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Jessica Simpson News & Gossip
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Jessica Simpson's lips are super-pregnant too, she complains of 'pregnancy face'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Simpson's lips are super-pregnant too, she complains of 'pregnancy face'
We?ve gotten to the point in Jessica Simpson?s pregnancy where she?s just being exclusively photographed going in and out of restaurants. We?ll call it ?The Eating Phase?. You might ask yourselves, ?Why is The Eating Phase any different than just normal Jessica?? It?s not, really. Except that the photos have more waddling.

So these are photos of Jessica and her K-Fed waddling into some restaurant over the weekend. Look at how huge she is! I love it. She looks beautiful. I know some of you are hating on her for getting so big while she still has months to go until giving birth, but for the love of God, how else did you expect her to carry? She was never going to be one of those barely-pregnant-looking women. She was always going to carry everything in her boobs, abdomen and ass. I?m just happy to see a pregnant celebrity who actually looks like they?re indulging in their cravings. It’s refreshing.

Jessica is starting to get a little bit worried about her weight though – not enough to put down the pork chops she?s double-fisting, but still, she?s concerned! She recently tweeted: ?Looking forward to getting back into Daisy Duke shape with @MADfit. I forget what having a waistline feels like!? Jessica?s Twitter is a grab-bag of revelations – she?s also referring to her unborn baby as a ?her?. I do hope she has a girl – I think it would be fun for her to have a daughter. Oh, and she tweeted the photo below with the message, ?Woke up looking like the lip injection fairy visited me in the night! Is this how pregnancy face begins?! Yikes!? God, I love her!

Photos courtesy of Fame.

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson's Boobs Have Peaked
Added 12 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jessica Simpson's Boobs Have Peaked
When is Jessica Simpson’s due date? Seriously, the woman looks like she’s big enough to be having quintuplets. Here she is running some errands over the weekend looking like I feel after about eight pints. Gross. The good news is that along with her ever growing belly comes some extra large chesticles. Those things have

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson's Santa Barbara Bound Baby Bump
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Simpson's Santa Barbara Bound Baby Bump
Grabbing up a few treats before hitting the road, a heavily pregnant Jessica Simpson was spotted making a gas station stop in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday afternoon (January 28).

Clad in an olive colored dress with black strips and a grey coat, the 31-year-old lovingly held hands with fiance Eric Johnson as the two swung by the local convenience mart before hitting the road and heading off to Santa Barbara.

Previously commenting about her interesting pregnancy cravings during a chat with the Daily Mail, Miss Simpson dished, ?I had a buttered Pop Tart this morning. I?m eating a lot of stuff that I ate in my childhood.?

Of her choices in cuisine, Jess added, ?Kraft Mac n? Cheese, Pop Tarts, Cap?n Crunch. Everything?s filled with sugar."

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30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson preggo cravings include buttered Pop Tarts, everything with sugar
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Simpson preggo cravings include buttered Pop Tarts, everything with sugar
These are some new photos of Jessica Simpson out with Eric Johnson last night. They were in LA to celebrate Papa Joe?s birthday. I still think Jessica is a really cute pregnant girl, and I like her maternity styles thus far – she looks really comfortable for the most part, and even though these are still photos, I can feel her waddle. Can?t you?

As for how Jessica is carrying and how she?s due in the Spring (!!) and how big she already is? you know this isn?t a pillow pregnancy, right? This girl is EATING. Jessica recently discussed her pregnancy cravings:

Jessica Simpson’s tastes are quite different now that she’s eating for two.

“I had a buttered Pop Tart this morning,” the pregnant 31-year-old tells Extra. “I’m eating a lot of stuff that I ate in my childhood. Kraft Mac n’ Cheese, Pop Tarts, Cap’n Crunch. Everything’s filled with sugar.”

The Fashion Star mentor adds that she isn’t afraid to “give in to my cravings. “I’m like, ‘Yeah, I can do it. We’ll worry about the rest afterwards.’”

Luckily, Simpson hasn’t experienced any morning sickness. “Everybody comes up to me and asks me, ‘How’s the nausea?’ and I’m like, ‘I don’t have any!’” the singer says, though she’s “definitely eating a lot of Tums — I have the reflux and acid going on.”

Due later this year, Simpson says she and fiance Eric Johnson, 32, still don’t know the sex of their baby. “I feel like it’s already going to be a shock. Like, ‘Whoa! I just pushed that out!’ You know?”

The couple has some names that they’re “throwing around” but Simpson says they’re keeping them “on the down low” for now.

[From Us Weekly]

LOL at ?Whoa! I just pushed that out!? Jessica is so funny. Even when she?s not trying to be. As for Jessica?s sugar-filled pregnancy – well, I?m not going to judge her. If her doctors say she?s fine, good for her. As for baby names, I?m guessing Jessica will go more traditional, don?t you? She?ll go biblical for a boy, like Noah or Peter or something. Something flowery for a girl, I think.

Also – Jessica tweeted the photo below with a message about a bachelorette party. THIS is what Jess wears to bachelorette parties.

Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN & Jessica?s Twitter.

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30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson Is A Giant Waste Of Hotness
Added 12 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jessica Simpson Is A Giant Waste Of Hotness
I’m not really liking this pregnant Jessica Simpson anymore, enough is enough, she’s absolutely massive and has to be ready to pop any day now. Squeeze the little ankle biter out and get started with the Weight Watcher’s experiment you’ve signed up to so we can get back to the old Jessica we all used

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson quits her Lamaze classes and schedules a c-section
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Simpson quits her Lamaze classes and schedules a c-section
This story is in In Touch, so who knows if it’s true, but I wouldn’t be surprised. They’re claiming that Jessica Simpson was enrolled in Lamaze classes to prepare for the birth of her baby in April (I still can’t believe she’s only six months along) but that she dropped out and scheduled a c-section. Jessica’s sister Ashlee was in labor for 3 days, which In Touch claims heavily influenced Jessica’s decision to say “screw it” and not bother trying for a natural birth.

Jessica Simpson has dropped out of… Lamaze… She was taking the classes with her fiance, Eric Johnson, but after a few lessons, she decided to skip natural childbirth and schedule a C-section instead. Jessica’s younger sister, Ashlee, was in labor for nearly three days, and going through the Lamaze classes reminded Jessica, 31, of what Ashlee endured. “Jessica can’t wait to become a mother, but she quickly decided that giving birth the old-fashioned way just wasn’t for her. So she is planning a C-section in late April,” a friend says. “She’s already booked a $2,800 suite at Cedars-Sinai hospital in LA.”

[From In Touch, print edition, January 23, 2012]

I’ve mentioned before that I had my son in a birth center without medication, but I did it due to a fear of doctors and hospitals, not for any noble reason. My husband and I took Bradley Method classes, and I dropped out about 1/2 way through as the classes were boring and I totally thought I had it down. I was so wrong. Labor was calm and fine for me, but when I got to the pushing part I was unprepared for what a total bitch it was. I never should have ditched those classes. Maybe Jess saw some birthing videos or read some materials in class that made her realize it wasn’t for her. To each their own when it comes to such a personal matter and I don’t blame her. She didn’t go into it thinking she was too posh to push, she just realized it before it was down to the wire.

Also, people may think that a $2,800 suite is excessive, and it very well may be. The birthing center I went to cost $5,000, but that included everything and my insurance covered it. That’s just for the birth and 12 hours of convalescing. They don’t even have a doctor there, it’s all midwives. After 12 hours they kick you out, but a midwife came to visit me at home the next day to make sure that the baby and I were fine. If you have an emergency during delivery they just transfer you to the hospital next door. It’s expensive to have a baby.

Jessica is shown on 1-6-12 and 12-3-11, credit: and KM/FameFlynet Pictures

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson Is A Huge Star
Added 12 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jessica Simpson Is A Huge Star
I know that Jessica Simpson is pregnant and all and, but I realy wasn’t expecting her to get THIS massive. She’s huge!!!! Here she is showing off that gigantic baby bump on the red carpet for something in a dress that really wasn’t designed for this kind of thing. I’m not sure this can really

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30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Everything about Jessica Simpson looks pregnant, and she's not due until Spring
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Everything about Jessica Simpson looks pregnant, and she's not due until Spring
These are some new photos of Jessica Simpson at the NBC Winter Press Tour in Pasadena on Friday. OMG. I mean, she?s so beautiful, and she?s so, so pregnant, but it?s just amazing to me that Jessica is, like, barely six months along. I don?t even think she?s hit the six-month mark yet! She keeps saying that she?s due ?in the Spring?. And this is how huge she is in her SECOND trimester. I understand that every woman carries differently, but I?d just like to point out, yet again, how weird Beyonce?s pillowy pregnancy was compared to Jessica?s obvious pregnancy. Everything about Jessica looks preggo, her face, her arms, her boobs, her bump, EVERYTHING. Even her hair looks pregnant. She?s a super-cute pregnant girl, isn?t she? I like that there are still some celebrities who carry heavily.

Jessica was promoting her new NBC show, Fashion Star, which is kind of a Project Runway knock-off. Jessica plays – no joke – the Tim Gunn-esque ?mentor? figure to the contestants. Like, she comes in to the workroom and tells them what to change, etc. E! News had an interview with Jessica about the project:

Cute. I mean, good God, her boobs are HUGE. They look gigantic in that video. I?m also including a photo of Jessica with her creepy father, who has gotten himself a super-creepy haircut that makes him look? ridiculous.

I?m also including photos of Nicole Richie at this event – I absolutely loathe her hair here. It does nothing for her, and it looks super-damaged and busted. I like her outfit, though. Anyway, Nicole is one of the judges on Fashion Star (like, she?s the Nina Garcia), and despite rumors to the contrary, she and Jessica do get along. Allegedly. We?ll see.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson Reveals Pregnancy Food Favorites
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Simpson Reveals Pregnancy Food Favorites
It?s no secret that ladies get a little food crazy when they?re with child, and Jessica Simpson isn?t immune to this phenomenon.

The ?Come On Over? songstress took to her Twitter page to share her favorite pregnancy foods, and they?re pretty typical.

Jessica shared, "Kraft mac and cheese with Lawry's seasoning salt is the breakfast for pregnant champions!!!"

She also told Rachel Ray, "This week it's peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, toasted. And then, I'll put some salt on my hand like I'm taking a tequila shot and then take a bite of the sandwich."

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30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson in Pregnancy Catsuit
Added 12 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Jessica Simpson in Pregnancy Catsuit
They say black is slimming. You know what else is black but isn’t slimming? If you were going to say, “Jessica Simpson in a pregnancy catsuit’, well yes, that’s true, but it wasn’t what I had in mind. I was thinking more along the lines of black hole. You know, a sucking vortex that squashes all matter with the crushing weight of its gravitational pull? So yeah, Jessica Simpson. Carry on.

Photo source: Fame Pictures

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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