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| Maria Menounos' Hotness Returns | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 It’s been months since our last dose of Maria Menounos hotness, but luckily, my favorite Greek hottie showed up tothe Minions world premiere in London last night, because I’ve already been warned more than once about calling 911to report “missing hotties.” Apparently going over six weeks without seeing Maria’s perfect booty isn’t technically consideredan emergency. […]
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| Emma Roberts Is See Through | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 I’m not really sure what Emma Roberts is up to these days, besides avoiding the sun this summer, but everybody’s favoritepasty hottie went see-through out in LA the other night, and that’s always newsworthy as far as I’m concerned. Unfortunately though, she didn’t conveniently “forget” to wear a bra underneath, which would’ve made this an […]
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| Jennifer Aniston is 'sadly very much interested in the Kardashian-Jenner thing' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Do you think Jennifer Aniston is culture snob? I do not. I think she has tried unsuccessfully to be a culture snob in the past, but at a certain point, no one was buying it and she gave up. Nowadays, she freely admits to watching trash TV and reading silly self-help books, just like everybody else. During her failed Oscar campaign, didn?t she even admit to watching The Bachelor and The Bachelorette? Yes, she did. She called those shows ?great junk food? and a ?train wreck.? Well, she has another junk-TV show: Keeping Up with the Kardashians. No, Jen, no!!! Some more highlights from her endlessly parceled-out People Magazine interview:
She loves KUWTK: ”I sadly am very much interested in the Kardashian-Jenner thing. That’s a guilty pleasure for sure.”
On Caitlyn Jenner?s VF cover: ”I thought it was beautiful.”
Taking over Living Proof?s Instagram for a day: “I was so stressed out, sweating bullets. It was too much pressure. For these Kardashians, it’s a career!”
She?s worried about social media?s larger effect: “Kids aren’t speaking to each other anymore. I was with friends of ours from Vermont and their two kids don’t have an iPhone or an iPad. They were 9 and 12 and were the most interesting young adults. Seeing other kids on their [phones] all the time, it makes me sad.”
She hasn?t named all of her chickens: “We attempted to do that, but there are 17 of them now. I’ve lost track because they all look alike! We did get two baby chicks as a gift named Justin and Jen.?
[From People Magazine]
?I’ve lost track because they all look alike.? Jennifer Aniston is racist about chickens!! CHICKEN RACE WAR. Ha, since I know there will be some Jen Hens (literally!!!) butthurt about that, it was a joke. Aniston is not racist about chickens. But please feel free to make some hashtags about that happen. #AnistonIsRacistAboutChickens #AnistonThinksAllChickensLookAlike
As for her interest in Keeping Up with the Kardashians? I?m not judging her. We?ve all been there, haven?t we? It?s a lazy weekend, you?re flipping through the channels and you end up watching the Kardashian sisters get bikini waxes or something and you get stuck. Your mind wanders and actually form opinions about them. ?Kourtney is so dumb and self-centered,? you think to yourself. ?Kim actually makes a good point there.? That?s how they get you.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Zoe Saldana: sleeptraining twins is 'overwhelming, insensitive, & archaic' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Zoe Saldana is everywhere all of a sudden. More excerpts from her InStyle interview surfaced. She talks about her Nina Simone movie, which she filmed in 2012 and still hasn’t made it into theaters. I guess this is still happening. Zoe said, “I didn?t think I was right for the part, but I don?t think Elizabeth Taylor was right for Cleopatra either. An artist is colorless, genderless .. It?s more complex than just ?Oh, you chose the Halle Berry look-alike to play a dark, strikingly beautiful, iconic black woman.’ The truth is, they chose an artist who was willing to sacrifice herself.” Zoe discussed the Liz Taylor casting before, but she sounds more negative now. Maybe she just wants this film to come out, so she can stop talking about it.
Zoe also visited Jimmy Kimmel last night to talk about her other new movie, Infinitely Polar Bear, which is about a father with bipolar disorder. The dad is played by Mark Ruffalo, so it should be a good performance. Saldana plays Ruffalo’s wife. The topic shifted to parenting, and Zoe admitted how hard is to put her own twin babies to sleep. She and Mr. Marco Saldana are both tearing their lovely manes from their heads:
“Sleep training twins is no joke because you put one to sleep and you lay him down, and the other one has been asleep, but then that one wakes up and the other one wakes up so then everybody’s crying, then my husband and I are crying…You’re like, ‘Oh, my God!’”
“It’s overwhelming because there are so many different methods. Just the other day, my sister, who has a 9-month-old, shared with us the method that she did. She brought the piece of paper and grabbed us both with a bottle of vodka. She goes, ‘What do you guys have?’ That’s how her and her husband did it. Because the moment you hear your child cry, it’s like it rips the guts out of you. And it’s like, we have two. It’s crazy. So there’s a bottle of Skinnygirl and we had the monitor with the volume all the way high. We have this little note thing, this log that you have to be logging in all the time. We put them down, say ‘mommy and daddy love you’ in Italian and Spanish — well get to that later — and then we walk out and they’re having a meltdown. So then you have to time it, then you go in. And my sister, I’m like, ‘Can we go in? Can we go in?’ ‘OK, go in now.’ And we go in and I’m like, ‘What do we do?’ No eye contact, just say ‘mommy and daddy love you’ — in Italian and Spanish?and she would come pull us out. So by the third time, it had been 45 minutes already. We were kind of buzzed. It’s heart wrenching. My husband doesn’t drink and he’s like, ‘Gimme that bottle!’”
“So then we go and we just finally abort. We abort mission. We take our kids. I take one, he takes the other, and we’re both crying. The boys’ bodies are, like, their bodies are weeping…and you go, ‘Oh, my God, he’s never going to forgive me for this.’ And then, Marco and I are talking in the room going, ‘It’s not for us. It’s too archaic. There has to be a more gentle method. They did it because they’re insensitive. They don’t care about their children.’”
[From E! Online]
Kimmel told Zoe she should have the twins sleep in separate bedrooms. Zoe replied, “They were born together. It’s unnatural to separate them. In my mind, it just makes sense.” Well in my mind, this sounds like a nightmare. Two screaming babies! One at a time was enough for me, and I admit to never being able to let my baby cry it out. Perhaps out of laziness, I gave in and picked her up (she’s fine now). Zoe also said her twins would be trilingual (English and Italian and Spanish).
Here’s a Kimmel clip where Zoe talks about Marco taking her name.
Here’s a clip where Zoe talks about how Infinitely Polar Bear came together.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Elisabeth Rohm's Little Cleavage Show | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 Maybe I’m supposed to recognize Elisabeth Rohm here, considering she’s been an actress for years according to my sources, and was on Law &Order or something. But cut me a little slack — everybody knows my brain’s been fried from years oflicking my computer screen. Sohere’s Elisabeth dropping some solid cleavage at the LA premiere […]
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| Kendra Wilkinson Gets the Truth from Hank Baskett on 'Marriage Boot Camp' | Added 9 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Their sacred union has been through the ringer, and on the June 12th episode of ?Marriage Boot Camp? Hank Baskett comes clean to Kendra Wilkinson.
The disgraced NFL player, who allegedly cheated on his Playboy Playmate wife with a transgender model named Ava Sabrina London, is featured in a preview clip via Us Weekly, explaining, ?I know that day I said some things. Because I was scared of losing everything I?ve wanted in my life. And I have.?
From there, marriage counselor Elizabeth Carroll replies, "Listen to me, I have talked to her. Kendra needs to hear. She doesn't want to hear from me. She wants to hear from you -- the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." WE TV?s ?Marriage Boot Camp? airs Friday, June 12th at 9:00pm!
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| Star: LeAnn Rimes & Eddie are maybe expecting their first kid together | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 This might be one explanation for why LeAnn Rimes has been seemingly less in-our-face for the past few months: Star Magazine claims LeAnn and Eddie are expecting their first child together! Sources claim that after years of trying to get pregnant naturally, they finally tried IVF and LeAnn eventually did get knocked up. Sources also say that LeAnn and Eddie are going to wait a few more months until they announce. And for what it?s worth, Leann ? who constantly tweets ? has not issued any kind of denial or statement about this particular report as of yet.
LeAnn Rimes and husband Eddie Cibrian are finally expecting their first child.
?It?s early, so there?s no bump,? reveals a source close to the couple, ?but the buzz is, she?s pregnant.?
LeAnn?s love for Eddie?s sons have only increased her longing for a child of her own: ?Eddie?s already a dad, so for him not having another baby isn?t the end of the world. But for LeAnn, it?s almost the only thing she thinks about.?
Though LeAnn and Eddie had been trying ?the old fashioned way,? word is they ultimately elected to go the in vitro route. ?She wanted to conceive naturally, but it just wasn?t happening. The baby-making escapade has been traumatic. LeAnn had to convince Eddie to go for IVF and that?s stressful.?
LeAnn got her way and the procedure seems to have worked. She?s not shouting from the rooftops just yet though ? ?she?s had positive pregnancy tests in the past. But it hasn?t resulted in the happily-ever-after she so desperately wants. She couldn?t handle the heartache of letting people know she miscarried.? So LeAnn and Eddie want to remain mum until about four months, if they can keep it hidden that long.
[From Star Magazine, print edition]
Part of me doesn?t believe this because if LeAnn really was pregnant, she?d be signaling and indicating it all over the place. But maybe the absence of evidence is evidence? Could be. And if so, LeAnn just found a perfect excuse to cancel all of her appearances for the next two years! Sounds good, because judging from her Twitter, she?s promoting a Christmas album in June. Sigh? poor Wewe.
These are all photos of LeAnn at LAX yesterday.
Photos courtesy of LeAnn?s Instagram, Fame/Flynet.
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| Julianna Margulies: 'I never think of myself as a famous person' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These days, I?m totally over Julianna Margulies. Whatever went down between Julianna and Archie Panjabi ? and something really did go down ? left a bad taste in my mouth. My gut says that the long-standing rumors were true, that Julianna acted like a princess/diva and didn?t want Archie Panjabi?s character to overshadow special snowflake Alicia Florrick on The Good Wife. My gut says that Julianna was instrumental in the marginalization of one of the best characters on TV in a decade (not to mention the marginalization of one of the best TV actresses, Archie Panjabi).
So? yeah. I?m over Julianna. Which means I rolled my eyes a few times during her interview with The Edit. You would think that with this kind of online-magazine interview (with a quick turnaround), JM would have been asked about the recent controversies about Archie Panjabi. She was not. Which makes me wonder if JM?s precondition for this interview was ?no questions about Archie.? Which makes me wonder why JM doesn?t want to talk about it. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:
People love her character: ?Women love Alicia. She was an underdog. She was in a sink-or-swim situation, and she swam. People love a flawed character they can relate to. Oh, she?s messed up! I tell the writers, ?Seriously, she needs to be in therapy. She hasn?t gotten laid for a year and a half, the situation at home with her husband is so complicated, her children are leaving the nest, she has her own business and she?s completely overwhelmed.? And the writers are always like, ?Well, she?ll work it out!? To be honest, when would she have time to see a shrink anyway??
She doesn?t do Twitter: ?I?m [not going to] ask 20 million people to believe my character, then go to a mall and tweet, ?Hey, it?s me! I?m buying shoes!? However, if I was just doing my philanthropic work, I would definitely tweet; it?s a great tool to open people?s eyes.?
Equal rights: ?There is a generation coming up that understands equal rights. People fight for what they believe in ? equal pay, gay rights, all of these things that should have happened years ago. [But] we have a long way to go.?
Getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: ?As for the Hollywood Star? It still feels surreal. I always thought of it as something other people got; never in a million years did I think I would get one. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to do what I love and get paid for it. The rest is a bit overwhelming! Flattering, but overwhelming.?
Whether she has political ambitions: ?I would never and could never be a politician. But God, it?s fun to play one. I have to say things that I personally disagree with, but you have to look at things from two sides. I?ll get emotional at the snap of a finger, but my husband will read the other argument. He?s very graceful at having an opinion, rather than having a gut reaction.?
Humility: ?I never think of myself as a famous person. I think of myself as a working actor who happens to be in a show that everyone watches.?
Other people?s opinions: ?I can?t control other people?s opinions of me, all I can control is my reaction to it. Someone in Idaho may hate me, but I don?t have to know about it!?
Online comments: ?I don?t read any of it ? ?Did I wear the right dress, did I not?? ? because it?s not going to help me as a human. It will only make me feel bad?or good. And if I believe the good, do I believe the bad??
Women want to work in TV: ?Women are realizing that the most challenging and interesting things written for them are now on TV. Until five years ago, TV catered to male leads. I wouldn?t say it?s equal, but it?s getting there.?
[From The Edit]
Do people really love Alicia? I?ve watched all of the episodes through Season 5, and some of the Season 6 episodes, and I can?t really say I love Alicia. I loved Kalinda. I love Diane and I loved Will. I sometimes love Eli
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