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Victoria Beckham on her fashion line: 'I approve absolutely everything'
Added 7 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Victoria Beckham on her fashion line: 'I approve absolutely everything'
Vogue hosted a new conference last week called Forces of Fashion that allowed for dialogues between designers and Vogue editors. The lineup was impressive with attendees including Rihanna and Marc Jacobs. Conversations included ethical fashion (Stella McCarthy), maintaining the ?cool? factor (Virgil Abloh and Heron Preston) and Instagram?s influence (Marc Jacob and Kevin Systrom). Had I the time and disposable income, I?d have liked to attend. Also present was designer Victoria Beckham who participated in a discussion called When Fashion is Your Second Act with Vogue Runway director, Nicole Phelps. In addition to talking about making fashion her second career, Victoria discussed how her line survived where most celebrity lines have not. According to Victoria, her success comes down to her overseeing every aspect of her line which has given her an education in fashion that?s allowed her line to both grow and endure.

The list of celebrities who have dabbled in fashion design at one point or another is almost too long to recount. From Beyonc’s Deron to Gwen Stefani’s L.A.M.B., most such forays into fashion labels of their own have fizzled long before the stars’ celebrity has waned. But there are a few exceptions to this rule, and Victoria Beckham is perhaps one of the most triumphant.

“I was very aware that people had preconceptions,” said Beckham of her early creative years on Thursday atVogue’sForces of Fashionconference in New York. “I didn’t know very much at all about the fashion industry… I was probably quite naive and a little unaware. And not as scared as I would be if I was doing it now, knowing what I know now.”

“I love the development process,” she noted of creating her aforementioned makeup line. “I love talking about the packaging. [My husband]Davidthinks I’m really boring that I get so excited about boxes and stuff. But I find it really interesting.”

Her team is so small, asserted Beckham, that she still oversees the smallest of details, like which celebrities are loaned clothing from her line. “I approve absolutely everything,” she claimed, though she noted that some in-the-spotlight figures ? likeMelania Trump? appear in her clothing because they make the purchases themselves.

Ultimately, it’s her deep level of involvement in every level of her brand that Beckham believes has set her apart from other celebrities dabbling in fashion design over the years.

“I think that many of these other celebrities, those were licensing deals? They were putting their names on other people’s products,” she explained. “And I don’t think there’s anything wrong in that. But for me, it was never about that. I wasn’t singing anymore. I’m not an actress. I really put everything into this [brand] ? this was a new career for me. I had a vision, it was very focused, and I surrounded myself with the right people.”

[From Fashionista]

I appreciate Victoria?s commitment and I do think she has grown as a designer. I?d wear her stuff if I could afford it. I think she?s probably on to something about her involvement being personal vs. other celebrities who license their names. They probably weren?t overly invested in the line’s details other than profitability. But I also think there is a bit more to her weathering the storm than her dedication: her husband spent a few million pounds bailing her out when the label was operating at a loss. I?m not critiquing her just saying that it’s easier to see for a line to survive that doesn’t have to answer to investors. Obviously, she has learned from her earlier mistakes, including trying to expand too rapidly. She?s also probably not the only designer to be bailed out when they bite off more than they could chew. She did the work to get where she is and she has become a respected designer so she deserves credit. Plus, I appreciate the shade for #45?s wife, you could probably see the icicles forming on her words as she said them.

And who knows, with her line?s success, maybe her clothes could get a US Vogue cover?

Photo credit: WENN Photos

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Eva Green: Harvey Weinstein 'behaved inappropriately & I had to push him off'
Added 7 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Eva Green: Harvey Weinstein 'behaved inappropriately & I had to push him off'
I didn?t choose these photos of Eva Green specifically because they feature Roman Polanski. That was just a terrible accident. These photos are from this year?s Cannes premiere of Roman Polanski?s Based On a True Story, starring Eva and Emmanuelle Seigner, and these pics were literally the most recent photos we have of Eva. So, just take it at face value. Eva has no problem working with Roman Polanski. But she did have an issue working with Harvey Weinstein. The side-by-side isn?t even worth it, and let me be clear: the fact that Eva worked with Roman Polanski has nothing to do with the veracity of her claims about Harvey Weinstein. She can be the victim of Weinstein?s sustained sexual harassment, AND she can be an a–hole for working with Polanski.

First, Eva?s mother Marlene Jobert (a French actress) said in a radio interview that Weinstein sexually harassed Eva for two years:

The mother of actress Eva Green says the James Bond actress was targeted by Harvey Weinstein. On Friday, Green?s mother, French actress Marlene Jobert, told Europe 1 radio that her daughter was also ?sexually harassed? by the movie mogul for two years.

?My daughter Eva was the victim of this horrible man ?? the 76-year old star said, adding she was speaking on her daughter?s behalf. ?At the time, I was truly horrified, so scandalized that I wanted to do something but my daughter said ?Absolutely Not! You do not know the evil he is capable of.? ?

While her daughter has resisted speaking out personally since allegations concerning Weinstein have arisen, Jobert said she was motivated to ?add another testimony because it isn?t possible that this guy goes unpunished. This odious character must be prosecuted.?

Green, star of Penny Dreadful, was targeted by Weinstein during 2010-11, Jobert said. To escape confrontation, Green tried not to reply. ?She was intimidated, this guy had so much power, power over all cinema! He must have put obstacles in her way because he was so vexed? It was difficult, took time to recover, she prefers to forget and not talk about it today.?

Speaking to the news radio station, she described Weinstein ?as tenacious, he insisted for several months, every time he was in Paris, he called.? Jobert stressed that Weinstein?s approach was ?a professional rendezvous? with the offer of a starring role. ?Under the pretext of a professional appointment, he?d given her a script with a beautiful key role it. And as his office was also in his hotel suite, they?d go up and then ? He promised her, like the others that he?d favorize their careers in exchange for sexual favors.?

?Eva managed to escape him but he threatened to destroy her professionally,? her mother explained. ?Because if the ?BIG PIG? had been outed by a victim, for revenge he would forbid [directors] to select them. That?s a brutal reaction to take on a young actress because it was putting themselves in danger of being scratched off casting lists.?

[From People]

After her mom outed her – and I really hope Eva gave her mom permission to speak on her behalf – Eva ended up confirming her mom?s story with a statement of her own:

?I wish to address comments made by my mother in a recent interview regarding Harvey Weinstein. I met him for a business meeting in Paris at which he behaved inappropriately and I had to push him off. I got away without it going further, but the experience left me shocked and disgusted. I have not discussed this before because I wanted to maintain my privacy, but I understand it is important to do so as I hear about other women?s experiences. Women are often condemned when they speak out and their personal reputations tarnished by association. I salute the great bravery of the women who have come forward. We should recognise that this sort of behaviour exists everywhere and is not unique to the entertainment industry. The exploitation of power is ubiquitous. This behavior is unacceptable and needs to be eliminated.?

[From Page Six]

?He behaved inappropriately and I had to push him off.? That?s assault. When he?s on top of you or ON you to the point where you have to ?push him off,? that?s assault. And I have no doubt that Eva?s mom was telling more of the story than Eva would, that Weinstein was calling Eva and harassing her whenever he was in Paris. It would not surprise me in the least. Ugh, these stories are so awful.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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Kate Winslet didn't thank Weinstein when she won her Oscar: 'that was deliberate'
Added 7 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Kate Winslet didn't thank Weinstein when she won her Oscar: 'that was deliberate'
I forgot about this already, but in the initial flurry of celebrity statements about Harvey Weinstein last week, Kate Winslet was one of the first to put out a statement of support for the victims. Winslet said, in part: ?The fact that these women are starting to speak out about the gross misconduct of one of our most important and well regarded film producers, is incredibly brave and has been deeply shocking to hear…I fully embrace and salute their profound courage, and I unequivocally support this level of very necessary exposure of someone who has behaved in reprehensible and disgusting ways.? Except that as it turns out, Kate Winslet wasn?t all that shocked. I mean, she seems to maintain the idea that she had no idea Weinstein was and is a sexual predator. But she knew he was a bully and an a-hole long ago. From her interview with the LA Times:

She didn?t thank Weinstein when she won her Oscar in 2009: ?That was deliberate. That was absolutely deliberate. I remember being told. ?Make sure you thank Harvey if you win.? And I remember turning around and saying, ?No I won?t. No I won?t.? And it was nothing to do with not being grateful. If people aren?t well-behaved, why would I thank him? The fact that I?m never going to have to deal with Harvey Weinstein again as long as I live is one of the best things that?s ever happened and I’m sure the feeling is universal.?

He took credit for putting her in her first film role in Heavenly Creatures: ?For my whole career, Harvey Weinstein, whenever I?ve bumped into him, he?d grab my arm and say, ?Don?t forget who gave you your first movie.? Like I owe him everything. Then later, with ?The Reader,? same thing, ?I?m gonna get you that Oscar nomination, I?m gonna get you a win, I?m gonna win for you.? But that?s how he operated. He was bullying and nasty. Going on a business level, he was always very, very hard to deal with ? he was rude. He used to call my female agent a [vulgar name for a woman] every time he spoke to her on the telephone.?

Weinstein badgered Sydney Pollack on his deathbed and harassed the widow of Anthony Minghella in 2008 (both were producers on ?The Reader?): ?I can?t even begin to describe the disgraceful behavior that went on ? and I?m actually not going to because it?s a can of worms that I?m not prepared to publicly open ? nothing to do with sexual harassment, thankfully, lucky me. My god. I somehow dodged that bullet.?

Weinstein shut down production on ?The Reader? even though they needed four more days of filming: ?We still had a full four days of shooting of very key scenes that for me ? as a person playing that part ? were absolutely crucial to the story and to Stephen Daldry, they were as well. And Harvey just decided, ?OK, we?re done. No more money. I?m pulling the plug.? We had to stop and were sent home. That was it. And again, this is just on the business side of things, but he was always, always very, very, very unpleasant to deal with. Very.?

?The Reader? was the last time she worked with Weinstein: ?Damn right. I … stand up for myself and I don?t pander to what you?re supposed to do and what you?re not supposed to do. I won?t be pushed around or bullied by anyone. I was bullied as a child. Never again. Certainly not by Harvey Weinstein.?

[From The LA Times]

I?d forgotten about all of that behind-the-scenes stuff with The Reader. Maybe I just ignored it when that information came out because I despised that movie so much and I always felt like? Winslet should have won for a different role. Sense & Sensibility would have been the ideal movie for her to win an Oscar, looking back on her filmography, right? She should have won for S&S, or maybe Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind because holy sh-t that was a crazy movie, but definitely not for The Reader. Anyway, I believe that Weinstein harassed Sydney Pollack on his deathbed and harassed Anthony Minghella?s widow. I believe that Weinstein called Winslet?s agent the C-word. I believe Winslet refused to thank Weinstein on purpose.

I do have to wonder though? if Kate Winslet is a bit like Jennifer Lawrence, in that she has a high tolerance for douchebags, and the convenient ability to put aside her belief system when it?s for a good role. Winslet did this interview as part of the press around her latest film, Wonder Wheel, directed by Woody Allen. In an interview last month, Kate even namechecked Roman Polanski, an admitted rapist, as a ?incredible director.? Kate should be believed when she talks about Weinstein?s appalling behavior – just as we should believe her when she talks about how she thinks Woody Allen and Roman Polanski are totes brilliant.

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