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Scarlett Johansson News & Gossip
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Scarlett Johansson is not pregnant, by the way
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Scarlett Johansson is not pregnant, by the way
Can I just explain one of my peeves? I hate when y?all go on one of my posts and start yelling at me because I haven?t written about whatever story you want me to write about. First of all, if you?re leaving a comment, please let it be about the subject at hand. Second of all, if I haven?t written something YET, I might have a good reason, like I?m getting to it eventually, or we don?t have the photos needed for the story, or I simply don?t care. Third, if you have story recommendations, you can email me at, or send a tweet to me at KaiseratCB.

So, even though I put these new photos of Scarlett Johansson (go to The Superficial to see them) in yesterday?s links, everybody was yelling at CB and I this morning, asking us why we haven?t covered THE EARTH-SHATTERING NEWS that ScarJo went for a jog with Sean Penn and Owen Wilson, and Scar looked kind of pregnant while doing so. CB and I talked about it and since we don?t have access to the photos, and because we thought it was more likely that ScarJo simply had a little chunk rather than SHE?S KNOCKED UP!!! we just decided to skip it. But here I am writing about it anyway. Because ScarJo?s poor rep had to deny it, because apparently no one thought to ask themselves, ?Hey, Scar and Sean have been together less than two months, if she?s ?pregnant? why is she ?showing?? Maybe she?s just gained a little weight and there?s nothing to freak out about??

Another day, another false baby alarm. Scarlett Johansson went jogging with beau Sean Penn near his Malibu, Calif. home on Sunday. And while fans have grown used to seeing the hot new couple (who’ve slowly gone public with their romance) out and about together, there was something new about Johansson, 26: a baby bump?!

Nuh-uh, her rep tells

“Scarlett is not pregnant,” the rep says in a statement.

What about that supposed “bump” that appears in the photos?

“She’s outside running and it’s simply the placement of her shirt that is misleading,” the rep explains.

“She’s been training for The Avengers for over four months and is in the best shape of her life.”

Meanwhile, Johansson and Penn, 50, are stronger than ever. The Iron Man 2 actress took Penn as her date to Reese Witherspoon’s recent nuptials — and they made out at a local bar afterwards.

And Penn has the support of at least one ex. “They’re great together!” Sports Illustrated model Jessica White, who dated Penn in 2009 and 2010, said recently. “Sean is a really lovely man…[he] needs a good woman in his life.”

[From Us Weekly]

Um, yeah. ScarJo is not in the best shape of her life. The girl gained a little weight, and it?s fine and she still has a great body, but please don?t blatantly lie to me and tell me she?s in amazing shape.

Also - I’ll buy that Scar is in a Penn dong haze, but I won’t buy that she would A) Get knocked up by Sean or B) If she did get knocked up, that she would keep the baby.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson's Weekend Run with Sean Penn!
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Scarlett Johansson's Weekend Run with Sean Penn!
Looking to be getting along quite nicely, Scarlett Johansson joined Sean Penn for a jog in Malibu, CA over the weekend (April 10).

With the twosome rumored to be a new item, the "Other Boleyn Girl" actress and her Oscar-winning actor beau were joined by "Little Fockers" star Owen Wilson for the blood-pumping neighborhood jaunt.

Sure to kickstart plenty of rumors, Miss Johansson seemed to be sporting a bit of a belly as the trio got their daily exercise before returning to the homefront.

Aside from her budding relationship with Penn, ScarJo also just released her new PSA for Planned Parenthood as she encourages the government not to cut off funding to the program.

?The House passed a bill to eliminate our country?s family planning program and to stop Planned Parenthood health centers from receiving any federal money to provide life-saving preventative care,? Scarlett told press. ?That means no money for cervical cancer screenings and breast exams. No money for testing and treatment of STDs, not even testing for HIV. No money for birth control.?

More Photos Here

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson Is Sexy In Black & White
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Scarlett Johansson Is Sexy In Black & White
Obviously I don’t read Vogue magazine and I can’t read a word of whatever language this is written in, but I can spot a hottie in any language. Here’s Scarlett Johansson looking good on the cover and looking even better in black and white. I love sexy, artsy black and white shots. Looking at them

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Oscar Fashion: Scarlett Johansson's cheap-looking Dolce & Gabbana
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Oscar Fashion: Scarlett Johansson's cheap-looking Dolce & Gabbana
I absolutely HATED this Dolce & Gabbana dress. It?s not even a time when I can even justify Scarlett Johansson choosing the dress because it might have looked good on the rack. There is no reason for this dress to be on the Oscar red carpet. It looked SO cheap. Like, a stripper?s coverup. Totally trashy. But I?ll say something nice: ScarJo?s body looked really great in the dress. Her weight has fluctuated the past few years, and I feel like she?s stabilized a bit and regained her curves while still being slender and petite. But when you?ve got this great body, shouldn?t you know how to dress it without looking so friggin? trashy?

Shall we talk about the hair? I honestly didn?t mind the hair, but I know a lot of you hated it. The dress offended me. The hair did not, although this is not appropriate Oscar red carpet hair. Much, much too undone.

Also - the dude who was ScarJo?s date: her agent, Joe Machota. Their relationship is apparently ?platonic?. He?s kind of cute though, right? Probably gay, though. He gave her a look on the red carpet like, ?Bitch, WTF are you wearing??

Photos courtesy of WENN.

More Photos Here

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson: 2011 Oscar Awards Beauty
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Scarlett Johansson: 2011 Oscar Awards Beauty
Bringing her stunning beauty to the red carpet, Scarlett Johansson turned up for the 83nd annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday evening (February 27).

Held at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center, the gorgeous actress made her press rounds decked out in Dolce & Gabbana as she geared up for presenter duties at the Tinseltown ceremony.

Making for quite the star-studded affair, fellow celebrity presenters hitting the stage include Oprah Winfrey, Halle Berry, Jude Law and Matthew McConaughey.

The Oscar Awards are being hosted by Anne Hathaway and James Franco while airing live on ABC at 8PM ET.

More Photos Here

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson: Pieces of Heaven Hottie
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Scarlett Johansson: Pieces of Heaven Hottie
Getting a little artsy, Scarlett Johansson was spotted at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas & The Art of Elysium ?Pieces of Heaven Art Auction? last night (February 23).

The ?In Good Company? actress looked to be thoroughly enjoying herself as she posed with Art of Elysium Founder Jennifer Howell at Siren Studios in Hollywood.

And coming up this weekend, Scarlett will be having a blast at the 83rd Annual Academy Awards where she?ll be presenting an Oscar.

Ms. Johansson was recently named to the list of presenters along with Katy Perry?s handsome hubby Russell Brand.

More Photos Here

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson & Sean Penn are probably boning
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Scarlett Johansson & Sean Penn are probably boning
I read a version of this story yesterday on Jezebel?s tabloid round-up, but it barely registered because it sounded more like Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn had merely had a conversation at a party, and Us Weekly was trying to make that conversation into a full-blown affair. But Us Weekly just released their online version of the ScarJo/Sean hookup, and it does sound more compelling than I realized. After all, ScarJo likes an older man (Benicio del Toro and the elevator), and God knows that she?s probably the #1 Hot Bachelorette these days, so she can have her pick of the litter. I think that?s where she found Sean too - the litter pan.

That was fast. Just weeks after announcing her split with hubby Ryan Reynolds, Scarlett Johansson, 26, has a new leading man in her life — Academy-Award winning actor Sean Penn, 50!

A source tells the new issue of Us Weekly (on stands now) that the duo began their fling in early January when she was staying at L.A.’s Chateau Marmont while filming We Bought a Zoo with Matt Damon.

“Their first hook-up was in Scarlett’s Bungalow,” says the insider.

Nearly twice her age, the Milk star might seem an odd choice for Johansson, but the source points out that a common cause brought them together.

“Scarlett first reached to Sean when she was planning to visit Haiti with Oxfam,” says the source. “She knew Sean was living their in a tent and turned to him for advice.”

While the actress didn’t end up going on the trip, she did develop feelings for Penn (who split from wife Robin Wright after 14 years of marriage last August).

“Scarlett’s smitten with him,” the insider says.

For more on Johansson and Penn’s budding romance — including details on how they fooled partygoers at L.A.’s Sunset Tower Hotel in February — pick up the new issue of Us Weekly, on stands now!

[From Us Weekly]

Yeah, I doubt ScarJo is ?smitten?. Girl probably just wants to get laid, well and often. Sean?s good for a fling, I guess, although I think he?s still technically dating some model chick. But, whatever. It?s not like Sean has a reputation for being faithful. And ScarJo? well, Sean is probably a better pick than some of her other rebound hookup choices. I?d like to see her with someone really fun, though. God knows Sean isn?t Mr. Fun Times.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson & Jason Sudeikis: Not Dating
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Scarlett Johansson & Jason Sudeikis: Not Dating
It?s a great time to be in love, with all of the celebrity engagements and pregnancy reports, but Jason Sudeikis and Scarlett Johansson aren?t taking a stroll down lovers? lane.

Contrary to the report by Life & Style, the ?Saturday Night Live? comedian and the ?In Good Company? hottie are just friends.

The magazine claimed that a recent dinner at Father?s Office restaurant was a full-on date, with a supposed eyewitness claiming, ?Scarlett and Jason were flirting and making lots of eye contact.?

But Scarlett?s rep told Gossip Cop, ?It was just a friendly outing amongst friends. She is not dating Jason nor is she dating anyone for that matter.?

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson's Big Russian Boobies
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Scarlett Johansson's Big Russian Boobies
I could hardly tell this was Scarlett Johansson on the cover of GQ Russia, it could be any blond chick really, until I saw those big old boobs of hers and realized they looked familiar. I think I could pick those things out of a line up. A breast line up would be awesome, I’d

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson: 2011 Golden Globe Awards
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Scarlett Johansson: 2011 Golden Globe Awards
Making for one of the most awaited arrivals, Scarlett Johansson was on-hand for the 68th annual Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles, California on Sunday evening (January 16).

Taking place at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, the newly-single "Iron Man 2" actress looked gorgeous as she worked her way through the arrivals area before heading inside for the swanky affair.

As for the ceremony, Miss Johansson is among the star presenters while Ricky Gervais is the host for the Golden Globe Awards - which air live on NBC beginning at 8PM ET/PT.

Top contenders this time around include "The Social Network" and "The Fighter" with six nominations, while "Black Swan," "Inception" and "The Kids Are All Right" all have four.

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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