| | |  | Amanda Bynes News & Gossip
| Amanda Bynes Gets Some Post-Treatment Fresh Air | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Readjusting to the outside world after a long stint of residential mental health treatment, Amanda Bynes took a walk with her parents in Thousand Oaks, California on Thursday (December 5).
The former Nickelodeon star stayed under wraps in a white "Gangsta Love" sweatshirt, blue skinnies, and a baseball cap as she strolled through the neighborhood with her folks and their two dogs.
As previously reported by GossipCenter, the 27-year-old actress was hospitalized for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder for about six months.
According to her attorney, Tamar Arminak, "Amanda and her entire family would like to thank everyone who's contacted them with good thoughts and wishes for Amanda's recovery. She's feeling better every day. Despite the fact Amanda is no longer in a facility, her outpatient treatment is continuing. She's very happy to reestablish the loving relationship with her family that she once shared."
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| Amanda Bynes Finished Rehab, Going to Parents | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Hide your bongs unless you want them thrown out a window because Amanda Bynes has left rehab.
“Amanda and her entire family would like to thank everyone who’s contacted them with good thoughts and wishes for Amanda’s recovery,” says a statement from lawyer Tamar Arminak. “Amanda has completed her inpatient rehabilitation and she’s feeling better every day.”
“She’s now looking at various colleges with the intention of majoring in fashion design,” the statement continues. “She’s mentioned before she’s interested in creating a clothing line.”
“Despite the fact Amanda is no longer in a facility, her outpatient treatment is continuing. She’s very happy to reestablish the loving relationship with her family that she once shared.”
There’s a local LA legend that if you say Amanda Bynes’ name in your rearview mirror three times, she’ll appear behind you and rear-end you.
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| Amanda Bynes Gets an Extended Vacay, Is Two Face | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 On Tuesday, a judge approved a 2 week forced hospitalization for Amanda Bynes. A 5150 hold usually only last 72 hours but the judge thought Amanda was crazy enough to extend her stay.
Now, her lawyer is challenging the extension. Her lawyer has filed documents for an emergency hearing to free her from that white room.
Also showing up in the courtroom were Amanda’s parents who are trying to win temporary conservatorship over her. The judge explained that there was no rush because she’s being held for 2 weeks. He also said that these things need to happen before he considers a conservatorship.
He wants a one-on-one with Amanda.
He wants the lawyer he appointed to rep Amanda to interview her and then come up with a recommendation.
He wants to hear from Amanda’s doctors.
He wants to see the police file on “the incident” — sources have told us the incident in question is the driveway fire.
In earlier news, sources tell TMZ Amanda is suffering from severe mental illness “with schizophrenic tendencies.” They say she knows there’s a “good Amanda and a bad Amanda.” Apparently bad Amanda tells good Amanda to burn things. “When she talks about the bad Amanda she almost mimics an exorcism, pulling at her body as if to remove the demon, and even biting herself.”
We’re told yesterday Amanda was lucid for 10 hours — she was kind, quiet and nice. During that 10 hour period the staff questioned her about the fire she started Monday and her personality changed radically. She got frustrated and “shut down.” But she still remained “normal.”
After 10 hours of normal, out of nowhere, her eyes widened, she started to grill the staff about her dog (the one she soaked in gasoline). The staff then told her the dog was safe with her parents, and Amanda went nuts, saying “They’ll kill it, just like they tried to kill me.” This went on for an hour.
Amanda then got incoherent and so out of control she had to be physically restrained.
In her defense, they probably had the most annoying questions like “why did you soak your dog in gasoline?” and “you monster!” I mean, the last one isn’t even a question.
Initially Amanda was placed with another female patient, but she started berating and insulting her to the point they removed Bynes and put her in a room by herself.
To be a fly on that wall. You can just imagine how many times she called that girl ugly (one of her favorite insults). It would have been like a game of Snaps but there wouldn’t be any jokes. It’d just be Amanda looking her straight in the eye and telling her, “You’re ugly. Your eyes are too far apart. Your mom should have aborted you.”
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| Amanda Bynes placed on 5150 hold in CA after setting fire to a driveway | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The last time we checked in on Amanda Bynes, she showed up to a New York courtroom wearing a blue wig and gym clothes. That court appearance was about how she (allegedly!) threw a bong out of her window in front of a NYPD officer, and that case is still pending. That was two weeks ago. At some point, Amanda flew back to California and she?s still acting weird/crazy. So much so that she was put on a 5150 hold (also known as a ?psychiatric hold?) on Monday night after she set a fire in the driveway of a stranger. Oh, good. She?s a pyromaniac now.
Amanda Bynes is currently hospitalized on a 5150 hold … after starting a small fire in the driveway of some random person’s house Monday night, TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell us, the fire department responded to the home in Thousand Oaks, CA around 9pm — near where Amanda was just accused of trespassing — after someone noticed the small blaze in the driveway. The sheriff’s department was subsequently called when Amanda was found standing near the campfire.
When sheriff’s deputies arrived, they questioned Amanda about what she was doing, and why she was doing it — and based on her answers, they determined she needed to be hospitalized on a 5150 hold. Translation: her answers were really wacky.
A 5150 hold is an involuntary hospitalization for mental evaluation. Amanda can only be held for 72 hours though.
Britney Spears was famously taken in on a 5150 in 2008 during her pre-conservatorship period.
TMZ just spoke to the woman whose driveway Amanda built the fire on, and she tells us, she had no idea what was going on until cops knocked on her front door. She says cops asked her, “Do you know anyone by the name of Amanda Bynes, or why she would have some vendetta against you?” She said no … not surprising because the woman is elderly.
Cops then described to her that there was a young lady in her driveway, who had lit a fire and was carrying a “little red gas tank.” The homeowner says cops told her Amanda had burned part of her clothing.
[From TMZ]
Sounds about right. And by that I mean that absolutely none of this surprises me given Amanda?s behavior in the past year (and longer). The only thing that surprises me a little bit is that it?s the California justice system that is like, ?Hey, this chick needs some psychiatric help!? New York didn?t do that. Is it because Amanda?s antics weren?t all that out-there in New York?
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| Amanda Bynes Placed on 5150 Hold | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 It was bound to happen sooner or later but everyone’s favorite nut job, Amanda Bynes, has been placed on a 5150 hold after starting a fire in a random person’s driveway. By the way, she’s back in California now.
TMZ says the fire department was called when someone saw Amanda at an old lady’s house in Thousand Oaks (where she grew up) standing over a small fire in the driveway. Cops also came and asked what the hell she was doing. She gave some nutty answers and they decided to put her on a 5150 hold. As one tends to do in Thousand Oaks, she had been walking around with a “little red gas tank.”
Earlier Sunday night, cops were called when Amanda tried to get into a retirement home in Thousand Oaks. At first, they turned her away because they felt she was drunk. They even called a taxi for her. However, when she got into the taxi she said, “Get me the fuck out of her, I don’t have any money.” The cab driver kicked her out and she walked back to the olds. Cops were called, she was possibly ticketed.
In even more Amanda Bynes is crazy news, she robbed her weed dealer and now he won’t sell to her. An insider says she stole her dealer’s weed while he was using her bathroom. He didn’t realize it at first but when he did inventory, i.e., looked into his bag, he noticed she replaced his stash with empty weed jars.
Says a source,”And she could end up really getting screwed by these guys. They?re good dudes, but you don?t steal from drug dealers!”
To be fair, these are probably low level dealers. Going, “Dude. Duuuude. Duuuuuude. Not cool,” is probably the angriest they’ll ever get.
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| Amanda Bynes returns to court in NYC wearing a blue wig & gym clothes, of course | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 If there was ever a person out there to make Lindsay Lohan look sober, competent and reasonably court-attired, it?s Amanda Bynes. Bynes made a court appearance yesterday in NYC ? this is the same case where the NYPD have accused her of throwing her bong out of her apartment?s window, after which Amanda accused a New York police officer of slapping her vadge. To show her disdain (or pleasure?) for the proceedings, Amanda donned an aqua-colored wig (with bangs!) and she wore some ratty-looking gym clothes. See? I?m not looking back at Lindsay Lohan?s inappropriate court attire as ?the good old days?.
Amanda Bynes rolled into a New York courtroom today dressed more for a rave than a court hearing — sporting an aqua-colored wig, sweatpants, a tank top … and sneakers!
… and no one was surprised.
Bynes was in court to fight allegations she threw a glass bong out of her NY apartment window back in May.
According to police, Amanda threw the bong out of her window before they arrested her, but she has denied the accusation … in fact, she says the arresting officer sexually assaulted her by slapping her vagina.
She also said cops entered her apartment illegally.
But inside the courtroom today … nothing really happened. Bynes was virtually silent — and the judge continued the case to August 26 … though Bynes isn’t ordered to appear until Sep. 26.
[From TMZ]
I imagine Amanda still thinks that this is the only time she?s ever been accused of anything, but she?s forgetting her DUI in California and her post-arrest spree of sketchiness in LA. She moved to NYC just as the LAPD was going to have to buckle down and start actually charging her with some of the myriad traffic crimes she was committing. But now she?s in New York and all the NYPD has on her is felony bong-tossing. Here?s the video of Amanda coming into court:
The wig game has improved. But that?s only because her wig game was pretty busted to begin with. And, as always, I checked in on Amanda?s Twitter to see what she?s been up to. She?s still tweeting about plastic surgery and now she thinks the Obamas are ?ugly?.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Amanda Bynes Looked Fabulous for Her Court Appearance | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Amanda Bynes showed up to court todaywearing an aqua colored wig and tank top for her bong throwing case where she alleged a police officer slapped her vagina. The only things missing here were some glow sticks, a Ring Pop and a lot of wub wub wub wub.
She didn’t say much in court as the judge continued the case to August 26. Bynes doesn’t have to show up until September 26.
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| Amanda Bynes Corrected Her 'Birth Defect' | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Amanda Bynes went on Twitter yesterday to tell everyone she doesn’t want people using old pictures of her because that was before she had her birth defect fixed. Birth defect? Sounds serious. What was it? A hidden cleft palate she was covering up all these years? A malformed twin growing out of her back? No, it was webbing between the eyes.
Intouch used a photo from years ago on their cover and I hate it! The reason I’ve asked all magazines and blogs to stop using old photos of me is I don’t look like that anymore! I had a nose job to remove skin that was like a webbing in between my eyes. I wasn’t going to tell anyone, but I look so much prettier in my new photos that I don’t want old photos used anymore! I’m so sick of magazines and blogs using old photos! When will they stop? I will never look like that again! Having surgery was the most amazing thing for my confidence!
I was born with a webbing in between my eyes. That was a birth defect that I had surgically removed! I've never been more excited! Now I…
— Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) June 20, 2013
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| Amanda Bynes arrested in NYC (updates: she was released without bail!) | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 None of what I?m about to discuss is funny, of course. Except for TMZ?s headline, which is hilarious: ?Amanda Bynes BUSTED FOR POT POSSESSION and FELONY Bong Tossing?. Okay. *slaps self* Tighten up. So, after a week that involved an In Touch Weekly cover devoted to her sketchy drug den, a subsequent Twitter hissy fit about said tabloid cover, and an attempt to use ?Google? as the necessary ID to board a plane, Amanda Bynes? week just got worse (or better, depending on how you look at it). Amanda was arrested late last night after she smoked a joint in the lobby of her building and then tossed a bong out of her window. I?ll let TMZ explain:
Amanda Bynes was arrested in her NYC apartment Thursday night for marijuana possession and throwing evidence out the window … TMZ has learned.
According to law enforcement sources … a building official called police after spotting Amanda in the lobby with a joint, acting erratically and talking to herself. We’re told when cops arrived they knocked at her door and she let them in.
Our sources say when police saw the bong Amanda quickly tossed it out the window … which fortunately didn’t hit anyone on the street below.
Amanda, who was wearing a platinum blonde wig, was placed under arrest and went ballistic, yelling, “Don’t you know who I am?”
She was booked for criminal possession of pot, as well as reckless endangerment and FELONY tampering with evidence.
Our law enforcement sources say Amanda was briefly taken to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation and then taken to the station for booking.
But the cop shop wasn’t the last stop. A cuffed Amanda was then taken to night court just before midnight. She’s still there in a holding cell, waiting for a judge. She should get a hearing sometime this AM.
[From TMZ]
People Magazine has basically the same details, but they added this bitchy little aside at the end of their story: ?In September 2012 she told PEOPLE that she was ?doing amazing? and was moving to New York to launch a fashion line.? Yep. That about sums it up. What else?? Amanda tossed her bong out of the window? on the 36th floor! Can you imagine getting hit with a bong that?s falling from 36 floors? Yikes. There?s video of Amanda?s perp walk at TMZ, but I?m not going to include it. She doesn?t say anything, her head is down and it?s just kind of sad. The only good news out of all of this is that maybe she?ll get some help. And by that I mean she?ll be locked down in some kind of psychiatric facility.
UPDATE: A few new details! Amanda has been booked and she already has a mug shot, which you can see here. In Touch Weekly ? the tabloid with Amanda?s drug den on their cover ? claims that Amanda actually called 911 on herself last night too. Apparently, the doorman called 911 on her when she was smoking pot in the lobby, but then when the cops showed up at her door to arrest her, ?She called 911, saying cops were going to assault her.? Radar also reports that before the arrest, Amanda?s parents were trying to get her a conservatorship.
UPDATE #2: Amanda was just released on her own recognizance ? she didn?t even have to make bail!!!!!!!!! She has to be back in court in July. TMZ got their hands on the arrest report too, and it says that when a uniformed police officer saw the bong sitting on Amanda?s kitchen counter and asked her about it, she ?grabbed said bong, ran to the westbound-facing window, and threw it out the window where numerous pedestrians were walking on the 8 Avenue and West 47 Street sidewalks below.”
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Amanda Bynes arrested in NYC for possession & felony evidence tampering | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 None of what I?m about to discuss is funny, of course. Except for TMZ?s headline, which is hilarious: ?Amanda Bynes BUSTED FOR POT POSSESSION and FELONY Bong Tossing?. Okay. *slaps self* Tighten up. So, after a week that involved an In Touch Weekly cover devoted to her sketchy drug den, a subsequent Twitter hissy fit about said tabloid cover, and an attempt to use ?Google? as the necessary ID to board a plane, Amanda Bynes? week just got worse (or better, depending on how you look at it). Amanda was arrested late last night after she smoked a joint in the lobby of her building and then tossed a bong out of her window. I?ll let TMZ explain:
Amanda Bynes was arrested in her NYC apartment Thursday night for marijuana possession and throwing evidence out the window … TMZ has learned.
According to law enforcement sources … a building official called police after spotting Amanda in the lobby with a joint, acting erratically and talking to herself. We’re told when cops arrived they knocked at her door and she let them in.
Our sources say when police saw the bong Amanda quickly tossed it out the window … which fortunately didn’t hit anyone on the street below.
Amanda, who was wearing a platinum blonde wig, was placed under arrest and went ballistic, yelling, “Don’t you know who I am?”
She was booked for criminal possession of pot, as well as reckless endangerment and FELONY tampering with evidence.
Our law enforcement sources say Amanda was briefly taken to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation and then taken to the station for booking.
But the cop shop wasn’t the last stop. A cuffed Amanda was then taken to night court just before midnight. She’s still there in a holding cell, waiting for a judge. She should get a hearing sometime this AM.
[From TMZ]
People Magazine has basically the same details, but they added this bitchy little aside at the end of their story: ?In September 2012 she told PEOPLE that she was ?doing amazing? and was moving to New York to launch a fashion line.? Yep. That about sums it up. What else?? Amanda tossed her bong out of the window? on the 36th floor! Can you imagine getting hit with a bong that?s falling from 36 floors? Yikes. There?s video of Amanda?s perp walk at TMZ, but I?m not going to include it. She doesn?t say anything, her head is down and it?s just kind of sad. The only good news out of all of this is that maybe she?ll get some help. And by that I mean she?ll be locked down in some kind of psychiatric facility.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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