| | |  | Tom Cruise News & Gossip
| Katie Holmes and Suri: Broadway Charmers | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She’s been enjoying a successful run on Broadway with her hit show “All My Sons,” and last night Katie Holmes was spotted showing some love to her fans, along with daughter Suri as husband Tom Cruise looked on.
The “Mad Money” mommy held her sleepy toddler as she wielded a Sharpie pen to sign autographs outside the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre following the evening engagement, which was also attended by Tom’s son Connor.
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 Back together as a happy family, Tom Cruise escorted Katie Holmes and their daughter Suri from their New York City apartment to Broadway on Tuesday evening (December 30).
The trio were on the way to the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater, where Katie was booked up for a 7PM performance of “All My Sons”.
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| Tom Cruise wants 10 kids | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Tom Cruise has decided that he wants ten children. That?s right; he wants to add seven more to his brood. The church of Scientology is already excitedly adding up the potential income in its head. Tom recently told The Sun what a great dad he is, and how much he loves kids ? which is why he wants to have so many of them. Tom came off as a little braggy at times, but certainly nothing compared to a few years ago. And he managed to remember to include his adopted children in the same breath as his biological one, instead of mentioning them as a mere afterthought like normal.
WATCH out, BRAD and ANGELINA. Tom Cruise is aiming to beat you ? not at the box office, but with a bigger brood. When it comes to large celebrity families, the Brangelina clan?s score of six kids is tough to beat. Cruise, though, reveals that he would like to have TEN.
Tom grins: ?I want ten children. I love kids. I feel really fortunate to have the teenagers and a two and a half-year-old. It?s a great dynamic.? The star adopted two children with his second wife Nicole Kidman, Isabella, now 16, and 13-year-old Connor.
Tom and Katie ? pictured earlier this month showing the strains of her gruelling Broadway schedule ? became parents together when Suri was born in 2006. And his youngest is clearly a great joy to him. Of Suri, he says: ?She?s so charming, she?s so beautiful, she?s just great.? The hard-working actor, 46, is often seen out with Suri and Katie. And he tries to make sure he spends as much time as possible with his kids.
It is, he admits, a reaction to being brought up without a father figure from the age of 12. His dad ? Thomas Cruise Mapother III ? split from his mother Mary at that time. Tom says: ?I?m a great parent. I want to be with my kids, and they get to do all the stuff that I wanted to do when I was growing up. My own father wasn?t there much for me and I want to be a different dad to my kids. My family is the most important thing in my life.?
[From the Sun]
I don?t give Tom credit for much, but it is clear his family is the most important thing in his life, even though it could be said that it?s obsessively so. But considering how many people seem to pop out kids and then spend the next 18 years practically ignoring him, in a way it?s nice that Tom is so into his family. But it?s also easy to imagine that such excessive attention might lead to spoiled kids ? even if he does end up with ten of them.
Just two weeks ago Matt Lauer asked Tom if he was going to have more kids, to which he replied, ?I think that?s a question for ?the women.?? It sure seems like he got that question answered quickly ? and then bumped one up to seven. Tom does seem like the sort of guy who goes all-out, whatever he does. I guess it?s no surprise that kids aren?t an exception.
Here?s Tom with Suri in Manhattan on December 4th. Images thanks to Bauer-Griffin.
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| Tom Cruise wants 10 kids | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 God bless The Sun for interviewing Tom Cruise and then styling the article with a picture of his wife during her herpes outbreak. Anyway, Tom Cruise wants ten children. I believe I mentioned that earlier.
?I want ten children. I love kids. I feel really fortunate to have the teenagers and a two and a half-year-old. It?s a great dynamic.?
Good luck trying to get Tom’s penis close to Katie’s open legs again. It’s still traumatized from the first experience. Although, if he forces it in there, it’s bound to throw up sometime.
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| Tom Cruise is So Goddamn Crazy | Added 16 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Hello, my little elves! It’s Sarah today. How were your holidays? Mine were excellent; I only got arrested twice (just once if you only count felonies).
So anyway, you know how Tom Cruise has been on a crazycakes bender since… uhh, ever? And remember how he’s systematically drained wife Katie Holmes of any semblance of personality or youthful vigor, and in three short years has turned her from a cutie-pie to a cold-sore-riddled, worn-out scarecrow? And of course, there’s the fact that Suri’s a socially maladjusted weirdo in the making because she has no friends?
Well, it seems none of that constitutes failure on a level spectacular enough for Tom Cruise. He told the Sun UK that he wants ten children:
When it comes to large celebrity families, the Brangelina clan?s score of six kids is tough to beat.
Cruise, though, reveals that he would like to have TEN.
In an exclusive interview with The Sun, the Hollywood superstar talks about how he loves being a father and why the 16-year age gap with his third wife Katie Holmes is not a problem.
Tom grins: ?I want ten children. I love kids. I feel really fortunate to have the teenagers and a two and a half-year-old. It?s a great dynamic.?
Trim and remarkably young looking for a man in his mid-forties, Tom reckons he is more than able to keep up with his young wife. Commenting on the age gap, he says: ?If I?m worried about anything, it?s if she can keep up with me. I?m very active.?
Jesus Christ, he’s gonna wring poor Katie dry with this mission to turn her into an incubator for Xenu. She’s already kinda broken with just the one kid right now. Look, here she is dressed in ill-fitting shorts and stirrup tights in NYC in the middle of winter:
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 (photo from Splash News Online)
Tom Cruise loves being a dad so much that he doesn't want to stop until he reaches 10 according to what he told The Sun.
Tom grins: “I want ten children. I love kids. I feel really fortunate to have the teenagers and a two and a half-year-old. It’s a great dynamic.”
I am not sure who I see is less keen on giving Suri 7 more siblings…Katie Holmes or Suri? I doubt Katie would want to go through that procedure again and again; and I don't think Suri wants to share her clothes and toys or anything with them.
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| Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes reported death threats to the FBI | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Tom Cruise has never been what you?d call low key. He is physiologically and psychologically incapable of handling most tasks in a normal manner. So it?s really no surprise that Tom has gone into ?Mission Impossible? mode after receiving death threats.
Tom and Katie now travel in ?bomb-proof? vehicles according to the Daily Mail ? though Katie sure does a lot of walking and ?out and about? photo opportunities in Manhattan, so I?m not quite sure how that fits into Tom?s over-protective plan. He?s also built a top of the line underground bunker at their Colorado home, just in case the world ends or the anti-Scientology group Anonymous decides to wear those masks around him and he gets too scared.
Actor Tom Cruise and his wife Katie Holmes are living in fear after receiving death threats. Sources close to the star, a leading Scientologist, say the threats are believed to have come from groups opposed to the religious organisation.
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that security has been stepped up around Cruise, 46, Holmes, 30, and their two-year-old daughter Suri. The couple now live at separate locations and move around in bomb-proof vehicles.
Other protesters have been angered by Cruise?s portrayal of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg ? who was at the centre of the 1944 plot by Nazi officers to assassinate Adolf Hitler ? in the film Valkyrie. Last week Cruise attended the Los Angeles premiere of the movie, which was targeted by protesters from the anti-Scientology group Anonymous. He has been forced to increase security around his family since then.
‘The threats are perceived to be so great that the FBI has been alerted,? said a source.
Cruise is due to fly to London for the UK premiere on January 21. ?Tom is terrified. He doesn?t feel safe anywhere,? the source added. Cruise has spent 5million on an underground bunker in the grounds of his estate in Colorado. In August, threats were made to place anthrax in the air vents of his Los Angeles office.
[From the Daily Mail]
To be clear, the Mail doesn?t actually claim that anyone from Anonymous or any of the ?Valkyrie? protestors have made death threats against Tom or Katie. They just say that he has received some, and then list groups that are known to hate him.
Anonymous has been almost classy in their Cruise protests, if there is such a thing. They don?t get overly dramatic like PETA, but they certainly get attention - not just because of their famous target but also for their creativity. They placed several members - wearing those creepy, faceless masks ? at events the paparazzi photographed before anyone had ever heard of the group. That got a lot of buzz going with people wondering who they were and what they were doing. It was genius advertising. They just don?t seem like the death threat sort of group to me.
Tom and Katie live at separate locations not out of safety but because she?s in New York starring in a Broadway play and he?s still working in Hollywood. Tom seems like the extreme sort, and he?s also overprotective. I?d really like to know exactly what this ?death threat? said. It definitely could be legitimate, and if so it?s good he?s taking precautions and notifying the right people.
But I can?t help but wonder if the threat was something like, ?We will steal all of your shoes and dump them in the ocean you crazy little man.? Which to Tom would be the absolute end of the world.
Here are Katie and Suri on their way to see ?Bolt? in Manhattan yesterday. Neither seem to be wearing any bomb proof clothing. Images thanks to Splash.
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| Love Tom Cruise. Love His Movie. He?ll Pay You! | Added 16 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 It’s no secret that Tom Cruise’s new movie Valkyrie sucks donkey, but Tom is doing everything he can to convince you to see it anyway — including bribing the critics. MSNBC says
According to a source with radio station K-Earth 101, the Cruise camp was willing to… offer a screening for anyone at the station and their friends at the Cruise home, if only they’d “say ‘nice things’ about the movie. “They offered to hold it in Tom’s home ? they didn’t say if he’d be there or not,” the source says. “We just had to agree to say ‘nice things’ about the movie.”
Usually when you’re invited over to someone’s house and told to play nice, it’s because the kid you’re supposed to be playing with has a lazy eye and still wets the bed and you’re only going over there because your mom couldn’t find a sitter in time. All Tom Cruise needs now is an assortment of skin tags and some corrective shoes and he’s Tony Sprott from my third grade class.
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| Love Tom Cruise. Love His Movie. | Added 16 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 It’s no secret that Tom Cruise’s new movie Valkyrie sucks donkey, but Tom is doing everything he can to convince you to see it anyway — including bribing the critics. MSNBC says
According to a source with radio station K-Earth 101, the Cruise camp was willing to… offer a screening for anyone at the station and their friends at the Cruise home, if only they’d “say ‘nice things’ about the movie. “They offered to hold it in Tom’s home ? they didn’t say if he’d be there or not,” the source says. “We just had to agree to say ‘nice things’ about the movie.”
Usually when you’re invited over to someone’s house and told to play nice, it’s because the kid you’re supposed to be playing with has a lazy eye and still wets the bed and you’re only going over there because your mom couldn’t find a sitter in time. All Tom Cruise needs now is an assortment of skin tags and some corrective shoes and he’s Tony Sprott from my third grade class.
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| Tom Cruise screens Valkyrie at his place in exchange for good reviews | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 MSNBC’s The Scoop reports that Tom Cruise was so afraid of the inevitable negative reviews of his bloated Nazi movie Valkyrie that he offered journalists a free screening at his mansion in exchange for some kind words. I wonder if they included a complimentary stress test with that. (You know I’m not going to be the only one to make that joke today.) It’s unclear if the screening actually happened or if it was just planned:
“Distractingly bad,” and “unengaging Nazi escapade” are among some of the reviewers’ comments attached to “Valkyrie,” Tom Cruise’s film that opens Christmas day.
Cruise’s people can’t be happy ?for the obvious reasons ? but also, according to a source with radio station K-Earth 101, the Cruise camp was willing to go to great lengths to garner some positive publicity. In fact, they went so far as to offer a screening for anyone at the station and their friends at the Cruise home, if only they’d “say ‘nice things’ about the movie,” according to the source.
Here’s what’s said to have happened. On Nov. 24, Mark Steines of “Entertainment Tonight” called into the show to discuss the exclusive interview “ET” had scored with Cruise. During the course of the interview with Lisa Stanley, Stanley mocks Cruise for not having a German accent in the film, says early viewers “laughed at it,” and then asks, “Listen, I’m just curious how you have no German accent, so many delays, and now people are saying, ‘It’s fantastic!’ It’s impossible.”
Impossible if you’ve seen the film … maybe. Which is why, according to the radio station source, a member of Cruise’s camp called the station to offer up a free friends and family screening.
“They offered to hold it in Tom’s home ? they didn’t say if he’d be there or not,” the source says. “We just had to agree to say ‘nice things’ about the movie.”
[From MSNBC's The Scoop]
This isn’t uncommon in the movie industry and I remember reading an article by Roger Ebert that I’m having trouble finding again about how movie reviewers, especially lesser-known journalists from smaller outlets, are wooed by the studios. Free flights, vacations, meals and pampering help secure the taglines that go before terrible films you’ll feel you wasted precious minutes of your life being subjected to. The superlative quotes for the bad movies are followed by a credit in a tiny font for some person you’ve never heard of who was probably treated to at least a hot meal in exchange for selling out good taste.
Bad reviews may not negatively affect box office and there are plenty of other factors that come into play. The Scoop reports that Valykyrie is doing about as well in advance tracking, or polls, as Benjamin Button, which they attribute to all the publicity Cruise has been doing for the film.
The film is at 63% on Rotten Tomatoes and some top notch critics who are unlikely to have had beer and chips at Tommy’s house like it. Roger Ebert gives it three stars and calls it “a meticulous thriller,” with Tom’s performance “perfectly satisfactory, if not electrifying.” Ebert says he doesn’t understand why everyone was trashing Tom because he does pretty well in the role.
Maybe we were wrong and the film will do ok at the box office this holiday. I know I’d rather see Benjamin Button though.
Tom Cruise is shown at the premiere of Valkyrie on 12/18/08. Credit: PRPhotos
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