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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Overseas Holiday Weekend
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Overseas Holiday Weekend
Changing up locales for promotional duties, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt enjoyed a day of shopping in the City of Lights with daughters Zahara and Shiloh on Saturday (November 27).

In Paris as Brad boosts interest for "Megamind 3D" while Angelina eases into "The Tourist" efforts, the power couple took their little ladies to load up on purchases at Bonpoint boutique.

A People magazine insider went on to dish a few of Brangelina and the kids' choices at the popular retail locale, with the list including "pajamas, gloves, boots, pants, sweaters, stuffed animals, knights? costumes and one green plastic alligator."

The sighting comes after the family spent the Thanksgiving holiday away from the States, of which Pitt previously told press, "I'm not really sure where we'll be for it, but yeah, it'll be overseas. We'll whip up a turkey somewhere."

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PopEater: Angelina Jolie is 'grossed out' by Thanksgiving
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
PopEater: Angelina Jolie is 'grossed out' by Thanksgiving
I tend to think this story has the whiff of bullcrap, but whatever. According to PopEater?s gossip guy Rob Shuter, Angelina Jolie hates Thanksgiving. She hates it because she?s a friend to the Native Americans, and she thinks celebrating Thanksgiving would be a celebration of the systematic genocide of Native American peoples. Which? I mean, I understand that point of view if we?re just talking about history and stuff, and whether or not we should teach children the revisionist history of the first Thanksgiving and the plight of the Native Americans. But as a modern tradition, it?s come to mean something really nice, and I honestly don?t see Angelina refusing to let her family celebrate.

While everyone is preparing to give thanks tomorrow, one of America’s most famous families, the Jolie-Pitts, have decided to sit this Thanksgiving out.

Angelina Jolie hates this holiday and wants no part in rewriting history like so many other Americans,” a friend of the actress tells me. “To celebrate what the white settlers did to the native Indians, the domination of one culture over another, just isn’t her style. She definitely doesn’t want to teach her multi-cultural family how to celebrate a story of murder.”

Angelina has been filming her directorial debut, about a Serbian man and Bosnian woman who fall in love during the Bosnian War. Angie, always extremely sensitive to the suffering throughout the world, is filming in English and the native languages.

“Angelina gets so grossed out by Thanksgiving that she has made sure her family will not be in America this year on Thursday,” an insider tells me.

And although Brad Pitt recently told ‘EXTRA,’ “We’ll whip up a turkey somewhere,” he certainly hasn’t shared that plan with Angelina. A family friend tells me, “If Brad wants turkey, he will have to cook it himself. For Angie, it will be another day when America tries to rewrite history.”

[From PopEater]

I love the line ?If Brad wants turkey, he will have to cook it himself.? OH SCANDAL. You know Brad will just try to deep-fry that sh-t and he?ll end up burning down the chateau. Just as the pilgrims intended!

Back to the discussion on revisionist history, I?d just like to tell a story from my own perspective. When I was very young - like, elementary school - my grade had to use this very dated Virginia history book that was full of all of these crazy lies and half-truths about slavery and the tragic history of original Virginia settlements (crazy sh-t went down in Jamestown, for real). Even at my young age, I knew it was crap. The lesson: kids aren?t stupid. They can comprehend that the revisionist story of Thanksgiving is crap, while also being taught that it?s a modern tradition we should embrace. Give these kids some credit! Empress Zahara demands some ham.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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Brad Pitt's Plan B offers Chilean miners 'millions of dollars' for film rights
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Brad Pitt's Plan B offers Chilean miners 'millions of dollars' for film rights
Brad Pitt is a whore for tragedy. Not really, but Brad and his production company Plan B do seem to love the stories of real-life dramas, plus some weepy fictional melodramas. So it comes as no surprise that Brad and Plan B have offered those Chilean miners a movie deal - the miners were stuck in that mine since August, and were only rescued in October. And now Brad Pitt wants to tell their story, and he?s offered them a deal ?in the millions? for the rights. Damn.

The 33 Chilean miners who were trapped below ground for two and a half months until their dramatic rescue last month may get their story told on the big screen ? with the help of Brad Pitt.

The actor’s production company, Plan B, “has expressed potential interest in the story,” says company representative, Jon Liebman, CEO of Brillstein Entertainment Partners.

“Like so many people worldwide, Plan B has been incredibly moved by the story of the Chilean miners and their families,” says Liebman.

A lawyer for the miners, Edgardo Reinos Lundstedt, tells the Santiago, Chile, daily El Mercurio that Plan B made an offer in the millions.

But Liebman tells PEOPLE, “There have not yet been serious discussions.”

Among Plan B’s other movies have been A Mighty Heart, with Angelina Jolie; The Time Traveler’s Wife, with Eric Bana; Eat Pray Love, with Julia Roberts; and Kick-Ass.

[From People]

Would I see this movie? Only if they made it authentic and used unknown actors - because if Hollywood had their way, they would be casting James Franco, Cheech Marin and Robert Pattinson as three of the Chilean miners. I would even be disappointed if they got someone like Javier Bardem, just because? well, I saw those miners, and while I?m sure they?re nice men, none of them looked like Javi. Maybe Diego Luna? That wouldn?t be so bad. Gael Garcia Bernal, too. Sigh? now I?m going to casting Hispanic men all day.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt Visits Angelina Jolie at Work
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt Visits Angelina Jolie at Work
Showing support to his lovely lady, Brad Pitt was spotted paying a visit to Angelina Jolie on the set of her new movie today (November 10).

The ?Ocean?s Eleven? stud looked handsome as he milled around the Budapest, Hungary location sporting a cap and sunglasses.

Earlier this week, Brad was busy taking pictures of Jolie as she filmed scenes for her fabulous directorial debut.

The movie is titled ?United Love Story? and centers on a Bosnian/Serbian couple that defies the odds to be together.

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Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt won't grope each other two days in a row
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt won't grope each other two days in a row
These are more photos from the Budapest set of United Love Story (ugh, that stupid title), Angelina Jolie?s feature directorial debut. They?re from yesterday, and maybe a couple from the day before. Honestly, these aren?t as exciting as Monday?s ass-groping/coat porn photos, even though there is still the awesome black coat and there is some groping (just not hot ass-groping). It feels like they?re just playing with us now - like they now we want to see Brad wear his reading glasses while he licks Angelina (that would be a good photo). And while I like that Brad keeps coming to the set to take photos and be a general support system for Jolie, I?m losing my enthusiasm for these set photos.

Maybe it?s because I think this film isn?t going to be very good. Do you remember that movie Enemy at the Gates, with Jude Law and Joseph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz? On paper, it should have been an excellent film, but it was hampered (in my mind) by the too-realistic conditions of the film. I mean, all of those actors looked like they were freezing their asses off. Same thing here - I mean, I like a good snow-filled drama, sure. But how about some scenes set inside, by a fire? A thermal blanket, perhaps?

Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame, from November 8 & 9, 2010.

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Angelina Jolie wears a great black coat, gets groped by Brad Pitt
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Angelina Jolie wears a great black coat, gets groped by Brad Pitt
If I?ve been disappointed at all with the photos of the Jolie-Pitt family in Budapest, it?s that Angelina Jolie hasn?t been bringing the coat porn. I think very little of Angelina?s general fashion sense - I like some of her sweaters, and the occasional dress, but the only thing I?m completely in love with is her awesome coats. Consistently, she?s a coat whore. Consistently, the bitch wears fabulous coats. Unfortunately, while directing in Budapest, Angelina has been a crappy coat kick, wearing the same puffy parka in nearly all photos. But today is the day for a change - look at this coat! I almost bought a coat very similar to this over the weekend, only the one I was looking at wasn?t this good. I ended up buying a rather fabulous grey coat - but now I?m thinking I should go back for the black.

Anyway, these are new photos of Angelina on set in Budapest, and Brad once again came out to visit. He even wore some really cute reading glasses! I think Angelina has made Brad the official photographer of the film, because he?s always around shooting photos. Or maybe he?s just always around for moral support and the occasional grope? Because Angelina went over to him while he was shooting photos, and they had a nice little grope, with Brad?s hand seemingly permanently attached to that bony ass he adores (bless his heart). Hidden alternate option: Brad is hanging around the set so much because Angelina?s leading man is hot, and Brad wants to keep an eye on things. A little bit of everything, perhaps?

UPDATE: I wanted to add a couple of photos of Shiloh playing with their bulldog at home too - she’s so cute. Lainey has more pics here.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: On-Set Snugglers
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: On-Set Snugglers
They?re always supportive of one another?s projects, and earlier today (November 8) Brad Pitt was spotted visiting his lady Angelina Jolie in the set of her new movie.

The ?Fight Club? stud showed up with a camera to snap some shots of Ms. Jolie as she worked on her directorial debut ?United Love Story? in Budapest, Hungary.

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Brad & Angelina take Pax, Shiloh & the Empress to the park
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Brad & Angelina take Pax, Shiloh & the Empress to the park
I don?t really having anything to add to the glowing cuteness of these photos. Brad, Angelina, Shiloh, Pax and Zahara came out to play in a public park in Budapest yesterday, shortly after Brad came back from his whirlwind NYC trip (in which he went to the premiere of Megamind). It seems like Pax and Shiloh got to play with some kind of zip line for kids - and relax, parents, the zip line was like two feet off the ground. Still, that brings up a question I had when looking through these photos, and seeing that Brad was the one trying to figure out the harness for the kids: would you allow Brad to harness you? I?m not talking about a sex thing, I?m talking about a safety thing. Personally, I would prefer Angelina to be in charge of my rig. I?m just saying - she comes across as the better parent for harnesses and such.

I don?t see any photos of Empress Zahara playing in the zip line. She was all ?Bitch, please. Like I would dirty my beautiful white coat.? And it is beautiful. And so is she. Like, she?s a ridiculously gorgeous little girl. And you know she?s going to be the family heartbreaker - not Shiloh. Shiloh is too busy trying to be (and achieving) the Ultimate Tomboy. When boys try to flirt with her, she?ll probably punch them. Bless her heart.

Photos courtesy of Fame & Bauer-Griffin.

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Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie: Family Fun in Budapest
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie: Family Fun in Budapest
Taking some time away from their busy careers, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were spotted out at a park in Budapest, Hungary today (November 5).

The ?Mr. and Mrs. Smith? actors were joined by their kids Zahara, Shiloh, and Pax as they enjoyed the chilly fall weather while the paparazzi looked on.

Ang has been working overtime on her directorial debut ?United Love Story? on location in Budapest as of late.

And soon she?ll be heading to Bosnia. A rep from her production company shared, ?Angelina is coming, her arrival depends only on how much longer the shooting in Budapest lasts. For now they are on schedule, so we expect one part of the crew to arrive here in ten days. Our job will be to make Angelina feel at home, just like the first time she was here.?

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Brad Pitt walks the 'Megamind' red carpet, talks about being a bunny
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Brad Pitt walks the 'Megamind' red carpet, talks about being a bunny
Last night was the NYC premiere of Megamind, the new animated film featuring voice work by Will Ferrell, Tina Fey and Brad Pitt. Thus far, Tina and Will have done most of the promotional work for the film, but Brad flew into NYC yesterday to attend the premiere. He didn?t get dressed up or anything - Angelina must have picked out his premiere outfit, because I didn?t know you could get so many shades of black packed into one outfit. My favorite part is the fingerless gloves! Those look badass. Surprisingly, Brad didn?t bring any of the kids to his premiere, although Maddox and Pax did fly into New York with him. NOTE: I was wrong, Madd and Pax did go to the premiere, we just don’t have any photos of them. You can see the boys here, at PopSugar. Brad spoke to Us Weekly on the red carpet:

After spending the last few weeks in Budapest, Brad Pitt returned to the U.S. with sons Maddox, 9, and Pax, nearly 7, Wednesday to attend the NYC premiere of his new movie, Megamind.

“At the end of the day, it’s my kids,” he told when asked why he signed on for the toon, out Friday. “I did it for my babies … I’m sneaking the boys in there now!”

In the movie, Pitt, 47, voices Metro Man, the superhero of the film. Asked if he has any real-life super powers, he told Us, “Yeah. I’m a father of six! I mean, I’m a dad and with that comes some super powers. I just thought it would be kinda cool to be in this movie.”

Will his kids like it? “I hope so,” Pitt told Us.

Pitt told Us “everything is great” with his family, most of whom are still in Budapest as Angelina Joie shoots her directorial debut, a Bosnian love story (Pitt told Us she is doing “great” so far).

“We just flew over this morning and then we’re going back really soon,” Pitt told Us.

He told Extra his unconventional family will celebrate an unconventional Thanksgiving this year.

“I’m not really sure where we’ll be for it, but yeah, it’ll be overseas,” he tells Extra. “We’ll whip up a turkey somewhere.”

He said his family is used to traveling around.

“We are like a military mobile unit,” he joked. They recently celebrated Halloween. Said Pitt, “I was sort of a bunny.”

[From Us Weekly]

Not shocking, any of it. They?ll spent Thanksgiving overseas, everyone is doing well, and Brad is concentrating on fatherhood. But I do love that he was ?sort of a bunny? for Halloween. There?s no shame in that, Brad! He just wears whatever Empress Zahara picks out for him.

And here is my favorite photo from the premiere - Brad and Tina Fey posing uncomfortably in the same shot, with Ben Stiller photo-bombing them:

Photos courtesy of WENN.

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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