| | |  | Katie Holmes News & Gossip
| Katie Holmes is 'dead set on custody of Suri,' Tom is in 'major crisis mode' | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some new photos of Katie and Suri during their Sunday morning outing to Whole Foods in their Chelsea neighborhood. As we’ve already seen, Katie reeeally likes her Whole Foods, and it makes a lot of sense (as Kaiser has already pointed out) for her to stay visible on daily outings so that we know she’s still okay and that we should be alarmed if we don’t regularly see her (i.e., if the CO$ tries to nab her). In yesterday’s update, Kaiser also expressed her hope that Katie doesn’t give up any ground to Tom during their supposed “calm” negotiations. Now here’s some good news from Us Weekly, who says that Katie is not giving up on anything when it comes to her demand for full legal custody of Suri. Once again — go Katie:
For the past few days, legal teams for Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise have been working steadily in an attempt to reach a settlement for the divorcing stars, but make no mistake: Holmes, 33, is not about to cave when it comes to their little girl.
“She is dead set on keeping custody of Suri,” a Holmes source tells Us Weekly. The Romantics actress — whose future projects include the new film Molly (which she wrote) and a Holmes and Yang runway debut at New York Fashion Week this fall — filed for divorce from Cruise, 50, June 28, and asked for sole legal custody of daughter Suri, 6.
“Katie is not going to compromise on certain issues, all regarding Suri,” the source says. During their nearly six-year marriage, Holmes became increasingly uncomfortable with the bizarre rules and restrictions of Scientology — particularly with respect with how to raise and educate her only child with Cruise. “This is about protecting her daughter,” another source explained to Us.
While Holmes has been highly visible since the news broke, stepping out with Suri near their new NYC apartment nearly every day, Cruise has been M.I.A., reportedly holed up at his L.A.-area home.
[From Us Weekly]
Katie’s professional life also appears to be mirroring her personal one. She’s set to begin production next week on Molly, which Katie co-wrote and is co-producing and is about life as a single mother. Ahem.
Meanwhile and as Katie has enjoyed much of her first week of freedom in the public eye, Tom has stayed largely hidden. He has reportedly taken refuge in his Los Angeles home and is (allegedly) freaking out over not being in total command of the situation:
Cruise has lost control.
On Saturday, Katie Holmes spent her second consecutive marathon session at the midtown Manhattan offices of her attorney. And though estranged husband Tom Cruise has not been photographed in over a week, the superstar and his team “are in major crisis mode,” a source close to the Rock of Ages actor, 50, tells Us Weekly.
“Tom’s whole life . . . is being torn apart,” the source says of Cruise, who was blindsided when Holmes filed for divorce and full legal custody of six-year-old daughter Suri on June 28.
“He is on the phone with his lawyers 24/7,” the source explains, confirming that the Oscar nominee “is trying to hash this out” — custody, child support and property division — without going to court.
Cruise, whose loyalty to the Church of Scientology and its teachings became a sticking point in his nearly six year marriage to Holmes, “doesn’t want his entire life laid out for everyone to dissect anymore.”
[From Us Weekly]
Over the weekend, there was a story in the Mirror, which claimed that Katie and Tom briefly spoke on the phone (for the first time since the divorce filing) during one of the inevitable phone shufflings as Tom wished Suri a goodnight. A source insisted that the conversation was both “brief and civil.” This is certainly a better option for Katie than CO$ marriage counseling (as revealed in a recent recent account from the Running Scared blog) would have been, right?
Finally, here’s a nice gross-out sentiment with which to end this roundup — in a new article from the Mail, a former personal manager (and one time surrogate mother of sorts) of Tom’s, Eileen Berlin, says that she’s surprised that Tom’s marriage to Katie lasted five years because she knew from the very start that it was “doomed.” This conclusion was not based upon any up-close observations since she and Tom went their separate ways in 1983, but she recalls that Tom was very moody and that, at times, his anger would “boil up and explode … in a snap of your fingers.” She also describes how Tom, who lived with her for three months, would often parade around her apartment in a G-string, “flexing his biceps and admiring himself.” She also expresses no disbelief in Tom’s unwavering adherence to the CO$: “He didn’t believe in therapy but he obviously needed help. He just couldn?t have a relationship and I think that was because you have to open yourself up. The world sees this good-looking guy, worth millions. I still just see this little boy.” And now that little boy bides his time by (presumably) throwing his lifts at ceilings during epic temper tantrums.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
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| Katie Holmes, legal and PR genius, makes another solo outing to Whole Foods | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some new photos of Katie Holmes making yet another trip to Whole Foods in Chelsea, today, Friday. I?m surprised Katie didn?t bring Suri! I hope Katie left Suri with someone she trusts, like a family member or ten burly bodyguards. Or all of the above. I have to give Katie so much credit here ? she?s playing the media so, so well. Some celebrity women in her position would choose to hide out, parceling out the public appearances and candid photo ops gradually. Katie has been photographed nearly every day this week, hasn?t she? And these are not undercover outings either ? it?s almost like she?s inviting dozens of paparazzi to document her movements. It?s protection for her, of course, because we?re worried about her and we want to see her out and about. But it?s also got an old-fashioned reason too: these photos help sell Katie?s version of events. She lives in New York. She?s a hands-on mom. She?s going to fight for custody in New York because she?s a single mom in the city, doing her best. All while Tom is a workaholic who is more interested in E-meters than his daughter.
Bedhead covered many of the latest developments and stories from the past 24 hours, but there are a few ?breaking news? pieces that I wanted to get to. In convenient bullet points:
*Radar says Katie will be at a family law courthouse on July 17 for her first divorce hearing, and at that hearing Katie will ?formally request temporary child support? from Tom Cruise. A source says, ?Katie?s legal team will be requesting temporary child support to cover living expenses and the added security she has hired since her split from Tom. Tom’s Los Angeles lawyers have officially been given notice. Tom’s New York lawyer will appear and it’s undetermined at this time if Tom will be in court also because he is currently shooting a movie. His lawyer could also petition the judge for a temporary visitation order at that time. Katie will be in court and ready to testify at the hearing if needed.? Haha, Tom is probably going to have to pay for all of the extra security Katie hired to protect herself against his crazy cult. LOL.
*Radar also claims that Tom can?t legally file for divorce in California because ?it is not possible to file in separate states at the same time.? OMG, Katie is a legal genius!!!! A source says Tom will have no choice but to fight this thing (at least initially) in NYC: ?Tom will have to file a formal response to Katie’s divorce petition in New York, and he is going to submit a motion to have the case dismissed because he believes it isn’t the proper venue. Tom is hopeful that New York will do the right thing and allow him to file in California.?
*Sources say Katie is amazingly prepared: ?Katie has gotten top notch legal advice because the case will remain in New York for the near future. Important issues coming up include temporary child support. Katie clearly has the upper hand in the proceedings at this point. It can’t be emphasized enough that she took these extraordinary measures to protect her daughter, Suri.?
*TMZ has a story about Tom?s long-standing ?control? of Katie, which started when they first got together. TMZ reports: ?Tom Cruise controlled Katie Holmes like a puppetmaster … making every major and even minor decision in her personal and professional life … and in the end, she felt like she couldn’t breathe without his permission … this according to sources close to the actress.? Tom allegedly (or not so much) executed an ?Art Kill? when Katie was promoting Thank You For Smoking back in 2005, and he wouldn?t let producers use any images of Katie being romantic or sexy with Aaron Eckhart. Then Tom wouldn?t allow Katie to make promotional flights with the cast of Batman Begins ? instead, Tom made Katie fly in his private jet. Allegedly, Morgan Freeman was ?disgusted? by the situation, although as one Tom-centric source says, “Wow, Tom offered her his private jet. How terrible for Katie.” Basically, as soon as Katie and Ton got together, he was manhandling her career and it wasn?t good.
Meanwhile, everyone seems to be waiting for Nicole Kidman to say something about this situation, although it seems more likely that Nicole is trying really hard to simply stay out of it. In my mind, she?s sympathetic towards Katie but Nicole has her own agenda and her crazy history with Tom and with CoS rivals Katie?s. A source tells Fox News, ?Nicole won?t talk, wants her privacy, wants to be left out of this and they (she and Cruise) don?t speak much. Communication between her and Tom is very limited. Nicole really does not want to be dragged into this or say anything to anyone. At some point though, she will probably be forced to say something, and she will most likely support Tom for the sake of their children.? See? Team Kidman is already softening the field so that Nicole won?t get hit too hard when she?s forced to come out and defend Tom. In the past few years, more and more information has come out about what CoS did to Nicole, and how they manipulated Connor and Bella, and how they might have even orchestrated Tom and Nicole?s divorce after Tom ?left the Scientology fold?.
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 Looking to stock up on food for the weekend, Katie Holmes made a trip to Whole Foods in New York City this morning (July 6).
The ?Dawson?s Creek? cutie donned a salmon-colored top with blue jeans as she walked up the street, joined by a security guard and plenty of shutterbugs.
Given the fact that she?s divorcing Tom Cruise, it?s interesting that Katie is 33 years old- the same age as Tom?s previous two ex-wives when they divorced him.
Both Nicole Kidman and Mimi Rogers were 33 when they filed for divorce and 34 when the whole thing was finalized.
Numerologist Casandra MacLeane told press, "Some people think it's a master number. There's a turning point there. It's considered to be a second growing-up."
More Photos Here
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| Katie Holmes & Suri enjoy a real playdate; Katie could 'blow Scientology wide open' | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Another day, another huge info dump on the Katie Holmes-Tom Cruise divorce situation. There’s a lot of stuff here, and I’m going to try and move through it as quickly as possible with a tabloid roundup at the end of this post. Ready?
First up — these photos of Katie, who is clearly enjoying her newfound freedom quite a bit, and now Suri is sharing in the wealth. After that ice-cream trip from a few evenings ago, Katie set up a playdate with a few of her new-old, non-Scientologist friends, and the ladies took their kids out for lunch and to the Children’s Museum in New York City. Look, Suri has friends! Real ones, not Scientologists. And they’re age-appropriate friends too. I’m overjoyed for the kiddo, who reportedly described the outing as “the best day ever,” according to Us Weekly:
Since filing for divorce from Tom Cruise on June 28, Katie Holmes has been focusing her attention on their daughter, Suri Cruise, 6. The mother-daughter duo stepped out together Thursday with Holmes’ two friends and their two children for a lunch date at Alice’s Tea Cup in NYC.
Once they made it inside the whimsical restaurant after being swarmed by photographers, Holmes was able to relax. A witness tells Us Weekly the 33-year-old actress enjoyed french fries and ketchup at the kid-friendly restaurant — which offers fairy wings for children to wear during their meal. Suri played dress-up and shopped at the gift store before leaving.
Holmes made Suri’s day by buying her a star wand, book and feather headband. “Suri was extremely happy,” an onlooker told Us. “She was looking at everything behind the counter and literally said, ‘This is the best day ever!’”
Earlier in the day, Holmes and Suri visited the Children’s Museum of the Arts in Manhattan. The Jack and Jill star has stayed quiet on her split from Cruise, 50, after five years of marriage, but seems rather unaffected and has been keeping busy in the Big Apple.
[From Us Weekly]
Yay, Suri enjoyed the hell out of herself with some actual playmates! This is such a marked change from how Suri spent last summer, and the happy mommy-daughter day is tempered only by news that Katie will be bringing Holmes & Yang to Fashion Week for the very first time this September to premiere the Spring 2013 line. Maybe without Tom’s influence, the line won’t be so busted? Let’s not hold our breath on that one.
In other news, Tom’s camp is now attempting to spin the reason for the divorce by telling TMZ that Katie was, like, totally into Scientology and that her people are only leaking anti-CO$ news to hurt Tom. Because he’s just so sensitive, you see. There’s also a newly revealed photo from TMZ that claims to show Tom and Katie’s last supper as a couple in Iceland on June 16. She looks miserable; he looks clueless.
Meanwhile, the Hollywood Reporter has published a four-page article that contains a wealth of information — primarily concerning the CO$ angle of this story — including claims that “Katie was monitored as if she lived under the Stasi,” which gives credence to our story from last August that Katie’s world was full of surveillance and control. The article also discloses how critics of the CO$ are marvelling at Katie’s bold moves in the divorce thus far with remarks like “Katie could blow Scientology wide open,” “what Katie is doing is going to drive a wedge in a door that Scientology was trying to keep closed,” and “Katie ambushed Tom Cruise and in so doing outwitted some of the most controlling people on Earth.” There’s a lot of good stuff in the article (and I do suggest reading the whole thing), including more about Rupert Murdoch’s impact on the discussion as a whole, but I’m excerpting my favorite part, which is a statement from Jenna Miscavage Hill (the niece of CO$ head David Miscavige), who voices her support for Katie as well:
Holmes appears more aggressive and fearless than those who have taken steps to distance themselves from the church or have “blown” — Scientology parlance for leaving the church — according to one-time key members of the church who have left, many after years of soul searching, and endured what they claim was often harassment, intimidation and being cut off from their families.
Even Jenna Miscavige Hill, David Miscavige’s niece, who left the church in 2005, issued a statement Tuesday in support of Holmes and any concern she has over her daughter’s involvement in the church.
“My experience in growing up in Scientology is that it is both mentally and at times physically abusive,” Jenna said. “I was allowed to see my parents only once a week at best — sometimes not for years. We got a lousy education from unqualified teachers, forced labor, long hours, forced confessions, being held in rooms, not to mention the mental anguish of trying to figure out all of the conflicting information they force upon you as a young child. … As a mother myself, I offer my support to Katie and wish for her all the strength she will need to do what is best for her and her daughter.”
[From Hollywood Reporter]
The article also features many important points from ex-high-ranking Scientologist Marty Rathbun, who claims that he witnessed Isabella and Connor Cruise being turned against Nicole Kidman by Tommy Davis, head of the Celebrity Centre. Rathbun claims that those poor children were scheduled for daily sessions with Davis, who repeatedly told them Nicole was a sociopath, and the staff at the Cruise household were also instructed to help out with this nasty chore as well. How despicable.
Now onto this week’s tabloids. As expected, the Holmes-Cruise divorce was center stage in all three major publications this week, but they’re all at a disadvantage over the daily-updated entertainment blogs and websites. A few interesting tidbits can be shaken out though:
* Star takes the stance of describing how controlling Tom was as a husband and how “Katie first saw Tom’s control as love — but that changed.” Star also says that Katie has been unhappy “for the longest time” with no one to vent towards because “Tom had taken to having their home phones and her cell phone and email monitored.” Katie also supposedly decided last Christmas that she wanted out of the marriage, and she was able to manage some quiet meetings with her lawyer as well as — surprise — Sandra Bullock, who is all too familiar with getting out of a bad marriage.
* The Enquirer discusses how “Katie was fed up with the sham marriage” and felt alone while Tom was always away. She was also tired of Tom boasting about their amazing closeness as a family (i.e., what she felt was “his web of lies“) when, in reality, he was never around. Katie was also allegedly very upset about recent on-set photos of Tom with his Oblivion co-star, Olga Kurylenko; the tabloid also regurgitates the story about Katie being devastated over that W mag shoot wherein (a disinterested) Tom frolicked with two blondes. Whatever.
* In Touch plays the “poor Tom” card a little bit by saying that the actor “really thought he and Katie would grow old together” but that Tom is also very “angry” and plans to “fight” Katie’s demand for full legal custody. Katie, meanwhile, wants Suri to start first grade this fall instead of having Scientology-based homeschooling. In an amusing tidbit, IT also claims that Katie grew increasingly weary of Tom being gone for weeks and then swooping in for weekend-long photo ops as part of the tail end of a movie’s promotion. I can’t say I blame Katie at all for getting tired of that nonsense.
Now for more photos of Suri With Friends! Aside from the intrusive paps, Suri looked to be enjoying the act of interacting with children her own age.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
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| Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Are Getting Divorced | Added 12 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 After five years of couch-jumping turkey-basting wedded bliss, Katie Holmes has filed for divorce from husband Tom Cruise, which was apparently as much a shock to him as it was to the rest of us. WTF? TMZ says:
Katie Holmes is the one who filed for divorce and Tom Cruise was “blindsided” by Katie’s legal move.
Katie filed the divorce docs in New York on June 28, citing “irreconcilable differences.” She is asking for sole legal custody and “primary residential custody” of the couple’s 6-year-old daughter, Suri.
We’re told Tom is “very sad” and “did not see this coming.”
This really surprised the hell out of me. I thought for sure there were still five years left on her contract. She must have built up a tolerance to the Xenu juice somehow. Dead eyes like those can’t be faked.
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| People: Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise are divorcing after 5 years of marriage (updates) | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 OMG. OH. MY. GOD. I’m actually stunned. Truly. We joke a lot about Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise and their contracts and contractual negotiations and one of them being an unhinged midge, but SRSLY I can’t believe this is happening. TomKat is over. OVER.
After five years of marriage, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting a divorce, PEOPLE has learned exclusively.
“This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family,” says Holmes’s attorney Jonathan Wolfe. “Katie’s primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter’s best interest.”
The Rock of Ages star, 49, wed actress Holmes, 33, in an Italian castle in November 2006. They have daughter Suri, 6.
This was Holmes’s first marriage and the third for Cruise, who previously was married to the actresses Nicole Kidman, with whom he has two children, and Mimi Rogers.
[From People]
Bedhead was just talking about how Tom and Katie have been spending more and more time apart, and now this. Over the past year – especially over the past six months – there has definitely been a noticeable dip in joint public appearances by Tom and Katie. They really do seem to have been living separate lives for a while. It’s sad. It’s sad for Suri and it’s sad for Tom and for Katie. But I have high hopes that Katie finally stood up for herself and refused to be audited one more time. Don’t you?
UPDATE: TMZ got a statement from Katie’s lawyer, Jonathan Wolfe: “This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family. Katie’s primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter’s best interest.” Katie’s dad is a divorce lawyer too, and it’s believed that Tom and Katie did have a pre-nup.
UPDATE (From Bedhead): This divorce is going to get ugly, but it’s for a good cause; that is, the liberation of Suri from Scientology’s clutches. TMZ reports that Tom was “blindsided” by the divorce filing, and
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| Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are Divorcing | Added 12 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 After five years of marriage and a Suri Cruise, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting a divorce.Looks like her five year beard contract ran out.
“This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family,” says Holmes’s attorney Jonathan Wolfe. “Katie’s primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter’s best interest.”
No word on what led to the breakup except for rumors of distance or maybe Katie got tired of watching Tom smear bird poop on his face. Hopefully everything will work out for Katie. And by that I mean she shows her boobs again like she did inThe Gift.
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| People Mag: Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise are divorcing after 5 years of marriage | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 OMG. OH. MY. GOD. I’m actually stunned. Truly. We joke a lot about Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise and their contracts and contractual negotiations and one of them being an unhinged midge, but SRSLY I can’t believe this is happening. TomKat is over. OVER.
After five years of marriage, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting a divorce, PEOPLE has learned exclusively.
“This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family,” says Holmes’s attorney Jonathan Wolfe. “Katie’s primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter’s best interest.”
The Rock of Ages star, 49, wed actress Holmes, 33, in an Italian castle in November 2006. They have daughter Suri, 6.
This was Holmes’s first marriage and the third for Cruise, who previously was married to the actresses Nicole Kidman, with whom he has two children, and Mimi Rogers.
[From People]
Bedhead was just talking about how Tom and Katie have been spending more and more time apart, and now this. Over the past year – especially over the past six months – there has definitely been a noticeable dip in joint public appearances by Tom and Katie. They really do seem to have been living separate lives for a while. It’s sad. It’s sad for Suri and it’s sad for Tom and for Katie. But I have high hopes that Katie finally stood up for herself and refused to be audited one more time. Don’t you?
UPDATE: TMZ got a statement from Katie’s lawyer, Jonathan Wolfe: “This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family. Katie’s primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter’s best interest.” Katie’s dad is a divorce lawyer too, and it’s believed that Tom and Katie did have a pre-nup.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Katie Holmes & Suri's "Brave" Date Night | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Getting in a late movie, Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise were spotted arriving at a movie theatre in New York City to see the new Disney/ Pixar film ?Brave.?
The ?Batman Begins? beauty paid for her tickets and bought the pair popcorn and treats while her 6-year-old cutie held on to her stuffed animals and stuck close to her mom.
The film, which debuted on Friday (June 22) follows the story of a determined young woman who wants to make her own path in life, but since she?s a princess there are rules to follow.
Watch a trailer for the film above!
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| Katie Holmes in jeggings & a peasant blouse in NYC: looking so much better? | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Call me Xenu, but I actually think Katie Holmes looks really good in these photos. Katie was out and about yesterday in NYC, and you can yell at me all you want, but I would love to have her bag AND her blouse. I?m crazy in love with her blouse. Does anyone know where I can get a blouse like that? Thanks. Of course, Katie continued her trend of wearing unflattering jeans, although these look like jeggings to me, not skinny jeans. Whatever they are, they are not cute on her at all. But from the waist up, she looks really good – better than she?s looked the past few months.
Bedhead (working from some tabloids) theorized that Katie was purposefully looking like crap as a way to ?get back? at Tom, because he?s so anal retentive and demanding (and unhinged). So? what happened here? Is this a post-Scientology-audit version of Katie? Or did she just feel like putting in some effort at some point? Unknown.
Life & Style has a story this week about how Katie and Tom have been spending all of this time apart (true story) and how Katie hasn’t been on Tom?s arm during any of his promotional work for Rock of Ages (which bombed). Of course, Gossip Cop has a denial from an unnamed ?source? close to Tom (Xenu).
?Tom & Katie: Marriage in Crisis,? reads the headline of a Life & Style piece about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, who the mag says are struggling ?to keep their relationship together.?
According to the tabloid, Holmes and Cruise ?have been spending a huge amount of time apart,? and now ?something?s definitely shifted between the two of them.?
The mag goes on to claim that ?tension?s been building as Tom?s filmed one movie after another in Germany, Russia, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, leaving Katie to care for Suri like a single mother ? and feeling depressed over her stalled career.?
Life & Style notes Holmes accepted an invitation to attend a skating event in Asia ?because she?s trying to fill the void in her life while her workaholic husband focuses on his job.?
?With all the distance between them,? writes the mag ominously, ?their marriage is in full-blown crisis.?
While it?s true the two stars are often in far off locales filming movies, their marriage is NOT in ?crisis.?
A source close to Cruise tells Gossip Cop the Life & Style piece is untrue, and points out that the actor, Holmes and their daughter Suri spent several days, including Father?s Day, in Iceland together.
[From Gossip Cop]
Yes, they spent Father?s Day together, but that was the first time they were together in, like, MONTHS. I do think something is up with them. Maybe it?s contract renegotiations, maybe Katie is tired of the audits, maybe Tom just needs even more ?boy time? these days, I don?t really know. But something is up, mark my words.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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