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Lindsay Lohan News & Gossip
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Lindsay Lohan's Election Eve Big Apple Excursion
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Lindsay Lohan's Election Eve Big Apple Excursion
Spotted heading out of a NYC hotel, Lindsay Lohan looked ready to hit the town for a little election eve revelry on Monday (November 5).

Warmly dressed for the chilly Big Apple weather, the "Mean Girls" starlet was all smiles in a trimmed black coat and a black beret over a black mini skirt and lacy white top as she strutted past the bellhop en route to an awaiting chauffeured ride.

The sighting comes as plans for a North American release of the 26-year-old actress' sketch comedy ?Inappropriate Comedy? are underway.

Described as a no holds barred sketch movie, ?Inappropriate Comedy" also stars Adrien Brody, Michelle Rodriguez and Rob Schneider while having been directed by Vince Offer.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan Dumped by Publicist
Added 11 years agoSource: The Blemish
Lindsay Lohan Dumped by Publicist
Lindsay Lohan’s underpaid mouthpiece of two years Steve Honig has quit her. The last straw came after Michael Lohan started texting him calling him a “f*cking liar” because Honig released a statement over the weekend saying Lindsay’s management had nothing to do with Michael’s attempted intervention.

Steve tells TMZ that Michael was only part of his decision saying “Michael wishes he were that important.” Nice. It’s always good to leave with a burn. But isn’t it going to be weird not having to lie or bend the truth? He’s probably going to have to be reintegrated with society somehow.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan's Publicist Quits
Added 11 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Lindsay Lohan's Publicist Quits
Lindsay Lohan’s publicist of two years tendered his resignation today, citing her non-stop self-involved fuckery as the reason he quit. Well, he didn’t actually say “non-stop self-involved fuckery,” but his eyes implied it. E! News says:

“Steve Honig resigned as Lindsay’s publicist Wednesday night,” a source tells E! News exclusively.

Honig, however, declined to elaborate on why he’s decided throw in the towel, telling E! News, “I’m not discussing this out of respect for my client.”

Under Honig’s watch, the star passed out in a hotel room, landed in the hospital after a frightening car crash, allegedly trashed her trailer, got tangled up in a jewelry heist, was reportedly banned from a hotel for unpaid bills, got arrested for an alleged hit-and-run, was embroiled in a [physical altercation with] mom Dina Lohan, unleashed a war of words with pop Michael Lohan and, most recently, was faced with a failed intervention attempt by Michael, supposedly with the support of her handlers.

Wait… so this means the publicist is a real person, then? I’ll be damned. All this time I thought it was just Dina Lohan in a wig.

Lindsay in Allure before drugs and alcohol and casual sex ruined her (get your own half a plaid bikini from Paul & Joe here:

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan news

Lindsay Lohan crack heisted $15,000 worth of clothes from 'scary Movie 5'
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Lindsay Lohan crack heisted $15,000 worth of clothes from 'scary Movie 5'
I didn?t cover the Lindsay Lohan thing yesterday, because I just didn?t feel like it. Lindsay live-tweeted some dumb nonsense during Monday night?s presidential debate, but really all that she did was try to get some famous people to talk to her via Twitter. It was pathetic ? you can read about it here. Meanwhile, Lindsay is back in NYC (clubbing like a crackie), maybe because she?s worried her father will come to her Beverly Hills home (??) again and try to do some kind of cracked-out ?intervention?. There?s a new, horrible wrinkle with that too ? Michael told TMZ that he ?recruited? Dr. Drew for the Cracken Intervention That Never Was. Because it?s not like Lindsay doesn?t already loathe Dr. Drew too ? for good reason. The man is a hack. Anyway, Dr. Drew apparently recommended another intervention specialist for Michael, and that?s the dude he brought to Lindsay?s house.

In other Cracken news, Radar reports that she stole $15,000 worth of clothing from the set of Scary Movie 5. Because of course.

Lindsay Lohan has earned the nickname “sticky fingers” again, because a new report claims the troubled actress stole $15,000 worth of clothing from the set of Scary Movie 5!

According to an insider, the clothes were on her wardrobe racks and Lindsay felt entitled to take and keep whatever she wanted.

“It was the talk of the set in Atlanta,” a source told the new issue of the National Enquirer.

“The clothes were on her wardrobe racks. Some nice tops and skirts and other items were gone. I guess Lindsay thought she was entitled to it, like free soap at a hotel. All the other actors knew about it, but the producers just put it down to the price you had to pay for doing business with Lindsay.”

The source also goes on to explain that Lindsay didn’t like the role she was cast in the movie, and only showed up to the set after she was threatened with legal action.

“Even unreliable Charlie Sheen was concerned that Lindsay wouldn’t show up for the September shoot in Georgia,” the source said.

“The wardrobe people were unhappy about the missing clothes, but at the end of the day the producers decided it was more trouble than it was worth to try and get them back.”

[From Radar]

Yeah. Obviously. This happened. The only thing that surprises me is that people are still surprised by Lindsay?s crack-thievery. Every single person in the world should know by now that she?s a crackie klepto. We can beat our breasts about her horrible family and all of that, but you know what? Bitch just likes to steal sh-t. It really is that simple. She likes to steal crap and no one ever makes a fuss about it because they don?t want to deal with her crack antics.

Oh, and I somehow missed this stuff about her ?new boyfriend? ? a dude named Josh Chunn. He?s a ?former cheerleader? and current ?fitness trainer? and he?s already talking to the press about her, saying stuff like ?I?ve been trying to get Lindsay to focus. But how do you get her to focus with all the stuff going on around her? I can barely focus? and ?She?s a strong girl. She?s cleaning up. I just want her to be okay. I want us to be okay.? I guess he?s LA-based, though, so why is she in NYC now? Hm. You can read more about him here.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan news

Lindsay Lohan Still the Consummate Professional
Added 11 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Lindsay Lohan Still the Consummate Professional
Lindsay Lohan has a history of showing up late to work if she even shows at all (so much so that nobody in Hollywood is willing to back a movie she’s in anymore), but Bret Easton Ellis decided to throw caution to the wind and give Lindsay a starring role in his new movie “The Canyons.” See if you can guess how that worked out. He tweeted yesterday:

Patrick Bateman has just headed over to Lindsay Lohan’s hotel to confront her as to why she missed her fucking ADR on “The Canyons” today…

The producers clearly should have chosen someone more reliable, someone with a stronger sense of professional commitment and a more staunch work ethic. You know, like that chicken at the fair that plays tic-tac-toe or a monkey on a tricycle.

If shiny earth-toned minidresses are your thing, get Lindsay’s look from Helmut Lang here

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan news

How Lindsay Lohan Was Unbanned from the Chateau Marmont
Added 11 years agoSource: The Blemish
How Lindsay Lohan Was Unbanned from the Chateau Marmont
Lindsay Lohan was banned from the Chateau Marmont after failing to pay a $46,000 bill. She claimedLiz & Dick producers were responsible for it. The producers just put their heads in their hands and sighed. Trying to argue with Lindsay is as pointless as getting John Travolta to come out of the closet.

The bill is finally being settled though. Lindsay agreed to the Barbara Walters interview in a lead-up to the movie’s premiere in exchange for producers taking care of the bill.

With ?Liz & Dick,? the story of Elizabeth Taylor?s tumultuous two marriages to Richard Burton, set to air on Lifetime on Nov. 25, the producers need Lohan to promote the made-for-TV movie. ?She had them over a barrel,? one source told Flash. ?She demanded that the hotel bill be cleared up.? And it was. Lohan reappeared at Chateau last week in a low-cut, sequined mini-dress with a group of girlfriends for late-night tea and salads.

So Lindsay agreed to do her job only if that $46,000 bill was taken care of. Only in Hollywood can you half-ass something and still force your employers to pay you more for it. It actually sounds like the perfect place for me. I have a black belt in half-assing things.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan crack- blackmailed Lifetime into paying her Marmont bill
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Lindsay Lohan crack-  blackmailed Lifetime into paying her Marmont bill
On Sunday, we discussed the fact that Lindsay Lohan was back to being crackie at the Chateau Marmont, after a few months of being ?banned? for not paying her $46,000 bill. Then on Monday, we heard that Lindsay was going to give some kind of extensive (ha!) interview to Barbara Walters next month, to promote Lifetime?s Liz & Dick. Well, put those two stories together and what do you get? A cracked-out breach of ethics and a massive cracktastrophe for Lifetime. According to The Daily, LL basically told Lifetime that she would not do any promotion for Liz & Dick if they didn?t pay her Marmont bill. So the bill was paid and LL agreed to the Walters interview. I wonder if Barbara minds being a pawn in a cracked-out blackmail/hustle?

Lindsay Lohan agreed to be interrogated by Barbara Walters to promote ?Liz & Dick? because the film?s producers agreed to pay her overdue $46,000 bill at Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood, Flash has learned.

Lohan was thrown out of her favorite hotel in August after living there for 47 days, and racking up such charges as $3,100 for the mini-bar, and $686 for cigarettes. The troubled actress claimed the producers of ?Liz & Dick? were supposed to pay the bill.

With ?Liz & Dick,? the story of Elizabeth Taylor?s tumultuous two marriages to Richard Burton, set to air on Lifetime on Nov. 25, the producers need Lohan to promote the made-for-TV movie.

?She had them over a barrel,? one source told Flash. ?She demanded that the hotel bill be cleared up.? And it was. Lohan reappeared at Chateau last week in a low-cut, sequined mini-dress with a group of girlfriends for late-night tea and salads.

Her interview with Walters, yet to be taped, is scheduled to air Nov. 16 on ?20/20,? and will delve into the dynamics of her dysfunctional family, including last Wednesday?s 4 a.m. phone call to her father, Michael Lohan, where she accused her mother, Dina, of using cocaine. Michael taped the conversation and either sold it, or leaked it for free, to TMZ. Lindsay later recanted the accusation.

Lindsay also made news recently by endorsing Mitt Romney for president. It turns out, she?s not even registered to vote.

[From The Daily]

Lindsay?s not even registered to vote? How shocking! I hope the GOP launches an extensive and hard-hitting investigation into this epic voter fraud! We need legislation to ensure that every (white, Republican!) crackhead is not denied the right to vote!

As for the other stuff, the crack hustle, the crack blackmail, the broke, busted ass that is Lindsay Lohan? I knew the ?Lindsay paid her Marmont bill? story was too good to be true. Of course she doesn?t have $46,000 lying around to pay her own way. Of course she would threaten to pull her promotional work for the film. God, I wish Lifetime would have called her bluff ? because that?s exactly what it was. Do you really think Lindsay would miss an opportunity to ?promote? her big comeback role? Do you think wild horses could drag her away from the bank of cameras? Of course not. So let Lindsay throw her crackie hissy fits and let her sad little crack-hustling attempts wither on the vine.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan's Fabulous Friday Night at Giorgio Baldi
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Lindsay Lohan's Fabulous Friday Night at Giorgio Baldi
All smiles despite her recent family drama, Lindsay Lohan was seen leaving Giorgio Baldi restaurant in Santa Monica, California on Friday (October 12).

The "Canyons" actress wore a black long-sleeved top and matching short shorts with her heels as she carried a Mr. Pink Ginseng Vitamin drink.

Dutifully promoting the beverage, the fiery redhead hosted the launch party for the drink on Thursday. She tweeted, "See me @ the launch party for @drinkmrpink Oct 11th at THE Blvd. Hear my thoughts on our next president on the Pink carpet..."

Those thoughts came as a bit of a shock in famously left-leaning Tinseltown. After declaring Obama's victory in 2008 as "amazing," she's had a change of heart, telling reporters at the event, "I think unemployment is very important for now, so as of now I think (my vote) is Mitt Romney"

More Photos Here

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan Gives A Kiss And A Tight Squeeze
Added 11 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Lindsay Lohan Gives A Kiss And A Tight Squeeze
I know things had gotten bad for Lindsay Lohan the past few years, but you know your career’s gone south when you’re doing red carpets for an energy drink. Oh well. At least Lindsay’s hotness is making a serious comeback. And I just had a great idea: this company should hire Lindsay as their new

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay at the Chateau Marmont Despite Being Banned
Added 11 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Lindsay at the Chateau Marmont Despite Being Banned
Part of the conditions of Lindsay Lohan’s eviction from the Chateau Marmont back in July is that she could no longer use the hotel facilities or eat in the hotel restaurant, but she’s never been one to let a little thing like an “unpaid bill” or a “pending lawsuit” get in the way of her having a good time, so she showed up at the Chateau for the Mr. Pink vitamin drink launch like nothing had ever happened and she didn’t owe them $46,000. It’s just as well, because they couldn’t kick her off the property even if they wanted to. Not unless they’d taken out a restraining order against her first. Most of my ex-boyfriends had to learn that lesson the hard way.

Equally unflattering shapeless minidress from Helmut Lang here.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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