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Emma Watson's lace booty shorts & Bieber hair: awful or cute'
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Watson's lace booty shorts & Bieber hair: awful or cute'
Emma Watson was still in Paris yesterday, filming those Lancome advertisements that just couldn?t wait until Spring Break. Previously, we?d seen her in unfortunate shoes, a frilly Pink dress and a leather jacket, topped off with her hair slicked back. Her outfit for this outing is even worse - lace booty shorts, a blazer and a thin tie, with her hair no longer slicked back. And? now we can see that her awkward haircut is the same as Justin Bieber?s awkward haircut. Both hairstyles (the same hairstyle) are pretty bad, and unflattering to their faces.

If possible, these new shots of Emma have made me even more ?meh? towards her appointment at the newest face of Lancome. I guess the famed beauty behemoth is aiming for ?accessibility? at this point, and yes, I?m saying that in a completely bitchy way. That?s what Emma is - accessible. She?s not intimidating. She?s not inspirational or aspirational. She?s an average-looking girl, styled badly and chosen for this gig to bring in very young female consumers who would normally be buying Wet N? Wild. This makes me really sad.

Those lace booty shorts are just awful too.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson Is Your New Lancome Face
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Emma Watson Is Your New Lancome Face
Emma Watson dropped out of Brown last week to focus on promoting the final installment of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and other projects. On her official website, she says it’s only temporary.

Hi everyone

As you know, I love Brown and I love studying pretty much more than anything but recently I’ve had so much to juggle that being a student AND fulfilling my other commitments has become a little impossible.

I’ve decided to take a bit of time off to completely finish my work on Harry Potter (the last one comes out this summer) and to focus on my other professional and acting projects. I will still be working towards my degree… it?s just going to take me a semester or two longer than I thought : )

Hope you are all well! Thank you for all your continuing support.

Emma xx

Anyway, one of the official projects she may have been talking about was becoming the new face of Lancome. In a statement released Monday,

?Lancme is pleased to announce the arrival of Emma Watson as new ambassadress of Lancme. ?Thanks to her charm, romanticism and her incredible modernity, Emma Watson has become the icon of her generation. we are delighted by this new collaboration with Emma who brings a fresh spirit to Lancme?, says Youcef Nabi, President of Lancme International.?

She’s already started filming ads for them (photos below).

If I were her and I landed all these gigs, I wouldn’t go back to school either. School is hard. All that reading and studying and waking up early because you forgot to register for classes on time. Standing in front of a camera while someone tells you exactly what to do is much easier. At least that’s what I tell all the hot coeds at the college where I pretend to be a big time casting agent.

18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson Still Filming for Lancome
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Emma Watson Still Filming for Lancome
Here’s Emma Wattson completing more filming for her Lancome ad. These are a little underwhelming. They dressed her like a dude. In fact, she sort of looks like Justin Bieber with a lot of makeup. Between her short hair and this, my penis and I are not happy. And you wouldn’t like it if my penis and I weren’t happy…

18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson is the New Face of Lancome
Added 13 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Emma Watson is the New Face of Lancome
Following news that she’s taking a break from Brown University to “focus on work”, it was announced that Emma Watson is the new face of Lancome. Says E! Online,

“Thanks to her charm, romanticism and her incredible modernity, Emma Watson has become the icon of her generation. We are delighted by this new collaboration with Emma who brings a fresh spirit to Lancme,” said company president Youcef Nabi in a statement today.

Who needs boring ol’ book-learnin’ when you can hawk over-priced makeup and get paid big bucks to do it? Nothing says “modernity” than tossing aside education in pursuit of more money than you know what to do with. It’s the new American dream.

Filming a new ad in Paris:

Photo source: Fame Pictures

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson's Parisian Lancome Shoot Continues
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Emma Watson's Parisian Lancome Shoot Continues
Hard at work for the second straight day, Emma Watson stepped out to film a new advertising campaign for Lancome in Paris, France on Tuesday (March 15).

The "Harry Potter" actress, who was just unveiled as the new face of the beauty brand, was given the star treatment as she was helped from her trailer by a doting male assistant.

Looking Parisian chic in lace shorts, a white shirt and black tie, Emma's new ad spot for her employer is being shot by the renowned photographer Mario Testino in various locales throughout the French capital city.

Prior to her official appointment to the Lancome gig, Miss Watson teasingly tweeted, "It starts with an L and ends with an E. I?m sure you have guessed the new face of Lancme is me!"

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson in Paris, shooting her Lancome ads: cute or not so much?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Watson in Paris, shooting her Lancome ads: cute or not so much?
That was fast. No sooner did Emma Watson drop out of college ?take a break? from college and announce her new big career move, a modeling gig for Lancome, then she flies to Paris to shoot the new ads. Why the rush? Usually when someone new is announced as the ?face? of a product, it takes a few months for the new ads to be shot. This is one of the fastest turn-arounds I?ve ever witnessed.

Regarding yesterday?s post announcing Emma?s new gig, a lot of you yelled at me for various reasons. While I maintain that Emma is more cute than beautiful (and that she looks much better when her hair is slicked back), and that she?s much, much too young to be representing a beauty brand, I will admit that perhaps I was a bit too harsh about her ?taking a break? from college. Quite honestly, Emma announcement, mid-semester, that she was taking a break really, really bothered me. I took my higher education seriously (sort of), and I?m proud of my bachelor?s degree. I honestly think there should be more young, celebrity women and men who take time out of their careers to prioritize education. Maybe Emma will return to Brown? but I seriously doubt it. I think a year from now, Emma is going to announce that she?s decided not to return, and all of those little girls who grew up with Emma through Harry Potter will get the message loud and clear: education is disposable, clubbing with Harvey Weinstein is more important. Not to mention the obvious choice Emma is making in these photos - night shoot in Paris for a beauty products is much more important to her than mid-terms.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson Gets Leggy For Lancome
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Emma Watson Gets Leggy For Lancome
I’m sure there are some chicks out there who love fashion and all the crap that goes with it and there are also dudes out there who like chicks showing off their legs, so these are for you. Here’s Emma Watson shooting a new commercial for Lancome in Paris the other day. Personally I don’t

18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson's Lancome Paris Photo Shoot
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Emma Watson's Lancome Paris Photo Shoot
Quickly getting to work upon being officially named as the brand's new face, Emma Watson was busy shooting ads for Lancome in Paris, France on Monday evening (March 14).

The "Harry Potter" hottie kept herself hydrated with a bottled water as she interacted with famed photographer Mario Testino during the City of Lights photo session.

Breaking the news of Emma's appointment earlier in the day, Youcef Nabi, Lancome International honcho, told press, ?Thanks to her charm, romanticism and her incredible modernity, Emma Watson has become the icon of her generation.?

He continued, ?We are delighted by this new collaboration with Emma, who brings a fresh spirit to Lancome.?

Meanwhile, Miss Watson had previously hinted that she was working with Lancome via Twitter, as she wrote: "A new venture is starting - what can it be? Follow my clues and you will see... It starts with an L and ends with an E. I?m sure you have guessed the new face of Lancme is me!"

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson dropped out of college to become the newest face of Lancome
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Watson dropped out of college to become the newest face of Lancome
Well, we?re getting a bit of a peak as to how Emma Watson is going to be spending her time now she?s a college dropout. Emma and Lancome just announced that she will be the newest ?face? of the beauty brand. Um? really? Her? As I?ve said before, I think Emma is cute, but not beautiful - which is probably why she was chosen. For her ?accessibility? - you too can look like movie star Emma Watson if only you buy extensive makeup and your hair is going through an awkward stage. And she?s very, very young - 20 years old. I guess it boils down to: why do we need a 20-year-old former child star and college dropout to tell us to wear makeup? Why her? Why now?

Get ready for some beauty magic: Emma Watson is the newest face of Lancme. The Harry Potter star, 20, announced the news via Twitter Monday morning after leading followers through a series of clues over the weekend.

?Thanks to her charm, romanticism and her incredible modernity, Emma Watson has become the icon of her generation,? Lancme president Youcef Nabi said in a statement. ?We are delighted by the new collaboration with Emma, who brings a fresh spirit to Lancme.?

Watson follows in the footsteps of such pretty women as Julia Roberts, Penlope Cruz, Kate Winslet and Anne Hathaway, and is the brand?s youngest ambassador to date. The partnership comes at a good time: Watson recently shared that she?s taking a break from her studies at Brown University to focus on her ?other professional and acting projects. I will still be working towards my degree ? it?s just going to take me a semester or two longer than I thought.?

[From People]

Many of these beauty and fashion companies have been pissing me off to the extreme lately. It?s a combination of who they?re using to front their brands - people like Megan Fox, Rumer Willis, Julia Roberts - and the over-use of airbrushing and Photoshopping which adds another layer of ridiculousness to everything. Have you seen Julia?s Lancome ads? They?re airbrushed her to the point of absurdity. And Megan Fox?s plastic face is just obscene in Armani ads. And Rumer? well, I don?t think people should get such high-profile work out of pity.

I?ve never been one of those people who beats my breast about false advertising and advertising furthering the subjugation of women, but FOR REAL. I think it?s a tacky as hell for a beauty company to pick Emma as their ?face?.

Also - who else thinks this is exactly why Emma dropped out? She?s going to be fronting campaigns and going to parties and events and then? well, I hope she doesn?t Lohan it.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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Emma Watson is taking a break from university
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emma Watson is taking a break from university
Harry Potter star Emma Watson, 20, has announced on her website that she’s putting her studies at Brown University on hold temporarily as she promotes the final installment of the Harry Potter franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, which is out this summer, and works on some addition projects. According to IMDB, she stars in My Week With Marilyn, featuring Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe, which is out sometime this year and is in post-production. She is currently filming Perks of Being a Wallflower, based on a novel by Stephen Chbosky and co-starring Oprah, Logan Lerman and Larry David. Here’s Emma’s statement on taking a break from college:

On Monday, Emma Watson announced she’ll be temporarily leaving the Ivy League school to promote the final installment of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

“As you know, I love Brown and I love studying pretty much more than anything but recently I’ve had so much to juggle that being a student and fulfilling my other commitments has become a little impossible,” she wrote on her official website.

“I’ve decided to take a bit of time off to completely finish my work on Harry Potter (the last one comes out this summer) and to focus on my other professional and acting projects,” Watson, 20, continued. “I will still be working towards my degree…it’s just going to take me a semester or two longer than I thought.”

Before Watson enrolled at Brown University in September 2009, she also considered attending Trinity College, Cambridge, Yale University and Columbia.

[From US Weekly]

This was probably a very tough decision for her and one she thought about for a long time. It’s early in the second semester at Brown, which started on January 26 with the last drop/add day on February 23. She probably began this semester with high expectations and then realized she just didn’t have enough time to devote to her studies. Unlike Hermione, there’s no magic watch she can use to reverse time and gain entire days back. If had one of those things I wouldn’t be using it to study twice that’s for sure. I also might not have even gone to college if I had her millions, so props to her.

In somewhat

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18-May-2021 :Emma Watson: Rumors of my engagement or ?dormant career? are just clickba...
25-Feb-2021 :Emma Watson has retired from acting, she?s gone ?dormant,? according to h...
4-Jun-2020 :Emma Watson writes about racism & white supremacy (after being criticized...
8-May-2020 :Emma Watson: ?Evolutionary theorists believe that patriarchy is not inevi...
20-Dec-2019 :Why has Emma Watson been largely M.I.A. during ?Little Women? promotion?
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy it em...
11-Dec-2019 :Emma Watson?s ?self-partnered? remark was off-the-cuff, she?s happy about...
20-Feb-2018 :Emma Watson donated a million pounds to anti sexual harassment campaign
7-Jan-2018 :Emma Watson debuts her new baby-bangs at the BAFTA pre-Globes tea party
27-Nov-2017 :Emma Watson and her boyfriend split earlier this year and she kept it qui...
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