
In honor of Throw Back Thursday, Alessandra also shared a pic of her and some gal pals at last year's fest and wrote, "Can't wait for tomorrow @coachella #throwbackthursday #tbt #musicfestival."
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is an annual two-weekend, six-day event that is located in Indio, CA. Over the years, the event has attracted famous Hollywood celebrities including Vanessa Hudgens, Kate Bosworth, Katy Perry and Lindsay Lohan.
This year's lineup features hit bands including OutKast, Muse and Arcade Fire.
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| This Emma Watson Gif Is Hot Yet Terrifying | Added 10 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 What if the Emma Watson you were looking at wasn’t Emma Watson? What if it was Sofia Vergara in disguise? It’d be pretty sweet, right? Sure, if she didn’t reveal herself in the most terrifying way possible.
What I’m experience right now can most accurately be described as a nightmare boner. My penis is confused. The source of the gif is below.
If you’re wondering why, it’s from a video about masking where grown men wear silicone female body suits. Surprisingly, still not as terrifying as this.
The post This Emma Watson Gif Is Hot Yet Terrifying appeared first on The Blemish.
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| Hilary Duff & Mike Comrie Team Up for Beverly Hills Retail Romp | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 They may be legally separated, but Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie got together yesterday (April 10) for a therapy session- retail therapy!
The ?Lizzie McGuire? lady and her hockey-playing ex-beau headed over to the Chanel boutique in Beverly Hills to snatch up a few finds and catch up on life.
And according to a Radar source, Hilary and Mike have been gradually working towards reconciliation in their marriage following a family vacation to the Bahamas back in February.
The insider claims, ?Hilary and Mike hooked up when they were in the Bahamas. Once they were together with their son Luca in the Caribbean, it got emotional and real. Mike broke down and begged Hilary for a second chance.?
?They?ve been meeting for hookups ever since, and Hilary?s softened and the two are moving forward to see if they can work it out. Hilary?s one stipulation is that Mike step up to full-time parenting duties while she works on her new TV show and her music career.?
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| Is Tom Cruise's puffy face the result of too many fillers' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Can I just say how thrilled I am that Tom Cruise has returned to the tabloids? I barely even noticed that he took a public breather for about four months. This lift lover is still happy to see him awkwardly entering the public eye again.
When Tom surfaced at the Jameson Empire awards about a week ago, he looked like he’d been wrestling with a can of hairspray that landed on his forehead. His face looked puffy and full of fillers. His suit didn’t fit him well, and he was very unkempt. Tom usually looks immaculate, so I knew something was amiss. I didn’t dwell on it because there was no Tom news (beyond the new Edge of Tomorrow trailer where his character keeps on dying — over and over again).
This week’s tabloids are going bonkers over Tom’s new face. Tom has never been a stranger to surgery. He’s long been rumored to have regular touchups by a famous Brazilian plastic surgeon. He’s appeared “refreshed” on several occasions, but he usually looks good. For example, this is how Tom looked last December as he towered over Ben Stiller. Tom looked chiseled and (dare I say) handsome:
Here is Tom at last week’s awards ceremony. His face looks painfully puffy:
Star has a reaction piece on Tom’s new face. They float a few theories, but the predominant one is botched plastic surgery:
He sported a new haircut, and impeccably tailored navy-blue suit and his trademark megawatt smile. But as Tom Cruise posed on the red carpet at London’s Jameson Empire Awards on March 30, he turned heads for very different — and less flattering — reasons.
Whily many came out to see the star — who was making his first public appearance in nearly four months at the ceremony — they were shocked at how much his face had changed. “Tom’s face looked like a puffy pillow,” says an onlooker at the event, where the 51-year-old actor won the prestigious Legend of Our Lifetime award. “Everyone there couldn’t stop talking about how different he looked.”
Indeed, even though Tom was accepting an award for his more than three decades as a big-screen superstar, he looked more like an overgroon little boy than the chiseled movie idol who starred in Top Gun almost 28 years ago. And many believed the puffiness was the result of a plastic surgery treatment gone terribly wrong.
“Tom could be swollen from recent injections of a filler like Sculptra,” agrees plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn, who does not treat Tom. “This treatment is typically used to fill in gaunt faces, and it can cause facial swelling”
Though Dr. Youn says that swelling from plastic surgery will probalby “settle down” eventually, some close to Tom wonder why he bothered with fillers n the first place.
They see it as a sign of Tom’s growing obsession with looking young — which seems to have reached new heights lately. “He’s gotten terribly insecure when it comes to aging,” an insider says, adding that his single status — and fear of growing old alone — is a large part of the problem. “If he were happily married, he might not care about his appearance as much. But he really does want to settle down again. The fact of the matter is, he’s attracted to younger women, so he wants to look young.”
[From Star, print edition, April 21, 2014]
This week’s issue of Star calls Tom “Tom-Squatch!” because he’s been “hiding” from the press — possibly to recover from plastic surgery. Star says Tom’s atypically round face looks that way because he “may have had his cheeks injected with fat from his love handles.” That’s pretty harsh. I don’t think he looks like he gained weight! He simply overdid the fillers. Tom has also become obsessed with hair dye and thinks his new, fuller locks makes him look more youthful. God, this is so … pitiful? I’m starting to feel sorry for Tom Cruise.
Let’s recap again — Tom in December 2013:
Tom last week:
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Cameron Diaz: If a man cheats, women should ask 'why am I in this position?' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 No one can ever say that Cameron Diaz is lazy at promoting her work. I can’t remember the last time a romantic comedy was promoted as heavily as The Other Woman. Maybe that’s because I mostly cover celebrities who do sci-fi or action films. Cami’s last few interviews have clarified her thoughts on down-there hair and universal cheating. She’s also declined the “feminist” label. Cameron’s bringing the focus back to cheating, which is the subject of this movie. Cam talked with Redbook and says women shouldn’t blame other women for their men straying. They should look at themselves instead? Maybe not:
Dealing with cheaters: “The best revenge is to move past [the hurt] as quickly as possible and live your life. To do that, you can either take the high road or the low road. I’m not going to tell a woman to become best friends with the girl her boyfriend is cheating with, but I will say, don’t waste your energy focusing on who this woman is, what you think she has that you don’t, or how you can change the guy. If he’s a cheater, he’s a cheater. Just move on.”
Who is to blame with cheating? “We often hold the woman accountable for a guy’s actions. In reality, we need to ask ourselves, Why am I in this position? Did I learn something along the way and not listen to myself? When will I stop being scared to leave something that I know is not good for me?”
Girlfriends are the best: “What’s really valuable about a good friendship is how much you can want for the other person. Take my girlfriend Drew [Barrymore]. She has this beautiful baby and this wonderful husband and this life she’s really worked hard to build, and I’ve watched her through the whole journey. I’m so happy for her.”
[From Redbook]
I don’t think Cameron meant that women should blame themselves when their men cheat. At least I hope she didn’t mean that. It sounds like she poorly worded her reply. Perhaps she was talking about serial cheating. No one is to blame when their partner cheats the first time, but if they cheat again, don’t be surprised? In other words, I think Cameron is saying to get out of a bad relationship while the getting’s good. Help me out here, people.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Emma Stone in yellow Versace at UK 'spider-Man' premiere: lovely or tragic' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos from last night?s UK premiere of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Emma Stone? she?s just so pretty. I?m so glad she?s gone back to the ginger too. Ginger Emma is an Old Hollywood goddess. Blonde Emma is fine too, I just prefer her in red. Emma wore this custom-made Atelier Versace gown in a bright mustard yellow. Thoughts? I?m torn. The boldness of wearing such a strong yellow look reminds me of Angelina?s 2007 Cannes Film Festival moment with that Ungaro gown. I actually wonder if this Versace might have worked better on Emma if she was blonde? Or maybe brunette. Because the ginger does clash with the yellow, I think. Also: the yellow gold necklace makes this feel rather dated.
But who can nit-pick when Emma and Andrew Garfield don?t shy away from posing together? I love them. I love that they?re still together. I love that they don?t get all angsty and stupid about having their photos taken together. And look at him! Whenever I see him with Emma, he always looks like a man who just won the lottery. He?s besotted. And I?m really into him, if you remember. I had a sex dream about him a few years ago and I?ve never looked at him the same way since then. I would hit it. Hard.
I?m also including photos of Bedhead?s lover Jamie Foxx and Dane DeHaan, who is one of the bad guys in this film, I think.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Megan Fox sucks it up & says nice stuff about 'lovely, loveable' Michael Bay | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Before we get to the actual new quotes from Megan Fox ? her first interview in a while, actually ? I think we lay down the base for WHY Megan is speaking right now. She stars in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the movie executive produced by Michael Bay. The trailer came out a few weeks ago and it is one of the sketchiest, most terrifying, most horrifying things I?ve ever seen. Prepare yourselves:
Okay. Are you okay? So, that?s where Megan Fox?s career is these days. She?s had two babies very quickly, she?s bad-mouthed a lot of powerful people in Hollywood and she?s basically lucky (yes, I said it) to get work on this movie. Many were surprised that Michael Bay hired her because, well, Bay was one of the biggest targets Megan had when she went dangerously off-message during the promotion of Transformers 2. Reportedly Megan sent Bay a ?heartfelt apology? after she went off, complaining about the quality of the Transformers films and saying Bay was ?like Hitler? and ?like Napoleon.? Well, Megan has a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, and my how the worm has turned:
Why she signed on TMNT: ?I was really in love with them. I have an older sister that?s 12 years older than me, so part of it initially was because I wanted to be like my big sister. But, it?s a really cool project for me because it was a huge part of my childhood, and it?s always been.?
Working with Michael Bay again: ?He was one of the most lovely people that I dealt with in making this movie. I?ve always loved Michael. We?ve had our battles in the past but even when I?ve been really outspoken about difficulties we?ve had, I?ve always followed up by saying that I have a particular affinity to him. He can be very vulnerable, and he?s very likeable and loveable. I?ve always been very vocal about that as well. But, sometimes we clash because we both have very willful, powerful personalities.?
The April O?Neil character: ?She?s more of a leader when she explores her relationship with the turtles instead of just the human companion that gets dragged along on the adventure. It?s more representative of a modern woman?I?m completely clothed for the entire movie. There?s no gratuitous skin or sexual anything. Jonathan was really insistent on not wanting her to be sexualized or to take that sort of typical role we?ve seen women take in movies thus far, and that I?ve taken in particular.?
But she?s fine with the pin-up thing: ?I don?t really mind. It?s actually a large part of my personality. I think you can be that and you can also be intelligent and strong. I don?t think they?re in opposition to one another ? at least in my life.?
Motherhood: ?I had just had Noah when I started taking meetings to see if this would work out for me. How cool is it to have a mom that plays either a superhero or plays the part of this iconic franchise that spans so many generations? I mean, hopefully they?ll both think I?m cool.?
[From EW]
Well, she sounds? subdued. Someone got with the program, didn?t they? Megan is a prime example of the fickleness (I almost spelled that with a ?U?) of the young American male, the prime demographic that all of Hollywood wants to appeal to. In 2008-09, Megan was the hottest girl around. Every dude loved her. Every dude thought she was the hottest thing. Megan thought she was the hottest thing too, which is why she started bad-mouthing everyone and everything. And so the attention went away, she got fired from a big job and not that many people wanted to work with her. So she had to rebuild, slowly, and come back with a new attitude. But will the fickle male fanbase still be there? I really don?t know.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Star: Lindsay Lohan is '100 percent broke?, she's been drinking this whole time | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 You know how Lindsay Lohan has been partying constantly since she got out of rehab? You know how she?s been hanging out with the same sketchy characters and enablers? You know how she?s back to posing for Terry Richardson? You know how she acts like a jumpy crackhead whenever anyone tries to call her out on her crack lies? Yeah. Well, crackhead is crackie. None of this is surprising whatsoever. But Oprah hasn?t been following Lindsay Lohan?s crack shenanigans for the better part of eight years, and Oprah really and truly thought that she could remake Lindsay into a functioning member of society. Not so much.
So much for a comeback. Lindsay Lohan turned out to be a losing bet for Oprah?s OWN network. Not only did her reality show fail to score big ratings, but execs are furious with the spiraling starlet for not fulfilling her end of the bargain.
?Lindsay agreed to be authentic and give the cameras full access to her life, but she didn?t,? charges an OWN network insider. ?Instead, she didn?t film when she agreed to, did almost no publicity for the show and was drinking since almost day one of filming.?
Now LiLo is out of a job ? and cash.
?Lindsay is 100 percent broke. The only money she got was from Oprah and that?s over now.?
[From Star Magazine, print edition]
Remember back in July of last year when Oprah announced that she was paying Lindsay $2 million for LL?s exclusive interview and the OWN series? I said then that we had just witnessed the Crack-Grifting of Oprah. Oprah got hustled by one of the biggest cracktastrophes in the business. Oprah had fair warning, and I really hope she learned her lesson from this mess. I know that sounds harsh, especially considering that I do believe that Oprah was coming from a place of ?maybe I can be the one person to help this poor wreck.? But she should have known. And now she does. Lindsay has the reverse Midas Touch: the Crackie Touch. Everything Lindsay touches turns to crap.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| Abigail Clancy Has Got Legs For Days | Added 10 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 I know that most of the time when I talk about a British hottie, it’s usually because of what they’ve got going on in the front meat department. But when it comes to Abigail Clancy, I’m much more interested in her lower half. Take these shots of Abigail in a pair of tight jeans that […]
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| Jessica Biel's Sexy Selfie | Added 10 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 I don’t do many posts on Jessica Biel any more these days, mostly because I’m still a little upset that she married that ‘NSync loser and not me. I mean, c’mon, what’s he have that I don’t? You know, besides millions of dollars and fans, and his own house(s). Anyway, here’s Jessica at Tiffany’s Blue […]
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| Alessandra Ambrosio's Late Night Leg Show | Added 10 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 Here’s Alessandra Ambrosio looking seriously leggy heading out to some Hollywood club, since even the world’s hottest MILF needs a night off every once in a while. I just was kind of hoping she’d choose to spend it with the Internet’s most eligible blogger as opposed to her girlfriends. Oh well, maybe next time. I’m […]
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| Jennifer Lopez Stuns on the Set of "American Idol" as Final 7 are Announced | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Turning a few heads with her white ensemble in West Hollywood, Jennifer Lopez made her way to the set of "American Idol" today (April 10).
Smiling before the night's big show, the "On the Floor" singer sported a tight white dress, highlighting her iconic curves, as she completed her look with a pair of matching heels.
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| Sandra Bullock Hits the Studio for "The Minions" | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Staying busy with her next film project, Sandra Bullock spent the day at a sound studio in Los Angeles on Thursday (April 10).
The "Gravity" star sported a navy blue and white polka-dotted blouse, white pants, and brown sandals as she headed back to her vehicle.
Inside, the 49-year-old actress was hard at work doing voice-over for the upcoming "Despicable Me" sequel, "The Minions."
In the family flick, Gru is recruited by an organization to stop Scarlet Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world.
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| Jennifer Garner Stops by "The Daily Show" | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Making the rounds to promote her new movie, Jennifer Garner arrived at "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" in New York City on Thursday (April 10).
The "Draft Day" star looked chic in a black and white sleeveless top, knee-length black skirt, and black heels as she posed for a few pics outside.
In the sports drama, Cleveland Browns manager Sonny Weaver has the opportunity to rebuild his team when he trades for the number one pick. He must decide what he's willing to sacrifice on a life-changing day for a few hundred young men with NFL dreams.
Also starring Kevin Costner, Chi McBride, and plenty of athletes, "Draft Day" hits theaters on April 11th.
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| Carrie Underwood and Sheryl Crow Attend Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Helping honor their talented colleagues, Carrie Underwood and Sheryl Crow attended the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony at Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Thursday (April 10).
This year's inductees include Peter Gabriel, Daryl Hall and John Oates, KISS, Nirvana, Linda Ronstadt, and Cat Stevens.
Speaking about being out of the Rock Hall for so long, Paul Stanley of Kiss told the audience, "The people pay for tickets, the people buy albums, the people who nominate do not. Let's not forget that these are the people who make it all possible. We just benefit from it."
Though the ceremony was live-streamed on the web, the event won't air on television until May 31st on HBO.
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 He may be retired from soccer, but David Beckham isn't slacking on his fitness as he hit up SoulCycle in Brentwood on Thursday (April 10).
The hunky Brit wore a gray sweatshirt, Adidas sweatpants, and an orange beanie as he headed back outside after his sweat session.
Recently, the 38-year-old mega-star teamed up with Diageo to launch Haig Club, a new Scotch whiskey.
Described as a drink that "showcases butterscotch and toffee," David said of the project, "I'm proud to be working at the heart of a homegrown brand which has built an incredible heritage over 400 years."
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| Olivia Wilde Bumps the Day Away in New York City | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Bringing the bump on her stroll throughout the Big Apple, Olivia Wilde was a casual babe on Thursday (April 10).
Going out wearing a leather jacket and cool black top, the "Her" starlet sported a pair of skinny jeans as she struck the city streets.
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| Kaley Cuoco & Chris Klein Team Up for 'Authors Anonymous' LA Premiere | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 They?re both lovable stars in their own right, and last night (April 9) Kaley Cuoco and Chris Klein joined forces to promote their new movie ?Authors Anonymous.?
The ?American Pie? hunk was all smiles as he posed for pictures outside The Crest in Los Angeles with the ?Big Bang Theory? starlet ahead of the screening.
Slated to hit theaters April 18th, ?Authors Anonymous? also stars Teri Polo, Tricia Helfer, Dennis Farina and Dylan Walsh.
Per the synopsis, ?When a dysfunctional group of unpublished writers accept Hannah into their fold, the last thing they expect is her overnight success. Can these lovable misfits achieve their artistic dreams and avoid killing one another in the process??
*Fashion credit: Kaley carrying a Vince Camuto Kash clutch
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