| | |  | Claire Danes News & Gossip
| Claire Danes wore a red version of Kim Kardashian's wedding gown to the Emmys | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I have a theory about Claire Danes and her style. My theory: Claire?s style really took a major hit during her pregnancy and she hasn?t regained her style mojo since. She used to be one of the most-watched women on any given red carpet, but nowadays? not so much. I think after she gave birth, she didn?t care that much about clothes, which? fair enough. That?s fine. But what?s weird about her look this year is that it feels like she did put some effort into it and it still came out terrible, if not worse than when she didn?t give a crap. Or maybe it?s just that everything Riccardo Tisci touches turns to Kardashian-esque krap. Yes, Claire wore Givenchy. And it?s bright red and lace and high collared and AWFUL. When you really look at the design, you can see that the top part is just a sleeveless, red version of Kim Kardashian?s wedding gown too.
CB was complaining about Claire?s makeup too ? it?s not so obvious in these photos, but on the E! show, you could really see that Claire was wearing a mountain of makeup. She doesn?t need all that! And she needed a real hairstyle because this one? ugh. Also: I feel like a broken record about this, but I always get weird vibes from Hugh Dancy when he?s with his wife. Maybe he?s just got Natural Bitchface or something, but it always feels like they?re walking the carpet together after they had a huge fight in the limo.
And here?s Zooey Deschanel in Oscar de la Renta. It reminds me a lot of Marilyn Monroe?s iconic look in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Same cut and color. Well? I actually like it? She looks pretty in the color, it fits, it?s age-appropriate and pretty. She styled it well too ? I like the casual phase-out of the bangs and while her hair is sort of Duchess Kate-esque here, the curls are nice.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Claire Danes: Dainty Dame at 2014 Emmys | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Showing off her glitzy side, Claire Danes arrived at the 2014 Primetime Emmy Awards earlier tonight (August 25).
The ?Homeland? star revealed her red carpet prowess in designer duds as she strolled inside Los Angeles? Nokia Theatre to catch all the action.
Tonight we?ll see some of the biggest and brightest stars compete for top honors as each coveted Emmy trophy is handed out.
The nominees for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama include Kerry Washington, Robin Wright, Michelle Dockery, Claire Danes, Lizzy Caplan and Julianna Magulies.
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| Claire Danes Shines at the 2014 Met Gala | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Gearing up for another year of excellence from the Metropolitan Museum of Art?s Costume Institute, Claire Danes was in the house for the 2014 Met Gala tonight (May 5).
Fans and shutterbugs alike clamored to catch a glimpse as the ?Homeland? star meandered around the arrivals area, chatting with other famous folks.
The 2014 Met Gala celebrates the opening of the redesigned Costume Institute and First Lady Michelle Obama will be on hand to officially kick things off.
Among the evening?s highlights will be the unveiling of the newly-named Anna Wintour Costume Center, as well as plenty of amazing frocks from the top designers across the globe.
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| Claire Danes & Aaron Eckhart Host the Spectacular Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Taking to the stage for an exciting event, Claire Danes and Aaron Eckhart hosted the 20th Annual Nobel Peace Prize Concert on Wednesday (December 11).
The ?Homeland? beauty donned a stunning floral gown as she and ?The Dark Knight? hunk addressed the audience at the Oslo Spektrum in Norway.
Meanwhile, Mary J Blige grabbed the mic to belt out a few of her hits and entertain the excited guests.
As previously reported by GossipCenter, Danes addressed the press earlier this morning after parading her husband Hugh Dancy around the Nobel Banquet last night.
Chatting about the hosting gig, Claire gushed, ?I am deeply honored to be a part of this year's Nobel Peace Prize concert. It means very much to me to support this incredible special event.?
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| Claire Danes: 'I am a feminist' women have more freedom, but it's hardly equal' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Claire Danes covers the new issue of Glamour, as I covered yesterday. This is ?Part 2? of our coverage, because I came across these additional quotes from Claire?s interview hours after I had written up the first post, and I thought these quotes were worth discussing. Claire talks about feminism and self-identifying as a feminist and the inequities of Hollywood. I agree with her, for what it?s worth, but I realize that many of you will think that she should turn in her Feminist Card after she ran off with Billy Crudup when he was involved with a very pregnant Mary-Louise Parker. Can one still be a feminist and make a terrible relationship/sex mistake?
Claire?s feminism: ?I am a feminist. And I?m so glad that [Girls creator and star] Lena Dunham exists, because she is one too, and she?s quite vocal about it. Yes, women have more freedom and more influence than ever, but it?s hardly equal. It?s just not. It?s really f–king crazy. I?m sorry I?m cursing. But it?s wild that women are underrepresented [in Hollywood]. I have real anxiety about directing, and that?s something to question and challenge and correct.?
On her ?cry face?: “I think people are made uncomfortable by uncensored expressions of emotion. But, you know, that’s my job. I don’t have those fears. I really have never been concerned about being beautiful on-screen. That’s just not my jam. I’m concerned about it if I’m playing a beautiful character. But it’s not relevant for Carrie. I don’t need to worry about that, and I think that’s really great. I love sitting in the makeup trailer and getting my makeup done in 15 minutes as opposed to an hour and a half.”
[From Glamour]
As I said, I?m fine with her feminism. I like that she acknowledges that women do have a lot of power and influence right now? but that it?s still not equal. I think Claire is more of a ?Lean In? feminist, right? Which means that we can?t judge her feminism against her choices in her personal life? Again, can one be a feminist in one?s career and make a douchebag relationship choice in your 20s? I think you can.
Interestingly enough, the part that really, really annoys me is her answer to the ?cry face? question. She sounds incredibly defensive and no, we?re not teasing her because all of us are cold, emotionless statues who can?t deal with our feelings. We tease Claire about her cry-faces because she?s an ugly crier and it?s funny. Imperfections are wonderful, Claire. You?re enormously talented and very pretty, but when you cry, many of us giggle because your cry faces are hilarious. Keanu handled his Sad Keanu meme with humor and grace, you should try that.
Photos courtesy of Glamour.
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| Claire Danes: 'I?ve stayed in relationships longer than I maybe should have' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 We?ll talk about Homeland at the end of the post, where it won?t be so in-your-face spoilery, okay? For now, let?s just talk about Claire. I worry about Claire. I know that?s weird. Like, I think she?s fine overall and she?s incredibly talented and she has a full life. But I do worry about her marriage and whether the hours on the Homeland set are too much for a new, first-time mom. Maybe she likes to be this busy and maybe I?ve just spent too much time with the ?manic? Carrie Mathison, but I do think she seems a little strung out lately. Anyway, Claire covers the new issue of Glamour. You can read the full piece here, and here are some highlights:
Claire on aging: ?I?m happier in my thirties. I feel clearer about who I am and less apologetic about it, and more accepting of my limitations and also more aware of the ways in which I?m capable. I was always looking forward to this time because people talk about it in very romantic terms. And I think it?s true. Gravity hasn?t had too profound of an effect, and you?re a little less emotionally gangly. The twenties are a deceptively challenging-slash-painful time. I?m just glad to be out of that phase.?
Her 20s: ?I was meandering a little. And a lot of the mysteries of life have been illuminated [since then]. Like, OK, this is the man I?m going to spend the rest of my life with. This is my son. This is my city. This is my home.?
On husband Hugh Dancy: ?I?ve been with Hugh for…seven years? It really doesn?t feel that long. It feels new every year because there is a new set of challenges: Who are we to each other now that we?re married? Who are we now that we have this shared person? We never have to fight to keep it fresh and new. Life just demands that of us.?
Relationships are hard: ?Yeah, relationships are a constant negotiation and balance. I?m just a hard worker, so [in previous relationships] I took that creed ?Relationships take work? a little too literally at times and stayed in relationships longer than I maybe should have, because I thought, Well, no pain no gain… And it?s nonsense if it?s just not working. You have to leave and end it.?
Date nights and crushing on her husband: ?Well, it?s true that you often kind of forget to see the person you?re most intimate with, but occasionally I?ll come to and sort of think, Oh my God! You?re really, really good-looking! [Laughs.] I?m embarrassed now! It?s nice to occasionally have that flash. People talk about ?date night,? and it is true: Sometimes you have to apply yourself, or at least apply lipstick to yourself. You kind of have to dress up, just because. You know, wear heels to your own dinner table.?
The reality of date nights: ?Sometimes it feels totally absurd, ?cause we?re just going down the block and he?s wearing his ?smart? blazer. Like, who are we kidding? We know where this is going: We?re going back home to watch Breaking Bad. Still, those gestures are important. It just hasn?t stopped being fun.?
[From Glamour]
Okay, she sounds fine here. Maybe I worry about her marriage too much! Maybe it?s a good sign that they aren?t all over each other on red carpets and such ? it?s fine because they have a real marriage and a real partnership, right? I hope so. I did love the part about knowing how the date night is going to end ? at home, watching Breaking Bad. That?s cute.
Also: ?I? stayed in relationships longer than I maybe should have, because I thought, Well, no pain no gain.? Billy Crudup? I think that?s Billy Crudup.
As for Homeland… (SPOILERS)… this Iran storyline is killing me. Regime change? Really, Saul? What is this, the Cold War? It’s like we didn’t realize until Season 3 that Saul was a neo-con this whole time!!
Photos courtesy of Glamour.
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| Claire Danes covers Interview Mag, talks 'Homeland' & bipolar disorders (spoilers) | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Claire Danes is the cover girl for the new issue of Interview Mag. She looks pretty glam, right? Like? Jerry Hall in the 1980s. I wouldn?t think that the Jerry Hall styling would work on Claire, but it really does. Claire?s interview was conducted by Dustin Hoffman ? you can read the full Interview piece here. I?m not going to pretend like Claire is the best interview ever or anything. She?s an interesting, smart and talented woman, but on the page, she?s very boring. Some highlights:
Her experience on a TV show: ?I’d actually only done one series before Homeland?and I was 14 when I did it, and we only made 19 episodes?so Homeland has really been my first time aging with a character and experiencing her develop and change. I know that this is not an uncommon story, but I got excited again about television from watching The Wire. That show blew me away; I just could not believe how enormous and layered this world was that they’d created, and how deeply I could delve into it. It was just so thrilling to watch a show like that as an audience member that I became interested in getting involved in something like that on the other side, as a performer. But working on Homeland has been very rewarding. I really enjoy the relationship that an actor has with a team of writers on a show like ours. It’s a very intimate process. You really have to work in tandem.?
Playing Carrie: ?She seemed completely alien to me?completely other. She still does in some ways, but I’ve spent a lot of time with her now. Because she is so different from who I am, she is that much more enjoyable?and, in some ways, easier?to play. Carrie can be manic. Last season, she was pretty consistently medicated, so there were no episodes where she was really spiraling out, but those scenes are kind of fun to play. In the first season, when she really spun out initially, it was kind of a euphoric mania, and that was interesting because I found that I got a bit of a contact high from it?It was exhausting, but it was also exhilarating. But there are different types of mania. At the beginning of this season we’re in now, she’s a different kind of manic?an agitated manic?and all of those manic scenes just happened to be lumped together in the same couple of days at the very beginning of filming. At the time, I had a 6-month-old son, and I was in a completely antithetical state of being. I had just come out of my mommy cocoon and my cushy, mushy love planet. So entering that mania at that point was not as enjoyable.?
[From Interview Mag]
She talks a lot about her research into bipolar disorder, and she and Dustin say something interesting, which I?ve never heard before ? that when you?re bipolar and you go off your meds, the high is similar to snorting cocaine. Is that really how it is?
Anyway, the real reason I wanted to cover this is because in this weekend?s episode of Homeland, EVERYTHING CHANGED.
SPOILERS SPOILERS for last night?s Homeland.
So, yeah? ?Still Positive? was one of the crazier episodes of ?Homeland? in a while. I?m developing a theory about Homeland, based on this season and last season ? my theory is that it takes a good three episodes for the Homeland writers to warm up. The first three episodes of this season were too Dana-heavy when it should have been about Saul and Carrie? and even Brody in his sketchy Tower of David. We?ve only seen Brody in one episode so far, right? Anyway, the past two episodes have been really good because we?re back to high-level stagecraft, double-crosses and denouements. At first I was impressed with this new Iranian terrorist, but after last night?s episode? OMG. He?s PSYCHO. Who kills his ex-wife with a jagged bottle?! A psycho. I?m not even being facetious. This guy is a stone-cold psychopath who will screw them over. This is not some ideological purist like Abu Nazir.
Also, the huge spoiler? Carrie is pregnant? I didn?t see that one coming. It?s obviously Brody?s baby because all of those pregnancy tests (YIKES) and the timing. Is this season of Homeland going to feature an abortion?
Photos courtesy of Interview Magazine.
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| Claire Danes in Armani Prive at the Emmys: gorgeous or unflattering? | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I must have been the only person who wasn?t worked up about Claire Danes? haircut at last night?s Emmys. Yes, she had longer hair just a few weeks ago and yes, I think longer hair suits her. But it?s not like we?ve never seen her with a bob before! She used to rock a bob all the time. At this point in her life, the bob doesn?t look all that ?fresh? though. It looks more like a mom-haircut. Which is fine. She?s a mom now.
Claire won Best Actress in a Drama last night for Homeland. Her gown is Armani Prive? and that was what I was looking at, not her hair. Claire is very thin. She?s always been very thin. It?s just her body type, and it?s fine. But the dress accentuated one of the most uncomfortable parts of Claire?s thin frame: her very bony chest plate. Maybe if there had been more fabric and coverage in the breast area, I would have liked this dress. As is, it just seems? blah. Not right for Claire.
Two other Homeland ladies ? a glowingly pregnant Morena Baccarin in Alexander McQueen and her screen-daughter Morgan Saylor in Honor. Morena looks beautiful! Morgan looks great too, I just hope we don?t see much of Morgan in this new season.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Claire Danes & Hugh Dancy: Glamorous Couple at the 2013 Emmy Awards | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 It?s one of the biggest nights of the year for the television industry, and Claire Danes looked like she was ready to have a good time as she arrived at the 65th Primetime Emmy Awards on Sunday evening (September 22).
The ?Homeland? starlet was all smiles as she posed with her beau Hugh Dancy outside the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, showing off her designer duds as fans and photographers looked on.
Making a splash on Showtime, the 34-year-old actress nabbed an Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series nomination, alongside , Vera Farminga, Michelle Dockery, Robin Wright, Connie Britton, Elisabeth Moss, and Kerry Washington.
With Neil Patrick Harris at the helm, the 2013 Emmys are likely to be a fun and fascinating look at the best in television.
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| Claire Danes in a white Valentino for DC 'Homeland' premiere: lovely or fussy' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Homeland Season 3 premieres on September 29th. Which reminds me that I need to re-order Showtime. Last year when I ordered Showtime just for Homeland, I went to cancel it the day after the finale and when I called in, I was asked why I was canceling. I tried to give this epic reason about the economy and the guy on the phone was like, ?You can just say it?s because Homeland is over.?
Anyway, these are some photos from last night?s season premiere in Washington, DC. Aw. Damian Lewis and Claire Danes were relatively close to where I live! I should have gone out to stalk them. Except I?m really not all that interested. I mean, I?m excited for Homeland but I don?t care about them enough to drive to Washington and camp outside their hotel. It?s not like they?re Benedict Cumberbatch. *sniff* I have standards, you know.
Anyway, Claire wore this surprisingly pretty Valentino Resort 2014 gown. I like it, and I?m surprised she went with this dress. Usually I think of her style as more minimalist, cleaner, less fussy. But this really works on her. I?m also including pics of Morena Baccarin (I forgot she?s pregnant), Mandy Patinkin, Damian Lewis and Morgan Saylor, who suddenly looks all grown up. Ugh, I?m not trying to yell at a child or anything, but I really hope the storylines about Brody?s family are kept to a minimum.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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