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Jessica Alba News & Gossip
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Jessica Alba is 'open' to the idea that she knew Cash Warren in a former life
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Alba is 'open' to the idea that she knew Cash Warren in a former life
As CB reported yesterday, Jessica Alba has finally given birth to her second daughter, which means that she’s already slapped on that girdle (the fact of which probably gets Taylor Lautner hot) and is preparing to tell us all (again) about how hard it is to lose the baby weight. First, however, Alba’s going to send us a few mixed signals with a recent interview within which she inconsisently claims that she’s really in no hurry to get back to her pre-pregnancy bod. Also, she sort of believes in reincarnation:

Jessica Alba has revealed that she wouldn’t be surprised if she knew her husband Cash Warren in a past life.

The Little Fockers actress, who gave birth to her second child on Saturday, explained that she felt instantly comfortable around the actor when they met.

Asked whether she is open to the idea of reincarnation, Alba replied to Style: “I’m not closed to that possibility. I definitely felt like I knew my husband when I met him. It was an instant comfort when I met him. I felt like we were family.”

While the couple didn’t plan to have their 3-year-old daughter Honor Marie, the 30-year-old star explained that it has brought them even closer.

“It just happened and we were like, ‘OK, let’s do this’. It’s made our bond deeper. It’s creating a life that you created with someone else that makes everything more solid,” she said.

Alba also insisted that she is in no rush to return to her pre-baby body because she is at ease with the way she looks.

“I’m much happier with my body than I’ve ever been,” she explained. “It’s different, but it’s fine. I had a different association with my body and what perfection was when I was younger.”

[From Digital Spy]

Alba is so wacky. To be clear, I’m not knocking reincarnation at all but more like Alba’s idea of it. In her words, the idea is all very romantic and only serves the purpose of explaining why she felt so instantly comfortable with her husband. It’s a very superficial way of approaching what many believe is a very spiritual topic; of course, Alba waxing rhapsodic about reincarnation is much preferable to witnessing Alba’s complaints about how directors are to blame for her own substandard performances, how Hollywood doesn’t take her seriously because of her racial ambiguity, and how screenwriters are basically useless to great actors, right? Unfortunately, I have the feeling that Alba will soon return to attempting to justify her less than impressive run as an actress, so I’ll take her flighty ideas about reincarnation over her usual topics of conversation anyday.

Also, how exactly did Alba stay comfortable wearing such high heels during late pregancy? Ouch.

Photos courtesy of Fame

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba Gave Birth
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Jessica Alba Gave Birth
The bad news is Jessica Alba was pregnant causing her to balloon to an ungodly weight (almost to that of an average American woman!!) that not even I could masturbate to. The good news is she gave birth over the weekend.

What popped out was a 7lbs, 19 inch long baby girl named Haven Garner Warren. She announced the happy news on Facebook.

Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend. Cash and I are so excited to announce the birth of our daughter, Haven Garner Warren. She was born on Saturday, weighed 7lbs, and was 19 inches long. Healthy and happy! Big Sister Honor couldn?t be more excited about the new addition to our family.

Thank you for all of your support during my pregnancy. It means the world to me.

Even better news is she’s going to be working out every day to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight and her boobs will be swollen for a while. Hopefully I can make due with what little consolation that brings me.

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba gives birth to daughter Haven Garner Warren
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Alba gives birth to daughter Haven Garner  Warren
Jessica Alba, 30, and her husband Cash Warren, 32, have welcomed their second child, a daughter they named Haven Garner Warren. Little Haven was born on Saturday and joins her little sister Honor, three. Alba posted the news on her Facebook page. Alba has previously not revealed the sex or due date of the baby, just saying during a recent interview that she was due “soon” and didn’t want to say if she was having a girl or a boy.

Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend. Cash and I are so excited to announce the birth of our daughter, Haven Garner Warren. She was born on Saturday, weighed 7lbs, and was 19 inches long. Healthy and happy! Big Sister Honor couldn?t be more excited about the new addition to our family.

Thank you for all of your support during my pregnancy. It means the world to me.

[From Jessica Alba's Facebook via E! Online]

Well, as far as Haven goes it’s not the most bizarre celebrity name, but it still sounds odd to me. It’s strange to hear a regular word appropriated as a child’s name, but Alba and Warren did it for their first kid and they’re doing it again. Kaiser says that it’s a name for a production company, not a kid. According to the Baby Name Wizard, the name “Haven” was given to 130 out of a million kids in 2010. So it’s not a popular name at all, but that’s about to change now that Alba has used it. I’m assuming that the baby’s middle name, “Garner,” is a family name.

Congratulations to Jessica and Cash on their new arrival! We’ll be seeing that baby in paparazzi pictures soon.

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29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba: Baby On Board in Beverly Hills!
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba: Baby On Board in Beverly Hills!
With her due date rapidly approaching, Jessica Alba showed off her full blown baby bump while out with the family in Beverly Hills, CA on Saturday (August 6).

The expecting actress walked hand-in-hand with daughter Honor Marie and husband Cash Warren as the happy trio took to Jack N' Jill's for a tasty weekend brunch.

The outing comes as Miss Alba was recently unveiled as the September cover girl for Lucky magazine - in which she spoke about trying to keep off the pounds while going through her second pregnancy.

Talking about her pregnancy diet, the 30-year-old dished, "I have a hard time with portion control, so I have 1,200 calorie meals delivered. But I also work out, so basically I?m starving?it sucks. I drink a lot of water.?

As for her post-baby fitness efforts, Jessica told, ?Working out every day for even just 45 minutes is good for my mental state. But getting (dressed) and actually doing it is the worst. It?s hard to get motivated.?

More Photos Here

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba Still Pregnant
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Jessica Alba Still Pregnant
Jessica Alba showed up at the Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D premiere in LA on Sunday and if you’re wondering, the fourth dimension they created is smell. So not only will your nose be assaulted with bo and buttered popcorn while you try to un-stick your feet from the floor, you’ll now be able to smell what the characters smell in the movie. Mainly sadness and despair.

But I digress. We’re here to talk about Jessica Alba not this terrible movie. She looks great. And still skinny even though she’s obscenely pregnant. Other women look like a hideous lump at this point. Not Jessica though. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to know I’d still do her.

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba: 'I wear a girdle around my tummy from the moment I give birth'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Alba: 'I wear a girdle around my tummy from the moment I give birth'
Jessica Alba is the September cover girl for Lucky Magazine, in what I?m guessing was a photo shoot done eight months ago. I mean? Alba?s waist is super-tiny here, and in reality, I think Alba is due any minute. She didn?t even look this slim in January. The interview isn?t anything in-depth, and there weren?t any big eye-roll moments, like Alba will sometimes do, like the time when she said all great actresses ignore the script. Mostly, Alba just talks about her body, how much she hates working out, and how she loves a good girdle:

Post-partum girdle: ?I wear a girdle around my tummy from the moment I give birth until it doesn?t feel loosely goosey anymore?that takes a good two to three months. It?s spandex with Velcro.?

No maternity clothes? ?I generally don?t wear many maternity clothes?but I am wearing maternity pantyhose, because I can?t fit into the other ones.?

On trying not to be the perfect mom: “I get obsessed with how to make her life as perfect as I can?which means allowing her to make mistakes and act nuts,” she says.

On her meal plan to shape up after the baby: “I have a hard time with portion control, so I have 1,200 calorie meals delivered. But I also work out, so basically I’m starving?it sucks. I drink a lot of water.”

On her post-baby workout: “Working out everyday for even just 45 minutes is good for my mental state. But getting dressed and actually doing it is the worst. It’s hard to get motivated.”

On why she likes to be distracted at the gym: “In the gym, I have like five things to distract me: TV, iPod, magazines. Working partners are good, too, so you can chat and not just drown in your own misery. Sorry, does that sound bad? I just hate working out.”

On being considered a sex symbol: “I’ve never been perceived as anything but a sex symbol, so I don’t even know what that means,” she says.

On suing Playboy from putting her on the cover without her permission: “Playboy isn’t bad; it’s just not me.”

On her sexy Campari calendar she shot wearing heels and a bathing suit: “It got people talking,” she says. “Besides, it’s not like my boobies were out or my bum was showing.”

On her career goal after the sexiness wears off: “I’ve kept my future in mind,” she says. “I wasn’t going to be a flash in the pan. I want my career to last a long time.”

On playing superheroes: “I pretended to be a superhero when I was a kid,” says Alba who plays a superhero mom in her upcoming movie Spy Kids. “I thought, if boys can do it, I can do it, I can do it better,” she says, laughing.

On being strong-willed: “There’s a video of me when I’m three, saying ‘This is a woman’s world, and I don’t need a man for nothin’!'” she says.

On her first big audition: “We all went out for it?my mom, my auntie, her four kids, my auntie’s boyfriend, my brother and I all sardined inside our Buick Regal. That’s how we rolled back then.” Once there, she was asked to list any acting experience. “I lied and said I done plays,” she says, smiling. “My mom definitely taught me how to hustle.”

On looking back at her journey as an actress: “Why am I here?” she asks. “Sheer will and determination, dammit…And I hustled like crazy.”

[From Starpulse & Lucky Mag]

I only rolled my eyes at “I’ve never been perceived as anything but a sex symbol, so I don’t even know what that means.” Granted, if she was trying to put herself out there as some big, quality actress, I would have rolled my eyes too, but surely there?s a happy medium. What is the right way to answer the ?How does it feel to be a sex symbol?? question? I like when actresses at least make an effort to feign humility, like, ?Oh, it?s great that people think that. I?m not really like that, though.?

As far as the dieting and exercising stuff - I feel like we?re going to spend the next three years reading even more interviews from Alba about getting the baby weight off, so just prepare yourselves. Is it weird that she wears a girdle? It just seems so? old-school, so 1950s.

Lucky Mag photos.

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba's Mani/Pedi Monday
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba's Mani/Pedi Monday
After a busy promotional weekend, Jessica Alba was spotted taking some time for herself in Beverly Hills, CA on Monday (August 1).

The preggers actress looked pretty in a long dress and cardigan as she walked back to her vehicle after a mani/pedi session.

Last night, Ms Jessica attended the Los Angeles premiere of ?Spy Kids 4? and dazzled the red carpet.

She opted for a star-printed Dolce & Gabbana maxi dress and towering Christian Louboutin shoes. She?s one brave mama!

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29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba in Dolce & Gabbana for the 'spy Kids 4D' premiere: cute or over-done'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Alba in Dolce & Gabbana for the 'spy Kids 4D' premiere: cute or over-done'
Aw, she might be a moron, and she might be ?racially ambiguous? but I think Jessica Alba looks super-cute here. These are pics from yesterday?s Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World in 4D premiere. Alba wore a maternity maxi dress from Dolce & Gabbana that looks great on her. The clutch is by Roger Vivier and the shoes are Louboutin. She?s gotten to the part of her pregnancy where she?s gained weight in her face, and I think it makes her look younger and cuter. She looks like a knocked-up 19 year old! That?s what some added weight can do, ladies. My only complaint - and this is just a minor thing - is that Alba was the only person at the premiere who ?dressed up? like this, in full hair and makeup and a long dress. While I don?t fault her for the dress (she probably just chose the dress that fit, that was the most comfortable), I will side-eye the over-the-top hair. The hair says ?Oscars!? It?s slightly too much for the premiere of a kids? film. Still, it?s only a minor qualm.

I think Alba is due soon too - her baby shower (with a ?French country? theme) was last week, and the way she?s been talking, I expect her to give birth soon enough.

Other photos from the premiere - CB?s soulmate Joel McHale and my favorite child actress, Kiernan Shipka, from Mad Men. Look at her adorable dress! Look at her boots!

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba Premieres "Spy Kids: All the Time in the World"
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba Premieres
Closing out the weekend on the red carpet, the stars of "Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D" were gathered together for their film's Los Angeles premiere on Sunday (July 31).

Held at Regal Cinemas L.A. Live, leading lady Jessica Alba brought her full-blown baby bump to the festivities as she joined up alongside co-stars Jeremy Piven and Joel McHale, while also getting support from hubby Cash Warren and daughter Honor Marie.

The latest "Spy Kids" installment finds "retired agent Marissa Cortez Wilson (Jessica Alba) getting back into action - as she recruits her two stepchildren to stop a supervillain known as the Timekeeper (Jeremy Piven) from taking over the planet."

Sure to be an entertaining adventure, the Robert Rodriguez directed family action caper is all set to hit theaters beginning August 19, 2011.

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29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba asks if it's ok to have sex when you?re pregnant
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Alba asks if it's ok to have sex when you?re pregnant
A very pregnant Jessica Alba was a guest on The Tonight Show last night. She was promoting Spy Kids 4D, which has this “extra dimension” in that there are scratch and sniff cards for viewers to experience certain smells shown on screen. Joel McHale is in this mess too, which is out August 19. I watched Alba’s interview and she didn’t say much that was interesting. She did reveal that she’s a somewhat strict mom, which we’ve heard from her before.

On Honor’s style

She loves to wear dress up. I had to explain to her that only certain types of girls are allowed to wear plastic heels outdoors, so she’s allowed to only wear her plastic princess heels indoors. I can’t really tell her why yet.

On giving time outs with the lights off

I’m definitely the disciplinarian. We don’t believe in like spankings [or]… hot sauce. My daughter, we give her time outs whenever she’s naughty… Just time out in the bathroom isn’t bad enough. Even though she’s in a lit bathroom that has big windows and it’s a big bathroom it makes it seem that much worse… with the lights off. She freaks out… We have a nice little chair that?s her size. [for Time outs]

[From The Tonight Show, video above]

Alba’s segment was right before registered nurse and sex expert Sue Johanson came on. Johanson had been on for a few minutes and had very frankly answered a bunch of questions about sex when Leno asked Alba if she had any questions for her. Alba wanted to know if there was any way to harm the baby during sex. Johanson basically said “no” and that the uterus was pretty solid. She explained “that baby is in there, and that baby ain’t going nowhere.”

“As someone who’s in the later stage of pregnancy, is there any way to harm the baby during intercourse?” Alba asked.

“That baby is in there and that baby ain’t going nowhere until it’s ready,” Johanson assured her. “That uterus wall is just like that,” she said knocking the arm of her chair. She then painted a picture of the cervix smiling from intercourse and things got a little weird.

[From AOLTV]

Alba’s question may sound crass to some, but it was nothing compared to what Johanson was saying. She had been talking about penises, orgasms and masturbation for a while and she went on about it. I’m not familiar with Johanson and she was cracking me the hell up. There’s just something so funny about an older lady talking about sex. She answered a question about whether men can fake orgasms. “Yes, but they can’t fake ejaculation. It has a very, shall we say distinctive odor.” A 68 year-old widower wrote in to ask if he’d ever have sex again and she said “Boy I hope so, here I am honey.” Johanson is 80!

When I was that far along pregnant I wasn’t interested in sex. I could barely get comfortable in bed and had to use one of those full body pillows to sleep with. Jessica looks big and she said the baby was due “soon,” but didn’t give a time frame. She wouldn’t say whether she was having a boy or a girl, which she seemed to know but not be willing to reveal publicly. (Hollybaby is reporting that she confirmed it’s a girl, but if you watch the clip that’s not the case at all.) I’m not going to fault her for asking about pregnant sex. Given the context it seemed like a totally legitimate question. I will say that my opinion of her wasn’t changed much after seeing this interview. Pregnant or not she’s not the most likable person.

Alba is shown on 7/10, 7/8 and 7/6/11. Credit: Fame

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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