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Scarlett Johansson News & Gossip
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Scarlett Johansson Drops Some Lazy Hotness
Added 12 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Scarlett Johansson Drops Some Lazy Hotness
I’m not a fan of Scarlett Johansson as an actress, she always seems like a slow witted woman reading lines off a teleprompter, but whenever she does any sort of modeling I’m all over it. Here she is lounging around all sultry like in a new set of ads for Mango clothing. Hot. I just

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson: Not a Sweatpants Kind of Girl
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Scarlett Johansson: Not a Sweatpants Kind of Girl
Looking good certainly comes easy for her, but you won?t catch Scarlett Johansson bare-faced and unkempt all too often.

The ?He?s Just Not That Into You? star told, ?I always like to put a little bit of makeup on. I?m not the kind of person that just slops around in sweatpants. I like to feel a little more together ? you never know who you?re going to see out there!?

When asked about she couldn?t bear to live without, ScarJo replied, ?My absolute must-have is a really rich and vibrant red lipstick.

She added, ?I always keep red lipstick in my bag because I never know when I might show up to an event and be completely underdressed. I feel like red lipstick is the cure-all for everything.?

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15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson is tired of 'ingenue' roles, wants to be taken seriously
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Scarlett Johansson is tired of 'ingenue' roles, wants to be taken seriously
Yes, Scarlett Johansson is still promoting her role as a zookeeper in We Bought a Zoo. I’ve heard so much about that movie that it feels like it should’ve come out ages ago, but no, the release date is still December 23. Anyway, Scarlett sat down with NY Mag to discuss more about the movie, and something amusing actually happened. Scar admitted that she intentionally gave her character a wide-legged stance so that her portrayal would be taken more seriously. Did I just really type that? Like, in order to play this character “full of conviction,” Scar felt it necessary to spread her legs. Those are the makings of a real actress, I guess:

On Her Zoo Character’s Wide-Legged Stance: I wanted that character to be full of conviction – and in order to be full of conviction, you have to be [pause] full of conviction, or it doesn’t work. I think part of that was the physicality of the role. It was this salt of the Earth, feet on the ground, ready to just solve the problem as it comes at you [character]. There’s something a little bit “in your own skin” about it, and I think that’s just the kind of stance she adopts.

On Whether She Prefer’s Animals Or Humans: I take humans most of the time, but I have to say that occasionally sitting on the couch with the dog, you’re just like, “Man, you’re the best company. This is bliss.” Just the dog and a nice old movie and you?re good to go. But yeah, people. I take people.

On Getting Tired Of Seductress Roles: I think that as I get older, I’m now looking at roles that move away from that kind of ingnue mold and are more based on women that are experienced and have had life before the point you find them in. That’s refreshing for me. It’s nice to be able to kind of transition into that. I feel like for me, right now, I don’t wanna take on any roles that aren’t challenging in some way. I never wanna play something I’ve done before. I wanna be able to just have everything be hard in some way. Otherwise, what’s the point?

On Her Upcoming Directing Gig, Summer Crossing: It’s a project I’ve been developing for five or six years. I’m writing it right now with Tristine Skyler, so we’ll see. You have a script and then you take it out and finance it. It’s a big preproduction process, but that’s where my focus is.

[From NY Mag Vulture]

Obviously, Scarlett really wants to be a director, but I honestly don’t see the project that she mentioned happening anytime soon. A few years ago, someone in power had the bright idea to let Scarlett helm a segment of New York, I Love You, but her portion ended up on the editing room floor instead of making it into the final cut, which is a shame because it was the one part of the movie that starred Kevin Bacon.

Just for kicks, here’s a video clip of Scarlett’s segment. A director, she is not.

Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson Needs a Toothbrush, Part 2
Added 12 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Scarlett Johansson Needs a Toothbrush, Part 2
Scarlett Johansson was on “The Late Show with David Letterman” the night before last, and while her teeth looked plenty gross at the premiere of “We Bought a Zoo,” they looked even more disgusting with all the lipstick that was smeared all over them throughout the entire interview. She looks like somebody’s effing grandma. All she’s missing is some creamed corn on her floral print blouse and the faint scent of Bengay and baby powder.

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson Needs a Better Stylist
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Scarlett Johansson Needs a Better Stylist
Last night was the premiere of We Bought a Zooin NYC and among the attendees was Scarlett Johansson who stood in front of a mirror beforehand and asked herself, “How can I look like a complete non-sexualized version of a girl?” Thirty minutes later, ta-da! If you must know, her dress is made by famous designer “What the Hell?” and her hair was styled by “Seriously?” If I was gay, I would have already snapped my fingers and issued a “nuh-uh girlfriend.”

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson's Boobs Are Gone
Added 12 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Scarlett Johansson's Boobs Are Gone
I don’t know what’s happened to Scarlett Johansson, I mean she’s still pretty sexy, but where have her big breasts gone? Here she is at the premiere of We Bought A Zoo, I still can’t believe this is a movie, looking pretty deflated. Remember when she got her big beautiful breasts squeezed by some dude

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15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson in black Dolce & Gabbana at the 'Zoo' premiere: trashy or cute'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Scarlett Johansson in black Dolce & Gabbana at the 'Zoo' premiere: trashy or cute'
These are photos of Scarlett Johansson at last night?s NYC premiere of We Bought A Zoo, the Cameron Crowe film that isn?t getting the best reviews. ScarJo stars with Matt Damon and Elle Fanning, both of whom were at the premiere as well. This post is just about ScarJo, though. Scar wore this Dolce & Gabbana dress which? I don?t get. Just my opinion: I don?t think much of Scarlett?s style, at all. Her style is, at best, hit-or-miss, and at worst, she simply doesn?t know how to dress for her curvy-petite figure. I also think her body and face mystify most stylists too, judging from her often-horrible photo shoots for ad campaigns and magazines.

Scarlett is the ?face? of Dolce & Gabbana too – she could have her pick from all of their dresses, and this is what she chose. A stiff-looking poodle skirt with a sliver of exposed skin at the waist? I just feel like she was phoning it in, but if you go back and look at her style history, you realize that she wasn?t phoning it in, actually. This is one of her better red carpet looks, just because it?s so boring instead of actively BAD.

I do like that she?s finally been able to ditch the too-red hair color, which she had for Black Widow in The Avengers. She looks her best when she?s doing a dirty-blonde, I think, although I?m not crazy about the hairstyle she worked on the carpet. But the absolute worst? THE BLUE EYESHADOW. She looks like she should be working at a Dairy Queen.

Last thing: is this not the best photo of Scarlett ever? I feel like we?re looking into her soul.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson & Matt Damon: "We Bought a Zoo" NYC Premiere
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Scarlett Johansson & Matt Damon:
Capping off a full day of press duties, Scarlett Johansson was the center of attention at the premiere of "We Bought a Zoo" in New York City on Monday night (December 12).

The 27-year-old actress dazzled on the arrivals carpet at the Ziegfield Theater venue while promoting the Cameron Crowe directed film alongside co-stars Matt Damon, Elle Fanning and Thomas Haden Church.

Based on true story, the movie surrounds a single dad who decides his family needs a fresh start, so he and his two children move to the most unlikely of places: a zoo. With the help of a bizarre staff and many misadventures, the family works to rebuild the neglected zoo back to its original wonder.

Talking about the picture, Miss Johansson told this morning during her "Today" show appearance, ?It is a true story based on Benjamin Mee. He wrote a book about his experience and there is also a documentary about his experience. I think the film is really about starting over. I think it's about a sort of human connectivity that allows us to kind of overcome obstacles that seem larger than life at times.?

Also starring Patrcik Fugit and John Michael Higgins, "We Bought a Zoo" is set to hit theaters on December 23rd.

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Scarlett Johansson Talks 2011 Turmoil on the "Today" Show
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Scarlett Johansson Talks 2011 Turmoil on the
Paying a visit to NBC Studios to promote her upcoming family dramedy "We Bought a Zoo," Scarlett Johansson was one of the celebrity guests appearing on the "Today" show on Monday (December 12).

Looking beautiful in blue, the 27-year-old actress sat down for a candid interview with host Matt Lauer while talking about her film, as well as her divorce from Ryan Reynolds and much-talked-about nude photo scandal.

Of making it through the 2011 turmoil, Scarlett said, "I've been really fortunate. I've found that even in times of crisis I've had a lot of love around me and people have come out of all different dark corners to support (me) and that's a really beautiful thing."

With the full interview below, Johansson added, "I think I've also learned to be much more tolerant and much more patient."

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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Scarlett Johansson: 'I?ve never been single for a chunk of time before'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Scarlett Johansson: 'I?ve never been single for a chunk of time before'
We already previewed Scarlett Johansson?s Cosmopolitan cover (for January 2012) a few days ago, but now The Mail has some excerpts from the interview. I?ll say it again – Scarlett, like Lady Gaga, doesn?t really have much to say. Scarlett, like Gaga, does too much press for too little work. That being said, Scarlett didn?t come off too badly in this piece, mostly because she?s trying to sound like her marriage and divorce was all cotton candy and rainbows and she just learned so much.

Scarlett on her marriage to Ryan Reynolds: ?I’m a big believer that when something feels right, you should do it. I’m a big believer in instinct. Getting married was the right thing to do because it was natural. It grew out of a romance and love and a desire to have a future with somebody and I was very fortunate that I married somebody who turned out to be the person I thought he would be.?

Marriage wasn?t what she thought it would be: ?Relationships are complicated and being married is a living, breathing process. I think I was not fully aware of the peaks and valleys. I wasn’t prepared to hunker down and do the work.?

On the divorce: ?Both of us were extremely busy. We spent so much time apart. It’s very difficult. It’s bad.?

No regrets: ?It seemed like a very romantic thing to do, and it was. It was the best thing I ever did.?

Learning from her starter marriage: ?You have to be very confident and solid within yourself to have a successful marriage.?

She?s currently single: ?I’ve never been single for a chunk of time before. You miss having a partner and a confidant, but I have to say, I’m appreciating having the time to get to know myself.?

That story about having sex with Benicio Del Toro in an elevator the Chateau Marmont: ?It’s the worst story ever. That story will haunt me for my whole life. If you have ever been in that elevator you know it’s like 31/2 seconds from one floor to another. It’s crazy. But anyway a journalist asked me about this rumour and I was 19 or 20. I didn’t realize how sarcasm would come off and I said something like: ‘I don’t know, I would find that very unsanitary’. And the guy printed that and at the end he wrote: ‘Which isn’t to say that she denied it’. So of course, other outlets ran with it! I hate that it’s become, like, Hollywood lore, but what are you going to do??

Trying to move away from her sexpot image: ?As a 19-year-old girl I was very eager to play into that. Why not? You’re 19 and you’re feeling fabulous and young. I don’t know that I could have sold myself as a character actor at 19. It’s nice for people to think you’re attractive. But I was never, like, a model or anything. I think because I wasn’t 90lbs, I was suddenly this “bombshell” and “hourglass” and all those things, but I never wanted to make my career off that. Everything I’ve been doing in the past year involves characters that the last thing on their mind is finding Mr. Right or being taken care of.?

[From Cosmo via The Mail]

Aw, damn! She denied the Benicio story! I love that story. That?s how I?ve always chosen to think of Scarlett – as the kind of girl who would bone Benicio del Toro in an elevator and then never speak to him again. I wish she was that girl. I get that she?s trying to sound all mature and ?Look at me, I?m a real actress, you should nominate me for an Oscar at some point!? But I wish Scarlett would just start boning random A-list dudes, just for the fun of it.

Also – this week?s Us Weekly suggests that Scarlett isn?t really as ?over? Ryan Reynolds as she?d like to be. According to Us Weekly?s source, Scarlett is pissed that Ryan is dating Blake Lively because Ryan is supposed to still be hung up on HER. Ryan wanted to reconcile earlier this year, but then Scarlett starting boning Sean Penn, and Ryan got fed up. The source says: ?Ryan would have gotten back with her. He was so totally in love, but then she flaunted Sean right after their split, and he was done? Scarlett is pissed that he?s not under her spell anymore.? Ryan found a new pair of boobs, Scar. Time to pack ?em up and start boning any A-lister that comes along.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Cosmo.

15-Jun-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ?Asteroid City? premi...
24-May-2023 :Scarlett Johansson wore a pink Prada at the Cannes ?Asteroid City? premie...
19-Mar-2022 :Scarlett Johansson on falling for Colin Jost: He looked different because...
19-Nov-2021 :Scarlett Johansson wore Versace to receive the American Cinematheque Awar...
9-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s SAG union calls out Disney?s ?gender-shaming & bully...
2-Aug-2021 :Scarlett Johansson?s CAA agent rips into Disney for their harsh statement
30-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for breach of contract over Black Widow?s ...
22-Jul-2021 :Demand for red hair dye has increased 163% since Black Widow came out
7-Jul-2021 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost are expecting, she?s ?actually due soon?
30-Oct-2020 :Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost got married, ask for donations to Meals o...
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