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 Enjoying a little rest and relaxation down under, Pink strolled out to the pool deck of her hotel in Sydney, Australia on Sunday (August 4).
The ?So What? singer wore a flannel shirt, red knit hat, and some short denim cutoffs that barely covered her backside as she paced around outside the Park Hyatt Hotel.
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| Vanessa Hudgens: Fuel Stop in Studio City | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Making a pit stop to gas up her car, Vanessa Hudgens pulled into a fuel station in Studio City, California on Sunday afternoon (August 4).
The ?Spring Breakers? starlet sported a printed tank top with patterned tights and black sunglasses as she waited patiently for her tank to fill up.
Meanwhile, Vanessa and her bestie Ashley Tisdale are featured in a new E! special ?Vanessa and Ashley: Inner Circle.?
In a new promo, Hudgens admits, ?I?d rather kiss a girl than a guy,? as the voiceover states, ?Because when your best friend is asking the questions, she's going to get a real answer.?
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| Jennifer Lopez Returning to 'American Idol' | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Outlets are reporting that Jennifer Lopez is returning to the sinking ship that isAmerican Idol.She left last year to focus on her music career. Well that’s over now so she’s on her way back and will likely be joining Keith Urban and will.i.am.
As far as judges go, that should be less annoying than any other season. Not only that, but we’ll get to hear the wonderful advice offered by will.i.am. “More autotune! It would be dope if you repeated the hook 50 more times! Add in some lasers! Pew pew pew!”
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| Britney Spears Knows How To Dress For Church | Added 11 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 I know a lot of people are down on Britney Spears these days, but not me. Sure, she’s had her ups and downs, but I feel like she’s finally gotten her act together again. P.S. I’m talking about her hotness, not her career. I couldn’t care less about that. Anyway, to prove my point, here’s
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 If you’re wondering who the hottie with the tight leather dress and deer in the headlights look is, that’s Emma Rigby. Supposedly she’s a fairly well-known soap opera actress over in England, but she’s not too famous in America yet. I’m thinking that should change pretty soon though. But not because Emma’s going to be
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| Miley Cyrus Redeems Herself! | Added 11 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 After those dumpy Daisy Dukes pictures from earlier, this is more like it. Because here’s Miley Cyrus looking hot again, this time for something called Notion Magazine. I’ve never heard of them before, but so far, I’m liking what I see. A couple
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| Miley Cyrus' Daisy Dukes Fail | Added 11 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Miley Cyrus drives a Maserati. She’s rich, famous and hot, so she deserves a car that’s gonna look just as good as she does. What I am surprised about though is that Miley’s got on such terrible oversized Daisy Dukes here. I mean, you guys know that normally
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| Miley Cyrus as the star of Big Sean's 'Fire' video: hot & glamorous or look at me' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here’s Miley Cyrus not-so-enthusiastically greeting the paparazzi over the weekend in LA, and once again, Miley is showing her fondness for cutoff denim shorts with the pockets hanging low. I’ll never understand why she insists upon chopping her jeans into shorts but then leaves the pockets dangling. Why not cut the pockets away too?
Ah well, there’s no accounting for taste, which might also explain why Miley’s “We Can’t Stop” single is topping the UK iTunes chart thanks in huge part to her recent European publicity blitz. Miley is also currently starring as “The Girl” in Big Sean’s new “Fire” video. There’s an “explicit” warning with this vid, but that’s probably more for language (the occasional “F” word) than for Miley showing off her bra. She actually looks really beautiful and composed in this
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| Zooey Deschanel: 'People want to dismiss me' for being feminine & wearing pink | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I?ve said this before and I will continue saying it because I don?t care if I?m called ?uncool? by the arbiters of cool television: I watch New Girl and The Mindy Project back-to-back and I love both shows. While I think New Girl had some bad episodes last year, I?m still sticking with it because more often than not, even a bad episode still has some really funny/sweet moments. (Incidentally, The Mindy Project just kept getting better and better throughout its first season, and I have high hopes for the second season.) So, I?m a Zooey Deschanel convert ? I used to find her annoying and twee, but I love her on New Girl and I?m really liking Zooey as a person, in interviews and such. She?s quirky and weird and I like the way she talks about her version of feminism and female empowerment. Here are some highlights from her new Marie Claire interview:
On crowds: ?I get very overwhelmed by crowds, especially of strangers.? Her idea of heaven on earth is ?being on a farm, with horses, farm animals, and dogs. Select people, some food, and maybe some music. That sounds really great.?
On people today: ?My theory is that people in this day and age want to dismiss things. So they want to be able to dismiss you. They say, ?You don?t belong, you don?t deserve this because here?s why, and let me find an intellectual argument for why you wearing Pink or cuff sleeves or a bow makes you not worthy of your accomplishments. Everything you?ve done doesn?t matter because you wore the wrong thing or you speak in a way that?s feminine or you identify yourself as feminine.? And I just think that?s bulls–t. And smart people are doing it, and that?s surprising to me. I?ll give them being smart, but they?re being very shortsighted.?
She continues: ?It?s just attacking who I am. A lot of times it doesn?t have to do with what I get paid to do. It has to do with, ?Oh, you stupid person.? Even I get slammed and overwhelmed by how negative the Internet can get, and I?m an adult. I don?t pay any mind to it, but it?s pretty shocking how when you give people anonymity ? it?s like the worst of human nature.?
On her website, HelloGiggles.com: ?I just felt it?s important to teach young girls to be strong people, to not think, I can?t do this because I?m worried about what people will say. There are worse consequences, but online negativity stops people from being creative, part of which is having bad ideas as well as good ideas. When somebody says, ?That idea?s stupid,? you stop your flow of ideas. We can?t have the next generation be so afraid because they have been attacked.?
On her speech patterns: ?I became aware that people were criticizing the way I speak, which seems weird to me. I speak the way I speak, and I am an intelligent person. Sometimes I lean into California-speak more for entertainment value. It?s not that I can?t live in a world without the word like.?
Being bullied in middle school: In an oft-told tale, one day a popular classmate actually spat in her face. “I was talking to her, and she didn’t want me to talk to her. I honestly did nothing,” Deschanel recalls. “I just remember walking over to my locker and wiping the spit off my face, so humiliated.” She recently spotted her assailant in photographs at a mutual friend’s wedding. “I’ve forgiven her,” she says now. “I just don’t forget.” Looking back, she thinks middle school helped build character. “A lot of people I knew who didn’t struggle, who maybe came from a lot of money or were really pretty?those people actually have a harder time as adults in a way. They don’t even understand what it’s like to not be pretty…I’m not saying it’s good, I don’t think people should be mean to each other, [but] I think it made me stronger.”
Deciding to do a TV show: “[I] always went into [New Girl] with the thought that it could last. I never thought about doing TV, particularly because I didn’t want to be signed up for something for that long. But after being frustrated with the kinds of material I was getting in the feature world?and it’s very competitive? I just thought, Why am I doing this in the first place? If you’re an actor and you want to go where the material is, it doesn’t matter the medium. All these people who used to say, ‘Oh, I’ll never do TV,’ now want to because they see things that are successful and good on TV.” (In 1999, when Deschanel dropped out of Northwestern University after seven months to appear in Almost Famous, someone told her she should do a sitcom because she was funny. “And I was like, ‘That’s crazy.’ I remember thinking, I want to do art films.”)
Her new seven-season contract: “I always felt like a little bit of an outsider, and now I’m an outsider who’s a satellite for the outsiders? All of a sudden, I’m on the inside, and it feels weird. Because I always saw myself as sort of not mainstream.”
She has a boyfriend but she doesn?t want to talk about him: She showed a picture of her rescue dogs and mentioned that “my boyfriend” took it. She leans over to look at my list of “her boyfriend” questions, which she wants to skip. “I will say we got the dogs together, and he loves them very much.” When the couple visited the Black Dahlia house in Los Angeles, where some believe Elizabeth Short was murdered in 1947, all of a sudden they were “house-hunting.” “We saw it just to see a Lloyd Wright house,” she says. “Just because you go see a house doesn’t mean you’re going to buy it.”
Does she want kids? “I’m not going to answer that question. I’m not mad at you for asking that question, but I’ve said it before: I don’t think people ask men those questions.”
Learning from marriage and divorce? “Learned from being married and divorced? I will say this: Whether you’re married or not, if you’re in a relationship, you have to wake up every day and say, ‘I want to stay with this person.’ You have to make the commitment every day and every second and every minute.”
[From Marie Claire]
I know what she?s getting at with the questions about babies, and I respect her answer ? if she doesn?t want to talk about it, she shouldn?t. That was an effective way of shutting it down and I wish more celebrity women would do that. That being said, I have noticed that more and more, male celebrities ARE getting baby questions, so there. Feminism! As for Zooey and how she defends herself against people who call her stupid for wearing Pink and being girly? I understand what she?s getting at. I think it?s more about how she ? and other pink-wearing girly-girls ? are underestimated in society because of their girlishness. It?s not so much about ?intellect? it?s about ?can I take this woman seriously if she?s dressed like a character from Alice in Wonderland?? But I like the way Zooey is waging that battle.
Photos courtesy of Tesh/Marie Claire.
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| Naomi Campbell at the Beach in a Bikini | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Here’s Naomi Campbell at the beach in Marbella, Spain not being the violent, cell phone throwing diva she’s made out to be. She’s really calmed down in her old age.
Enough about Naomi though, let’s talk about that… larger woman she’s with. The one that has a barbed wire tattoo under her belly and above her crotch. I wonder what finishing school she went to?
The post Naomi Campbell at the Beach in a Bikini appeared first on The Blemish.
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| Adriana Lima's Technique Needs A Little Pop | Added 11 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 There’s not much to say about these pictures of Adriana Lima putting away groceries in her trunk, other than her technique could use a little work. I’d hate for her to pull a back muscle so girl needs to bend those knees, arch her back and stick that supermodel booty far out. And let’s not
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 Doing her part to prevent wildlife abuse, January Jones appears in a new Public Service Announcement on behalf of great white sharks.
The ?Mad Men? starlet teamed with ocean conservation organization Oceana for the spot, urging viewers to stand up against shark extinction.
Jones explains, ?Healthy oceans need sharks. But great whites are in danger of extinction. Please help before it?s too late.?
And with Shark Week going on over at the Discovery Channel, now is a great time to ?be scared FOR sharks,? not of sharks.
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| Halle Berry on the Time She Was Knocked Out on Set | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Back in July of 2012, reports said that Halle Berry was hospitalized for a minor head injury that resulted from filming a fight scene where her head slammed into concrete. She was apparently showing signs of a concussion having began throwing up.
Now she explains what actually happened. Halle was filming a fight scene with Michael Eklund forThe Callwhen shit got real.
Halle describes, “The bad guy in the movie accidentally slammed my head into the concrete. He misjudged how far the ground was and he slammed my head into it so I got knocked out.”
However, she says, “I went to the hospital, came back to work the next day, so it was fine.”
I think it would have been really funny if, when Halle was knocked out, the crew came up and started drawing dicks on her face. “That’s what you get for falling asleep with your shoes on, bro!”
The post Halle Berry on the Time She Was Knocked Out on Set appeared first on The Blemish.
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| Jennifer Aniston poses without makeup for her BFF hair stylist's Instagram: cute' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Chris McMillan is Jennifer Aniston?s long-time hairstylist. He?s so much more than that for Jennifer, though. He created ?The Rachel? hairstyle and when she and Brad Pitt split up, she moved in with Chris briefly. I think he?s the only one allowed to cut her hair. And he gives her blowouts on a regularly basis, and he controls the hue too, Jennifer?s patently honey/caramel/blonde. Anyway, this is a new photo of Jennifer and Chris together, which he posted on his Instagram page with the message ?Best #friends #no makeup #girl-time?.
If you go here to Chris?s Instagram, you can see that he also recently worked with Paris Hilton too. Which is kind of funny. Jennifer has a reputation as being pretty anti-technology, anti-social media. I remember John Mayer throwing some shade at her for being ?stuck in the ?90s? as far as today?s celebrity self-promotion goes ? she doesn?t have a Twitter, or a Facebook page or anything else. She doesn?t pose for selfies. She doesn?t tweet about politics. She doesn?t promote her films on social media at all. So it?s really weird to see Aniston on her hair guy?s Instagram.
As for Jennifer without makeup? I think she looks fine. I can see some sun damage and her skin looks sort of ?weathered? but that?s to be expected. She?s in her 40s and she loves to sunbathe, you know? I think she looks really good for a woman who loves the sun.
Here are some more photos of Aniston at the We?re the Millers premiere. I love the color of her dress, but the material and the design is boring/cheap. I also don?t understand why she has been doing this ratty ?bedhead? hair on so many red carpets the past few years. I?m also including some of the shots of her engagement ring, which looks much better in these photos. It looks? clearer. Less like quartz.
Photos courtesy of Instagram, WENN.
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| Naomi Campbell struts around Marbella, Spain in a ruffled bikini: hot? | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some new photos of Naomi Campbell in Marbella, Spain, where she?s vacationing with friends. No one ever said that Naomi had a bad bikini body (we just said she was crazy). She looks great! I?m surprised that this is her personal style for beachwear, aren?t you? The ruffled white bikini just seems super-cute and not particularly ?Naomi?. Anyway, she looks amazing. I wish I had her muscle tone. I wish my legs looked like that. She?s 43 years old, by the way.
As for Naomi?s summer plans? I don?t know. She?s been focused on The Face. She?s trying to make that into her new brand, I guess she hopes that ?reality show diva? will help her ease into the next chapter of her career. Naomi probably wanted to spend this summer taking some time off with a boyfriend, but I don?t think she?s dating anyone since she and Vladimir Doronin split up and he immediately began hooking up with Naomi?s protg on The Face, Luo Zilin. As far as I know, Luo and Vlad are still together, although the controversy seems to have died down a bit. I think Naomi is making a concerted effort to put herself out there like she couldn?t care less. The Mail had this interesting story more than a week ago:
Kate Moss is looking after pal Naomi Campbell as she gets over her recent split from Vladimir Doronin. Russian billionaire Doronin, 50, is now dating model Luo Zilin, 25 ? who Naomi mentored on TV show The Face earlier this year.
And to help ease her heartache, Kate has recommended that Naomi, 43, jet off to the Bodrum Well-Being Centre in Turkey to rest and relax.
?Kate wants her to go to Bodrum to get over her pain,? a source says. ?It?s not easy to see your ex move on so soon, especially with someone you mentored on TV.?
A spokesperson for Campbell said: ‘Naomi is currently in Turkey, meeting with television execs who recently bought her programme The Face, as well as doing a photo shoot for another project. It is very much a business trip and she has been working hard recently to meet the international demand for her various creative ventures including her award-winning television show. As always, Naomi is busy with future projects and it is laughable to think she needs R&R from the past.’
[From The Mail]
?Naomi is busy with future projects and it is laughable to think she needs R&R from the past.? Gurl, the more you protest, the more you care. But I seriously doubt we?ve heard the last of this. Some night, probably very soon, Zuo Zilin and Vlad are going to be in some club or restaurant and Naomi is going to come walking in and? it will be a mess. The police will be called.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Nina Dobrev on the cover of Cosmo: stunning or too J-Woww? | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Nina Dobrev covers the September issue of Cosmopolitan magazine with a “strong” and “single” headline, which I guess is a not-so-subtle reference to Nina’s recent breakup from Ian “Creeptastic Smile” Somerhalder. Nina looks really different than herself on this cover, doesn’t she? I honestly thought this cover featured a very made-under version of J-Woww although (let’s face it) Cosmo is slightly upmarket for J-Woww, which is sad because J-Woww would kill to have a Cosmo cover (you know that’s probably her ultimate career goal).
At any rate, I do think that Nina’s body looks pretty killer in this shoot even if the cover looks a bit too photoshopped and “Jersey Shore”-ish. As the editorial progresses, she looks more and more like herself even if the clothes are pretty terrible. Here are some scant excerpts from the interview:
On her friendship with Julianne Hough: “It’s been cool to find an active buddy – there are a lot girlie girls around. We don’t talk about makeup; we talk about life.”
On what she is working on at the moment: “I want to open my own yoga studio. Panning construction and looking at properties is fun. I’m using a different part of my brain. You know that feeling when you use a different muscle? You’re excited to be exercising it, but you get a little sore! Yoga changed my life. Hopefully, it will do that for others.”
[From Cosmopolitian]
Hmm, opening a yoga studio does sound like fun, but Nina should be careful about mentioning yoga so prominently in an interview because she’s bound to get a call from Russell Brand. It’s nice that she’s so close to Julianne Hough, and I’m sure the two have bonded over their mutual recent breakups of their long-term relationships. Although I suspect that Ian and Nina were a lot more — how do you say — physical than Julianne and Ryan ever were.
Oh dear god, this peacock dress is atrocious. Poor Nina.
Photos courtesy of Cosmo
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| Elle Macpherson, 49, marries billionaire Jeffrey Soffer, 44, in Fiji | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I wish I could remember the exact quote and I wish I could remember who said ? I think it was either Tina Brown or Candace Bushnell who said that at a certain point in a beautiful, famous woman?s life, she no longer cares about fame or love or emotional attachment, she merely wants a rich guy who will take of her, and preferably he will have a private jet. Something like that. Anyway, I was just reminded of that quote (that I can?t completely remember) when reading this story about Elle Macpherson. Elle has been dating millionaires and billionaires exclusively for two decades. Elle has tried relationships, she?s tries engagements, she?s even tried getting pregnant a few times, but only tried marriage once, in the ?80s. It sounds like she just got to that point where she just wanted a rich guy with a private jet:
Just married! Elle Macpherson wed billionaire Jeffrey Soffer in Fiji surrounded by family and friends, a source close to the couple confirms to Us Weekly. No other wedding details were immediately available.
The former Fashion Star host, 49, got engaged to Soffer, a hotel heir in March 2013, flashing her giant ring at a London event later than month.
The pair dated for two years before breaking up in March 2012. They reportedly rekindled their romance after the real estate developer injured his vertebrae in a November 2012 helicopter crash.
Machperson, an Australian supermodel, was previously married to fashion photographer Gilles Bensimon from 1986 to 1989. She has two sons with ex-boyfriend Arpad Busson, Arpad Flynn, 15, and Aurelius Cy, 10.
[From Us Weekly]
When I was going through photos of Elle, I found that she had an entirely different boyfriend last fall. Meaning that when Elle and Jeffrey broke up in March 2012, she moved on pretty quickly and she was even showing off her new boyfriend by the fall. But Elle and Jeffrey ?rekindled? and got engaged so I guess everything is fine now. Congrats! I?ve heard some stories about Elle being kind of crazy, but we?ll see. I hope they both know what they were getting into. Oh? he?s five to six years younger than Elle! That?s interesting. Although she looks great for 49.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Penelope Cruz & Javier Bardem name their newborn daughter Luna Encinas Cruz | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 On July 22, Duchess Kate and Prince William welcomed their son Prince George Alexander Louis. The birth of the royal baby ? and third in line to the throne ? knocked out all of the other news that day (and that week). Which probably worked out well for Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem, who welcomed their second child the same day as Will & Kate. Penelope and Javi welcomed a daughter this time around, joining older brother Leonardo, who is 2 years old now. And they just released the name of the little girl too? Luna Encinas Cruz!
Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem have named their new baby daughter Luna – the Spanish word for moon, reports suggest. The couple, according to Spanish media, have registered their little girl’s name, which is Luna Encinas Cruz. Encinas is Javier’s paternal surname and translates as live oak.
The 39-year-old actress gave birth to Luna on July 22nd – the same day the Royal baby Prince George came into the world – at the Ruber Internacional hospital in Madrid. Her Skyfall actor husband, 44, was at her side as well as her parents and siblings, Monica and Eduardo Cruz.
Penelope, who already has a two-year-old son with Javier called Leonardo, said motherhood has completely changed her.
“From the first second, you feel so much love. It is a revolutionary experience. That’s the best way I can describe it. It transforms you completely, in a second. Nature is very wise and gives you nine months to prepare, but in that moment, when you see that face, you are transformed forever.”
And despite being an internationally famous actress, she wants to keep her children out of ther spotlight as much as possible. Before she got pregnant with Luna, she said in an interview: “I want my son and my kids – if I have more – to grow up in a way that is as anonymous as possible. The fact that his father and I have chosen to do the work we do doesn’t give anybody the right to invade our privacy.”
[From Entertainmentwise]
Luna is a popular name these days ? Uma Thurman?s baby girl goes by Luna too, although Luna Busson?s birth certificate name is Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalune Florence Thurman-Busson. As for Luna Encinas Cruz? I took Spanish for years, although I?m really rusty, and I don?t think this is how traditional Spanish names are supposed to go? If they were traditional, wouldn?t it be Luna Bardem de Cruz? Or am I reversing that? Luna Cruz de Bardem? Oh? I just saw this, their son is called Leonardo Encinas Cruz too. And Javi?s full name is Javier ngel Encinas Bardem. Which means that ?Bardem? is his mother?s maiden name and he uses it as his stage name. So, Javier is giving his children his father?s surname. Got it. Anyway, congrats to Penelope and Javi. I?m sure Luna is beautiful.
Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame/Flynet.
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| Tara Reid in pink at the 'sharknado' premiere: pretty or cheap, hot mess' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of roottastic Tara Reid and spongehead Ian Zierling at the Los Angeles premiere of Sharknado on Saturday night. I’m not quite sure why they’re holding a premiere for this bloody movie since the whole of Twitter (except for me, apparently, because the trailer was enough) has watched this movie already on Syfy. I find it rather hilarious that Syfy has gotten all excited and decided to greenlight a sequel for theaters based merely upon Twitter trending. Oh well.
In terms of casting, there have actually been some pretty predictable gossip about the sequel. First, TMZ started the rumor that only Ian was invited back for the second movie (while Tara was rejected), but then producers said they’d “be lucky to have her back,” and Tara is supposedly holding out because she wants to see the script first (LOL). Further, Tara is said to be gunning for her BFFs, the Jedward twins (those zany UK singing sensations), to appear in the sequel and do some “soundtrack” work. There’s no script for the sequel as of yet, but I’m sure they’ll hire some hack to write it sooner rather than later.
Let’s talk about Tara’s dress though because she looked like a hot mess (and to think, I had such hopes for her after the American Reunion premiere) as usual. What would you describe this color as …. salmon? I guess that’s fitting for the theme of the movie. I’ve got no designer ID on this dress, but that’s to be expected because it is awful and looks like it came straight off the rack at Sears.
She looks so happy! But because she’s Tara Reid, she’s got lipstick all over her teeth.
You know, I actually am glad to see Tara on a red carpet instead of boozing it up in Cannes with some gross, 60-year-old jewelry designer on her arm and in her pants. Here are a few more photos of Tara (age 37) in another mullet dress at last Thursday’s Young Hollywood awards. Somehow, Tara’s roots weren’t nearly as prominent as they appeared on Saturday’s premiere. Maybe it’s the different lighting at work.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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 Finishing up her weekend to-do list, Miley Cyrus ran errands on Sunday (August 4) in Los Angeles.
The ?We Can?t Stop? songstress kept casual in denim shorts and a white tee shirt, which was knotted to bare her belly, as she made her way around town in her white car.
Recently, the former ?Hannah Montana? star was featured in Big Sean?s racy new music video for ?Fire,? where she showed off her toned body.
On having Miss Cyrus appear in his video, the singer told reporters, "I got Miley Cyrus for this video because she's somebody who's had a personal evolution as a lot of us have had. Besides all the personal stories I tell in the song, there are so many other ways people can make it through the fire."
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