| | |  | Brad Pitt News & Gossip
| Brad Pitt officially named the new face of Chanel No. 5, first photo released | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 *This is the official image that Chanel released with the announcement.
It?s official now! Reports surfaced yesterday that Brad Pitt was being signed as the new face of Chanel No. 5, one of the most famous perfumes in the world. I already talked about the rumors here – and now it?s been confirmed. Chanel released an ?official? image of Brad Pitt (that?s the header pic), and they confirmed Brad?s deal:
Ooh, la la! C’est Brad! Brad Pitt’s famous mug has landed him a major deal un
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| Was Brad Pitt just made the new 'face' of Chanel No. 5 (perfume for women)' | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last year, Louis Vuitton paid Angelina Jolie a truck full of money to become one of the new faces of their on-going ?Core Values? campaign. The campaign – which has also featured ads by Mikhail Gorbachev and Bono – tries to unite the Louis Vuitton brand with ?icons? who are famous for being more than a pretty face. Angelina shot her LV commercials in Cambodia, and honestly, the ads are more likely to get people to visit Cambodia than buy an LV bag. But it was interesting – Angelina Jolie, up for the shill. Up for being ?the face? of an ad campaign.
So is it any surprise that Angelina?s fianc is also up for the shill? Brad Pitt has done commercials before, of course – but most of his commercial work is done outside of America. According to E! News, Brad is being named the face of? Chanel No. 5? Er? that?s not a men?s cologne, correct?
Yes, it’s a scent for a woman, but if ever there was a man pretty enough to render that particular point moot, it’s Brad Pitt.
Proving yet again that his musky appeal knows no bounds, E! News has exclusively learned that Angelina Jolie’s better half has signed on as the new face of Chanel’s signature No. 5 scent.
Reps for neither Pitt nor the perfume house have commented on the new partnership, but a source tells E! News that the actor will be shooting his first perfume ad in London sometime this week (the superstar family has set up their most recent homestead in the UK).
And for his endorsement troubles, Pitt will be bringing home some serious bacon for the Jolie-Pitt clan, with his paycheck for the spot somewhere in the seven-figures. The Chanel No. 5 ad will be released overseas sometime later this year. Makes scents to us.
[From E! News]
Previous ?faces? of the Chanel No. 5 brand include Nicole Kidman, Audrey Tautou and Catherine Deneuve. So? Brad would be in good company, I guess. I wish they would bring Deneuve back? with Brad. I would wear No. 5 if Brad and Deneuve were shilling together. No, I wouldn?t. No. 5 gives me a headache. Still, it?s always nice to know that Brad still gets a lot of offers for commercial work. Maybe he?s going to blow all of his Chanel money on the wedding?
Photos courtesy of W Magazine, Fame/Flynet.
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| Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt got engaged because Maddox guilt-tripped them, basically | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are all photos of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie through the years at the Cannes Film Festival. Because why not? For all of these engagement stories, I?m trying to use some older photos that we haven?t seen in a while, just for fun. Anyway, I?ve gotten a chance to read some of the tabloids this week, and they all have versions of Brad Pitt?s proposal. I think most versions have Brad spending months and months designing the ring and when he actually proposed, Angelina cried. But I think my favorite version is Us Weekly?s story – they basically say that Maddox is a little family-values conservative who guilt-tripped his parents into getting married because ?mommies and daddies should be married.? OMG. Santorum-speak!!!! Us Weekly?s sources also claim that Brad came right out and proposed to Angelina? in 2006. When she was pregnant with Shiloh! And Angelina refused him!
It wasn’t your average Jolie-Pitt family meeting. On a recent spring day, Brad Pitt gathered his six kids — Maddox, 10, Pax, 8, Zahara, 7, Shiloh, 5, and twins Vivienne and Knox, 3 — as he presented love Angelina Jolie with a very special present: A tablet-shaped diamond engagement ring — estimated at 16 carats and worth $500,000 — which he helped design with jeweler Robert Procop.
Pitt skipped the tradition of getting down on one knee, per a source, and merely presented the ring as a token of his unwavering love.
“Angelina cried and smiled” at the proposal, a confidante tells the new Us Weekly, out now. And the children, who had been extremely eager for their parents to wed after seven years together, were equally overjoyed, the source adds. “Everyone hugged once she put [the ring] on. She went around and showed it to each of the kids.”
As the world now knows, Jolie, 36, quietly debuted that long-awaited ring at an April 11 private viewing at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, with startling photos and a confirmation from jeweler Procop and then Pitt’s manager emerging two days later.
“Angie considers herself bonded to Brad for life,” adds the source.
The engagement fulfills one of Pitt?s long-held dreams – and a source gives all credit to Brad and Angelina?s oldest child, Maddox. ?Maddox wanted them to have a wedding? he was the most vocal in pushing for it? Brad pleaded with Angelina and said that everything else in the kids? lives is not normal, that they travel constantly, they are always in different houses and different schools. They needed to give the kids one thing in their life that is normal and they are asking for this. Brad told Angelina they should do it for the kids.?
It wasn?t the first time Pitt proposed to her, reveals the insider. ?He asked her to marry him when she was pregnant with Shiloh,? says the source. ?And she said no.?
But more recently, Jolie was taken off guard when Maddox urged her to take the traditional next step. ?Maddox told Angelina a mommy and daddy should be married. It broke Angie. She knew she had to do it then.?
As Brad designed Angelina?s ring, he was actually working for the kids? approval. ?brad would show them plans for the ring? he wanted the ring to be from the whole family, not just from him.?
As for making plans for the actual wedding, sources say it will likely take place in their French chateau either this summer or next. A source says, ?I don?t think Angelina figured that she would be getting married again? [but she sees it] as formalizing the agreement they already have? it?s no big deal to her.?
A friend also says, ?I don?t think Angelina has ever worried about her ability to keep a man, but what she has with Brad is very strong. They can still be hot and heavy. There is a great attraction. Angie is deep and thoughtful and undeniably sure of herself. I don?t think any man but Brad could really make it work.?
[From Us Weekly, print and online editions]
Yes, I see it clearly now. Maddox?s fingerprints are all over this!! It does sound like Maddox was working both parents separately, right? He was all, ?Dude, you need to do the right thing by my mom? to Brad and then to Angelina, Maddox was all, ?Girl, he loves you. The next time he asks, SAY YES.? That?s how I imagine Maddox speaks. Am I wrong? I want to know what Zahara thinks of all of this. You know she gave that 1980s ring an empress side-eye.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Brad Pitt's Paparazzi Flooded LAX Landing | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Quickly trying to make an exit from the paparazzi mob, Brad Pitt was spotted arriving into LAX Airport in Los Angeles, CA on Friday (March 23).
The 48 year-old big screen star was casually dressed for his week-ending travels while clad in aviator sunglasses and an all charcoal colored ensemble as he was escorted out to his car.
In career news, Pitt is currently on break from filming, which gives him more time to focus on his other passion - the "Make It Right Foundation."
The charitable organization, which was started up by the actor to help those in the ninth district of New Orleans who suffered loss from Hurricane Katrina, is building safe, sustainable and affordable homes for the victims.
In a recent interview with Ellen DeGeneres, the Hollywood icon explained that, even though he has put in countless hours and tons of effort towards this cause, there are many people to thank, saying, "I'm getting far too much credit for this. This took a lot of very smart people coming in and attacking the situation. It took the families determined to come back and their resilience and they?re defining what this thing was going to be. I get far too much credit for bringing some really smart people together."
If you didn't get a chance to catch the interview on it's original March 20th air date on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," you can watch it below!
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| Enquirer: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's kids are 'hooked on junk food' | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Has it occurred to anyone else that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has the same haircut as Michelle Williams? Because that just occurred to me when I saw that Angelina (or somebody) tamped down Shiloh?s hair so it now looks like Michelle?s pixie cut. Anyway, these are some newish photos – two sets, actually. One set is of Angelina, Shiloh and Zahara leaving their hotel in Amsterdam yesterday, and then the second set is of their arrival at LAX. Note the bears!!!!! The girls got some Dutch bears. Is that a thing in the Netherlands? Bears? I thought that was just a German thing. Basically, these gigantic bears are the new ?gerbils?. Whatever happened to those gerbils of doom, by the way? They were probably signed with CAA and now have a book deal. The gerbils are trying to ?brand? themselves. And now it?s the bears? turn. BEARS OF DOOM.
The Enquirer has a long story this week about Angelina and Brad?s bad parenting style. Basically, they are the Anti-Goop. Remember when Gwyneth – Brad?s ex! – said she?d ?rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a can?? Well, Brad and Angelina would rather feed their kids processed junk food than force them to eat veggies.
Brad and Angelina are way too liberal in giving sweet treats to their kids.
?With their money and resources, you?d think their children would be eating like kings and queens,? an insider told The Enquirer. ?But they pride themselves on giving their kids a simple, normal upbringing – and that includes soft drinks, candy, cookies and everything sugary that children love. Their youngsters are hooked on junk food.?
?Angie and Brad don?t know how to say no to their kids. And with six of them screaming at once, it?s just easier to give in than fight.?
Brad recently admitted, ?There?s times like, ?We gotta get up. Get up! Here?s your shoes. Drink this Coke. Drink it all. Right now!? Just so we could get ?em up and going.?
The insider says: ?Brad and Angie fight over the nutrition issue constantly,? revealed the insider. ?He sometimes cooks up organic vegetable and tofu stir-fries or big salads, but everyone – including Angie – turn their nose up at the healthy stuff. For all their fame and fortune, they face the same dilemmas as any stressed and overwhelmed parents.?
[From The Enquirer, print edition]
Eh. Since I?m not a parent, do I not have the right to chime in? I was raised in a different era, and I was raised in the South by a Southern mother. Sweet tea was a staple of our household, and while I no longer drink it regularly, I do get a hankering for it a couple times a year. There was also a lot of fried food in our house, and a lot of sweets (my mom has a huge sweet tooth). I ended up not having much of a taste for pastries and the like (I love anything salty), probably because I outgrew it by being introduced to it early on. I don?t know, though. I?m not the picture of extreme health today (I?m about average), but I don?t think it?s because of how I was raised. But when you think about what OUR parents? childhoods were like (back when pregnant women were smoking and drinking), I just don?t see how this is some HUGE deal. Should the Jolie-Pitts eat better? Yes. Should the kids eat their veggies? Of course. But it?s not a war crime to give your kids candy.
Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame/Flynet.
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| Brad Pitt & Ellen DeGeneres 'Make It Right' in New Orleans at a gala fundraiser | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 There are twenty million new photos of Brad Pitt in New Orleans from the past three days. These are just a few of them – on Friday, Brad stopped by some of the houses that his organization, Make It Right NOLA, has funded and built. Ellen DeGeneres came by too – I don?t know if she was filming a segment for her show, or if Brad was just giving her a personal tour or what. But they went around to several homes together and met some of the families living on Make It Right properties. You can read more about Ellen and Brad?s tour of the lower ninth ward here.
Then, last night, Ellen hosted ?A Night to Make It Right? gala to raise more money for the non-profit to build nearly 150 homes in New Orleans. The photos of Angelina and Brad in the car – those are of Brangelina leaving the gala event, which was held at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans. The gala featured performances by Rihanna, Sheryl Crow, Snopp Dogg and Dr. John, and celebrities like Sean Penn, Kevin Spacey, Spike Lee and? Blake Lively (?) also made appearances too. Guests paid between $1000 and $2500 per ticket, and the event was sold out. Huzzah!
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Angelina Jolie in leggy black Versace at the Oscars: silly, funny & gorgeous? | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 OK, I?m ready to talk about Brangelina. No, wait. Let?s just skip the Brad Pitt stuff, okay? Because it was like he was barely there. I?m happy that he was nominated twice, as producer and actor, and I would have loved if he had won, but he basically had no chance. Hopefully, he knew that. So let?s just talk about Angelina Jolie and her LEG and this Versace gown. My thoughts on the gown in general – Angelina is comfortable in black, and she was made to wear Versace. It made her waist look tiny. CB and I think her arms look too skinny, so maybe she could have covered them up, but overall, I didn?t hate this on Angie. It wasn?t the best, it wasn?t the worst.
As for her posing and THAT LEG. I don?t even know what was possessing her throughout the red carpet and then on stage – she shouldn?t have to contort her body that hard in a gown. We understand – there?s a high slit. Put your leg down, Jolie. So, Angelina?s leg has now become a meme. Buzzfeed has ?the ten best photos of Angelina?s leg? here. Angelina?s right leg also has its own Twitter account now. And when she presented Best Adapted Screenplay to the three screenwriters of The Descendants, they jokingly ?assumed the position? with their legs out, and it was hilarious. I would have loved a cutaway to Angelina?s face then, because I hope she was laughing at herself.
So after The Descendants? guys ?mocked? her (in what I thought was good humor), everyone was like ?OMG, they think she?s so stupid and obviously they hate her of course.? Um, what? So the screenwriters are getting even more press by explaining that it was just a light-hearted JOKE.
One of the best spontaneous moments of comedy during the 84th Annual Academy Awards came courtesy of Jim Rash, co-writer of The Descendants, and the daffy Dean Pelton on NBC?s Community. After he and collaborators Nat Faxon and Alexander Payne won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay, Rash chose to spend his time on stage paying homage to presenter Angelina Jolie?s right-leg-flashing fashion pose.
?Honestly, as soon as I saw her pose like that, I was like, ?I?m going to do that,?? Rash told EW at the Governors Ball after the show. Producers had asked all the nominees, explained Rash, to have only one person speak when there were three or more winners. ?I knew Alexander was going to take the reigns, so I was like, ?How can I make a moment?? ? selfishly,? laughed Rash. ?I almost thought it was a little Dean Pelton, somehow. I was bringing it all together. Because I have stood like that [on Community].?
And no, Rash had not yet spoken with Jolie about the moment. Was he at least aware that, while he was doing the pose, Jolie was doing it too, standing in the dark on the far left of the stage? ?Are you serious? Oh my god, that?s fantastic.?
[From EW]
Nat Faxon went on to tell The Hollywood Reporter, ?Angelina’s supremely hot. There’s no way to do anything but honor her.? And Rash said, “I had just seen her pose and thought it was bold and fun. And you know what? We have exactly the same legs! Really, it was a loving tribute and nothing but.” See? It?s fine. Brangeloonies, don?t take a fatwa against these poor, funny screenwriters. Brange haters, chill out. These guys are not one of you.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Were at the Oscars | Added 13 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Brad Pitt may not have won Best Actor for Moneyball, that honor went to Jean Dujardin for The Artistobviously (seriously, the Academy must have gotten so hard watching that silent film), but he still gets to bang Angelina Jolie and her right leg, which kept making an appearance through a slit in her dress the entire night. That fact pretty much trumps any Oscar achievement.
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| Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's Grand 2012 Oscar Arrival | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 They?re no strangers to the red carpet, and Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt caused quite a stir as they arrived at the 84th Academy Awards tonight (February 26).
The ?Changeling? actress looked fabulous in Atelier Versace and Neil Lane jewels joined her Tom Ford tux clad ?Inglourious Basterds? beau as the pair worked the arrivals area like the seasoned pros they are, lighting up the Kodak Theatre with their magnificent smiles.
Coming up tonight, Brad will compete for Best Actor and Best Picture for his acting and producing work on ?Moneyball.?
As for the other nominees, ?Hugo? is up for 11 Oscars, while ?The Artist? has 10 nods, ?War Horse? scored 6 nominations, and ?The Descendants? and ?The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? each have 5 chances for greatness.
The 84th Academy Awards will be hosted by past favorite Billy Crystal and will celebrate the best and brightest in the movie industry.
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| 2012 Oscars Open Post: Hosted by Brad Pitt's Nonexistent Oscar Chances | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Agent Bedhead pointed out something very odd/interesting to me the other day. She noticed that when I used George Clooney as the ?host? of the Golden Globes Open Post, Clooney won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama that night, and when I used Uggie the Dog and Jean Dujardin as ?hosts? of our Screen Actors Guild Open Post, Dujardin won Best Actor. So Bedhead suggested that I use Brad Pitt for the host of the Oscars Open Post, in case my choices are somehow becoming the harbingers for actual awards victories.
How much would you love it if Brad won Best Actor? Even his detractors have to admit it – it would be a MAJOR gossip story. We could spin stories about his victory for weeks, and even months. We could analyze Brad and Angelina?s body language when his name is called. Would Angelina cry? Would Brad? Would he tearfully name every one of the Jolie-Pitt children? Sigh? I wish it would happen. I don?t think that it will, but I would like it so, so much.
So this is your open post for the Oscars. You can wager and gossip amongst yourselves, and Celebitchy, Bedhead and I will be joining you with comments and updates as they happen. Note: we?ll have breaking-news coverage if something major happens on the red carpet, and for all of the major categories (Supporting Actor & Actress, Lead Actor, etc.). I already know that Angelina is due to present Best Adapted Screenplay – which should be HOURS from now (very late into the evening).
Ugh, I don?t even want to think about how boring Billy Crystal is going to be as host. He?s going to soothe the old folks (re: ?The Academy?) into a deep twilight sleep.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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