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| Taylor Swift admires Angelina Jolie because Jolie is about more than money | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Coming off her successful and swift(y) campaign to change Apple?s music streaming policy, Taylor Swift is riding high. She?s about to kick off the European leg of her tour in England, so she sat down with ITV for an exclusive interview. She ended up chatting about where she sees herself ten years from now, when she?s 35 years old. Apparently, she wants to be like Angelina Jolie when she grows up! Tay-Tay, I feel you.
Taylor tells ITV News that she hopes to have a family by then, but also admits she does worry about protecting her children due to her fame. Swift also said that she’s long admired Angelina Jolie, who is definitely one who knows what it’s like to raise a large brood under the spotlight.
But her admiration stems more for Angelina’s ability to live “her life not just for the purpose of making money or coming up with the most lucrative business deals,” but for what she can give back.
Swift had a slightly different idea in her mind when it came to her future and kids while talking to InStyle last year.
“I don’t know if I’ll have kids,” she told the magazine at the time. “It’s impossible not to picture certain scenarios and how you would try to convince them that they have a normal life when, inevitably, there will be strange men pointing giant cameras at them from the time they are babies.”
[From E! News]
It?s true, Angelina Jolie isn?t playing the game at this point for the money, if it ever was about the money for Angelina. Even when Angelina has taken big modeling contracts (like Louis Vuitton), the money goes to charity. Taylor is pretty charitable too and she gives back in major ways, more than many of her pop star contemporaries, although she?s got a ways to go before she reaches Jolie-like proportions. So? what do you think? Do you like Taylor more because she?s becoming a Brangeloonie? Or is that a dealbreaker?
Meanwhile, following the Apple Music streaming thing, Taylor got blasted by a photographer who claims that Taylor is such a control freak that she demands the rights to all photos taken by tour photographers on her tours. Taylor?s rep responded to those accusations, basically saying that Taylor ? like Beyonce! ? just wants approval over which photos are used/sold. As in, she?s very controlling about her image, but the photographer still has the copyright. I think that whole debate ? whether it?s Beyonce or Swifty or anyone else ? is stupid on so many levels. For one, if you?re a photographer signing on to be a tour photographer, of course you?re going to have to work with the artists, for better or for worse. Secondly, some of these artists are too control-freaky for their own good.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie took Shiloh to Lebanon to meet some Syrian refugees | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 EXCLUSIVE: Angelina Jolie – and daughter Shiloh! – visit refugees in Lebanon #WorldRefugeeDay http://t.co/XLUK3KXx7g pic.twitter.com/KpLoZuAibs
— People magazine (@people) June 20, 2015
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| Angelina Jolie: 'You still won't be cool to your children no matter what you do' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It feels weird to say this, but if Zahara Jolie-Pitt had a style blog, I would read it. I would aim to dress more like a 10-year-old, if that 10-year-old is specifically Zahara Jolie-Pitt. These are photos of the entire Jolie-Pitt clan at LAX yesterday, Saturday. We haven?t had photos of the entire family together in a while. It?s been months, I?m pretty sure. Usually it?s just one parent traveling with no more than three kids. Usually Vivienne and Knox are sort of the odd kids out, probably because they?re the youngest and they might not be interested in whatever the big kids are doing. But I guess the whole family has picked up to go? somewhere.
What else is there to say? Shiloh?s haircut reminds me of both ?90s skater boys and Kristen Stewart?s current hair. It?s cute as hell! Zahara is ON POINT, as always, rocking a vintage Batman t-shirt, leggings and brown ankle boots with neon laces (so fresh). Vivienne looks a little bit unkempt, like she just woke up from a nap. Knox holding Zahara?s hand? Adorable. Pax looks like he?s trying to avoid the paparazzi. Maddox is a teenager now, so he obviously thinks this big family outing is ridiculously uncool (GAWD, MOM, YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!).
Incidentally, during her Q&A with Domhnall Gleeson for the current issue of Interview Magazine, Angelina was telling him how cool it is that he?s done a Star Wars movie, and one day he?ll be able to show it to his children, but ?You still won’t be cool to your children no matter what you do. But the Star Wars movies always have these beautiful messages and they are quite profound. And you will have this thing where, wherever you go in the world, you will be an artist and familiar to them.? Angelina?s kids will never think their mom is cool. EVER.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Angelina Jolie brought Pax & Knox to Shiloh's LA soccer game: super cute' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It must be Little League soccer season, because here are more photos of Angelina Jolie with some of her kids at another soccer game. Shiloh and possibly Zahara were playing with their soccer team on Saturday in LA, and Angelina brought out Knox and Pax to watch their sisters. Several things are amusing me about these photos. First of all, trust Angelina to basically wear a black suit to watch a kids? soccer game on a weekend. I understand that she believes in staying out of the sun and covering up, but wearing a long-sleeved black suit to a soccer game is a little bit much. Second of all? Knox has the same haircut as Shiloh these days. Which is an adorable shaggy bob. And Knox is such a little strawberry-blonde!! Third of all, Pax?s hair is on point these days. That?s a great haircut!
Incidentally, we recently learned something new about the Jolie-Pitt household, courtesy of Rebel Wilson. Rebel was promoting Pitch Perfect 2 last week and Rebel told Kelly Ripa and Michael Strathan that she was recently at a table reading for a Sacha Baron Cohen film with Brad, and Brad mentioned that his family is sort of obsessed with Pitch Perfect. Rebel said: ?I was sitting next to Brad Pitt and he’s like, ‘Uh, I’ve seen your movie like 20 times. My kids love it.’ And he said, ‘Angelina watches it as well.’” I?m guessing that Shiloh and Zahara probably like Pitch Perfect a lot and they make the whole family sit through repeated viewings.
I wonder if Angelina remembered to bring healthy snacks this time? Probably not. I bet she just bought ice cream and treats at the park again.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| Angelina Jolie & Maddox fly to LA, meanwhile Brad is mysteriously bruised | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Angelina Jolie and Maddox Jolie-Pitt flying from New York to LA. I guess Maddox was the only kid to join Angelina in New York. Angelina and Maddox seemed to fly into NYC all undercover late last week because Angelina needed to make some appearances at the UN. On Friday, Jolie appeared before the United Nations Security Council to brief them/excoriate them for their inaction on the Syrian refugee crisis. Later that same day, she closed out the Women of the World Summit with a moving (albeit depressing) speech about sexual violence in warfare.
I don?t know what Maddox did while his mom was out at the UN. He?s old enough ? he?s 13 years old ? to amuse himself, I would assume. Did he do some homework? Did he go sightseeing? Did he play videogames? Did he call up his girlfriend? While I have no doubt that Brad Pitt is perfectly capable of being an uncool dad, do the kids ever think Angelina is uncool? Does Maddox ever yell, ?Gawd, mah-OM, you just don?t understand??
And in case you?re wondering about Maddox?s t-shirt? it?s for the band Whitechapel and their song ?The Saw Is the Law,? which you can hear here. I listened to it for a minute and I?m pretty sure the devil just came into the room and punched me in the face. It?s that kind of crazy heavy-metal sound with some crazy person screaming into a microphone. So? typical teenage boy stuff. Angst, ?tude, you just don?t understand, mom. It?s MUSIC. It speaks to ME. No one understands me!!!
Meanwhile, Brad Pitt appeared at an Autism Speaks fundraiser/charity auction on Saturday night and he had a weird bruise/scrape on his face. In case you feared that The Leg sought revenge for some slight, just know that Brad claims the bruise is actually “road rash” (kinky) and it involved him wearing flip-flops and walking with his hands full in the dark. Great story, Brad. Why not just say “dude, I was SO HIGH”?
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Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.
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| Angelina Jolie addresses UN Security Council about the Syrian refugee crisis | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 On Friday, Angelina Jolie appeared before the United Nations Security Council in her capacity as Special Envoy of the High Commission on Refugees. She ended up scolding the Security Council for their utter inaction on Syria, and their refusal to acknowledge or do anything for the millions of Syrian refugees fleeing their country. The numbers are min-boggling: the UN estimates that 3.8 million refugees have left Syria and more than 7 million Syrians have been displaced in the past four years. She didn?t call out specific countries ? namely, Russia ? but did note that some members of the Security Council refused to impose sanctions and embargos on Syria, moves that could possibly halt at least some of the Syrian diaspora. She also slams the ?lack of political will? to deal with the crisis. Here?s part of her testimony:
You can read the full transcript of her Security Council remarks here. This is what Angelina Jolie looks like when she?s pissed off and frustrated. And she?s right to be pissed off and frustrated ? this is one of the largest humanitarian crises of the past 50 years and no one is really doing anything about it.
After her appearance at the UN, Jolie spoke at the Women of the World Summit, speaking about the sexual violence facing so many female refugees in Iraq and Syria. She said: ?Who among us would have thought we would see, in Iraq and Syria, images of women in cages, sold into sex slavery? Crimes against women are still treated as secondary issues.? She was the closing speaker – here is her speech:
PS… I know this is superficial, but I love her brooch.
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Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Getty.
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| Angelina Jolie: 'By overcoming difficulties, we gain strength and maturity' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I?ve been waiting for the anti-Angelina Jolie people to point out the super-obvious conspiracy theory that Angelina clearly only had her ovaries removed because Unbroken is coming out on DVD this week. Totally. Or, you know, she had a legitimate cancer scare and decided to undergo the surgery she had been planning on doing for the past two years. In any case, yes, Unbroken is out on DVD now. To promote the release, Angelina sat down with Elle to talk about the film, directing, Louis Zamperini, and how it?s not enough to just be informed of all of the bad sh-t happening in the world. Some highlights:
She?d rather direct than act: ?I prefer directing to acting. There is huge freedom that comes from being behind the camera. It brings a lot of responsibilities as well, but is intensely rewarding. Particularly the chance to help draw out the best in young actors, like Jack O’Connell in Unbroken, who is a remarkable talent.?
Whether she wishes she could redo some scenes: ?I tend not to look back and dwell on a project once it is finished. But I do remember how intense the atmosphere was on-set filming some of the tougher scenes [such as] when Louie is being brutalized. It was very moving how always, after those scenes, the actors involved would check [and make sure that] everyone was okay and look out for each other.?
The lessons from Louie?s story: ?Like many of the greatest human stories, it is about the capacity of regular men and women to rise above adversity. It reminds us never to give up, and that having the spirit to fight is what really matters. It is powerful because it speaks to the potential inside all of us?I do believe in the old saying ‘What does not kill you makes you stronger.’ Our experiences, good and bad, make us who we are. By overcoming difficulties, we gain strength and maturity.?
If she could redirect the nature of news/gossip: ?It is not really the nature of the news, but what we do with the information we have. We know more than ever before in history about conflict and injustice happening across the world, but the will to translate that knowledge into pressure and action at a global level somehow seems to be lacking. Time and again, after massacres and atrocities, the world says, ‘never again.’ But in Syria today, to take just one example, these things are happening with impunity in the full knowledge of the world. We need a greater focus on solutions?not just on information.?
[From Elle Magazine]
Can I just say? I appreciate Angelina so much for never taking a pot-shot even when she?s been handed a golden opportunity. No, Angelina will not trash-talk the mainstream media or the gossip media. No, she will not make some kind of roundabout statement that is ultimately self-serving to her image as a celebrity. She?s not playing that game. Instead, she reminds us all that it?s not just about awareness and knowledge? it?s about gaming out solutions to these complicated problems.
As for the Unbroken DVD? I saw Unbroken in the theater and while I would love to support Angelina, I?m not going to buy the DVD. It was a really sad movie and there were script and editing issues. Save your money for the Selma DVD (God, Selma was such an incredible movie).
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| Angelina Jolie brought Shiloh & Zahara to the Kids' Choice Awards: so cute' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 OMG. Angelina Jolie attended Saturday night?s Kids? Choice Awards with two dates: her daughters Zahara and Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. And OMG. Look at their faces!! Angelina is officially the coolest mom in the world in this very moment. Shiloh and Zahara are just gorgeous, aren?t they? Shiloh looks so much like Brad and Zahara is just so stunning. There are tons of photos of Angelina and the kids, and although they didn?t walk the carpet, she let her girls hang out with all of the cool celebrities inside. You can see more photos here (OMG, the girls met NICK JONAS). This was Angelina first public appearance since she announced the removal of her ovaries and fallopian tubes last week.
Jolie was there for a reason ? she was up for two awards, Favorite Villain and Favorite Actress. She won Favorite Villain for Maleficent (and lost actress to Emma Stone). You can see the winners list here. When she picked up the Villain award, Jolie talked about being different and how it?s great to not fit in with the crowd:
Angelina Jolie has given an insight into her misfit youth with an empowering speech in her first public appearance since revealing she had ovaries removed. The actress has been hailed as an icon for candidly addressing her health woes. And on Saturday night, she opened up about feeling like an outcast to the young audience, and her daughter Shiloh and Zahara, at the Kids’ Choice Awards.
‘When I was a kid I was told – like Maleficent – that I was different,’ she told the audience as she accepted the Best Villain award for her role in Maleficent. ‘But then I realized something: different is good. So maybe you don’t fit in. Be yourself. And when someone tells you that you are different just smile and hold your head up, and be proud. And as your villain,’ the actress added with a wink, ‘I would say, “Cause a little trouble. It is good for you!”‘
[From The Daily Mail]
I?m sure some parents are going to be like ?NOOOoo, don?t tell my kids to cause trouble!? But I think her message is fine ? it?s fine to be different, it?s cool to stand out and be different, and sometimes people will say you?re ?causing trouble? when you?re just being you.
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| Angelina Jolie's latest announcement widely praised by the medical community | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Following Angelina Jolie?s announcement that she had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed following a cancer scare, there was once again an outpouring of support and official statements online and on social media. Jolie announced her latest surgery with a NYT op-ed, which is how she did it in 2013 when announcing her double-mastectomy. I tend to think there was more of a stunned and shocked reaction back in 2013, but this time around everyone has seemed much nicer. I think most of us were prepared ? in her 2013, Jolie said that she would undergo the salpingo-oophorectomy at some point, it was just a matter of when. So, here are some reactions to Jolie?s latest announcement:
*People Magazine did a weird write-up about how Brad Pitt ?supported? Angelina during her surgery this time, but there isn?t any new information there, it?s just an assortment of old quotes.
*Some celebrities ? many of whom have family history of cancer ? posted links to Jolie?s op-ed. Mindy Kaling?s mom died of pancreatic cancer and Mindy posted about Jolie?s op-ed on all of her social media. Go here to read more about the celebrities reacting positively to Jolie.
*Calaneet Balas (cool name), the CEO of the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance, said: ?By speaking out about her increased risk of ovarian cancer, Angelina Jolie has helped shine a spotlight on this deadly disease. In addition to being aware of their family history, we hope women will use this moment to learn the symptoms of ovarian cancer so they know the signs to watch for and when to seek medical attention.?
*Dr. Richard Wender, the ?chief cancer control officer at the American Cancer Society? had more cautious words, calling Jolie a ?very responsible communicator,? but saying Jolie?s announcement will ?engender some fear. Some women may think, ?Well maybe I?m a BRCA carrier and I should get tested.?? And? Why is that a bad thing? You can read more of his statement here.
*One of Angelina?s long-time doctors, Dr. Kristi Funk, released a statement too: “We continue to applaud Angelina Jolie’s willingness to share her journey with the BRCA gene mutation. Since the original release of her story, countless women around the world have been made aware of the gene and have been able to explore lifesaving treatment options to lower the risk it poses to their health. The best defense for BRCA gene mutation carriers against the threats it poses to their health and well-being is to educate themselves as much as possible on the risks and treatment strategies available. No single strategy works universally. Each woman’s life circumstances are unique and her treatment plan should be developed to reflect an individualized approach.”
As Angelina has said repeatedly, these were her choices, and her choices to make on her own behalf. The only thing she?s really encouraging is further discussion about women?s health and access to more and better health care for women. I?ll say it again: so badass.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie had her ovaries, fallopian tubes removed, is now in menopause | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Angelina Jolie has dropped another bombshell New York Times op-ed on all of us, just like she did two years ago when she announced that she had undergone a preventative double mastectomy. At that time, she explained that she carried the same faulty BRCA1 gene that likely runs in her family (her mother, grandmother and aunt all died from cancer). Jolie announced her double mastectomy in May 2013, at the tailend of her surgical process, and explained that she had undergone the preventative measure because doctors told her that her breast cancer risk was much higher than her risk for ovarian cancer, and that more preventative surgeries could wait. Well, in this morning?s op-ed, Jolie describes getting a bad blood test back and deciding to go ahead with the surgery to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes.
You can read Jolie?s new op-ed here. It?s emotional and well-written, and you can tell that she?s making all of her decisions with not only her mother in mind, but her children too. She talks candidly about making the decision to undergo the surgery that will put her through menopause. It sounds like Brad was there for her through every step, yet again:
Then two weeks ago I got a call from my doctor with blood-test results. ?Your CA-125 is normal,? he said. I breathed a sigh of relief. That test measures the amount of the protein CA-125 in the blood, and is used to monitor ovarian cancer. I have it every year because of my family history. But that wasn?t all. He went on. ?There are a number of inflammatory markers that are elevated, and taken together they could be a sign of early cancer.? I took a pause. ?CA-125 has a 50 to 75 percent chance of missing ovarian cancer at early stages,? he said. He wanted me to see the surgeon immediately to check my ovaries.
I went through what I imagine thousands of other women have felt. I told myself to stay calm, to be strong, and that I had no reason to think I wouldn?t live to see my children grow up and to meet my grandchildren.
I called my husband in France, who was on a plane within hours. The beautiful thing about such moments in life is that there is so much clarity. You know what you live for and what matters. It is polarizing, and it is peaceful.
That same day I went to see the surgeon, who had treated my mother. I last saw her the day my mother passed away, and she teared up when she saw me: ?You look just like her.? I broke down. But we smiled at each other and agreed we were there to deal with any problem, so ?let?s get on with it.?
[From NYT]
Angelina spends some time repeating this too: ?There is more than one way to deal with any health issue. The most important thing is to learn about the options and choose what is right for you personally.? I think she was unfairly slammed for ?encouraging? women to undergo mastectomies two years ago when really she was just trying to talk about the personal choices she was making and encouraging a larger conversation about women?s health. She finishes her essay by writing that she had undergone the final part of her surgery and she is now in menopause:
Last week, I had the procedure: a laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. There was a small benign tumor on one ovary, but no signs of cancer in any of the tissues. I have a little clear patch that contains bio-identical estrogen. A progesterone IUD was inserted in my uterus. It will help me maintain a hormonal balance, but more important it will help prevent uterine cancer. I chose to keep my uterus because cancer in that location is not part of my family history.
It is not possible to remove all risk, and the fact is I remain prone to cancer. I will look for natural ways to strengthen my immune system. I feel feminine, and grounded in the choices I am making for myself and my family. I know my children will never have to say, ?Mom died of ovarian cancer.?
Regardless of the hormone replacements I?m taking, I am now in menopause. I will not be able to have any more children, and I expect some physical changes. But I feel at ease with whatever will come, not because I am strong but because this is a part of life. It is nothing to be feared.
I feel deeply for women for whom this moment comes very early in life, before they have had their children. Their situation is far harder than mine. I inquired and found out that there are options for women to remove their fallopian tubes but keep their ovaries, and so retain the ability to bear children and not go into menopause. I hope they can be aware of that. It is not easy to make these decisions. But it is possible to take control and tackle head-on any health issue. You can seek advice, learn about the options and make choices that are right for you. Knowledge is power.
[From The NYT]
I remember reading pieces from women who had undergone mastectomies and how they said it was so powerful that Jolie had said that she still felt feminine and beautiful. I imagine the same thing will happen with this ? she?s still the same woman, just in early menopause and with a significantly decreased cancer risk. Jolie is so badass. I love her.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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