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Tom Cruise Premieres 'Valkyrie' in Russia
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Tom Cruise Premieres 'Valkyrie' in Russia
With such a historically relevant film as “Valkyrie,” it’s no wonder Tom Cruise has been all over the world on his promotional duties.

And last night (January 26), the “Top Gun” stud was in Moscow, Russia for the big premiere, schmoozing with fans and posing for pics in a grey suit/white button-up/black turtleneck combo.

14-Jul-2023 :Hayley Atwell says she never dated Tom Cruise, she thought of him like an...
11-May-2023 :Tom Cruise wants to date Shakira after meeting her at the Miami Grand Pri...
11-Jul-2021 :Tom Cruise & Hayley Atwell attended the Wimbledon women?s final together
4-Jun-2021 :Tom Cruise is isolating for 14 days after MI7 crew members test positive ...
22-Dec-2020 :Tom Cruise ?takes it personally? when crew members break Covid protocols
7-May-2020 :NASA confirms Tom Cruise will make a movie on the International Space Sta...
24-Oct-2016 :Tom Cruise on rumors of Top Gun 2: ?We?re discussing it?
22-Aug-2016 :Tom Cruise wants a bigger back-end cut for the sixth ?Mission: Impossible...
29-Jan-2016 :Tom Cruise may be heading to the danger zone for Top Gun sequel: excited?
19-Jun-2015 :Tom Cruise would love to spend time with Suri during his ?MI5? promo tour
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Tom Cruise not planning to play hero pilot in Hudson River plane crash
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise not planning to play hero pilot in Hudson River plane crash
Earlier today, rumors began to circulate that Tom Cruise said he wants to play Captain Chelsey Sullenberger in a movie adaptation of the recent Hudson River plane crash. Seems like a viable story, considering that Tom is a huge self-promoter and that Hollywood likes to profit on real-life tragedies. If done right, a film about the Hudson River landing could be quite good, though predictable. It’s just a little early to be planning a project so soon after the crash. Also, Tom is ten years too young for the role.

Now it seems that Cruise said nothing of the sort - and if he did, he didn’t mean it in “that way.”

While the movie star?and avid flier?was quoted heralding U.S. Airways’ Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger’s heroic landing on the Hudson River last week and claiming that there might be “a movie in here,” Cruise’s rep denies that a big reenactment is in the works.

“There’s nothing here,” he told E! News.

The rumor mill went into overdrive with various tabloids and websites reporting a film was in the works based on sound bites Cruise supposedly gave to Entertainment Tonight.

“I was with people today and they said, ‘There’s a movie in here,’ ” the actor reportedly said. “I’m thinking about that.

“To have done such a heroic job…I know what it’s like, because we train for emergencies and then for it to happen and to have it turn out the way it did?that’s how we want them to end.”

[from Yahoo]

A reporter could have made up the original Tom Cruise quotes, but I’m inclined to believe that Tom did actually mention a possible movie, and maybe even his own starring role. And then his reps had to play clean-up. Tom and Kate may be able to sell tabloid covers, but he’s not exactly on anyone’s list of top kick-ass movie heroes anymore. But because people are interested in his private life, it is interesting to see what kinds of role he chooses to resuscitate his career. On his IMDB page, he only has one movie in production, Men, which based on the description could either be a light-hearted romantic comedy or a heavy drama, it’s hard to tell.

Tom Cruise is shown at the London premiere of Valkyrie on 1/21/09. Credit: WENN

14-Jul-2023 :Hayley Atwell says she never dated Tom Cruise, she thought of him like an...
11-May-2023 :Tom Cruise wants to date Shakira after meeting her at the Miami Grand Pri...
11-Jul-2021 :Tom Cruise & Hayley Atwell attended the Wimbledon women?s final together
4-Jun-2021 :Tom Cruise is isolating for 14 days after MI7 crew members test positive ...
22-Dec-2020 :Tom Cruise ?takes it personally? when crew members break Covid protocols
7-May-2020 :NASA confirms Tom Cruise will make a movie on the International Space Sta...
24-Oct-2016 :Tom Cruise on rumors of Top Gun 2: ?We?re discussing it?
22-Aug-2016 :Tom Cruise wants a bigger back-end cut for the sixth ?Mission: Impossible...
29-Jan-2016 :Tom Cruise may be heading to the danger zone for Top Gun sequel: excited?
19-Jun-2015 :Tom Cruise would love to spend time with Suri during his ?MI5? promo tour
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Is Tom Cruise trying to tell us something?
Added 15 years agoSource: Seriously OMG WTF
Is Tom Cruise trying to tell us something?
Splash News Online

Tom Cruise who normally holds Katie Holmes' hand or her back, swtiched things up in London and patted her belly. Is that Tom Cruise's way of say that Katie Homes is pregnant? If she wasn't skinnier than ever, I might believe it a little more that she was giving a Suri a sibling in 8 months. I am saying that amount of time because it was a month ago that we saw that cold sore on her lip.

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TomKat's Post-Premiere Dinner Date
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
TomKat's Post-Premiere Dinner Date
Finished up with their red carpet obligations for the night, Tom Cruise escorted his lovely wife Katie Holmes to The Ivy in London for a post-premiere dinner date on Wednesday (January 21).

Walking hand-in-hand, the “Top Gun” hunk and his “Mad Money” bride smiled as they made their way past a crowd of paparazzi and into the upscale West Street eatery.

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Tom Cruise could have been in 'Milk'
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise could have been in 'Milk'
There have been some dribs and drabs of Tom Cruise news here and there the past few days, and some of it is really funny. Tom?s been in Europe promoting Valkyrie, and I?m starting to suspect that maybe the translations aren?t so great. There were a few headlines like ?Tom Cruise loves sausages? that cracked me up, but I couldn?t find his original statements.

Katie Holmes has joined him for the European tour, now that her play?s run is over. Yesterday, as they were exiting Berlin, they apparently made out in front of the trailing paparazzi, so that made even more headlines. Today they attended the UK premiere of Valkyrie. Katie looks surprisingly well-rested and put-together, donning an attractive black cocktail dress, black panty hose and short heels.

In other Tom Cruise news, Milk director Gus Van Sant has recently admitted that Cruise was his original choice for the role of Dan White, Harvey Milk?s assassin. It would have been interesting casting, but I doubt it would have worked.

Gus Van Sant has revealed that he originally wanted Tom Cruise to star in the Harvey Milk biopic.

The director said he thought Tom in the role of the outspoken gay politician’s assassin, and Sean Penn in the titular role, would get the fledging project off the ground. And he was keen to make the movie before the memory of the real-life Harvey Milk faded.

“I thought if I connected those two guys at the time I could go into the studio and say ‘look I have these two guys’ and they would do it. There was always the problem with the gay community aspect of the film so they needed a reason to overcome that fear that they had of making a film that wasn’t going to have a very big return money wise, so that was my plan,” he said.

Van Sant said that when the idea launched again, with a different writer at the helm, he forgot he had offered Sean a part.

“We had a meeting with him at his house, and half way through the meeting - it took me that long for me to remember - I realized that I’d actually gone through all this and met him before, I’d somehow forgot,” he said.

The part of Dan White was eventually played by No Country For Old Men star Josh Brolin.

[From AP Hosted by Google]

It would have been a hell of a comeback role for Tom Cruise, but I?m sure Xenu wouldn?t approve. Just the ?Tom Cruise starring in film of gay icon?s life? headlines alone would irked Xenu. But I bet Valkyrie does well in Europe, especially in England. So many of Cruise?s co-stars are great British actors. I’m sure audiences will go see the film just to support them.

Here?s Tom and Katie at the UK premiere of Valkyrie today. Images thanks to WENN.

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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: Valkyrie in the UK
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: Valkyrie in the UK
Last night they were busy at the Berlin premiere of “Valkyrie.” And this evening Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are on the other side of the English Channel giving the Brits their chance to see it for the first time.

The “Risky Business” stud and his “Dawson’s Creek” darling looked blissful, as always, as they posed for the paparazzi outside London’s Odeon Leicester Square.

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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Jet Out of Berlin
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Jet Out of Berlin
They had a great time at the German premiere of “Valkyrie” last night, and afterwards Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were spotted catching a departing flight.

The “Eyes Wide Shut” stud and his “Dawson’s Creek” darling arrived at the Schoenfeld Airport in Berlin and were seen kissing as they made their way past the security checkpoint.

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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: 'Valkyrie' in Berlin
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: 'Valkyrie' in Berlin
He’s literally been all over the world on his current promotional tour, and earlier tonight (January 20) Tom Cruise premiered “Valkyrie” in Berlin, Germany with wife Katie Holmes by his side.

The “Top Gun” stud looked dapper in a black suit, smiling from ear to ear as he held hands with the “Mad Money” mommy, who looked stunning in a black plunging neckline floor-length dress with black heels.

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Tom Cruise requires interviewers to like Valkyrie before he?ll talk to them
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise requires interviewers to like Valkyrie before he?ll talk to them
According to an Italian-language article translated by a Gawker tipster, Tom Cruise’s list of requirements for interviews includes a positive take on his film Valkyrie and an understanding that Scientology is not banned in Germany. The article also states that Cruise is moving to New York to be with his wife, Kate Holmes, now that her play has wrapped. At least two American tabloids say that “Kate” is moving back to LA, so it’s hard to tell what’s true.

This list of requirements is consistent with an earlier story that Cruise invited critics over to his place to screen Valykyrie in exchange for a positive review.

Like many celebrities, Tom Cruise tries to control journalists. He hates talking about his heavy involvement Scientology, for example. But who knew he’d try to force his interviewers to like Valkyrie?

Italian publication LeiWeb opened its interview with Cruise by describing all the restrictions imposed by the movie star’s publicists. According to both a tipster and Google’s translation of the article, the requirements to interview Tom Cruise were as follows, at least for LeiWeb:

Must have seen Valkyrie.

Must have liked Valkryie.

Must read a letter about how Scientology has never been banned in Germany. Even though, uh, Tom Cruise hates talking about Scientology…

According to Italian Claudia, it is in fact written that Cruise is moving to New York. Of course, it’s still up in the air whether the interviewer understood correctly.

[From Gawker]

It’s correct that Scientology was never officially “banned” in Germany. It exists in Germany, but it doesn’t have tax free status as a religion and is under surveillance by the German government for suspicion of their equivalent to racketeering. I’ve seen documentaries on German television detailing the tactics of Scientology including interviews with former high ranking members. It’s well known in Germany that Scientology is an organization that is incredibly suspect. So while Scientology does exist in Germany and you get those wide-eyed people trying to recruit with stress tests, it’s at least monitored by the government and the media is outspoken against it.

Good luck, Tom Cruise, converting anyone in Germany with your unique brand of media “love bombing.” You may have received a Bambi but the Germans aren’t about to suspend disbelief to accept Scientology as a legitimate religion.

Tom Cruise is going to appear tonight in Berlin for the German premiere of Valkyrie. We have an active contingent of Anonymous in Berlin too, and I’m hoping some people in Guy Fawkes masks show up to crash the party.

Tom Cruise is shown doing an interview in Berlin on 1/19/09. Credit: WENN

14-Jul-2023 :Hayley Atwell says she never dated Tom Cruise, she thought of him like an...
11-May-2023 :Tom Cruise wants to date Shakira after meeting her at the Miami Grand Pri...
11-Jul-2021 :Tom Cruise & Hayley Atwell attended the Wimbledon women?s final together
4-Jun-2021 :Tom Cruise is isolating for 14 days after MI7 crew members test positive ...
22-Dec-2020 :Tom Cruise ?takes it personally? when crew members break Covid protocols
7-May-2020 :NASA confirms Tom Cruise will make a movie on the International Space Sta...
24-Oct-2016 :Tom Cruise on rumors of Top Gun 2: ?We?re discussing it?
22-Aug-2016 :Tom Cruise wants a bigger back-end cut for the sixth ?Mission: Impossible...
29-Jan-2016 :Tom Cruise may be heading to the danger zone for Top Gun sequel: excited?
19-Jun-2015 :Tom Cruise would love to spend time with Suri during his ?MI5? promo tour
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Tom Cruise 'too small,' 'cautious' for Valkyrie role, say hero's relatives
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise 'too small,' 'cautious' for Valkyrie role, say hero's relatives
According to relatives of Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, Tom Cruise isn’t man enough to portray the late hero. Stauffenberg’s great nephew claims Cruise just doesn’t have the chops or the stature to convincingly carry the lead in Valykyrie:

Ahead of the film’s release in Germany this week, Franz von Stauffenberg told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper that Cruise failed to capture what inspired people to join forces with his great-uncle Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg.

Tom Cruise seems terribly cautious, almost as if he were afraid of playing the role. He tries to seem elegant but comes across as extremely stiff,” Mr von Stauffenberg, who has himself acted in minor television roles, said after seeing Valkyrie.

“He seems not at all decisive in the role and above all not charismatic enough. On the whole he just seems too small.”

Cruise plays Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, a Prussian aristocrat who played a key role in a plot to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944.

Sydney Morning Herald

Stauffenberg would have been quite a strong character to have people support him in a plot to kill their country’s leader, and many have trouble seeing past Tom Cruise’s personality. Maybe if he’d had the confidence to use a German accent the transformation would be more convincing. Tom speaks a few lines of German, before reverting to non-accented English, as does the rest of the cast. Only the baddies speak with German accents. Possibly it would have been best to just use all American or British accents.

Valkyrie is getting reasonable reviews, it currently is rated at 57% on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s also doing well at the box office with a respectable $78.2 million domestic total, according to BoxOfficeMojo. Ultimately the opinions of the movie-going public carry much more weight than what the late protagonist’s family thinks.

Tom Cruise is shown arriving at an interview in Berlin on 1/19/09. Credit: WENN

14-Jul-2023 :Hayley Atwell says she never dated Tom Cruise, she thought of him like an...
11-May-2023 :Tom Cruise wants to date Shakira after meeting her at the Miami Grand Pri...
11-Jul-2021 :Tom Cruise & Hayley Atwell attended the Wimbledon women?s final together
4-Jun-2021 :Tom Cruise is isolating for 14 days after MI7 crew members test positive ...
22-Dec-2020 :Tom Cruise ?takes it personally? when crew members break Covid protocols
7-May-2020 :NASA confirms Tom Cruise will make a movie on the International Space Sta...
24-Oct-2016 :Tom Cruise on rumors of Top Gun 2: ?We?re discussing it?
22-Aug-2016 :Tom Cruise wants a bigger back-end cut for the sixth ?Mission: Impossible...
29-Jan-2016 :Tom Cruise may be heading to the danger zone for Top Gun sequel: excited?
19-Jun-2015 :Tom Cruise would love to spend time with Suri during his ?MI5? promo tour
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