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Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker are expecting their first child together
Added 375 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker are expecting their first child together
Not me being genuinely happy for a Kardashian! Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are expecting their first child together, and I am thrilled for them! Kourt and Travis got married in Italy in May 2022. I think Travis and Kourtney were trying to get pregnant even before the wedding, and Kourtney has spoken openly about how she wanted another child with Travis and that they were doing IVF for a while. In fact, during the third season premiere of The Kardashians, Kourtney said that they were done with IVF because nothing was happening. Well, it looks like something happened. Kourtney ?broke the news? to Travis during a Blink-182 concert. She held up a sign, which is actually from the ?All the Small Things? music video.

Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant! The Kardashians star, 44, is expecting her first child with husband Travis Barker, 47, she revealed on Friday with a handwritten sign held up during her husbands Los Angeles concert with band Blink-182.

The couple confirmed the news when they both posted a video of the moment to Instagram the same evening. In the clip, a black-clad Kardashian smiled and jumped up and down in the crowd at Los Angeles BMO Stadium as she held up a sign with large black letters that said: ?Travis I?m Pregnant!?

The sweet video continued with Barker looking shocked on stage as one of his Blink-182 bandmates is heard saying, Someones having a baby! The surprised drummer then made his way into the audience to embrace his wife.

[From People]

It?s sweet. As I said, I?m genuinely happy for them. Personally, I don?t care that much about Kourtney, but I adore Travis and I want the world for him. I watched his reality show with Shanna Moakler and I always came away from it respecting him as a father and a husband. He clearly adores Kourtney and now they?re having a baby! Kourtney has three children with her ex, Scott Disick. Travis has two biological kids Landon and Alabama with Shanna, plus he?s still close to his stepdaughter Atiana de la Hoya from his marriage to Shanna.

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Kim Kardashian just wants a guy with perfect teeth, no baggage & good hygiene
Added 375 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Kim Kardashian just wants a guy with perfect teeth, no baggage & good hygiene
This week, Kim Kardashian hosted a Barbie-themed birthday party for her daughter North West at the Beverly Hills Hotel. These are some photos of Kim and others leaving the party, where they were all wearing Barbie-pink. I could tell by Kim?s thousand-yard stare that North probably had a great time but the adults are pretty much done with Barbie. Just think, it will only get worse once the movie comes out.

Anyway, there are so many headlines about Hulu?s The Kardashians and I find most of the stories kind of boring or old news? But for weeks now, Kim has been pushing a narrative that she?s open to dating, that she?s got her eye on someone, that she?d like to move on completely from Pete Davidson and Kanye. So on the most recent episode, Kim made a list of what she?s looking for in a guy:

She knows what she wants. Kim Kardashian is focused on manifesting the perfect man for herself.

[I need him to] protect me [and] fight for me. Good hygiene and that is a given so I should maybe take that off, Kim said while reading off her phone. [He should be] calm. No mom or dad issues. [I want someone who is] patient, supportive, genuinely happy for me [and] successful.

The reality star noted that good teeth is an important part of her list. Teeth are, like, one of my biggest turn-ons. The straighter, the hornier I will get. I am just kidding ? but not kidding, she joked in a confessional. Also, no balding. But then I dont know if I am in love then I will rub your bald head. But we are just talking about our perfection list.

Kim went on to say that she wanted to find someone who added to her life. [He should be] spontaneous, fun [and] my friends and family love him, she continued. [I want] someone that can be a role model for my kids ? especially someone my boys can look up to.

While filming her Hulu series, the aspiring lawyer said she didnt want someone who had heavy baggage, adding, I have enough. [I hope he is] taller than me and someone that loves to work out. [He should be a] motivated and independent person. Someone who is not clingy and someone with good taste.

In a post-credits scene, Kim kept listing more characteristics that appeal to her. [I like someone] smart, kind and [who] has great manners. I want to love their scent even after the gym. [He should be able] to read a room. We could get facials together and laser. [The potential man should] have their own s?t going on but also adaptable. Respect to others especially when no one is watching.

[From Yahoo]

From the outside looking in, LA?s dating scene seems pretty tragic. I mean, there?s a reason why so many attractive young women ended up dating guys like Justin Bieber and Scott Disick: that?s the kind of guy on offer in LA. Now add to that the fact that Kim Kardashian is a major celebrity, she?s rich, she?s a mom of four kids and her ex-husband is a Nazi wingnut who threatens to kill any guy Kim dates. I mean? it?s going to be pretty difficult for Kim to find a guy to date in general, regardless of her list of ideal qualities. Which is probably why she?s been single for months. I think it?s funny that she doesn?t want a guy with mommy or daddy issues or any baggage, because sister, Kim has all of the issues and baggage for everyone.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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Jennifer Lawrence wore Loewe & Alaia in Madrid: cute or tragic?
Added 378 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Lawrence wore Loewe & Alaia in Madrid: cute or tragic?
Given the likelihood of an actors? strike, I imagine we?ll see a rush of actors promoting their projects in the coming weeks. Jennifer Lawrence must be happy that her promotional tour for No Hard Feelings is already ongoing she was in London at the beginning of the week, and then the tour moved to Madrid. These are photos from the photocall and premiere events in Spain.

At the photocall, J-Law wore a short, flouncy Alaia shirtdress which looked great on her, even if it?s not what I would have put her in. I get the vibe she was going for though it?s a racy comedy, she wanted to wear something sexy and cute. But then she wore this Loewe dress for the premiere and I have no words. I still don?t really understand why so many celebrity women are obsessed with Loewe, honestly. So many of the designs are just stunt-fashion, not real craftsmanship or anything flattering. Loewe designed that balloon-boob dress, remember that? Well, this dress on J-Law is completely awful. It?s supposed to be structured so it looks like it?s floating on her body, except that?s not what it looks like. It looks like someone stuck cardboard inserts into an oversized dress. The nude color does nothing for Jennifer either.

As much as I hate J-Law?s Dior contract, I will take Dior?s prom dresses over this sh-t any day of the week.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid and Cover Images.

12-Mar-2024 :Jennifer Lawrence wore vintage Givenchy to the VF Oscar party: Pride & Pr...
12-Mar-2024 :Jennifer Lawrence wore polka-dotted Dior at the Oscars: cute or tragic?
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Jennifer Aniston believes 'in her gut' that 'she?ll eventually meet the right person'
Added 378 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston believes 'in her gut' that 'she?ll eventually meet the right person'
Jennifer Aniston has not been in a serious relationship, to our knowledge, since Justin Theroux. Jennifer and Justin broke up although they claimed they were ?divorcing? in February 2018. I actually believe that Jennifer has dated random guys in the past five years and we just never learned about it, mostly because she never made anything official or did a big boyfriend rollout. It seemed like Aniston?s need to always be publicly associated with a man died after her fake marriage to Theroux ended. Which is fine with me and fine with Aniston?s fans. I think her life sounds amazing she?s rich, she lives in mansions, she renovates these exclusive properties to her ?70s aesthetic, she has dogs and lots of friends and a private chef. That?s the dream. But because she?s Jennifer Aniston, people always focus on her romantic life, even if there?s nothing going on there. Thus, this Us Weekly story:

In her glory days. Jennifer Aniston is still open to finding The One ? but is perfectly happy embracing life on her own.

?[Jennifer] in a great place. She?s happy, healthy and fulfilled by her career, family and friends,? an insider shares in the newest edition of Us Weekly. ?[She?s] been through a lot, but she feels blessed to be thriving personally and professionally.?

Since her divorce from Justin Theroux, Aniston has been happy rolling solo ? and isn?t worried about when the next chapter of her love life will begin. ?In her gut, Jen believes she?ll eventually meet the right person,? a second source tells Us. ?But she?s not going to beat herself up if it doesn?t happen.?

The Emmy winner recently made headlines for her decision to embrace the aging process by showing off her gray hair ? and feels ?empowered looking at beauty from the inside out,? the second source tells Us. ?Sure, she?s had subtle help here and there and occasional touch-up, but nothing too intense or over the top. She?s way more interested in natural, organic beauty methods.?

Part of feeling good is focusing on her health. Aniston tries to work out about five times a week, according to the insider, who notes that the California native ?also meditates and loves hikes with her dogs.?

That doesn?t mean the We?re the Millers star doesn?t embrace balance ? and letting loose when the moment calls for it. ?Jen?s meals are rich in protein with a healthy amount of carbs and he also indulges in treats and cheat days,? the insider explains. ?If she wants to enjoy a dirty martini or tequila, she?ll splurge. It?s no big deal.?

For Aniston, it?s about ?being as healthy and happy as she can be,? the first source says. That includes involving herself in professional opportunities that she feels passionate about. ?[She] still has goals when it comes to her acting career,? the insider shares, noting that the Break-Up actress would ?love to get her hands on an Oscar-worthy script? but has a ?go-with-the-flow attitude? about what comes next.

[From Us Weekly]

This bugs me I did a better job of making Aniston?s life sound amazing than her publicist did. Like, Aniston is at her best when she?s in her lane of comedic TV actress and all-around girl-next-door and ?friend.? That?s her brand. She?s 54 years old the jig is up, and Jennifer is living the exact life she wants for herself, so why do we have to insinuate that she?s still waiting for The One, waiting for the Oscar-bait script, waiting for the next big thing? I don?t know, this article irritated me. I have to say, I?m actually grateful that we haven?t been inundated with this kind of stuff over the past five years. Aniston?s CAA team stopped casting her as Ms. Lonelyhearts, but every now and then, they go back to that well.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC 'Asteroid City' premiere
Added 378 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC 'Asteroid City' premiere
Here are some photos from the New York premiere of Wes Anderson?s Asteroid City last night. I look forward to all of Wes Anderson?s films, although I rarely see them in the theater. I?ve heard critics say Asteroid City is Anderson?s ?best film in the past decade,? which is completely strange because his last four films (The French Dispatch, Isle of Dogs, The Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom) have been absolute masterpieces. If anything, the critical acclaim Asteroid City got at Cannes makes me question if I?ll enjoy this one.

In any case, the stars of the ensemble film came out for the premiere. Scarlett Johansson (arguably the ?star? of this film?) wore Carolina Herrera. Is it just me or has Scarlett?s styling been ?off? for years? Like, something is always going wrong the dress wasn?t properly tailored or her hair is a mess or her makeup sucks. At this premiere, I think the dress was wrong. The flower on the bust makes it look like she has a third boob.

Other stars?Margot Robbie wore Schiaparelli, an okay look which? I mean, it could be better, but at least it?s not another boring Chanel. Maya Hawke wore Prada I think she?s trying to cultivate a ?quirky fashionista? persona and I don?t hate that. We need more quirky fashionistas. I?m also including photos of Hope Davis, Adrien Brody and Georgina Chapman (they?re still happening), Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Rupert Friend in palazzo pants, plus Wes Anderson and Jason Schwartman.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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Bad Bunny Ready to Tag Team Kendall Jenner
Added 380 days agoSource: The Blemish
Bad Bunny Ready to Tag Team Kendall Jenner

Bad Bunny, the Reggaeton sensation, is back at it again. This time, hes not just getting his ass handed to him in the WWE, but hes also dropping a new single, Where She Goes, and guess what? Its all about Kendall Jenner, his rumored main squeeze, or PR move, depending on your outlook. In the []

The post Bad Bunny Ready to Tag Team Kendall Jenner appeared first on The Blemish.

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Jennifer Lawrence would 'totally' play Katniss in another Hunger Games movie
Added 380 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Lawrence would 'totally' play Katniss in another Hunger Games movie
Jennifer Lawrence truly went off the radar for a little while, got married, and had a baby. But now shes easing her way back into the movie-making and celebrity world. She has a new movie coming out, No Hard Feelings, that seems like lowkey spon-con for.wait for itBuick. Yeah, the old-school luxury imprint for General Motors. This is their marketing strategy, sponsoring a movie where a 32-year-old played by Jennifer Lawrence agrees to date a 19 year old wallflower in exchange fora used Buick Regal. Is Buick trying to appeal to a younger, hipper consumer by making their car a major plot point in a raunchy R-rated comedy? Lord, beer me strength.

I went off on a tangent there but it is an exceptionally silly corporate gambit that I believe deserves to be made fun of. I think the people making the film were happy to have any help they could get. Its hard to get original features financed these days. While promoting the Buick Movie, she said something in an interview for Variety that surprised me: she says shed happily play Katniss Everdeen againthe Hunger Games character that made her a star. I never really got the vibe that shed be down to return to that world.

Jennifer Lawrence is ready to play the girl on fire again.

The Oscar winner says she is open to returning to the ?Hunger Games? franchise after she became a household name for her work as Katniss in the four movies.

?Oh, my God ? totally!? Lawrence told me Friday morning during a Zoom video interview while promoting her new R-rated coming-of-age comedy, ?No Hard Feelings.? ?If Katniss ever could ever come back into my life, 100 percent.?

Looking off camera, she added, ?My producing partner just clutched her heart.?

The four ?Hunger Games? installments starred Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Stanley Tucci, Elizabeth Banks, Donald Sutherland and Woody Harrelson. The first, released in 2012, was directed by Gary Ross with the following three helmed by Francis Lawrence.

An upcoming prequel movie, ?The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,? stars Viola Davis, Rachel Zegler, Tom Blyth, Peter Dinklage, Jason Schwartzman and Hunter Schafer. The film chronicles Coriolanus Snow?s rise to power to become President of Panem. It is set for release Nov. 17.

[From Variety]

I remember seeing the first Hunger Games movie in college and I wont lie, I found Jennifers performance in it quite moving. Its probably because I identify with Katniss, the protective older sister. But I think the source material isnt that good. The fourth book sort of ruined the whole thing for me. Im sure Jennifer would be great as an older Katniss, maybe just coming to terms with the extraordinary trauma that the character faced as a child. But I cannot stress enough how tired I am of sequels and prequels. And honestly I think Jennifer deserves better. She has been in some questionable projects (remember Passengers?) but when shes given the right material, she does great work. Everybody deserves better in Hollywood, frankly. Viola Davis, who is a queen and who elevates every single project she appears in, deserves better than a Hunger Games prequel, Ill just say it. I think audiences are getting tired of nothing but franchises and kids films at the multiplex. Theres a sea change ahead, I hope. Streaming isnt working as a business model, nobodys going to the movies as often as they did five or ten years ago, and even Marvel movies arent always the surest betsI dont think Hollywood has been this destabilized since the collapse of the old studio system in the 1950s. Maybe something good will come out of it.

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12-Mar-2024 :Jennifer Lawrence wore vintage Givenchy to the VF Oscar party: Pride & Pr...
12-Mar-2024 :Jennifer Lawrence wore polka-dotted Dior at the Oscars: cute or tragic?
26-Oct-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence wore a black Dior ensemble to the WWD Honors: chic or f...
27-Sep-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence looked different at the big Dior show in Paris this wee...
22-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence wore Dior to the ?No Hard Feelings? NYC premiere: whoa ...
21-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence: ?You don?t have to be an a-hole to get things done?
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence wore Loewe & Alaia in Madrid: cute or tragic?
14-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence wore Dior to the ?No Hard Feelings? UK premiere: cute o...
21-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Lawrence wore Dior for the Governors Awards: surprisingly good?
3-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Lawrence: ?I had such a feminist meltdown about changing my name...
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Jennifer Lawrence wore Dior to the 'No Hard Feelings' UK premiere: cute or stuffy'
Added 380 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Lawrence wore Dior to the 'No Hard Feelings' UK premiere: cute or stuffy'
Here are some photos of Jennifer Lawrence and Andrew Barth Feldman at the London premiere of their comedy No Hard Feelings. While it feels strange to see J-Law in an ?80s-style raunchy sex comedy in the year of our lord Beyonce 2023, it seems like a natural choice for her. She?s done it all high drama, science fiction, franchise films, Oscar-bait movies, period pieces. Why not a raunchy comedy? Apparently, she was looking for something lighter and something fun, and she told reporters at the premiere that nothing had made her laugh as much as this script.

At the premiere, Jennifer wore Dior. Those are Dior gloves. Her jewelry is Tiffany & Co and Anita Ko. Like? unpopular opinion, but J-Law has never been a fashionista or a Fashion Girl. Once she got that Dior contract in her 20s, that was it and she just has Dior send her stuff for all of her events. It?s easy for her and I respect that. Dior is doing her dirty though. I?m sure the craftsmanship on the appliques and beading would blow me away, but the overall effect is just? J-Law wearing a stuffy, fussy, wannabe matronly/vintage look for the premiere of a raunchy sex comedy? The gloves don?t help either, although this is one of the better gloved looks we?ve seen recently.

True story: Andrew Barth Feldman delayed his matriculation into Harvard so he could film this with Jennifer. Amazing.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

More Photos Here

12-Mar-2024 :Jennifer Lawrence wore vintage Givenchy to the VF Oscar party: Pride & Pr...
12-Mar-2024 :Jennifer Lawrence wore polka-dotted Dior at the Oscars: cute or tragic?
26-Oct-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence wore a black Dior ensemble to the WWD Honors: chic or f...
27-Sep-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence looked different at the big Dior show in Paris this wee...
22-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence wore Dior to the ?No Hard Feelings? NYC premiere: whoa ...
21-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence: ?You don?t have to be an a-hole to get things done?
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Lawrence wore Loewe & Alaia in Madrid: cute or tragic?
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21-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Lawrence wore Dior for the Governors Awards: surprisingly good?
3-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Lawrence: ?I had such a feminist meltdown about changing my name...
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Shannen Doherty reveals that her breast cancer has spread
Added 385 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Shannen Doherty reveals that her breast cancer has spread
Shannen Doherty was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. In 2016 she underwent chemo and radiation when the cancer spread to her lymph nodes, and documented shaving her head on Instagram. By 2017 she was in remission, but in early 2020 she announced that it had returned as stage 4. It had actually returned a year earlier, but she kept it a secret because she didn?t want work opportunities to disappear, and she didn?t want people to start saying goodbye prematurely. Then at the end of April this year Shannen filed for divorce from her husband of 11 years and strongly hinted that it was due to his cheating on her with his agent. So while he was (apparently) elsewhere, this week Shannen posted videos on her Instagram of what she was going through mere months before the split:

?Charmed? and ?Beverly Hills, 90210? actor Shannen Doherty said on Instagram Tuesday that her breast cancer, which she was first diagnosed with in 2015, has spread to her brain.

The news was shared with an emotional video of Doherty, 52, crying as she underwent radiation. The process entails patients wearing a custom-made mask that keeps the head still during the treatment so that the lasers can hit the tumor as accurately as possible.

?On January 5th, my ct scan showed Mets in my brain,? Doherty said. ?January 12 the first round of radiation took place. My fear is obvious.?

Doherty says that she is ?extremely claustrophobic? and that ?there was a lot going on in my life? when the treatment was conducted. The announcement came a day after she shared another video in which she was being fitted for the radiation mask after she received her CT scan.

?That fear? The turmoil? the timing of it all? This is what cancer can look like,? she added.

Doherty has been dealing with her cancer diagnosis for years. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, after she says that her dog Bowie started to ?obsessively sniff? her side. By 2016, the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, and she had to undergo eight rounds of chemotherapy and radiation.

She went into remission in 2017, but a year later, her tumor markers became ?elevated,? according to the Associated Press. Then in 2020, she announced on ?Good Morning America? that it had returned as stage 4, meaning that it has spread beyond its original location, according to the American Cancer Society.

Doherty broke the news that her cancer has spread weeks after the ?Heathers? star filed for divorce from her husband, Kurt Iswarienko, her representative told the Associated Press. They had been married for 11 years.

?Divorce is the last thing Shannen wanted,? her publicist told the outlet. ?Unfortunately, she felt she was left with no other option.?

[From CBS News]

I don?t want to waste any more space here on her ex, his actions speak for themselves. What does deserve attention is Shannen?s bravery in sharing these videos. They are vivid and horrific. The first, from January 9th, shows her being fitted for the protective mask. Her head rests on the back part of the mask, and a malleable cover is placed over her head. The top piece has an opening around Shannen?s eyes and nose, but not her mouth. A popsicle stick is placed over the piece at the mouth area for Shannen to bite down on (through the mask material). After she bites down three medical attendants set about fastening the top piece to the part her head is resting on, this is done one-by-one with five screws that audibly snap into place, effectively bolting her to the table. Whoever is filming this (I hope it?s a friend) has moved closer to Shannen at this point and we can see her quietly crying and trembling underneath the blanket. That was just the fitting.

The second video, taken three days later, is much shorter and shows Shannen already bolted into the mask, popsicle stick-bit in place and under a neon red light. We hear clanking noises in the background, as well as attendants saying ?That?s perfect. That?s fantastic, right there. Ooh that?s pretty good.? I presume they are commenting on something like a piece of equipment being set up properly, but it cannot be understated how jarring it is to hear those background comments (made by men), that sound like bad photoshoot dialogue, in juxtaposition with what we?re seeing: an extreme close up of the tears running down Shannen?s face. The video pulls back and ends with a doctor saying ?That?s the hard part, Shannen, and now we?re gonna get going.?

I?m sure everyone reading this has their own personal connection to cancer through someone in their lives, if not themselves directly. I do. My family does. The disease and the treatments push the limits of what it is to be human. The nearly two million people who follow Shannen on Instagram will watch these videos and think, ?I know that,? and hopefully will feel less alone.

One last thought: a dog can save your life.

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Princess Kate stepped out for the second day in a row while Harry is testifying
Added 385 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Princess Kate stepped out for the second day in a row while Harry is testifying
This is amazing. It?s absolutely hilarious that the palace brain trust decided to use the Princess of Wales as ?counterprogramming? for Prince Harry?s court appearances in London. Remember how often the palace brain trust would speak glowingly of themselves, like they were the creme de la creme of international public relations, that they were the best image-makers in the world? And here we have yet another example of how thoroughly they?re in the trenches, how badly they miscalculated everything. They have to send poor, lazy Jazz Hands out there in a ponytail to pose for photos. Poor sausage had to work two days in a row, specifically because Harry is in town.

Kate Middleton is playing with the guys! The Princess of Wales, 41, took part in some rugby training on Wednesday morning before talking to the players about their childhoods as she highlights her ongoing campaign highlighting the importance of the early years in a persons life. The outing combined her leadership of the Shaping Us initiative to talk about how best to nurture children with her support for the game of rugby, of which she is patron of the Rugby Football Union.

While Princess Kate has spent a lot of time with mothers and carers since launching her campaign in January, the visit to Maidenhead Rugby Club was all about hearing from men. After taking part in the rugby drills on the field while sporting a high ponytail and blue t-shirt featuring a red rose, England rugbys logo, she went inside to talk about the impact that local sports clubs have for those who are helping to raise children.

Kate was joined by Shaping Us champion Ugo Monye, a former England rugby professional and father of two, and other professional rugby players and representatives from Maidenhead RFC. Also there was Si Trower, the founder of the mental health charity Brave Mind, which works with rugby clubs, universities and schools to provide a platform to help rugby clubs an schools to improve their approach to supporting mental health in their community.

Her visit came as her Early Years Foundation found that men are less likely than women to realize the importance of the first years of a child?s life.

[From People]

It?s about rugby! No, it?s about Early Years! No, it?s about Shaping Us! It?s about raising awareness! Of what? Something something MEN! Rugby, men, children, sports, ponytails! God help us all. I guess they can?t say ?we put her hair in a high pony and told her to run around and flap her hands because we?re scared sh-tless about Prince Harry?s testimony in court.?

They got her to hug someone too. Those pants are unfortunate. Speaking of unfortunate pants, where the hell is Kate?s husband? He just disappears completely for weeks in a row and no one says anything.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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