| | |  | Amber Tamblyn News & Gossip
| Amber Tamblyn wrote a poem for Olay about self care | Added 5 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I?m not going to lie: I?m still thinking about the story Celebitchy covered last month about David Cross telling Conan about his and Amber Tamblyn?s couple?s colonic, and how that was a bad idea. I was confused when I read the story, and I remain confused as to why that seemed like a good idea for any amount of time.
If, like me, you want to forget that particular story, here?s another one about Amber: In April, she tweeted that she is Olay?s ?Creative Director for an important project about self care.? She?s also published three books of poetry, so perhaps its no surprise that she?s penned ?The Braveness of Being: Olay?s Manifesto for Self Care?, which Us Weekly exclusively shared:
See the boldness of your dare,
the dawning of you, rising to its power,
radiating into the world, your journey?s brightness.
As you move into the next languages of your story,
celebrate all that has been conjured and conquered to get here,
and all that must be cherished and nurtured
to keep going.
See your body?s protection as the gift
you were given, and give,
for the past and future armors of your skin:
Be delicate to the touch,
soothing in a world of severity,
resilient against the odds.
As you move into the next intentions of your trajectory,
be a crescendo of kindness and courage to that which you live in:
Your skin.
Sing the song of self care
not just for yourself
but for those who are still unsung.
Stand in solidarity with your sisters,
in our collective safety,
not just one woman at a time,
but for all of womankind.
As you enter into the braveness of being,
always remember to pass on
the wisdom of your worn womanhood:
your skin?s legacy,
to the next generation
of the wise.
[From US Weekly]
Contrary to the language in the article that indicates that the poem is directed toward ?all those who identify as women,? it also quotes Amber as saying,??I wanted the piece to feel personal and intimate when speaking to the next generation of women and non-binary voices who are our future.??
I have side-eyed some of Amber?s past comments, particularly those that she?s made in defense of her husband?s racism. I appreciated some of her comments in this article when discussing her self-care routine: ?Self-care is often a privilege and in some cases, a luxury. But not all self-care has to be It is deeply personal and different for different people.? I recently ran across an article headline that pointed out that self-care is a privilege. Not everyone has the time for it or the means and access to it, so I think that it?s important that Amber pointed that out. It helps her avoid coming across here as ignorant of her privilege when talking about this work. (This might have been the article.)
I?m someone who loves poetry; if I could spend a good chunk of my day, reading it, I would. (I?m currently rereading one of my favorite collections, Claudia Emerson?s Pulitzer Prize-winning Late Wife.) I skimmed Amber?s books on Amazon (what I could, thanks to the previews), and read the poem on Us?s site. She writes in a very straight-forward style that I think probably makes her work accessible to lots of people. (I liked parts of poems in Dark Sparkler). Her newest poem is similar. It?s a bit too on-the-nose for me, but the style makes sense, as it?s being written in concert with the work that she?s doing for Olay. And, if it means that more people might start reading poetry thanks to her, that?s a good thing.
So excited to announce I?m teaming up with @OlaySkin as the Creative Director for an important project about self care. Something that celebrates and protects our individual uniqueness as women and non-binary voices in this world. #OlayPartner
For more:https://t.co/eE1YtHcxhD pic.twitter.com/NUbqRdjLuo
Amber Tamblyn (@ambertamblyn) April 27, 2019
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| Amber Tamblyn wrote a NYT op-ed about the need to believe female victims | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last week, ancient pervert James Woods decided to get on his high horse and moralize about the romance at the center of Armie Hammer?s latest film, Call Me By Your Name. The film features a romance between a 20-something dude and a 17-year-old guy. The film is set in Italy, where that kind of iffy statutory situation would not be illegal (or even frowned upon, one would assume). Of course Woods was ridiculous to call out the age difference, and Armie Hammer slapped back at him, pointing out that James Woods dated teenagers when he was 60-something. Amber Tamblyn backed up Armie?s facts with a story of her own: James Woods hit on her when she was 16 years old, and he invited her to go to Las Vegas. She ended up writing an essay in Teen Vogue about all of it, and how Woods called her a liar and how he needs to come to Jesus. Now she?s written an op-ed for the New York Times called ?I?m Done with Not Being Believed.?
This is less about what just happened with Woods and more about Woods Culture and how we can end it. https://t.co/oc3IRbVk8e
— Amber Tamblyn (@ambertamblyn) September 16, 2017
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| Amber Tamblyn's open letter to James Woods: 'It is called Jesus, I come to thee' | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 As we discussed earlier this week, James Woods decided to get on his high horse about the film Call Me By Your Name, a love story of a grad student (played by Armie Hammer) seducing a 17-year-old professor?s son (played by Timothee Chalamet). The film premiered at TIFF to rave reviews, and many believe the film will be a major awards contender. James Woods thought it was his place to remind people that the film ?chips away at the last barriers of decency.? Armie Hammer was like ?wait, weren?t you dating a teenager when you were 60?? And Amber Tamblyn was like ?I remember when you hit on me when I was 16.? Amber is still angry about that sh-t, and she wrote an open letter to James Woods - you can read the full letter at Teen Vogue, but I?m including the full piece below:
Dear Mr. Woods,
What you are experiencing is called a teachable moment. It is called a gift. It is called a humbling. It is called Jesus, I come to thee. It is called an awakening. It is called a growth edge. It is called hope. The hope being that through this experience, you can change. You can redefine the man who will come after this moment and this man who came before. Since you’ve now called me a liar, I will now call you a silencer. I see your gaslight and now will raise you a scorched earth.
My friend Billy and I were at the Roxy on Sunset Boulevard seeing a band we loved. We decided to go to Mel’s diner on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood to get burgers after. I had just gotten my driver’s license and very specifically remember my nervousness trying to park in the diner parking lot. Upon leaving the restaurant we were stopped by you and your friend, who both seemed very nice. At one point you suggested we should all go to Las Vegas together. “It’s such a great place, have you ever been?” You tried to make it sound innocent. This is something predatory men like to do, I’ve noticed. Make it sound innocent. Just a dollop of insinuation. Just a hair of persuasion. Just a pinch of suggestion. “It will be so much fun, I promise you. Nothing has to happen, we will just have a good time together.” I told you my age, kindly and with no judgment or aggression. I told you my age because I thought you would be immediately horrified and take back your offer. You laughed and said, “Even better. We’ll have so much fun, I promise.”
Here’s the thing, Mr. Woods. At that time I was not a public persona. I had done a couple years on a soap opera as an actress, but you wouldn’t know me from Adam. I’m sure you’ve racked your brain trying to remember how you could’ve possibly hit on the actress Amber Tamblyn at a diner almost two decades ago. You think, it’s not possible, there’s no way I would’ve been so stupid as to hit on a 16-year-old known actress. But I wasn’t known then, James. I was just a girl. And I’m going to wager that there have been many girls who were just girls or women who were just women who you’ve done this to because you can get away with it.
The saddest part of this story doesn’t even concern me but concerns the universal woman’s story. The nation’s harmful narrative of disbelieving women first, above all else. Asking them to first corroborate or first give proof or first make sure we’re not misremembering or first consider the consequences of speaking out or first let men give their side or first just let your sanity come last. So it is with hope, Mr. Woods, that I ask you to go inward now and ask yourself the hard stuff. The ominous unconscious stuff. The archetypal masculinity stuff. The power-play stuff. The perversion persuasion stuff. The secretive stuff. The id’s most cherished stuff. Only you and your darkness know who you are. Only you and your actions know what you’ve done. That means you and only you have the power to change your behavior.
Are you and your history with women and girls a part of the problem, Mr. Woods? Go now and look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is true. Go on, I’ll wait. But I won’t hold my breath.
[From Teen Vogue]
I love her, you guys. I want to take her to Vegas too, but as she is now – a woke feminist badass. Come to Vegas with me, Amber! We?ll play blackjack and I don?t know, maybe go see the Jennifer Lopez show? I love this: ?It is called Jesus, I come to thee.? In the South we just say a ?Come to Jesus? moment. But she?s right to not expect much to happen – James Woods will never come to Jesus. He?s too busy being an ancient pervert.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Amber Tamblyn, pregnant with a daughter, makes case to vote for Hillary | Added 8 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Amber Tamblyn recently shared her horrifying story of assault. At the time, she revealed she was moved to speak out because of the terrible comments made by Donald Trump to Billy Bush. Wednesday, Glamour published an essay written by Amber, which further explains why she chose to speak up. Amber and husband David Cross are expecting their first child together, a daughter. Amber and David have been married for four years and this is the first child for both of them. Amber?s essay is an endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president and Amber makes some of the most solid arguments I?ve read.
Somewhere between Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton a woman with ?tremendous hate in her heart? and ?a nasty woman,? I found myself making a phone call to my mother I was hoping I could avoid forever. A story I shared about an encounter with an ex-boyfriend had gone viral, and I feared she would read about it in the news. When I told her, my mother?s reaction was unshockingly unshocked. ?You know,? she began, ?I have a story of my own I want to share with you.?
On the phone, my mother ended with a second story. She told her mother what had happened to her, and I?ll bet you can fill in this blank, too. My grandmother?s response to my mother was, ?Boys will be boys. You just have to be really careful around them.?
Motherhood has been heavily on my mind because I am going to be a mother soon. I’m pregnant, with a daughter on the way. I think constantly about the world I am bringing her into. Will I get a phone call from my daughter someday, one she never wanted to make? Will I have to share with her my story, and the story of her great-grandmother?s words to her grandmother? Is it possible to protect her from inheriting this pain? How much do I have to do, as a daughter and a soon-to-be mother, to change not just the conversation about how women are seen, but the language with which conversations are spoken in?
Hillary Clinton is a mom. She?s also a daughter. She?s also a grandmother. I have wondered what kind of conversations she?s had to have with her daughter about men, or what conversations Hillary?s mother had to have with her about boys? When people tell me they dislike Hillary not because she?s a woman but because of her record alone, I think, ?How can you be sure?? I don?t think anyone can be.
This is not a think piece asking you to reconsider Hillary Clinton?s voting record. I am asking you to reconsider the world in which Hillary Clinton has had to vote. I am not asking you to rethink a woman. I am asking you to rethink women, period. Go deep. See the frame that holds the big picture. Men have countless examples of leaders in public office, while women have had almost none. Whether you are an actress, a teacher, a candidate for student council or a candidate for President of the United States, if you are a woman you have navigated your life solely in a world built by and for men.
[From Glamour]
The story of her phone call to her mother gave me goosebumps. I can’t imagine how many of those similar conversations have taken place recently. You can read Amber?s full essay here – it’s worth it. Although her argument is framed from the perspective of a soon-to-be parent, she doesn?t alienate non-parents. She understands that the desire to protect children from the horrors of this world isn?t exclusive to those who have raised them. For me, the essay’s most powerful line is, ?I am asking you to reconsider the world in which Hillary Clinton has had to vote.? I know everyone is tired of the media telling them who to vote for so I just ask that you let that thought roll around your mind for a bit. It means something to have a candidate that has had to fight against while voting within the system’s grandfathered restrictions.
Congratulations to Amber and David. I think she seems really sweet and he always makes me laugh. I know their twenty-year age difference raises a few eyebrows but they seem committed and supportive of each other. I’m all for happy partnerships.
Photo credit WENN Photos
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| Amber Tamblyn shares her sexual assault story following Trump Tape | Added 8 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Trigger warning for the following story
After we heard Donald Trump brag to a laughing and complicit Billy Bush about how he enjoys sexually assaulting women and getting away with it, the press has paid more attention to the fact that he’s been accused of multiple incidents of sexual harassment and assault. Trump is currently being sued for raping a 13 year-old girl in 1994, and he was sued in 1997 for sexual harassment. His ex wife, Ivana, said during a deposition that he raped her in 1989 while they were married, although she later tried to characterize it as a “violation” instead of rape.
As many other people have said, this is not “locker room talk” which is in any way normal or acceptable. Trump said these things while making a professional appearance on a television show, athletes don’t regularly brag in the locker room about hurting women, and when it happens it’s just as much an indication of rape culture as this exchange between Trump and Bush. This incident has created a movement of women sharing their stories of being assaulted, raped and hurt by men. Amber Tamblyn posted a story about an abusive ex who did grab her by the “pussy,” resulting in extensive vaginal bruising and pain. It took a lot of courage for her to share this.
I need to tell you a story. With the love and support of my husband, I've decided to share it publicly. A very long time ago I ended a long emotionally and physically abusive relationship with a man I had been with for some time. One night I was at a show with a couple girlfriends in Hollywood, listening to a DJ we all loved. I knew there was a chance my ex could show up, but I felt protected with my girls around me. Without going into all the of the details, I will tell you that my ex did show up, and came up to me in the crowd. He's a big guy, taller than me. The minute he saw me, he picked me up with one hand by my hair and with his other hand, he grabbed me under my skirt by my vagina? my pussy?? and lifted me up off the floor, literally, and carried me, like something he owned, like a piece of trash, out of the club. His fingers were practically inside of me, his other hand wrapped tightly around my hair. I screamed and kicked and cried. He carried me this way, suspended by his hands, all the way across the room, pushing past people until he got to the front door. My friends ran after him, trying to stop him. We got to the front door and I thank God his brothers were also there and intervened. In the scuffle he grabbed at my clothes, trying to hold onto me, screaming at me, and inadvertently ripped off my grandmother?s necklace, which I was wearing. The rest of this night is a blur I do not remember. How I got out to the car. How I got away from him that night. I never returned for my necklace either. That part of my body, which the current Presidential Nominee of the United States Donald Trump recently described as something he?d like to grab a woman by, was bruised from my ex-boyfriend's violence for at least the next week. I had a hard time wearing jeans. I couldn?t sleep without a pillow between my legs to create space. To this day I remember that moment. I remember the shame. I am afraid my mom will read this post. I'm even more afraid that my father could ever know this story. That it would break his heart. I couldn't take that. But you understand, don't you? I needed to tell a story. Enjoy the debates tonight.
A photo posted by Amber Tamblyn (@amberrosetamblyn) on Oct 9, 2016 at 8:14am PDT
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| Amber Tamblyn (29) married David Cross (48) over the weekend | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Amber Tamblyn and David Cross got together in 2008, by most accounts. At the time, Amber was 24 years old and David was 44. Now she?s 29 years old and he?s 48. And they just got married. This is surprisingly NOT sudden. They announced their engagement back in August of last year, and less than a year ago, CB wrote about David and Amber claiming that their wedding was going to happen ?soon?. So? they actually did this the old-fashioned way. They dated for about three years, they were engaged for a little more than a year, and they had a nice wedding. So why does it not feel very traditional? Why does it feel slightly weird? Oh, right. The age difference.
Another Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants star is off the market! Actress Amber Tamblyn, 29, married actor David Cross, 48, on Saturday, his rep confirms to Us Weekly. Filmmaker/director Lance Bangs shared an Instagram photo of the newlyweds dancing at their ceremony on Saturday.
“Yo La Tengo playing Superchunk, Mission of Burma, and Pixies covers at David and Amber’s wedding,” Bangs, 40, captioned his shot. In the photo, Tamblyn wraps her arms around her husband while slow dancing.
The longtime couple confirmed their engagement to Us in August 2011. This is the first marriage for both Tamblyn and the Arrested Development actor.
Tambyln recently celebrated Blake Lively’s wedding with Sisterhood costars America Ferrera, 28 and Alexis Bledel, 30.
The friends traveled to Boone Hall Plantation & Garden in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina on Sept. 9 to watch Lively, 25, tie the knot to Ryan Reynolds, 35.
[From Us Weekly]
When they first announced their engagement, my first reaction was ??Him?? I always thought David Cross was gay, and I thought his relationship with Amber was some kind of hipster thing where he was, like, too avant-garde to actually, like, be in a relationship with, like, a dude. But apparently it was the real thing all along. And now they are happily wed. Congrats!
PS? I hope David doesn?t get a huge storyline in the return of Arrested Development. Tobias Funke was my least favorite character. Actually, I loved everybody BUT Tobias.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Amber Tamblyn Pretends to Be Amber Rose, Trolls Tyrese | Added 13 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Amber Tamblyn (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, House) was cc’d on an email list a mutual friend of hers and Tyrese Gibbons (Transformers) sent out. Having the middle name Rose, her email address was registered so it looked like her name was Amber Rose aka Kanye’s ex. Turns out Tyrese saw the address and assumed that’s who it was. Tyrese took theopportunityto email her about laying down some tracks together. Being engaged to David Cross for a reason, Amber couldn’t help but to troll Tyrese with a few demos. Full transcript from Street Carnage below.
Hi friends!
Tyrese Gibson (of Fast and Furious and Transformers) saw my name cc?d on an email that a mutual friend sent out and thought I was the model ex girlfriend of Kanye West, Amber Rose. (My middle name is Rose and my email adress is registered as Amber Rose). I?ve never met Tyrese before. He pulled my email addy from that cc list and emailed me wanting to work on an album together. So I recorded my demos on my iPhone and sent them to him. I guess you could call them Awareness Raps? I am the Hilary Clinton of Ghostface Killahs.
Below are all the email correspondences I had with Tyrese as well as the songs I sent him.
DISCLAIMER: Tyrese is a very sweet guy with good intentions who made a mistake and I, being an actress and engaged to a comedian, could not help myself. Tyrese, please accept my 87% hearfelt apology for stringing you along. I think we could have made beatufiul music together.
On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Tyrese Gibson wrote:
Hit me now ? ***.***.****
Tyrese Gibson
Amber Rose Wrote:
Sorry boo I would but my neighbors is really into exotic animals and I promised I would go over and see their new baby Ball Python.
On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Tyrese Gibson wrote:
On this new album it?s whatever..
Tyrese Gibson
On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:16 AM, Amber Rose T wrote:
lol u are so sweet boo I?ve been trying to get this album goin for so long u know how it is. Attached is the single demo I?ve been workin on? not finished yet but soon! Thanks to u boo lol. I will send you more demos soon. You will have demos comin out ur demos!!
On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Tyrese Gibson wrote:
We can make it real ?. I?m sitting on a lot of magic ? Let me know when ur in LA .. We can play until we customize AR
Tyrese Gibson
On Feb 26, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Amber Rose wrote:
I like the way you think. The music is just temp tracks but the lyrics and songs are my babies. Attached is another one. I?m so happy you are feelin? these! God Bless
Love 4Ever
On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Tyrese Gibson wrote:
That song was not it ? Not even remotely ?. Just keepin it real
Tyrese Gibson
On Feb 26, 2012, at 11:29 AM, Amber Rose wrote:
Thank you so much for keepin it really real, T. That last one I was just messin around with. The first one I sent called Dancefloor Etiquette? is important to the feministical evolution and fourth wave movement of Woman-Beats and Girl-Music. Ya know? NEWayz,
I will send more! Demos and demos
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Tyrese Gibson wrote:
What u on?
Tyrese Gibson
On Feb 29, 2012, at 12:43 PM, Amber Rose wrote:
Virgin America!
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Tyrese Gibson wrote:
Hit me when u land Pluto lady .. I got some shit in the stash Hope I?m not wasting my time ..
I got 6 hot ones for u ***.***.****
Tyrese Gibson
On Mar 1, 2012, at 11:23 AM, Amber Rose wrote:
Here listen to these 2 first?What do you think? Then we can talk. ON THE REAL talk.
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Tyrese Gibson wrote:
That was trash ?. Sorry .. At this point I don?t even believe this is Amber ?. I?m cool ?
Good luck on your career ? One
Tyrese Gibson
On Mar 1, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Amber Rose wrote:
Wow?okay. Sorry you feel that way. To each his own I suppose. These do mean something to me. They are from my heart and I feel like there is an important message in each and every song. But okay, good luck on your career as well. OH AND BY THE WAY ? For the record, this is really Amber.
Amber Rose Tamblyn
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Tyrese Gibson wrote:
Didn?t sound like u on the songs
Tyrese Gibson
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Tyrese Gibson wrote:
Here?s something ONLY YOU would know ? One night we left what party..? And u dropped me off where..??
Tyrese Gibson
On Mar 1, 2012, at 12:00 PM, Amber Rose wrote:
I don?t know what you?re talking about. What party?
Amber Rose Tamblyn
Tyrese Gibson ************* to me show details 12:20 PM (46 minutes ago)
Never-mind ..
Tyrese Gibson
Tyrese was reportedly pissed that Amber put the email chain out and emailed her, “Did you really go public with this ?? Corny as fuck .. Not cool .. Not even remotely .. I hope this does wonders for your career.”
And it has. Street Carnage says Shia Labeouf now wants to do animated shorts of each song, Dan the Automator also wants to do an EP of these and Questlove wants her to perform the songs on Jimmy Fallon.
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| David Cross and Amber Tamblyn are getting married soon, bizarre or cute couple? | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Did you remember that Amber Tamblyn, 28, and David Cross, 47, were engaged? I didn’t. Kaiser put it in the links in August, and a quick look back at our archives reveals that these two were first spotted making out at a party back in 2008. They’re still together, they’re engaged, and it sounds like they’re having a lot of fun. US Weekly got a brief quote from the happy couple on their upcoming wedding. There’s no date given for when it’s planned and they just joke around about it, but their wedding is probably coming sometime soon.
David Cross and Amber Tamblyn’s nuptials will be “a fun show for our guests,” the Modern Family actor, 47, tells Us. “We’ll take the piss out of a traditional wedding.” He cheekily adds that he knew the actress, 28, was The One because “a letter in the mail” said so. Jokes the bride-to-be: “He’s a pathological liar.”
[From US Weekly, print edition, December 5, 2011]
Well good for them! I know Amber from “House” and she was also in 127 Hours. I don’t watch “Modern Family” and I didn’t get into “Arrested Development” when it was on, so I’ll always know Cross as Ian from Alvin and The Chipmunks. Cross is coming back in the third installment of the series, Alvin and The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. It’s out this December and I’m sure my kid will drag me to it. The Chipmunks movies have CGI characters as stars so there’s not likely to be a ton of promotion from the voice actors or the actors who play humans. I’d love to hear more about Cross and Tamblyn’s wedding, though. It would be great to see photos too. It sounds like they’re going to throw a great party.
Photos are from 11/15/11, 11/14/11 and 9/16/11. Her engagement ring is cool! Credit: WENN.com/FayesVision and Joseph Marzullo/WENN.com
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| Amber Tamblyn: Engaged to David Cross! | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Adding another name to the slew of Hollywood brides-to-be, Amber Tamblyn and beau of two years David Cross have officially announced their engagement.
While details of the proposal are slim, the "Arrested Development" star is said to have popped the question to the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" actress several weeks ago.
Confirming the happy news to both Life & Style and Lifeline Live, the pair were pleased to share their marriage plans after keeping it secret for so long.
The couple, who have been rumored to be together since April 2008, officially stepped out as an item back in 2009.
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