| | |  | Angelina Jolie News & Gossip
| Angelina Jolie & Maddox arrive at LAX, both look like movie stars: adorable? | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Angelina Jolie and Maddox arriving at LAX yesterday. Angelina is wearing her traditional all-black and she looks rather fetching. Maddox turned 12 years old earlier this month ? time flies, doesn?t it? I still remember when Angelina first adopted him and her father broke the news to the media like an a?hole. Maddox, to me, seems to dress like both his parents. He likes leather and black and he likes his pants to fit the same way Brad likes his pants. I kind of love how Maddox seems like a miniature version of a Hollywood star ? the skullcap, the sunglasses, the nice leather bag, the swagger. Madd is pretty badass.
I guess Angelina and Maddox were in England earlier this week, and that?s why they were arriving at LAX? Angelina was photographed taking a helicopter ride in England, and there was that story about Angelina and Jennifer being booked on the same British Airways flight. But I don?t really know why Angelina was in England at all. Maybe she was scouting locations for something? Or maybe she was checking out rental properties for the family for when Brad films Fury there later this year? Maybe.
Also, I guess we have to talk about this (I?m acting like I don?t want to, but you know how much I like to talk about boobs), so let?s talk about Angelina?s boobs. Are we still going with ?post-surgery swelling? as the official story or should we start discussing the idea that Angelina went up a cup size after her mastectomy? Because I think she went up a cup size. I think she was like, ?Well, since I?m already here, might as well make ?em bigger.?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Angelina Jolie appears at Disney Expo to shill her 'favorite' character, Maleficent | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Angelina Jolie made an appearance at this weekend?s Disney Expo to do some early promotion for Maleficent, which doesn?t come out for another 11 months! Unfortunately, we don?t have the pics ? you can see them here. Angelina looked gorgeous and healthy, and she wore all-black, of course. While she was at the Expo, she talked to the press, of course. And I think her quotes are really funny ? she talks about how she kept making children cry whenever she tried to talk to them while wearing her Maleficent horns. Of course, the tabloids will probably twist this into ?Brad Pitt LEAVES ANGELINA because she scares children!!?
Maybe it was the horns. Angelina Jolie ? who got a standing ovation at Saturday’s D23 Expo in Anaheim, Calif., while presenting a clip from her upcoming film Maleficent ? revealed that she didn’t exactly get the same rapturous response when she was in costume as Sleeping Beauty’s nemesis.
“These little kids would visit set, and I would think, ‘Oh, I am a Disney character,’ so I would go over to them, and say, ‘Hi there,’ ” Jolie told the packed crowd. “They would just scream.”
The mom-of-six added, “One little kid even said, ‘Mommy, please make the mean witch stop talking to me.’ ”
One child who didn’t scare so easily? Her daughter and costar Vivienne, who plays the young Sleeping Beauty.
“Vivienne was the only 4-year-old who didn’t scream when she saw me,” said Jolie, who wore a black Versace top and black Saint Laurent pants and shoes at the event.
She also revealed that it was her brother, James Haven, who remembered her childhood fascination with the evil sorceress and persuaded her to get involved with the project.
“Since I was a little girl, Maleficent was always my favorite. I was terrified of her, but I was so drawn to her,” Jolie said. “She had this elegance and grace, and yet she was so cruel. Just wonderfully and deliciously cruel.”
Jolie admitted that one of the highlights of playing Maleficent was donning her signature headpiece.
“She loved wearing those horns,” director Robert Stromberg told PEOPLE. “After awhile it felt very strange to see her without them, like part of her was missing.”
While Jolie’s youngest daughter wasn’t there to promote her film debut (her siblings Pax, 8, and Zahara, 7, also have walk-on roles in the movie), the 38-year-old admitted that her kids weren’t far away.
“They are actually playing in the park now,” she said, referring to the Disneyland theme park across the street. Maleficent will open July 2, 2014.
[From People]
I really don?t think Disney has gotten enough credit for choosing Angelina to play Maleficent. It seems like obvious casting right now, and maybe it was obvious casting at the time, but it really is just a brilliant choice. I can?t think of any other actress who would be this excited about playing Maleficent.
Some videos from the Disney Expo:
Angelina?s part starts around 4:20-ish:
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie arrive in Japan with Knox, Vivienne & Pax: cute? | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some new photos of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Knox, Vivienne (who you can barely see) and Pax arriving at Narita airport in Japan yesterday/today. I?m assuming Brad and the gang are in Japan to support World War Z, just because? that?s the only film that either of them have released in the past year. So often, it seems like the older girls are the ones who like to travel with both their mom and their dad ? Shiloh and Zahara seem to be the most eager to drop everything and go exploring with one of their parents, so it?s interesting to see a new grouping of Jolie-Pitts. Vivienne and Knox and Pax. Interesting.
While I hate to say this ? because I am still a hardcore Angelina-defender on most things ? I have to admit that Angelina looks much, much too thin. She?s been wearing so much sack clothing over the past year as she went about her double mastectomy and breast reconstruction, so it?s startling to see her in such tight leggings (are those leather leggings?!) and a form-fitting sweater. She looks crazy-small. Her legs are too thin. Again, I hate saying that because we don?t know exactly what?s going on with her, but I really wish she would concentrate on trying to put on some weight.
Knox and Vivienne turned five years old a few weeks ago. Does that make you feel old? Time really flies, doesn?t it?
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie Jets Out of Hawaii with her Boys | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Saying aloha to the island, Angelina Jolie took Maddox and Pax on a plane departing from Honolulu, Hawaii on Wednesday (July 10).
The "Wanted" star wore a black sleeveless top and black pants with her hair in a ponytail as she boarded with her boys.
Recently, the 38-year-old star made a casting decision in her directorial project, "Unbroken." British actor Jack O'Connell will play the lead in the film.
Set for a Christmas 2014 release, the story follows Lou Zamperini, a former Olympian turned Air Force pilot who was captured by the Japanese Navy in World War II.
More Photos Here
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| Angelina Jolie arrives in Hawaii, where she?ll spend the 2 months filming 'Unbroken' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some new photos of Angelina Jolie and her sons arriving in Oahu, Hawaii yesterday. Ordinarily, I would have thought they were either on vacation or merely stopping through Hawaii on their way to some war-torn refugee camp. But as it turns out, Angelina and the Jolie-Pitt family are going to spend much of the next two months in Hawaii while Angelina films her second feature film, a film adaptation of Laura Hillenbrand?s historical novel Unbroken.
Angelina signed on to the directing gig last December, and I had sort of forgotten about it in the last few months as we dealt with the news of her double mastectomy. But it?s still happening, and I?m assuming that Hawaii is going to stand in for several Pacific islands during World War II.
As a special envoy to the United Nations, actress Angelina Jolie doesn’t usually get nervous in crowds. So when dozens of smiling locals greeted her very warmly as she touched down in Oahu, Hawaii Sunday, the 38-year-old smiled back and indulged in small talk with her fans as she made her way through the airport.
The Girl, Interrupted actress was accompanied on the trip with her two eldest sons, Maddox, 11 and nine-year-old Pax as she returns back to work after her elective mastectomy.
Jolie will reportedly bring in her other four children to stay with her on the island while she films Unbroken. Unbroken will be The Changeling’s star second turn at directing, having already helmed in The Land of Blood and Honey.
Unbroken is based on the novel by Laura Hillenbrand about the heroic tale of Olympian-turned-WWII prisoner-of-war Louis Zamperini. It will be filmed on location throughout the 50th state.
According to reports, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and their six kids will live in Oahu, Hawaii for eight weeks while Angie directs.
[From The Mail]
Oh, how rough on the Jolie-Pitt family! Eight whole weeks in a Hawaiian paradise over the summer! Of course Angie will be working, so I?m assuming we?ll get some blurry long-distance shots of her while she directs. But this also means that the paparazzi will get lots of shots of Brad with the kids, don?t you think? I bet all of the paparazzi have talked to their agencies and they?re trying to get an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii to dedicate themselves to getting Hawaiian Jolie-Pitt photos.
Also: it?s sort of funny to me that Brad and Angelina are going to be in Hawaii for two months because Justin Theroux has a house there, I?m pretty sure, and because Hawaii was one of the alleged ideas Jennifer Aniston had for a destination beach wedding. Now JustJen?s wedding is on hold and they can?t even visit Hawaii without it becoming a ?thing?. Ha.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Angelina Jolie appears before UN Security Council, speaks about warzone rape | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last week, Angelina Jolie was in Jordan, on the border, to meet with Syrian refugees who are fleeing their civil war in droves. She was in Jordan specifically for World Refugee Day (June 20th), and she makes an effort to attend events or visit refugee camps every year for the international day of awareness and advocacy. Here?s what I didn?t know though ? Angelina is joining her UNHCR work with her recent advocacy for victims of rape and sexual abuse around the world. Angelina has been doing more work on rape and sex abuse in the past year, and she?s already worked on an initiative with the UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, and she?s met with current Secretary of State John Kerry. And just yesterday, Angelina gave testimony and a personal plea to the UN Security Council:
As a leading Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie can raise publicity and awareness with the snap of her fingers. And after recently going public about her double mastectomy – and encouraging women across the world to get regular check ups – Jolie put another worthy matter before the world stage on Monday in her capacity as a U.N ambassador.
The 38-year-old actress made her debut before the U.N.’s most powerful body as a special envoy for refugees – and urged the world’s nations to make the fight against rape in war a top priority. She told the Security Council that ‘hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of women, children and men have been raped in conflicts in our lifetimes’.
Jolie, a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. high commissioner for refugees, said the Security Council has witnessed 67 years of wars and conflict since it was established ‘but the world has yet to take up warzone rape as a serious priority.’
‘You set the bar,’ she told the council. ‘If the … council sets rape and sexual violence in conflict as a priority it will become one and progress will be made. If you do not, this horror will continue.’
British Foreign Secretary William Hague, who presided over the meeting, stressed that ‘in conflicts in nearly every corner of the globe, rape is used systematically and ruthlessly, in the almost certain knowledge that there will be no consequences for the perpetrators.’
Soon after Jolie spoke, the council adopted a legally-binding resolution demanding the complete and immediate cessation of all acts of sexual violence by all parties to armed conflict. It noted that sexual violence can constitute a crime against humanity and a contributing act to genocide, called for improved monitoring of sexual violence in conflict, and urged the U.N. and donors to assist survivors.
Jolie, who has traveled extensively in her role as goodwill ambassador, recalled several of the survivors she had met – the mother of a five-year-old girl raped outside a police station in Goma in eastern Congo, and a Syrian woman she spoke to in Jordan last week who asked to hide her name and face ‘because she knew that if she spoke out about the crimes against her she would be attacked again, and possibly killed.’
Jolie pleaded with the Security Council – and all countries – to implement the resolution and not let the issue drop.
‘Meet your commitments, debate this issue in your parliaments, mobilize people in your countries, and build it into all your foreign policy efforts,’ she urged. ‘Together, you can turn the tide of global opinion, shatter impunity and finally put an end to this abhorrence.’
Secretary-General Ban paid tribute to Jolie for being the voice of millions forced to flee their homes ‘and now for the many survivors of wartime rape whose bodies have been used as battlegrounds.’
[From The Mail]
I remember, back in 2004-06, the discussion about whether the systematic rape of Darfurian women (and girls) by the Janjaweed constituted a ?crime against humanity?. There was a lot of word-parsing and legalese and it really bothered me because the widespread evidence of mass rape was all around, and very few people were doing anything about it. I was reminded of the Darfur case as proof that what Angelina is doing is actually very important ? many countries (even Western countries) have problems acknowledging mass rapes as part and parcel of genocide. Anyway, good on Angie. As always.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
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| Maddox Jolie-Pitt Gets Shot in the Head in 'World War Z' | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s kid, Maddox Jolie-Pitt, makes a cameo in the newWorld War Z. But unlike Jaden Smith who keeps coming back to do worse and worse movies with Will because he refuses to accept that Jaden is a terrible actor, Maddox’s career ends in about 10 minutes as he gets shot in the head a bunch of times.
“He gets shot in the head . . . multiple times. But he gets double tapped,” Pitt said of Maddox. Angelina Jolie’s fiance joked, “I don’t know what that says about me as a parent.” Pitt said his sons Maddox, 11, and Pax, 9, “have already seen it and they love it.” (Indeed, alongside their mom, 38, the siblings attended the World War Z in London June 2.)
I suspect putting their kid in a movie just so they can shoot them in the head is the dream of any parent at least once in their life. I mean, of course they don’t want to really kill their kid, but just seeing the dark, twisted fantasy of their child getting double tapped and hearing glorious silence is all some parents need.
The post Maddox Jolie-Pitt Gets Shot in the Head in ‘World War Z’ appeared first on The Blemish.
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| Brad Pitt shows off his long, greasy hair at the NYC 'WWZ' premiere: gross' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Michael K really got it right when he declared Brad Pitt?s current hairstyle ?The Full Aniston?. I?m a Brad apologist by default, because I like Angelina so much, but I can no longer defend his hair. This is awful! Brad?s hair doesn?t even look clean or well-maintained! It?s too long. Why is he doing this to us? It?s gross. Anyway, these are some photos of Brad at last night?s World War Z premiere. Angelina didn?t come, which is disappointing. Apparently, she didn?t come to the after-party either:
After walking the red carpet in Times Square last night for his big-budget zombie epic ?World War Z,? Brad Pitt was expected to slip off to an intimate VIP dinner for 30 at Meatpacking District hot spot Catch. The hush-hush dinner was for the cast and filmmakers, as well as Paramount boss Brad Grey, we hear. Pitt?s partner, Angelina Jolie, was not at the premiere, and Pitt told us she was with their kids and getting ready to embark on a trip for UN World Refugee Day, June 20.
Following the dinner, Pitt was to head to a Catch Rooftop after-party for 200 sponsored by Esquire magazine and DeLen tequila. Earlier yesterday, after Pitt appeared on ?Good Morning America? ? and reported that Jolie?s ?doing great? after her double mastectomy ? he headed to Forty Four at The Royalton for coffee.
A witness reports, ?A group of fans then approached him in the lobby and begged for photos. Brad?s security team gave him a look, but Pitt replied, ?Of course ,I can take a photo ? I would love to.? ?
Pitt?s been pumping his movie with smaller screenings leading up to last night. Spies at one said audience members were on edge when six guards swept a MoMA screening room during the film wearing ?night-vision goggles.? Luckily, they were on the lookout for film pirates, not zombies.
[From Page Six]
I wonder where Angelina is headed for World Refugee Day? Usually there are large events held in various world capitals, but Angelina might be traveling to an actual refugee camp to bring attention to one of the many refugee crises facing the UNHCR this year. Somewhere with Syrian refugees, maybe?
I?m also including photos of Jon Voight and James Haven (Angelina?s father and brother) at the premiere, plus Mireille Enos and her husband Cameron Frye Alan Ruck. Enos is wearing J.Mendel ? I could see Angelina in this dress too.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Melissa Etheridge calls Angelina's double mastectomy 'the most fearful choice' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Melissa Etheridge is a breast cancer survivor and has been cancer free, by her own account, for nine years. She was with her last partner, Tammy Lynn Michaels, throughout her chemo and breast cancer battle and then she got better, cheated on Tammy with a mutual friend, left her and tried to get out of paying alimony or child support. That’s not conjecture, Tammy pretty much aired all their dirty laundry when she found her lifestyle massively downsized in the wake of the split.
I wouldn’t give that full unflattering intro to Melissa if she had just said that she disagreed with Angelina Jolie’s choice instead of painting her own cancer struggle like the best choice. She has every right to disagree with a preventive double mastectomy, especially as someone who dealt with cancer. What she did was shade someone else’s health decisions and act as if hers was so much nobler. At least that’s how I’m interpreting it. Here’s what she said:
BLADE: As a breast cancer survivor yourself, what did you think of Angelina Jolie?s announcement?
ETHERIDGE: I have to say I feel a little differently. I have that gene mutation too and it?s not something I would believe in for myself. I wouldn?t call it the brave choice. I actually think it?s the most fearful choice you can make when confronting anything with cancer. My belief is that cancer comes from inside you and so much of it has to do with the environment of your body. It?s the stress that will turn that gene on or not. Plenty of people have the gene mutation and everything but it never comes to cancer so I would say to anybody faced with that, that choice is way down the line on the spectrum of what you can do and to really consider the advancements we?ve made in things like nutrition and stress levels. I?ve been cancer free for nine years now and looking back, I completely understand why I got cancer. There was so much acidity in everything. I really encourage people to go a lot longer and further before coming to that conclusion.
[From Blade via Radar]
Cancer survivors, do you find it offensive that she said “cancer comes from inside you” and that you could turn it on or off with “stress” and “acidity levels”? That’s what she said, isn’t it? While there are legit environmental factors, it wouldn’t have killed her to be a little more diplomatic about it. I get not agreeing with preventative mastectomies, but it’s offensive to imply that cancer patients brought it on themselves or can somehow control it just because that was her experience. Yes there are probably things people can do, but health issues can be random and scary and sometimes it’s just genes and horrible luck. Sometimes people do everything they’re supposed to, get the short end of the stick and die way before their time. Can you blame a woman who lost her mother and aunt to breast cancer for deciding to take matters into her own hands, to be proactive instead of reactive, to get the test, and then essentially erase her chances of having a disease that runs in her family? Angelina took control of her health, and just because she did it in a way that didn’t jibe with Melissa Etheridge’s cancer experience, that’s somehow wrong and “fearful.”
Melissa is shown in February, April and May with her partner, Linda Wallem. Angelina is shown on 6-4-13. Credit: WENN.com
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| Melissa Etheridge Says Angelina Jolie Is Afraid Not Brave | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Everyone has been praising Angelina Jolie for getting that double mastectomy after finding out she had the gene mutation that raised her risk of breast cancer. Everyone except for Melissa Etheridge, that is.
Etheridge is also a breast cancer survivor but went a different route. Instead of the double mastectomy, she underwent chemo and has been cancer free for 9 years. She tells theWashington Bladevia Us that Angelina wasn’t courageous in undergoing the procedure, she was fearful. She also knows exactly what causes cancer. Because she’s a scientist now.
“I have to say I feel a little differently,” the Grammy-winning chanteuse (who, incidentally, performed at Brad Pitt’s wedding to Jennifer Aniston) said of the choice to get a preventive mastectomy. “I have that gene mutation too, and it’s not something I would believe in for myself. I wouldn’t call it the brave choice. I actually think it’s the most fearful choice you can make when confronting anything with cancer.”
“My belief is that cancer comes from inside you, and so much of it has to do with the environment of your body. It’s the stress that will turn that gene on or not. Plenty of people have the gene mutation and everything, but it never comes to cancer,” she continued, noting that surgical removal of one’s breasts is “way down the line on the spectrum of what you can do” to lessen your risk of the disease.
“I’ve been cancer free for nine years now, and looking back, I completely understand why I got cancer,” she added. “There was so much acidity in everything. I really encourage people to go a lot longer and further before coming to that conclusion [of a mastectomy].”
If you’ve skipped to the end without reading most of what was said, here’s a TL;DR version for you. Melissa Etheridge, also a breast cancer survivor, called Angelina Jolie a pussy for cutting off her boobs. Now I’m posting the requisite inflammatory statement, “Shots fired! Shots fired!”
The post Melissa Etheridge Says Angelina Jolie Is Afraid Not Brave appeared first on The Blemish.
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