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Lindsay Lohan News & Gossip
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Lindsay Lohan's Philipp Plein ad campaign: busted, trashy or better than expected'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Lindsay Lohan's Philipp Plein ad campaign: busted, trashy or better than expected'
Here are some shots from Lindsay Lohan?s ad campaign for Philipp Plein, the one that she shot in September in Italy, in between escort gigs. Allegedly, LL got paid $500,000 - for the ad campaign, and likely to ?date? Philipp Plein for a week while he ?promoted? her and his brand. I have to say – I saw some of the candids from this photo shoot, and my expectations were pretty low, but these aren?t terrible. They?re much better quality than I was expecting, except that there?s only so much Photoshop that you can use to de-crackify that face. Also – look at LL?s mouth in the shot where she?s wearing red. You can really see her jacked crack teeth. This campaign was shot before she got her teeth ?fixed.?

Meanwhile, LL is embroiled in a new scandal. She got high for three years and forgot to file her taxes in 2009. Oh, Cracken.

Lindsay Lohan has a brand new $93,000 problem — because the federal government claims the actress never paid her 2009 income tax … and now Uncle Sam is finally out to collect.

According to official documents filed in Los Angeles, the Internal Revenue Service has obtained a lien against Lohan for $93,701.57 for failure to pay her federal income tax.

2009 wasn’t a very lucrative year for Lohan … she only released one crappy made-for-TV movie, coupled with a few minor TV appearances.

Now, if Lohan refuses to pay the debt … the government can go after anything that belongs to her … including homes, cars and bank accounts … assuming she has any of those things.

We called Lohan for comment — so far, no response.

[From TMZ]

She?ll pay. She?s got Philipp Plein and Playboy money burning a whole in her pocket, so she?s got the funds. The funds will dry up, though. Very quickly. The question I have, though, is about who exactly ?forgot? to file her taxes? Because you know LL has never sat down and tried to do it herself – surely she has an accountant? Surely Mother Crackhead – Linnocent?s MANAGER – would be on top of stuff like ?filing tax returns.? Right?

Photos courtesy of Philipp Plein.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan is in talks to play Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime movie
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Lindsay Lohan is in talks to play Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime movie
In between photo shoots where she demanded to be styled like Marilyn Monroe, Lindsay Lohan stopped for a moment and decided that she would like to be styled like Elizabeth Taylor, circa Butterfield 8, for one photo shoot. The shoot was back in 2006, I believe, and it was for Interview Magazine - I?ve included a couple of the shots in this post. This was obviously back when LL had some semblance of a career, and back when her crack-face still looked relatively normal, and she hadn?t begun jacking her lips with everything she could find. Still, over the years, the Cracken definitely forced the Marilyn Monroe comparisons much harder, which makes this news even more ridiculous. Lindsay is in talks to play one of the most famous brunettes in the history of Hollywood – she in discussions to PLAY Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime movie based on Taylor and Richard Burton?s love story. BITCH PLEASE. And who will play Richard Burton? Wilmer Valderrama?

After emulating Marilyn Monroe in a series of photo shoots, most recently for Playboy, Lindsay Lohan may be taking on another screen legend, Elizabeth Taylor. I have learned that the 25-year-old actress is in early talks for the female lead in Lifetime?s original movie Elizabeth & Richard: A Love Story, chronicling the enduring love of movie icons Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, whose fiery romance was the most notorious, publicized and celebrated love affair of its day.

The film, produced by Larry Thompson (Amish Grace) and written by Christopher Monger (Temple Grandin), was originally announced as part as Lifetime?s 2011-12 development slate. Lohan, a child actress who successfully transitioned into young adult roles with Freaky Friday and Mean Girls, has been largely sidelined from her acting career for the past couple of years by stints in rehab, jail, court rooms and recently, a morgue as part of her community service. Lohan?s most recent credits include the features Machete and Labor Pains and an arc on ABC?s Ugly Betty.

Lohan has been compared to Taylor. In addition to their physical resemblance, a 2004 Slate story lists a host of other similarities: ?Both had domineering stage mothers, little semblance of a real childhood, fame from a young age, substance abuse issues, public emotional outpourings, and copious amounts of tabloid drama. The key difference, though, is that Elizabeth Taylor had a true record of achievement before she became the most notorious movie star in America.?

[From Deadline]

The key difference is that Elizabeth Taylor was never a mangy crackhead. Sure, Liz could drink like a fish and she had a problem with pills later in her life, right? But when Elizabeth was LL?s age, she was already the biggest movie star in the world, she was already a mother, she already had been married and divorced a few times, and she was just about to get with her first great love, Mike Todd. Meanwhile, LL? just posed for Playboy? Ugh. Please don?t do this, Lifetime. Please don?t destroy my soul. Please don?t piss on the memory of Dame Elizabeth Taylor.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Interview Mag.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan wants to invest in more security, so she won't have to pay her dealers
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Lindsay Lohan wants to invest in more security, so she won't have to pay her dealers
Yesterday, TMZ reported that Lindsay Lohan had a shady ?visitor? at her rented Venice Beach pad. The sketchball dude apparently knocked on LL?s door, and tried to talk to her, but she didn?t let him in. The cops were called and the visitor was arrested for trespassing. While I don?t doubt that there are some really shady people out there, and that celebrities should be extra careful and stuff, I?ve always felt like LL is probably the kind of crackhead who doesn?t pay her drug bills, and I often wonder if incidents like this are just incidences where her dealers are trying to get paid. Remember THIS STORY from Lohan?s alleged former bodyguard? In 2007, she brought her bodyguard along to slap the sh-t out of her dealer. She also said, ?I can dress like a princess and still fight like a whore.? Because? why not?

Anyway, TMZ has a follow-up on the whole ?shady visitor? story. LL now wants to ramp up her security. Because you never know when your dealer is going to come to collect:

Yesterday’s door-knocking incident was a huge wake up call for Lindsay Lohan — who’s now in the market to ramp up security at her L.A. home … with surveillance cameras … and even a new bodyguard.

Sources close to Lindsay tell TMZ, the actress loves her Venice Beach house … but with random scary people walking right up to her front door, she’s convinced it’s time to invest in some extra security upgrades for the property.

On top of adding additional security cameras — we’re told Lindsay wants to hire a full-time bodyguard to stay with her for a period of time … until she feels safe again.

As for the man arrested for trespassing outside her house on Sunday — Lonnie Short — we’re told he shares a bizarre connection with Lindsay’s alleged stalker David Cocordan.

According to sources, when Short knocked on Lindsay’s door yesterday, he announced he was friends with David and needed to explain some things.

Clearly, Lindsay wasn’t up for a chat — and minutes later, cops arrested Short for trespassing. He’s still in custody on $1,000 bail.

[From TMZ]

Look, if she wants a bodyguard, she should totally get one. I think it?s a waste of money, though – she has sketchier people in her entourage, you know? You could throw the craziest stalker-type at the Cracken, and the combination of Lindsay, Pootie and Dina would still be balls-out crazier. I think the real story here is that LL?s Playboy money is burning a hole in her pocket – it wouldn?t surprise me at all if she blows through her (rumored) $900,000 payday within a few months, just because she thinks she has ?expenses? like a ?full-time bodyguard,? etc.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan Won't Be Partying in Dubai
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Lindsay Lohan Won't Be Partying in Dubai
A report earlier this week claimed Lindsay Lohan was ringing in the new year on the Queen Elizabeth 2 in Dubai. Another site confirmed Lindsay’s appearance.

However, sources say Lindsay is pissed because that’s not true and people are just trying to use her name to promote the NYE party on the famed yacht.

Lohan’s rep, Steve Honig, tells TMZ … ?Lindsay is not going to Dubai, nor had she ever considered doing so. She will be spending New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles with a few close friends and family.” TMZ

Lindsay’s lawyers are sending out a cease and desist and are thinking about suing if the organizers continue to lie. Which is to be expected. Dina is probably frothing at the mouth hoping they keep using her name so they can sue for $300,000 in lost appearance fees. Though if you really want Lindsay to come to your party for free, just tear out pages from a script and make a trail to your club. She’s sodesperateat this point, she’ll be picking them up one by one trying to collate them.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan Threatens to Sue Over Rumor
Added 12 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Lindsay Lohan Threatens to Sue Over Rumor
Lindsay Lohan says she will try to score some dough pursue legal action against a party planning company that claimed she is planning–now prepare yourselves–on being in Dubai for the New Year. DUN DUN DUUUUUN! The nerve! What will people think? Says Digital Spy,

Lindsay Lohan has denied reports that she is seeing in the New Year in Dubai.

The actress insisted that she will not be holding a New Year’s Eve party on the Queen Elizabeth 2 cruise ship, contrary to a party planning company’s claims.

Lohan’s rep Steve Honig said in a statement: “Lindsay is not going to Dubai, nor had she ever considered doing so.

“She will be spending New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles with a few close friends and family.”

According to TMZ, the star will pursue legal action against the source of the rumors.

I once kicked a stranger in the groin because his tie reminded me of the upholstery on my Nana’s couch, which got stained because I peed on it, and she smacked my knuckles with a wooden spoon for it. That totally doesn’t make any sense, but neither does this threatened lawsuit. Just trying to stay with the theme.

Here’s some extremely Photoshopped pictures from next month’s Maxim Australia:

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Will Lindsay Lohan spend NYE in Dubai, getting cracked out on a boat?
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Will Lindsay Lohan spend NYE in Dubai, getting cracked out on a boat?
Several days ago, Dina Lohan called TMZ and muttered something about Lindsay Lohan ?refusing? to take any of the paying gigs she was offered for New Year?s Eve party celebrations. Nevermind that most hostessing gigs offered to Linnocent include a payment system of some crack and a bottle of vodka. LL?s reasoning for turning down several offers? She?s not a party girl anymore, and she thinks taking a paying gig will hurt her rep. My theory – at the time – was that LL had a lucrative offer for a ?private party? in some rich john?s pants come New Year?s Eve. Anyway, some site is claiming that the Cracken will actually be on QEII, sailing around Dubai. Seriously?

It?s going to be a celeb-packed New Year in Dubai on board the legendary QE2. Lindsay Lohan, Pamela Anderson and former England cricketer Allan Lamb are just some of the names confirmed to attend the celebrations on December 31 2011 on the vessel that is currently docked at the Port Rashid Cruise Terminal in the city.

It is the first time that the QE2 has been opened to the public for such a celebration.

Apart from LiLo and Pamela, Liam Cunningham, US sitcom and film star Lamman Rucker, English model, socialite and aristocrat Lady Victoria Hervey are the other celebs on the guest list. Rumour has it that Kate Moss might attend, as also Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal (who?re all in Abu Dhabi for the Mubadala World Championship from 29 to 31 December).

The vessel, Queen Elizabeth 2, often referred to simply as the QE2, is one of the most iconic ever built. Since her launch in 1969, several members of royal families, stars, musicians and celebrities from around the globe have featured on her passenger list.

[From Ahlan Live]

Yeah? I don?t think so. I?m pretty sure LL is not allowed to leave the country. That being said, the California court system is so disorganized and idiotic, I bet no one thought to take her passport away, so it?s conceivable that LL COULD leave the country. (Sidenote: they need to invent some kind of crack lojack for her.) That being said, I still think my scenario is more plausible. The Cracken will be in NYC, being paid to party at some private situation.

In other Cracken news, In Touch Weekly has a great article about ?hotel employees telling all? about celebrity guests. The part about LL caught my eye:

Lindsay Lohan loves throwing parties at the Four Seasons Beverly Hills – literally.

?She used to toss glasses off her balcony,? a hotel employee reveals of Lindsay, who was eventually sent packing. And when she got drunk at another favorite hangout, Chateau Marmont, she?d leave her car and hitch a ride back to the Four Seasons.

Too bad the Four Seasons? valets had to pay for her irresponsible behavior – she?d demand they go fetch her ride!

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

I know In Touch is usually wrong, but doesn?t this sound exactly like Linnocent? Throwing glasses off the balcony, demanding people move orange cones and cars, in equal measure? Sounds about right.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan Has Changed
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Lindsay Lohan Has Changed
I would like to start out by saying, “Bwahahahahaha.” According to “sources close to the actress” *coughDinacough*, Lindsay Lohan has gotten numerous offers to host various NYE parties but she’s turned them all down.

Lindsay is trying to shed her party girl image and she thinks not being part of the NYE madness is the first step. Instead, she plans to celebrate at home and have dinner with a few friends before the countdown.

This may be the 700th time Lindsay has said something like this. At this point she might as well claim to be a meat eating unicorn.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan Lands Denim Deal
Added 12 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Lindsay Lohan Lands Denim Deal
Seems like that Playboy debacle wasn’t a total bust for Lindsay Lohan, since she also managed to get a deal hawking jeans out of it too (read: she blew the photographer). OK! Magazine elaborates,

After her Playboy spread, she inked a deal with Jag Jeans! Here’s the connection: Yu Tsai, the photog who took the skin photos also shot the jeans campaign, as reported by E! News.

In a press release, Yu indicated, “Lindsay did not disappoint.” The release continued, “As Jag Jeans’ newest endorser, Lindsay embodies the strength and fearlessness of the women of today. She is unafraid to be who she is. She is fierce yet exudes feminine grace.”

From the sounds of it, Lindsay was involved in the shoot that she “would go as far as adjusting items on the set. She even requested scissors so she could personally fray the edges of her black crepe blouse because she believed it would look better that way.”

She embodies women today? Well, she might embody a certain type of woman, but that type of woman has more pressing matters than buying or even wearing pants, like where her next hit is going to come from, or who her next anonymous sexual encounter is going to be. Doi.

More Photos Here

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan's Celebratory Playboy Shopping Spree
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Lindsay Lohan's Celebratory Playboy Shopping Spree
Spending a little of her hard-earned cash, Lindsay Lohan closed out the week with a holiday shopping spree in Beverly Hills on Friday (December 16).

The "Georgia Rule" starlet stylishly strutted out of Barney's New York and towards her valeted ride after browsing the department store's selections.

The sighting comes the very same day in which LiLo's cover issue of Playboy magazine hit newsstands.

Of the Marilyn Monroe inspired spread, the men's magazine's founder Hugh Hefner told E!, "She had done semi-nudes before. I wanted to do something that would be memorable. So what is more natural, since she is a huge fan of Marilyn Monroe, than do something that is a tribute to the red-velvet, Tom Kelley photo shot of Marilyn Monroe that was our very first Playmate?"

Noting that Lohan was hesitant to shed her clothes at first, Hef continued, "I think it was essentially mama and the folks around her that kept pushing for less nudity. And I said, 'We're doing a nude pictorial here. We're going to do it in a very classy way and we're going to do it in a way which it will not be forgotten."

More Photos Here

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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Lindsay Lohan's latest 'modeling job' for Jag Jeans: busted, trashy & crackie'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Lindsay Lohan's latest 'modeling job' for Jag Jeans: busted, trashy & crackie'
I don?t know how recent this is, but I think it?s a new story. Lindsay Lohan, crackie extraordinaire, has landed yet another ?modeling? gig, this time with a brand called ?Jag Jeans.? Yes, LL is a Jag? girl. The promotional copy reads like the drunken ramblings of Mother Crackhead: ?As Jag Jeans? newest endorser, Lindsay embodies the strength and fearlessness of the woman of today. She is unafraid to be who she is. She is fierce yet exudes feminine grace.? She is crackie yet exudes vodka fumes. She is unafraid to be a raging, delusional monster. She embodies crack drama and narcissism. Here?s more:

The Jag Jeans crew traveled to Los Angeles to shoot the style icon at the landmark SLS Boutique Hotel in Beverly Hills. Led by world-renowned photographer YuTsai, who has spearheaded photo shoots for such international celebrity beauties as Anne Hathaway, Mila Kunis, Rihanna and Janet Jackson, it was clear that the spread for Jag Jeans was going to be once again artistic and edgy.

And Lindsay did not disappoint.

Like a woman who knows what she wants, Lindsay worked closely with Jag?s stylist Maya Krispin, who has styled Tinseltown?s biggest names like Katy Perry, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, to personally select her wardrobe for every spread.

Lindsay was so involved with the shoot that she would go as far as adjusting items on the set. She even requested scissors so she could personally fray the edges of her black crepe blouse because she believed it would look better that way. Lindsay would take a hands-on approach to her shots, as she was more than willing to change her hairstyle during mid-shoot and even used her own personal jewelry and accessories when needed.

Lindsay was impressed by Jag?s Push Up Skinny Jeans and Flared Jeans, and even asked if she could keep a peach top and the denim shorts she used during the shoot.

With Lindsay?s appeal, lensman YuTsai?s intricate eye for detail, stylist Maya?s heightened fashion sense and the Philippe Starck-designed SLS hotel as its canvas, the shoot stamped Jag Jeans mark as an international brand to be reckoned with.

[Via press release]

The Jag people also not that LL wore her own diamond Cartier bracelets in one shot, and she apparently claimed they were ?a special gift.? Which is her way of saying that she crack-heisted them, correct?

As for the quality of the jeans, the quality of the ad campaign and the quality of LL as a model? well, she shilling denim booty shorts, and they shot it at a Beverly Hills hotel because LL can?t leave the state without completing her community service. It?s never going to be high-class, you know?

Photos courtesy of Jag Jeans.

6-Mar-2024 :Lindsay Lohan confirms that a Freaky Friday sequel is happening
9-Jan-2024 :Lindsay Lohan wore Alexandre Vauthier to the ?Mean Girls? premiere in NYC
5-Jul-2022 :Lindsay Lohan quietly married her bank executive fiance Bader Shammas
29-Nov-2021 :Lindsay Lohan is engaged to an executive at Credit Suisse in Dubai
11-Sep-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is being sued for the advance she got for a book she never ...
2-Jan-2020 :Lindsay Lohan is moving back to America to ?take back the life I?ve worke...
30-Oct-2019 :Lindsay Lohan isn?t dating Mohammad bin Salman, they?re ?platonic friends...
6-Aug-2019 :Page Six: There?s a rumor about Lindsay Lohan & Mohammad bin Salman
9-Jan-2019 :Lindsay Lohan?s goals: ?To work with Martin Scorsese. Work with Spielberg...
8-Nov-2018 :Lindsay Lohan?s rep was trawling for endorsements with a ?substantial bud...
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