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| Miley Cyrus says she's not moving in with her boyfriend | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 16-year-old Miley Cyrus is taking things slow and sensibly. Snort. The still-underage Disney star says she?s not ready to move in with boyfriend, model Justin Gaston. Why? Well the reason has nothing to do with age. Rather, Miley sounds like she?s sort of anal-retentive about everything being in its proper place, and Justin doesn?t seem to care.
Miley Cyrus (above) says she’s not ready to move in with her 20-year-old boyfriend, Justin Gaston, because “I get annoyed really easily.” The 16-year-old star of “Hannah Montana” told Detroit’s “Mojo in the Morning” show on WKQI: “I love him to death . . . but no . . . [Justin] is so smart, but just like, everything has to, like, go where it’s supposed to go and if it doesn’t, I get like really frustrated.” Also, we’re pretty sure Disney would frown upon that roommate situation.
[From Page Six]
First off, Justin Gaston has never said or done anything that made me think he was smart. His face says, ?I am here to look like a model douche, and that is all.? He looks like he?s got the personality of a potato sack. And yes, sometimes I do think you can tell someone?s personality just from their face. His says that he?s empty.
While dramatically different organization habits might cause friction in a relationship, I?d say the better reason for Miley not to move in with her boyfriend is that she?s a whopping 16-years-old. And as far as teenagers go, she doesn?t strike me as exceptionally mature. I really wish Miley?s parents would step in and put an end to this relationship. It hasn?t done her PR any good, and she?s not setting a great example for young girls, which is what her fame is built upon. Justin’s face tells me he could be bribed easily enough.
Here?s Miley leaving a private instruction pilates class in LA. Images thanks to Fame.com.
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| Paris Hilton Bikini Candids in Hawaii | Added 16 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 Paris Hilton has gone to Hawaii with her bikini to relax. I’m not sure what to think about Paris anymore. Sometimes she’s a nasty, slutty chick that I wouldn’t want to touch with a 1,000 foot pole, and sometimes Paris actually looks pretty good. These bikini pictures are actually pretty good. That being said, I still wouldn’t touch Paris Hilton with anything I didn’t want to have to sterilize later! What do you think of these pictures of Paris?
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| Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams are married | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 After almost a month engagement, Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams have married in Savannah, Georgia. They confirmed their engagement to Us and Ok and anyone that would listen. Congratulations, you two crazy kids. May you have many children and keep the long standing tradition of retarded celebrity baby names alive. May I suggest a chemical formula like NaCl?
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| E! gave $250K to Jolie Pitt Foundation to apologize for Ryan Seacrest | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 After a hectic awards season, it would make sense that E! Entertainment would take stock of all that happened and didn?t happen on their red carpet specials. One of the most glaring absences is the lack of a Brangelina interview with E!?s official red carpet host, Ryan Seacrest.
Seacrest famously asked rude questions of Brad and Angelina at the 2007 Golden Globes red carpet. Seacrest then made it worse by whining about Brangelina?s treatment of him during his radio show. Apparently for this year?s red carpet shows, Seacrest thought all would be forgiven. He didn?t take the hint when Brangelina ignored the E! box at this year?s Golden Globes, and instead Seacrest went racing after them. He got totally ignored, which was really funny. The next day he admitted that he shouldn?t have run after them.
After the Globes, Brangelina stopped by the E! box to talk to Guiliana Rancic at the SAGS, and at the Oscars, Brad only gave Seacrest a quick soundbite while Angelina ignored Seacrest again. Now there?s further proof that either Seacrest or E! executives were really chastened by the whole situation. According to 2007 tax filings, E! (and their parent company Comcast) donated $250,000 to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation in 2007. Fox News has more:
You can?t blame a media outfit for trying: E! Entertainment Television, the sort of armpit of celebrity TV, donated $250,000 to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation last year.
Theirs was one of just four donations to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?s joint charitable fund. The others were Angie ($1,194,911) and Brad ($956.961) themselves, and “Ocean?s Eleven” (Twelve and Thirteen, too!) producer Jerry Weintraub ($5,000).
Not even People magazine, often accused of getting exclusives from the couple by tantalizing them with remuneration, is listed in the now available federal tax filing from 2007.
Who knows what E! ? which is owned by cable provider Comcast ? thought it was buying? Maybe some extra face time on the red carpet? They certainly weren?t going to get it with headlines like this one from their online gossip back on February 20, 2009: “Angelina ? From Sex Kitten to Emaciated Mama.”
It?s not clear whether E! curried any favor with the couple because of their donation. Other than using the Pitts to film a “Wild On?” episode on the beaches of Cambodia, or making an E! True Hollywood Story about the Darfur genocide, the payback results are unknown.
The E! donation certainly added to the stunning amount Jolie & Pitt gave away through this foundation in 2007: $3.4 million. Where did the money go? It?s nice to say it did not go to any kooky religions or cults. Instead, the couple put the money to causes they?ve been vocal about. The largest single recipient was Pitt?s Make it Right Foundation in New Orleans, which got $1,364,320 million. They also split $1 million evenly among three different UN based organizations working in Darfur, Pitt?s other pet cause. Another $400,000 went to Cambodia?s children?s causes, a country from which they adopted a child, plus $150,000 to a project in his name: the Maddox Chivan Children?s Center.
Pitt, by the way, is involved in two other charities as well: his Make it Right Foundation in New Orleans, with a $15 million endowment; and the Not on Our Watch group concerning Darfur.
From Fox News
I totally believe that this was E!?s way of apologizing to Brangelina for La Seacrest?s 2007 hissy fit. The celebrity couple must have known about the sizable donation as soon as it came in, and yet they?re still denying Seacrest more than a year later. Maybe Brangelina is hoping for another donation to make it all better? Or maybe Seacrest really is that big of a bitch to talk to on a red carpet. No amount of money will make it better.
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| Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green are on & going to counseling | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 When Megan Fox became the love interest in the Transformers franchise, she was engaged to fellow actor Brian Austin Green, a small time TV star (appearances on Baywatch and Melrose place fill his IMDB page). But as soon as she hit the big time, there was speculation over how much longer their 4-year relationship would last. There was a recent rumor that they called it off, which was surprising because the day after the “news” broke, Megan slept over at Brian’s house and visited his elementary-age son at his school. Now it’s been revealed that they simply hit a rough patch - like most relationships do - and have entered couple’s counseling.
?They didn?t break up,? an insider reports exclusively to In Touch. ?They hit a rough patch. But in every long-term relationship, people go through ups and downs.? Indeed, though they were rumored to have ended their two-year engagement in February, Megan, 22, and Brian, 35, seem to be sticking to their regular routine: This week, the Transformers star took Brian?s 6-year-old son, Kassius, to school as she normally does, and the pair were also seen holding hands in public. ?These two are very much in love and plan to be together for a long time,? says a friend. Another friend adds that recently, Megan and Brian, who have been together since 2004, even agreed to seek help for their relationship problems. ?In early March, they decided to enter counseling in hopes of staying together,? says the pal. ?It was a mutual decision. Lots of couples go to therapy together, and they are committed to try and make it work.? ?He?s a really great person,? says Megan of Brian. ?When I?m not working, I?m at home [with him] all the time.?
[from In Touch]
I’m not gonna lie - Megan Fox is smokin’. She could probably have any guy in Hollywood, starting first and foremost with her Transformers costar Shia LeBeouf. The fact that she and Brian have stayed together so long says something very positive about both of them. A break up and subsequent rebound relationships would keep her in the press, which would be important for her career. But instead she is intent on keeping her life just as it was before she got famous. You’ve got to give her some respect for that.
Megan Fox is shown out in LA on 3/10/09. She is also shown out with Brian Austin Green and his son on 2/15/09. Credit: Fame
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| Kelly Clarkson tells Blender magazine she pees in the shower | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Kelly Clarkson apparently has a competition going with Jessica Simpson. They?re each trying to take the crown for ?Biggest Over-Sharing Celebrity.? And frankly, that?s not a title a lot of people want. Jessica is known for telling audiences all about her flatulence and splitting pants. And just about every other thing you?d never want to know about. But so far, she?s drawn the line at pee. And I respect her for it. But Kelly Clarkson just threw herself headfirst across that line, by telling Blender magazine that she pees in the shower. Thanks.
Here’s an interesting little fact about Kelly Clarkson for all you trivia fans out there: she’s a bit gross. In a new interview, the American Idol winner admits to both peeing in the shower and checking the tissue to see what color her snot is!
When Blender magazine quizzed Kelly on whether she feels that washing and urinating are best done separately, she told them: “Anybody who says they don?t [pee in the shower] is lying.?
And on the sticky subject of boogers she muses, ?I mean, if you have a cold, you have to check, to see how sick you are.?
Call us old fashioned, but aren’t these the kind of things we’d rather not know about stars? You wouldn’t see Marilyn Monroe admitting to that stuff.
But according to Kelly, the oversharing is all part of her special charm.
“It?s not like people look at me as unattainable, some kind of star like that,” she told the April issue of the magazine. “People love the ?real? factor that?s involved, I think.?
[From OK!]
Okay, I will grant Kelly that people don?t look at her as unattainable. She definitely strikes me as one of the celebrities I could definitely hang out with and have as a real friend. She?s accessible and real, and that?s good. But you can still have class. And it doesn?t even need to be 100% class? just like 80%. Just not talking about what you do in the shower that you should do on the toilet. Really, that?s all I ask. I will give her the mucus talk if she absolutely has to have it.
Celebitchy and I had a whole debate over just how gross it is that Kelly pees in the shower. I pointed out that pee is sterile and you can drink it, which she swears is untrue. And the internet was no help, since there are a lot of arguments either way. And Kelly has yet to say she does anything other than go in the shower, so compared to some of the stuff I just learned that people do with their urine (thanks Google), I guess that’s relatively benign.
The funny thing is, I had a really hard time writing this article without oversharing myself. Once someone starts talking bathroom stuff, it?s hard not to chime in with your own gross things or tales of woe. That?s why Kelly?s got to keep it classy. Once the cat?s out of the bag, everyone?s going to join in, and pretty soon we?ll know all about Brad Pitt and Clive Owen?s hygiene issues too.
Here?s Kelly Clarkson leaving Koko in Camden, England after performing for the shockwaves chart show on February 24th. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.
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| Paris Hilton frolics on the beach for cheesy bikini pictures | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Paris Hilton and her new boyfriend, fame chaser Doug Reinhardt, took a vacation to Maui. The purpose? Probably just to frolic on the beach for the paparazzi. This couple is rivaling Heidi and Spencer for cheesy, posed photo ops. Paris always has her obnoxious, ?I think I?m sooooo attractive? pose/face going on. Which is funny, because nothing makes her look less attractive than when she does that.
Fame noted that ?Paris’s beautiful blue bikini and wrap are the same color as the crystal clear azure Pacific Ocean. Paris and Doug are both very affectionate and touchy feely towards one another!? I wonder what she had to do to get that great line from the photogs? I?m surprised they didn?t compare it to the crystal blue of her colored contacts.
I think she looks like crap, but that?s mostly because of her personality. I guess Paris? body is fine. But it?s hard to separate such a crappy person from her body. Well, guys do it. That?s how she manages to get a boyfriend. But I?m just not capable. I see Paris and I feel itchy and uncomfortable, like her myriad diseases might actually crawl through the screen.
On that note, here are some lovely photos! Images thanks to Fame.com and Pacific Coast News.
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| Paris Hilton is in a bikini | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Paris Hilton and her boyfriend spent the day at a Hawaiian beach for a photo op. The only thing interesting about this is the ocean didn’t recede like the rest of the beach populace. Even toxic sludge would run away from Paris for fear of catching whatever she has.
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| Eva Herzigova does the bikini thing | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Eva Herzigova hit up a beach in France the other day and, um, what the hell happened? Does she eat? Why is she stupidly staring off into the distance? Does she see a squirrel? Why is her boyfriend wearing a towel in the ocean? Does any of this make sense? Am I in an alternate reality where supermodels look like they just finished chemo? Does Eva actually need SPF 75 to keep the Sun’s rays from burning her alive? So many questions.
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| Angelina Beats Brad Over Nanny Massage | Added 16 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 All may not be well in Brangelinaland — Angelina reportedly caught Brad dallying with the help late last week. According to Star Magazine
Brad was on the bed, rubbing the back of a pretty young nanny! Angie got so mad she slapped Brad and fired the girl on the spot!
“She completely flipped out,” says the insider. “She got right in Brad’s face, screaming at the top of her lungs, and told the nanny to get out of her house and never come back!”
The explosive argument woke up the sleeping twins, who began to cry. As Brad tried to console both the twins and the nanny, Angie just snapped ? and slapped! ? hitting him right across the face.
“He was stunned,” reveals the insider.
What makes this all the more shameful is that Angie reportedly used Brad’s own ballsack to slap him in the face. “Keeping his nuts on my person with his spine and what’s left of his free will really comes in handy during an argument,” she’s quoted as saying. I’d have to agree with her there. In my own personal experience, nothing stings quite like a scrotum to the face. But i’m afraid that’s a story for another day!
Angie filming “Salt” in D.C.:
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| Sienna Miller & Keira Knightley don't want to Google themselves | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It looks like we?re going to be seeing a lot more of Sienna Miller the next couple of months. Several of her films are coming out around the same time, so hopefully we?ll be enlightened by more interviews in which Sienna whines about ?the sisterhood? hating her.
Among her latest films are The Edge of Love, where Sienna co-stars with Keira Knightley. According to Coming Soon, Knightley plays Vera Phillips, ?the childhood sweetheart of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, played by Matthew Rhys, the two of them reunited in war-torn London causing acrimony with his wife Caitlin (Sienna Miller) and her prospective suitor, soldier William Killick (Cillian Murphy). As the four of them move to the Welsh countryside to escape the war, the two women become entangled in an acrimonious friendship until Dylan tries to rekindle his earlier romance with Vera.?
Sienna and Keira became friends while filming, and have maintained the friendship after shooting wrapped. Sienna tells Parade (quotes via The Press Association) that she and Keira keep each other strong - especially when it comes to the urge to Google themselves:
Sienna Miller has revealed she leans on her good friend Keira Knightley in times of stress.
“I think we keep ourselves afloat,” she tells Parade.com.
“If things happen in the press that are hard to deal with or you give in to that awful temptation to occasionally Google yourself and be mortified at what people can write about you. It’s hard to ignore it. Keira will phone me up. She’s like, ‘I’m thinking about doing it.’ I’m like, ‘I am, too, but don’t do it.’ And we’ll kind of talk each other out of it.”
The British actresses became close when they starred with each other in Dylan Thomas film The Edge of Love.
“We talk about what you talk about with any girlfriend, just what’s going on in your life,” says Sienna.
“She gives me good advice and hopefully vice versa.”
From The Press Association Hosted By Google
Sienna has also been hitting the promotional circuit for G.I. Joe, although the rumor was that her part was edited down because audiences didn?t (and still don?t) care for Sienna. Also, the trailer for The Mysteries of Pittsburgh has finally come out. Sienna filmed the movie in 2006, and famously called Pittsburgh ?Sh-tsburg? in an interview, which endeared her to nobody. This is going to be a rough couple of months for Sienna.
Sienna Miller is shown at a Montblanc event on 2/20/09. Credit: PRPhotos and Fame. Keira Knightley is shown with Karl Lagerfeld at a Chanel show on
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| E! donated $250K to Jolie-Pitt Foundation to apologize for Ryan Seacrest | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 After a hectic awards season, it would make sense that E! Entertainment would take stock of all that happened and didn?t happen on their red carpet specials. One of the most glaring absences is the lack of a Brangelina interview with E!?s official red carpet host, Ryan Seacrest.
Seacrest famously asked rude questions of Brad and Angelina at the 2007 Golden Globes red carpet. Seacrest then made it worse by whining about Brangelina?s treatment of him during his radio show. Apparently for this year?s red carpet shows, Seacrest thought all would be forgiven. He didn?t take the hint when Brangelina ignored the E! box at this year?s Golden Globes, and instead Seacrest went racing after them. He got totally ignored, which was really funny. The next day he admitted that he shouldn?t have run after them.
After the Globes, Brangelina stopped by the E! box to talk to Guiliana Rancic at the SAGS, and at the Oscars, Brad only gave Seacrest a quick soundbite while Angelina ignored Seacrest again. Now there?s further proof that either Seacrest or E! executives were really chastened by the whole situation. According to 2007 tax filings, E! (and their parent company Comcast) donated $250,000 to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation in 2007. Fox News has more:
You can?t blame a media outfit for trying: E! Entertainment Television, the sort of armpit of celebrity TV, donated $250,000 to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation last year.
Theirs was one of just four donations to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?s joint charitable fund. The others were Angie ($1,194,911) and Brad ($956.961) themselves, and “Ocean?s Eleven” (Twelve and Thirteen, too!) producer Jerry Weintraub ($5,000).
Not even People magazine, often accused of getting exclusives from the couple by tantalizing them with remuneration, is listed in the now available federal tax filing from 2007.
Who knows what E! ? which is owned by cable provider Comcast ? thought it was buying? Maybe some extra face time on the red carpet? They certainly weren?t going to get it with headlines like this one from their online gossip back on February 20, 2009: “Angelina ? From Sex Kitten to Emaciated Mama.”
It?s not clear whether E! curried any favor with the couple because of their donation. Other than using the Pitts to film a “Wild On?” episode on the beaches of Cambodia, or making an E! True Hollywood Story about the Darfur genocide, the payback results are unknown.
The E! donation certainly added to the stunning amount Jolie & Pitt gave away through this foundation in 2007: $3.4 million. Where did the money go? It?s nice to say it did not go to any kooky religions or cults. Instead, the couple put the money to causes they?ve been vocal about. The largest single recipient was Pitt?s Make it Right Foundation in New Orleans, which got $1,364,320 million. They also split $1 million evenly among three different UN based organizations working in Darfur, Pitt?s other pet cause. Another $400,000 went to Cambodia?s children?s causes, a country from which they adopted a child, plus $150,000 to a project in his name: the Maddox Chivan Children?s Center.
Pitt, by the way, is involved in two other charities as well: his Make it Right Foundation in New Orleans, with a $15 million endowment; and the Not on Our Watch group concerning Darfur.
From Fox News
I totally believe that this was E!?s way of apologizing to Brangelina for La Seacrest?s 2007 hissy fit. The celebrity couple must have known about the sizable donation as soon as it came in, and yet they?re still denying Seacrest more than a year later. Maybe Brangelina is hoping for another donation to make it all better? Or maybe Seacrest really is that big of a bitch to talk to on a red carpet. No amount of money will make it better.
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| Jennifer Aniston: I will love Brad Pitt for the rest of my life (update) | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Jennifer Aniston is promoting her film Marley and Me, which was just released in the UK. She has a new interview in this week’s Hello! Magazine. Although people are inevitably going to bash her for talking yet again about her long-over marriage to Brad Pitt, it’s worth noting that she was specifically asked about him and that she gave an honest, kind of low-key answer to the question. While doing press for this film in America a couple of months ago, Aniston pretty much dropped the vague Hallmark-kind of responses she used to give and decided to be honest and upfront with reporters. I think this strategy worked for her and I find her a lot more likable when she’s open. Most of us here don’t approve of her choice in a partner, but that’s up to her and I don’t see her as the desperate character she’s often portrayed as. Aniston is doing pretty well, but she’s had her bumps in the road and she’ll tell you about them. Here’s more from her Hello! Interview:
You were with Brad Pitt for seven years - and married for five. It must have been very intense, in the public eye? [sic]
“It was. But I don’t regret any of that time with Brad and I’m not here to beat myself up about it. They were seven very intense years together, and it was a beautiful and complicated relationship. I will love Brad for the rest of my life - you can’t take away good memories. I really do hope that we’ll be good friends again at some point. You can survive anything - human endurance is unbelievable. But yes, it’s sad coming to the end of something special. You try to avoid all the pain but that somehow causes even more. I’m a human being, have human experiences.”
[From Hello! Magazine, print edition, March 17, 2009]
There is only one guy in my past I can say that I will “love for the rest of my life,” and that’s because we were separated by forces beyond our control (it sounds Shakespearean, I know) and we were young. I don’t yearn for him or think about him much at this point, though. Do memories make for a lifelong love, as Aniston mentions, or do we move on and remember the love but not experience it? I’m not judging her and I understand what she means. It’s just that it comes across like there’s an element of pining in her love for Brad and people are going to call her on it ad nauseum as they always do.
Aniston also gave her thoughts on relationships, the fact that she doesn’t have a “type,” and she shed some light on her media strategy, which has basically been “screw ‘em, I’m speaking my mind.” I especially like that last part:
But [your relationships] are in front of the world…
“True. I wish they weren’t. So I try to rise above it. My joy in life would be to have a very deep and committed partnership, that’s what I’m interested in. But I know now that relationships are constantly evolving, and I truly don’t think that anyone can ever claim to be at a point where you go, ‘That’s it, I’ve got it!’ You are always discovering something new, or you ought to be, because it’s complacency that’s the killer.”
Do you still want to have children?
“I do. The women who inspire me are the ones with families and children and who keep on working. Why would I wish to limit myself? I want to have it all. At the moment, I’m doing pretty well. Were there times when I had a little ‘pity party’ for myself? Of course. Who hasn’t done that?”
What’s your type of man?
“Let’s just say that over the years, I’ve gone through an awful lot of ‘types’ and that’s only proved that I don’t have one in particular. There have been the nerdy, sweet lovable ones, the strong and silent, the slick guys… Men in general are a good thing - and all so different.
“What I look for is a man who can be a friend, someone who is an equal and one with whom I feel comfortable. I want to be happy and loved, and not settling for something second best and less than I deserve. But a relationship of and by itself is not what is going to make this gal survive - a relationship is the cherry on the top of the cake…”
What’s the best advice you can give from what life has taught you?
“Speak your mind and stick up for yourself. I came from a family who argued a lot and that scared me because I didn’t defend myself and answer back. Now I say what I feel. Don’t get me wrong, I would change my childhood, heartaches, successes. I really love who I am and who I’m continuing to become. Don’t be the wilting plant int he corner.”
[From Hello! Magazine, print edition, March 17, 2009]
Hello! always prints nearly full transcripts of interviews. Aniston’s quotes aren’t any longer than usual and there’s more with her in their latest issue if you’re interested and have access to it. She did bring up the “pity party” thing again, which kind of surprises me because I first thought that Hello! must have just been reprinting an older quote from her until I read this article. I think she wants to clarify that statement by saying that she’s been to dark places but she’s out on the other side now and has some perspective. As cheesy as it sounds, I like reading her interviews because she brings up a lot of important issues. We all have tough times that we endure them and move on from.
She’s giving the media more fuel for that triangle fire but she doesn’t care. Aniston can handle it and would rather speak her mind than be vague and afraid. Some well-placed words can also go much further in helping her promote her latest project.
Update: Many of you think this is a mash up of old Aniston interviews, but Hello! presents it as new, describing how she enters her hotel room and using the heading “exclusive interview.” It’s possibly a re-wording of her past interviews, as many of you have pointed out. I’m sorry for misrepresenting this interview if that’s the case, but Hello! totally had me fooled:
Vanity Fair, September 2005:
“Am I lonely? Yes. Am I upset? Yes. Am I confused? Yes. Do I have my days when I’ve thrown a little pity party for myself? Absolutely. But I’m also doing really well,” she says. “I’ve got an unbelievable support team, and I’m a tough cookie.? I believe in therapy; I think it’s an incredible tool in educating the self on the self. I feel very strong. I’m really proud of how I’ve conducted myself.”
[From Vanity Fair]
Hello! 2009
Do you still want to have children?
“I do. The women who inspire me are the ones with families and children and who keep on working. Why would I wish to limit myself? I want to have it all. At the moment, I’m doing pretty well. Were there times when I had a little ‘pity party’ for myself? Of course. Who hasn’t done that?”
Has therapy been on the agenda?
“Yes, I believe its a great tool in educating the self on the self.”
So there are slight differences in the wording between these two interviews. Either Hello! reworded some of Aniston’s old interviews and is presenting them as a new “exclusive” interview or she’s repeating herself.
Jennifer Aniston is shown with Owen Wilson at the Marley and Me premiere in London on 3/2/09. Credit: PRPhotos
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| Get Lindsay Lohan's dirty drugged look | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Lindsay Lohan is having more success with her commercial ventures than with her flagging film career. Her line of overpriced leggings sold surprisingly well, and she told E! Online in a much-mocked tweaked out red carpet interview that she’s planning to put out a bizarre line of thinly shaved diamond jewelry and lend her tarnished name to a spray tan company.
Lindsay apparently has a friendship with the spray tan maker and in a statement given to People Magazine she sounds genuinely enthused about the product. As someone who is sensitive to chemicals, I appreciate how she emphasizes that it’s mostly natural. The dirty-looking promotional photo of Lohan with giant pupils kind of ruins it for me, though. It’s not safe to put too many chemicals and crap on your skin, but if Lohan’s behavior is any indication she has no qualms about putting the stuff in her body:
You might have to wait for the spring launch of Lindsay Lohan?s much-anticipated spray tan line, but the actress is giving PEOPLE.com readers an exclusive sneak peek at one of Sevin Nyne?s sexiest campaign images. The star, who last year branched out from acting with a successful line of leggings, is known for her ever-present bronze glow, which she shows off to full effect in the ad. And the quest for a perfect fake bake is precisely what led her to create her own. ?As much as I love the sun,? she says, ?it is so bad for your skin. I have tried every product on the market and never found something that I loved.? Until, that is, she met spray tanner Lorit Simon. ?She had an amazing tanning formula that over the years we continued to perfect,? Lindsay reveals of the partnership. ?It was important to me to have a natural product that didn?t have a lot of dyes and chemicals. Our product has goji berry extract which has antioxidant properties, it has a natural golden color, it doesn?t streak and smells delicious ? not like a typical tanning product.? The $35 spray will become available exclusively in Sephora stores on the first of May
[From PeopleStyleWatch]
People doesn’t accept comments on their main site, but their specialty sections like Style Watch and TV Watch allow comments. Many commenters are pointing out on People that Lindsay doesn’t have any freckles in the ad so it’s hard to tell how well the spray tan works because her freckles are clearly Photoshopped out. Others say that she’s pretty much orange all the time and has gone out with streaks on her hands so it’s not like she’s an ideal spokesperson for a spray tan. She is decent at getting publicity for things, although it usually involves making a spectacle of herself while getting in some kind of public feud with a family member, another celebrity, or her partner.
Lindsay and her longterm girlfriend, Samantha Ronson, are still hanging in there despite their volatile relationship. TMZ reports that Samantha ditched Lindsay at a club in Vegas and Lindsay ran out screaming “did she f’ing leave?” Chill out, Lindsay, and get a spray tan. It will keep you out of trouble for 15 minutes and maybe you’ll get a better lease on life to go along with that healthy orange glow.
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| Even More Megan Fox Cleavage Candids | Added 16 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 If Megan Fox startsmaking these cleavage candids a daily thing, I will throw a party in her honor! Megan does it again and shows us her lovely assets, and I wish she would give me her number already. I have tried and tried to getthatelusive numberto ask Megan out, but so far it’s been no dice. After all these times she’s shown me her cleavage, the least Megan Fox can do is give me an opportunity to see it in person. And by that I mean not using binoculars into a window.
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| Hayden Panettiere is vindictive, likes older men | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 There was a story the other day about Hayden Panettiere being a bitch on the red carpet. Now there’s another one of her being a bitch on the set of Heroes. According to OK! Magazine, Hayden, attempting to wield what little power she has, is trying to get her ex-boyfriend Milo Ventimiglia fired.
?She refuses to be on the set at the same time as him,? the pal tells OK!. ?She is making it difficult for everyone involved.?
Since the split, Hayden has been linked to a string of men including rocker Anthony Kiedis, 46, her ex Stephen Colletti, 23, and Gerard Butler, 39.
You’d think Hayden would tread carefully. Ratings for Heroes have been on a steady decline since the first season and she’s not even the most popular character, but may be the most annoying. That Japanese guy who wiggles his nose has a bigger fan base than her. That is to say, it would be fairly easy to put a bullet in the back of her character’s head and ice Hayden for the rest of the season. Wink, wink.
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| Jude Law is Drunk, Surrounded by Ugly Chicks | Added 16 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “wearing drunk goggles” before. Well, whatever Jude Law’s drinking must be the ocular equivalent of the fucking Hubble telescope, because those skanks are disgusting.
Getting wasted with some ugly fat chicks in London yesterday:
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| Miranda Kerr is Very Beautiful | Added 16 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 I’ve called Miranda Kerr hot plenty of times because, well, she is. It’s not too often I just stop and say Miranda is beautiful. These pictures are from a Victoria’s Secret launch event and they once again show that Miranda is a very beautiful women, even when dressed conservatively. Make no mistake though, I still find Miranda Kerr amazingly hot and will do anything to see her topless!
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| Lindsay Lohan's Selling Spray Tan in a Bottle | Added 16 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Now you, too, can have that Chernobyl glow, thanks to Lindsay Lohan’s new line of self-tanner “Sevin Nyne.” People Magazine says
?I have tried every product on the market and never found something that I loved [until I met spray tanner Lorit Simon]. She had an amazing tanning formula that over the years we continued to perfect,? Lindsay reveals of the partnership. ?It was important to me to have a natural product that didn?t have a lot of dyes and chemicals. Our product has goji berry extract which has antioxidant properties, it has a natural golden color, it doesn?t streak and smells delicious ? not like a typical tanning product.?
The $35 spray will become available exclusively in Sephora stores on the first of May ? with an early web launch on Sephora.com on April 15.
And, judging from the promo ads, it also erases freckles while broadening your jaw line! I’m sure it also works as a long-lasting penile numbing agent to prolong sexual encounters, and when huffed, produces a buzz similar to that of inhaling VCR head cleaner. Lindsay Lohan’s not going to just put her name on anything, you know. It has to be a product she can stand behind. Or at least get in front of on all fours.
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| Eva Mendes eats kangaroo and grubs | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Eva Mendes has fallen for the oldest trick in the Australian Prankster’s Handbook: serving up hairy kangaroo tails and convincing your foreign guests that these are some kind of delicacy.
?I was shooting a movie in Melbourne and decided to take a road trip to Uluru. I hooked up with these spectacular Aboriginal women who insisted on cooking for me.
They got these kangaroo tails, wrapped them in tin foil and threw them on the fire, with the hair still on them. Kangaroo tail tastes like the worst beef jerky you?ve tasted in your life.?
And for dessert, Eva explained she was given grubs:
?They serve up grubs for afters. You find a tree, crack open the branches and there are these fat old worms, ready to be slightly fried and eaten.
After eating the kangaroo tails, the grubs were like the world?s finest tiramisu, believe me.?
The Insider
Australians do eat kangaroo, you can buy the meat in supermarkets and butchers, but mostly it is sold as pet meat because it has a very strong flavor that not everyone likes, obviously Eva Mendes being one of them. They are considered a sensible source of food as they are not farmed but caught from the wild.
There’s also a feeling that Kangaroos are ‘cute’ so people don’t want to eat them, and there’s a long standing joke that we’re the only country where you can visit the symbol of Australia at a zoo, then go out to dinner and eat it.
Kudos to Eva for trying new things and local customs. Particularly since the grubs I think she’s talking about are witchetty grubs, which can be eaten raw or cooked. They taste like eggs I’ve heard. I’m unsure of what film Eva was making in Australia, but she has three films currently in the works, Last Night, Bad Lieutenant:Port of Call New Orleans, and Queen of the South.
Eva Mendes is shown at a photocall in Italy for her movie Live on 2/26/09. Credit: BARM/Fame Pictures
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| Hayden Panettiere wants Milo Ventimiglia off 'Heroes' | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 So I really don?t understand what the big deal is with Hayden Panettiere. She?s been billed as the new hot girl, and I just don?t see it. Thankfully, her career post-?Heroes? seems pretty bleak, and she?s not winning over any friends in the media with her recent Hawaiian childish temper tantrum.
Maybe I just feel so strongly against Hayden because she was publicly linked to my boyfriend, Gerard Butler, amongst other alleged conquests after her split with ?Heroes? co-star Milo Ventimiglia. Now it seems that Hayden is so worked over the split that she?s attempting to get Milo fired. Ouch. OK! has more:
Heroes? Hayden Panettiere has decided to take her bitter breakup with co-star Milo Ventimiglia to the small screen. Hayden, 19, is trying to get Milo, 31, kicked off of the show, according to a mutual friend.
?She refuses to be on the set at the same time as him,? the pal tells OK!. ?She is making it difficult for everyone involved.? (Her rep denies this).
As for Milo, ?He?s not going to play any games or stoop to her level,? says the friend.
Since the split, Hayden has been linked to a string of men including rocker Anthony Kiedis, 46, her ex Stephen Colletti, 23, and Gerard Butler, 39.
From OK! Magazine
It seems pretty thin, but perhaps there?s something there. I would have given her the benefit of the doubt, but Hayden seems to be in a bad place as of late. And she?s pretty young, and this is just the kind of ?payback? that a teenage girl would attempt. Like, ?Oh my God, I can?t even see him any more, I?m gonna try to get him fired!? She probably didn?t even think it through.
Hayden Panettiere is shown on the set of Heroes on 3/10/09 and with co-star Adrian Pasdar on set in Venice Beach CA on 1/28/09. Credit: Fame Pictures
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| Britney gets a pedicure by the pool | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Britney Spears was seen getting a pedicure and caring for her two boys as she relaxed in a bikini poolside at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Miami yesterday. The pop singer is taking a couple of days off from her tour, which launched last Tuesday in New Orleans, hit Atlanta on Thursday and headed to Tampa and Miami over the weekend. Her shows were predictably lip synced, and Brit-Brit is said to have put on solid performances apart from a minor hiccup in Tampa in which she told the audience her “p*ssy was hanging out.” It’s not like they haven’t seen it before. She is scheduled to play Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, NY tonight.
Britney also went shopping in Miami, where store workers praised how unassuming she was as she spent $800 on cosmetics:
On Monday, after chilling by the pool with her two boys at the Mandarin Oriental, Spears hopped over to the Village of Merrick Park in Coral Gables with a pal/assistant and two bodyguards.
She picked up some high-ticket items at Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus and Jimmy Choo, then got a mini-makeover at D’Nature New York, where staffers didn’t recognize her at first.
”For about 15 minutes, I didn’t know who it was — she was very timid and a little plain,” store manager Liliana Martinez told The Miami Herald. ‘But then I noticed her legs — she was wearing shorts. They are divine; her body is very toned. I said to myself, `Oh my God, that’s Britney Spears!’ ”
Spears displayed no antics that plagued her last year and caused her father Jamie to take control of her affairs.
”She’s super nice, very natural, very sweet,” gushed Martinez, who did her makeup. “I stayed really calm, pretending like it was no big deal so I think she felt comfortable.”
Comfortable enough to drop $800 on Vitamin C cream, mascara, bronzer and lip gloss for herself and her companion.
[From Miami Herald]
There are some expensive perks that go along with touring. We’ll have to see whether Britney can keep up the grueling schedule throughout the next three months. Maybe by pampering herself and dropping money on high end products she’s trying to keep herself grounded, as ironic as that sounds. It’s better than driving around aimlessly, and I’d rather cover these minor stories about Britney shopping and showing off her bikini body than have some more salacious gossip about her to report. Unless she gets a hot new boyfriend.
Photo credits: The two photos of Britney laying on the lounge alone and in the pool alone are credit: Bauergriffinonline. Other photos of Britney getting a pedicure and with her boys are credit: Mavrixonline.com
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| Is Hayden Panettiere a brat on the Heroes' set' | Added 16 years ago | Source: Seriously OMG WTF |
 Hayden Panettiere aka The Cheerleader is rumored to be bringing the troubles of her break up from co-star Milo Ventimiglia aka her Uncle Peter Petrelli to the Heroes set with her according to OK!
“She refuses to be on the set at the same time as him,” the pal tells OK!. “She is making it difficult for everyone involved.” (Her rep denies this).
As for Milo, “He’s not going to play any games or stoop to her level,” says the friend.
That is why they say you don't date where you work. I guess Hayden thought she was mature enough to be dating someone 12 years older than her at 19, but when it comes to breaking up with him she is acting like a 12 year old…that is if the rumor is true.
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