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Emma Watson Does Vogue
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Emma Watson Does Vogue
Emma Watson is in the July issue of Vogue hitting newsstands June 21st with photos shot by Mario Testino. At only 21, she’s already a multi-millionaire, cute and smart. She’s pretty much living proof that life isn’t fair. The full interview is at the Vogue website but one interesting thing to note that while she dropped out of Brown, she’s planning on going to college again. This time to a university closer to home.

In hopes of restoring some sanity to her schedule, she will go back to school in the fall somewhere closer to home. With that decision out of the way, Emma is currently figuring out what to do with her newfound freedom. Single since she broke up with Craig last summer, she smiles wistfully when asked whether she might have time for a relationship again. One of her favorite courses at Brown was on the psychology of love. Far from being put off the idea, she remains an incurable romantic: ?I?m a feminist, but I think that romance has been taken away a bit for my generation. I think what people connect with in novels is this idea of an overpowering, encompassing love?and it being more important and special than anything and everything else.? When Emma does eventually meet the right man, she hopes they will be able to keep the relationship out of the spotlight. ?I would love to not date someone in the same industry as me. Otherwise it becomes what it means to everyone else.?

Does a pasty blogger living in their parents’ basement count as someone not in the industry? If so, sign me up. Just don’t ask me to go outside. I get sunburned from just turning on the lights.

18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson covers Vogue July 2011: vampy-sexy or too over the top?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Watson covers Vogue July 2011: vampy-sexy or too over the top?
Here are some advanced scans from Emma Watson?s July 2011 Vogue cover and pictorial, photographed by Mario Testino. I have to admit? I don?t hate it. Vogue and Anna Wintour have been mixing it up lately, and while seeing Emma on the cover of a magazine is nothing new, this isn?t the standard Emma photo shoot. Plus, I think this is the first time she?s been on the cover of American Vogue. She got her strong, dark eyebrows under control, and they tamed her hair into an interesting style. But the biggest styling change is the lip color. Who knew Emma would like a completely new girl with this strong, beyond-blood-red/burgundy hue? It?s very? interesting. It?s not very ?July? but from what I can see, Emma is styled in advanced Fall collections anyway. It?s totally a great photo shoot, no question, but it would have been ever better in September or October. In the cover shot, she?s wearing Prada, by the way.

Meanwhile, there are some reports out of the UK claiming that Emma has decided to go back to college/university, although not in America. The Mirror (which is as reliable as The Mail, which is to say there?s a 50/50 chance they got a decent scoop) claims that Emma is enrolling or has enrolled at Oxford University?s Worcester College for the coming school year, where it is believed that she will continue to study English. The Mirror doesn?t have any confirmations or quotes from even unnamed sources (Emma?s spokesperson said ?No decisions have been made yet.?), and I tend to think the report is based on the idea that Oxford?s Worcester College might be affiliated with (or one of the sister colleges of) Brown University, where Emma dropped out a few months ago. I also think The Mirror has the times wrong - didn?t Emma hint at the idea that she was taking a longer ?break? from university? If she goes back to school, I don?t think it will happen until next year. I hope she does go back, to Oxford or Brown or wherever she wants, just because I think it will help her figure out who she really is and what she really wants to do, away from the glare.

UPDATE: Emma’s interview is here at

Vogue/Testino photos courtesy of Styleite.

18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson: 'I?m shy, I?m sensitive and I?m self-critical'
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Watson: 'I?m shy, I?m sensitive and I?m self-critical'
CB was going to cover this a few days ago, but she didn?t get to it. Sorry you have to read about Emma Watson from me! For a change, because I get the feeling that some of you Emma-loonies are two seconds away from tracking me down and forcing me to watch all of the Harry Potter films, Clockwork Orange-style, I?m going to TRY to be nicer to Emma. You know what?s weird? I?m honestly not trying to piss you off, and I honestly don?t DISLIKE Emma. I?m just a little disappointed in her and I think her fans build her up to something she?s not, likely based out of affection for a beloved character rather than the reality of who Emma is. I keep hearing ?she?s a normal girl, doing what every 21 year old would do? - to which I?d like to make three points: one, isn?t that the excuse Linnocent has always made? Two, isn?t Emma?s whole deal that she?s better than normal? That she?s smarter, more competent, more of a good girl, and simply greater than ?normal?? Three, if she?s aiming for normal, why did she ditch school to party and model? Emma tries to answer that last one, but I still don?t really ?get? her answer.

Anyway, please-don?t-come-to-my-house, Emma was profiled in last weekend?s Sunday Times. I covered some early excerpts from the piece earlier this week - go here for a recap. The full piece was transcribed by Emma?s fansite, and you can read the whole thing here. I?m just going to do highlights:

Why she left Brown University: ?I was in denial,? she says. ?I wanted to pretend I wasn?t as famous as I was. I was trying to seek out normality, but I kind of have to accept who I am, the position I?m in and what happened.? You mean Potter? ?Yeah,? she replies, ?but I feel more comfortable with the fame now. It used to make me really uncomfortable. It?s interesting. My dad?s always giving me a hard time about my posture. The way I used to stand, it was almost as if I was apologising to everyone. I wanted to hide myself, but now ? it?s difficult, I still feel shy, but I feel more like I can accept it? Sometimes I think I am the worst person to be in the position I?m in. I?m shy, I?m sensitive and I?m self-critical. It?s a terrible combination.? She pauses for emphasis. ?But those qualities also make me want to be better.?

On receiving criticism upon leaving Brown: [Emma] is the definition of propriety, so when offers flooded in while she was at uni, she realised it would be a mistake not to maximise on her moment. Hence the decision to take time out. She says she?ll be back to her studies in the autumn, although she won?t confirm where. It hasn?t been a universally admired move. She says someone had a go at her the other day for accepting the advertising gig if her aim was nobly to sidestep public life. But she has made her peace with it. ?I said, ?Do you honestly think that me doing a Lancme campaign is going to make me any less or more famous than doing Harry Potter?? I have to accept Harry Potter is the biggest film franchise of all time. I have to just roll with it.?

On child stars: I tell her child stars always seem both overly mature and emotionally stunted. ?That?s such an interesting observation,? she nods. ?I absolutely agree with you. I?m this very weird mix. In some senses, I feel as if I?m 100 years old. In others, I still feel incredibly young, very naive, and as if I haven?t seen much of the world at all. I?ve been incredibly protected, but in other ways I?ve had to be in situations that nobody my age would, to deal with pressure that nobody my age should usually deal with,? she says. Did you grow up fast because of work? ?I was lucky ? I matured very early because of my parents? divorce,? she says. ?I had to grow up more quickly than I would have done. I?m the eldest of seven [five half-siblings and a brother, Alex, who is three years younger], and I felt that really brought me up.?

Emma sets the record straight about the claims she was ?bullied? at Brown: ?It made me so sad when all this stuff came out that I left Brown because I was being bullied. It made no sense at all. Brown has been the opposite. I?ve never even been asked for an autograph on campus. I threw a party for nearly 100 students and not a single person put a photo on Facebook.? She rolls her eyes. ?Anyway, even if I was being given a hard time, I wasn?t going to wuss out of university because someone said ?Wingardium leviosa? to me in a corridor, or ?Ten points for Gryffindor?. I?ve been dealing with the media since I was nine. If I can?t stand up to a few people giving me a hard time, it?s a bit pathetic, really. I?ve had so much worse.?

More on the Fame Wall (it should be a Lady Gaga album): ?No,? she says, giggling. ?I say to my friends, ?Why hasn?t X called me? Why doesn?t anyone ever pursue me?? They?re like, ?Probably because they?re intimidated.? It must be the fame wall,? she muses. ?It must be the circus that goes around me. Me, as a person, I find it hard to believe I would be intimidating.? What would a man have to do to woo you? ?Oh, gosh! Be brave,? she cries. Have you ever had a ridiculous chat-up line? ?So, so many. I constantly get stuff like, do I have a magic wand I can sort things out with? Or guys come up to me and go, ?Where?s Harry? Where?s Ron?? Sometimes, maybe because they feel intimidated, they feel they have to knock me down. They know perfectly well who I am, but they?ll ask me, ?How are the Narnia films going??? Pause. ?I?m single at the minute.?

The end of Potter: ?It feels so scary stepping out of Potter, it really does,? she says, with the last film out in July. ?But people have been so kind. Lancme saying I?m the icon of a generation, Glamour saying I?m the best dressed? I just hope I can be everything that everyone wants me to be, I guess. But I?m really not pretending to be anything other than someone who got very, very lucky.?

[From The Sunday Times UK, via Emma?s fansite]

I?ll just note what I liked/appreciated: I liked the part about the stupid pickup lines dudes use with her. I mean, that?s kind of sad and my heart broke for her a little bit. I also liked that she totally rejected the stories about being bullied at Brown. Well done on that count. I also feel like? I understand how Emma is in a really weird head space right now. She?s stuck in her own head, speaking her own kind of hyper-self-aware gibberish about fame and shyness and maturity. I do think she?s trying to find her way in the world, and she?s experimenting with career options and education and ?the fame wall? and all of that. I don?t begrudge her that journey, nor do I admire the fact that she has to do it all in the public sphere. I really hope she keeps her head on straight.

(Shout-out to EbonyShiksa, who requested this story on Twitter! Ebony thinks Emma has realized that going to school ?isn?t as much fan as being a movie star and Emma is worried that things will ?pass her by? if she sticks with college.)

By the way, here?s the first promotional image of Emma in character for The Perks of Being a Wallflower:

Photos courtesy of Fame & Pacific Coast News.

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Don't Be Scared to Ask Out Emma Watson, Homie
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Don't Be Scared to Ask Out Emma Watson, Homie
Emma Watson, 21, is single and may remain that way because men are too “intimidated” to ask her out. And when guys do talk to her, they feel the need to cut her down because they think she won’t respect them if they grovel.

And she gave them some simple advice: ?Be brave.? The elfin-faced Briton, who is busily promoting Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part II), the final installment in the series, told an interviewer that men rarely pursue her. ?It must be the fame wall. It must be the circus that goes around me. ?Me, as a person, I find it hard to believe I would be intimidating.?

She also revealed how some men feel the need to be rude or dismissive simply because she is famous and successful. ?Sometimes, perhaps because they are intimidated, they feel they have to knock me down,? she told the Sunday Times Style magazine. ?They know perfectly well who I am, but say, ?How are the Narnia films going??.?

This all because she’s famous, has $33 million in the bank and is hot (at least with long hair). I don’t see how any of that is intimidating. In fact, I’d be standing outside her house right now with a bouquet of flowers if it wasn’t for this restraining order.

18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson complains about 'the circus' around her, because she's so famous
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Watson complains about 'the circus' around her, because she's so famous
I don?t know how else to say this: I fear that fans of Emma Watson are going to be massively disappointed in her in the coming years. In the past year, Emma?s just seemed? ?off?. And I don?t mean crazy - I mean that her party-girl ?I?ll go to the opening of an envelope? actions don?t correspond with the her wholesome, studious, intelligent image. There?s a disconnect between how people think of her (?the cute girl from Harry Potter!?) and what and who she?s actually becoming (college dropout, budget-looking model and frequent party-girl sidekick of Harvey Weinstein). I think the chick has a streak of Lohan, I swear to God. Of course Emma can turn it around. Of course she can prove me wrong. But so far? yeah. I?m worried about her fans.

Anyway, in addition to wearing this fugly Marchesa, Emma also had a costume change for last night?s post-MTV Movie Awards parties, which was another Marchesa, this one not so bad. She also posed for photos with various celebrities and you can see those photos here. This is her life now. She just hangs around, changing into barely-there dresses and then she goes to parties. A lot of celebrities do that too, but those celebrities don?t have the image of a ?nice college girl growing into a classy young lady.? Once again, I?m just sayin?. I?m sure all of this is ?required? to promote the upcoming Harry Potter film. I?m sure! Because Daniel Radcliffe and Ginger WhatsIt were nowhere to be found.

Emma has also started giving interviews in support of the next Harry Potter film. The Mail has some excerpts from an interview she gave over the weekend where Emma claimed that she?s simply too famous and intimidating for most guys to date:

Emma Watson has revealed men are intimidated by her because they don’t feel they can get past the ‘fame wall’. The 21-year-old actress admits she gets frustrated that being a Hollywood star often stops her from finding a man.

She said: ‘I ask my friends, ”Why hasn’t X called me? Why doesn’t anyone ever pursue me?” My friends tell me, ”Probably because they’re intimidated”. It must be the fame wall. It must be the circus that goes around me.’

Harry Potter star Emma has previously dated men including financier Jay Barrymore and male model George Craig but is currently single. And the actress admits it’s not only her fame that puts men off as she has a very complex personality.

She told the Sunday Times’ Style magazine: ‘I’m this very weird mix. In some senses, I feel as if I’m 100 years old. In others, I still feel incredibly young, very naive and as if I haven’t seen much of the world at all. Sometimes I think I’m the worst person in the world to be in the situation I’m in. I’m shy, I”m sensitive and I’m self-critical. It’s a terrible combination.’

[From The Mail]

Um? is there a circus around her? There might be a circus atmosphere when she?s actually on a promotional trail for a film, and yeah, sometimes the British tabloids can be a little bit too much, of course. But I thought that was why she decided to come to America to go to college? And she was left alone at Brown for the most part (except for a handful of douchey college boys, which is true of nearly every coed). It just feels like she?s bitching about something that she?s actively seeking out - she?s on the party circuit now, she?s getting modeling contracts and trying to make herself more and more high-profile? and now she?s complaining about how it?s all ?a circus?, etc. Ugh, she just rubs me the wrong way.

Oh, and this is one of the most hideous mullets I?ve seen outside of the South.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson Parties It Up with Cameron Diaz
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Emma Watson Parties It Up with Cameron Diaz
Taking advantage of the evening?s affairs, Emma Watson was seen attending the 2011 MTV Movie Awards After Party in West Hollywood last night (June 5).

The ?Harry Potter? hottie mingled with the likes of Cameron Diaz, Lily Collins, Taylor Lautner and Emma Stone at the Yoostar-sponsored fete at SoHo House.

And though she?s still relatively young in her acting career, Emma told press she feels like an old lady sometimes.

"I'm this very weird mix. In some senses, I feel as if I'm 100 years old. In others, I still feel incredibly young, very naive and as if I haven't seen much of the world at all. I've been incredibly protected, but in other ways I've had to be in situations that nobody my age would."

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Emma Watson in white clingy Marchesa: pretty or forgettable?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Watson in white clingy Marchesa: pretty or forgettable?
Emma Watson walked the red carpet at the MTV movie awards in a white mid-thigh length Marchesa with silver beading along the neckline and beaded fringe cap sleeves. She paired it with silver Brian Atwood heels, simple drop earrings and a silver cluster ring that she showed off while blowing kisses and bending over. I’m not a fan of Marchesa and felt that their Cannes fashion was pretty much a big miss, and this dress isn’t an exception.

The look isn’t particularly stunning but it isn’t an eyesore either. Watson’s hair and makeup are so pretty and the dress highlights how slim she is. Not many people can carry off tight white dresses. It’s just underwhelming in general and I’m not a fan of the gladiator-like sleeves or her silver platform heels, which look cheap.

I was thinking that this dress reminded me of something Anna Paquin wore to an awards ceremony last year, but I looked and Paquin was in a really fug McQueen dress at the 2010 Emmys. The only similarities were the gladiator metallic cap sleeves. Watson’s dress is so much prettier in comparison, but truly that’s not saying much.

Also, doesn’t it look like someone just pinned up her hem and didn’t sew it properly?

*Designer details thanks to Just Jared. Photo credit: Juan Rico/Fame Pictures, and

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson Debuts New "Harry Potter" Clip
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Emma Watson Debuts New
Making her arrival on the 2011 MTV Movie Awards stage, Emma Watson was spotted at the Gibson Amphitheatre earlier this evening (June 5).

The English cutie was all smiles as she presented a new clip from her forthcoming flick ?Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.?

Ms. Watson definitely whetted the appetites of audience members, though they?ll have to wait until July 15 for the full payoff.

Meanwhile, Emma?s film ?Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1? is up for a total of six golden popcorn trophies tonight!

18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson: 2011 MTV Movie Awards Arrival
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Emma Watson: 2011 MTV Movie Awards Arrival
She causes a frenzy wherever she goes, and Emma Watson brought her typical excitement as she turned up for the 2011 MTV Movie Awards in Universal City on Sunday (June 5).

The Hermione Granger hottie looked fabulous as she traversed along the red carpet while gearing up for a big night in whichj she finds herself as both a presenter and nominee.

Sure to be quite the action-packed night, the MTV Movie Awards are being hosted by "Saturday Night Live" star Jason Sudeikis.

The show will feature other performances by Lupe Fiasco and the Foo Fighters, while footage from the forthcoming "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" will be unveiled during the showcase ceremony.

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson gets papped in a workout bra in Pittsburgh - accident or staged?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Watson gets papped in a workout bra in Pittsburgh - accident or staged?
Harry Potter star Emma Watson was photographed on the way to her gym in Pittsburgh, yes Pittsburgh, wearing a half top workout bra and carrying a copy of Chicken Soup for The Soul. She’s in Pittsburgh filming The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Given the tendency for celebrities to carry pretentious books during paparazzi walks, I have to say this is kind of clever of her. It’s like she’s half admitting she staged this and that it’s as cliche and cheesy as the book she’s reading. Those are the kind of books you read when you’re staying at a chintzy bed and breakfast with no Internet and are desperate for something to read. You end up feeling guilty afterwards but they do give you a warm and fuzzy feeling for about ten minutes until the questioning section of your brain switches back on. I guess you could read them while you’re on a treadmill and aren’t fully concentrating on the material, but magazines are much better for that.

I know of only two chicks at my gym who regularly wear these tops without shirts over them, although I go to the YMCA in a small town, not an exclusive gym in the city. (They don’t have a high end gym in my area anyway, which is fine because the Y rocks.) It’s considered a little showy and hardly anyone does it, is what I’m saying.

Watson could be trying to show that she’s in fine shape after some mild murmurs that she’d gained a little weight after dropping out of college or putting it on hold or whatever. She looks great, yet she doesn’t look happy about it, like she knows she’s doing this for her career and hates it. Like those Chicken Soup books the thrill is probably short lived. I would imagine you get a little rush of happiness at the thought of looking great and showing the world that you’re hot, but then reality sets in and you realize that it sucks that you have to do that in the first place. Or maybe she really does read Chicken Soup for the Soul and go to the gym wearing a just a sports bra. And maybe there are paparazzi in Pittsburgh.

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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