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Angelina Jolie's "Maleficent" Gets Release Date
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Angelina Jolie's
Having revealed plans to take on the project late last month, Angelina Jolie's latest undertaking of "Maleficent" has now been given a release date.

The tale, which is the re-telling of ?Sleeping Beauty? from the perspective of her evil character Maleficent, will be making its way into theaters on March 14, 2014.

With Robert Stromberg set to direct, filming is expected to get underway a few months from now in June.

Of the gig, Miss Jolie previously told press, "It sounds really crazy to say that there will be something that?s good for young girls in this, because it sounds like you?re saying they should be a villain. [Maleficent] is actually a great person, but she?s not perfect. She?s far from perfect... In general, it?s a very good message to say, ?let?s look at something from the other side.??

?But then also, what our challenge will be ? and the script writer [Linda Woolverton] has already cracked it ? is not to simplify it, not to just reverse the story but tell a bigger story that doesn?t point the finger [at Princess Aurora] either. It doesn?t flip it," she added.

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6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian?s Actors-on-Actors chat was okay, actually
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
31-May-2024 :Angelina Jolie steps out with Vivienne for opening night of ?Reefer Madne...
12-Apr-2024 :Angelina Jolie & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt attended the Broadway opening of ?Th...
29-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out at the NYC Basquiat studio with Zahara & Pax
15-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie: ?Because I grew up around Hollywood, I was never very imp...
23-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie got some new ink on her middle finger while she was in NYC
18-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out in multiple all-black outfits in NYC: goth gir...
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Angelina Jolie's 'In the Land of Blood and Honey?: Now on DVD
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Angelina Jolie's 'In the Land of Blood and Honey?: Now on DVD
She made quite the directorial debut with ?In the Land of Blood and Honey,? and Angelina Jolie took every detail very seriously in the film.

The ?Mr. and Mrs. Smith? starlet explained that she originally did the movie, based on a love story against the backdrop of the Bosnian War, in the original language.

However, once that was wrapped, Ang ended up filming an additional version of the flick, this time in English. And both are available on DVD and Blu-ray.

As for future gigs, Jolie has signed on to play the titular role in the upcoming movie ?Maleficent.? "It sounds really crazy to say that there will be something that?s good for young girls in this, because it sounds like you?re saying they should be a villain. [Maleficent] is actually a great person, but she?s not perfect. She?s far from perfect... In general, it?s a very good message to say, ?let?s look at something from the other side.??

?But then also, what our challenge will be ? and the script writer [Linda Woolverton] has already cracked it ? is not to simplify it, not to just reverse the story but tell a bigger story that doesn?t point the finger [at Princess Aurora] either. It doesn?t flip it."

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6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian?s Actors-on-Actors chat was okay, actually
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
31-May-2024 :Angelina Jolie steps out with Vivienne for opening night of ?Reefer Madne...
12-Apr-2024 :Angelina Jolie & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt attended the Broadway opening of ?Th...
29-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out at the NYC Basquiat studio with Zahara & Pax
15-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie: ?Because I grew up around Hollywood, I was never very imp...
23-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie got some new ink on her middle finger while she was in NYC
18-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out in multiple all-black outfits in NYC: goth gir...
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Angelina Jolie on The Leg: 'I do what I feel like doing, but don't consider the effect'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Angelina Jolie on The Leg: 'I do what I feel like doing, but don't consider the effect'
Angelina Jolie has a massive interview with Entertainment Weekly this week, likely to promote the DVD release of In the Land of Blood and Honey. You can read the full EW piece here – I?ll just be doing some highlights, since the interview is so long (and a lot of it is about ITLOBAH). Some of you theorized that HuffPo got an advanced copy of the interview, and switched around some of Jolie?s quotes for their story about her reaction to The Leg controversy. It could be – Angelina uses some of the same wording, but my reaction to her statement in the context of the EW piece was less eyeroll-y. Basically, she doesn?t sound ridiculously full of herself here.

EW: Wow, so you caused quite a stir at the Oscars. That?s usually a pretty stuffy affair, but you definitely widened people?s eyes.

Angelina Jolie: [Laughs] I don?t pay any attention to that stuff. I just heard something as simple as that and thought, well, I don?t know. I do what I feel like doing, but don?t actually consider the effect. I just try to, you know, be as I feel like being on a night like that.

Fashion websites say that pose is becoming a trend. Other actresses and models, like Jennifer Lawrence at The Hunger Games premiere, are wearing dresses with the high slit and posing with their legs out. So on behalf of guys everywhere, allow me to say, thank you very much.

[Laughs] That?s funny, very funny.

You?ve heard of Tebowing, right? Where people imitate Tim Tebow by getting down on one knee.

Uh-huh, I have.

There are whole websites that popped up where people were striking your pose. That must have caught you by surprise.

What?s funny is when you have no actual, conscious thought of anything [like that]. You just feel like, ?Eh, I like this dress. I feel comfortable in this one.? It?s interesting that you just really never know?

You pulled it off much better than Jim Rash [pictured, the Best Adapted Screenplay winner, who struck her provocative pose onstage after she presented him the Oscar.] Did you find what he did funny?

Of course! [Laughs] No, I had a great night. It was a really fun night.

Just before the Oscars, you came home from the European premieres of In the Land of Blood and Honey. I imagine that must have been pretty emotional. It?s a heavy movie to live with for a couple of years, but you were finally showing it to the people who lived through the Bosnian War.

Yeah, it was more challenging because we knew we?d be going face to face with the region itself. We went to Berlin first, then Sarajevo, then Paris and also Croatia. This whole process has been very nerve-wracking because it?s my first film, and I?m not that confident, but I wanted to do this because I love the subject matter and I wanted to learn. I had these great two years where I learned so much about a region and history and worked with these actors from another part of the world.

Let?s start with how it was received in Paris and Berlin.

It was also difficult for them. They were right next door. So there?s a question of when [the U.S.] got involved, but they were right next door and didn?t get involved. There are a lot of feelings for everybody, deep-seated guilt in all of us. Nobody walks away feeling good about this time in history. [The film] is supposed to make us look back and question what went wrong.

You?ve said you?re writing a script about the war in Afghanistan next. How?s that coming along?

I have been writing something, because I?ve been there a few times ? Afghanistan and Pakistan ? in the last 11 years, and it?s a part of the world we?re all quite aware of now, but? I?m not sure. I?m going to actually see this weekend what people think of [the script]. But I like it and I?ve enjoyed doing the research.

What?s next for you as an actor? You were in talks to do a Luc Besson film?

I do hope to work with Luc one day, but we haven?t figured out what that is. The next thing I?m doing is Maleficent for Disney. I start it in June, and it?s a really great script. I?m having a lot of fun. I?ve already got my horns fitted. My kids are very happy.

In this version, Sleeping Beauty is the nemesis instead of the good guy?

It?s not anti-princess, but it?s the first time they?re looking at this epic woman.

Is it sympathetic to her, or is she a straight-up villain?

It?s both. I hope in the end you see a woman who is capable of being many things, and just because she protects herself and is aggressive, it doesn?t mean she can?t have other [warmer] qualities. You have to figure out the puzzle of what she is.

So there are some redeeming qualities to Maleficent the witch?

It sounds really crazy to say that there will be something that?s good for young girls in this, because it sounds like you?re saying they should be a villain. [Maleficent] is actually a great person. But she?s not perfect. She?s far from perfect.

Since it?s a Disney film, will this version of Maleficent be close to the one we know from their 1959 animated film?

We?re still figuring out the look. We?re experimenting with different things. But the horns are the horns ? you can?t deny them. You have to have horns.

[From EW]

OK, that interview actually got me excited about Maleficent! I like that Angelina is embracing the horns – I?ve always wanted Angelina to play a larger-than-life ?cartoon? type of anti-heroine, like a Bond villain or something, and my guess is that she?ll excel at playing Maleficent. Can you believe that she hasn?t been in front of a camera (for a film) since The Tourist? Jolie needs to get to work!

As for the further discussion about The Leg – in this interview, she seems much less defensive, embracing an attitude of ?whatever, I had fun, meh.? Also: she knows about Tebowing?!?

Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame/Flynet.

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6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian?s Actors-on-Actors chat was okay, actually
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
31-May-2024 :Angelina Jolie steps out with Vivienne for opening night of ?Reefer Madne...
12-Apr-2024 :Angelina Jolie & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt attended the Broadway opening of ?Th...
29-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out at the NYC Basquiat studio with Zahara & Pax
15-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie: ?Because I grew up around Hollywood, I was never very imp...
23-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie got some new ink on her middle finger while she was in NYC
18-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out in multiple all-black outfits in NYC: goth gir...
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Enquirer: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's kids are 'hooked on junk food'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Enquirer: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's kids are 'hooked   on junk food'
Has it occurred to anyone else that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has the same haircut as Michelle Williams? Because that just occurred to me when I saw that Angelina (or somebody) tamped down Shiloh?s hair so it now looks like Michelle?s pixie cut. Anyway, these are some newish photos – two sets, actually. One set is of Angelina, Shiloh and Zahara leaving their hotel in Amsterdam yesterday, and then the second set is of their arrival at LAX. Note the bears!!!!! The girls got some Dutch bears. Is that a thing in the Netherlands? Bears? I thought that was just a German thing. Basically, these gigantic bears are the new ?gerbils?. Whatever happened to those gerbils of doom, by the way? They were probably signed with CAA and now have a book deal. The gerbils are trying to ?brand? themselves. And now it?s the bears? turn. BEARS OF DOOM.

The Enquirer has a long story this week about Angelina and Brad?s bad parenting style. Basically, they are the Anti-Goop. Remember when Gwyneth – Brad?s ex! – said she?d ?rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a can?? Well, Brad and Angelina would rather feed their kids processed junk food than force them to eat veggies.

Brad and Angelina are way too liberal in giving sweet treats to their kids.

?With their money and resources, you?d think their children would be eating like kings and queens,? an insider told The Enquirer. ?But they pride themselves on giving their kids a simple, normal upbringing – and that includes soft drinks, candy, cookies and everything sugary that children love. Their youngsters are hooked on junk food.?

?Angie and Brad don?t know how to say no to their kids. And with six of them screaming at once, it?s just easier to give in than fight.?

Brad recently admitted, ?There?s times like, ?We gotta get up. Get up! Here?s your shoes. Drink this Coke. Drink it all. Right now!? Just so we could get ?em up and going.?

The insider says: ?Brad and Angie fight over the nutrition issue constantly,? revealed the insider. ?He sometimes cooks up organic vegetable and tofu stir-fries or big salads, but everyone – including Angie – turn their nose up at the healthy stuff. For all their fame and fortune, they face the same dilemmas as any stressed and overwhelmed parents.?

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

Eh. Since I?m not a parent, do I not have the right to chime in? I was raised in a different era, and I was raised in the South by a Southern mother. Sweet tea was a staple of our household, and while I no longer drink it regularly, I do get a hankering for it a couple times a year. There was also a lot of fried food in our house, and a lot of sweets (my mom has a huge sweet tooth). I ended up not having much of a taste for pastries and the like (I love anything salty), probably because I outgrew it by being introduced to it early on. I don?t know, though. I?m not the picture of extreme health today (I?m about average), but I don?t think it?s because of how I was raised. But when you think about what OUR parents? childhoods were like (back when pregnant women were smoking and drinking), I just don?t see how this is some HUGE deal. Should the Jolie-Pitts eat better? Yes. Should the kids eat their veggies? Of course. But it?s not a war crime to give your kids candy.

Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame/Flynet.

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Angelina Jolie's LAX Landing with Shiloh & Zahara
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Angelina Jolie's LAX Landing with Shiloh & Zahara
Fresh off of a long overseas day in the sky, Angelina Jolie touched down in the States with Shiloh and Zahara on Thursday afternoon (March 15).

The 36-year-old actress eased through the crowded terminal at LAX Airport in Los Angeles with her adorable daughters both toting giant stuffed teddy bears.

Having flown in from Amsterdam, Angelina made the trip to Europe to sit in the public gallery at The Hague International Criminal Court as Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga was convicted of kidnapping and forcing children to fight for his rebel army.

Happy to hear the guilty verdict, Jolie told press, "This is their day. Where these children will feel there is no impunity for what happened to them, for what they suffered."

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6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian?s Actors-on-Actors chat was okay, actually
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
31-May-2024 :Angelina Jolie steps out with Vivienne for opening night of ?Reefer Madne...
12-Apr-2024 :Angelina Jolie & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt attended the Broadway opening of ?Th...
29-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out at the NYC Basquiat studio with Zahara & Pax
15-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie: ?Because I grew up around Hollywood, I was never very imp...
23-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie got some new ink on her middle finger while she was in NYC
18-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out in multiple all-black outfits in NYC: goth gir...
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Angelina Jolie, Shiloh & Zahara have fun on a boat in Amsterdam: adorable?
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Angelina Jolie, Shiloh & Zahara have fun on a boat in Amsterdam: adorable?
After Angelina Jolie went to The Hague to see the International Criminal Court?s first conviction (of a Ugandan warlord), Angelina decided to lighten her day. She had flown to Amsterdam with her two older daughters, Shiloh and Zahara, so they had a girls? outing on a boat. You know how much the Jolie-Pitt children love boats, right? Remember Venice? Those kids love boats, and they love gelato. Anyway, the paparazzi got lots of photos of Zahara and Shiloh playing around on the boat. The girls were even making faces at the paparazzi, and the photos are just? too cute. They just seem like really happy little girls. Even Angelina was laughing at their antics.

Meanwhile, OK! Magazine is still claiming that Brad and Angelina will have a wedding this year – I guess they don?t realize that Brad?s Oscar campaign is over? Not only will there be a wedding this year, but OK also thinks that Angelina will be giving birth to twin boys in the fall. I?m including a profile photo of Angelina in Amsterdam – does she look pregnant? With twins? As you can imagine, Gossip Cop is calling BS on the story. Why don?t the tabs ever let me write fake Brangelina stories? ?Empress Zahara demands wedding, Angelina and Brad acquiesce!? ?Zahara declares: blue hair ribbons for ALL!? ?Zahara does not approve of Shiloh?s mullet, says her parents cannot marry until Shiloh gets a proper haircut.?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian?s Actors-on-Actors chat was okay, actually
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
31-May-2024 :Angelina Jolie steps out with Vivienne for opening night of ?Reefer Madne...
12-Apr-2024 :Angelina Jolie & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt attended the Broadway opening of ?Th...
29-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out at the NYC Basquiat studio with Zahara & Pax
15-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie: ?Because I grew up around Hollywood, I was never very imp...
23-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie got some new ink on her middle finger while she was in NYC
18-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out in multiple all-black outfits in NYC: goth gir...
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Angelina Jolie flew to The Hague to watch the ICC's first conviction of a war criminal
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Angelina Jolie flew to The Hague to watch the ICC's first conviction of a war criminal
By my two-minute Google research, Angelina Jolie has been in The Netherlands twice before to visit the International Criminal Court in The Hague. In 2009 and 2011, she flew to the Netherlands to watch ongoing war crimes trials. She later told media outlets that she was doing research, and that she wanted to see the ICC in action. And now she?s back at The Hague to watch Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga?s conviction:

Angelina Jolie isn’t one to miss a history-making moment. The actress, director and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, 36, arrived in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on Tuesday with daughters Zahara, 7, and Shiloh, 5, for a lowkey visit that had nothing to do with a splashy film premiere.

Instead, Jolie sat in the public gallery Wednesday morning for the first-ever verdict at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, 10 years after it opened.

After 200 days in court, vicious Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga was finally convicted of kidnapping and recruiting young children — forcing them to become child soldiers to fight for Congolese rebel sources.

“This is their day,” Jolie said in a statement. “Where these children will feel there is no impunity for what happened to them, for what they suffered.”

“Angelina was very low key,” an onlooker at the Hague tells Us Weekly. “She came in almost unnoticed to watch the verdict and left right afterwards.”

The case of 51-year-old Lubanga could set a precedent for Uganda guerilla warlord Joseph Kony, currently the subject of a huge, celeb-supported viral campaign aimed at bringing him to justice.

Over the weekend, Jolie was by love Brad Pitt’s side in New Orleans for his Make It Right Foundation’s huge, star-studded bash.

[From Us Weekly]

So that?s where Angelina, Shiloh and Zahara were headed the other day – Angie took her girls to The Hague! Interesting. Angelina spoke to reporters once again as she left the court:

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian?s Actors-on-Actors chat was okay, actually
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
31-May-2024 :Angelina Jolie steps out with Vivienne for opening night of ?Reefer Madne...
12-Apr-2024 :Angelina Jolie & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt attended the Broadway opening of ?Th...
29-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out at the NYC Basquiat studio with Zahara & Pax
15-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie: ?Because I grew up around Hollywood, I was never very imp...
23-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie got some new ink on her middle finger while she was in NYC
18-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out in multiple all-black outfits in NYC: goth gir...
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Angelina Jolie's Amsterdam Arrival
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Angelina Jolie's Amsterdam Arrival
Gearing up for the busy day ahead, Angelina Jolie was spotted leaving her hotel in Amsterdam, Netherlands today (March 14).

The ?Changeling? chick looked a bit camera shy as she slinked through a mob of fans and paparazzi hiding behind her oversized sunglasses.

Ang attended the trial of Thomas Lubanga, who was found guilty of abducting children in the Congo, at the nearby International Criminal Court at The Hague.

After the verdict was read, she told press, "I think, the most important thing is, this is very young court, very new court, this particular case was about the conscription of child soldiers, so many witnesses, over sixty people came in, young people came in, and spoke about what happened to them and because they were unable to have court proceedings in their country, they asked for this, the victims asked for this, the country asked for this."

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6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian?s Actors-on-Actors chat was okay, actually
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
31-May-2024 :Angelina Jolie steps out with Vivienne for opening night of ?Reefer Madne...
12-Apr-2024 :Angelina Jolie & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt attended the Broadway opening of ?Th...
29-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out at the NYC Basquiat studio with Zahara & Pax
15-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie: ?Because I grew up around Hollywood, I was never very imp...
23-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie got some new ink on her middle finger while she was in NYC
18-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out in multiple all-black outfits in NYC: goth gir...
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Angelina Jolie, Shiloh and Zahara are fashionable, adorable at LAX
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Angelina Jolie, Shiloh and Zahara are fashionable, adorable at LAX
Here are some new photos of Angelina Jolie, Zahara and Shiloh at LAX yesterday, taking a flight out of LA. My goodness we?ve had a lot of photos of the Jolie-Pitt kids lately. I hate noting that, by the way. The Jolie-Pitt-lovers yell at me because OF COURSE Angelina and Brad and their children aren?t photographed nearly as often as, say, Jennifer Garner and the Dimple Parade. And they?re right. And the Jolie-Pitt-haters yell at me because OF COURSE I love Angelina and I just refuse to see the massive conspiracy involving The Villainess Jolie and the way she outright forces her children to look happy for the cameras because Angelina is just plain evil. Of course. So I?ll just be pleasant and glide on through? the kids have been photographed a lot since the Oscars. Personally, I think it?s less about ?Angelina arranging photo-ops with the kids? and more about ?Angelina not caring so much about keeping her schedule locked down for a month following some bad press, so the paparazzi can easily find her and her lovely family.? Angelina and Jennifer Garner are surprisingly similar in that regard, I think.

But enough about Angelina. Let?s talk about the girls! I love everything about these two. I love that Shiloh really is a mini-Brad at this point. I bet she talks with an affected Missouri drawl too. She?s like the richest, most fabulous hillbilly child in the world. You know she totally picked out her tuxedo t-shirt. She probably thinks it?s the most awesome thing EVER. And it kind of is. It also seems like Shiloh?s little pixie/bowl cut is being grown out ever so slightly into a? mullet?!?!?! OMG. Shiloh with a mullet? Epic.

As for Zahara, I just love the way this girl puts together outfits. She has way more style than her mom. I basically wish I had her entire outfit in my size. Those are some kick-ass boots, and why can?t I have a snow leopard t-shirt?!?!?!?!?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian?s Actors-on-Actors chat was okay, actually
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
31-May-2024 :Angelina Jolie steps out with Vivienne for opening night of ?Reefer Madne...
12-Apr-2024 :Angelina Jolie & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt attended the Broadway opening of ?Th...
29-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out at the NYC Basquiat studio with Zahara & Pax
15-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie: ?Because I grew up around Hollywood, I was never very imp...
23-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie got some new ink on her middle finger while she was in NYC
18-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out in multiple all-black outfits in NYC: goth gir...
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Angelina Jolie's LAX Departure with Shiloh & Zahara
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Angelina Jolie's LAX Departure with Shiloh & Zahara
Continuing along with her travel-intensive schedule, Angelina Jolie was spotted prepping for an outbound flight out of LAX Airport in Los Angeles on Monday (March 12).

The "Wanted" star was joined by daughters Shiloh and Zahara as the trio hopped out of their SUV and shuffled into the metro terminal ahead of the Tinseltown departure.

The travels come as Angelina has weighed in on the public outrage surrounding accused war criminal Joseph Kony - as she has joined the many calling for his immediate arrest.

First telling that she didn't "know anyone who doesn't hate Kony," the actress added, "I've been to Uganda and Congo and been to the International criminal court myself ? he's the one we all want to see in jail, so I think it's great that more people are talking about it."

"He's an extraordinarily horrible human being who, you know ? his time has come and it's lovely to see that young people are raising up as well," Jolie ended.

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6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian?s Actors-on-Actors chat was okay, actually
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
31-May-2024 :Angelina Jolie steps out with Vivienne for opening night of ?Reefer Madne...
12-Apr-2024 :Angelina Jolie & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt attended the Broadway opening of ?Th...
29-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out at the NYC Basquiat studio with Zahara & Pax
15-Dec-2023 :Angelina Jolie: ?Because I grew up around Hollywood, I was never very imp...
23-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie got some new ink on her middle finger while she was in NYC
18-Aug-2023 :Angelina Jolie stepped out in multiple all-black outfits in NYC: goth gir...
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