| | |  | George Clooney News & Gossip
| George Clooney 'jokes' about marrying a dude | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 George Clooney is in Venice, promoting the premiere of Men Who Stare At Goats, also starring the gorgeous man-candy that is Ewan Mcgregor. The two did a photo call earlier today, and they both looked lovely. Ewan was wearing Chuck Taylors. Clooney was wearing Armani. Classic. After the photo call came the first press conference, and Clooney got some questions about his love life. He made a ?joke? about how he?s preparing to get married? to Goats director Grant Heslov. You?re not helping, Clooney.
Sorry, ladies, George Clooney says he’s getting hitched, and it isn’t to you.
At a press conference for the Venice premiere of his latest movie, Men Who Stare at Goats, Hollywood’s perpetual bachelor, 48, says that special person is … Goats director Grant Heslov.
“Grant and I are actually announcing our wedding while we are here,” Clooney joked Tuesday. “I don’t quite know how to answer that question, but I can read your mind again and I know what you’re thinking.”
Goats, which also stars Ewan Mcgregor, is a comedy about the CIA’s program for researching psychic powers. Clooney has been publicly seen on the arm of Italian TV presenter Elisabetta Canalis, and arrived with her at the Venice Film Festival Monday.
But that knowledge didn’t stop a male reporter from stripping down to his boxer shorts and a necktie and blurting out to the star: “I’m gay, George. I want you, George! Come with me, George!”
Sometimes people take “a big chance,” Clooney responded, smiling. “Only it doesn’t really work.”
[From People]
I know a lot of people think George Clooney is totally gay. I get it, and I understand the case being made. Here?s the thing - I don?t agree. I?m pretty sure George is just a guy who likes his women dumb, young, lacking in ambition, beautiful, built and kinky. I don?t think George will ever look at a woman and see a partner, an equal, a friend. He will only see a broad who is or is not kinky, who is or is not worth his seduction time and effort. All that being said, George should ease up on the gay wedding jokes, because there are a lot of people who don?t think they?re jokes. Besides that, what is so inherently funny about gay people getting married? It doesn?t even work on the ?joke? level.
Here?s Ewan Mcgregor and George Clooney leaving the Palazzo Del Casino In Venice today. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .
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| George Clooney and Ewan McGregor: Venice Tandem | Added 15 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Continuing with his time at the 66th International Venice Film Festival, George Clooney was spotted at a photo call for his new film “The Men Who Stare at Goats.”
Joined by Ewan Mcgregor, the “Burn After Reading” stud looked slick in a dark suit teamed with a light blue button-up shirt and black leather shoes.
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| George Clooney broke his hand, probably doing some crazy sex thing | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It could be a sex thing, for all we know. It seems George Clooney broke his hand a few weeks ago, and rumors have been swirling that it was all part of some kind of motorcycle accident in Switzerland, which is a really random story to float. Clooney?s spokesperson confirmed the broken hand to People Magazine, but the spokesperson corrects the record on how exactly the hand got damaged. The official reason is ?he shut the car door on his hand.? Mm-hm. My honest-to-God first thought when I saw the words ?George Clooney broken hand? were ?sex thing? Italian hookers? he likes it rough.? I thought these dirty, dirty thoughts because I?m a pervert. But so is Clooney. That?s why I?m not buying the ?car door? explanation. You know there was some filthy, pornographic, nasty, crazy orgy stuff going on in that house:
Good thing he wears a helmet! Now George Clooney just needs some sporty gloves to match as the handsome actor has broken his hand in a car accident of sorts, his rep confirms to PEOPLE.
According to European media reports, Clooney was riding his Harley Davidson around Lake Lugano, at the border of Italy and Switzerland, with current squeeze Elisabetta Canalis when the accident occurred a couple weeks ago. His rep, however, tells PEOPLE what really happened.
“There was an accident and he did break his hand,” Clooney’s rep Stan Rosenfield said Thursday. “He was not riding a motorcycle, it was not in Switzerland … He was on his property in Italy and he shut the car door on his hand.”
Clooney, 49, was treated at the private Ars Medica clinic in Gravesano, Switzerland, which is about a 40-minute drive from Lake Como, Italy, where Clooney owns a home. “The doctor has given him 30-40 years more to live, and no live animals were harmed during the wrapping of the hand,” Rosenfield quipped.
Nearly two years ago Clooney, 49, and his then-girlfriend Sarah Larson were both treated after the motorcycle they were riding collided with a car in New Jersey. At the time, the actor suffered a hairline fracture of a rib and road rash, while Larson suffered a broken foot.
[From People]
I applaud People?s recall of the incident with Sarah Larson. There?s something about those working girls that makes Clooney clumsy, isn?t there? New theory: Viagra is rotting his brain. It could happen. He?s popping the little blue pills to keep up with the young girl-women he prefers, and suddenly the blood flow isn?t going to his brain anymore. He becomes clumsier, more accident prone. It?s not the worst theory, you know?
Here?s George heading out on a motorboat on the lake for a photo shoot on August 14th. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.
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 George Clooney may have broken his hand, but his rep says it was not from his motorcycle!
Reports claimed that the actor was cruising on his Harley Davidson around Lake Lugano alongside Elisabetta Canalis when an accident happened. But Clooney’s rep is filling everyone in with the truth.
“There was an accident and he did break his hand,” Clooney’s rep Stan Rosenfield said Thursday. “He was not riding a motorcycle, it was not in Switzerland ... He was on his property in Italy and he shut the car door on his hand.”
The 49-year-old was treated at the private Ars Medica clinic in Switzerland. “The doctor has given him 30-40 more years to live, and no live animals were harmed during the wrapping of the hand,” his rep joked.
Almost two years ago, Clooney and then-girlfriend Sarah Larson were treated after a motorcycle accident where they collided with a car in New Jersey and suffered a hairline fracture of a rib and Larson broke her foot.
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| George Clooney sues paparazzi for pics of 13 yo girl topless inside his home | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 George Clooney hates the paparazzi for good reason. He was one of the first people to speak out against photographers and tabloids for their role in the accident that caused Princess Diana’s death in 1997. Clooney was boycotted for a while by some tabloids for that. He hasn’t harped on the paparazzi since, but he did explain in late 2007 that the paparazzi were committing illegal, dangerous acts in an attempt to provoke celebrities. He clearly stated that they he didn’t mind them taking photos, but that it went way beyond that and their actions were putting people’s lives in danger. “What they?re doing is illegal. It?s high-speed chases and they?re competing with each other. They?re not trying to catch me doing something stupid, they?re trying to create me doing something stupid.”
Clooney lives next to Britney Spears’ previous residence when he’s stateside, (where she had her breakdown in January, 2008) and he’s explained that he finds the paparazzi out of hand. They regularly camp out near his Lake Como, Italy estate, and he’s pulled some minor stunts to deter them - like reportedly installing an egg throwing machine and renting tables to fuel the rumor that Brad and Angelina were getting married.
Now the paparazzi have stepped way out of line, though. Someone breached his property in Italy and took pictures of a 13 year-old guest topless as she was changing inside his home. Some magazines reportedly published the pictures, and Clooney is understandably taking legal action:
George Clooney is gearing up for a legal war in Italy — claiming invasive paparazzi climbed over the wall of his Italian home and shot a topless photo of a 13-year-old girl changing in one of his guest rooms.
The photographer also took shots of Clooney and his girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis enjoying private moments in the yard of his estate.
The photos were published in two magazines — and in a statement to TMZ, Clooney says he’s gunning to sue both the mags and the photog who took the pictures.
“We’re suing two magazines AND a photographer. I don’t know about the law in the United States but in Italy it’s illegal for photographers to climb over my wall and to take long lens pictures of a 13-year-old girl in her bedroom.
I draw the line of privacy at that.”
–George Clooney
[From TMZ]
That’s really disgusting that someone would think that’s ok. I haven’t seen these photos, but they’re probably far away and blurry. Maybe the photographers mistakenly believed they were pictures of Clooney’s girlfriend, not an underage guest. Matt Damon an Don Cheadle were at Clooney’s estate with their families last week. Don Cheadle has a daughter who is 13, Ayana, and he also has a 12 year-old, Imani, with his girlfriend of 12 years. Matt’s oldest daughter, stepdaughter Alexia, is 11 as far as I can tell. It’s likely one of Don’s daughters and she’s probably mortified.
Maybe this terrible breach of privacy will help Clooney shake off some of the paparazzi that are constantly stalking him. He does have some high profile celebrity friends visit him and you can understand the paparazzi’s motivation, but pictures shouldn’t be allowed on private property.
George Clooney is shown on 7/10/09 taking a tour of the earthquake hit town, St. Eusanio, in Italy. Credit: Fame Pictures
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| George Clooney's wedding gift to Mark Wahlberg was douchey | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Two weekends ago, Mark Wahlberg finally married Rhea Durham, the mother of his three children. Personally, I think Rhea deserved some kind of award for putting up with his crap for so many years, but she still stuck around until she got the ring, so whatever. The wedding was held at a Catholic church in Beverly Hills, and Rhea wore Marchesa. It was all very lovely. But, according to the National Enquirer, there was something not-so-lovely about one of the wedding gifts the couple received.
The gift came from Mark?s Three Kings costar and friend, George Clooney. Guess what Clooney sent? Scented candles? A serving platter? A toaster? Not so much. According to the Enquirer, it was a package including ?a ball and chain; handcuffs; a straightjacket inscribed with his name; and a photo of Marky Mark peering forlornly through jalihouse bars.? Ah? funny?
To his closest pals, prankster George Clooney will forever be ?George Clown-ey? for wacky stunts like? sending buddy Mark Wahlberg a wedding gift that arrived just before his ?I do? to new bride Rhea Durham - who definitely did NOT echo Almost Hubby?s delighted belly-laugh when he opened the box and found: a ball and chain; handcuffs; a straightjacket inscribed with his name; and a photo of Marky Mark peering forlornly through jalihouse bars.
Clown-ey ships the same hilarious gift to pals preparing to walk The Last Mile? er, I mean walk down the aisle.
[From the National Enquirer, print edition, August 24 2009]
I think what disturbs me most of all is the idea that Clooney sends this ?prank? wedding gift to all of his soon-to-be hitched friends. Where is that line between ?prank? and ?really rude?? You know what this reminds me of? Mad Men. Granted, I have Mad Men on the brain (it premieres THIS SUNDAY!!!), but I think the reference is apt. It?s that sort of retro, outdated, misogynistic ?marriage is bondage for men? idea. Granted, for some men, marriage is bondage. But it?s bondage for a lot of women too! And why shouldn?t Mark marry Rhea, if that?s what she wanted? For goodness sake. Sometimes I just hate Clooney.
Header image: George Clooney is shown on 4/9/08. Mark Wahlberg is shown on 10/13/08. Credit: PRPhotos. Mark Wahlberg wedding photos are from 8/1/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| George Clooney supports imprisoned Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 George Clooney?s saving grace is that he?s not just all about bimbos and getting liquored up. He?s also about politics and international advocacy work, and he actually makes an effort to stay well-informed. George formed Not On Our Watch in 2006 with Brad Pitt, Don Cheadle, Matt Damon and others as a way to funnel money to victims of genocide, as well as political and non-profit groups advocating on the behalf of victims. Clooney?s been to Darfur several times, and he?s raised millions of dollars for the cause. But it seems Clooney?s got his eye on another cause.
The Press Association is reporting that Clooney has joined British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Daniel Craig, David Beckham and Eddie Izzard in sending messages of support to imprisoned Burmese leader and Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi for her 64th birthday. An advocacy website, 64forSuu.org is even going public.
Celebrities including George Clooney and David Beckham have joined Prime Minister Gordon Brown in preparing messages of support for Burma’s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Famous faces were asked to write 64-word messages of support for the political figure, which will be delivered on her 64th birthday on June 19.
She has been held under house arrest for 13 of the past 19 years, and currently stands accused of breaking the terms of her confinement.
The launch of the website 64forSuu.org is timed to coincide with the date her imprisonment should have stopped.
It features a range of messages including one from Gordon Brown which reads: “I add my voice to the growing chorus of those demanding your release. For too long the world has failed to act in the face of this intolerable injustice. That is now changing.?
“The clamour for your release is growing across Europe, Asia, and the entire world. We must do all we can to make this Birthday the last you spend without your freedom.”
Stephen Fry, Eddie Izzard, Kevin Spacey and Sarah Brown will also submit Twitter entries to the site.
Various celebrities including Clooney, Beckham and James Bond actor Daniel Craig have signed a message from campaign group Not on Our Watch.
It says: “Nineteen years ago, the Burmese people chose Aung San Suu Kyi as their next leader. For most of those 19 years she has been kept under house arrest by the military junta that runs the country. We must not stand by as she is silenced again. Now is the time for the international community to speak with one voice: Free Aung San Suu Kyi.”
Supporters of the campaign can upload video, text or pictures, or twitter messages of support on the site.
[From The Press Association]
Suu Kyi is one of the most well-known current advocates of non-violent protest and democratic revolution in the world. Suu Kyi won the 1990 election to be Burma?s Prime Minister, despite being jailed since 1989 by the reigning military junta. Her non-violent stance is taken from both the teaching of Mohandas Gandhi and the tenets of Buddhism. Her political views, and the twenty years she has spent in prison or under house arrest has won her the support of everyone from celebrities to Pope John Paul.
In other Clooney political news, he?s chimed in about the California Supreme Court?s ruling on Proposition 8, where the court upheld the ?will of the people?, yet allowed the thousands of gay marriages (pre-Prop to stand. Clooney told E! News: ?This just should invigorate people to get it back on the ballot in 2010 and 2012 and every two years until all people are allowed a basic civil right.? Sounds like Clooney?s taking the long view - which is probably better. Better a slow burn than a quick flame.
George Clooney is shown filming scenes for his film ‘Up In The Air’ at the Bally’s Casino in Las Vegas on 5/14/09. Credit: Breeden, Thompsett, PacificCoastNews.com
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| George Clooney's 48th b-day includes excessive amount of liquor bimbos | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 One of the best parts about not being in college is that I can totally hold my liquor. Something magical happened when I graduated - I stopped drinking to excess. The last time I got really, really soused was New Year?s Eve, and I had the hellish hangover to prove it. I?d like to believe that excess is part of youth, that as we get older we learn more and more about what our bodies can take. And I hope that when I?m George Clooney?s age, I?m certainly not out there picking people up in bars while getting falling-down drunk.
Perhaps I should give Clooney an easy time. Last week he was out and about, getting hammered in Miami. According to Radar Online, Clooney ?took a little me-time Thursday, downing tequila shooters at a Miami’s Quattro restaurant with a pair of young, comely beauties. The Oscar winner left in a car with at least one of them. Perhaps to discuss foreign policy with her?? To be fair, he might have been celebrating his birthday with tequila shots and voluptuous bimbos (since he does have a type, after all). And what, perchance, is The Most Eligible Bachelor?s age? Forty-eight. Forty-eight years old and he can?t hold his liquor, according to the National Enquirer. Tsk, tsk.
George Clooney parties hearty — AND the inevitable aftermath!
Although George turned 48 last week the A-lister can still down booze like nobody’s business.
After spending the hot Miami day filming new flick Up in the Air, George was spotted heading for the Blade nightclub at the fabled Fountainebleau hotel through a series of underground conduits.
“He was drinking vodka and Patron, but it looked like he’d had enough,” a source said.
Later, eyewitnesses said they saw a stumbly, had too-much “George throw up in the VIP area” at LIV nightclub.
LIV and let puke?
[From The National Enquirer]
Doesn?t it seem like Clooney is becoming that guy? That middle-aged guy that sits at the bar during Happy Hour, trying to buy drinks for the college girls? That guy who stares just a little bit too long? That creepy ?uncle? that talks about how you?ve ?blossomed?? Not that I wouldn?t hit it. I mean, he is George Clooney after all. Creepy or not, he?s still the 21st century Cary Grant. Did Cary Grant ever have a creepy moment?
Here?s George filming scenes of his upcoming movie “Up in the Air” in Miami on Monday. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.
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| George Clooney visits the Jolie-Pitts; 'Brad Pitt is a Basterd' posters | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Brad and George at the Venice Film Festival last year on 8/27/08. Credit: PRPhotos
The Cannes Film Festival opened up Wednesday evening, and now many people are counting down the hours until a couple of things happen: first, that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie walk the Cannes red carpet so we can analyze every detail of their body language to see if they are in fact broken up because Brad?s drinking and calling up Jennifer Aniston, who is fighting with Courteney Cox, and secondly, that we get to hear about Quentin Tarantino?s Inglourious Basterds. To promote the film during the festival, promoters have papered Cannes with posters of Brad Pitt, dressed in his World War II soldier?s costume, with the words ?Brad Pitt is a Basterd? plastered above the image. Classic:
Brad Pitt is a Basterd. That may or may not be the case, I’m only quoting one of the banner drop-down posters draped over the Carlton Hotel in Cannes.
The Brad Pitt is a Basterd is part of the lavish promotion for Quentin Tarantino’s much anticipated Inglourious Basterds.
His leading lady Diane Kruger is also, rather impolitely in my view, hailed as a basterd.
The thing about Cannes is that these billboards are designed to grab our attention. In previous years I’ve found some of the clever marketing for movies more fun than the pictures being advertised, which is a little sad.
But we will know by the middle of next week whether Tarantino’s Basterds are worth screaming about. I hope so.
[From The Daily Mail]
I really can?t wait to see Inglourious Basterds, more for Tarantino than Brad, because I like both. Alas, the film doesn?t come out in America until August.
In other Jolie-Pitt news, I?ve got one more story: I think People Magazine totally copied an article verbatim from OK! Magazine. Last month, we reported on this funny little story from OK! about how all of the mothers in Long Island were dressing up for Brad Pitt sightings. It was funny and cute, and many people enjoyed it. Wednesday afternoon of this week, People put up an article almost exactly like the OK! piece from last month. It?s the weirdest thing, check out the links to compare. The only new information in the People article is that George Clooney came for a visit and freaked everyone out. People claims, ?Brad recently had lunch with pal George Clooney at the Breakers restaurant in Bayville, N.Y. [A local source says:] ?I heard a woman screaming at Stop & Shop because the clerk was telling her George Clooney was at the Breakers… It startled me because she shrieked so loud. Then, a few women said they were going to go down there and see if they could run into Clooney.?? So, basically, Brad Pitt sightings get women dressing up in pearls and heels, while a George Clooney makes grown women start shrieking like it’s 1964 and they just saw Ringo Starr. Clooney and Pitt have very interesting fan bases.
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| George Clooney visits the Jolie-Pitts 'Brad Pitt is a Basterd' posters abound | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Brad and George at the Venice Film Festival last year on 8/27/08. Credit: PRPhotos
The Cannes Film Festival opened up Wednesday evening, and now many people are counting down the hours until a couple of things happen: first, that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie walk the Cannes red carpet so we can analyze every detail of their body language to see if they are in fact broken up because Brad?s drinking and calling up Jennifer Aniston, who is fighting with Courteney Cox, and secondly, that we get to hear about Quentin Tarantino?s Inglourious Basterds. To promote the film during the festival, promoters have papered Cannes with posters of Brad Pitt, dressed in his World War II soldier?s costume, with the words ?Brad Pitt is a Basterd? plastered above the image. Classic:
Brad Pitt is a Basterd. That may or may not be the case, I’m only quoting one of the banner drop-down posters draped over the Carlton Hotel in Cannes.
The Brad Pitt is a Basterd is part of the lavish promotion for Quentin Tarantino’s much anticipated Inglourious Basterds.
His leading lady Diane Kruger is also, rather impolitely in my view, hailed as a basterd.
The thing about Cannes is that these billboards are designed to grab our attention. In previous years I’ve found some of the clever marketing for movies more fun than the pictures being advertised, which is a little sad.
But we will know by the middle of next week whether Tarantino’s Basterds are worth screaming about. I hope so.
[From The Daily Mail]
I really can?t wait to see Inglourious Basterds, more for Tarantino than Brad, because I like both. Alas, the film doesn?t come out in America until August.
In other Jolie-Pitt news, I?ve got one more story: I think People Magazine totally copied an article verbatim from OK! Magazine. Last month, we reported on this funny little story from OK! about how all of the mothers in Long Island were dressing up for Brad Pitt sightings. It was funny and cute, and many people enjoyed it. Wednesday afternoon of this week, People put up an article almost exactly like the OK! piece from last month. It?s the weirdest thing, check out the links to compare. The only new information in the People article is that George Clooney came for a visit and freaked everyone out. People claims, ?Brad recently had lunch with pal George Clooney at the Breakers restaurant in Bayville, N.Y. [A local source says:] ?I heard a woman screaming at Stop & Shop because the clerk was telling her George Clooney was at the Breakers… It startled me because she shrieked so loud. Then, a few women said they were going to go down there and see if they could run into Clooney.?? So, basically, Brad Pitt sightings get women dressing up in pearls and heels, while a George Clooney makes grown women start shrieking like it’s 1964 and they just saw Ringo Starr. Clooney and Pitt have very interesting fan bases.
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