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Howard Stern thought Katie Holmes was 'in a trance,' Tom might do a 'Glee' cameo
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Howard Stern thought Katie Holmes was 'in a trance,' Tom might do a 'Glee' cameo
On Monday’s episode of “The Howard Stern Show,” the shock jock talked at length about various celebrity run-ins that he experienced at the weekend nuptuals of big-shot Hollywood producer Brad Grey. Naturally, Tom Cruise was at the wedding with wifebot Katie Holmes in tow, and while Stern was on the dance floor with his wife, Beth Ostrosky, the two couples crossed paths. Stern perceived that Tom was his usual “friendly” self as always around industry types; as for Katie, she was reportedly “in a trance.” Indeed, that’s the perfect way to describe Holmes ever since Scientology got their claws into her, thanks to the Unhinged, Lift-Wearing Midget himself. And why wouldn’t she be positively catatonic? Beyond the few token film roles within which she’s supposedly immersed herself over the past several years, all that Katie has to do with her time is get audited and go shopping. Then, she goes shopping some more. That last part sounds completely doable at first to us civilians, but I imagine that it gets rather old and unfulfilling very short order.

Speaking of the Poison Dwarf, his career (such as it is) has recently experienced a very dubious uprising. Not only has that Les Grossman horror-comedy come to life, but Tom’s also prepping for the onset of filming for Rock of Ages. To add further gasoline to the ritualistic L. Ron Hubbard-themed sacrifice fire at which the Cruise prays, rumors are floating around that Tom will make a Goop-styled “Glee” cameo of his own:

Reports have suggested that Tom Cruise could soon be making a cameo appearance in hit US TV show, Glee.

Following the success of Gwyneth Paltrow’s appearance in the series, Showbiz Spy has claimed that producers are hoping Cruise will star in the show and create his own character.

It is thought that bosses were so impressed with his hilarious sketch as Tropic Thunder’s Les Grossman with Jennifer Lopez at last year’s MTV Movie Awards, that they are keen for him to portray a role like that in Glee.

A source told the website: “The producers love the idea that Tom might create a character just like Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder.”

“His dance rendition to Flo Rida?s Low went down so well with audiences and they know something like that would be just as popular, if not more so, on Glee.”

They continued: “At the moment they are in talks with Tom to play a failed and jaded pop star who is now teaching a Glee Club at a rival school but they are willing to let him have a lot of input in to his character just to try and get him on the show.”

?They know that Katie and Suri are big fans of Glee too so they are hoping this may also sway his decision.?

[From MTV}

How lovely. Maybe they can eventually get Goop's character together with that of Cruise. She can do another sex-ed styled skit and dangle a bag of P-E-N-I-S gummies in front of Tom while he follows her around with puppy dog eyes. Whether or not this "Glee" thing doesn't work out, there's also Cruise's newly announced attachment to play a "politician who gets caught in an affair" within a script by Crazy, Stupid, Love screenwriter Dan Fogelman. If that's not enough to satisfy your own personal "need for speed," well, it gets even better from there, for (drum roll) AMC Theaters is bringing Top Gun back to theaters for two very special exclusive dates: April 30 and May 2 (see times and theater listings here). Supposedly, anyone who shells out for a ticket will receive "a theatre-sized commemorative poster," you know, much like the one that young Katie Holmes used to keep on the wall over her childhood bed. Yuck.

Photos courtesy of Fame Pictures

12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes: Bandana-Wearing Workout Woman
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes: Bandana-Wearing Workout Woman
Happily stepping out during a relaxing weekend, Katie Holmes was spotted paying a visit to the local gym in Beverly Hills on Saturday (April 23).

Wearing a colorful bandana and drinking a cup of coffee, the former "Dawson's Creek" darling also donned a fashionable pair of Ugg Boots to match her comfy grey hoodie.

And while she's currently enjoying a little time off from work efforts, Katie is gearing up for the release of her Dito Montiel directed crime/thriller "The Son of No One".

Hitting theaters later this year, the film also stars Channing Tatum while telling the story of "a young cop who is assigned to a precinct in the working class neighborhood where he grew up, with an old secret threatening to destroy his life and his family."

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes: House Ware-Shopping Hottie
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes: House Ware-Shopping Hottie
With the onset of spring, there?s always a feeling of newness, and Katie Holmes was on a mission to revitalize her home yesterday (April 14).

The ?Dawson?s Creek? darling headed for West Hollywood where she picked up an armful of fresh flowers for her house.

Ms. Holmes also hit up the Marc Jacobs boutique to treat herself to some well-deserved retail therapy.

Katie recently returned to the West Coast from New York City where she spent some time with her hubby Tom Cruise and daughter Suri.

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes' skinny jeans & doily blouse: cute or tragic'
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Katie Holmes' skinny jeans & doily blouse: cute or tragic'
As we know by now, Katie Holmes has the amazing ability to make even expensive designer clothes look budget and cheap. So I would imagine that this outfit - skinny jeans, booties, high-necked lace top - probably costs something in the vicinity of $1000, not including the purse. Even if I?m way off base on the price, how much does the outfit really look like it costs? It looks totally Walmart-Salvation Army to me. The lace blouse in particular? ugh. I?m not any kind of fan of white lace as daywear (or nightwear) for adult women. White lace as underwear? Fine. White lace for brides? Sure. White lace blouse for running errands? Not so much. She looks like she cut a neck hole in an enormous doily.

And the skinny jeans? ugh. No more skinny jeans! Katie was on to something when she was doing the high-waisted, ?70s-inspired bellbottom jeans. Those looked totally cute on her.

If you think I?m being too nitpicky because these are candid photos rather than red carpet photos, you have a point. I get that Katie was just out running errands in LA yesterday, and that this might have been an easy outfit that she just threw on. But remember - Katie is a ?fashion designer? now - and this is what she picks out for herself. What would she pick out for you?

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes took a tantrumy Suri out for another late night
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes took a tantrumy Suri out for another late night
I think Tom Cruise has finally finished filming Mission Impossible IV: Ghost Protocol, and he and Katie Holmes have finally been reunited, at long last. These are new photos of Tom, Katie and Suri out and about in NYC yesterday. Tom put on his favorite high heels and posed his ass off all day and night - seriously, they got pap?d like five different times, at five different locations.

The photos of Katie and Tom with Suri - who is making faces at the paparazzi - are from their exit of a theatre where they had just taken Suri to see American Idiot, that Broadway show with music from Green Day. Because Suri likes nothing better than spending her New York nights taking in Broadway shows and accompanying her mom to late-night dinners of Gummi penises and ?c-ckblockers?. Why not just let the kid get a good night?s sleep?

Earlier yesterday, Katie taped the Top Ten list for David Letterman:

And finally, since I have to do it all the time now, a close-up of Tom Cruise?s high heels:

Suri?s face says it all for me.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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TomKat & Suri's Post-Late Show Family Dinner Date
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
TomKat & Suri's Post-Late Show Family Dinner Date
Making the most of their time in the Big Apple, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were spotted out to dinner last night (April 12).

Joined by their adorable daughter Suri, the ?Minority Report? stud and the ?Mad Money? mommy hit up Il Cantinori, a favorite eatery of the family.

Prior to their evening out, Tom and Katie paid a visit to the Magnolia Bakery for some delicious baked goods.

Additionally, Katie stopped by ?The Late Show with David Letterman? to share the show?s trademark Top 10 List.

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"The Kennedys" Numbers On the Downward Trend
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip

After debuting to a sizable audience, the ensuing installments of the highly-anticipated miniseries "The Kennedys" appear to quickly be losing steam.

The controversial made-for-TV show, which now airs on the ReelzChannel after being dropped by the History Channel, averaged just 841,000 viewers last night (April 5).

According to Nielsen data, that number is down nearly 35 percent from the 1.3 million viewers that the Katie Holmes and Greg Kinnear starring Monday premiere drew in.

Still, the home of "The Kennedys" is boasting about the show's performance, telling press it's brought the "highest ratings in the network?s five-year history.?

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes: Sony Studios Stylish
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes: Sony Studios Stylish
Stepping out to tend to work obligations, Katie Holmes was spotted visiting Sony Studio in Culver City, CA on Tuesday (April 5).

The former "Dawson's Creek" darling looked fashionable in an all white ensemble topped off with a colorful scarf as she waited for a security guard to whisk her away in a golf cart.

The afternoon work outing comes just after it was announced that Mrs Tom Cruise is among the honorees at the upcoming 2011 Women In Film ceremony.

Katie will be given the Women in Film Max Mara ?Face of the Future? trophy while fellow actress Annette Bening is being doted with the 2011 Crystal Award for Excellence in Film.

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes plans Suri's fifth b-day party: tea party, piñata & girlfriends
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Katie Holmes plans Suri's fifth b-day party: tea party, piñata & girlfriends
Katie Holmes is in the midst of promoting the miniseries, The Kennedys, where she plays Jackie Kennedy. Yesterday, she did an interview with Ryan Seacrest on the radio, and she appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live. When Katie talked to Ryan, she talked about little Suri?s upcoming fifth birthday party:

Mother knows best when it comes to planning the perfect celebration for Suri Cruise’s birthday.

“This is my favorite day of the year, so we’re going to have a little tea party and I like to girl it up,” Katie Holmes told Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS-FM morning radio show on Monday.

Then Ryan joked he?s reading the same books as Suri. Kate mentioned, ?Fancy Nancy and Pinkalicious right now. She loves it. They?re great books. They?re fun.?

Suri, who turns 5 on April 18, will have her wishes granted on her special day.

“She wants a piata, and wants her girlfriends to come over [for] some swimming,” Holmes, 32, said. “And we’re going to make a cake together.”

No word on whether or not Suri’s father, Tom Cruise, will take part in the planning process, but it sounds unlikely, considering Holmes says she plans to “girl it up” for the bash.

[From OK! Magazine]

So, Katie?s plans don?t involve Penis Gummis and C-ckblockers. Good to know. Also - it?s kind of sad that Suri is forced to celebrate her birthday so late, just because her parents don?t want to admit that Katie actually give birth earlier than her official ?birthday? right? Remember that?

If you want to watch Katie?s interview with Jimmy Kimmel, go here. She seemed? sober. But she?s still really, really boring.

Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes Drops By 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes Drops By 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'
Stepping out for a promotional appearance, Katie Holmes was spotted at ?Jimmy Kimmel Live? studios last night (April 4).

The ?Mad Money? mommy looked cute and casual in a denim jacket with a printed dress and red heels as she exited the Hollywood locale.

Coming up later this month, Katie?s little girl Suri Cruise will turn five years old, and Holmes can?t wait to celebrate.

She told Ryan Seacrest, ?This is my favorite day of the year. She wants a pinata and her girlfriends to come over and go swimming. We?re gonna make cake together.?

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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