| | |  | Angelina Jolie News & Gossip
| Angelina Jolie wears Michael Kors, YSL in New York: classic or boring? | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Angelina Jolie, out and about in NYC yesterday. The paparazzi rarely bother her, you know? It?s almost like she couldn?t care less that they?re taking her photo. She even made sure they got photos of her whole ensemble, and she waved to them too. Apparently, Angelina was going to a meeting on the Upper East Side. E! News says the meeting lasted three hours and it was with Martin Scorsese. Huh.
As for her ensemble, the pants and blouse are Michael Kors and the bag is Yves Saint Laurent. Her ELLE shoot was exclusively YSL, and she?s been wearing a lot of YSL over the past year, year and a half. Maybe she just loves Hedi Slimane. Maybe she just loves the goth-business realness of the current YSL line. Maybe she has some kind of undercover contract with YSL. I don?t know. I would imagine Michael Kors is really happy to see Angelina in his clothes though. I?m not crazy about the pants (are they high-waters?), but the blouse is fine.
According to E! News, Brad Pitt and Shiloh and definitely in the city too. There are photos of Shiloh and Pax out and about, I’m hoping ZZ and Angelina’s Shadow are also in town. By the way, Brad and Angelina came out for the premiere of The Normal Heart last night – I’ll have those photos later this morning.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Angelina Jolie's acting career 'is going to be taking more of a back seat' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Maleficent marks the first time Angelina Jolie has been in front of the camera in four years, since 2010?s The Tourist. I have missed her. Hollywood has missed her. But she hasn?t missed being in front of the camera, like, at all. At the age of 38, Angelina is mostly done with starring in films, at least according to her. While promoting Maleficent in London last week, she told reporters that her acting career is ?going to be taking more of a back seat.?
Angelina Jolie was in London promoting her new film Maleficent, which explores the untold story of Disney’s iconic villain from the classic Sleeping Beauty.
Joined at a press conference by her co-star, Elle Fanning, she revealed that stories play an important everyday role in the Jolie-Pitt household. She explains that she makes up her own tales for her children, and likes to tell them stories every night, often involving them as characters.
She adds that “the side of fairytales I don’t like is that they tend to have these happy endings, or there’s just good and evil and things are perfect. I like to think that when there’s a good story for children it has a good sense of moral tale, and I think that’s what I try to teach my kids, and it’s what we tried to do with this film.”
When asked about where acting fits as a priority alongside being a mother, telling stories, directing and working with the UN, she says, “it’s going to be taking more of a back seat. I’ve had a wonderful career and I’m going to be taking all of the opportunities I’ve had to tell stories and work for as long as I have. I’m sure there’ll be a few more films, but I’m happy I’m able to be selective and have fun with characters like this. I would like to focus more on writing and directing, and above all I would like to focus more on my work with the UN.”
[From The Telegraph]
If this were another actress, I would be rolling my eyes. I actually had to fight the impulse just now, and I LOVE Angie. Angelina gets offered some of the best projects in Hollywood, the lead roles in major, expensive films. She?s turned down so many interesting, award-winning projects in the past five or six years, like Silver Linings Playbook and Gravity. And she?s given that up to write, direct, plus be a mom and a humanitarian? While I admire her choices and the fact that she actually DOES something while most people just talk about it, I still miss seeing her in films, in front of the camera. I wish she wasn?t so ?over it.?
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie wears a crow-printed dress to UK photocall: gorgeous or dated? | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Dear Angelina Jolie: STOP WITH THE SHOULDER PADS. It?s not 1987 anymore!! I actually wonder if she?s doing shoulder pads nowadays as an effort to ?balance out? her reconstructed breasts, which I think we can say? they have not ?settled? yet. They look bigger than the originals, and they?re higher too. I think Angelina is wearing shoulder pads because she doesn?t know how to dress her current upper body. Just a theory.
Anyway, these are photos from the daytime photocall for Maleficent in London today. Angie?s dress has CROWS on them. I think it?s adorable that Elle and Angie are doing clothes with the Maleficent ?theme? ? Elle is usually dressed like a princess of light, Angelina?s been doing the goth thing. But I appreciate that Angelina mixed up a little bit with some crows. Maleficent loves her crow. Or is it a raven? I know I’m going to get yelled at for that, so bring it on. I’ll be damned if I can find the designer IDs on these dresses, but I’ll update if I see them.
Angelina also gave some interviews/statements to the press last night and today in London. When asked about the Nigerian school girls who were abducted weeks ago, Jolie said:
?These men thought that they can get away with this, that they could abuse them in such a way, sell them, rape them, take them as property, because so many people have gotten away with this in the past because of this culture of impunity.”
[Via The Independent]
It?s worth noting that just after the Maleficent event last night, Angelina and Brad went out for a late dinner with UK Foreign Secretary William Hague as well. I would imagine that Hague and Jolie had a lot to talk about ? she?s expected in London next month for a huge event for violence against women.
Angelina also had some good quotes about how Maleficent was always her ?favorite? when she was little and ?I wasn’t into princesses and I thought she was so elegant and so powerful?She scared me a little bit.? She also talks about how she?s constantly worried about her children, so much so that she can?t sleep at night sometimes: ?Of course just anything happening to somebody that I love is my greatest fear. There’s a lot that keeps me up a night, there’s a lot of bad stuff going on in the world.?
PS? SHOES. Look at the fake blood!! That?s amazing.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie in black Versace at UK 'Maleficent' party: goth-fug or enchanting' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I keep telling you: Angelina Jolie is going to Surprise-Bitch all of us until we see Maleficent. Here are photos of Angelina and Brad at last night?s ?private reception? at Kensington Palace which was some kind of Maleficent screening-plus-fundraiser for the Great Ormond Street Hospital. As you can probably tell, Angelina is still channeling Maleficent in this black Versace gown (and Louboutins).
If I?m being completely honest, I hate this Versace. I?m only giving it a chance because Angelina is wearing it, but if it was anyone else, I would have written this off at first glance. Since it?s Angie, let?s analyze. First off, the dress has built-in shoulder pads. Angelina already has great shoulders ? there is absolutely no reason for her to wear a gown with shoulder pads other than the fact that Angie?s default style comes from the Dynasty era. Secondly, while the beading is fabulous, the sacktastic cut of the dress on the bust is SO unflattering and uneven. It makes her look like not only are her boobs sagging, but one is sagging more than the other. Thirdly? yeah, this just feels like a costume. Like, this is what Maleficent wears to a Totally Eighties party.
As for Brad? he looks good. I want to burn those glasses, but his suit is lovely and I can handle the slicked-back hair. I kind of wonder if he wears Transitions lens like Matt Damon.
Incidentally, in case you were wondering if the tabloids were going to find a way to pit Angelina against George Clooney?s new fiance, ding ding ding, we have a winner! The Enquirer says Angie is ?fed up with all the fuss being made over Amal?Angelina?s worked hard to establish herself as THE celebrity humanitarian, but now that George has Amal on his arm, she feels threatened that she and Brad? can be knocked off their pedestal.? Considering George just cashed in his proverbial humanitarian chips by signing off as a UN goodwill ambassador for peace, methinks Angelina doesn?t have that much to worry about.
By the way, The Wrap says that Maleficent is on course to open with $60 million. Disney is targeting moms and daughters, although I hope they?re not trying to sell it to really little girls (like, under 6). Maleficent opens on May 30th here in America, but the UK gets it on May 28th.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie: 'I never thought I?d have children, I never thought I?d be in love' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It?s good to parcel out the Angelina Jolie. Maybe we can get a week?s worth of stories from Angelina?s ELLE cover interview. I covered the first excerpt and some photos yesterday ? Angelina talking about her ?misinterpreted? (I would say willfully misinterpreted) early 20s. The Hedi Slimane photos are so badass ? ELLE released a few more, and I think I?m in love with the full-body shot of Angelina laughing. Anyway, as I said, ELLE has released more from the cover story. Here you go:
On what she used to think her life would be like?
?I never thought I?d have children, I never thought I?d be in love, I never thought I?d meet the right person,? Jolie says. ?Having come from a broken home?you kind of accept that certain things feel like a fairy tale, and you just don?t look for them.?
On how her relationship with Pitt has evolved over the past eight years?
?You get together and you?re two individuals and you feel inspired by each other, you challenge each other, you complement each other, drive each other beautifully crazy. After all these years, we have history?and when you have history with somebody, you?re friends in such a very real, deep way that there?s such a comfort, and an ease, and a deep love that comes from having been through quite a lot together.?
On casting her daughter Vivienne in Maleficent?
For young Aurora, they needed a child who wouldn?t be fazed by the Mistress of All Evil hissing ?I don?t like children? in her face. ?And my little Vivienne?we call her my shadow, because there?s nothing I can do to shake her. I can be tired, I can be grumpy, I can be in a terrible mood, and she doesn?t care. It?s ?Mommy, Mommy,? and she?ll cling to me,? Jolie says. ?We knew that she would still do that thing, she?d still smile at me and insist that I pick her up. So we couldn?t really cast anybody else.?
How she and Pitt feel about the kids getting into show business?
Pax and nine-year-old Zahara (or ZZ, as Jolie calls her) also appear in the film, in cameos in the christening/cussing scene. (No Shiloh, however. ?I asked Shiloh about being Aurora, and she laughed in my face,? Jolie says, with evident pride. ?She said she?d be a horned creature.?) But don?t expect a repeat engagement. ?Brad and I made the decision that we wouldn?t keep them from sets and the fun of making movies, but we wouldn?t [glorify it either]?we wouldn?t make it a good thing or a bad thing. But I would really prefer they do something else,? she says. Anyway, ?after two days of it, Brad and I were so stressed we never wanted to do it again.?
[From ELLE]
This is a full meal of Brangeloonie revelations, isn?t it? First, the p0rn: she and Brad are in love, it?s a fairy tale (although she would never have looked for it), they drive each other crazy, but their love is deep, profound and a love with a shared history. Unf.
Then all of the stuff with the kids? I?m dying!! Zahara is ?ZZ?? Vivienne is My Shadow? Adorable. And Shiloh would never want to be a princess, she would only want to play a horned creature. So much of Shiloh?s ?tude reminds me of Angelina?s youth too. I think Shiloh is going to have some difficult years (the teens and early 20s), but she?ll come out of it very strong, like Angie. And just the idea of Viv clinging to her mom? Brangeloonie Heaven!
Photos courtesy of Hedi Slimane for ELLE.
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| Angelina Jolie covers ELLE, discusses the 'misinterpreted' tumult of her early 20s | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Surprise, bitch. Angelina Jolie covers the June issue of ELLE magazine. ALL OF THEM. As in, Angelina worked out a deal with ELLE to cover not just the American issue, but 20 international editions as part of her promotion for Maleficent. The editorial is called “Untamed Heart.” Angelina exclusively wears Yves Saint Laurent and all of the (black & white) photos were taken by Hedi Slimane. LEATHER. YES. I?m just including a couple of pics, but you can see the full editorial here at TFS. Here?s the ELLE preview:
Whether she?s tackling films, family, or philanthropy, Angelina Jolie has never been one for small measures. As she prepares to terrify children worldwide as Disney?s deliciously evil Maleficent (the film opens on May 30th), the actress and director works with Saint Laurent creative director Hedi Slimane on a shoot that spotlights her stripped down, very real self for ELLE?s June cover?as well as a 16-page portfolio that will be featured in more than 20 editions of ELLE around the world.
Jolie spoke candidly with ELLE deputy editor Maggie Bullock about life with her fast-growing children (Shiloh’s got a half-pipe!), doing only the work that really matters (including the biggest passion project of her career), and why she and Brad are still passionate and ?more interested in each other? than ever. In this exclusive preview, Jolie reflects on the perception of her early years in the spotlight:
The tumult of her twenties, was ?misinterpreted as [me] wanting to be rebellious,? Jolie says. ?And in fact it wasn?t a need to be destructive or rebellious?it?s that need to find a full voice, to push open the walls around you. You want to be free. And as you start to feel that you are being corralled into a certain life, you kind of push against it. It may come out very strange, it may be interpreted wrong, but you?re trying to find out who you are.?
What she hit upon was a deep and abiding fear ?of a life half-lived,? she says. ?I realized that very young?that a life where you don?t live to your full potential, or you don?t experiment, or you?re afraid, or you hesitate, or there are things you know you should do but you just don?t get around to them, is a life that I?d be miserable living, and the only way to feel that I?m on the right path is just to be true to myself, whatever that may be, and that tends to come with stepping out of something that?s maybe safe or traditional.?
The full interview can be found exclusively in ELLE?s June issue, available on the digital newsstand now, and on newsstands in select cities starting May 13, and nationwide on May 20. For more exclusive sneak peeks throughout the month follow @ELLEmagazine on Twitter and @elleusa on Instagram.
[From ELLE]
What I find annoying is that people are still bringing up Angelina?s early 20s like she was some kind of Lindsay Lohan or Charlie Sheen, like she was famously some kind of ?disaster.? She wasn?t. She was wild, for sure. There were drugs involved, especially in the late 1990s. She ran off and married Billy Bob, true. But I maintain: she was no Lohan or Sheen. It was a phase that she grew out of, and people still bring it up in interview after interview. Annoying.
Also ? Angelina issued a statement about the young Nigerian girls who was kidnapped by Boko Haram. Angie said in part: ?The kidnapping of these young Nigerian girls is an unthinkable cruelty. Sadly, of course, there is real evil in the world. You watch the news and you see all of the people suffering and so much cruelty.”
Photos courtesy of Hedi Slimane/ELLE.
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| Angelina Jolie in Ralph Lauren at Paris 'Maleficent' photocall: stunning or budget' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 IT?S HAPPENING. It has begun. The Leg foretold this. The Leg prophesized: ?And there shall be a great clamoring in the heavens, and the angels wept as Angelina Jolie begins to promote Maleficent.? Amen. First, to get in the mood, listen to this as you?re reading:
Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning were in Paris yesterday when nearly every other A, B and C-list fashion girl nursed their Met Gala taffeta hangovers in NYC. Angelina was all ?Surprise, bitch.? The Jolie Moment is upon us. And she will be with us for the next month. AT LEAST. Dear Jesus: please let Angelina Jolie have a ?surprise, bitch? moment at Cannes. PLEASE.
Angelina is wearing Ralph Lauren and Elle is wearing Valentino. Angelina?s ensemble is boss. I hate a peplum, but this is by far the most tolerable peplum I?m ever seen. I even hestitate to really call this a peplum ?it seems more like a fitted strapless blouse with a little belt. The whole thing fits her really well and I?m kind of amazed it?s staying up. Angelina also wore special Christian Louboutin heels ? I?m including a close-up. Elle is wearing special Charlotte Olympia ?Sleeping Beauty? shoes too.
Oh, and I love that they?re holding hands!!! Elle and Angie are really sweet together. I would imagine they?re less like friends and more like mom-and-daughter.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt to star together in a film Jolie wrote: awesome? | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ten years ago, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were finishing the first phase of filming for Mr. & Mrs. Smith. They would spend the summer apart (as Angelina traveled around with Maddox, while Brad filmed Oceans 12 in Europe while Jennifer Aniston came along for the ride), then return to LA in the Fall of 2004 to complete filming on MAMS. That film changed everything, at least gossip-wise. It was also the biggest film of both of their careers at that point ? it made the most money, it debuted at #1, and it was a well-needed hit for both of them. But it also made them a couple.
Ten years later? they?re still together, they?ve got six kids, they?ve accumulated Oscars and other blockbuster films and they?ve managed to do it all without ever working (on screen) together ever again. Unless you count A Mighty Heart, which Brad produced and Angelina starred in. They were supposed to do Ridley Scott?s The Counselor together, but Angelina dropped out (probably because she was undergoing a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery). Still, it?s unusual that they haven?t managed to find a project that they could do together in all this time. So, of course, Angelina wrote something for both of them.
Here is a film that instantly becomes the one every studio will want on their slate. Angelina Jolie is in early talks to star with Brad Pitt in an original script that she has written. It?s in the early talking stages and nothing is solidified, but I hear it?s happening. I don?t know a lot more at this point.
The film hasn?t locked distribution, but it will team Jolie and Pitt together for the first time since 2005?s Mr. And Mrs. Smith. That film displayed an intense chemistry onscreen, and this was before they became a couple offscreen. Jolie is working on post-production on Unbroken, the adaptation she directed of the Laura Hillenbrand book. Universal has set a December 25 release for the harrowing survival tale of Olympic track prodigy-turned-WWII POW Lou Zamperini. It?s expected to be right in the Oscar mix. Unbroken was a hotly contested directing project, and Jolie won the job with a presentation that wowed the studio, where Donna Langley also was very impressed with her directorial debut, In The Land Of Blood And Honey. She next stars in Disney?s Maleficent, which opens May 30 with Jolie playing the title character in the revisionist version of the fairy tale.
Will reveal more when I know it. Pitt is coming off 12 Years A Slave and most recently wrapped the David Ayer-directed WWII tank movie Fury, which QED produced and Sony is releasing. Stay tuned. She is repped by UTA and Media Talent Group Pitt by CAA and Brillstein Entertainment.
[From Deadline]
I need to know the plot. Is it a romance? A comedy? Doubtful. While I polish my Brangeloonie badges regularly, I don?t think it?s a Brangeloonie Catastrophe to suggest that Angelina probably can?t write comedies. So, it?s probably a drama, maybe something with some romance. Maybe it?s about war and refugees and?? God knows. But I am glad that they?re going to work together again. It?s sweet.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie's 'Maleficent' might not make any money, industry analysts claim | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I?m including some newer posters for Maleficent in this post, in case you missed them. Maleficent is due for a wide release on May 30th ? less than two months away. I?m expecting Disney to spare no expense in promoting the film, and I?m expecting that Angelina Jolie (and the entire Jolie-Pitt family) will be on full promotional mode, especially in May. Is it too much to hope that Angelina and Brad will be at Cannes for a non-competition premiere of Maleficent? Please? That would make me so happy, and it feels like something that really could happen. Angelina has gone to Cannes before to promote kids? movies without having anything in competition.
Anyway, there are rumors. Bad rumors. Rumors that Disney analysts and other industry professionals are worried that Maleficent won?t be able to find an audience. Apparently, analysts think Maleficent is just too terrifying for little kids, and that tweens won?t want to see it:
Disney?s dark fantasy film, ?Maleficent,? starring Angelina Jolie as the title villainess, may be too dark and scary to be profitable, one Wall Street analyst wrote in a report on Monday.
The $130-million-budget movie, which tells the ?Sleeping Beauty? tale from the perspective of the evil Maleficent, is set to debut May 30 and will likely result in Disney being forced into a write-down, Wells Fargo?s Marci Ryvicker wrote in a report.
?[E]xpectations for a ?Maleficent? write-off seem relatively widespread,? she wrote.
With more than eight weeks to go before ?Maleficent? unspools, few on Wall Street are ready to take such a bold stance.
?It?s definitely in the ?not a sure thing? bucket,? a second analyst said of the re-imagined fairy tale. RBC Capital?s David Bank is penciling in a total US haul of $150 million.
The movie appears to be pitched at young adults rather than at the more traditional audience for a Disney princess movie: small children.
Jolie appears in the movie with enhanced sharp high cheekbones and headgear with horns. The actress struck a deal with fashion designer Stella McCartney to create a capsule collection for children aged 4 to 14 based on the movie.
It?s hard to deny strong interest in the movie ? or perhaps simply Jolie. An official trailer posted March 18 has gained 4 million views on YouTube. A January trailer garnered 13 million views. ?Maleficent? has 1.8 million Facebook fans, more than any other non-franchise film with a 2014 release date, according to Jason Klein, co-CEO and founder of Listen First Media. Whether that translates into a big box-office number is anyone?s guess.
A write-down, while very much an open question, could slow the momentum of Disney, whose ?Frozen? last week became the highest-grossing animated movie of all time.
[From Page Six]
Obviously, I?ve been wrong many, many times before about what?s going to be a hit and what?s going to bomb. A recent example: I really thought Noah was going to bomb. How did it NOT bomb? All of the elements were there for that film to be a car crash, but it didn?t happen. So, I have no idea what will happen with Maleficent. I think there?s a lot of interest in it and I think it?s amazing to think that this is Angelina?s first time in front of a camera since 2010.
I have another theory ? this might be part of a ?tamping down expectations so those lowered expectations can be blown away? strategy. Lots of studios do that these days ? they get some analysts to low-ball the estimates so the studio heads can later say, ?Wow, we beat our own estimates, we?re got a crazy-successful hit on our hands!?
Also? yes, Angelina is probably going to frighten children. I can?t wait! LA JOLIE DRAGON.
Photos courtesy of Disney.
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| Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt want to get matching tattoos ahead of their wedding | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Several years ago, Angelina Jolie did a photoshoot with Vanity Fair where she wore something like hot pants, revealing her toned thighs. That was notable, but even more so because there seemed to be a never-before-seen tattoo on her right inner thigh. There were some conspiracies and long story short, the Brangeloonies believe that Angelina?s thigh tattoo reads ?Whiskey Bravo.? As in, W-B for William Bradley (Pitt). So, it would seem that Angelina already has Brad inked on her body in a significant (and charming) way. But Radar?s sources think Angelina and Brad are going to get more significant ink ahead of their wedding:
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are getting matching tattoos for their upcoming wedding, Radar has learned. The superstar couple are deciding ?with what and where they will ink themselves to mark their long-awaited marriage,? a source told Radar.
?Brad really wants to do something special, and frankly, a little weird to mark the occasion, and they want to get the exact same design, in the exact same spot in their bodies.?
Pitt, 50, and Jolie, 38, share a love of body art, but according to the source, the actor?s fascination with tattoos ?took a big leap? once they finally got engaged in 2012.
?Brad is like a teenager again as he and Angelina decide on their matching tattoos,? the source said. ?He?s let Angelina help him pick out tatts in the past but this time it?s a real collaboration. Don?t expect it to be something that?s visible when they?re out day to day. They might just acknowledge to the press that they did it, but keep the actual content of the tattoos as their love secret.?
The 12 Years a Slave actor and producer reportedly has at least nine tattoos, including one of Oetzi the Ice Age caveman on his left arm and Jolie?s birth date in written in Khmer on his stomach.
Jolie has more than a dozen examples of body art, including the geographical coordinates of their six children and a tiger tattoo on her lower back.
Pitt has begun bringing tattoo magazines into his Los Angeles office, ?and leaving them in the lobby when he?s done with them, just so he can see if any designs capture visitors? imaginations,? the source said.
[From Radar]
What I?ve always liked about Angelina?s ink in particular is that she generally puts some thought into it and ? especially over the past eight years or so ? she?s gotten ink that is really significant to her, like her children?s birth coordinates or the ?M? tattoo (which is probably for her mom and/or Maddox) or the Whiskey Bravo tatt, which I still think is super-cute. Brad?s tattoos are blah? so I hope he doesn?t get to pick them. He should just let Angelina choose.
Photos courtesy of WENN, PR Photos.
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