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| Bella Thorne Is Using Her Tongue Again | Added 7 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 It looks like Bella Thorne is going into the studio and recording some music now. I guess when you are a social media star you need to cover all your bases. Good thing for autotune. Anyway, as long as she wears see through clothing and sticks her tongue out, she can do whatever she wants. […]
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| Elsa Hosk Topless And Amazing | Added 7 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 Elsa Hosk is one of my favorite Victoria’s Secret models and that is because the chick doesn’t mind getting naked. Sure she is not nude in these photos, but Google it and I promise you it is easy to find. Anyway, have fun browsing. view all 19 photos
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| Demi Lovato and her possible girlfriend or new BFF look like twinsies and it's cute | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Demi Lovato holds hands with gal pal and rides the California Screamin' roller coaster https://t.co/i8huniCF28
— Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) September 11, 2017
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| Jennifer Lawrence in Dior at NYC 'mother!' premiere: exhausting princess mess' | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Another. Frigging. Ballgown. ENOUGH. Here are some photos of Jennifer Lawrence at the New York premiere of ?mother!? last night. This was actually the first time J-Law posed one-on-one with her director boyfriend Darren Aronofsky, so enjoy. After experimenting with some Kardashian-esque styles in Europe, Jennifer came back to Dior, and the Dior default: tulle ballgowns, for every f–king event. It?s not that I dislike tulle. It?s not that I dislike ballgowns. I?m actually okay with both, but not for every event! Not as the default for every one of Jennifer?s appearances. Dior?s got Jennifer running around looking like a wannabe ballerina with a princess fetish on every red carpet now.
Anyway, Jennifer chatted with Catt Sadler of E! News this week, and Jen revealed that she?s not going to be getting pregnant anytime soon, because she?s increasingly like ?ick, babies.?
Whether she?s feeling the pangs of motherhood at the age of 27: “Not at all. They are actually getting less and less as I get older, which is starting to worry me. I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to work! When I was 21 or 22 I was like, ‘I can’t wait to be a mother. Now I’m like…[shocked face].”
The genius of Aronofsky: “I believed in the metaphor and the message that Darren wanted to get across. When I first read the script I thought it’s too dark. I didn’t even want the script in my house and then I realized that’s why he’s a genius. That’s why I have always wanted to work with him. He’s unafraid. He’s bold and I do agree with the message.”
On fame: “Now I have an understanding. I have a patience with [fame]. But also I get time off from it. At first it was really overwhelming and I thought, ‘Is this going to be the rest of my life?’ When I am releasing a movie and it’s really heavy and really intense and I just know that it will die down. People really stop caring pretty quickly.”
[From E! News]
I don?t have much to say here – I?ve been worried that Jennifer would end up pregnant with an Aronofsky baby but here?s hoping that she?s got great birth control. I think it?s easy to romanticize ?babies and motherhood? when you?re 21-22, and then as you get closer to 30, you?re like ?holy crap, I can barely take care of myself, much less a small human.? That?s what?s happening here, and it?s fine. People are allowed to have mixed feelings about babies. Not every woman has to be baby-crazy and broody.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Jessica Biel & her restaurant Au Fudge are being sued for fraud by ex-employees | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Has anyone else been watching The Sinner? Jessica Biel stars and produces the limited-run series on the USA network, and I?ve been watching it and enjoying it. The story is a mess and it?s basically half-soap opera, half-cheeseball legal drama, but it?s good and it?s made me appreciate Jessica Biel a little bit. For years, Biel has not really had the kind of work she thinks she deserves – she wants to be seen as a contender for Oscar-bait films, but we know she thinks she?s seen as ?too pretty? by Hollywood, because Hollywood loathes attractive people. So in the absence of quality work, Jessica spent years putting together a restaurant in LA called Au Fudge. It?s supposed to be a fancy-yet-kid-friendly LA place, with a big booze menu but lots of kid-friendly toys and food too. There have been reports about how Au Fudge is a total mess and the food isn?t even that great, although maybe they worked out some kinks. Anyway, this doesn?t bode well – Au Fudge and Jessica Biel are being sued by nine current and former employees of Au Fudge:
Au Fudge restaurant may be cooking up some legal troubles in West Hollywood. E! News has learned that nine current or former workers are suing Jessica Biel and the celebrity-favorite establishment for unlawful conversion of employee gratuities, fraud and other damages.
“Each of them had their gratuities wrongfully converted and were improperly denied meal and rest breaks, overtime compensation and earned wages under various illegal payroll practices,” the plaintiffs allege in court documents obtained by E! News. “Defendants charged hundreds of thousands of dollars in gratuities to private-party customers and converted said gratuities to themselves in order to pad their own pockets and deprive plaintiffs their just compensation in violation of law.”
When asked for comment, a lawyer for the defendants said, “The Company does not comment on pending litigation and has not had an opportunity to review the Complaint, but looks forward to defending itself in Court.”
According to a former Au Fudge restaurant manager who provided a declaration for the plaintiffs, the company’s business model is allegedly based on the sales of private events and buy-outs. Private events are smaller type parties of $10,000 or less while buy-outs are larger events that can cost up to $100,000 plus. In court documents, the plaintiffs allege that the total estimated wrongfully converted gratuity from private events is roughly $150,000. As for private events and buy-outs, they estimate a grand total of $430,000.
[From E! News]
Sounds about right. There was a lot of back-and-forth in the media in the first months of Au Fudge?s opening – some critics said the food was bad and too expensive, and then other critics made suspiciously glowing and positive claims about the restaurant, almost as if Biel?s people were quietly paying off reviewers and/or paying for online reviews. But I remembered the bad reviews, about the unhygienic vibes, the bad service, the mediocre food. Au Fudge just seemed poorly managed from the start, and now that we?re hearing about this lawsuit? yeah, it?s like ?when a vanity project explodes in your face.? Biel wanted to open a restaurant and she didn?t know how to do it, so she f–ked it up entirely.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie: 'I never expect to be the one that everybody understands or likes' | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 In addition to this week?s People Magazine cover story, Angelina Jolie also sat down for a long interview with the New York Times. Jolie has a long-term relationship with the paper of record – she?s written op-eds for the NYT, and she?s given them exclusive interviews before. This interview took place in her new $25 million Hollywood home, and much like the Vanity Fair cover story, the kids are running around as mama?s trying to talk to the journalist. At the very beginning, Knox finds Angelina and tells her that Shiloh needs her – Shiloh?s bearded dragon is sick and at the vet, and Angelina tells the NYT ?that will be the rest of my day.? You can read the full piece here at the NYT. Some highlights:
Her priority during this past year: “None of it?s easy. It?s very, very difficult, a very painful situation, and I just want my family healthy. They?re getting better…I never expect to be the one that everybody understands or likes. And that?s OK, because I know who I am, and the kids know who I am.”
Deciding to buy this house: “It took me a few months to realize that I was really going to have to do it. That there was going to have to be another base regardless of everything,” Jolie continued, adding that it’s like living in a fraternity. “That there was going to have to be a home. Another home.” According to the NYT, the children helped their famous mom decorate and pick out furniture. “It has a lot of moments. It?s happy. Happy and light, and we needed that.”
Her kids are her best friends: “They really help me so much. We?re really such a unit. They?re the best friends I?ve ever had. Nobody in my life has ever stood by me more.”
[From Us Weekly & the NYT]
There are some interesting details in there, about how Angelina loves the heat, and how she never works out and how the kids are always working with tutors, learning new languages and, like, physics. But this is telling isn?t it? ?I never expect to be the one that everybody understands or likes. And that?s OK, because I know who I am, and the kids know who I am.? Angelina knows that her public image has taken a hit since she left Brad. And she?s fine with it. Most celebrities/movie stars wouldn?t be fine with it. There would be a lot of ?why don?t you like me? self-awareness from most celebrities. But Angelina wears it lightly, as always.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Amber Tamblyn's open letter to James Woods: 'It is called Jesus, I come to thee' | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 As we discussed earlier this week, James Woods decided to get on his high horse about the film Call Me By Your Name, a love story of a grad student (played by Armie Hammer) seducing a 17-year-old professor?s son (played by Timothee Chalamet). The film premiered at TIFF to rave reviews, and many believe the film will be a major awards contender. James Woods thought it was his place to remind people that the film ?chips away at the last barriers of decency.? Armie Hammer was like ?wait, weren?t you dating a teenager when you were 60?? And Amber Tamblyn was like ?I remember when you hit on me when I was 16.? Amber is still angry about that sh-t, and she wrote an open letter to James Woods - you can read the full letter at Teen Vogue, but I?m including the full piece below:
Dear Mr. Woods,
What you are experiencing is called a teachable moment. It is called a gift. It is called a humbling. It is called Jesus, I come to thee. It is called an awakening. It is called a growth edge. It is called hope. The hope being that through this experience, you can change. You can redefine the man who will come after this moment and this man who came before. Since you’ve now called me a liar, I will now call you a silencer. I see your gaslight and now will raise you a scorched earth.
My friend Billy and I were at the Roxy on Sunset Boulevard seeing a band we loved. We decided to go to Mel’s diner on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood to get burgers after. I had just gotten my driver’s license and very specifically remember my nervousness trying to park in the diner parking lot. Upon leaving the restaurant we were stopped by you and your friend, who both seemed very nice. At one point you suggested we should all go to Las Vegas together. “It’s such a great place, have you ever been?” You tried to make it sound innocent. This is something predatory men like to do, I’ve noticed. Make it sound innocent. Just a dollop of insinuation. Just a hair of persuasion. Just a pinch of suggestion. “It will be so much fun, I promise you. Nothing has to happen, we will just have a good time together.” I told you my age, kindly and with no judgment or aggression. I told you my age because I thought you would be immediately horrified and take back your offer. You laughed and said, “Even better. We’ll have so much fun, I promise.”
Here’s the thing, Mr. Woods. At that time I was not a public persona. I had done a couple years on a soap opera as an actress, but you wouldn’t know me from Adam. I’m sure you’ve racked your brain trying to remember how you could’ve possibly hit on the actress Amber Tamblyn at a diner almost two decades ago. You think, it’s not possible, there’s no way I would’ve been so stupid as to hit on a 16-year-old known actress. But I wasn’t known then, James. I was just a girl. And I’m going to wager that there have been many girls who were just girls or women who were just women who you’ve done this to because you can get away with it.
The saddest part of this story doesn’t even concern me but concerns the universal woman’s story. The nation’s harmful narrative of disbelieving women first, above all else. Asking them to first corroborate or first give proof or first make sure we’re not misremembering or first consider the consequences of speaking out or first let men give their side or first just let your sanity come last. So it is with hope, Mr. Woods, that I ask you to go inward now and ask yourself the hard stuff. The ominous unconscious stuff. The archetypal masculinity stuff. The power-play stuff. The perversion persuasion stuff. The secretive stuff. The id’s most cherished stuff. Only you and your darkness know who you are. Only you and your actions know what you’ve done. That means you and only you have the power to change your behavior.
Are you and your history with women and girls a part of the problem, Mr. Woods? Go now and look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is true. Go on, I’ll wait. But I won’t hold my breath.
[From Teen Vogue]
I love her, you guys. I want to take her to Vegas too, but as she is now – a woke feminist badass. Come to Vegas with me, Amber! We?ll play blackjack and I don?t know, maybe go see the Jennifer Lopez show? I love this: ?It is called Jesus, I come to thee.? In the South we just say a ?Come to Jesus? moment. But she?s right to not expect much to happen – James Woods will never come to Jesus. He?s too busy being an ancient pervert.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Maddox Jolie-Pitt: My mom is 'fun, funny, easy to work with ' she's a wonder' | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 While I don?t doubt that every one of her children changed Angelina Jolie?s life, Maddox was her first and he still represents the biggest, most life-altering change of course. For years, it was just Angelina and Maddox, and then there was Brad. Then Zahara, then Shiloh, then Pax and then the twins. I sometimes wonder if Maddox has been Angelina?s ?rock? this entire time. It was Maddox who allegedly got in between Brad and Angelina on the private plane last year. Whatever went down on that plane, it happened between Maddox and Brad. Angelina made a choice that day, and her choice was to protect Maddox and leave Brad. Allegedly, Maddox still hasn?t made his peace with Brad either – Madd is 16 years old now and no therapist can convince him or order him to spend time with Brad. So Maddox has also made his choice: he?s Team Jolie, OG-style.
Anyway, Maddox had a real position on First They Killed My Father. Angelina made him executive producer on the film, and she put him to work as some kind of catch-all, part producer, part editor, part PA. Maddox is also participating in the promotion for the film, and he granted an interview to People Magazine as part of Angelina?s cover story.
At just 16, Maddox Jolie-Pitt has an executive producer credit under his belt after working alongside his mother Angelina Jolie on the upcoming drama First They Killed My Father. Maddox tells PEOPLE exclusively in the magazine?s new cover story with Jolie that he pitched in on meetings, prepped for shoots and helped review dailies on the drama Jolie directed for Netflix (out Friday), based on her friend Loung Ung?s memoir about surviving the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia. Maddox?s brother Pax, 13, was also part of the production and served as a set photographer.
?I was trying to help wherever I could,? says Maddox, the oldest of Jolie?s six children.
And what did he think about working with his mom?
?[She?s] fun, funny, and easy to work with,? he says. ?She?s a wonder.?
Asked what he loves most about Cambodia, Maddox says, ?the people by far. [They are] calm, relaxed, and when they want to do something wild, they do it ? much like me in a way. I?m proud to be a Cambodian.?
In addition to his foray into filmmaking, Maddox has been taking flying lessons and speaks multiple languages, Angelina Jolie reveals.
?He?s quite capable and always takes me by surprise,? she says proudly. ?He?s been practicing flying, then they called me the other day and said, ?So Mad can go solo,? and I nearly dropped the phone! He?s been taking French and Russian and all these different languages. I hear him talking in full, fluent French, and they?ll tell me he?s reached a certain level in his German, and I have no idea. He doesn?t do it in front of me.?
[From People]
Maddox is fluent in French and he?s working on German? Bonjour and guttentag, Maddox! When the kids were much smaller, I used to dream about their future jobs, but I didn?t think it would be like this. I didn?t think Maddox would end up a nepotism-producer, but hey, at least he?s more interested in that kind of stuff than in, like, modeling and Instagramming? And if Angelina is into getting her kids some jobs through nepotism, can Pax PLEASE get a modeling contract? This kid?s bone structure is otherworldly. You know what else shocks me? That Zahara hasn?t already organized everything in this family. Please – Zahara has always been the one in charge.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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