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| Selena Gomez: being body shamed for lupus weight gain 'really messed me up' | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The latest entry in the Body-Shamers Are Terrible Humans comes courtesy of Selena Gomez, who chatted with her friend, Raquelle Stevens, for an episode of Raquelle?s podcast, Giving Back Generation. Selena spoke candidly about living with lupus and how people?s comments on social media about her weight-gain deeply hurt and added to her stress:
I experienced [body-shaming] with my weight fluctuation for the first time, Gomez recalled. I have lupus and deal with kidney issues and high blood pressure, so I deal with a lot of health issues, and for me that?s when I really started noticing more of the body image stuff.
Gomez said that, while her lupus doesnt directly affect her weight, the combination of all the different factors of her health struggle does.
It?s the medication I have to take for the rest of my life?it depends on even the month, to be honest. So for me, I really noticed when people started attacking me for that, she shared. In reality, that?s just my truth. I fluctuate. It depends what?s happening in my life.
Gomez said that being mocked or criticized during that already stressful period in her life got to me big time, and that it ultimately really messed me up for a bit.
[From Entertainment Tonight]
People have the capacity to be terrible to each other. Stories like Selena?s always make me angry and sad. People who don?t live with chronic or lifelong conditions have no idea the mental and physical toll they take on someone?s body: Good days are gifts, because they are a brief respite from the fact that you can?t get away from your body when you feel like hell. Thats upsetting enough on its own, never mind having to put up with the stress of dealing with a-holes commenting about your weight, besides.
I?m glad (as ever) that Selena is talking about the trolls, though. Maybe some of them will think twice before they go after her again (or someone else) about their weight gain. In fun Selena news, she and her friend, singer Julia Michaels, got little matching arrow tattoos on their hands after Selena surprised fans at Julias concert in Los Angeles.
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My love, my heart and my soul @juliamichaels ?
A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Nov 11, 2019 at 7:21pm PST
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| Laura Dern: people can lose their kid's college fund to their divorce attorney | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Laura Dern was on Ellen promoting Marriage Story and Little Women, both of which are out later this year. She?s prolific lately and that seems to be by design as her children are teenagers now and she must have more freedom. On Ellen she talked about the fact that she gained some cred with her kids when Kanye West wore a t-shirt with her face on it! She also discussed working with Meryl Streep and how cool it was for you that she got to introduce Meryl to her mom, actress Diane Ladd. (I didn?t excerpt that part, you can watch that here.)
On the popularity of her BLL character
It is odd to me in playing a lot of interesting characters that it would be Renata that is in fact most relatable to many people. I?ve never had so many people come up and quote that line. They come up, often sort of screaming in my face ?I will not not be rich!? What I love about Renata is that she will say everything she feels and there is something delicious about getting to live that out.
On Kanye West wearing her Blue Velvet character on his shirt
That is amazing for a whole other reason. This is thanks to the amazing designer Raff Simmons who paid homage to David Lynch in his work. What he didn?t know is he gave me a tiny bit of cred in my household of teenagers and I?m really grateful. If any rapper comes on this show and you want to hand them a shirt with my face on it I really appreciate it. It?s really working for me. Every mother should get this opportunity when their kid is 15.
It sounds horrible to have kids. What do you have to be to be a cool mom? You?re Laura Dern.
On Marriage Story and playing a divorce attorney
There were a few inspiring divorce lawyers who were very generous and let us mine their experience and their business. It is a very fractured business. People can lose their kid?s college education very quickly instead of just trying to figure it out themselves.
[From the Ellen Show via YouTube]
I?ve heard from other celebrities that their kids are not impressed by their careers or success at all but that they like the fact that they know other celebrities and have clout with them. (I talked about it in this story about Gwen Stefani!) As the mother of a 15-year-old, I can relate to this so much. I mean I run a celebrity gossip blog! That should get me more points than it does. I know most of the memes and all the celebrity stories as they happen, but I?m still embarrassing. My kid does like to tell girls in his class what I do for a living, so I should take that as a compliment.
As for Laura?s comments about divorcing, this is so true. I saw so many friends pay more money to divorce lawyers than in settlements to exes. When I was going through a divorce I consulted a few lawyers trying to figure out how to approach it. After hearing a lot of legal horror stories, I decided to just wait it out until we were able to do it on our own and agree on everything. It took a lot of work but it didn?t cost a fortune and we?re still friendly. My ex told me recently that he brags to people how easy his divorce was!
Heres that interview:
Laura was wearing Chanel at a MoMA film benefit last night. She looks a bit regal, right? (Kaiser girl I know you will disagree but I dont care I like her!)
Embed from Getty Images
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| Charlize Theron: 'I never wanted to get married,' that's 'innately my truth' | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Glamour Magazine has multiple covers and cover subjects for their 2019 Women of the Year issue. The 2018 Glamour WOTY are: Charlize Theron, Margaret Atwood, Megan Rapinoe, Yara Shahidi, Ava Duvernay, Greta Thunberg, Tory Burch and the women of The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES). Yay, that?s a pretty good list. Charlize Theron got one of the covers to promote Bombshell, the Roger Ailes-scandal movie where she plays Megyn Kelly. I didn?t know that Charlize produced the film too she stepped in as producer about two weeks before the production because there were some last-minute shenanigans. You can read Charlize?s full profile here. Some highlights:
On playing Megyn Kelly in Bombshell: ?I think I was scared of it. A lot of projects I?ve been involved in are not necessarily projects where everybody has gone, ?Yeah, this is going to be great, you should do this!? It tends to be projects where people are like, ?I don?t know about this Monster movie. Really???
How she defines success: ?Well it definitely doesn?t mean box office. If you?re going to do it, let it be on something that actually means something to you.?
Bombshell is her fifteenth outing as a producer: ?I think there?s this conclusion that sometimes gets made, like, ?It can?t possibly be a fking actress that put this thing together.?
She never wants to get married: ?I haven?t been in a relationship for a very long time. I never wanted to get married. Those are things that are not hard for me, because they?re innately my truth. I find people are somewhat perplexed by that, and also more with women, right??
On her kids: ?I so wish that I could be the woman that I am and do the job I do and still fully, fully protect my children from all of that, and it?s never going to happen,? she says. It hasn?t been the easiest ride, but she says she hopes her kids? unique upbringing ?will somehow inform them to be the characters and people they need to be.?
[From Glamour]
?I never wanted to get married. Those are things that are not hard for me, because they?re innately my truth.? I sometimes think about how she was with Stuart Townsend for so long and they seemed like real partners and then? it just ended. Then she was halfway engaged to Sean Penn, right? But she left him, ghosted him and we still don?t know what happened there. I guess my point is that Charlize probably was anti-marriage for as long as she can remember, and yes, I relate to that! And I relate to people being perplexed by it too. But Charlize has kids, so at least people are not like ?so? you never want to get married AND you?re child-free? What?s the catch?? Which is what I get.
Cover and photo courtesy of Miguel Reveriego for Glamour, sent from promotional Glamour email.
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| Kristin Davis made sure no trained elephants were used on her new film | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Kristin Davis stars in a new holiday film, Holiday in the Wild. It?s currently on Netflix and also stars Rob Lowe and his son, John Lowe (above). The story takes place in Zambia, or at least it starts there, I haven?t seen it yet and most promotional information just says ?Africa.? It follows a New York woman, recently dumped, on a safari trip only to be derailed by love. But I?m not talking about Kristin and Rob?s characters. I mean, of course they fall for each other, but the important love story is that Kristin?s Kate character falls for ? elephants! What?s even cooler than centering a love story around elephants is that Kristin, who is a huge elephant advocate, got Netflix to agree to humane conditions for filming the elephants, the first being: no ?broken? elephants were to be used.
Heres the People Live video. Kristin discussed not using trained elephants at the start, about the :30 mark, but Ill transcribe below:
[From People]
And you were very adamant about not using trained elephants. So why was that so important to you?
Because trained elephants have been ?broken,? unfortunately, it?s the sad truth. You know, the history of animals and the entertainment industry is not a great one. So, we?re trying to change that and my feeling was that this film was my love letter to all the people I?ve met for the last decade, who are trying to save elephants from extinction, by raising the orphans of the elephants killed for their ivory, poached for their ivory. So I wanted it to be a love letter to them. They devote their lives to it, and there was no way we could do that with trained elephants. It would be the opposite, in fact. So, we really worked with Netflix for years, I mean, I worked for a few years before we got together with Netflix, and I researched the two places we filmed for years, to make sure they were ethically correct ? and they were amazing. And then I had to go down there and convince them to let us film. I had to do it because I was the elephant person.
?So I wanted it to be a love letter to them. They devote their lives to it, and there was no way we could do that with trained elephants,? that is truly so beautiful. Kristin has always loved elephants but has been actively fighting for them since 2009. I?m awed by the efforts she went to to get this film made. Kristin credited Netflix for agreeing to her terms. I?ve heard the animal horror stories from circuses (including being permanently traumatized by reading Water for Elephants) and have pledged not to support those. But this puts some light on those elephant and camel rides at some zoos and animal ?protection? facilities.
I?m sure the folks that read CB don?t need any more reason to fall for elephants, but if you watch the rest of Kristin?s interview, you?ll be love-struck. She describes how an elephant ?reads your soul? when it meets you and said if you were anxious, they might do something silly to put you at ease. I think both those things were on my checklist for a perfect mate when I was single. She also talked about vibrations elephants use to communicate with each other and that humans don?t hear it, but they absorb it, which leads to something akin to a meditative state. Kristin said they call it, eledrunk and as far as I?m concerned, the only drunk I ever want to be again is eledrunk. That sounds amazing.
There are many ways to help elephants. The first is always through information like Kristin shared in this interview. If you have the means to do more, she suggests Game Rangers International, where you can donate, fundraise or even volunteer. Plus, the they have an adoption program. The holidays are upon us, folks. Don?t tell my mother, but she?s getting an adopted elephant for Christmas *dusts off favorite kid trophy*.
Photo credit: Netflix
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| Brad Pitt on his sculpting hobby: 'I?ve been in training' I?m learning a lot & I love it' | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sometimes I can?t tell if Brad Pitt really is this sad, lonely figure or if he?s performing ?sad loneliness? because that?s his new brand/persona. The persona was basically the only one left to him in the past three years since Angelina left him. He?s not spending much time with his kids, and for more than two years, he couldn?t even see his kids without a neutral third-party observer present. He tried to make ?Brad?s new girlfriend? happen a few times and it always seemed rather? forced. And so the one persona left to him is ?the guy who sits alone in an art studio and sculpts.? Don?t get me wrong, I love being alone and being in a quiet, pretty art space for days, weeks and months at a time sounds like heaven. Maybe it?s heaven for Brad too a chance for him to reflect and think and create art. He seems pleased with all of his sculpting too. He chatted with The Hollywood Reporter about it:
A couple of years ago, Rambling Reporter incorrectly reported that Brad Pitt skipped the Academy Awards on the night when his Plan B-produced Moonlight took home the top prize in favor of sculpting at Thomas Houseagos headquarters. But Pitt recently revealed to The New York Times that actually, on that particular evening Feb. 26, 2017, he had zero eyes on the small screen when Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway screwed up the best picture Oscar hand-over because he was focused on a plate of spaghetti at the home of filmmaker friend James Gray for one the latter?s legendary Sunday night dinners.
What?s true is that Pitt was, at the time, beginning his exploration of the art of sculpture with Houseago?s help ? and he?s still doing it. ?I?ve been in training, you know,? Pitt told Rambling Reporter at the L.A. premiere of his and Gray?s space epic Ad Astra on Sept. 18. He?s spent hours learning the craft, even traveling with Houseago to the Venice Biennale and checking out exhibits from Paris to L.A. ?Im learning a lot and I love it. It?s a really solo, all on your own venture.?
As for whether the world will ever see the works he?s creating, Pitt was characteristically coy. ?If I were to find something that I felt was original to my own vernacular in that way and it had something to add, then yeah. But If I felt it was too derivative of the greats, then no.?
[From THR]
You know what I wonder? I wonder if Brad?s sculptures just look like knockoff Thomas Houseago sculptures. Brad is basically apprenticing with Houseago and I would imagine that Brad is just learning how to sculpt exactly like Houseago. That?s not a bad thing that?s how many artists start, by copying other artists? work to see if they can understand and master the techniques used. I would be curious to see Brad?s work just to see if my suspicions are true. I?d also like to know if Sculptor Brad is just a phase until he figures out his next persona.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Kylie Jenner took her niece Dream on a helicopter ride for her third birthday | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
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Happy Birthday Dream ??
A post shared by Rob Kardashian (@robkardashianofficial) on Nov 10, 2019 at 7:15am PST
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