| | |  | Brad Pitt News & Gossip
| Did Angelina Jolie write a screenplay about a rape victim falling in love with her rapist? | Added 14 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are even more photos of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on the set of her new film, which she has written and will be directing. We had some photos yesterday, but there are a little bit better - the photographers got much closer. Anyway, as it turns out, the big story was not about Brad visiting the set and the two of them being solid. The big story was about Bosnia banning the film?s production. While Angelina seems to be filming the bulk of the film in Budapest - which I believe is standing in Bosnia, as they?re trying to recreate a war zone - Angelina probably wanted to move the production at some point to Bosnia, probably for some exteriors that wanted to be ?authentic.? Some people are claiming that this is just horrible, and Angelina is going to fail as a director because she can?t get into Bosnia - well, whatever. In my opinion, they probably have a contingency plan that involves shooting the whole thing on the cheap in Budapest. That?s not what bothers me, though. What bothers me is WHY Bosnia refuses to let the film production in. It involves a den of whispers about what the film?s story is actually about? a rape victim falling in love with her rapist?
Bosnian authorities on Wednesday revoked permission for US star Angelina Jolie to shoot part of her directorial debut film there after complaints from a women war victims group, Bosnian radio reported.
Gavrilo Grahovac, the Culture Minister of the Muslim-Croat federation — one of the two entities in post-war Bosnia — revoked permission to shoot scenes in Sarajevo and the central town Zenica, he said on Bosnian radio.
Hollywood trade daily Variety reported that the film will tell the story of a Serbian man and Bosnian woman who fall in love in the middle of the war, but are driven to take different paths. However Bosnian press reported the movie would be a love story between a Muslim victim and her rapist, a Serb, causing outrage among victims’ groups.
“They no longer have the authorisation to shoot in Bosnia. They will have it if they send us the scenario with a story which will be different from what we have been told by people who read it,” Grahovac told the radio.
The culture minister said that while he could not stop the film from being shot somewhere else, revoking the filming license was a way to “express our disapproval for the shooting of a movie which does not tell the truth and hurts a large number of victims”.
But women war victims groups were up in arms over the film’s reported subject of a rapist and his victim falling in love.
“This is misleading history. Among thousands of testimonies by women raped during the war, there is not a single one that tells of a love story between a victim and her rapist,” Bakira Hasecic, the head of the “Women victims of war” association in Sarajevo, told AFP.
“We will not allow anyone to falsify our pain,” she added.
International organisations have estimated that thousands of women were raped during the Bosnian war. In February 2001, the UN war crimes court for the former Yugoslavia convicted three Bosnian Serbs for crimes against humanity and war crimes after they were found guilty of rape and forced prostitution of Bosnian Muslim women in the southeastern town Foca.
[From AFP]
So did Angelina Jolie actually write a screenplay in which the main love story is between a rape victim and her rapist? Or is this just some dumb rabble-rousing by a Bosnian official and a jacked-up deejay? According to one of Jolie?s producers, everyone is getting all up in arms over nothing:
Hollywood star Angelina Jolie on Thursday battled to convince Bosnian authorities to allow her to film a war-time love story after they revoked the licence to film her directorial debut. Sarajevo’s Scout Film which works with Jolie on the movie said it had submitted the script to the culture ministry of the Muslim-Croat federation after claims it involved a relationship between a rapist and his victim.
“I brought them the script and I am waiting for a positive response as soon as possible, I hope even today,” Scout Film’s Edin Sarkic said.
Sarkic told AFP that there was no storyline involving the rape of a Muslim girl by a Serb captor, whom she later falls in love with.
“Of course I deny that. It is not in the script,” he said.
He added that he spoke to Jolie’s production company about the trouble in Bosnia and “they are confident that things will be worked out quickly”.
[From AFP]
So, like with seemingly everything around Angelina Jolie, people jumped the gun, misreported and got enraged and huffy over nothing. At least some rape-victim-advocacy groups got some publicity out of it, though. I bet they were able to raise some money off this issue. While I?m not thrilled that Angelina is off in Budapest doing this film (she should be in Hollywood, making Gravity for a more than $20 million paycheck), I do give her credit for being smart enough to NOT write a ?love story? about a rape victim falling in love with her rapist. I mean, come on.
Photos of Brangelina on Jolie?s Budapest set on October 13, 2010. Credit: Fame & Bauer-Griffin.
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| Brad Pitt visits bossypants Angelina Jolie on set in Budapest | Added 14 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Angelina Jolie was on the Budapest set of her directorial debut (for non-documentary films) when her lover Brad Pitt showed up and ruined everything! Miss Bossypants (excuse me, SAINT Bossypants) had to stop yelling at people long enough to greet Brad and look all lovely dovey. Temporarily! Because as soon as Brad was out of sight, she went back to yelling at people.
Totally unfair? You know I love her. But the paparazzi caught her in several ?compromising bossypants? situations, with her mouth mid-yell. It?s funny though. I wouldn?t mind if she yelled at me. And after all, she is the director. She?s supposed to order people around. Or order people to order other people around (delegating!). Anyway, Us Weekly has the ?scoop? on Brad?s visit to the set - hint: they started making out in front of EVERYONE. Not really, it just seems like a little kiss. Scandal.
Angelina Jolie got a pleasant surprise Wednesday on the Budapest, Hungary- set of her Bosnian love story: Beau Brad Pitt!
The actress, 35, was all smiles as she showed Pitt, 46, around. At one point, they even smooched!
The still-untitled film - which is being produced by Oscar winner Graham King — centers on a love story set against the backdrop of the Bosnian War.
After wrapping up Moneyball in Boston, Pitt arrived overseas last week — with 2-year-old twins Knox and Viv — to join Jolie and the rest of their family.
With the kids enrolled in school, the Jolie-Pitt clan will likely remain in Europe for the next several weeks as filming continues.
[From Us Weekly]
Honestly, I?m still depressed that Angelina is doing this film. Sure, I?m proud of her for stretching and doing something different, but I have the sneaking suspicion that this might be a crappy film, based on a crappy screenplay (which Jolie wrote). I can?t comprehend how she would do this as opposed to Gravity, which she rejected twice, even after the producers offered even more money than her already high asking price. If Angelina would have signed on to Gravity, she would have been one of the most highly paid women in Hollywood history. Instead, she chose to go to Budapest and direct this. Sigh? we?ll see, Angelina.
Also - this dark-haired guy is kind of hot, right? I want some ?Angelina is boning this guy? tabloid stories soon.
Here are more photos from the set:
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| Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: Smooching on the Set! | Added 14 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Getting in some public displays of affection, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were spotted kissing on the set of Jolie?s new movie today (October 13).
The ?Mr. and Mrs. Smith? costars/real life parents looked to be very into each other during a break in filming.
Angelina has been working on her directorial debut in Budapest, Hungary- it?s a love story that takes place in the context of the Bosnian-Serbian war.
Meanwhile, Brad arrived in Hungary over the weekend, and accidentally rode his motor bike up to the wrong house earlier this week.
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| Brad Pitt's On-Set Visit to Angelina Jolie | Added 14 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 They?re both huge paparazzi magnets, so when Brad Pitt visited his lady Angelina Jolie on the set of her new film, it was a media frenzy.
The ?Fight Club? stud was spotted keeping his babymama company in Budapest, Hungary as she worked on her directorial debut.
Brad seemed to be in good spirits, smiling widely as he chatted with Ang, who also looked happy to see her hunky beau.
Jolie?s new project is about a man and woman who fall in love on opposite sides of the Bosnian-Serbian war.
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 Continuing his work on ?Moneyball,? Brad Pitt was spotted on the set in Boston, Massachusetts earlier today (October 5).
The ?Fight Club? stud looked snazzy in a dark suit with a trench coat and sunglasses as he strolled around the outdoor lot while an assistant held an umbrella over his head.
As fo the recent claims that Brad?s lady Angelina Jolie is battling jealousy of Brad?s hot extras, it seems it?s all false.
According to Gossip Cop, Ms. Jolie has her own things to worry about (like her directorial debut) and isn?t frazzled that a bunch of attractive women are digging on her man- she?s used to it by now!
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| Angelina Jolie disgusted by Brad Pitt's artichoke-induced gas | Added 14 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The Enquirer really missed the boat with their b.s. cover story this week, “Oprah’s Employees Tell All”. There isn’t much dirt on Oprah in that article and the story inside is pretty tame. The better story, and the one which should have made the cover, is all about Brad Pitt’s nasty gas after he eats a bunch of artichokes he soaks in vodka. I’m not kidding, although maybe the Enquirer is. Supposedly Brad likes to mix up his own exotic cocktails and sometimes the results make him flatulent, pissing off Angelina and driving her off to another bedroom. First of all, how cool would it be to get some exotic drink recipes from Brad Pitt? I would love to mix up some drinks he recommends, even if they have unexpected consequences. Second of all, who is going to kick Brad Pitt out of bed for farting? I guess Angelina would, and maybe if I put up with the guy for years I’d do the same, wealth and beauty be damned.
Title: Ill Wind Blows in Pitt Household
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are at war again - this time over his love of artichokes!
The big-screen hunk, 46, has been marinating the veggies in vodka for an evening cocktail, sources say. But Angie, 35, complains his concoctions have smelly side effects that affect the couple’s sx life.
“Brad has always had a passion for homemade cocktails, and takes a lot of pride in coming up with new and unique recipes,” a source tells the Enquirer.
The father of six loves the flavor of the bizarre artichoke-infused vodka drinks, according to insiders, but they’ve had an unfortunate side effect.
“Brad gets some nasty gas from consuming so many artichokes, and it’s driving poor Angelina crazy,” divulged a second source.
“It’s gotten so bad that Angie sometimes sleeps in a separate bedroom!”
Despite that, Brad - who grows the artichokes on his own land - has no intention of curtailing his latest passion.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, October 11, 2010]
I wonder how that tastes. I love green olives and like to throw a ton in my drinks and on my salads, but I’m not a big fan of artichokes. They seem too chewy and rough, but maybe I’ll try this despite the side effects.
I have to apologize to Kaiser for covering this story as she usually gets dibs on all Brangelina coverage. Since I’m married I feel I’m qualified to comment on this, though. We all have moments when our partner makes us want to sleep somewhere else. If there were another bedroom I could retreat to, there are definitely times I would do it. This story is probably crap, no pun intended, although it’s so odd I’m inclined to believe it.
Brad Pitt is shown outside The Grove in LA on 9/25/10. Credit: Fame Pictures. He’s also shown filming with Robin Wright on 9/30. Credit: Shinn/Fame Pictures. He’s shown with Angelina on 7/19/10. Credit: WENN.com
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| George Clooney Brad Pitt 'prank' each other with male prostitutes (update) | Added 14 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Any story with the words ?George Clooney,? ?Brad Pitt,? and ?male escort? is going to be good. This one comes via Life & Style?s ?Scene Queens? - they claim that Brad and George?s years-long prank-fest has gone to a whole new level. Allegedly, they?re paying male escorts in advance to ?show up? on their film sets:
One perk to being an A-lister is being able to pull pranks on your famous friends that mere mortals could never get away with.
Life & Style?s Scene Queens have learned that the prank wars between Brad Pitt and George Clooney have escalated to where both men are spending thousands to one up each other.
Their latest practical joke is downright naughty!
?Brad and George are sending each other an endless stream of male escorts while each is on set,? an insider tells the Scene Queens. ?They will pay them in advance on a credit card to make sure the escort shows up.?
The battle between the two of them has been ongoing for years.
?A few years ago Brad offered a $1,000 to people to get them to pee in the vents George Clooney?s car,? an insider tells the Scene Queens. ?George came right back and offered $5,000 to pepper spray Brad?s car and paint it orange.?
[From Life & Style]
??And that?s how Clooney met Canalis? - so the story goes. Brad paid Elisabetta by credit card, and Clooney fell in love. You know I?m right.
Honestly, though, I?ve always thought that Clooney was kind of in love with Brad. This is probably just Clooney?s way of broaching ?the subject? with Brad. Buy him a male hooker, see what happens.
Update: Clooney’s rep tells GossipCop that none of these pranks are accurate. He said “not one of those pranks is true.” He probably added “amateurs” under his breath. Their real pranks are probably much worse.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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 Getting back to work on his new project, a handsomely clean-shaven Brad Pitt was spotted arriving to the set of "Moneyball" in Westwood, CA on Wednesday (September 29).
Waving to gathered fans and photographers, the "Fight Club" stud even offered up a smile before delving into the Bennett Miller directed drama.
The work duties come just as it was revealed that Brad and partner Angelina Jolie have doted a huge diamond ring as a gift to their children's godmother, Mindy Cohn.
Described as a huge four to five karat sparkler, an Us insider reportedly asked the former "Facts Of Life" actress where she got the new hand jewelry, to which she replied, ''Brad and Angelina gave it to me.'"
"She said she visits the Jolie-Pitts wherever they go," the source added."They pay for her airline ticket."
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| George Clooney Brad Pitt 'prank' each other with male prostitutes | Added 14 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Any story with the words ?George Clooney,? ?Brad Pitt,? and ?male escort? is going to be good. This one comes via Life & Style?s ?Scene Queens? - they claim that Brad and George?s years-long prank-fest has gone to a whole new level. Allegedly, they?re paying male escorts in advance to ?show up? on their film sets:
One perk to being an A-lister is being able to pull pranks on your famous friends that mere mortals could never get away with.
Life & Style?s Scene Queens have learned that the prank wars between Brad Pitt and George Clooney have escalated to where both men are spending thousands to one up each other.
Their latest practical joke is downright naughty!
?Brad and George are sending each other an endless stream of male escorts while each is on set,? an insider tells the Scene Queens. ?They will pay them in advance on a credit card to make sure the escort shows up.?
The battle between the two of them has been ongoing for years.
?A few years ago Brad offered a $1,000 to people to get them to pee in the vents George Clooney?s car,? an insider tells the Scene Queens. ?George came right back and offered $5,000 to pepper spray Brad?s car and paint it orange.?
[From Life & Style]
??And that?s how Clooney met Canalis? - so the story goes. Brad paid Elisabetta by credit card, and Clooney fell in love. You know I?m right.
Honestly, though, I?ve always thought that Clooney was kind of in love with Brad. This is probably just Clooney?s way of broaching ?the subject? with Brad. Buy him a male hooker, see what happens.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Brad Pitt Zahara have a daddy-daughter outing at an American Girl store | Added 14 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 On Saturday, Brad Pitt took his little Empress out for a birthday party. Reports suggest that it was Chris Cornell?s daughter?s birthday party, and that it was held at The American Girl store at The Grove. We don?t have access to any of the photos of Empress Zahara, alas, but you can see one here. You can see that The Empress is not amused with all of these shenanigans. It will be much different when she assumes power. Anyway, Brad looks good, doesn?t he? But he also looks different - CB thinks he had his eyes done or maybe got some fillers, but my suspicion is that Brad is just getting relatively jowly as he ages. Something is going on with his jaw and his jowls? and I think it?s just some weight gain and age. Whatever? here?s more on the party:
Brad Pitt escorted his adorable daughter Zahara to a birthday party in L.A. Saturday -Zahara was a guest at the 6th birthday party of her friend Toni Cornell, daughter of rocker Chris Cornell. It was held at every Hollywood girl’s favorite spot, the American Girl store at The Grove shopping center.
Brad Pitt took some time off shooting the baseball drama Moneyball to hang with 5-year-old daughter Zahara. Donning his usual newsboy cap, the actor, 46, was photographed holding the girl’s hand at a birthday party for rocker Chris Cornell’s daughter Toni at the American Girl store in Los Angeles.
A witness tells UsMagazine.com: “Several little girls were invited to the party and Zahara arrived with Brad around noon. Word quickly spread around that they were at the Grove and a big scene formed outside. Brad was very cordial to fans. As they left, he waved and gave a thumbs up to everyone. He held Zahara’s hand, and she looked very happy. She had a goodie bag from American Girl place that she opened as soon as she got in the car.”
Zahara - whom Pitt and longtime love Angelina Jolie adopted from Ethiopia in 2006 - has “got an extraordinary voice,” Jolie, 35, recently gushed to Vanity Fair. She added that their daughter also is “just so elegant and well spoken.”
[From Us Weekly & Radar]
Aw, some father-daughter bonding at the American Girl store. That?s so cute. Question: the American Girl store has black dolls, right? Or do they only carry white dolls? Nevermind, I just looked it up. They do have dark-skinned dolls! Good for them.
Also - E! News put up this video of what went down when Brad and Zahara were trying to leave - the paparazzi frenzy is really crazy:
Brad Pitt on Sept. 25, 2010. Credit: Fame.
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