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| Madonna offended the President of Malawi with an error-filled, handwritten note | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 First of all, The NY Daily News has a copy of the handwritten note that Madonna sent to the new President of Malawi, Joyce Banda, and it’s hilarious! It’s full of exclamation points, run-on sentences and misspellings. Go over to the NY Daily News to check it out and come back here. That’s a note you send to a friend, not a head of state. Plus I’m sure they do things differently when it comes to correspondence in Africa. We’re really informal in America. Madonna lived in England for years, she should realize that she needs to send a type-written, proofread note to a new President.
Madonna was requesting a personal meeting with the new President prior to her weeklong tour of the country. Madonna of course adopted two children, both now 8, from Malawi, skirting longstanding adoption laws to do so. She’s also had several charity projects in Malawi that have been mired in controversy, most notably a $15 million dollar school, plans for which were scrapped in 2011. The NY Times ran a piece a couple of months later detailing the millions of dollars that went missing in that charity, spent on “outlandish expenditures on salaries, cars, office space and a golf course membership, free housing and a car and driver for the school?s director.” And of course Madonna’s cult, Kabbalah, was involved and was going to influence the school’s curriculum. So there’s much more going on here than Madonna offending the President with a dumb, handwritten note. This is Madonna trying to do damage control and tout the charity work that her foundation eventually did in Malawi, by funding some community schools. Still, the note is funny. Here’s more, thanks to Radar:
The Material Girl sent a muddled letter to President Joyce Banda of Malawi last week to coincide with her latest goodwill trip to her country. But the impact of her words was diluted by a multitude of misspellings and led to her being refused a meeting, according to the New York Daily News.
Madonna, 54, addressed President Banda with the informal greeting ?Dear Joyce? in the hand-written note, in which she congratulated the most powerful woman in Africa on the ?new position? as the nation?s first female leader.
The pop star, who traveled to Malawi to check in on 10 school projects her charity built, proved she was in need of some serious schooling herself as she made a slew of errors in her note, including writing ?responsability? instead of ?responsibility.?
She even asked for a face-to-face with the president but her rambling and casual tone instead offended the president! The president told the pop star that she was too busy and instead delegated the meeting to officials from the education ministry, according to a report in the Nyasa Times.
And if the scribbled note wasn?t bad enough, the outreach itself may have been enough to upset the President. The President?s sister was previously fired from her role at Madonna?s Raising Malawi charity after accusations surfaced that she stole money.
Madonna is the country?s biggest global philanthropist, but as The Telegraph reported, her Raising Malawi program sparked criticism from the education minister over the schools that are financed by the charity.
Minister Eunice Kazembe denied that Madonna?s charity had built 10 new schools, saying that they had in fact ?built 10 classroom blocks.? However, her philanthropy team claims that the schools are built to the national standard and house thousands of kids in classrooms instead of under trees.
?We have called President Banda, we have sent letters to President Banda but we have not heard back,? said Trevor Neilsen.?It?s pretty clear what?s going on here ? the president?s sister now works in the education ministry and has an active grudge against Madonna.”
[From Radar Online]
In regard to the allegations that the President’s sister stole from Madonna’s charity – the head of Raising Malawi stole a bunch of money in 2009 (allegedly) before resigning and running off with Madonna’s then-trainer, Tracy Anderson. (Who is a known fraud. Madonna fired Tracy as her trainer, then Tracy and that guy broke up.) So all this business about the President of Malawi’s sister being fired for embezzling money from the charity may be a smokescreen – or she may have been one of many people lining their pockets with money from that charity, from the top-down.
Madonna is shown at the GLAAD Awards with Anderson Cooper on 3-16-13 and performing in November. There’s also a photo of her children, David and Mercy, in Miami in November. Credit: WENN.com
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| Madonna goes topless for her new perfume ad: is this her real rack? | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 If anyone had ever told me back in 1984 that Madonna would still be playing the role of a barely-clad, sexed-up vamp in 2012, well, I wouldn’t have known what to say. To start, I was only 9 or 10 years old when Madonna burst onto the scene, so the future meant nothing to me at all that point. Also, I had no idea what sex or “Like a Virgin” meant, but that’s all in the distant past. What I’m trying to say is this: While I appreciate that Madonna roared through her 40s looking pretty damn hot and I am very sensitive to remarks regarding age, I still can’t fathom that she’s still doing this stuff at the age of 54.
This new advertising campaign for Madonna’s Truth or Dare Naked perfume is a perfect example of Madge’s refusal to get dressed and carry herself with a modicum of dignity and respect. Those totally aren’t her real boobs, right? No matter how much one works out, boobs (real ones, anyway) don’t lie. You can push them up in a glorious bra, but once that bra comes off, it’s evident that there is some skin on the body that doesn’t retain elasticity from exercise. This is Madonna though, and she’s been deluded about her true age for quite some time. She still insists on showing off her butt cheeks at nearly any given opportunity, and her reliance on Photoshop for ad campaigns has been exposed within so many untouched photos that I’ve lost count. We all know what she really looks like these days, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I just wish that at a certain point Madonna would embrace her true age as a reflection of the “ultra-powerful woman” image that she has embodied for decades now.
No matter what Photoshop (or a rack double) can do for Madonna though, she’s still a 54-year-old woman wearing a cheerleading outfit. Here she is performing last night in Homestead, Florida.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Madonna Sued for Supporting Gays | Added 12 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Madonna is being sued (yay!) in Russia (awesome!) for supporting gays (oh… well then). Russian activists have sued Madonna for millions after a concert in St. Petersburg where she did the most offensive thing ever. Support gay rights.
In St. Petersburg, a law passed in February made it illegal to promote homosexuality to minors and the guy who wrote the law says children as young as 12 were at Madonna’s August 9 concert.
What were they exposed to? The performance featured Madonna”stomping on an Orthodox cross and asking fans to raise their hands to show the Pink armbands in support of gays and lesbians that were distributed among the audience.”
She’s being sued for 333 million rubles, or in non-made up currency, $10.5 million.
Responding to criticism that the plaintiffs were stuck in the Middle Ages, the lawyer said they were using civilized, modern methods to defend their rights. “No one is burning anyone at the stake or carrying out an Inquisition,” Pochuyev was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying. “Modern civilization requires tolerance and respect for different values.”
That last line right there makes me assume Russia doesn’t produce the brightest of homophobes. “Why won’t you tolerate and respect our rights to hate the queers?!,” said activists who make no sense whatsoever.
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| Madonna: Snazzy Heel-less Heels in Vienna | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She?s always well-dressed for her fans, and last night (July 31) Madonna was out and about in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria.
Joined by her boytoy Brahim Zaibat, the ?Express Yourself? songstress looked lovely in a pair of high heels that actually didn?t have heels on them, teamed with a black dress.
In career news, Madge is running into trouble with her Warsaw, Poland gig today (August 1), as it falls on the same day as the Warsaw Uprising.
Protesters are urging authorities to cancel the show and begging fans to stay away from the venue for fear of bad luck. Sixty-eight years ago the Nazi regime was in control of the city and an underground army tried to fight back only to lose hundreds of thousands of lives.
One critic declared, "Veteran organizations, patriots and Catholic movements are outraged by the concert held by Madonna Louise Ciccone on August 1. The date was not accidental but an anti religious and anti-Polish provocation. We are witnessing the desecration of the cross and a profanation of the holy sacrament.?
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| Madonna Calls Her Fans Thugs | Added 12 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 In response to the anger expressed by some fans after Madonna spent only 45 minutes performing during a special show at the Olympia with 10 of those minutes spent berating Marine Le Pen, she wrote on her website that the people who threw bottles at her on stage and yelled at her were just a few thugs pretending to be fans.
Playing the Olympia was a magical moment for me and it was real treat to do this special show for my fans and be so close to them. Unfortunately at the end of the show – after I left the stage – a few thugs who were not my fans rushed the stage and started throwing plastic bottles pretending to be angry fans. The press reports have focused on this and not the joyous aspect of the evening. But nothing can take away or ruin this very special evening for me and my fans. When I looked out in the audience, everyone I saw had a smile on their face. I look forward to having this wonderful experience again. Madonna
Oh, ok. So as long as you blindly follow Madonna, you’re a fan, but once you start expressing opinions that go against the hive mind, you’re a thug.
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| Madonna refuses to drop the prop guns from her MDNA tour despite controversy | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last week, when I covered the latest Madonna ?controversy? in which she basically called a French politician a Nazi, I mentioned that Madonna?s MDNA stage show features a lot of ?prop guns?. She?s touring Europe right now, which doesn?t have the kind of rampant gun problems we have in America, so I kept expecting to hear more stuff from European politicians about that issue in particular, but not so much. Beyond the actual politics of ?prop guns used during a Madonna show,? seeing Madge pop her hip out while waving around a prop gun is pretty lame in general. We?re supposed to think she?s avant-garde, I think. When really she just looks out of touch.
Anyway, you know where I?m going with this. The new Madonna controversy is that, following the Colorado massacre, Madonna has not removed prop guns from her stage show. At all. Some people are offended. When she was in Scotland, the authorities even warned her about using the prop guns, and she did it anyway.
Maybe she really just doesn’t read the news, but Madonna’s managed to do it again: Despite being warned by police, the singer — who named her album after a thinly veiled drug reference — defied a ban and waved fake machine guns and pistols on stage at her show in Scotland on Saturday.
Her performance drew the ire of Mothers Against Guns, who said the 53-year-old singer “should know better.”
“Madonna and her dancers using replica guns was always in bad taste but given what happened in Colorado it is even worse,” a representative for the organization told the Saturday Morning Herald.
The singer’s camp remained defiant. “Madonna would rather cancel her show than censor her art,” a member of her tour staff told HuffPost’s Rob Shuter. “Her entire career, she has fought against people telling her what she can and cannot do. She?s not about to start listening to them now.”
[From HuffPo]
It?s not about censorship ? it?s about showing respect to the victims of one of the worst mass-shootings in American history. Madonna probably didn?t want to take the guns out of her show because there would have been barely any show left. What were they going to do, take away the guns and leave all of the crosses and the ?music?? Still, I?m not crazy about the idea that only NOW, after the Colorado thing, people are like, ?Wow, Madonna is so dumb to have all of these guns in her show.? It was asinine and offensive BEFORE Colorado. Now it?s just… Madonna being Madonna. Looking for whatever controversy she can cling to, fighting the ?good fight? against ?censorship? of her artsy prop guns that bring nothing to the conversation. All for a tour in support of an album that bombed. My point? She should take the prop guns out of her show because the whole ?waving guns around on stage? thing is so lame and stupid, not because of the politics or ?censorship? or anything like that.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Madonna Leaves London Hotel with Mystery Man | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 While overseas, Madonna was spotted leaving the Arch Hotel in London with a mystery man on Friday afternoon (July 20).
The Material Girl stepped out covered in a long black trench coat, large-framed sunglasses, and black open-toed heels.
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| Madonna has a 'DNA sterilization team' cleaning up after her on tour. Seriously. | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are some newish photos of Madonna in Florence, Italy last week, where she was filming a new music video or commercial or something. Yes, I’m including a photo of her leather-clad grundle. You’re welcome. Anyway, Madge is still on her Magical MDNA tour, and she’s still making outlandish, crazy demands. Sure, she’s Madonna – insane riders come with the package. She makes a crazy amount of money and she IS crazy. Of course she’s going to have fresh flowers and 20 international phone lines. But did you know that she’s also got a team of cleaners to come in after her so that her DNA can be completely scrubbed from every surface? Um.
If Madonna fans had any crazy notion of nicking some of her DNA from her dressing room, bad luck. The paranoid star, 53, has ordered aides to leave no trace of her after she leaves gigs on her latest world tour.
In true diva style she set up a ?sterilisation team? to wipe away any DNA that may have been dropped in her room on hairs, skin or saliva.
Hygiene freak Madge, whose MDNA tour arrives in Coimbra City, Portugal, tomorrow has also told organisers only her and her entourage are allowed backstage passes. Concert promoter lvaro Ramos, overseeing the Portuguese leg of the spectacle, said: ?We have to take extreme care, like I have never seen for any other artist.
?We cannot even look at the dressing room, after it is ready, or even open the door. We can only enter after her sterilisation team has left the room. There will not be any of Madonna?s DNA, any hair, or anything. They will clean up everything. In the end it is all to protect her and make her feel comfortable. I do understand it, but it is taken to extremes.?
Her DNA destruction certainly beats Madonna?s many other precious concert demands in the past, such as ordering a new loo seat at every venue.
The singer will play at the Coimbra City Stadium, where the dressing rooms will be converted by her own staff to stop snoopers.
lvaro added: ?Her team will build everything for her, including fake ceilings and fake walls, so they can ensure that no one has hidden a camera somewhere.?
Last night, a source close to Madonna said: ?She is a perfectionist, and expects the best. But then, at her age and with her status, why shouldn?t she??
[From The Daily Mirror]
I don’t understand the paranoia about this if you’re A) a woman or B) Not wanted for any crimes in which comparative DNA evidence can be used in a court of law. The woman thing – like, if it was a dude who was paranoid about paternity tests or DNA evidence being used to frame him of assault or something, maybe I could understand. MAYBE. But it’s Madonna. Do people really care if you touched the same Kleenex that Madonna touched? Eh.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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 Working on her latest music video, Madonna was spotted filming at an old gas station in Florence, Italy on Monday (June 18).
After a stylist touched up her voluminous hair, the "Girl Gone Wild" singer sat on the back of a convertible Cadillac and alternated between throwing her arm around a pal and shading herself from the sun with an umbrella - with her boyfriend Brahim Zaibat also seen roaming the shoot's grounds.
While Madge is currently on a world tour, In Touch magazine has learned that the 53-year-old singer has some bizarre and outlandish requirements in order for her to be comfortable and happy while she travels for her MDNA tour.
The "Material Girl" apparently has a 200-person entourage including: 30 bodyguards, a team of personal chefs, a yoga instructor, an acupuncturist and a dry cleaner.
In addition to the massive traveling team, the mag reports that Madonna wants her dressing room to have, "20 international phone lines, be draped in a special fabric and filled with lilies and white and light-pink roses that have stems trimmed to precisely six inches."
As for her hotel room, "She requires all furniture be removed from the rooms and replaced with her own pieces that she has shipped in," a source told the magazine.
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| Madonna's tour rider includes a 200-person entourage & 20 internat?l phone lines | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are some new photos from Madonna?s tour stops in Milan and Florence, Italy over the past few days. So far, it doesn?t seem like Madonna is going to do much more than the occasional nip-slip or butt-cheek-reveal – some outlets have her flashing her ass yet again on stage in Milan. Is it just me or are Madge?s costumes kind of boring? It feels like she?s doing some lukewarm repeats of looks we?ve already seen a dozen times before. I guess the gun is new?? Or has she had gunplay in her stage show before? Madge is so ridiculous? it?s not about age, it?s not about her crazy face, it?s that she really doesn?t have anything NEW to add to the conversation, right?
Anyway, reports about Madonna?s rider for this MDNA tour have been circulating. Apparently, Madonna likes to make a lot of international phone calls? all at once. Like, she?ll call London, New York, Toronto, Tokyo and Sydney ALL AT ONCE.
She hit headlines after flashing her nipple and her bottom while performing on stage. And if reports are to be believed Madonna’s diva demands are more outrageous than her exhibitionism. The 53-year-old singer’s rider includes all sorts of extravagant conditions as she performs her MDNA tour, according to reports.
According to In Touch magazine Madonna travels with a huge 200-person entourage and has very specific requirements to the way her dressing rooms are set up. A source tells the magazine: ‘She requires all furniture be removed from the rooms and replaced with her own pieces that she has shipped in.’
It is claimed the singer demands 20 international phone lines in the room as well as special white and Pink roses that must have the stems cut to six inches. Backstage, it?s strictly vegan snacks.
As well as all this the singer is also said to demand special fabric for her room. An insider tells In Touch, ?She requires all furniture be removed from the rooms and replaced with her own pieces that she has shipped in.?
A source told the Daily Star: ‘Madonna has probably the longest list of requirements of any of the world?s music stars. She expects things to be just right or it puts her off her stage show.’
Within the 200-strong team she is said to have 30 bodyguards, a yoga instructor as well as personal chefs, an acupuncturist and an on-site dry-cleaner.
[From The Mail & In Touch Weekly]
The 20 international lines I don?t really understand unless it?s the rider for EVERYONE on the tour, backup dancers, crew, managers, etc. If it?s for everyone, that?s nice – everyone can call home and check in. But if it?s just for Madonna – there is no reason for one woman to need 20 phone lines all at once.
As for the other stuff – I believe it. The roses cut to a certain length just seems like something Madge-tastic. Vegan snacks are fine – compared to Britney?s rider, the idea that Madonna is still so conscious of her diet is kind of amazing. I also understand traveling with a yoga instructor, a dry-cleaner (cleaning the costumes must be a task and a half) and a chef. I don?t understand why a hotel?s furniture wouldn?t be good enough, though. Why spend all of that money to travel around with your own furniture everywhere? Hotel cooties? Is that it? ?Hotel cooties.?
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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