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Jessica Alba News & Gossip
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Jessica Alba's Pre-Holiday Office Duty
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba's Pre-Holiday Office Duty
Tying up some loose ends before the holiday weekend, Jessica Alba tended to a meeting at her office in Santa Monica, California this afternoon (May 25).

Always fashionable no matter what the occasion, the "Spy Kids" actress donned some pretty aqua-toned sunnies, cream blazer with matching scarf, coral jeans, suede booties and brown leather handbag.

Earlier in the week Miss Alba attended the OC Walk to Remember luncheon, of which her company, The Honest Company, partnered.

The event helped to raise money for local organizations that support parents who have endured miscarriages, pregnancy loss or infant loss.

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29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba: Coffee Bean Beauty
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba: Coffee Bean Beauty
Out grabbing a morning pick me up before heading to work, Jessica Alba was spotted at The Coffee Bean before going to her Santa Monica, CA office on Monday (May 21).

The brunette beauty looked casually chic in a flowing maxi dress paired with a denim vest, sandals and sunglasses while ordering her refreshment before starting the day.

In career news, Miss Alba will hit the set again soon for the sequel to her previous 2005 film "Sin City."

"Sin City 2" is set to hit theaters this October and so far the 31-year-old actress and her co-star Mickey Rourke have signed on to the film.

In a recent interview with Empire director Robert Rodriguez explained that the second film will relate even closer to Frank Miller's graphic novels adding, ?I really held back the first time, because I didn?t know whether audiences would go for it. So it ended up looking like a real movie, but in black and white, with a few flourishes. This one is going to push way further towards the books. It?s going to shock and surprise people.?

At this time no other stars have been announced but Rodriguez admits he has been talking to some ?seriously big names? that you just might see in the October 4th release.

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29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba Is Red Hot
Added 12 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jessica Alba Is Red Hot
I know it’s silly, but I’ve kind of got a thing for hot chicks feeding parking meters. It doesn’t make any sense, but I like it. I think it has something to do with slipping something into a coin slot. Anyhow, here’s Jessica Alba in her hot little red dress getting all hot and nasty

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba: Business Savy Diva
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba: Business Savy Diva
Keeping busy in her many business endeavors, Jessica Alba was spotted heading into a meeting in Beverly Hills, CA on Friday (May 18).

The founder of ?The Honest company? looked business chic in a red knee length dress that she paired with a black leather jacket and pointed toe black pumps as she was seen feeding her meter before heading inside.

Shortly after her meeting, the busy mom of two headed back to Santa Monica, CA to her own offices after a quick outfit change. The "X-Men" star opted for a more relaxed outfit this time sporting teal skinny jeans, a white v neck shirt and red vest while heading in with her hands full.

In other news, the 31-year-old actress was just named one of the top 100 most creative people in business this year by Fast Company for her eco-friendly line that produces baby and household products.

When talking about her company in comparison to the many other lines out there Alba says, ?I was sick of people saying, ?This is our green line, it costs a dollar more,? but it?s the same stuff that?s in everything else,? adding, ?They deleted one fragrance, but it still has tons of carcinogens. Like, really??

More Photos Here

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba on her acting career: 'I felt like I was being objectified'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Alba on her acting career: 'I felt like I was being objectified'
Jessica Alba covers the June issue of Marie Claire — presumably to promote The Honest Company (again). The photoshoot is quite pretty, but I think she’s either run out of things to discuss, or the interviewer steered clear of the diaper and hand sanitizer-oriented questions with an eye towards the magazine’s demographic. As such, Jessica is discussing how tough it is to be perceived as “sexy” (she and Scarlett Johansson could form a club to that end). Oddly enough, this sentiment dovetails with Jessica’s recent iVillage blog about how becoming a mother has made her feel more sexy. What a tricky little paradox. Here are some excerpts from the interview:

On being typecast as sexy: “I had a show [Fox's 'Dark Angel'] that premiered when I was 19. And right away, everyone formed a strong opinion about me because of the way I was marketed. I was supposed to be sexy, this tough action girl. That’s what people expected…I felt like I was being objectified, and it made me uncomfortable. I wanted to be chic and elegant!”

On gaining confidence: “Now that I’m older, I’ve learned how to own it, but I’m still not very overt. There are some women who dress for men. I dress for myself. It took me some time to get here. Being a mom and feeling grown-up have helped. Now if I?m going to wear something short, it has to have a high neck or a little sci-fi toughness to it, an edge.”

On her former sexy image: “I like to get positive attention. But if I have a choice between someone noticing in a negative way what I’m wearing and going, What was she thinking? or someone not noticing what I’m wearing, I would rather not make a statement at all and just have a good conversation instead.”

[From Marie Claire]

In some regard, I can see how Alba would get frustrated at being typecast as the hot girl. Yet as a non-ethereally beautiful civilian, it grates somewhat to hear her repeatedly discuss how hard it is to be gorgeous. I mean, those looks gained her several millions of dollars, and she was certainly accepting these roles (Into the Blue, Honey, Sin City, Fantastic Four, and many more) with a pasted-on smile. So at a certain point, Alba just needs to STFU and stop complaining. Besides, she’s done a very smart thing by largely ducking out of acting to work on The Honest Company, so I think the dreaded “sexy” phase of her career is well behind her.

Here’s Jessica at the park with Honor and Haven on 5/10. She seems to have a very blessed life, and I like her casual street style.

Photos courtesy of Marie Claire and Fame/Flynet

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba on mothehood: 'Having babies' helped me embrace my sexuality'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Alba on mothehood: 'Having babies' helped me embrace my sexuality'
Jessica Alba may not be much of an actress, but she’s one hell of a shrewd businesslady when it comes to promoting The Honest Company. These are photos of Jessica waving her branded diaper wipes all over New York City, and I have to admire her gusto when she’s essentially marketing (somewhat overpriced) products that touch a baby’s bottom. Anyway, I’m still rooting for Jessica to formally oust Goop in the battle of the lifestyle-oriented celebrity websites, and it’s just a matter of time before that happens. But onto the subject matter of this story, which has to do with Alba’s new blog series for iVillage. She’s already previously admitted in a magazine interview that she’s more relaxed while parenting the second time around, and now she’s talking about how “sexy” she feels now that she’s a mother. Okay:

It’s really amazing how your perspective shifts and your definition of sexy evolves once you become a mother. Before having Honor and Haven, I was super-critical of my looks and worried more about inevitable changes to my body. I couldn?t even say the word “sexy” to describe myself without feeling funny and awkward.

But becoming a mom has definitely made me feel more confident and secure than I ever did in my 20s. Even though I can?t ever get down to my pre-baby weight before having Honor, my jeans don’t zip up the same way, and things just hang differently (all moms know how that goes!), I feel completely comfortable in my skin and my idea of perfection has changed. I don’t really care about my body image anymore because it just doesn’t matter now that I have children. Instead, I focus on my health, feeling strong, and making sure I’m up and running so I can spend that all-important time with the girls.

Having babies also helped me embrace my sexuality. Up until then, I was quite shy about it. But once I experienced how incredible and amazing it was to create a life, it was empowering. Now, I feel freer to express myself and just be me. Through motherhood I really came into my own and, for me, feeling sexy is all about this type of comfort, confidence, and true happiness.

[From iVillage]

Hmm. Since Alba played a number of sexy-type roles before becoming a mother, maybe she’s always been a better actress than I’m giving her credit for being. Or maybe not. Seriously though, I can’t recall feeling terribly sexy after becoming a mother — at least not in comparison to how I felt before the biggest lifestyle change of my entire life. After becoming a mother, I mostly recall feeling much more tired than usual, but I didn’t have the benefit of a nanny, so beauty (or “sexy“) sleep wasn’t really an option.

Of course, Jessica isn’t saying anything offensive in her blog entry, but I have to wonder what her end goal is besides endearing herself towards the mommy quadrant. Mostly, I think Jessica is working hard to sell her baby goods, and maybe her (hopeful) logical extension is that moms will feel hotter if they buy products from The Honest Company.

Photos courtesy of WENN

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba: Biggest Baby Shower Babe
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba: Biggest Baby Shower Babe
She?s a passionate mom as well as a famous actress, and last night (May 9) Jessica Alba dropped by the Biggest Baby Shower in New York City.

The ?Fantastic Four? starlet was joined by Christopher Gavigan from her Honest Company as she posed for the paparazzi ahead of the charitable event.

In a new blog entry, Jessica talks about how she and her husband Cash Warren still have time for each other given their busy careers and having two daughters.

She writeds, "Maintaining a family schedule is the key to making time for each other. Whether we're settling into the couch to watch bad reality television or getting a babysitter so we can enjoy a date night out, we always know we have dedicated time after the girls are asleep to catch up, discuss what's on our minds, and simply just be with each other..."

"I don't think romance is always about swinging from chandeliers (although it's nice from time to time). It's really about the small gestures too. Recently when filming a movie in Atlanta, Cash surprised me by having a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered to the set. It was a simple, heartfelt surprise that let me know he was thinking of me during my time away from home. I loved it."

More Photos Here

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba's Casual Post-MET NYC Stroll
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba's Casual Post-MET NYC Stroll
After a glamorous night at the MET gala, Jessica Alba went for a more relaxed look while out and about in New York City on Tuesday (May 8).

The "Sin City" star kept busy checking her phone while making her way through the city wearing chunky black boots with leggins, a flower print skirt, green military jacket and accessorized her look with a dark scarf, sunglasses and a white over-the-shoulder purse.

Jessica transformed into a golden goddess last night when she stepped out for the Costume Institute Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in a liquid gold dress by Michael Kors.

It seems the 31-year-old was shining even after the extravagant event, as she tweeted a picture with her pals, adding, "Having a GD time at #pradaafterparty #metball2012"

Check out the pictures from last night of Miss Alba on the MET red carpet.

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29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba: Marvelously Metallic at the 2012 Met Ball
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba: Marvelously Metallic at the 2012 Met Ball
Joining in on quite the big evening in the Big Apple, Jessica Alba turned up for the 'Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations' 2012 Costume Institute Gala in New York City on Monday (May 7).

The "Spy Kids" starlet sashayed through the Metropolitan Museum of Art venue while clad in a gorgeous metallic Michael Kors gown.

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29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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Jessica Alba's Trendy Big Apple Stroll
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Alba's Trendy Big Apple Stroll
Shortly after celebrating her 31st birthday, Jessica Alba was spotted strolling along the streets of New York City on Monday afternoon (May 7).

The "Honest Company" founder looked chic as she rocked black tights under a tribal print dress adorned with black booties, while she sipped on a warm beverage and chatted with a friend.

In personal news, the 31-year-old actress took to her blog page and opened up about keeping her relationship alive with hubby Cash Warren despite a busy household and raising their two daughters, Honor and Haven.

In her post, Miss Alba describes her chaotic lifestyle by explaining, "Diapers are a certainty. Sleepless nights, coffee, and concealer (lots of it) are probably guaranteed too. Having time to see a movie or enjoy a glass of wine by yourself -- let alone with your husband -- before your kids head off to college? I know -- it feels like an impossibility or a far-off dream."

Even though the statement above definitely sounds like a hefty task, the "Sin City" actress says it can be done with organization, adding, "Maintaining a family schedule is the key to making time for each other. Whether we?re settling into the couch to watch bad reality television or getting a babysitter so we can enjoy a date night out, we always know we have dedicated time after the girls are asleep to catch up, discuss what?s on our minds, and simply just be with each other..."

More Photos Here

29-Oct-2018 :Olivia Munn And Jessica Alba Make A Great Pair
14-May-2018 :Jessica Alba on motherhood: ?The things you took for granted become luxur...
5-Jun-2017 :Jessica Alba on being with her kids: ?it?s about quality and not quantity...
1-May-2017 :Jessica Alba Is A Party Milf
6-Feb-2017 :Jessica Alba on what she misses before kids: ?sleeping in and not worryin...
15-Sep-2016 :Jessica Alba Stun at Ralph Lauren Show in New York Fashion Week
27-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Cleavy on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in NYC
11-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Ridiculously Beautiful Out Shopping in Beverly Hills
2-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba Amazing for 2016 Teen Choice Awards
1-Aug-2016 :Jessica Alba in David Koma at the Teen Choice Awards: cute or too wintery...
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