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Katie Holmes dressing like crap again
Added 15 years agoSource: Seriously OMG WTF
Katie Holmes dressing like crap again
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Once again Katie Holmes was seen without makeup and dressed down while going to dance rehearsal. And even though she is going to a place to get all sweaty, it still shocks me that Tom Cruise would let his trophy wife go out like that. Plus you would think Katie would get a designer to design her nice dance clothes as compared to wearing sweats a button-down plaid shirt?

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Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes in counseling; Suri to attend Scientology school?
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes in counseling; Suri to attend Scientology school?
There are all sorts of reports that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are sending Suri to “Scientology school.” If the stories are true, it’s hard to verify if Suri will be going to a Scientology School or not. Cruise and Holmes are said to be sending Suri to Will and Jada Pinkett Smith’s New Village Academy. The New Village Academy uses Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s “study tech”, has language on their website that is loaded with Scientology terms and does have teachers who are known Scientologists. Smith denies that it’s primarily a Scientology school, however, and says the private pre-K to Grade 6 Calabasas, CA school offers a secular education based on a mix of different educational philosophies. Suri may be going to a Scientology school if she’s being enrolled in the New Village Academy, but the school doesn’t admit that it’s primarily run by the cult. It also is hopefully not ridden with the same problems as older established Scientology schools that have been accused of all sorts of abuses and neglect by former students.

This week’s Star Magazine has another report that reminds us that Tom and Katie are the most famous representatives of Scientology. Star claims that the couple is attending Scientology marriage counseling after reaching a crisis in their relationship. This report seems to be based on known information on Scientology along with the fact that Katie visited the Scientology center recently. It’s doubtful Star has any insider information about the nature of their supposed counseling sessions:

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have been fighting… over everything from having another baby to where to live! Things have turned so sour that they’ve resorted to couples counseling in a last-ditch bid to work on their longtime relationship issues, insiders tell Star But they’re not seeing just any specialist. The Hollywood power duo has turned to their fellow Scientologists for help.

“Scientologists often step in where there are problems in a marriage,” a source tells Star. “They teach followers certain communications skills that are supposed to increase problem-solving potential…”

Sources say Scientology counselors have been focusing on Katie, 30, because she’s relatively new to the religion, while Tom is an Operating Thetan, the highest rank. On March 31, Katie again met with a counselor, this time without Tom, at a Scientology house in Silver Lake, Calif. “They will come down on Katie if she is doing anything to upset Tom, because she is outranked by him,” says former Scientologist Skip Press…

But it’s beginning to dawn on Katie that the counselors might be biased toward her husband, says an insider. “She told Tom she wants to stop going because she doesn’t feel the Scientology method is effective counseling, but Tom told her to give it another two months and then they’ll discuss it again.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, April 20, 2009]

I love that pseudonym, “Skip Press,” and it adds credence to this story because it makes it seem like Star has a real ex-Scientologist source who doesn’t want his name used. It’s possible that Katie is getting some kind of counseling at the Scientology center and going through her training at the same time. Whatever she’s doing, it looks to be taking some kind of toll on her as she has been looking worn out and tired lately. You don’t have to be brainwashed to look washed out, though.

Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise are shown on 4/9/09 outside a dance studio. Credit: Fame Pictures

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Tom Cruise spends $1 million on Suri's education
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise spends $1 million on Suri's education
Little Suri Cruise is almost three years old, and her parents are convinced that she?s a tiny genius. Judging solely from photos of Suri, she does have an intelligent face, and she often seems totally over her parents antics. Could it be that Suri is smarter than her parents? Yes!

So Tom Cruise is obsessed with Suri getting the best education possible. She already has a French tutor, a Spanish tutor, and ballet, tap and modern dance lessons. In addition to that, Suri is getting gymnastics lessons and she?s learning soccer. According to a National Enquirer source (story via Showbiz Spy), ?Tom wants her to be able to do it better than any other child…Tom and Katie firmly believe Suri is gifted.? The cost of all of these lessons? A cool million dollars.

Tom Cruise takes education seriously — he’s reportedly splashed out a whopping $1 million on classes for his two-year-old daughter Suri.

According to the National Enquirer, Cruise and his wife Katie Homes are keen for the cute tot to have a rounded upbringing, so have decided to spend a fortune on private tuition.

A source reveals, “It doesn’t matter what Suri is doing, Tom wants her to be able to do it better than any other child. All parents think their kids are special, but Tom and Katie firmly believe Suri is gifted.

“She is learning French and Spanish and has a tutor she sees once a week.?

“Suri has shown a real love of dancing, so Tom and Katie are encouraging her as much as possible. She practices ballet, tap and modern dance for hours, nearly every day. She also has private gymnastics lessons and is learning soccer.”

Katie is said to be convinced that socializing with older kids will benefit her daughter’s development.

The source added, “Katie likes to have Victoria and David Beckham’s sons around, since they are older. She thinks Suri will emulate what they do and learn even faster.?

“Piano and violin lessons are on the to-do list. Tom and Katie just have to find time in Suri’s busy schedule!”

From Showbiz Spy

It probably is a good thing for Suri to be around other kids, to learn how to compete and play fair. But Tom and Katie are insane for dishing out that kind of money when Suri isn?t even three years old yet. What about some of cheaper classes at the YWCA? Don?t those kids? play groups cost next to nothing to join? Wouldn?t tutors be better when Suri is just a little bit older?

Considering the original source for this story is the National Enquirer, it could all be doubtful. But don?t Tom and Katie strike you as the kind of parents who would spent thousands of dollars on Suri?s pre-education?

Suri is shown chewing on a flip flop after a visit to American Girl Place in LA on 4/1/09. Credit: Fame Pictures

1-Jul-2024 :Tom Cruise was seen with his son, Connor, exiting a helicopter in London
14-Jul-2023 :Hayley Atwell says she never dated Tom Cruise, she thought of him like an...
11-May-2023 :Tom Cruise wants to date Shakira after meeting her at the Miami Grand Pri...
11-Jul-2021 :Tom Cruise & Hayley Atwell attended the Wimbledon women?s final together
4-Jun-2021 :Tom Cruise is isolating for 14 days after MI7 crew members test positive ...
22-Dec-2020 :Tom Cruise ?takes it personally? when crew members break Covid protocols
7-May-2020 :NASA confirms Tom Cruise will make a movie on the International Space Sta...
24-Oct-2016 :Tom Cruise on rumors of Top Gun 2: ?We?re discussing it?
22-Aug-2016 :Tom Cruise wants a bigger back-end cut for the sixth ?Mission: Impossible...
29-Jan-2016 :Tom Cruise may be heading to the danger zone for Top Gun sequel: excited?
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Tom Cruise & John Travolta might remake Butch Cassidy
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise & John Travolta might remake Butch Cassidy
Tom Cruise is looking to team up with John Travolta to remake the classic 1960’s western Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Tom would play the part of Sundance, originally Robert Redford’s part, and John Travolta would take up Paul Newman’s role as Butch. The movie has been one of Tom’s favorites since he was a little boy and this would be a “labor of love” for him.

The surrogate father of Scientology plans to produce the remake through his United Artists Studio and is currently in talks with scriptwriters, a new report claims.

A source tells The Daily Mirror: ?Butch and Sundance is a labor of love for Tom. He was eight years old when he saw the original and it made an impression that has stayed with him all his life. He can?t wait to get to work.?

Tom hopes to revive the role of Sundance?played by Robert Redford in the original film?while 55-year-old John is expected to play Cassidy.

The 46-year-old star even got the blessing of Paul Newman - who originally played the role of Cassidy in the film about a pair of lovable bank robbers?before he died of lung cancer last September, tattles tell the tab.

?It has been a pet project of his that has been on the back-burner for years. But now he?s ready to go, and will most likely happily eschew the enormous salary that he normally commands.?

[From Pop Crunch]

No, Tom Cruise. Just no.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is one of my favorite movies of all time, but I don’t pay it respect by trying to film a remake; I have a poster of it on my wall and I own the DVD.

If this report is true, you can bet there are going to be some interesting stories from on set. With the two stars being devout Scientologists, you just know there are going to be some strange damands and goings-on. They’ll set up a makeshift church in the studio lot, or require everyone on set to get an E-meter reading.

Tom needs to rethink his career, and the first step would probably be to stop fancying himself as an action star, and find some roles where he plays the bad guy. He did it in Collateral with Jamie Foxx, and was pretty believable. What do you guys think - should Tom take more villain roles?

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Katie Holmes was upgraded
Added 15 years agoSource: The Blemish
Katie Holmes was upgraded
Katie Holmes looked stunning at the premiere of Valkryie earlier this month in Japan. Especially her long, luxurious hair which was the toast of the town. But her new look was more than just $2,983 worth of extensions. To turn her from an androgynous Tom Cruise love doll, Katie went through $10,123 worth of spa treatments and had $28,921 of tooth veneers. When all was said and done, her total cost of improvements which took 48 hours to achieve amounted to $43,000.

A small price to pay to look dazzling. Prior to this, she was just depressing to look at. Her soulless eyes staring off into the distance reminiscing about what her life was like before she was brainwashed. Now she kind of looks like she wants to be there. Almost. Good job, guys.

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The New Katie Holmes 2000 Cost $60,000
Added 15 years agoSource: Yeeeah
The New Katie Holmes 2000 Cost $60,000
Tom Cruise’s upgrade from Model 487A “Soccer Mom Short” to model 860X “Joey Potter Revisited” at the Japanese premiere of “Valkyrie” didn’t come cheap. Apparently, it takes sixty thousand dollars to get a robot wife as realistic-looking as Katie Holmes. The Daily Mail says

It took six hours to have long hair extensions put in, which came with a [$4,000] price tag. She also apparently spent [$14,000] in spa treatments, [$40,000] in dental veneers and further [$2,000] for premium make-up.

And one observer [said], ‘She didn’t have a wrinkle on her face, her hair was perfect, and she had the body of a supermodel.

You know, if Tom could have scrounged up just $18,000 more, he could have gotten the model he really wanted. The X2000 with the penis and scrotum attachment and the vibrating kung fu grip. I guess even Hollywood isn’t immune to this economy.

Leaving Cristoni Restaurant in Beverly Hills with her old hair and lots o’ leg:

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Cruises to buy the Beckham's LA mansion as a guest house
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Cruises to buy the Beckham's LA mansion as a guest house
The Beckhams moved into a $22 million Los Angeles home in 2007 when David played for the L.A. Galaxy. Now that they are moving to Italy (with David paying off the rest of his Galaxy salary out-of-pocket), they’re looking to sell their home. Even with the housing market the way it is, they have found a potential buyer in the Cruises, who live right down the street. Tom and Katie would use the home as a guest house for visitors.

Now that Becks will be ?Bending It? in Italy more often than ever, the dashing soccer ace and his fashionista wife, Victoria, are looking forward to unloading their expansive Beverly Hills estate?and despite the housing crunch, they?ve already attracted a pair of interested owners, their old pals TomKat.

The British couple purchased the home for $22 million in 2007 after moving Stateside for a multimillion dollar deal with the Los Angeles Galaxy.

According to Star, Tom and Katie, who live around the corner from the Beckhams, hope to use the property as a guesthouse if they are able reach a deal with the Beckhams.

?They would use the place for visitors, but they don?t want to spend much more than $15 million.?

[From PopCrunch]

A $22 million guest house seems excessive, but this is Tom Cruise we’re talking about - he constantly needs to prove to the world that he is better than everyone else. This is probably the same reason there is so much press about the Cruises’ relationship with the Beckhams. The combined star power is, in Tom’s mind, worth the trouble. Between the four of them, they probably have about half a brain somewhere. David has even confessed that he has trouble helping his 6-year-old son with his math homework. As for the guest house, Katie will probably use it as an escape when the stress of Scientology gets too great.

Here?s the Beckham and Cruise families (sans Tom) taking a stroll in Central Park this past Thanksgiving. Images thanks to

1-Jul-2024 :Tom Cruise was seen with his son, Connor, exiting a helicopter in London
14-Jul-2023 :Hayley Atwell says she never dated Tom Cruise, she thought of him like an...
11-May-2023 :Tom Cruise wants to date Shakira after meeting her at the Miami Grand Pri...
11-Jul-2021 :Tom Cruise & Hayley Atwell attended the Wimbledon women?s final together
4-Jun-2021 :Tom Cruise is isolating for 14 days after MI7 crew members test positive ...
22-Dec-2020 :Tom Cruise ?takes it personally? when crew members break Covid protocols
7-May-2020 :NASA confirms Tom Cruise will make a movie on the International Space Sta...
24-Oct-2016 :Tom Cruise on rumors of Top Gun 2: ?We?re discussing it?
22-Aug-2016 :Tom Cruise wants a bigger back-end cut for the sixth ?Mission: Impossible...
29-Jan-2016 :Tom Cruise may be heading to the danger zone for Top Gun sequel: excited?
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Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes take Suri for some normal person camping
Added 16 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes take Suri for some normal person camping
The Mirror has the most hysterical story about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes planning a camping trip with Suri. It?s fall-off-your-chair funny for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the line about how Katie, ?can’t wait to dive into a tent with her husband.? For some reason every time I read that line (and I?ve been laughing over it for five minutes now), I imagine Katie literally diving into the tent, but sort of the way you might dive onto a Slip ‘n Slide. Because they?ve got to mean that literally ? there?s no way Katie wants to dive into a tent with Tom sexually. They also claim her enthusiasm has a lot to do with his campfire pasta skills. Tom likes to keep it real.

Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise is all set to camp it up across America. We can reveal that he will be turning his back on luxury hotels and five-star resorts to take wife Katie and daughter Suri on a no-frills trip in the US. And Katie, 30, can’t wait to dive into a tent with her husband - who can cook up a spaghetti storm under the stars.

She said: “We love going camping. Once when we were camping Tom made his pasta carbonara for me. He knows exactly how to do it. A pinch of this, a pinch of that. He has a recipe, but he also kind of improvises by himself. You have to do the egg at a certain time.” He was inspired by the great Brazilian outdoors while he was working down in South America earlier this year but, unsurprisingly, they won’t be travelling completely alone.

An insider told us: “They’ll be accompanied by a friend from the church of Scientology, as Tom never likes to be too far away from his religion. They will also have security camped down the road to keep any unwelcome people at bay.”

Well, the smell of Tom’s carbonara will have people - and wildlife - flocking from miles around… “They are certainly likely to cause a bit of a frenzy,” agreed our source. “But the whole point of them moving away from luxury holidays is to do things as a normal family.’ Suri will be three next month and Tom and Katie want her to experience as much normality as possible.

Our source added: “This is what Tom wants for Suri. He doesn’t want her to miss out on the things he and Katie enjoyed as kids, just because she is growing up in the spotlight.”

[From the Mirror]

My family went camping every couple of years growing up, and while we were never roughing it ? there was always a water spigot and a few electrical outlets attached to a pole ? pasta carbonara never made an appearance on our campfire menu. Maybe this is some ?normal family? camping basic I don?t know about. But I?m pretty sure eggs are entirely out for most of us that go camping without a refrigerator.

And unlike Tom and Katie, I never bring my security team with me when I rough it in the wilderness. I like to give them some time off. They?re always all, ?JayBird, OMG, will you be okay?? and they do this ridiculous jay bird call they learned from some PBS Nature program, all panicked about what might happen if I?m left alone. And I have to calm them down and be all, ?Guys, you must chill, you do a good job guarding me from the paparazzi and potential assassins and Scientologists (sometimes one and the same), but you need a vacation too.? So they back off. They?re devoted sons of bitches, I?ll give them that. This is probably what Tom and Katie feel like. I empathize.

Here?s Tom, Katie, and Suri spending a day at the beach in Rio De Janerio on February 2nd. Images thanks to

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Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes fly commercial to Japan
Added 16 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes fly commercial to Japan
Tom Cruise?s promotional duties for Valkyrie will never end. The man has been promoting his comeback role nearly non-stop for months, and the latest tour has taken him and his girls to Japan. But shock of all shocks, Tom Cruise and his girls flew… gasp… commercial! First-class, commercial flight. As opposed to Tom?s normal mode of transport, the wings of Xenu. No, just kidding! He normally flies one of his own planes, like his tricked-out Gulfstream or the jet he bought Katie. Australia?s Daily Telegraph has more:

What would make Tom Cruise take his family on a red eye commercial flight, albeit first class, from New York to Tokyo, when he usually flies himself to cities worldwide?

Perhaps the global financial crisis has even hit the kings of Hollywood.

Cruise flies his own Gulfstream and owns two other planes, and last year bought his wife, Katie Holmes, a jet.

But to promote his new film Valkyrie in Tokyo, which hits the screens on March 20, Tom, Katie and their daughter Suri touched down at Narita International Airport on a commercial flight.

[From Australian Daily Telegraph]

Shocking. Even though everyone is pinching pennies these days, I doubt Tom Cruise has many financial worries. Before he went crazy (circa 2005), Tom had accumulated $400 million, by some estimates (probably more). It?s much more likely that Tom wanted to get some extra publicity by arriving and walking Toyko?s Narita airport terminal like a normal person.

If extra publicity was his intention, it sort of worked. Tom, Katie and Suri were ?mobbed? by crazed Japanese fans. According to ITN, Tom ?shook hands, signed dozens of autographs and posed for pictures with his Japanese fans while Holmes walked with baby Suri in her arms. Tom told reporters, “We’re gonna hang out. We’re gonna see some sights, you know, and we want to eat great sushi that they have here, and just looking forward to seeing some friends.” Japan?s always loved Tom, and he?s showing the love right back.

Here?s Tom and Katie Holmes leaving Il Sole restaurant in Los Angeles on February 28th. Images thanks to

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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: Il Sole Dinner Date
Added 16 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: Il Sole Dinner Date
Back home with her family in Los Angeles during a break from filming, Katie Holmes enjoyed a romantic dinner date with hubby Tom Cruise on Saturday night (February 28).

The “Top Gun” stud took his “Mad Money” bride to Il Sole restaurant, with Katie looking a bit somber as she and Tom exited the popular eatery following their meal.

As previously reported by Gossip Girls, Katie spent the past week working in NYC on her new movie, “The Extra Man,” a comedy starring Kevin Kline and John C. Reilly.

And though it’s work, FOX New reports that she actually plays “pretty much fourth fiddle, as Kline and Paul Dano are the main characters. Everyone involved says Katie’s part is small and requires very little work.”

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