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Amanda Bynes News & Gossip
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Amanda Bynes Locked Herself in a Bakery Bathroom for 30 Minutes
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Amanda Bynes Locked Herself in a Bakery Bathroom for 30 Minutes
Amanda Bynes has taken her crazy show on the road. Specifically to New York where she’s now locking herself in bakery bathrooms for 30 minutes to do makeup. Presumably so photographers have an easier time making her look beautiful.

Bynes, who spent two hours at the Little Cupcake Bakershop in Soho on Wednesday at 9 pm bought a “Dreaming Princess” cupcake and cappuccino with extra sugar before locking herself in the bathroom. One of the customers, a NYC firefighter, started to worry she might be unconscious. A source says the guy knocked numerous times and called for her and that “the workers at the bakery even turned down the music to see if they could hear any noise coming from the bathroom.”

Staff closed down the bakery while the firefighter kept trying to get Bynes to respond for 15 minutes. “Finally, he called the police and asked if he had their okay to break down the door.” That’s when Bynes finally came out acting like nothing was wrong.?She just calmly said, “Excuse me, I was doing my makeup,’” reveals the eyewitness. Bynes was then escorted out the back at around 11 pm.

I think everyone is missing the obvious explanation. Amanda wasn’t acting crazy, she was probably just taking a gigantic dump and, being a proper lady, didn’t want people to know. It must suck being a celebrity. You can’t even drop a deuce in peace at a bakery without someone thinking you passed out. You know how hard it is to do your thing when someone is banging on the door? Talk about distracting.

22-Mar-2023 :Amanda Bynes placed on a psychiatric hold after asking for help & calling...
18-Mar-2020 :Amanda Bynes is pregnant with her ex-fiance & she?s living in a treatment...
21-Mar-2016 :Amanda Bynes: I?m Ready to Start Dating Again!
23-Feb-2016 :Amanda Bynes Enjoys Starbucks in LA
7-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes? parents are giving up on her & moving to Texas permanently
4-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes says she was diagnosed as bipolar & manic-depressive
2-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes will still be under a conservatorship until February 2015
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Psych Hospital
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes was just released from psychiatric facility: ruh-roh?
29-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes? involuntary 5150 psych hold was extended for one more month
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Amanda Bynes news

Amanda Bynes Moved to New York to Wander Aimlessly
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Amanda Bynes Moved to New York to Wander Aimlessly
Having had her license suspended for multiple hit-and-runs and a DUI, Amanda Bynes bolted to New York to start her fashion line. I take it by fashion line, Amanda means wandering around aimlessly for hours which iswhat she didaround Midtown on Saturday.Coincidentally, Amanda’s parents just moved from Texas to California to be close to her.

Bynes is telling friends she’ll never go back to LA because she’s tired of being followed. Also, the photographers in NYC will always make her look pretty. I mean, they better, or else, pinchy pinchy!

22-Mar-2023 :Amanda Bynes placed on a psychiatric hold after asking for help & calling...
18-Mar-2020 :Amanda Bynes is pregnant with her ex-fiance & she?s living in a treatment...
21-Mar-2016 :Amanda Bynes: I?m Ready to Start Dating Again!
23-Feb-2016 :Amanda Bynes Enjoys Starbucks in LA
7-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes? parents are giving up on her & moving to Texas permanently
4-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes says she was diagnosed as bipolar & manic-depressive
2-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes will still be under a conservatorship until February 2015
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Psych Hospital
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes was just released from psychiatric facility: ruh-roh?
29-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes? involuntary 5150 psych hold was extended for one more month
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Amanda Bynes moves to New York, was spotted wandering for hours: very bad idea?
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Amanda Bynes moves to New York, was spotted wandering for hours: very bad idea?
Here’s a little break from the Emmy coverage to focus on a celebrity who obviously needs help. The last we heard about Amanda Bynes, she had gotten into a scuffle with a paparazzo who refused to delete a photo he had taken of her. She said to him “you have to delete the one of my face, I have to look beautiful.” A little later in the video posted on ETOnline, he accused Amanda of pinching and scratching him in an attempt to grab his camera. She denied doing either and just kind of left the scene. The photographer seemed to be harassing Amanda, and she actually sounded calm in comparison.

Amanda told People Magazine that she was going to move to New York to pursue a career in fashion, and she seems to have done just that. As you probably heard, her car was impounded last week after she was busted driving on a suspended license. On Friday, she was officially charged with two counts of driving on a suspended license. But – her license was supposedly suspended for failing to pay multiple traffic tickets, not in relation to her DUI and several hit and run incidents. I only hope that means that her violations are piling up, not that they’re more minor that we expected and that her hit and runs will be overlooked. This is LA, though, so it’s not like we can expect her to get a full six months in jail for each charge.

Anyway Amanda was spotted in NY, where she supposedly wandered around for “hours.” Maybe she was shopping and hanging out, and at least she’s not driving. Sources tell TMZ and Radar that she’s planning on making the move permanent. Here’s more:

bolted out of L.A. this weekend and thankfully headed to a city where public transportation is readily available … the Big Apple!

Witnesses who spotted Amanda in NYC tell TMZ … the actress was aimlessly wandering around Midtown for hours on Saturday.

But get this — Amanda is telling friends the reason she jetted off to New York is because she was tired of being followed in L.A. — something she says doesn’t happen in NYC.

Bynes now tells friends she NEVER wants to come back to L.A, which is interesting timing considering her parents JUST moved to CA from TX to be closer to their daughter.

TMZ broke the story … Amanda was slapped with two counts of driving on a suspended license on Friday. She faces up to six months in jail for each offense.

[From TMZ]

Radar and TMZ differ in how they report Amanda’s family situation. TMZ claims her family moved to LA to be closer to her and somehow help, even though that doesn’t seem to be happening. They say that Amanda refuses to talk to her parents and has been estranged from her family, including a brother and sister, for some time. Her friends are supposedly “furious” that her family is not doing more to help her. Radar agrees that Amanda and her family don’t talk, but reports that Amanda’s parent have lived in California for some time. In Radar’s version they didn’t move there specifically to be there for her. Whatever is going on, Amanda has headed to NY anyway so it’s not like she has any kind of support system to fall back on – that we know of.

In a way I’m glad that she’s no longer going to be hounded by the paparazzi in LA, they seem to be making the situation worse for her. In another it seems like she truly needs some help and that she’s just trying to avoid it. If her family isn’t helping her in LA, I get the sense they’re not going to even bother now that she’s on the east coast. Plus, it’s not like she’s going to accept any kind of help that isn’t forcible.

These photos are from 9-17-12 credit: and from 6-4-12 credit: FameFlynet

22-Mar-2023 :Amanda Bynes placed on a psychiatric hold after asking for help & calling...
18-Mar-2020 :Amanda Bynes is pregnant with her ex-fiance & she?s living in a treatment...
21-Mar-2016 :Amanda Bynes: I?m Ready to Start Dating Again!
23-Feb-2016 :Amanda Bynes Enjoys Starbucks in LA
7-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes? parents are giving up on her & moving to Texas permanently
4-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes says she was diagnosed as bipolar & manic-depressive
2-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes will still be under a conservatorship until February 2015
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Psych Hospital
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes was just released from psychiatric facility: ruh-roh?
29-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes? involuntary 5150 psych hold was extended for one more month
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Amanda Bynes news

Amanda Bynes Still Doing Amazing, Her Entire Management Team Quit
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Amanda Bynes Still Doing Amazing, Her Entire Management Team Quit
Amanda Bynes recently told PEOPLE she was doing “amazing.” Then PEOPLE went on to describe how she was kicked out of a gym class for acting weird. Well, since I live in bizzaro world like Amanda, I can say things are finally looking up for the retired actress. Her management team including her agent, publicist and entertainment lawyer, have all quit in the past couple of weeks.

They all say the same thing. Bynes was a “dream client for years” but in the past 12 months has become difficult, uncontrollable and unreachable. They literally have not been able to reach her. She won’t returns their calls. Possibly because she thinks her Fisher Price phone is real and keeps wondering why the only thing her agent will tell her is, “The cow goes moo.”

Anyway, Amanda’s rationale is that since she’s retired from acting and going into fashion, she doesn’t need them anymore. Makes sense. When switching professions, it’s always a good idea to burn as many bridges as you can.

22-Mar-2023 :Amanda Bynes placed on a psychiatric hold after asking for help & calling...
18-Mar-2020 :Amanda Bynes is pregnant with her ex-fiance & she?s living in a treatment...
21-Mar-2016 :Amanda Bynes: I?m Ready to Start Dating Again!
23-Feb-2016 :Amanda Bynes Enjoys Starbucks in LA
7-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes? parents are giving up on her & moving to Texas permanently
4-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes says she was diagnosed as bipolar & manic-depressive
2-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes will still be under a conservatorship until February 2015
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Psych Hospital
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes was just released from psychiatric facility: ruh-roh?
29-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes? involuntary 5150 psych hold was extended for one more month
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Amanda Bynes news

Amanda Bynes gets into a scuffle with a pap, who claims she scratched his neck
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Amanda Bynes gets into a scuffle with a pap, who claims she scratched his neck
Amanda in 2009

Do you remember when Britney Spears was losing it before her big head-shaving umbrella incident, and when she used to drive around aimlessly for hours and talk in a British accent? She had a weird symbiotic relationship with the paparazzi hoard that was following her, and she even dated a paparazzo for a while. (And there were inevitable sex tape stories, but I digress.) That’s what I’m reminded of when I see the video (at this link) of Amanda Bynes going off on a photographer. The guy is bugging the crap out of her and is super rude, as they are. Amanda tries to reason with him and asks him to delete a photo she thinks is unflattering. It’s hard to tell exactly what’s happening, but then she poses for him, a scuffle happens and she tries to grab his camera. At the end of the clip he accuses her of scratching his neck with those talon nails of hers. (I think they’re fierce actually, I would do that with my nails!) It bothered me to see, because it seems like she’s having mental issues when she talks about how she doesn’t like photos taken of her face. Maybe she’s just trying to control photos of herself and doesn’t want to get papped, though. You can see why she hates the paparazzi and hides from them when they act like this.

Anyway, here’s ET Online’s account of this video, which you can see on their site.

More trouble for Amanda Bynes? Only ET can show you exclusive footage of the embattled former teen star locked in a disturbing altercation with a paparazzo? Watch the video, then tune into ET tonight for the full story!

The struggle caught on tape began with Bynes walking down Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, shielding her face when she realized she was being photographed. Apparently the star didn’t like the way she looked, and tried to reason with the paparazzo and flatter him into deleting the pics, agreeing to pose for a new set. What happens next turns ugly, as it appears there’s a struggle over control of the camera.

The melee ends with the pap yelling that the star hurt him, with Bynes calmly saying, “I didn’t touch you.”

Bynes has become a paparazzi magnet ever since her car was impounded following a citation for driving on a suspended license ? suspended after a series of fender benders and accused hit and runs in addition to a DUI charge for the star.

[From ET Online]

I don’t want to get into a whole chicken and egg scenario of where Amanda started having problems and when the paparazzi came in. The paparazzi don’t cause celebrities to have mental issues, but they flock to the ones that are having them like fleas on an old dog. This photographer’s behavior is unacceptable, and Amanda probably deals with that crap now whenever she leaves the house. It makes me feel for her actually. That and the fact that she’s not trying to say anything publicly about how Lindsay Lohan is a hypocrite degenerate who should never utter her name.

As for how Amanda is doing otherwise, we’ve heard plenty of stories about her acting bizarrely, most recently in a spinning class when she stripped down to a bra and applied makeup in front of everyone. TMZ reports that Amanda’s entire management team – her agent, publicist, and entertainment lawyer – have all dropped her as a client. They claim “According to one source, all 3 members of the team made multiple efforts to help Amanda before she went radio silent — but Bynes was not receptive. Eventually, the team decided to cut bait … acknowledging they can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped.” Apparently Amanda wants to go into fashion and considers herself retired from acting, which is what she told People yesterday. Well, at least her parents are around her now, allegedly.

If you have some time to kill and would like to go over a dated list of Amanda’s legal problems and terribly driving record, MTV has compiled a very good timeline. They didn’t even include this latest scuffle, which happened after the published. Also, we heard a while ago that she was supposed to personally appear in court today, but I don’t know if that’s still happening as her lawyer was just there on her behalf on Wednesday.

Photo credit:

22-Mar-2023 :Amanda Bynes placed on a psychiatric hold after asking for help & calling...
18-Mar-2020 :Amanda Bynes is pregnant with her ex-fiance & she?s living in a treatment...
21-Mar-2016 :Amanda Bynes: I?m Ready to Start Dating Again!
23-Feb-2016 :Amanda Bynes Enjoys Starbucks in LA
7-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes? parents are giving up on her & moving to Texas permanently
4-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes says she was diagnosed as bipolar & manic-depressive
2-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes will still be under a conservatorship until February 2015
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Psych Hospital
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes was just released from psychiatric facility: ruh-roh?
29-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes? involuntary 5150 psych hold was extended for one more month
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Amanda Bynes news

Amanda Bynes Is Totally Fine
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Amanda Bynes Is Totally Fine
An earlier report said Amanda Bynes has been acting crazy, constantly talking to herself and laughing at nothing. This new report isn’t going to help those rumors.

Bynes was shopping in West Hollywood atboutiquestore Kin on Monday where she locked herself in the dressing room for almost 2 hours to try on clothes.

Employees say they heard banging from the dressing room every 10 minutes. Worried, one employee called another who drove to the store to try and get Amanda out. Amanda told them, “I need more time.”

Amanda finally came out at 5:30 PM, went to the register and paid for a pair ofstilettos, sunglasses and a few other things. On her way out, she saw photogs and asked the clerk to call her a cab. The employee was heard saying,”I was so worried about her. I didn’t know what she was doing in [the dressing room]. I didn’t know if she was overdosing, or doing drugs or what.”

Oh, please. I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. Like, she could have spilled her bong water everywhere and tried to clean it up or she could have smoked out beforehand, got sleepy and decided to take a nap or any other possible scenario involving weed.

22-Mar-2023 :Amanda Bynes placed on a psychiatric hold after asking for help & calling...
18-Mar-2020 :Amanda Bynes is pregnant with her ex-fiance & she?s living in a treatment...
21-Mar-2016 :Amanda Bynes: I?m Ready to Start Dating Again!
23-Feb-2016 :Amanda Bynes Enjoys Starbucks in LA
7-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes? parents are giving up on her & moving to Texas permanently
4-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes says she was diagnosed as bipolar & manic-depressive
2-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes will still be under a conservatorship until February 2015
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Psych Hospital
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes was just released from psychiatric facility: ruh-roh?
29-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes? involuntary 5150 psych hold was extended for one more month
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Amanda Bynes news

Amanda Bynes' car was finally impounded after she was pulled over again, yay!
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Amanda Bynes' car was finally impounded after she was pulled over again, yay!
For all of us waiting for some kind of justice to come to Amanda Bynes after a DUI, several hit and runs, getting pulled over while driving with a suspended license and getting stoned in her car, something has finally happened yesterday! Cops pulled Amanda over and they ran her license this time, which lead to her car being impounded. You know she’ll find another way to drive, but for now she’ll have to cab it or get a driver. I only hope the paparazzi are the ones who called the cops and that they’re keeping an eye on her. They need to be useful somehow. Here’s the story from TMZ:

Amanda Bynes’ suspended license finally caught up with her today — TMZ has learned she was pulled over by police and had her car impounded.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Bynes was pulled over in her black BMW around 9:00 AM in Burbank, CA. We’re told when cops ran her license they discovered it was suspended.

According to our sources, cops impounded the vehicle and issued her a misdemeanor ticket for driving on a suspended license.

As TMZ first reported, Bynes was pulled over on September 9 — but despite having the suspended license, she was given only a verbal warning and let go.

[From TMZ]

TMZ has the photos of Amanda’s car getting pulled over and her car being taken away. You can’t see her face because she’s pulled a jacket over her head, and her legs look incredible in some jeggings. We know that Amanda has been hitting the gym in between getting baked and driving around aimlessly. Several sources fom Amanda’s gym told TMZ that she’s in there a lot and that she often talks to herself. Her neighbors think she’s having serious problems too. Uh oh:

Several people from her gym — Equinox in West Hollywood – tell us, she has been showing increasingly alarming signs of delusional behavior. One person says Amanda came to the gym Thursday looking dazed and began speaking with herself — making comments and then answering back.

Another person says when Amanda was on the elliptical, she would stop suddenly and start “laughing hysterically for no reason.” She did this periodically throughout her workout. This person says he’s seen her dozens of times in the last few months, and says it’s apparent her condition is “deteriorating.”

Several of Amanda’s neighbors echo the concern over Amanda’s condition. One tells us he observed her on several occasions having long conversations with inanimate objects. Another person says people in her condo complex are aware of her condition and her conduct but haven’t called her friends or relatives or authorities because they just don’t want to get involved, given her profile.

Some of the people in the building have been upset over the last few weeks, because they believe the media is painting Amanda as a garden variety pothead and they say her problems are much deeper.

[From TMZ]

If this is true, I hope that someone will step in and make sure she gets the help she needs to be stabilized. It sounds like she’s having serious problems and is deep in denial. TMZ has a follow-up story on this from a source close to Amanda (read: Amanda) who insists she’s just fine and everything is being “blown out of proportion.” The source also insists that she was only smoking tobacco out of that special pipe designed to look like a car cigarette lighter.

Meanwhile the Cracken has chimed in on this, because she faced the ultimate sentence of a full 14 days in her own segregated jail cell for a DUI, a high speed car chase involving unwilling passengers, missing scheduled hearings, failing court-ordered drug tests, and failing multiple times to complete her court-ordered education and community service. (Not in that order, but it’s impossible to recap her legal problems without writing a treatise.) Lindsay tweeted “Why did I get put in jail and a nickelodeon star has had NO punishment(s) so far?” Maybe because you had a LOT more chances, particularly after the legal system got involved, you stupid cow. Look at that, Lindsay Lohan just made me defend Amanda Bynes. Lindsay’s just pissed that Amanda is getting more press than her.

Photos are from April outside the police station after her DUI and earlier this month. Credit: FameFlynet and PCNPhotos

22-Mar-2023 :Amanda Bynes placed on a psychiatric hold after asking for help & calling...
18-Mar-2020 :Amanda Bynes is pregnant with her ex-fiance & she?s living in a treatment...
21-Mar-2016 :Amanda Bynes: I?m Ready to Start Dating Again!
23-Feb-2016 :Amanda Bynes Enjoys Starbucks in LA
7-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes? parents are giving up on her & moving to Texas permanently
4-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes says she was diagnosed as bipolar & manic-depressive
2-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes will still be under a conservatorship until February 2015
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Psych Hospital
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes was just released from psychiatric facility: ruh-roh?
29-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes? involuntary 5150 psych hold was extended for one more month
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Amanda Bynes news

Amanda Bynes in a Car Accident While Driving Illegally
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Amanda Bynes in a Car Accident While Driving Illegally
A judge ordered Amanda Bynes to not drive on a suspended license yesterday but she took it more as a polite suggestion as she was seen out on Thursday night in West Hollywood driving around in her black BMW 5-series. Just in case you had any doubts it was her due to her covering her face, she even managed to get into a very minor accident.

At 10:30 PM on Sunset Boulevard, Amanda tapped the bumper of a white BMW in front of her. Both drivers left without exchanging information. Cops were not called.

So if you thought it was safe to drive around Hollywood because a judge ordered Amanda not to drive, you were wrong. It doesn’t help that 10,000 flashes are going off in her face when she’s behind the wheel either.

22-Mar-2023 :Amanda Bynes placed on a psychiatric hold after asking for help & calling...
18-Mar-2020 :Amanda Bynes is pregnant with her ex-fiance & she?s living in a treatment...
21-Mar-2016 :Amanda Bynes: I?m Ready to Start Dating Again!
23-Feb-2016 :Amanda Bynes Enjoys Starbucks in LA
7-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes? parents are giving up on her & moving to Texas permanently
4-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes says she was diagnosed as bipolar & manic-depressive
2-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes will still be under a conservatorship until February 2015
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Psych Hospital
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes was just released from psychiatric facility: ruh-roh?
29-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes? involuntary 5150 psych hold was extended for one more month
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Amanda Bynes news

Amanda Bynes ordered by a judge to stop driving, do you think that will stop her?
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Amanda Bynes ordered by a judge to stop driving, do you think that will stop her?
We’ve seen Amanda Bynes driving on a suspended license twice – there are photos of her getting pulled over by cops for driving without her headlights on, (nothing happened to her then of course) and TMZ recently published a series of photos in which we saw Amanda driving around, parking and getting high in her car. She got high twice that day according to the paparazzo who tailed her, and TMZ had photos of the inside of her car, which was a mess of fast food wrappers and pot residue. (Is that what you call it? I’m so old.) So now we know how she got into so many hit and runs in the first place – she was baked, hit other car(s), barely noticed, and then was too high to stop and conduct herself so she figured she may as well keep driving. She could have been drunk too, I don’t know.

Anyway Amanda’s license was suspended over a week ago, and now she might actually stop driving because a judge told her lawyer that she had to! Do you think that’s going to stop this bitch? You know it isn’t. Amanda wasn’t even at the hearing. You know her lawyer called her and she told him “sure, whatever” in between tokes. And then she drove to In-N-Out burger and satisfied her munchies. (That conjecture, although all I’m going by her past behavior. I don’t even know if she eats meat.)

Amanda Bynes has officially been asked to put away her car keys.

The starlet, 26, was ordered by L.A. Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel not to drive without a valid driver’s license, PEOPLE confirms.

Bynes lost her driving privileges while facing a DUI charge and two counts of hit-and-run, according to the Los Angeles Tmes.

On Sunday, the former child star was stopped by police officers in L.A. when her headlights weren’t on, but she was not asked to show her license, according to the Times, noting that police are not required to ask for a license in all instances.i

At a hearing Wednesday before Revel ? who had presided over some of Lindsay Lohan’s legal problems ? the District Attorney’s Office asked the judge to address the issue of Bynes’s driver’s license.

Bynes’s attorney Bob Wilson ? who appeared on behalf of the actress, who didn’t attend ? initially told the judge: “We haven’t completed her DMV hearing so she couldn’t have lost her license,” E! News

But later Wilson said the D.A. informed him that the actress’s license does in fact come up as suspended in the official records.

Sunday wasn’t apparently the only day she was on the road. TMZ posted photos of Bynes “driving for hours” and smoking out of some sort of pipe on Tuesday.

Bynes’s rep did not respond to requests for comment.

[From People]

I love how People phrases their article so carefully, “smoking out of some sort of pipe.” Plus her lawyer is such an enabler! He’s all “she couldn’t have lost her license” even though it’s suspended.

Radar has another story about how Amanda has been refusing rehab, hasn’t been talking to her family or manager, and is a “lost little girl.” It looks to me like she knows exactly what she’s doing. They quote a source who says:

“Amanda is refusing to go to rehab or seek any form of psychiatric treatment or diagnosis, because it’s clear something is up with her. She has been told by her agent and her dad Rick that she has substance abuse issues and needs to get help. She’s a lost little girl right now.” They add that she has “completely gone off the grid. She won’t speak with her manager, her agent, her publicist; she’s not returning anybody’s phone call.”

Their source thinks Amanda has mental health issues and “doesn’t seem to be in touch with reality.” With all due respect to pot smokers, doesn’t that happen when you’re high all day? I have nothing against a recreational toke when you’re not driving, but it looks like she’s pretty much driving around aimlessly all day and getting baked.

Update: We have our answer, and it’s just as suspected. No, Amanda will never stop driving. She just “tapped” the bumper of another car last night, while driving illegally AFTER the judge told her lawyer very firmly that his client has lost her privileges to drive. I hope the judge takes this all into account, if it’s admissible, when she’s finally brought to justice for her DUI. She’s the second coming of Lohan, so I guess we already know what’s going to happen.

More Photos Here

22-Mar-2023 :Amanda Bynes placed on a psychiatric hold after asking for help & calling...
18-Mar-2020 :Amanda Bynes is pregnant with her ex-fiance & she?s living in a treatment...
21-Mar-2016 :Amanda Bynes: I?m Ready to Start Dating Again!
23-Feb-2016 :Amanda Bynes Enjoys Starbucks in LA
7-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes? parents are giving up on her & moving to Texas permanently
4-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes says she was diagnosed as bipolar & manic-depressive
2-Nov-2014 :Amanda Bynes will still be under a conservatorship until February 2015
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Psych Hospital
31-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes was just released from psychiatric facility: ruh-roh?
29-Oct-2014 :Amanda Bynes? involuntary 5150 psych hold was extended for one more month
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Amanda Bynes news

Amanda Bynes pulled over while driving on a suspended license, but nothing happened
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Amanda Bynes pulled over while driving on a suspended license, but nothing happened
Amanda Bynes was pulled over by cops on Sunday for driving without her headlights on. There were paparazzi there to catch this fine moment on film and TMZ has the video. The officers let her off with a warning. They must not have bothered to run her license or they would have seen that she doesn’t have one. Amanda’s license was suspended in connection with two hit and runs she had after she received a DUI. This is progress for the LA justice system, but it’s not without its flaws. She’s now driving on a suspended license. Of course she is. And of course she didn’t even get a slap on the wrist this time. Here’s the story from TMZ:

Amanda Bynes was pulled over in L.A. last night after her driver’s license was suspended — but somehow, she didn’t end up in jail.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Bynes was pulled over for driving without her headlights on. We’re told she was given a verbal warning and sent on her way.

It’s unclear if officers ran the actress’ license — because if they did, they might have noticed it was reportedly SUSPENDED last week after the actress was slapped with two misdemeanor hit-and-run charges. She also refused to take a breathalyzer after being busted for DUI, and that triggers an automatic 1-year license suspension.

It’s unclear if the license has since been reinstated — but with such a short time frame, it’s VERY unlikely.

Calls to Bynes’ camp were not returned.

[From TMZ]

This girl lives deep in denial “move that cone” land, so of course she will continue to drive. I just hope she gets busted again before she does some serious damage. Paris Hilton got some hard time for driving on a suspended license, but I know it’s not realistic to expect the same for Bynes. She’s too much like Lohan – inexplicably slippery when it comes to facing consequences. Those two make Paris look mature.

Here are photos of Amanda hiding – while parked in a Handicapped space, on 9-2-12. Credit: David Tonnessen, Photo of her texting and driving was after a night out partying on 4-12-12 – less than a week after her DUI. She’s shown outside the police station on 4-6-12. Credit: FameFlynet.

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