 I always sort of blank out on Zoe Saldana?s personal life, but she?s actually got an interesting home life. She married an Italian artist named Marco Perego in 2013. He adopted her surname and became Marco Perego Saldana, and their three children Bowie, Zen and Cy all carry the surname Perego-Saldana. It?s unusual but cool. Anyway, yes, she gave birth to the twins Cy and Bowie first, and they?re five years old. Zen just celebrated his third birthday in February. So, three boys under the age of five. Just put me out of my misery right now, I could not do that whatsoever. And now Zoe and Marco are isolating together with their sons and Zoe posted a video of Marco stopping a fight between the boys:
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A post shared by Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) on Apr 1, 2020 at 2:13pm PDT