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Jon Hamm never wanted to 'just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum's career
Added 5 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jon Hamm never wanted to 'just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum's career
Long-time readers will remember, I used to adore Jon Hamm. Then we found out about his gross behavior when he was in a fraternity in college, and I sort of lost my crush. So do a lot of people. Around the end of Mad Men, Hamm also went into rehab and he left his longtime partner Jennifer Westfeldt. A few years later, he took up with Anna Osceola and they got married. I think one of the strangest parts of Hamm?s journey in the public eye is that we genuinely believed he was a throwback to an old-Hollywood movie star, and it turns out he was just a cliche frat-bro (at best) the whole time. Now that I?m not part of the Hamm fandom (Hammdom?), I can admit that I think it?s funny that his career has faltered so steadily post-Mad Men. He was supposed to transition from Mad Men into movie stardom and it hasn?t worked out that way in the past nine years. So Hamm covers the latest issue of the Hollywood Reporter and we should take this as his attempt to rebrand himself. The headline of the piece is ?Jon Hamm Doesn?t Want to Be Your Leading Man.? Good? Because I?m over it. Some highlights:

He has vitiligo: ?It?s waxed and waned. It?s a pigmentation thing. Michael Jackson had it. It affects the Black community significantly more because you have melanin in your skin and it goes away. But I remember waking up one day while shooting the pilot, and it looked like someone had dropped bleach on my chin. Then I looked at my hands and shins, and they had these patches on them. I went to see a couple of doctors, and they were like, ?You can try this cream. We don?t really have a solution. But you?re white, it?s probably fine.? Which is what people have said to white people their whole life: ?You?re white, you?re probably fine.?

His perspective on ?Mad Men? has changed: ?You go through it and it?s happening to you ? all the notoriety, the press, the fame. But it?s a thing where I look back on it, and I wish I would?ve paid more attention?because it?s happening to you so viscerally and it?s such a swirl all at once and there?s no guidebook, and you go, ?Sh-t, man.? But it?s fun to be at the center of the conversation for our business. I?ve had a bit of that with Fargo. And it?s nice to be back in the conversation, to be part of something you?re proud of and that?s hitting people in a way that they want to talk about it.

He?s in therapy: ?[I first went] After my dad died [a decade later]. My [half] sister was like, ?You are spiraling. You need help.? And I was like, ?No, I don?t. No, I don?t.? Then you eventually go, ?Oh, yeah, I do.? And if you?re smart enough or present enough in your own feelings, you go, ?This is actually tremendously helpful.? And that?s what it was. I went to therapy; I got put on Prozac and was pulled out of the spiral that I was in. I got my brain chemically altered, and I was like, ?OK, this is clearly something that I needed.? I check in with it all the time. I?m still in therapy. I have a wonderful therapist. And I understand that when I?m ? ?distracted? is the wrong word, but when I?m not present ? that?s when I can start to spiral into something that?s not healthy. And I go, ?I don?t want to do that. I want to be healthy. I want to be happy.?

His thoughts on Matthew Weiner being accused of harassment: ?That was a fun time with all of that coming down and going, ?Where does anything fall? And are we allowed to have the conversation or is it just immediately shut down? And is it binary or is it a continuum?? listen, there definitely needed to be a reckoning of some sort. But the binary situation felt very unhelpful because it was tarring a lot of people with a similar brush, where you?re like, ?Oh, is that the same? Because it doesn?t feel like it?s the same at all.? I felt that with Aziz Ansari, like, ?Wait a minute, this doesn?t feel the same as Harvey [Weinstein].?

He really was vying for roles that went to Matt Damon & Ben Affleck: ?There was certainly a version of, ?Is this what you want? Do you want to be Ben Affleck?? And I worked with Ben on The Town, and I was like, ?OK, I get that, that?s a certain path, but I don?t know if I want that.? I love Ben, he?s a wonderful actor and filmmaker, but I was like, ?I don?t know if that?s for me.? I wanted to do different things instead of just being a leading man, whatever that is. And I don?t know how different my career would have been, but I know it hasn?t been the traditional leading man thing. Maybe it?s because I am a little more quirky. I know I look like I should be that guy.?

He?s been talking to Marvel for a while: ?It?s not like they were saying, ?We want you to be Iron Man.? But there were a lot of conversations, and I?m still in those. I talk to the guys that run Marvel and DC. And I?m a comic book nerd. So, we?ll see. Even that part of the industry is changing? I?ve pitched myself for a couple parts of the Marvel universe, I don?t want to say what exactly, but it was a part of a comic book that I really liked. I was like, ?Are you going to do this story?? And they were like, ?Yeah, we?re actually thinking of that.? I go, ?Good. I should be the guy.? So maybe it?ll work out.

A career he admires: ?I look at a guy like Jeff Goldblum?s career ? and I know Jeff a bit, we used to have the same therapist ? and I?m just like, ?God, how awesome to be able to do all the things he?s done.? He had his leading man phase, and he does Marvel and he?ll just roll through and steal the scene, and then he?s doing commercials and he?s funny as sh-t. I see him out and he?s happy. So, consciously or not, I?m modeling my life to be that: varied and happy and fulfilled.

[From THR]

So, I?ll backtrack a little bit and say that it?s not that Hollywood wasn?t into Hamm, it was a combination of Hamm not knowing which projects to do and Hamm not really having a plan for what should come after Mad Men. Clearly, there were some big offers or job opportunities and he just hasn?t taken them. A decade ago, people wanted him to be the next Ben Affleck and he was like, no, I?d rather be Jeff Goldblum? A character actor masquerading as a leading man.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, cover courtesy of THR.

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Matt Damon had a crazy dream after his dad died: 'all I knew was that he was there'
Added 83 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Matt Damon had a crazy dream after his dad died: 'all I knew was that he was there'
Get in bitches, we?re doing another paranormal story! As you may remember, I love all of that kind of stuff: ghosts, premonitions, spirits, intuition, aliens, synchronicities, etc. It?s been a hot minute since we?ve talked about this particular topic, but today?s edition of Rosie?s Paranormal Posts involves dreams! More specifically, we have Matt Damon?s dream from the afterlife. Matt?s father, Kent, died a little over five years ago, in December 2017. Earlier this week, Matt was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and shared a story about a ?crazy dream? he had after his dad passed away. The dream was so powerful that it helped him connect with one of the ?very first things? he felt when he entered this world.

After my father passed away in 2017, within that year, I had this crazy dream, said Damon after being asked about his earliest memory. He came to me in a dream, and he embraced me. And the feeling that I got was the feeling that I had ? which I think is like my first memory ? which was the feeling of what it felt like to be held by him.

Damon said the feeling gave him a sense of overwhelming protection and love.

All I knew was that he was there and that I was feeling that embrace, continued Matt. And it reminded me that I must have felt that as one of the very first things that I was aware of as my consciousness came online.

On the first anniversary of his fathers death, Damon hosted Saturday Night Live and opened up about how it was a special show for him and Kent.

Week after week, I tried to stay up, and it wasn?t until I was 8 years old that I made it all the way to the end,? recalled Damon. ?I probably didn?t get all the jokes, but I laughed at everything that my dad laughed at. And although it was way past our bedtime, my dad knew there was nothing more important in the world than to laugh with the people that you love.?

[From People]

Wow, that?s a pretty powerful experience. It?s so hard after a loved one dies, so to have a dream like that, whether it was really from his father or not, must have been a tremendous comfort. I also have a personal story about a dream from the afterlife. Actually, this story happened to my mom and grandma. About a year or so after my grandfather died, my mom had a dream that he was back at my grandparents? house, walking around and talking to her. She knew while dreaming that hed passed away IRL, so she asked him what he was doing there. He replied, ?I?m just here for a visit to check on things.? When my mom spoke to my grandma the next day, the very first thing Grandma said to her was, ?Your father was here ?for a visit? last night. I heard him walking around. He kept me awake.? She said this before my mom even had a chance to tell her about the dream. So yeah, I believe that Matt?s experience was real. It?s nice that he got to have that bit of comfort and closure.

photos credit: PacificCoastNews / Avalon, Best Image/Backgrid, IMAGO/Jennifer Bloc / Avalon

21-Jun-2024 :Jon Hamm never wanted to ?just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum?...
3-Aug-2021 :Matt Damon: ?To be as clear as I can be, I stand with the LGBTQ+ communit...
20-Jul-2021 :Matt Damon?s teenage daughter often tells him that his movies suck
20-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon: you?re not supposed to pee on jellyfish stings, take a bath
6-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon is afraid of heights and doesn?t understand how Tom Cruise doe...
7-Aug-2019 :Matt Damon got four tattoos of his daughters? names next to his wife?s na...
17-Jan-2018 :Matt Damon: ?I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in? o...
12-Jul-2016 :Matt Damon sounds like he wants to be replaced as Jason Bourne
18-Jan-2016 :Matt Damon & Luciana, in Naeem Khan at the Critics? Choice: striking or s...
10-Nov-2015 :Matt Damon took his daughters on rides, ice skating: photo op?
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Matt Damon news

Matt Damon: 'To be as clear as I can be, I stand with the LGBTQ+ community'
Added 1058 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Matt Damon: 'To be as clear as I can be, I stand with the LGBTQ+ community'
Honestly, Matt Damon is such a dumbass. We need to get out of this headspace where we?re like ?oh, Matt is different, he went to Harvard, his mom is an educator, he can?t be this dumb.? No, he is. He is very dumb. Matt is currently promoting Stillwater (The Tears of an Overseas MAGA) and over the weekend, the Times published an exclusive interview with him. In the interview, he was trying to explain how our standards change over time and how the f-word, the homophobic slur, was ?commonly used when I was a kid, with a different application,? and that he ?made a joke, months ago, and got a treatise from my daughter. She left the table. I said, ?Come on, that?s a joke! I say it in the movie Stuck on You!? She went to her room and wrote a very long, beautiful treatise on how that word is dangerous. I said, ?I retire the f-slur!? I understood.? Now Matt Damon is saying that Matt Damon cannot be trusted to tell a story about how he used a homophobic slur. He made a statement (not an apology) to THR:

?During a recent interview, I recalled a discussion I had with my daughter where I attempted to contextualize for her the progress that has been made ? though by no means completed ? since I was growing up in Boston and, as a child, heard the word ?f*g? used on the street before I knew what it even referred to. I explained that that word was used constantly and casually and was even a line of dialogue in a movie of mine as recently as 2003; she in turn expressed incredulity that there could ever have been a time where that word was used unthinkingly. To my admiration and pride, she was extremely articulate about the extent to which that word would have been painful to someone in the LGBTQ+ community regardless of how culturally normalized it was. I not only agreed with her but thrilled at her passion, values and desire for social justice,? Damon said in a statement provided to THR.

He added, ?I have never called anyone ?f****t? in my personal life and this conversation with my daughter was not a personal awakening. I do not use slurs of any kind. I have learned that eradicating prejudice requires active movement toward justice rather than finding passive comfort in imagining myself ?one of the good guys.? And given that open hostility against the LGBTQ+ community is still not uncommon, I understand why my statement led many to assume the worst. To be as clear as I can be, I stand with the LGBTQ+ community.?

[From THR]

I want to know which of Matt Damon?s gay friends and managers/publicists/agents immediately called him and yelled at him. I want to know their names!! Because they deserve a drink and a nap. I can?t even imagine how many people called him and yelled at his dumb ass. And notice how everything about the story has changed too Matt told the Times that he said the word in a ?joke? and that his daughter was appalled that he said it so casually. The new version is that Matt was speaking to his daughters about the history of homophobia. And now he claims that he?s never used the word in his personal life! Because we know he?s used it in his professional life (and his personal life).

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

21-Jun-2024 :Jon Hamm never wanted to ?just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum?...
4-Apr-2024 :Matt Damon had a crazy dream after his dad died: ?all I knew was that he ...
20-Jul-2021 :Matt Damon?s teenage daughter often tells him that his movies suck
20-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon: you?re not supposed to pee on jellyfish stings, take a bath
6-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon is afraid of heights and doesn?t understand how Tom Cruise doe...
7-Aug-2019 :Matt Damon got four tattoos of his daughters? names next to his wife?s na...
17-Jan-2018 :Matt Damon: ?I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in? o...
12-Jul-2016 :Matt Damon sounds like he wants to be replaced as Jason Bourne
18-Jan-2016 :Matt Damon & Luciana, in Naeem Khan at the Critics? Choice: striking or s...
10-Nov-2015 :Matt Damon took his daughters on rides, ice skating: photo op?
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Matt Damon news

Matt Damon's teenage daughter often tells him that his movies suck
Added 1072 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Matt Damon's teenage daughter often tells him that his movies suck
Matt Damon and Luciana Barroso have three daughters: Isabella, 15, Gia, 12 and Stella, 10. If you know anything about kids aged 10-18, their main purpose in life is to knock their parents down a peg whenever they have a chance. When their father is a world-famous actor with an Academy Award for screenwriting, the best way to do that is to hit him in the scripts. While promoting his latest award hopeful, Stillwater, Matt told CBS Sunday Morning that Isabella won?t watch any of his well-done films. She prefers to only to see the crap so she can remind him how much they sucked. Yahoo has more about his interview:

Matt Damon may be one of the most famous actors in the world, but the Oscar winners four daughters seem to be in charge at home.

In an interview with CBS Sunday Morning to promote his new film Stillwater, Damon, 50, explained that his kids show no mercy when ranking on dear old dad. In fact, his 15-year-old daughter, Isabella, refuses to see her dads beloved film, Good Will Hunting.

She doesnt want to see any movies that Im in that might be good. She just likes to give me shit, said Damon, laughing. My daughter said, Hey remember that movie you did, The Wall? I said, it was called The Great Wall. She goes, Dad, there was nothing great about that movie. She keeps my feet firmly on the ground.

[From Yahoo!]

How many points can I award Isabella for that set-up and delivery on her Great Wall jab? Whatever the number, she gets all of them. If I had to guess, I?ll bet his girls have watched all Matt?s good films without his knowledge, but they?ll never tell. They probably brag to their friends when he?s out of earshot. I mean, are you telling me they?ve never seen Thor: Ragnark? Actually, I love Matt as an actor. I loved Good Will Hunting but I went to IMDb to remind myself of his other stuff and wow, there are so many of his films I recommend. Even in some of his crap films, he still did a good job. I?m sure Isabella is more versed in his career than she?s letting on. Good for her. Somebody needs to keep him humble.

I don?t know about Stillwater. I know it?s Hollywood?s take on the Amanda Knox case, but it looks like such a bummer. (I get that?s the point.) Plus, Matt?s truck driver cosplay is throwing me. I?m sure it will be all over the awards season, but I think I?ll sit this one out. Maybe Isabella and I can go see Thor: Love and Thunder instead.

Heres the Stillwater trailer, you can decide for yourself:

Photo credit: Avaln Red and YouTube

21-Jun-2024 :Jon Hamm never wanted to ?just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum?...
4-Apr-2024 :Matt Damon had a crazy dream after his dad died: ?all I knew was that he ...
3-Aug-2021 :Matt Damon: ?To be as clear as I can be, I stand with the LGBTQ+ communit...
20-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon: you?re not supposed to pee on jellyfish stings, take a bath
6-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon is afraid of heights and doesn?t understand how Tom Cruise doe...
7-Aug-2019 :Matt Damon got four tattoos of his daughters? names next to his wife?s na...
17-Jan-2018 :Matt Damon: ?I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in? o...
12-Jul-2016 :Matt Damon sounds like he wants to be replaced as Jason Bourne
18-Jan-2016 :Matt Damon & Luciana, in Naeem Khan at the Critics? Choice: striking or s...
10-Nov-2015 :Matt Damon took his daughters on rides, ice skating: photo op?
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Matt Damon news

Matt Damon: you?re not supposed to pee on jellyfish stings, take a bath
Added 4 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Matt Damon: you?re not supposed to pee on jellyfish stings, take a bath
Matt Damon appeared on Ellen DeGeneres? talk show last week to promote Ford vs. Ferrari, which I hope to see this weekend. He mentioned that he was jet-lagged, having just finished filming in France. He is loopy and it?s kind of funny. Due to his rambling during the interview, he and Ellen cover a variety of tidbits to various degrees of success. Like, when Matt talked about his DNA results, Ellen deemed his story boring, so she cut him off, which made me laugh. She quickly moved on to Matt?s buddy Chris Hemsworth, which always makes me happy. When Chris appeared on Ellen last year, he talked about some of the harrowing adventures Matt?s had in Australia, like stepping on a giant snake. He also talked briefly about Matt?s daughter, Stella, being stung by a jellyfish, which, according to Chris, was one of the worst he?s ever seen. So Ellen asked Matt about it, including if anyone peed on poor Stella to take the Sting away. Dr. Matt said no, no one did, because that myth is a load of bunk.

The interview is queued up to Matt?s Australia stories, starting with the snake story. The transcription is just the jellyfish part:

My daughter Stella [9]. Got stung by a jellyfish.

Did someone have to pee on her?

I?d been stung by a jellyfish, once in Hawaii, like we were fishing for the day with some friends of mine who were all, ?I?ll pee on ya?.? But it turns out, that?s just something that someone made up because they thought it was funny. What you?re supposed to do is put somebody in a really hot bath and get a sponge and gently remove the tiny little needles that are in you when one stings you so you brush them out.

[To the audience] Okay, so nobody has to pee on anybody

Or just stay in America

The fact is ? Matt is 100% correct. There is no basis for the ?pee on it? recommendation. The idea was that urine would neutralize the pain. It does not and can make it worse. Instead, douse the area with vinegar to deactivate the stinging cells. And, as Matt said, pluck out all the tentacles. Heat will help alleviate the pain, thus the hot bath. And don?t pee on a stingray wound either same deal, it doesn?t work. Ugh, I?m just cringing at the thought. I?m so scared of jellyfish/stingray stings. My poor brother got stung by a stingray when we were at my folks. His daughters and I were teasing him about getting someone to pee on him as he soaked his foot at the lifeguard station with a bunch of other victims (none of us paid attention to the signs). Needless to say, he did not find it amusing as he endured the pain (and a week later Steve Irwin died from his stingray attack). So for the love of gawd dont get medical advice from Friends.

In the second half of the interview, Matt talked about being driven 200 MPH by 80-year old Mario Andretti at the Indy 500. How bizarre am I that the thought of a jellyfish Sting terrifies me, but I would give my eye teeth to get in a race car with octogenarian Mario Andretti?

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21-Jun-2024 :Jon Hamm never wanted to ?just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum?...
4-Apr-2024 :Matt Damon had a crazy dream after his dad died: ?all I knew was that he ...
3-Aug-2021 :Matt Damon: ?To be as clear as I can be, I stand with the LGBTQ+ communit...
20-Jul-2021 :Matt Damon?s teenage daughter often tells him that his movies suck
6-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon is afraid of heights and doesn?t understand how Tom Cruise doe...
7-Aug-2019 :Matt Damon got four tattoos of his daughters? names next to his wife?s na...
17-Jan-2018 :Matt Damon: ?I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in? o...
12-Jul-2016 :Matt Damon sounds like he wants to be replaced as Jason Bourne
18-Jan-2016 :Matt Damon & Luciana, in Naeem Khan at the Critics? Choice: striking or s...
10-Nov-2015 :Matt Damon took his daughters on rides, ice skating: photo op?
Matt Damon photos
Matt Damon news

Matt Damon is afraid of heights and doesn't understand how Tom Cruise does it
Added 4 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Matt Damon is afraid of heights and doesn't understand how Tom Cruise does it
Kaiser linked this story yesterday, but things are slow so let?s spend a little more time with it. Mainly because, as Kaiser said, Matt Damon still tells a good story and I am very excited to see Ford v. Ferrari. As most know, Damon reinvented himself as an action hero a few decades into his career, notably taking on the Bourne series. What was notable about that is that at the time, nobody thought Damon could pull off the Jason Bourne character. He did, though, and very successfully. But could he do it now? Probably not. The reason, however, has nothing to with age Damon has developed a fear of heights, something that came upon him in 2004. So, since he can?t bring himself to jump off a bridge anymore, Damon wanted to know how fellow later-in-life action star Tom Cruise does it and the answer was priceless.

Watch the clip if you can, it?s well worth your time. What Damon said about his discussion with Cruise was:

I had dinner with Tom Cruise, years ag0 after he did that thing out of the building in Mission Impossible. I kind of cornered him, and I said, ?I?m afraid of heights, how do you do this thing?? You?ve met Tom. You?re the only thing in the world. It?s not even that everything else disappears for him, everything else disappears for you. Everything else went away. But he just laser-locked and he said, ?I?ve been dreaming of this shot for 15 years, this sequence, and finally, I had a chance to do it.? And I go, ?So how did it finally come to pass?? And he goes, ?So I go to the safety guy and tell him this is what I?m going to do, I explain the whole gag to him. And the safety guy says, ?You can?t do that. That?s too dangerous. So I get another safety guy.?

And you know Cruise?s story is 100%. I?m sure many people will be upset at Cruise?s recklessness and there?s an argument there, but we want good stories from these celebrities on chat shows. I especially love celebrities sharing interesting stories about other celebrities, so I was thoroughly entertained.

My mom said that she was never afraid of heights until we were walking across the Golden Gate Bridge and I, as a very young child, stuck my head through the railing. She can barely look out windows above the fourth floor of a building now. I, too, all of a sudden developed a dramatic fear of heights as I got older. It began in my 30s but became crippling after I had my kids. I can make myself physically ill just imagining certain height situations. Even when Damon was describing when he discovered he was scared of heights in Dubai on the helipad my heart went in my throat. It?s bizarre to have it sneak up on you like that. CB is set to jump out of a plane in the spring. I wanted to do that my whole life, but I?ve come to terms that I do not think it will ever be possible for me. So, I guess Damon and I will have to stay on the ground and commit to living vicariously through CB and Cruise. At least we?ll get some good stories out of it. Of course, that?s only if we can bear to watch.

Photo credit: YouTube and WENN Photos

21-Jun-2024 :Jon Hamm never wanted to ?just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum?...
4-Apr-2024 :Matt Damon had a crazy dream after his dad died: ?all I knew was that he ...
3-Aug-2021 :Matt Damon: ?To be as clear as I can be, I stand with the LGBTQ+ communit...
20-Jul-2021 :Matt Damon?s teenage daughter often tells him that his movies suck
20-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon: you?re not supposed to pee on jellyfish stings, take a bath
7-Aug-2019 :Matt Damon got four tattoos of his daughters? names next to his wife?s na...
17-Jan-2018 :Matt Damon: ?I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in? o...
12-Jul-2016 :Matt Damon sounds like he wants to be replaced as Jason Bourne
18-Jan-2016 :Matt Damon & Luciana, in Naeem Khan at the Critics? Choice: striking or s...
10-Nov-2015 :Matt Damon took his daughters on rides, ice skating: photo op?
Matt Damon photos
Matt Damon news

Matt Damon got four tattoos of his daughters' names next to his wife's name
Added 4 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Matt Damon got four tattoos of his daughters' names next to his wife's name
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FOR HIS KIDS #alexia #isabella #gia #stella Honor tattooing one of my favorite actors! #MATTDAMON

A post shared by winterstone (@winterstone) on Aug 5, 2019 at 10:58am PDT

21-Jun-2024 :Jon Hamm never wanted to ?just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum?...
4-Apr-2024 :Matt Damon had a crazy dream after his dad died: ?all I knew was that he ...
3-Aug-2021 :Matt Damon: ?To be as clear as I can be, I stand with the LGBTQ+ communit...
20-Jul-2021 :Matt Damon?s teenage daughter often tells him that his movies suck
20-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon: you?re not supposed to pee on jellyfish stings, take a bath
6-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon is afraid of heights and doesn?t understand how Tom Cruise doe...
17-Jan-2018 :Matt Damon: ?I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in? o...
12-Jul-2016 :Matt Damon sounds like he wants to be replaced as Jason Bourne
18-Jan-2016 :Matt Damon & Luciana, in Naeem Khan at the Critics? Choice: striking or s...
10-Nov-2015 :Matt Damon took his daughters on rides, ice skating: photo op?
Matt Damon photos
Matt Damon news

Matt Damon: 'I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in' on #MeToo
Added 6 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Matt Damon: 'I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in' on #MeToo
In December, Matt Damon saw that a bunch of women were trying to talk about sexual harassment and abuse and he thought ?how silly, I need to go over there and talk over them so I can explain what?s really happening!? Which is how December became the month of Matt Damon Is Over. He gave several interviews where he was offensively tone-deaf and actively obtuse about the #MeToo conversations and the outing of serial predators like Louis CK, Harvey Weinstein and more. Matt cast himself as one of the few people who truly had the depth, intelligence and mental fortitude to single-handedly adjudicate sexual harassment and abuse situations and determine which abusers would be ?allowed? back into the Hollywood fold. It wasn?t like his comments had to be coaxed out of him either, and they weren?t some dirty little secret – he repeatedly went on the record. He went running into this conversation with the kind of audacious entitlement that comes standard issue whenever you?re born with a white penis.

After those terrible interviews, Matt?s dad passed away after a long illness. I took a break from covering Damon for a few weeks – even though I was sure Matt still deserved to be publicly bashed for his comments, I also thought he deserved to spend some quiet time with his family. Well, Matt is back. He did a Today Show interview on Tuesday and he was asked about all of those comments last month. Guess what? He actually apologized. I guess he finally returned those phone calls from the studio publicist. He told Today:

“I really wish I’d listened a lot more before I weighed in on this? I don’t want to further anybody’s pain with anything that I do or say. So for that I am really sorry. You know, Time?s Up, a lot of those women are my dear friends and I love them and respect them and support what they’re doing and want to be a part of that change and want to go along for the ride, but I should get in the back seat and close my mouth for a while.”

[From E! News]

Matt Damon: forgiven? I haven?t forgiven him, mostly because those interviews crystallized something about him which had been in the air for several years: Matt Damon isn?t a good guy. He?s not a bad guy, really, but the compounded errors, the tone deaf instincts on race, harassment, women?s rights and more – he?s just not the same boyishly handsome Mr. All-American dude that everybody thought he was. He?s just another entitled douche.

Here?s the interview. You know who offended me here? Kathy Lee Gifford. Skip ahead to the 4:20 mark to see Matt?s apology.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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Matt Damon sounds like he wants to be replaced as Jason Bourne
Added 7 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Matt Damon sounds like he wants to be replaced as Jason Bourne
Matt Damon, 45, has said for years that he’s getting too old to play Bourne. He said that around the time the third movie, The Bourne Ultimatum, came out in 2007. It sounded like he was over playing the character back then. Damon said that he “definitely felt my age” during the fight scenes and at that point he practically ruled out playing Bourne again. “We?ve ridden that horse as far as we can. The character lives on in the books and if someone else wanted to play it, I guess they could.” There was news that Damon was working on the fourth Bourne movie back in 2009, but then director Paul Greengrass pulled out and so did Damon. The result was The Bourne Legacy with Jeremy Renner playing another agent, which came out in 2012. Eventually Greengrass signed on again, Damon as you know agreed to come back and we have Jason Bourne, which is out in two weeks yay! Only it sounds like Damon is not jazzed at the thought of making even more Bourne movies. He brought it up in an interview with Australian TV recently, joking that Angelina Jolie was younger than him but was replaced as Tomb Raider by Alicia Vikander (his new costar), and he mentioned it again in an interview with The Hollywood reporter, saying that it would be fine if he was replaced.

Matt Damon says he’s “totally fine” with a younger actor taking over the role of Jason Bourne after he’s done with the action franchise.

Speaking on a promotional tour in Seoul, South Korea, Damon, who returns for the fifth installment titled Jason Bourne that’s released this summer, said he was “definitely going to be replaced some day by some new young Jason Bourne. That happens to everybody and they reboot these things, and that’s totally fine.”

Damon added: “The only control I can exercise is over the ones that I?m part of. I’m the curator of them as long as I’m involved and that’s why I battled so hard to make sure that we got the same creative people [including director Paul Greengrass] to get involved in this one.”

Fourteen years since the first film in the franchise, Damon said he was “very excited” to be playing Bourne again, a character that “had a huge impact on my life and career.”

He said, however, it wasn’t easy to keep up with action sequences at his age. “It’s difficult when you’re 45 compared to when you’re 29, but you still have to run as fast as you can. That part was a challenge but to get to revisit the people was wonderful. But I said, let’s smell the roses as we say and appreciate that we get to be here together and make sure we have fun [especially because it was so tense on the set for the other films].”

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

Given how often Damon has talked about this, I doubt he’s up for another sequel after this one. I also doubt this is some sort of negotiation tactic. He’s grateful to the Bourne franchise for helping his career so tremendously but he no longer wants to play this character. He’s also got to know on some level that if he wanted to continue as Bourne he could do it up until his late 50s/early 60s. This isn’t like Angelina Jolie being “too old” to play Tomb Raider at 41, the rules are different for men. As Kaiser brought up, Bruce Willis was 58 when the last Die Hard movie came out in 2013. Liam Neeson has been doing Taken sequels into his early 60s. Matt Damon is Jason Bourne, but sounds like he wants to pass that torch soon.

photos credit: and Universal Pictures

21-Jun-2024 :Jon Hamm never wanted to ?just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum?...
4-Apr-2024 :Matt Damon had a crazy dream after his dad died: ?all I knew was that he ...
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17-Jan-2018 :Matt Damon: ?I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in? o...
18-Jan-2016 :Matt Damon & Luciana, in Naeem Khan at the Critics? Choice: striking or s...
10-Nov-2015 :Matt Damon took his daughters on rides, ice skating: photo op?
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Matt Damon news

Matt Damon & Luciana, in Naeem Khan at the Critics' Choice: striking or showgirl'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Matt Damon & Luciana, in Naeem Khan at the Critics' Choice: striking or showgirl'
Matt Damon had a lot of cutaways last night during a somewhat tedious ceremony. The host bits, by Silicon Valley’s T.J. Miller, were really lame, like incredibly so. Some of the presenters were funny and had some decent lines though, which makes sense because we’re talking about the top tier of seasoned actors. Whenever the camera cut to Damon he seemed to be laughing and enjoying himself despite how much it must grate to have to sit through those things. You get the sense that he’s very much “on” and campaigning, although his category, Best Actor, went to Leonardo DiCaprio, who Skyped in to accept it.

Matt’s wife Luciana was in this black and silver Naeem Khan gown with a stripe pattern along the bodice which led to square confetti-like details on the skirt. This looked better on camera than it does it still photos. There’s something kind of showgirl about it. Naeem Khan is a friend of the Damons and he often does Luciana’s gowns.

Sarah Paulson was also in Naeem Khan, in a silver sequin dress with a v-back, high collar and cap sleeves. I don’t like her styling, I just saw her in Carol and dark hair suits her better, but I dig this dress. She takes fashion risks and I think this one is paying off. It’s funky, it’s got a spacey 60s vibe and I like the contrasting fabric at the neck and on the sleeves.

Pregnant Liv Tyler was in Cushnie et Ochs. It seems like everyone was wearing open back dresses last night and it must have been cold. I like the sleeves and the high slit on this gown. It’s a nice balance between maternity wear and high fashion and it looked great on screen, she’s so statuesque.

Emmy Rossum was one of several ladies in Dior (see the women of Mad Max) and she was there to support her fiance, Mr. Robot creator Sam Esmail. Mr. Robot cleaned up last night, winning Best Drama, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. I thought her gown was gorgeous and I love the kind of ballerina top which leads to a skirt slit to a wedge of silver sequins. Her hair was a little too slicked back for my taste, but that’s a minor complaint.

I’m including Wendi McLendon-Covey, looking lovely in navy blue, because I love her work on The Goldbergs. It’s such a great show and she’s an excellent actress. She was nominated for Best Actress in a Comedy, which went to Rachel Bloom.

photo credit: FameFlynet and

21-Jun-2024 :Jon Hamm never wanted to ?just be a leading man?, he wants Jeff Goldblum?...
4-Apr-2024 :Matt Damon had a crazy dream after his dad died: ?all I knew was that he ...
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6-Nov-2019 :Matt Damon is afraid of heights and doesn?t understand how Tom Cruise doe...
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17-Jan-2018 :Matt Damon: ?I really wish I?d listened a lot more before I weighed in? o...
12-Jul-2016 :Matt Damon sounds like he wants to be replaced as Jason Bourne
10-Nov-2015 :Matt Damon took his daughters on rides, ice skating: photo op?
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